Class 1 Presentation

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something of good quality that
you think the amount of money you spent on it was right.

something that includes many different types of thing.

something causing discomfort or annoyance.

involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand

a machine, piece of equipment, or system that always works,

without breaking down.

to be right for someone or something.

something stylish or elegant in dress or appearance.

something that is sold for less than its usual price or its real value.

how good or bad something is.

• They’re nice shoes. They look cool, but they’re a bit small for me. They are a bit
_____________ to walk in.
• Red doesn’t really ____________. I look better in darker colours like blue or black.
• At that price the car is a _____________.
• I think Zara’s clothes are really _____________. They’re very fashionable, but not very
• Go to World PC. They’re very _____________. If you have any problems, they’re always
quick to solve them.
• I usually go to Ametller for yogurts. They’ve got a really _____________. You can get
yogurts from different kinds of milk.
• This device is _____________ to use and the instructions don’t make things any easier.
They’re really hard to follow.
• I bought a _____________ pair of trousers and a couple of shirts for work. We can’t wear
jeans or T-shirts.
• These shoes are _____________. They’re very well made and with good materials.
I used…. My classmate used… My classmate used…
good value (n) good value (n) good value (n)

wide selection (n) wide selection (n) wide selection (n)

uncomfortable (adj.) uncomfortable (adj.) uncomfortable (adj.)

complicated (adj.) complicated (adj.) complicated (adj.)

reliable (adj.) reliable (adj.) reliable (adj.)

suit me (v) suit me (v) suit me (v)
smart (adj.) smart (adj.) smart (adj.)
bargain (n.) bargain (n.) bargain (n.)

good / poor quality (adj.) good / poor quality (adj.) good / poor quality (adj.)
Past Simple
Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs :

A: ____________ (do) anything yesterday?

B: Yes, we ___________ (go) round the market in Manchester.

A: Oh yes. _____________ (buy) anything nice?

B: No. I ______________ (want) to get something for my parents, but I ___________ (not see)

anything I ___________ (like). Carol ____________ (get) a nice top, though.

A: Is it that one you are wearing?

C: Yeah, and it ____________ (not be) very expensive either. It only ___________ (cost) 20


A: Really? That’s really good value. ____________ (have) any others like that?

C: Not exactly the same, but they ____________ (have) lots of nice things.

A: Sounds good. The top’s cool. It really suits you.

As you know some weeks ago, sales have started. I want to explain you a story related with shopping.

It was about 5 years ago. Pere and I, Pere is my husband now. Were planning our wedding and his grand-
mother wanted to give us a present. A good-quality wedding present. In that moment, we were living aborad
and it was complicated for her to find a present that suited us. That was right for us and for the occasion.
Finally, she decided to ask us. And we had to think a lot. What did we need?
We wanted something that lasted for a long period. So, we decided to buy a cabinet. But not a cabinet from
Ikea. Sometimes the furniture can be poor quality. Then, I found a really big furniture shop, similar to Ikea,
but with a wide selection of styles and kinds of furniture. And there we bought our cabinet for the living room.
We have it on the living room. It’s a really special furniture for us. We love the style, the wood,… And we keep
all our board games inside. And they are very important for us.

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