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INSTRUCALC/PLUS For Windows ™ Version 5.1 Instrument Engineering Software for Control Valves, Flow Elements, Pressure-Relief Devices, Relief Valves, AGA (Orifice Calculations) and FGC (Fixed Geometry Calculations) With auxiliary programs for fluid flow calculations (for Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP) Stanley W. Thrift Gulf Publishing Company Software Division P.O. Box 2608 Houston, Texas 77252-2608 USA INSTRUCALC For Windows Version 5.1 Plus Instrument Engineering Software for Control Valves, ISO Flow Elements, Relief Valves, Pressure-Relief Devices, AGA Orifice Calculations, Flow Meters, and Flow Devices Copyright ©1998 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved. This program, or parts, thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the publisher. This program was complied with Microsoft Visual Basic Version 3.0 Copyright Microsoft Corp., 1994, ‘The material contained herein is supplied without representation or warranty of any kind. The author and publisher assume no liability, consequential or otherwise, of any kind, arising from the use of these programs or any parts thereof. ‘The software heroin may be updated, extended, or otherwise revised by the author and the publisher at their sole discretion, Purchase of this edition, whether in book or disk form, in no way obliges the author and the publisher to provide the purchaser with future editions at a cost below the publisher's suggested retail price. ‘This software is licensed to the user for use on one computer at one time and may not be duplicated (except for the purpose of making backup copies) without permission from the publisher or author. Contents System Requirements ‘Technical Questions About the Author Installation What INSTRUCALC does for You What's New in Version 5.1 Getting Around in This Manual ix ix x x xi xiii xv Instrucale Options Chapter 1: Control Valves (CV) ss ciples, 1 ing and Undersizing, 2 Selecting Body Style, 2 Noise Levels, 3 Formulas Used, 3 Materials of Construction, 3 Sizing the Actuator, 3 Control Valve Rangeability, 4 Considerations for Liquid Flow, 4 Considerations for Gas and Steam Flow, 5 Considerations for Two-Phase Flow, 6 Program Overview, 6 Program Features, 9 Program Menu Options, 10 Program Lead Sheet, 12 Liquid Calculations, 12 Liquid Engineering Units, 18 Two-Phase Celoulations, 21 Data Printout, 27 Data Sheet, 28 Gas Calculations, 30 i Gas Engineering Units, 34 Print Summary, 37 Calculation Routines, 39 Liquid Gas Two-Phase Flow Nomenclature Data Files, 44 Import Process Data, 48 Pressure Drop Calculation, 50 Program Pipe Dimensions, 53 Liquid Water Hammer Calculation, 53 Chapter 2: ISO Flow Elements. Program Overview, 58 Sizing Principles, 59 Accuracy, 59 : Program Features, 60 Program Menu Options, 62 Program Lead Sheet, 63 Liquid Calculation. 64 ISO Material Selection, 67 Liquid Engineering Units, 70 Calculation Data Printout, 72 Data Sheet, 74 Orifice Size Gas Calculation, 76 ISO Material Selection, 79 Gas Engineering Units, 82 Print Summary, 84 Calculation Routines, 86 Nomenclature Data Files, 88 Import Process Data, 92 Pipe Inside Diameter, 94 Chapter 3: Relief Valves. Program Overview, 96 Accuracy of the Calculation, 98 Sizing Considerations, 99 Types of Valves, 100 Valve Applications, 100 Program Features, 100 Program Menu Options, 103 Program Lead Sheet, 105 ‘Liquid Calculation - Known Flow, 105 Heat Exchanger Entrapped Liguid Calculation, 109 Pipeline Entrapped Liquid Calculation, 113 ‘Heat Exchanger Tube Rupture Calculation, 117 Liquid Engineering Units, 120 Infet and Outlet Pressure Loss Caleulation, 123 Calculation Data Printout, 124 Data Sheet, 126 Gas Calculation Known Flow, 128 ‘Steam Calculation Known Flow, 129 Fire Size Liquid Vaporization, 135 Fire Size Gas Expansion, 139 Gas Engineering Units, 143 Print Summary, 146 Calculation Routines, 148 Liquid Relief Known Flow Gas Relief Known Flow Steam Relief Known Flow Nomenclature Entrapped Liquid - Heat Exchanger Nomenclature Fire Size Liquid Vaporization Fire and Gas Expansion Nomenclature Data Files, 159 Import Process Data, 167 Program Pipe Dimensions, 170 Chapter 4: Relief Devices... Rupture Disks, 171 “Tank Vents, 172 Program Features, 173 Program Menu Options, 174 Program Lead Sheet, 176 Rupture Disk Size Liquid Calculation, 176 Liquid Engineering Units, 179 Inlet and Outlet Pressure Loss Calculation, 180 Calculation Data Printout, 181 Data Sheet,183 Size Gas Calculation, 185 ‘Tank Vent Gas Calculation, 187 Gas Engineering Units, 190 Print Summary, 192 Calculation Routines, 195 Rupture Disk Liquid Size Nomenclature Tank Vents Nomenclature Data Files, 198 Import Process Data, 201 Program Pipe Dimensions, 203 Chapter 5: Au: fiary Programs. Program Overview, 205 Program Features, 207 Program Menu Options, 209 Program Lead Sheet, 211 Liquid Pipe Loss Calculation, 211 Liquid Data Calculation, 214 ‘Water Hammer ~ Liquid Flow Calculation, 218 Liquid Engineering Units, 221 Calculation Data Printout, 225 Gas Pipe Pressure Loss Calculation, 226 Calculation Data Printout, 225 Gas Data Calculation, 229 Gas Engineering Units, 233 Summary, 236 Auxiliary Programs Routines, 237 Pipe Pressure Loss Calculation Waterhanmmer and Time for Closing Formula Nomenclature Data Files, 239 Import Process Data, 241 Pipe Dimensions, 243 Appendices....sseesees Appendix A: Questions Users Ask Most. Appendix B: Sources .. Control Valves Flow Elements Pitot Tubes Pressure Relief Valves Heat Exchanger, Piping, Entrapped Liquid Tank Vents Rupture Disks Auailiary Programs Instrucale Plus Options ‘AGA Orifice Plates Bonus Section....sersssesesse+ Program Overview, 1 Program Features, 3 AGA Program Menu Options, 4 AGA Program Lead Sheet, 6 AGA Orifice Size Liquid Calculations, 6 AGA Liquid Engineering Units, 10 AGA Material Selection, 12 AGA Calculation Data Printout, 12 AGA Flow Element Data Sheet, 13 AGA Orifice Size Gas Calculation, 15 Print Summary, 18 AGA Gas Engineering Units, 20 AGA Calculation Routines, 23 Nomenclature Data Files, 25 AGA Import Orifice Process Data, 27 AGA Meter Tube Data, 29 FIXED GEOMETRY1, Flow Devices Bonus Section... Program Overview, 31 Program Features, 32 Program Menu Options, 33 FGI Program Lead Sheet, 35 FGI Integral Flow Orifice Assembly Liquid Calculation, 36 FGI Target Meter Liquid Calculation, 40 FGI Elbow Flow Meters Liquid Calculation, 43 FG1 Annubar Flow Element Liquid Caleulation, 47 FG Liquid Engineering Units, 52 FG Material Selection, 54 I¢] “eoureiceprsyy odig ZOd 67I ‘EEC sseo0dd Hodwy ZA STI “8[ld BC ZT seangopoUoWioN’ somsodoad pint suonropnoyoo aajatunorf a3po4 suotrepnoye9 suojoue x2}404 suoyppno}vo so pu pinby saopournoy. ECT ‘SUNNOY WORMED ZI 611 ‘SUN Suusomsuq sep 7DI R11 ‘Areamung Od WU SIT TonpmopED seH 92S HPN MOLT OBPOAA TDA ZLT “worEIMa}ED se OzIg }UTIOY ZDd GOT “TOMPIMOTED SoH) OzES HOW XOHOA ZOd LOL ‘PoNS BEC TOM LOL Mow wOHEMITED ZH 901 tonoappg [EHO ZOd ZOl ‘SHEN Supoursug pmbr] ZO 66 “‘voHPINaTeD PIB] 921g II MOL 2p) ZO (96 ‘WoHPINaTeD pINBr] azIg 1ISUMIOY ZO £6 “WoREINOTe) PMY] 21g IN X9HOA OI % ‘SYS pry weorg ZA 16 ‘Suondo nusyy wmsforg ZI 06 ‘sompag uresBarg ZAnAUOID Pox 68 ‘MaIAIOAQ UEIBOIg Noraag sng SIP MOM TAULANOGD CAXLT £8 ‘iajaueiq apisty adi [9d Sg “eyeq ssooo1g Hodwy 191 08 ‘Sofa He TOT aénqvpouawon sonquiasse soyfizo moyf 40} suojatu 1o3s0, sworoumoyf Noga Moy 908 puo prby «ngnuay 91, ‘souTROY WOHENOTED [DT £2 ‘sup SupeouIsuq sep [DI 1 ‘Aroumng yd Td Lg ‘uoneInTED sop IwOUD|A| MOT] TEGNUUY [Dd $9 ‘WoREIMITED SPD SI MOTT MOGI [DI 19 ‘WoRDMOTED sep ORIN PBI, [DA Ls TwonpInopED sep Ajauassy COBUO AO] [SOUT TDI Ss 990Ys BEC 1D pS HOMEY BEC VONEIMI|ED 1D System Requirements + Microsoft Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, NT or XP + 8MB of available memory (perferably 16MB) i + 12MB of available free hard disk space + Laser or IBM compatible printer (132 column with compressed print) Graphic display device compatible with Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, NT or XP. (SVGA card recommended) + Any IBM-Compatible machine with an 80386 processor or higher Technical Questions? Write to: - Stanley W. Thrift 5700 Blackwell Side Road Unit 385 Sarina, Ontario N7W 1B7 CANADA About the Author Stanley W. Thrift, P.E., is a senior member of the Instrument Society of America and past- president of the Sarnia, Ontario, section. He retired from Stearns Catalytic, Ltd. of Samia in October 1986 as an instrumentation engineer. Installation Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP- From the Windows desktop menu: Left Click on START button and highlight SETTINGS, then left click on CONTROL PANEL and ADD-REMOVE PROGRAMS. Lefi click on Install or ‘Add New Programs as the case may be and continue through the prompts. \ You may also run :\setup.exe from the Start menu where cdrom is your CD dive letter. | Windows NT or Server | (see special instructions in package) For installation or minor technical help, call Gulf Publishing Company at: | (713) 520-4428 or Fax (713) 525-4668 Or log onto our technical support section of our website under "Software" at: www. For extensive inquiries (calculations, cosmetic, etc.) email the author directly at What INSTRUCALC does for you INSTRUCALC is a set of engineering programs for calculating control valve, relief valve, pressure-relief devices and various flow element sizes. It also prepares data sheets and instrument summary teports. It is an engineering program rather than an application program inasmuch as it is capable of determining the basic engineering data and requirements for the ‘equipment rather than just using the data to determine the size required. It consists of more than 74 programs divided into four main parts: 1. Control Valves for liquid, gas, steara, and two-phase flow using the ISA formulas. There are programs for calculating C, and analyzing for citation within the valve, critical flow and flashing through the valve, and noise generated by the valve. The Cy is compensated where necessary for these and the piping geometry effects. Messages are displayed to guide you to an optimum valve selection. 2. ISO Flow Elements for flow and restriction orifice plates; flow nozzles and venturies; gas, steam, vapor, and liquids; flange, radius, pipe, and comer taps, Concentric, eccentric, segmental, quadrant edge, and conical plates. Calculates Beta ratio and orifice bore. Calculates flow for a selected bore. Compatible with ISO 5167. 3. Relief Valves for pressure-relief devices, rupture dises, and breather valves. Liquid and gas application. Calculates API or ASME size for known flow, thermal expansion, and external fire. « ‘The external fire program has the option of either the API or the NEPA heat input methods. It also calculates the maximum flowrate for the selected valve and the maximum back pressure, which maintains the required flow as well as the relieving forces, Also included is a set of Auxiliary programs that determines line pressure drops for gas and liquids, calculates compressibility factor, flowing density, vapor pressure and temperature, latent heats at pressure and temperature and physical properties of mixtures, These programs are useful for many other engineering activities such as centrifugal pump line loss calculations and determining pressure available for control valve pressure drop. All device calculation and data sheet information can be saved for later recall. Printouts can be obtained of calculations, data sheets, and instrument summary reports. Any type of engineering unit can be used in the calculations. All conversion factors are contained within the programs to change from one unit to another and to convert the values of the input data. Data can be imported and exported to and from the programs using ASCII files. Each module of INSTRUCALC allows you to perform these functions: * Make calculations © Prepare data sheets © Prepare summary reports Use the auxiliary programs to size more than 50 different instruments with this easy-to-use and accurate sizing program. The program not only calculates the sizes of control valves, flow elements, and relief devices, but it also produces data sheets for the calculated items. In addition, it Jets you prepare instrument summaries and use the data sheets as a database for generating reports, xii What's new in Instrucalc Version 5.1 * Control Valves now have dynamic valve sizing as an additional option, Besed on changing percentage of flow, the program has added a scrolling system to instantly give variety of data calculations, ‘+ All Flow Elements programs (4) now have an option to calculate the dynamic inlet pressure for increased accuracy. (Never been available) * Forall devices, INSTRUCALC now provides, on an installed basis as compared with the old way of sizing on a shelf basis. This will go a long way to eliminate start-up problems. ‘© Procedures have been added to enable users to easily edit all technical data files. The user can now easily customize the data to his own satisfaction. ‘* Automatically generate the paths that the data files are installed in (This should solve the network problem) ‘+ Inthe Retiof Valve/Steam calculation section, the program used the steam density in error. This is now corrected «The Flow program is applicable for sizes below 2" and beta values outside the limits of 2 to -75. It is for the user to define the limits which are applicable to the users project ASME nozzle losses are now printed. Old Data Files Are Still Compatible All data files from previous versions are compatible. The file data for the changed programs remain as is unless the data are retrieved, recalculated, and saved. If the latter occurs, the data are then converted to the new formula requirements. New Ability to Transfer Data between Files ‘A relational database system is used to store the data. The data for each record are stored in a random access file and the tag numbers and specification data are stored in sequential files. This provides the simplest data recall method with the most efficient use of memory and the fastest access time, The file size is only limited by computer memory.. If the files for each project are kept separate (Le,, different disks or different paths), INSTRUCALC can handle any number of projects and keep all of the data separate and clean without any user input. It is possible to transfer individual data between projects by calling up the data on path, editing the path and saving to a different file. Data can be imported to, and exported from, the programs. ‘We think you will find the INSTRUCALC 5.1 for Windows better than ever. If you have any suggestions, please write us and let us know. We will consider them for a newer version, xiv Getting Around in This Manual ‘The word “program” can mean a variety of things. INSTRUCALC is a software program that contains five main programs that include calculation programs, a data sheet program and a summary program. Since this could get confusing, we will use other words to signify certain portions of INSTRUCALC. We will use the word "module" to refer to the five main programs: Control Valves, Auxiliary Programs, ISO Flow Elements, Relief Valves and Relief Devices, The options available in each module include sizing calculations, an option for producing a data. sheet, and an option for generating summaries. These will be referred to as “programs” or “options.” The word “program?” will also be used to refer to INSTRUCALC as a whole, ‘The more than 50 separate sizing programs will be referred to as “routines” (for example, “the Orifice Plate Concentric Flange Tap Sizing Routine”). This should help you differentiate between the parts of INSTRUCALC as we explain them in this manual. ‘This manual is divided into parts. Some parts of INSTRUCALC are common to INSTRUCALC modules and only require one explanation. The sizing programs are each different and so require separate explanations, Chapter 1 CONTROL VALVES Liquid Flow Gas Flow Two-Phase Flow Sizing Principles The control valve is a vital part of most control systems and is the most widely used final control element. To make a proper selection of the size and type can be very simple or very complex and itis not always obvious which it will be. INSTRUCALC assumes the worst and always does a complete engineering analysis of flowing conditions. Because many reliability and control problems can be created by ) installing the wrong valve, the time to avoid that is now, Oversizing and Undersizing ‘There is a tendency to oversize a control valve by taking the largest flow it will have to pass, doubling it to make it operate at the mid-point, and then picking the next available larger size. This can lead to poor control on low flows, with the control valve trying to regulate flow and bouncing on its seat. For a control valve to regulate flow it must cause some pressure loss in the system. For this reason control valves are usually smaller than line size. If the pressure loss is unknown, then use the Line Pressure Drop program in the Auxiliary Routines and draw a system pressure curve. Then extract the pressure drop from this. Refer to the ISA Handbook of Contol Valves for the procedure. It is a rule of thumb that in a properly designed system the control valve size should be one size less than the line size. Spot checks over the years for deviations from this rule have shown that either the line was unintentionally too small or that some special circumstances applied, such as an unavoidable high pressure drop. Also it should be noted that published control-valve capacities are based on line-size valves, and a piping geometry correction factor is required and is provided in the program. ‘The undersized-valve problem is very often caused by increased plant throughput. It can be solved by cracking open the bypass valve, but with variable flowrates this is likely to lead to control problems. A far better solution is to purchase the valve with a larger body and a reduced trim if future increased flowrates can be anticipated. Selecting Body Style Selecting the body style is the most difficult decision to make when specifying a valve. Butterfly and similar high capacity valves offer most C, per dollar, but there are many examples of misapplication that have caused considerable operating problems. For liquids the F, factor is the most useful guide to a logical selection of body style. Cavitation occurs more often than most people expect and should have the most influence in selecting the body style. Cooling water and heat transport fluids at moderate pressure drops have been found to cavitate. If cavitation is ignored, the valve may only control successfully for a short period of time before requiring maintenance or replacement. The F;, factor does not offer a guide for body style selection for gases. Noise may determine the body style because of noise reduction trim, but generally, economics would determine the body selection. Noise Levels Valves in gas and vapor service experiencing large pressure drops can be the noisiest pieces of equipment in a plant (even while performing well and lasting a long time) ‘The noise level may well be unacceptable these days and while it might be possible to reduce the noise with extra insulation, it is far better to recognize the problem now and find the best way of avoiding it by re-engineering the process to reduce the pressure drop or specifying special noise-reducing trim for the valve. Predicting the noise level generated by a control valve is not an exact science. ‘Manufacturers tend to have their own methods for their own products and a standard calculation method has not yet evolved, The program uses the Masoneilan method to determine if there is a noise problem. This may not be accurate for all manufacturers but will be sufficient to make you aware that a problem may exist, so that you can take a remedial course of action immediately. The selected manufacturer will always have the final responsibility to propose equipment that meets al] of the job requirements, so it will ultimately determine the noise value for the proposed valve for the service. The cost of not selecting the right valve for the job can be enormous. Anti-cavitation and low-noise control valves may seem expensive compared to standard valves, but their extra cost is minuscule when compared to an unplanned plant shutdown. A recent example was the failure through erosion of a valve on cooling water service. “The cost of the shutdown which it caused was in excess of $250,000. Had INSTRUCALC been used, it would have predicted that there was an erosion problem but unfortunately it was not checked until after the event. Formulas Used ‘The formulas used in the calculations are those in ANSI/ISA-875.01 and in ISA Handbook for Control Valves by J. W. Hutchison, and the Masoneilan noise prediction formula, Materials of Construction The materials of construction for a control valve are normally selected to meet the temperature and pressure requirements of the process and resist corrosion by the process fluid, Valves in severe service, in addition, may need special materials to resist erosion caused by cavitation or high pressure drops or to ensure a tight shutof?. ‘The program will advise you of these possibilities. Sizing the Actuator The sizing of the actuator is the manufacturer's responsibility. Manufacturers are aware of the out-of-balance forces which are inherent in their designs and are most capable of selecting the best actuator for them. Be sure to specify the control sir pressure range for the actuator sizing. Control Valve Rangeability ‘The rangeability of a control valve is the range of flow conditions over which it can effectively control. This varies with control valve design. ‘Therefore after the first run of the calculation has been made and the body style, trim style, and valve size have been selected, further calculations should be made to ensure that the valve will control over the range of flowrates and pressure drops that will be encountered in service, The Cy calculated is that for the data entered in the calculations. Valve manufacturers list the rangeability of various types of valves, which can be as high as 50:1. This means that if the calculated Cy value for normal flow was 10 and it ‘was expected that the valve would operate half open then a valve with a rated C, of 20 would be selected which would be expected to provide satisfactory control down toa, of 0.4. So, determine the minimum flowrate and the maximum pressure drop that is expected and enter these values. Is the Cy more than the .4 minimum?. Now enter the maximum flowrate and the minimum pressure drop. Is the C, less than the 20 ‘maximum? If there are any other special conditions which must be met, then enter them, Ifthe valve C, range is exceeded, try different valve sizes or different valve body styles until the optimum is reached. Extreme cases may requite more than one valve. For example, you may need a large valve for the high flows and a small one for the low flows, piped in parallel with the small one opening first and becoming wide ‘open at 50% of the control signal, then the large one opening and becoming wide ‘open at 100% of the control signal. By performing these calculations it is possible to select the optimum valve for the service and reduce the possibility of expensive surprises in the future. Considerations for Liquid Flow The internal contours of some valve bodies are such that because of the relationship between velocity and pressure of the flowing fluid, the velocity of the liquid at one place in the body may have risen so high that the pressure falls below the vapor pressure of the liquid and pockets of vapor form. Farther along in the valve body the velocity may have decreased enough for the pressure to increase above the liquid vapor pressure. The vapor pockets implode with considerable noise and energy and can be extremely crosive. This is cavitation. It happens more often than most people expect and water is a common culprit. INSTRUCALC always checks for cavitation. To predict cavitation, manufacturers publish a liquid recovery coefficient (Ft) to quantify the characteristic. A low F, number (e.g,, 0.5 for an angle valve) signifies a valve which will cavitate quicker than a valve with a higher F, will (e.g., 0.9 fora globe valve). The lower the F, the greater the tendency to cavitate. The program will calculate a minimum F, from the process conditions and display it at the time the selected valve F_ is to be entered. To avoid cavitation, a valve with a larger F, should be used. If this is not possible, an anti-cavitation trim should be selected. This is a special hard trim designed to keep the implosions away from the softer metal in the body. If this is not possible, a heavier valve body should be considered to avoid premature failure because of metal erosion. Cavitation chokes the valve and reduces its capacity. The program recognizes this condition and compensates for it. When the discharge pressure is lower than the liguid vapor pressure, the liquid will flash into a vapor as it passes through the valve. ‘This is erosive on the valve body but not usually as severely as cavitation. Hardened trim is usually justified. Flashing also affects valve capacity and is allowed for in the calculation. ‘The viscosity of the liquid must be compensated for if the Reynolds number is less than 4000. For this, the valve-style modifier F, is required. Considerations for Gas and Steam Flow ‘The first problem considered in the program is the minimum size valve for sonic velocity. It is vory ofien possible to select a valve having an adequate C, and yet still have sonic velocity at the outlet port. This creates a noise problem which cannot be overcome with a low-decibel trim. If the noise level of the valve is too high (and it most likely will be for al but the smallest valves), a valve larger than the sonic size must be selected to reduce the velocity to below sonic. The final C, has corrections for the gas expansion facior and for piping geometry similar to those for the liquid calculation, ‘The program will calculate the noise level if the optional data is entered, When the noise exceeds the allowable level (usually 80 GBA) and sonic velocity is not the problem, the level can be reduced by selecting a special low-noise trim, by installing pipe with thicker wall, or by selecting a special ) valve, Extreme cases may require extra insulation on the pipe and auxiliary devices to take part of the pressure drop, Noise is normally calculated at actual operating conditions. Therefore, run this calculation for the operating flowrate, pressure drop and F,, value for the percentage of valve open. It is not normally necessary to consider worst conditions because they are usually short-term, and noise will usually be tolerated for that time period. Considerations for Two-Phase Flow ‘The program is a combination of the two previous programs and calculates C, based on the effective specific weight of the mixture. Cavitation is checked for and should be handled as for liquid flow. CONTROL VALVES -- Program Overview ‘Version 5 has the capability of sizing the valves on an installed basis. First, the valve is sized for normal static flow as Case 2. Scroll bars in Case 1 increase the flow, the program computes the system flow and calculates the inlet pressure, valve pressure drop and fluid properties. The maximum controllable flow for the selected valve can ‘be easily determined. Similarly scroll bars for Case 3 determine the minimum controllable flow. This solves the mystery of system flow. It clearly shows how the available pressure drop and fluid properties can vary considerably for different rates, of flow and the optimum control valve size and type can be found. Three Programs are provided ~ Liquid Flow Gas Flow Two Phase Flow Each program will calculate and save three different cases of flow conditions and has access to @ sub program which will calculate the available control valve inlet pressures and pressure drops in the piping system for each case. Options for each valve calculation are Calculate Valve Size Calculate Flow Rate Calculate Pressure Drop Each uses the same formulas, rearranged to calculate the unknown variable. Once the pressure and temperature is entered the process data can he automatically entered using the Properties option and selecting the pure or mixture of process fluids from the Fluid Properties data bank. ‘The valve pressure drop can then be calculated using the Calculate System Pressure Drop option, In Version 5.0 an additional input box was added for the control valve elevation, the headings of boxes for input and discharge pipe elevations was changed to inlet pipe start elevation and discharge pipe end elevation. The inputs to these boxes are now the plant elevations. This clarifies and simplifies the data and will require a change to exising data. In this calculation, after entering the source and destination pressure and details and elevations of the piping system, it will calculate the inlet pressure and pressure drop for each case, This data can be transferred to the valve calculation, Back in the calculation, the pressure has most likely changed making it necessary to reelect the process data from the fluid properties option, if the numbers are significantly different, rerun the pressure drop program. The programs have a data base of Typical Valves so that different valve data can be entered into the calculation in order to make the best selection. Try several and calculate until a valve style and size is selected which has the rangeability and does not have cavitation or noise problems. When a final selection is made the exact manufacturers data can be entered for a final calculation, Finally, for liquid valves, take the option for the Minimum Closing Time this is the ‘Water Hammer program to determine if a special closing time is required to avoid water hammer. General If changes are made to data recalled from file, the data will be displayed in the color selected for changed data. This will assist in recognizing the affect the changes make to other calculations and the data sheet. Sizing Philosophy Each manufacturer has his own formula for determining the valve size, the valve noise and the cavitation characteristics, This program uses the ISA sizing formulas, it uses the Masoneilan noise prediction method and incipient cavitation technique. ‘The object of the program is to determine the valve size, the cavitation, flashing and noise problems and prepare a data sheet suitable for bid purposes, Some manufacturers may differ from these conclusions, usually the variations are minor and do not change the size and style. Occasionally the noise and cavitation characteristics will differ so that some engineering judgment will be called for. The failure of a valve because of cavitation erosion is not unheard of and can be extremely expensive. Sometimes a change in body style is sufficient to eliminate the problem, hardened trim may be required, The cost a this time is usually small.. Some users will not even tolerate incipient cavitation. Be wary of the person trying for a cost advantage, months later when the valve has failed, he will sell you a new valve and you may have a huge bill (Ver 5.0) The typical valve data file is an ASCII text file, three options of files are now available. They can be modified from within the program. The standard file is based on Masoneilan data. [f you prefer another manufacturer then edit the other valve files to whatever you choose. Ifthe manufacturer does not use the incipient cavitation factor (Kc) then enter a zero or leave the box empty. ISA $75 shows data for a typical file. The pressure drop can then be calculated using the Caleulate Pressure Drop option. In Version 5.0 an additional input box was added for the control valve elevation, the headings of boxes for input and discharge pipe elevations was changed to inlet pipe start clevation and discharge pipe end elevation. The inputs to these boxes are now the plant elevations. ‘This clarifies and simplifies the data and will require a change to existing data. In this calculation, after entering the source and destination pressure and details and clevations of the piping system, it will calculate the inlet pressure and pressure drop for each case. This data can be transferred to the valve calculation, Back in the calculation, the pressure has most likely changed making it necessary to reclect the process data from the fluid properties option, if the numbers are significantly different, rerun the pressure drop program, ‘The programs have a data base of Typical Valves so that different valve data can be entered into the calculation in order to make the best selection, Try several and calculate until a valve style and size is selected which has the rangeability and does not have cavitation or noise problems, When a final selection is made, the exact °s 2 final calculation. Finally, for liquid valves, take thé option for the Closing Time. This is the Water Hammer program to determine if a special closing time is required to avoid water hammer CONTROL VALVE - Program Features Perform sizing calculations Calculate either control valve size, flow rate or pressure drop Caloulate piping system pressure drop Calculate the cavitation index Calculate the noise level Supply typical valve data ‘Supply fluid properties at flow conditions Supply steam data Supply pipe sizes ‘Use English or ST engineering units in any mixture ‘Use mass or volume flow units Import process data Print a calculation sheet using the Windows Print Manager Save the data Prepare instrument data sheets WYSIWYG style Initially generate sheets for bid purposes ‘Supply database of standard specification items After vendor selection, revise for permanent records Print a data sheet using the Windows Print Manager Save the data Print a summary of saved records Print all records Print selected records Print only records having requited characteristics This is a program for calculating the size of control valves. ‘The available options are: Liquid flow Gas, steam or vapor flow ‘Two phase flow i © 1 Liquid tow © 2Gas, stoam or vapor flow © 3 Two Phase flow acat EOC | The programs include files of typical valve data, fluid ‘and pipe sizes. They can be edited in the CONTROL VALVE Program Menu Options New calculation Select the required calculation option and the fluid option, then select OK, (or double-click if at least one of the options is already selected). File Default files Recalls file data using the files in the default drives and paths. Other files Recalls file data using the Windows file selection procedure. Data file maintenance Edit Tag Numbers Provides the facility to change the Tag Numbers on file, Or delete records from file Sort data file Rearrange the Tag Numbers in ascending order. Delete the items marked if the edit was saved. 10 File default path Data files Path for the default calculation data files User units Path for the default engineering units Headings Path for the printout headings. ‘There are three paths. Ifa Drive and Path different from the Default Path and Drive provided in the initial Set Up Procedure was used, the program will update them to the Drive and Path which was installed, They are saved in sequential file CVWCALC.DRV which resides with the programs. To check or change the paths, either call up the Drive and Path for edit or use a text editor to or change the file contents. Convert V3 file stage 2 Edit Tables (Version 5.1) InstruCale uses Data Tables for Gas, Liquid, Pipe Size and Pipe Modulus properties, these contain data from which exact properties for the flow conditions are calculated, It also has 3 tables for Valve data. These option provides an easy means of customizing them. Items can be added, inserted, deleted and changed. Restrictions are built into the Materials Coefficient of Expansion table on insertion and deletion because the row number is used to save data in the calculations. Each program can edit the tables used in the program. Take note that some, such as the Gas, Liquid and Pipe Size are used by other programs and may include data required only by them. Editing is performed by either clicking the appropriate line in the Grid or entering the line number in Row to Edit and clicking Recall Row. Edit the data and Load Row to the Grid. When a box in the edit line is clicked, information on the data required is displayed above. Save Grid overwrites the old file. A backup file is recommended before you start. The file name is in the heading of the Edit Form and the files are in the program directory. Note that data cannot be edited directly in the grid. Exit Exits from Instrucale to Windows Program Manager. Color Provides color options for InstruCalc displays, using the Windows palette Note that colors for scroll bars, command buttons, disabled text, borders ete., are selected through the Windows Control Panel Print Summary Goes to the print summary program. u CONTROL VALVE Program Lead Sheet ‘The program will only stop at the Lead Sheet if it fails to find the default paths file. To continue, type in the paths and save the file. ‘The Data Files are specific to a project and an instrument type The Units File may be common for all projects and specific for an instrument type The Headings File may be specific for a project and common for all instruments Control Valve Size - Liquid Calculation ‘Three calculation cases are available. The data sheet program uses Case 1 as the maximum flow condition, Case 2 as the normal flow condition and Case 3 as the minimum flow condition. Other than this, cases can be used as required. If the piping configuration and the source and destination pressure are known, the inlet pressure and the pressure drop across the valve can be calculated using the Calculate Pressure Drop option. (Version5 ) Three Typical valve data selections 2 for many different valve types are available to download into the calculation. The selections should be edited for the user requirements. Refer to ISA 875 for a guide, Ke is the incipient cavitation factor, If the manufacturer does not provide it, then substitute the FL factor. Process data for many different fluids and mixtures can be downloaded into the calculation. If the valve is controlling a long column of liquid, the minimum valve closing time should be calculated using the closing time option. ‘The data files are in ASCII format and can be customized to the users preference. Units ‘There are four standard unit sets and one user selected set available: Pounds per hour and degrees Fahrenheit Mass Flow - English Un US gallons per minute and degrees Volume Flow - English Units. Fahrenheit Mass Flow - SI Units. Kilograms per second and degrees Centigrade ‘Volume Flow - SI Units. Liters per second and degrees Centigrade User Units, A set of units selected fiom the Liquid Flow Engineering Unit screen Review units To make or change a User Unit set select thi option. The Liquid Flow Engineering Unit screen will be displayed. It shows the available options and the current unit selection. Select the required units and save the User file. Unit Selection Anew calculation defaults to Mass English U ‘The Unit Selection can be made at any time. The input data will be converted to the new units. If a volumetric flow unit set is selected and the specific gravity is not available, the flow is set to zero. Units for any individual input entry can be changed B by the selecting the Review Units option and choosing from the Liquid Flow Engineering Unit screen. Base Conditions ‘The Base Conditions option will display the current values of base pressure, base temperature and barometric pressure. They should be checked and modified and saved to suit the operating conditions. AGA specifies a base pressure of 14.73 psia for natural gas, 14,696 for liquids with a vapor pressure equal or less than one atmosphere, and a base temperature of 60°. Fluid Properties ‘The Fluid properties option is enabled when the pressure and temperature are entered. The properties required for a calculation are available for pure liquids and mixtures and are provided in the selected units. Caution should be used for mixtures of dissimilar fluids because the mixture law may not apply, Fora pure liquid find the name and select (or double-click) the name, the fluid properties will be entered. For a mixture select the first component. In the componeat box, enter the percentage. Continue until the remaining percentage equals zero, then select calculate in the component box and the program will calculate and enter the mixture values. The fluid properties data base is user updateable. Calculation options are: Valve size Flowrate Pressure drop (ments f@.Volve size | | (Pressure drop Select the calculation option and the necessary input data is enabled. The required variable will be disabled and will receive the calculated value, The Pressure drop and Flowrate options are back calculations with those being the only unknowns in the valve calculation 4 Procedure The enabled input boxes define the data required for the calculation. To calculate the valye size Enter the flow rates, the percent of system flow the flow temperature and your best estimate of the inlet pressure, Either Select the option Case 1 properties and select the fluid. Repeat for Case 2 and 3. Or enter the process data Enter then inlet and outlet nominal pipe sizes Select wall and download the wall thicknes: If the pressure drop is unknown then select the option Caleulate pressure drop. ‘The Pressure Drop Calculation Form will be displayed. Enter the piping configuration, the pipe lengths, the pipe material andthe pipe condition. Enter the source pressure and the inlet equipment losses. Enter the outlet equipment losses and the destination pressure, Calculate by clicking Case 1, Case 2 and Case 3 Analyze the data, if the source pressure is a pump the pressure will decrease with an increase of flow. Change and calculate. Click Case 1, 2 and 3 to transfer data to the valve calculation. Click OK to go back to the Valve Calculation, ‘The new inlet pressure and the pressure drop have been added. If the new inlet pressure is significantly different, download the process data again. Select the Typieal Valve Data option and choose the valve type. Click Case 1, Case 2, and Case 3. Editing Data ‘The output data should be examined for adequacy. The flow status should be normal. If not try different valve styles. Hf cavitation persists, specify cavitation trim, If flashing is occurring, hard trim should be specified. ‘The valve size is larger than the line size then the flowrate or line size is incorrect. Will the valve control at the pressure drops and percent of valve C, in the output data? Change data as required and recalculate until a satisfactory valve is found. If you are going out for bids, then this data is adequate. If the manufacturer has been determined, then overwrite the typical data with the manufacturer's data for the selected valve style and recalculate, Dynamic Valve Sizing (Version 5.1) ‘Very often the only process data available is for normal flow. This is adequate for calculating the normal Cv but is not adequate for sizing the maximum and minimum, flows. The pressure loss in a piping system varies with the flowrate and since the object of the control valve is to vary the flowrate, it follows that the control valves inlet pressure and pressure drop and fluid properties will also vary with each change of flow and therefore the required calculated Cv will not be linear with the rate of flow. ‘The manufacturers publish the range of Cv which a valve will successfully control Typically 2% to 100%. But because of the non-linearity of Cv and rate of flow, what range of flows will the combined control valve and piping system allow? (The system rangeability). Static control valve sizing requires that considerable manual data entry to be made to find this out. It is a function of valve selection and pipe size with different process data for each rate of flow In the program, the valve and piping installation can be modeled to dynamically find the system rangeability using the Scroll bars at the top of the Case 1 and Case 3 buttons. This procedure requires the use of the subroutines in the options for Typical valve data, Fluid properties and Cale system pressure drop. First the valve is sized using static conditions for normal flow in Case2. Select the Typical valve data option, Enter the normel pressure and temperature, select the Fluid properties option, select the option to Cale the system pressure drop, enter the system data and the static normal flow conditions in Case2 and calculate. If the source ‘pressure varies with flowrate, as it will for ceatrifugal pumps and compressors, enter the slatic source pressures for the maximum end minimum flowrates. Transfer Case? data and click OK. to go back to the Valve sizing form, If the valve inlet pressure is now different from that calculated in the system pressure drop calculation, re-select the fluid properties and repeat the above procedure. Now, use the scroll bars to change the flowrates. Using the normal conditions as a base, the program will recalculate the equipment losses, recalculate the valve inlet 16 pressure and pressure drop, recalculate the fluid properties and recalculate the valve Cv. If values for source pressure at maximum and minimum flowrates were entered in the Pressure drop calculation form, then the source pressure is also recalculated for each flowrate. If the input boxes are left blank, the normal static source pressure is used. While scrolling for the maximum flow, if the calculated Percent of Cv exceeds 100 then a message box will ask ifa larger valve is required. A No answer will complete the calculation showing the Percent of Cv to be greater than 100, a Yes will change the valve size and the show the appropriate value and will require the recalculation of the other two cases. Control valves very often have a rangeabilty of 50:1. If the maximum flow is scrolled up to 100 Percent of valve Cv and the minimum flow is scrolled to 2 Percent of valve Cy, (a range of 50:1), then the system rangeability is the maximum flowrate divided by the minimum flowrate. it is usually a Jot less than the 50:1 for the valve. Is the rangeability adequate? Is a larger pipe required? At 100% of system flow does the valve have a margin of extra capacity? Does it have too much? Is a smaller valve required?. Can the flow be tumed down far enough without the valve bouncing on the seat? Is the pipe too large? Change the data to find the optimum conditions. ‘The number at the bottom of the screen is the number of calculations performed to achieve the results. Filing and Moving On The options in the File menu are: Program menu - Clears the calculation and returns to the main menu. Prepare data sheet - Is enabled after a calculation is made, it displays the screen to prepare a data sheet form for the calculated item. New Record - Clears the screen for a new calculation. ‘Save - Using the default path, it saves a new record ifnot previously saved or saves changes to an existing record, Save New - Using the default path, it saves an existing record as a new record (Used to duplicate similar items. i.e. Recall an existing record. Edit as required and Save New) Save As...~ Uses the Windows file access system, Saves to a file anywhere. Import case data (1, 2 or 3) - Select the units and read Input data supplied in sequential files. File default path - Changes the default paths for the calculation records. The default paths are: ‘The Data Files. (CVWDAT.TAG and CVWDAT.DAT), ” ‘The User Unit Files. (CVWDAT.UNS) ) ‘The Printout Headings File (HEADINGS. DAT) Print valye calculation - Is enabled after a calculation is made. It displays the screen to print a calculation. Exit - Leaves the program and retums to the Windows Program Manager “The screen shows the process variables used in a liquid calculation and list the available options. To assure full coverage, (Except Flow Time Base) each has an Other option. This is @ user defined unit. Double click the option and it will display the name and multiplier to convert it to the standard units. The standard unit is always the first item in the list. The screen shows the current selection, Any unit may be selected and will be used in the calculation if OK is selected. To create a User File for the User File Unit option in the calculation, select the desired units and click the save button. A double click on any unit option selects that option and retums to the calculation. Data conversion For all items except flow, the unit change represents only a multiplier to convert the ; input data and the data is always converted, The Flow Quantity option has Mass 18 and Volume options. The relationship between mass flow and volume flow is 2 multiplier and the specific gravity of the fluid. If the flow units are changed from mass to volume, or volume fo mass and the specific gravity is not available the flow rate is set to zero. Conversion factors and units are based on API 2564 Definition of units Mass flow units Ib = pounds kg= kilograms tonne = 1000 kg = IMg g= gram UKton =2240 Ib USton = 2000 Ib Other = user defined mass unit Volume flow units : ‘USgal = US gallons litre = litres £13 = cubic feet UKgal = UK gallons m3 = cubic metres bbl = barrels (42 US gallons) m3 = cubic centimetres Other = user defined volumetric unit Flow time base: /s=per second ‘n= per hour Ja= per day Gauge pressure psig = pounds per square inch gauge kPag = kiloPascals gauge atg= atmospheres gauge inches of mercury gauge MPag = megaPascals gatige inH2Og = inches of water gauge mmhgg = millimetres of mercury gauge barg = bars gauge ky/em2g = kilograms per square centimetre gauge Other = user defined gauge pressure unit Pressure drop ‘psi = pounds per square inch kPa= kiloPascals at = atmospheres 19 inches of mereury y4 megaPascals inH20 = inches of water millimetres of mercury i ars kg/om2 = kilograms per square centimetre Other = user defined pressure drop unit Absolute pressure : psia = pounds per square inch absolute i KPaa = kiloPascals absolute { atmospheres absolute inches of mercury absolute MPaa=megaPascals absolute inH120a = inches of water absolute mmbga~ millimetres mercury of absolute bara = bars absolute i kg/cm2a = kilograms per square centimetre absolute Other = user defined absolute pressure unit Temperature degF degrees Fahrenheit i dogF = degrees Centigrade i dogR = degrees Rankine dogK = degrees Kelvin ) Other = user defined temperature unit Velocity fs = feet per second m/s ~ metres per second Other = user defined velocity ' Viscosity : cp = centipoises Pascal seconds s = centistokes kPa.s = kiloPascal seconds er defined viscosity unit Pipe and valve diameter : user defined size | Length and elevation : metres Other = user defined length ) 20 | Bulk Modulus & Modulus of elasticity) psi = pounds per square inch kPa = kiloPascals Other = user defined unit Control Valve Size Two-Phase Calculation 10 Volvo size Pressure drop This is a combination of the liquid and gas programs. It is based on the effective specitic weight of the two-phase mixture, Cavitation is handled as a liquid, if there is a large amount of gas then cavitation is unlikely. Three calculation cases are available, the data sheet program uses Case 1 as the maximum flow condition, Case 2 1s the normal flow condition and Case 3 as the minimum flow condition. Other than this, cases can be used as required. If the piping configuration and the source and destination pressure is known, the inlet pressure and the pressure drop across the valve can be calculated using the Calculate pressure drop option. ‘Typical valve data for many different valve types is available to download into the calculation, 2 Process data for many different fluids and mixtures can be downloaded into the calculation. If the valve is controlling a long coluran of liquid, the minimum valve closing time should be calculated using the closing time option, ‘The data files arc in ASCII format and can be customized to the user’s preference. Engineering Units “There are four standard unit sets and one user selected set available: i ‘Mass Flow - English Units, Gas and liquid in pounds per hour and degrees Fahrenheit ‘Volume Flow - English Units. Gas in standard cubic feet per minute and degrees Fahrenheit Liquid in US gallons per minute and degrees Fahrenheit Mass Flow - SI Units Gas and liquid in kilograms per second and degrees Centigrade ‘Volume Flow - SI Units. Gas in standard cubic decimeters per second and degrees Centigrade Liquid in litres per second and degrees Centigrade User Units A set of units selected from either the Liquid Flow Engineering Unit or the Flow Engineering Unit screen ‘To make or change a User Unit set select the option Review units. The Liquid or Gas Flow Engineering Unit screen will be displayed. It shows the available options and the current unit selection. Sclect the required units and save the User file, Unit Selection Anew calculation defaults to Mass English Units. ‘The Unit Selection can be made at any time. The input data will be converted to the new units, Ifa volumetric flow unit set is selected and the specific gravity is not availuble the flow is set to zero, Units for any individual input entry can be changed by selecting the Review Units option and choosing from the Liquid or Gas Flow Engineering Unit screen. Base Conditions ‘The Base Conditions option will display the current values of base pressure, base temperature and barometric pressure, ‘They should be checked and modified and saved to suit the operating conditions. AGA specifies a base pressure of 14.73 psia for 2 natural gas, 14.696 for liquids with a vapor pressure equall or less than one atmosphere, and a base temperature of 60°. ISO specifies 14.696 psia and 59°, Fluid Properties ‘The Fluid properties option is enabled when the pressure and temperature are entered. ‘The properties required for a calculation are available for either pure liquids or gases and mixtures and are provided in the selected units. Caution should be used for mixtures of dissimilar fluids because the mixture law may not apply. Fora pure liquid or gas find the name and select (or double-click) the name, the fluid properties will be entered. Fora mixture select the first component. In the component box, enter the percentage. Continue until the remaining percentage equals zero, then select calculate in the component box and the program will calculate and enter the mixture values. The fluid properties data base is user updateable Calculation options are: Valve size Pressure drop Select the calculation option and the necessary input data is enabled. The required variable will be disabled and will receive the calculated value, The Pressure drop and Flowrate options are back calculations with those being the only unknowns in the valve calculation Procedure ‘The enabled input boxes define the data required for the calculation. To Calculate the Valve Size Enter the flow rates, the flow temperature and your best estimate of the inlet pressure, Select the option Case 1 properties and select the fluid, Repeat for Case 2 and Case 3. ‘The program expects that Case | will be the maximum flow, Case 2 the average and Case 3 the minimum. The standard typical file supplies valve data for 100% 50% and 10% of valve capacity The process data are calculated from published formulae, it is sufficiently accurate for most calculations, If you have more accurate data it can be manually entered The percent of system flow input enables the valve size and valve rated to be calculated for the typical valve data in each case Enter then inlet and outlet nominal pipe sizes 2B Select wall and download the wall thickness. Ifthe pressure drop is unknown then select the option Calculate pressure drop. ‘The Pressure Drop Calculation Form will be displayed. Enter the piping configuration, the pipe lengths, the pipe material and the pipe condition. Enter the source pressure and the inlet equipment losses. Enter the outlet equipment losses and the destination pressure. Calculate by clicking Case 1, Case 2 and Case 3 Analyze the data, if the source pressure is a centrifugal pump, the pressure will decrease with an inerease of flow. Change and calculate. The input boxes for minimum and maximum flow source pressures are only used for the dynamic sizing described below. Click Case 1,2 and 3 to transfer data to the valve calculation. Click OK to go back to the Valve Calculation, ‘The new inlet pressure and the pressure drop have been added. If the new inlet pressure is significantly different, download the process data again Select the Typical Valve Data option and choose the valve type. IF Ke (the incipient cavitation index) is not available then leave the box blank. Click Case 1, Case 2, and Case 3 ‘The number appearing in the bottom right hand corner is the number of calculations {ie. the square root of (+X) is 3) and logic operations (IF, And, OR), performed. Editing Data If changes are made to data recalled from file, the data will be displayed in the color selected for changed data, This will assist in recognizing the affect the changes make to other calculations and the data sheet. If the calculated percent of valve is more than the percent of system flow an error message will ask if you wish to increase the valve size, this will enable you to optimize the valve size. Once a value for the valve size is available, the program will only overwrite it via the error message,. If you wish to start over, then zero out the valve size and recalculate, or just overwrite your desired valve and rated sizes and recalculate. The relationship between the percent of system flow and the percent of valve capacity is an indication of the valve rangeability, the excess capacity of the valve and the normal operating capacity of the valve. It should be noted that the typical valve data values for are based on the system percentage flow whereas they are really dependent on the percentage of valve opening. This is normally insignificant but can be overwritten if desired. ‘The output data should be examined for adequacy. ‘The flow status should be normal. Ifnot try different valve styles. If cavitation persists, specify cavitation trim. 24 ‘The valve size is larger than the line size then the flowrate or line size is incorrect. Will the valve control at the pressure drops and percent of valve Cv in the output data? Is the rangeability adequate? At 100% of system flow does the valve have a margin of extra capacity? Does it have too much?. Is a smaller valve required Change data as required and recalculate until a satisfactory valve is found. If you are going out for bids, then this data is adequate. If the manufacturer has beea determined, then overwrite the typical data with the manufacturers data for the selected valve style and recalculate. Dynamic Valve Sizing (Version 5.1) ‘Very often the only process data available is for normal flow. This is adequate for calculating the normal Cv but is not adequate for sizing the maximum and minimum flows. ‘The pressure loss in a piping system varies with the flowrate and since the object of the control valve is to vary the flowrate, it follows that the control valves inlet pressure and pressure drop and fluid properties will also vary with each change of flow and therefore the required calculated Cv will not be linear with the rate of flow. ‘The manufacturers publish the range of Cy which a valve will successfully control. Typically 2% to 100%. But because of the non-linearity of Cy and rate of flow, what range of flows will the combined control valve and piping system allow? (The system rangeability). Static control valve sizing requires that considerable manuel data entry to be made to find this out, It is a function of valve selection and pipe size with different process data for each rate of flow In the program, the valve and piping installation can be modeled to dynamically find the system rangeability using the Scroll bars at the top of the Case 1 and Case 3 buttons. This procedure requires the use of the subroutines in the options for Typical valve data, Fluid properties and Cale system pressure drop. First the valve is sized using static conditions for normal flow in Case2. Select the valve data option, Enter the normal pressure and temperature, select the Fluid s option, select the option to Cale the system pressure drop, enter the system data and the static normal flow conditions in Case? and calculate. If the source pressure varies with flowrate, as it will for centrifugal pumps and compressors, enter the static source pressures for the maximurn and minimum flowrates. Transfer Case2 data and click OK. to go back to the Valve sizing form. If the valve inlet pressure is 25 now different from that calculated in the system pressure drop calculation, re-select the fluid properties and repeat the above procedure. ‘Now, use the seroll bars to change the flowrates. Using the normal conditions as 4 ‘ase, the program will recalculate the equipment losses, recalculate the valve inlet pressure and pressure drop, recalculate the fluid properties and recalculate the valve Cy. If values for source pressure af maximum and minimum flowrates were entered in the Pressure drop calculation form, then the source pressure is also recalculated for each flowrate. If the input boxes are left blank, the normal static source pressure is used. While scrolling for the maximum flow, if the calculated Percent of Cv exceeds 100 then a message box will ask if a larger valve is required. A No answer will complete the calculation showing the Percent of Cy to be greater than 100, a Yes will change the valve size and the show the appropriate value and will require the recalculation of the other two cases. Control valves very often have a rangeabilty of 50:1. If the maximum flow is scrolled up to 100 Percent of valve Cv and the minimum flow is scrolled to 2 Percent of valve Cy, (a range of 50:1), then the system rangeability is the maximum flowrate divided hy the minimum flowrate, It is usually a lot less than the 50:1 for the valve. Is the rangeability adequate? Is a larger pipe required? At 100% of system flow does the valve have a margin of extra capacity? Does it have too much? Is a smaller valve required?. Can the flow be tumed down far enough without the valve bouncing on the seat? Is the pipe too large? Change the data to find the optimum conditions. ‘The number at the bottom of the screen is the number of calculations performed to achieve the results Filing and Moving On The options in the File menu are: Program menu - Clears the calculation and returns to the main menu. Prepare data sheet -Is enabled after a calculation is made, it displays the screen fo prepare a data sheet form for the calculated item. New record - Clears the screen for a new calculation. Save Using the default path, it saves a new record if not previously saved or saves changes to an existing record. Save New - Using the default path, it saves an existing record as anew record (used to duplicate similar items, ic. recall an existing record, Edit as required and Save New). Save As....~ Uses the Windows file access system. Saves to a file anywhere. Import case data (1, 2 or 3) - Select the units and read Input data supplied in sequential files. 26

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