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“Strength, weaknesses, opportunities,

and threats”

Directions: Using the SWOT Analysis template, list down your strengths, weaknesses, the opportunities you
have, and the threats that you consider in your life right now. In your own understanding, explain how you
can improve your weaknesses and manage your threats on the space provided for.

. strengths – determination and dedication to whatever I do. I set firm goals in my life that I’ll make sure that I
will fulfill someday. Being determined and dedicated to my goals, gives me strength to accomplish them.
. weaknesses – stage fright, not fond of taking risks, and impatient.
. opportunities – the scholarship I took here in Bernardo College
. threats – I am threat to myself and failing.


❕ I can improve my weaknesses and manage my threats in life by accepting the criticisms and not push myself
to fit in the standard of our society plus I should stop being hard on myself.
Having a stage fright, afraid of taking risks, and being impatient took a lot of opportunities away from me.
Before I do something, I’ll always think what others will think of me if I do this certain task. It was
disappointing, but I’m working on it now. The threats I have now are the difficult one to tend. It is an endless
battle between me, myself and I. Some days, I’ll be okay then next day I’ll become an overthinker again. It’s
like a cycle. I’m also trying to fix it. Failing is one of the biggest threats I have in life. I hate failing, but I know
to myself that it’s inevitable. I’m trying to be more open on failing as of now. I know soon enough, I’ll
overcome these things.

Marcaida, Bianca Eunice V.

11 - Fortitude

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