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--- •~ t-'L-U..llC .


V. •Important Formulae:

·(z) (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab (ii)( 2 ,

' (iii) (a + b)2 + (a - b)2 = 2(a2 + b2) .
a - b) = a2 + b2 - ·2ab "
, (v) a2 b2 ( b)3 = .a3 + b3 + 3ab (a+ b) (iv) (a .
+ ~)2...:. (a
- b)2 ,= 4ab , .,
b) (vi) (a - b)~ =1 a - b3 - 3ab (a _ b) .
(vii) - - = a + (a b) . ( ·· ·) ' 2 2 , 2 " • ·
a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 + b2 _ b) +£
, · ,,vm · (a/ b .+ e) = a +2 b2 +2 e + 2(ab + be
(ix) a3 - _ ·. a (i) a - .fi3 = (a - b) (a + b + ab)

(xi) _ + b3 + c3 - 3abc = (a :+ b + c) (a 2 + b2 + c2 - ab be. - ca) ·

(xii) If a + b + c = 0, then a3 + .b3 + c3 = 3abe · . ·· , '·' \, ,, I •I\


' .. .. I


1. D1vis1b1hty By 2: - . · ' ' .
A number
· is di'lJisible by 2 iif its unit dioit
0.. is · any· ol'
,') :., O ·2 4 , g 8. I I I f .

· 5~694 is divisible by 2, while 86945 is not diyisible by 2.

2. Divi~ibility By 3: . . :', · ' .
A number is divisible by 3 pnly when the sum' oj,its, digits is divisible by 3. , , ,.
Ex.,· (i)·· In .the number 695121, the ·sum oLc;ligits 27, which is divisible by 3: --
:.' 695421 is divisible by 3. , ·· _ . · '
. , (ii) I~ the 111.l.ID;ber ?4:865.3, th~. sun;i ,pf digi~. = 35,. which is not
. , ?Yig;' ·::r(,/c;;:.:;,\/ . ' . ,•
.3 . Di,visib'µJty:B:, ·9':-'.·· :"":::'.:<::':'·' . .'.' ..i_'l_O:i-:;{:i:')'.t:((\_''::>\:'.)\· _'· __. · · . .
A numbe,: •is divisible., by:- ~_, o,tily .:ivhtrt,.P,~ ·Sti:PJ- .of-ifs digits is divisible by 9.
Ex. ' (i) -. }h,_ th~ .ll~ll}B~r .:f469.?J:)::.~ it: ~ ~:('.,~fe1m,.: ts :~ 27, which is divisiblf .
. . . · · :. 24659,1· is di;v-isiple -by PtS':;)t,. ,Y''/ :-,::,,.,>• : ., · , · .· ·
~-(ii) In the , niuilb~r 734519, '·llie')s;wn i:blJ:Hgit~ 29, which 'is not

-· : .. 734519 is '- not 'diyisible .hy 9.':'\,'I' •\' "" ·· ·

--·-4/,DivisibiUty-By-·4:i;i'•<. ·, ·:,\_ O:':,':' >\>_)\:r ,:,< ,,,:\ \.,:,:-':;'",;'.'\ . ::.· · . · ,.' -
. ~' ·<: -f _izumbir~i5'. 4ipi~{~l,~ bfl)i 1'the :r~fti~fr 1owed,iby, its last ' two digits ' is
f. / ?.Ji:f (J}i·::6$7?37ff ~;;fl.!Yi~J~!f:by,: ~t ~-~c:~:.7 fi~ ·• di?i~ible by 4. . ..
-~ _· .
?;[-"_/ :.{izlL!9,61.$~{i!5 t19( ~:lJy}~i~l~:;,}?Y) ,j ,,~~~t',~8 :'i~ not divisible by 4.
- ; :s:.ofv1sfb'ilitfBfs't;:-· . ·•,::F\··1-<t-:,,: .·.::-,,:i•".:···-,.•.:-. _. · __ · · -_ _ ._. _. _____ .-.·
-..·,:·· :/ ' /t hu,nb& is divisfble by-~(~;_ tfo~':~~nzb~{Jo;~¢d\l1y 'its last ·three dik£trJ~'divisib{e
- ' -~ .,s, ' .:.-'·-'\: ...... ·-";,,· . ,,, ,-·:,- ' ",, ' . ,~ . i""-""
by K '
• , •' 1t ~'.\}'°/•. ,, r\ ')\: \ , / 'f\ ,:1::. ••
. d b last -3 digits> na.:rn:ely.. ~54f.j~:- divis1 e b
'E x. (r) In· th~ ~umber 16789352, the number forme Y , , . ../'· : . Y 8. >' .... ,,··• . .
:. 16789352 is divisible by,8. . db last 3 digits, .namely 484 not <Uvisibie b'
(ir) In the number 576484; the number forme • Y . . , . :, · • . . YI
:. 576484 is not divisible by 8. · ,: '
6. Divisibility By 10: · . . . . · · · o .
A number is divisible by 10 only wlien. its u~,t diS!t 1~ • • • O . '
Ex. (r) 7849320 is divisible by 10, smc~ its ~rut ~ig: t i~· not o.
(ir) 678405 is not divisible by 10, smce 1~ unit g

7. Divisibility By 5: . . . . 5. ·. · ·
A number is divisible by 5 only when its unit_dtgt~ IS 0 ~ . · :- ·
Ex. (r) Each of the numbers 76895 and 68790 1s divisible _by 5. ·
s. D ivisibility By 11: ·. • ./' · ,. d ' · ·t : t odd _p. la~es'
A number is divisible by 11 if the differenc~ between the sum O; t~s . _zgz ..s 9. . . •: •· ·
and the. sum of-its digits at even places is either O or a n,umber dw1 s zbl~ .~y l l. . · "·
Ex. (i) Consider the number 29435417. · . · :· : . · · , · . · 1>' 1 ., ,: • ·

(Sum of.its digits at odd places) - (Sum of its digit~ at ~ve1:1 pl~c~~) · · ·,. ,
= (7 + 4 + 3 + 9) _ (1 + 5 + 4 + 2) = (23 - ·12) = 11, which _1s d1vJs1ble_~r, •11. _divisible by. 11. .. . ,.;
(it) Consider the number 57463822. •. · . : . · '

\ (SUll,l of its digits at odd places) - (Suqi of i\s c:ijgits at even p_lace~)_. .
= (2 + 8 + 6 + 7) - (2 + 3 + 4 + 5) = , (23 - 14) J=.9, which is not d1v1s1ble by 11.
:. 57463822 is not ·divisible by 11. · • , ·• · · · . _ . .
9. Divisib ility By 25: . · ., · ·: . . ·. . . . : ·
A number is ;divisible by 25 if the number formed ')it/ iti 'it;zsOrpo digits is either, 0,0 or. di1!isible by 25. .,
Ex. (i) in the number 63875, the number fotmed by'i.i~t 2 digits, namely 75 is,
divisible by 25.
... 63875 is .divisible by 25. ·,·· -:" · · · -~: - -
(it) In the .9~, ..thtt nqmb~~A~~ed.-,by l,isf 2 digits, namely 45 is''not divisible by 25.
:: 96445 is not divisible by 25: • t<:,:; :.c'c~ /
• • • • • , . • ' ' ·.-- ,<:;., _;:;··.i}.:·. ,-: .. ·-,-.;~ .. ..,
10. D1vis1bil1ty __By 7 oi; 13: , '.\,· · ·.•'.":> '/\ ~-'·. ,. _
Div~ the nuniber ·into groups of 3 -d,igits (~lai,lirig.if:r0!1" right) and find the difference
between the' sum:
of'the nu1nbe1'$}i:(eff!-/af}¾tef{¥iliflfc/ist!f the differel'}Ce is O or divisible ·
by 7 or 13 (as tl~,,, m,ay ,be),' !t~i:i ;lit}!lsiJJ]f :qf/,:r _or lJ.\;_,;
Ex. (i) ;.;-~3z,/-\r9,+t_ ,··. ;J:)\r!?t: ·, · •.. •..
(7.92,,+. 4) -: .?~7-JI:,:~p~;:~ :1ASij\J~:;.~vJswlf by·7 _b ut not by 13.
"' ." ·1..\1 . 'b '·.·_.,.,.~1, ..,a· .,,, ,_ ,··tnl . ;...,... :,
. :. 4537792 . . IS··
. 1••a• IVlSiu.1.e-' -y ·1:1,,an ' ,no ,·uy •·:1.,:,.'
(·1·1;\· ·-5~9···~·1'':;c'4 's·s·- \.'./f: ;{~.'.),.~·,.;., :>t\\;,\ .........·/• <'
,whicit{iL&."·1tt~t~~~,t;t ·,th•1 .d· 13 ·
(} . , __. . - _-_, . . ~.,,,,,,,YI _,_,,;,-·_ ' " · "-!'f, ·, • . · .• _
, _,. ~- ~-

.. " .-. ·_ s7~~ss; kdi~iti!~:t by ·~J ~ -J~j·i ·t'\.an ' .
11. Divi_s ibilityf B¥J~~);~:s.,~ /: . ;,f ,:· /;,J:r~·:_ ,j;/,:.:.: .. . . . . .' · .· ,..)
A n_umlfer,js:_di~/o ·t~e..:n.~mb~r.f ~ ~.:{ij!(i!s_· ia,st 4 d~gits is 1ivisible_by ]6. ; ,
_Ex. _ (!t th~ ~- nupi,ber'f~mJeg·_:i:,y last 4 digits, namely 3776 is ·divisible by ~6-
. -~ -~-:·· _4_~ ~ . ,;,,\ . >-~/':Ct ;-:.:
:_,;c.. . <_:'- ·:· '·,·_ , . 16
_ . (~z):.~ j6~·e\;~::;~~:~~ l~st ~684, _is divisfble by .·
e.' 6;' if/·ifeis.'div"isi6le ~"' _/}?. - ·
Divisibif /; ~-', 12 r -.::•.·•·'>· ~---. -:-
~::!-:•,..,. ·' ~
: ":•

~. Divisibi
- - - ' µ - '-;.

·· s
s};.Divisi , , · · ··
}/JJ. &:"):?J&f
,; ;.- 1'1.· D1v:is
,~ · · d 8
~}tf,f m ~~~""---'-'~~ll:::.:l~~ -~ ~::~.

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