Quiz 1

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A. Read the following statements. Answer TRUE if the statement describes a research,
FALSE if you think it is not. Write your answers on the blank.
_1. An opinion from any person is recognized and considered as an
answer to the question asked by the researcher.
_2. A researcher must read literature that relates to the problem he or she
is studying.
_3. The researcher has the final say in his findings.
_4.To have an objective view of his or her study, the researcher should
avoid listening to another researcher.
_5.There should be adequate data before conducting a research.

B Underline the words in the box that are related to the definition of research.
phenomena Experiences theories discovery validate
biases interview investigation intuition dreams
guessing system instrument Literature drama
subjective factual opinions data productivity

C. Using the words underlined, formulate your own definition of research.


Direction: Identify what characteristic of a researcher is being referred to in the

following statements. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. All the data to be reported should include all facts and accuracy.
a. Honesty
b. Objectivity
c. Competence
d. Care
2. Whatever agreed upon by the participants must be actualized.
a. Integrity
b. Legality
c. Social Responsibility
d. Responsible Publication
3. The researchers should accept all comments and considerations.
a. Openness
b. Respect for intellectual property
c. Non-discrimination
d. Responsible mentoring
4. When a paper is already submitted to a publication, no submission to another
should be done.
a. Objectivity
b. Legality
c. Care
d. Responsible Publication
5. The researcher should be fully equipped with research skills when conducting the
a. Confidentiality
b. Competence
c. Legality
d. Openness
6. An experience researcher should impart knowledge to his or her students.
a. Responsible Publication
b. Non-discrimination
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility
7. The researcher should ensure that the participants will not be adversely affected by
the research and its results.
a. Care
b. Human subjects protection
c. Respect for colleagues
d. Social Responsibility.
8. Any participants to any research activity must not be forced to take part in the
a. Voluntary participation
b. Informed consent
c. Risk of harm
d. Social responsibility
9. Informed consent for a participant is best exemplified in which of the following
a. Talking to him or her privately
b. Surprising him or her with a questionnaire
c. Writing him or her a letter
d. Using a padrino system
10. Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following
a. Asking the participant to write his or her name in the questionnaire
b. Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the study section
c. Introducing himself or herself in an interview
d. Taking his or her picture

DIRECTIONS: Some question will require more complex thinking while some demand simple or less
thinking. Put a check (/) on the questions that require more complex thinking and put an X to the
questions that requires simple and less thinking.

1. What is the color of your gown?

2. Who bought your gown?
3. Why are some graduating students not willing to wear gowns?
4. Which memo are you talking about?
5. Do you agree that Mr. Cruz was the one who wrote the memo?
6. Which article seems intriguing to the graduates?
7. What is inside the pocket of the green gown?
8. Who owns the gown?
9. How can the gown make you look more attractive?
10. Should you wear a gown during the graduation ball?


DIRECTIONS: Identify the specific type of research for each given topic by choosing the letter of the
research type.

A. Acton Research D. Descriptive research

B. Pure research E. Explanatory research
C. Applied research F. Correlation research
1. Theory of Relativity
2. University Belt Street Foods
3. Reasons behind Tuition Fee Increases
4. Landlines vs Cellphones
5. Manila Flash Flood Solutions
6. Effects of Korean Telenovelas on Filipino TV Viewers
7. Teaching through Power Point Presentations
8. The Why and How of Internet Use
9. College Assessment Practices
10. Digital Age

DIRECTIONS: Name what type of Qualitative research best suited for the following topics.

1. The Mangyans’ Burial Practices

2. Relatives of Typhoon Victims
3. The Effectiveness of the K-12 Curriculum
4. Spiderman: The Very First Film in the 221 st Century
5. Philippines’ Political Party Systems: Then and Now
6. Filipino Caregivers in Japan
7. Travails of Senior Citizens in the LRT/MRT Stations
8. The Lone Grade VI Speed Reader of UST High School
9. Grade 11 Science Textbooks
10. Student Activism Since the Marcos Era


DIRECTIONS: Put a check (/) under the column of the right descriptive word for each number

Research Topics Controversial Vague Narrow Highly Broad Hard to

Technical investigate
Filipinos’ Admiration for
the Current First Lady of
the Philippines
Some Excessively Priced
Imported Vehicles
The Rise and Fall of All
Kings and Queens
Labor Unions before the
Coming of Jesus Christ
Pluses and Minuses of all
English 2 Textbooks
Definition of Research
The Extent of Filipinos’
Faith in God
The Structure of a
Nuclear Weapon
Comma as a Punctuation
Spaceship Building


DIRECTIONS: Check the title that appears to be the best in terms of narrowing down a broad topic
1. Symptoms of AIDS
Physical Symptoms of AIDS
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS

2. History of Traditional Grammar

History of American Traditional Grammar
Traditional Grammar

3. The Psychology of Reading

A study of Human Behavior
Sensory Experience in Reading

4. World Ideologies
Feminism in Digital Era
Feminism in Nick Joaquin’s Latest Novel

5. Communication Skills
The Writing Process
Pre-writing Strategies

6. War Among Nations

World War II
Japan’s Role in World War II

7. Hotel and Restaurant Management

Food Serving Technique
Russian-Plate Service

8. The University of the Philippines

The History of the University of the Philippines
The University of the Philippines in the 1960’s

9. Philippine Transportation Systems

Metro Manila’s Transportation System
Manila’s LRT/MRT Systems

10. The Enactment of Laws in Congress

The Governing Bodies of the Philippines
The Congress of the Philippines

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