Instructions For Taking It: Toni-2

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Toni-2​ Form A self application guide

Taking the test is pretty straightforward, the correction part is what requires a bit
explanation. Plus depending on how you do you have to come back and take a few
more questions. Like a part 2 to the test.

It is a visuo-spatial, Gf test, 33 to 55 questions with a pretty interesting scoring

system, recent norms and vast professional/academic use. It was supposed to be
proctored by a psychologist but not hard to self-administer for one who is
interested. The thing with self administration of course is that the accuracy of your
score will to some degree reflect how much of an honest assessment you are
looking for.

​ or instance, the test has no time limit. According to the manual, “TONi-2
has no time limits. Subjects should take the time they need to answer each
question. However it should not be allowed for them to digress for too long.”
What this means is that it is supposed to be at the discretion of the proctor
what is ‘too long’. Now, ‘all the time they need’ is pretty straightforward and
we should account for that and be generous, but an honest assessment, IMO,
would require you to guess and move on if 1) after the first couple of minutes
you have no idea of whats going on( but allow yourself to keep going if you’re
in the process solving it) and 2) if you WERE in the process of solving and you
allowed yourself more time but you hit a dead end, GUESS and move on.

A good rule of thumb is do it in one sitting. Do not stop to do something else

and then comeback, do not go for a snack. Do it like you would a proctored
test, not a untimed high range test, and you should be good.


1. Read the ​above​ about timing. Good practice is to put your
cellphone’s chronometer and keep it visible. The test has no
time limit, but you should consider not taking too long in a
question you can't make progress on. This is not the mega
2. Write beforehand 1-55(important) in a piece of paper
VERTICALLY. Trust me, this will help in the scoring. You
could do it in two or three columns, but it is important that
you write the numbers ​before​ starting and it helps a lot if you
do it ​vertically​. Also, notice what is the FIRST question of
your age group. The test doesn’t start from #1 neither should
you start writing your answers on there.
3. Select the file below destined to your age group. It's the same
test, but starting at different points.
4. Take a look at the ​examples​ before you start.

Test files​(start)​:

YOU’RE 13-17 YO​ / ​YOU’RE 18-20 YO​ / ​YOU’RE 21-85 YO

So here we are, where things get cool. TONI 2 has a pretty interesting scoring
system that consists of a couple of elements:

● The ‘Umbral’(Threshold? I don't know, only manual i could find is in

spanish and im neither native spanish or english speaker): once the subject
hits 5 right answers in a row he/she hits an ‘umbral’. This means that you
take the higher number question of these five questions in a row(the last you
did) and mark it. When counting points you then get added this number to
your score.

For instance, suppose you started at question 22(3rd age-group) and you got
22 to 27 right, then you don't need to take the 21 that came before it and you
start the count with +27. Then from 27 to the end of the test you got 28
incorrect and another 12 correct, you ​FINAL SCORE(FS)​ will be 27+12 =
39 out of 55 possible. Suppose you had gotten 28 right instead, your umbral
would be 28 of 27 as 28 is the higher number of a series of at least 5 correct
answers in a row. Now, this wouldn't make much of a difference in this case
but if instead let’s say you get only 6 rights between 27(your ‘umbral’) and
44 but then gets 45 to 50 right, now your umbral is 50! And despite the
previous worse performance than in the first hypothesis, you’re up +50 in
your FS, plus whatever you can take from 51 to 55. This in theory helps
compensate for fluke/anxiety mistakes at the beginning of the test, since the
questions are laid in a way in which they get progressively higher.

So the overall formula to calculate the final score is ​FS = umbral + correct
answers between umbral and question 55.

● The ‘closer’ is the opposite of umbral. If you get 5 wrong in a row, you
discount the rest of the test up to 55. Now, on the official version the proctor
is just supposed to end the test early in case you get 5 wrong in a row, so you
wouldn't have even known about the rest of the test. But here we don't have
a proctor, so we will just discard the rest of the test from the point of the
LOWER number question that happens to be in the 5 wrong sequence.
For instance: back to the first example, let’s say after question 27 you keep
going normally until you hit a bad row between 46-51. In this case your final
score will be FS = 27 + whatever you got right between 27 to 46(instead of

● But then what happens when you finish the test without hitting an
umbral? In that case you take the rest of the test starting from the
question before the one your age group started with in the​ inverse
Let's say you started at Q22 and finished without hitting an umbral. In
that case you take a glass of water, breathe and select the respective
file for your age group below. You start at question 21, next is 20 etc
until #1. When correcting your answers, be aware of looking for
umbrals too. For instance, let's say you got 21 to 16 right, then you
have an umbral at #21(highest number of the series). Or yet you got
22 to 26 right on the first part of the test and now you also got 21 right
on the reverse order. Well, this forms 5 consecutive right’s streek
21(fist question of the 2nd part) to 26(fourth question of the 1st part).

And FS = 26 + rights from 27-55(or the point you got your ‘closer’).

Inverse Order 13-17 YO​ /​ ​Inverse Order 18-20 YO​ ​/ ​Inverse Order 21-85

Take a look at the final result:

Example of what correction should look like(all subjects start from #12).

*Norms are from madrid 2002, manual’s official.

** PD = Total Score
*** SD16
By gc

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