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Business Communication

Team Contract

Team Contract Example

1. Members identify their individual business-related strengths and weaknesses, preferred work
styles, availability in terms of hours and days, and contact information.

Student Strengths Weaknesses Work Style Availability Contact Info

Hidayanti Structuring, Public Goal oriented, After 7pm on Phone: 087866101901
ideation, speaking, fast-pace, and weekdays Email:
attention to writing systematic

2. Members outline how they will coordinate their activities and interact in order to get work
accomplished. Include a description of how tasks will be distributed among team members in
this section. Also include factors such as timing and scheduling issues, backup and feedback
mechanisms, how they will meet (e.g., phone vs. Skype), and general work styles. For
example, t h e team will outline how they will make a decision should a disagreement arise
(majority vs. develop consensus)

1. We will establish set times for two virtual weekly meetings based on our schedules.
2. We will elect a team lead. The team lead will be responsible for setting the agenda for
regular meetings and emailing the agenda out to all members before the meeting.
3. During normal meeting we will delegate tasks.
4. Any two people can set up an extra meeting at their convenience without the rest of the
5. At the beginning of every meeting there will be a status update. At the end of every
meeting the plan for the future of the project will be re-outlined and long-term and short-
term goals will be set.
6. Every third meeting, or whenever a deadline is approaching, we will have a performance
review. Each member will present the details of his or her work and the group will ask
questions, make suggestions, and evaluate the status of that part of the project.
7. Whenever a specific goal is met, the materials relevant to that goal are to be sent out
via email to all members of the group. Members of the group may respond to that
email with any feedback they deem relevant.
8. A Microsoft Office Online Word document will be setup and shared with all members in which
the long and short term goals will be listed.
9. The persons responsible for each goal will be listed, and the status of each goal will be
10. In the event of a disagreement, if the meeting comes to an end without a resolution the
group will go through a series of emergency procedures:
1. If it is thought to be relevant, arrangements will be made to perform more
research so that the group can attempt to make a better-informed decision.
2. A final decision will not be made until the next meeting.
3. If the team goes through 2 meetings without resolution, a final emergency meeting
will be called in which a vote will be held and the majority opinion will be followed.
11. If a team member cannot meet, the team lead will send a summary of the meeting to the absent
12. We will commit to attending the following sessions. We will arrange to be available for
these required meetings.
i. Team Task 3: Zoom Check In (20 minutes)
ii. Team Task 4: Zoom Practice Session (20 minutes)
iii. Case Competition (two hours).

3. Members develop plans for dealing with performance problems as well as for providing
positive feedback and rewards.

a. If a team member is not able to complete their portion of an assignment, the task will be
delegated to other members.
b. It is the responsibility of the failing team member to let the team know and to do their best to
assist the other members who are performing his or her task.
c. The failing team member will be expected to take on a larger portion of the load for the next
set of goals or next part of the project.

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