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I. Put a tick (/) if it describes the characteristics of a Quantitative Research.

1. Data is in the form of words, pictures or objects.

2. The data is usually gathered using structured research instruments.
3. It is not based upon numerical measurements and does not use numbers
statistical methods as key research indicators and tools.
4. It tends to be associated with small-scale studies and a holistic
often studying a single occurrence or small number of occurrences/case
studies in great depth.
5. The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its high
6. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often arranged in tables,
figures, or other non-textual forms.
7. Emphasis is on discovery rather than proof.
8. The results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of
9. It tends to be associated with emergent research design, using a wide range
10. Researcher has a clearly defined research question to which objective
answers are sought

II. MATCHING TYPE. Match item in COLUMN A with those of COLUMN B by

placing the letter of the correct answers in the space provided in column A from
among the choices I column B.
1. the posttest of the treated groups is
compared with that of an untreated group A. Normative
2. a test of children in school is used to
assess the effectiveness of teaching or B. Survey
the deployment of a curriculum
3. useful when the objective of the study is C. Census
to see general picture of the
population under investigation in terms D. Evaluative
of their social and economic
characteristics, opinions, and their E. Comparative
knowledge about the behavior towards
a certain phenomenon F. Ex-post facto
4. conducting a research on the study
habits G. Descriptive
of the high school students you are to
use the range of score to describe the H. Correlational
level of their study habits
5. discusses why and how a phenomenon I. Bivariate Correlational
6. selecting groups, upon which a variable is J. Prediction
tested, without any random pre-selection
processes K. Multiple Regression
7. uses correlation coefficient to show
how L. Pre-Experimental
one variable (the predictor variable)
predicts another (the criterion variable) M. Quasi Experimental
8. employs both treated and control
N. True Experimental
to deal with time-related rival explanations
9. it obtains score from two variables for
each subject, and then uses them
to calculate a correlation
10. term that seems synonymous to survey

III. NON-STOP WRITING. Write your concise learning about the following. (20 pts)
1. What is quantitative research?

2. What are the characteristics of quantitative research?

3. Discuss the strengths of quantitative research.

4. Discuss the weaknesses of quantitative research.

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