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Course outline

Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................ 1

Historical development of oral health .... 2
Introduction to Dentistry ......................... 3
Course objective and course content .... 5
Chapter 2: Anatomy of the oral cavity ...................... 7
Anatomy of the tooth ............................ 8
Artery of the tooth and the oral cavity .... 12
Nerve supply of the tooth and the oral cavity ...... 16
The muscles of the face and the oral cavity ........ 22
Chronology of tooth development ......... 25
Chapter 3: Nomenclature ......................................... 28
Tooth surface designation ..................... 33
Chapter 4: Examination of dental patients ............... 35
Clinical techniques of Examination ........ 37
Systemic examination of patients .......... 38
Chapter 5: Disease of the hard tissue of the tooth .. 41
Dental caries .......................................... 41
Regressive alteration of the teeth (Non caries
diseases) ............................................................. 47
Chapter 6: Disease of the dental pulp ...................... 49
Pulpitis ................................................... 49
Chapter7: Periodontal diseases (Gingivitis and periodontitis) 52
Anatomical consideration ...................... 52
Defense mechanism of the oral cavity . 54
Classification of periodonta disease ...... 59
Gingivitis ............................................... 60
Perdiodontits .......................................... 64
Chapter 8: Anesthetic consideration in dental practice 67
Techniques of local anesthesia ............. 67
Block Methods of anesthesia ................. 68
Chapter 9: Tooth extraction...................................... 78
Indication and contraindication ............. 78
Complication of tooth extraction ............ 80
Instruments of tooth extraction .............. 81
Position of patient and operator during tooth
extraction ............................................................. 88
Steps of tooth extraction ........................ 89
Dental instrumemnts for minor surgery . 90
Odontogenic infections.......................... 92
Osteomyelitis of the jaws ....................... 92
Cellulitis ................................................. 95
Indication and principles of incision and drainage
Medical supportive care ............................... 100
Chapter 11: Trauma of the teeth and orofacial region 103
Soft tissue injury .................................... 103
Dental Trauma ....................................... 105
Fracture of the orofacial region .............. 107
Maxillary fracture ................................... 114
Chapter 12: Congenital malformation ...................... 119
Cleft lip and palate ................................. 119
Chapter 13: Principles of preventive dentistry (oral health) ... 122
Microbes of the oral cavity ..................... 122
Principles of preventive dentistry ........... 124
Prevention of periodontal diseases ....... 129
CHAPTER 2 Organic subst. 4% 20% 4%


In the chapter the muscles, blood supply, innervation of Classification of teeth and their

oral structures like the lip, teeth, palate, oral mucosa, numbers in the jaws.

gum which are pertinent to the course will be They are classified according to their function and

overviewed by the following figure. development.

Figure 1: Anatomy of the oral cavity According to their development- Deciduous and

Anatomy of the teeth permanent

Tooth is made up of enamel, dentine, pulp and cement. According to their function -- Incisors, Canines,

Enamel is the hardest part of the tooth with the greater premolars and molars.

part of it covering the crown. This helps us in the 11

process of chewing food. Table 2: Number of teeth and roots in the jaws in both
Number of roots& teeth I R C R Pr R M R
This sensitive ivory like substance that forms the body
of Deciduous Upper Jaw 4 1 2 1 0 0 4 3

the whole teeth Lower Jaw 4 1 2 1 0 0 4 2

Pulp Permanent Upper Jaw 4 1 2 1 4 1,2 6 3

This is an extremely sensitive mass of thin nerve and Lower Jaw 4 1 2 1 4 1 6 2

blood vessels which enter through apical canal at the I = incisor, R=Root, C= canine, Pr=Premolar,
apex of each root. 12
Function of the tooth
Cement Incisors: Biting of the food initially
Canines: Tearing of tough pieces of food.
This is a thin hard bone-like layer which covers the Premolars and Molars: Grinding the food in to
roots. pieces before swallowing
Arterial Supply to the Teeth and oral cavity
9 The arteries and nerve branches to the teeth are
The main parts of the teeth are crown, Neck and Root. terminals of the central systems. This manual will
Figure 2: Dental anatomy confine to dental anatomy and the parts
associated structures, therefore reference be made
to those branches that supply the teeth and the
Neck supporting structures.
Internal Maxillary Artery
Root The arterial supply to the jaw bones and the teeth
comes from the maxillary artery, which is a branch
10 of the
external carotid artery. The branches of the
Table 1: Chemical composition of tooth maxillary
Enamel Dentine Pulp artery which feed the teeth directly are the inferior
alveolar artery and the superior alveolar arteries.
Inorganic subst. 95% 69% 1% Inferior Alveolar Artery
The inferior alveolar artery branches from the 􀂾 a posterior superior alveolar branch from its
maxillary pterygopalatine portion and is distributed to the
artery medial to the ramus of the mandible .It gives molar teeth and the supporting tissues.
off 18
the mylohyoid branch, it supplies: Figure 4: Branches of maxillary nerve
􀂾 the premolar and molar teeth
1. Trigeminal nerve
􀂾 the chin 2. Ganglion of gasser
􀂾 the anterior teeth 3. Foramen rotundu
􀂾 the mandible and teeth. 19
􀂾 the pulp and of the periodontal membrane at the 4. Ophthalmic nerve
root apex. 5. Lacrimal nerve
Supperior Alveolar Arteries 6. Anastmosis of the ophthlmic and maxillary nerve
The posterior superior alveolar artery branches 7. Infraorbital nerve
from the 8. Branches of Infraorbital nerve
maxillary artery superior to the maxillary tuberosity 9. Maxillares inferior nerve
to 10. Vividiano nerve
enter the alveolar canals along with the posterior 11. Ganglion Sphenopalatine nerve
12. Sphenopalatine nerve
superior alveolar nerves and supplies:
13. Palatine nerve
􀂾 the maxillary teeth, 14. Posterior superior alveolaris nerve
􀂾 Alveolar bone and membrane of the sinus. Mandibular Nerve
14 The mandibular nerve leaves the skull though the
􀂾 The gingiva, alveolar mucosa, and cheek. foramen ovale and almost immediately breaks up into
A middle superior alveolar branch is usually given off its
by the infraorbital continuation of the maxillary artery. It several branches. The chief branches;
joins the posterior and anterior alveolar vessels. Its 􀂾 the inferior alveolar nerve, it gives off
main branches to the molar and premolar teeth and
distribution is to the maxillary premolar teeth. their supporting bone and soft tissues. It
Anterior superior alveolar branches arise from the 20
infraorbital artery. It supplies supplies alveolar bone, periodontal membrane,
􀂾 the maxillary anterior teeth and their supporting and gingivae.
tissues 􀂾 a larger mental branch
Branches to the teeth, periodontal ligament, and bone • supply the anterior teeth and bone
are derived from the superior alveolar • supply the skin of the lower lip and chin
15 􀂾 Buccal
Figure 3: Branches of maxillary artery 􀂾 Lingual
16 21
Nerve Supply 2
The sensory nerve supply to the jaws and teeth is
derived from the maxillary and mandibular branches of
the fifth cranial, or trigeminal, nerve, whose ganglion,
the trigeminal, is located at the apex of the petrous 6
portion of the temporal bone. The trigeminal has three 7
main branches. 8
􀂾 Ophthalmic 3
􀂾 Maxillary 4
􀂾 Mandibular Figure 5: Anatomy of the trigeminal nerve (mandibnular branch)
Ophthalmic branch will not be discussed as it has no Key
direct relation with the oral cavity. 1. Ganglion of gasser
Maxillary Nerve 2. Foramen rotundum
The maxillary nerve crosses forward through the wall of 22
the cavernous sinus and leaves the skull through the 3. Anastomose of inferior dental nerve and lingual
foramen rotundum. The branches of clinical significance nerve
include: 4. buccal nerve
􀂾 a greater palatine branch that enters the hard 5. Dental canal
palate through the greater palatine foramen and 6. Foramen mentale
17 7. Foramen ovale
is distributed to the hard palate and palatal 8. Lingual nerve
gingivae as far forward as the canine tooth; Muscles
􀂾 a lesser palatine branch from the ganglion that The masticatory muscles concerned with mandibular
enters the soft palate through the lesser palatine movements include
foramina; and • the lateral pterygoid,
􀂾 a nasopaaltine branch of the posterior or • digastric,
superior lateral nasal branch of the ganglion that • masseter,
runs downward and forward on the nasal • medial pterygoid,
septum. Entering the palate through the incisive • temporalis muscles.
canal, it is distributed to the incisive papilla and • Also, the mylohyoid and geniolyoid muscles
to the palate anterior to the anterior palatine are involved in masticatory functions.
23 11 3-4 mo. 4-5 yr. 7-8 yr. 10
Lateral Pterygoid Muscle 12 10-12 mo. 4-5 yr. 8-9 yr. 11
The lateral pterygoid muscle has functions of: C 4-5 mo. 6-7 yr. 11-12 yr. 13-15
• closing Permanent P1 1½-1¾yr 5-6 yr. 10-11 yr. 12-13
• opening (upper) P2 2-2¼ yr. 6-7 yr. 10-12 yr. 12-14
• protrusion movements M1 at birth 2½-3 yr. 6-7 yr. 9-10
• the lateral pterygoid is anatomically suited M2 2½-3 yr. 7-8 yr. 12-13 yr. 14-16
for protraction, depression, and contra lateral M3 7-9 yr. 12-16 yr. 17-21 yr. 18-25
abduction. 11 3-4 mo. 4-5 yr. 6-7 yr. 9
• It may also be active during other 12 3-4 mo. 4-5 yr. 7-8 yr. 10
movements for joint stabilization. Permanent C 4-5 mo. 6-7 yr. 9-10 yr. 12-14
Masseter Muscle (lower) P1 1¾-2 yr. 5-6 yr. 10-12 yr. 12-13
The masseter muscle has a function of : P2 2¼-2½yr. 6-7 yr. 11-12 yr. 13-14
• clenching M1 at birth. 2½-3 yr. 6-7 yr. 9-10
• sometimes active in facial expression M2 2½-3 yr. 7-8 yr. 11-13 yr. 14-15
• active during forceful jaw closing M3 8-10 yr. 12-16 yr. 17-21 yr. 18-25
• may assist in protrusion of the mandible 28
Medial Pterygoid Muscle
The medial pterygoid muscle arises from the medial NOMENCLATURE (TOOTH
surface of the lateral pterygoid plate and from the NUMBERING)
palatine bone. The principal functions of the medial
pterygoid muscle are:
1. Deciduous/The Primary teeth
The formation of teeth, development of dentition, and
• Elevation and lateral positioning of the mandible.
growth of the craniofacial complex are closely related in
• It is active during protrusion
the prenatal as well as the postnatal development
Temporalis Muscle
period. At birth there are usually no teeth visible in the
The temporalis muscle is fan-shaped and originates in
mouth. The number of primary teeth present in the child
the temporal fossa.. The temporal muscle is:
is 20, if none are congenitally missing.
• The principal positioner of the mandible during
elevation. A. The “Universal” system notation
• The posterior part is active in retruding the The primary teeth in the maxillary arch , beginning with
mandible and act as an antagonist of the the right second molar, are designated by letters A
masseter in retruding the jaw. through J. Beginning with the left mandibular second
• The anterior part is active in clenching, may act molar, the teeth are designated by letters K through T.
as a synergist with the masseter in clenching., 29
Chronology of tooth development A1. Palmer Zigmonds/Quadrant notation system
A knowledge of the development of the teeth and their EDCBAABCDE
emergence into the oral cavity is applicable to clinical EDCBAABCDE
practice. Historically the term eruption has been used to This type nomenclature is commoinly used in japan.
denote emergence of the tooth through the gingiva A2. Roman number
although it denotes more completely continuous tooth V IV III II I I II III IV
movement from the dental bud to occlusal contact. V IV III II I I II III IV V
Calcification or mineralization (most often visualized In the quadrant notation system, beginning with the
radio graphically) of the organic matrix of a tooth, root central incisors, the teeth are numbered I through V.
formation, and tooth eruption are important indicators of The palmer notation is used when there is a need to
dental age. Dental age can reflect an assessment of indicate the individual tooth and its place in the jaws,
physiologic age comparable to age based on skeletal 30
development, weight, or height. they use a grid line. For example the upper left first
26 molar will be denoted us follows:
Table 3: Chronology of Human Dentition This type nomenclature is commoinly used in Europe.
Dentition Tooth First Evidence of C. The FDI system/Indexing
Calcification 56
Crown 5432112345
completed 5432112345
Eruption Root 87
Completed In the FDI system for the primary teeth the upper right
(Weeks in Utero) (Months) (months) (Years) quadrant is indexed as number 5, upper left number 6,
i1 14(13-16) 1½ 10 (8-12) 1½ lower left number 7 and lower right number 8, such that
i2 16(142/3 16½) 2½ 11 (9-13) 2 the upper right central incisor will be noted as 51.
Primary C 17(15-18) 9 19 (16-22) 3¼ IV
(Upper) m1 15½(14½-17) 6 16 (13-19) 2½ 31
m2 19 (16-23½) 11 29 (25-33) 3
i1 14(13-16) 2½ 8 (6-10) 1½ 2. Permanent teeth/permanent dentition
i2 16(142/3 -) 3 13 (10-16) 1½ A. Palmer- Zsigmondy/ Quadrant notation System
Primary C 17 (16-) 9 20 (17-23) 3¼ 8765432112345678
(lower) m1 15½ (14½-17) 5½ 16 (14-18) 2¼ 8765432112345678
m2 18 (17-19½) 10 27 (23-31) 3 In the quadrant notation system, beginning with the
27 central incisors, the teeth are numbered 1 through 8.
The palmer notation is used when there is a need to 2. Swelling: beginning
indicate the individual tooth and its place in the jaws. • oedema, (soft, impressible)
For example the upper right first molar will be denoted • abscess (fluctuation)
us follows: • heamatoma
6 • tumor- duration, rapidity of growth
32 • salivary gland- intermittent swelling during
B. The FDI system/Indexing 37
Upper right upper left 3. creptation: fracture of jaw bone, rubbing or
12 creptant sound
8765432112345678 4. parchment, crackling i.e. palpation of cyst walls
8765432112345678 5. emphysema, air in the soft tissue during fracture of
43 maxillary bones
Lower right Lower left Clinical techniques of examination
In the FDI system for the permanent teeth the upper 1. Inspection: swelling, wounds, scars, wrinkles, color
right quadrant is indexed as number 1, upper left (cyanosis pigmentation, localizations, borderlines.)
number 2, lower left number 3 and lower right number 4, 2. Palpation: quality of swelling (character of swelling),
such that the upper right central incisor will be noted as soft, hard, resistant, fluctuant, creptant.
11. Lymphnodes: abnormal movements, attachment,
33 relation with the surrounding structure.
C. The ‘Universal’ system notation 3. percussion: teeth, jaw bone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4. Translumination: of sinus Maxillaris
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 16 17 5. Vitality of pulpodentes: with the use of
The Universal system is acceptable to computer odontosensimeter, temperature probe (cold, hot).
system. 38
Tooth Surface Designation Systemic examination of dental patients.
Tooth Surface towards the face is known as facial. 1. extraoral examination
Tooth Surface towards the cheek ------------ Buccal • Form and size of skull and face
Tooth Surface towards the lip ---------------- Labial • Evaluation of skin and visual mucosa
Tooth Surface towards the palate------------ palatal • Control of mimic muscles (n.facialis, VII)
Tooth Surface towards the Midline ---------- mesial • Control of sensitivity of the skin of the face
Tooth Surface towards the tongue------------ lingual (trigeminal nerve V)
Masticating surface of the tooth is ----------- occlusal • Touching of the prominent parts of the bone
Surface of the tooth away from the midline is ---- Distal. • Checking the function of TMJ
34 (temperomandibular joint).
Figure 6: Tooth surface designation • Examination of the ears
35 • Examination of the nose
CHAPTER 4 • Inspection and palpation of the physiologic &
anatomic structure, form, position, function,
EXAMINATION OF DENTAL color and texture of the lip. Palpation is done
PATIENT bimanually and bidigital.
• Examination of the sinus maxillires
Dental medical history • Examination of the eye
Full name, Age, Sex, Date of birth, Occupation
1. Family history cleft lips, any abnormalities
2. Intra oral examination
a. Malocclusions,
• Inspection of the vestibulum oris.
b. Food habits
• Examination of the tongue: dorsum linguae,
c. Common diseases
movement, function, form & size.
2. General history
• Examination of floor of the mouth, sublingual
a. disease of childhood, operation and accidents,
glands, pathological resistance.
allergic diseases, Gynacological anamnesis
• Examination of isthmus fanscium, hard
b. social anamnesis, habits, occupation, emotional
palate, soft palate, tonsils, uvula.
• Examination of teeth contact relation,
c. common anamnesis, appetite, stool, urination,
number, color, form, size, erosion, attrition,
using of alcohol, nicotin, coffee.
occlusion or articulation
d. present illness
• Examination of periodontal tissue.
• Beginning of the symptoms, mode, kind of
• Examination of gingival: color, form, level of
the symptoms
epithelial attachment, depth of gingival
36 crevices.
• Suspective cases of the symptoms 3. Examination of the neck
• Date of the first treatment • Lymphnodes: scar, lesions, swelling,
• Kind of treatment & medication tenderness, pulsation deviation of the
• Who?, what?, why?, when?, How? midline.
Main symptoms 40
1. Pain Figure 7 : Clinical techniques of examination of dental
• beginning patients
• Duration 41
• character-intermittent, periodic
• Intensity. Quality, site of pain CHAPTER 5
• perverted sensation (paresthesia) DISEASE OF THE HARD TISSUE OF
THE TEETH. also missing.
Disease of the hard tissue is disease which affects the 45
enamel and dentine part of the tooth. They are Class V. It is gingival cavity or smooth surface cavity. It
classified can occur on with the facial or lingual surfaces,
as dental caries and none caries diseases the predominant occurrence of the lesion is the
None caries diseases include: attrition, erosion, buccal and labials surface of the tooth. It can
abrasion and fluorosis also involve cementum as well as enamel.
Class VI. This cavity is found on the tips of cusps or
Dental caries along the cutting edge of incisors. This
Definition: Dental caries is a pathological condition classification is additional to the original Black's
which appears after eruption of tooth and destroys classification.
enamel and dentine and forms cavity. Treatment is restoration with the use of restorative
Etiology: Bacteria materials and dental instruments.
􀂙 G+ Staphiloccocus, Restorative materials may be temporary, permanent
􀂙 Streptococcus and
42 pulp-protecting.
􀂙 Bacteriodes Dental instruments are dental chair, hand piece, dental
􀂙 Spirochets burs, operative, shaping, cutting etc instruments.
􀂙 Fusibacteria.
Microorganisms are found in the oral cavity attached to
Sites of attacks of dental caries
1. Fissures, pits ,grooves, occlusal surfaces.
the teeth, mucus membrane and to the tissue.
2. Proximal surfaces
Different types of floras are found in the oral cavity in
the 46
different stages of life. 3. At the gengival junction on the facial and lingual
Micro-floras in early life
4. Near the junction of the enamel and cement after
􀂙 Streptococci,
recession of gum.
􀂙 Streptomutans,
Treatment of dental caries
􀂙 Streptosalvarius,
The treatment depends on the class or depth of the
􀂙 Streptosangius.
􀂙 Diplococci
􀂾 Restoration is done if the resources are
􀂙 Diphtheriodes
accessible and the there is a professional skilled
􀂙 Lactobacilli
in the clinic. Recently there is a treatment
When tooth erupts
developed for dental caries especially for
In addition to what was in early life + spirochete
developing countries like Ethiopia. This type of
43 treatment is known as atraumatic restorative
During puberty
treatment (ART). This just to clean and curette
the diseased part of the enamel and dentin with
Fuso- bacteria
hand instruments and seal the cavity with simple
In adult
restorative material in order to avoid further
􀂙 Actynomyces
advancement of the caries. This treatment does
􀂙 Yeasts,
not need complex instruments and professionals.
􀂙 Candida,
􀂙 Protozoa,
􀂾 If the above restoration is not possible and
􀂙 Ricketsia,
referral is not accepted by the patient for some
􀂙 Viruses.
reason extraction will be done after clear
Classification of dental caries. \explanation of all versions.
Dental caries may be classified in many ways. May be Regressive alteration of the teeth (Non caries
classified by the anatomical structure by the depth of diseases)
the cavity, by its stage. Example of anatomical Regressive alteration the teeth include Abrasion,
classification: pits and fissure cavity (occlusal cavity), attrition and Erosion.
smooth surface cavity. 1. Abrasion is apathologic wearing away of the tooth
44 substance through some abnormal mechanical
G.V. Black’s classification process.
Dr. G.V Black’s classification is based on the location of Site:- Exposed root surface
the carious lesion on the tooth. It was formulated 150 Cause:-
years ago and it is one that is widely used today. • Use of abrasive dentifrices
Class I. It occurs in pits and fissures of all teeth. This • Habit of opening pins
classification is essentially intended for • Occupation
bicuspids and molars. 48
Class II. A cavity occurring on the proximal surface of a 2. Attrition:-is the wearing of teeth during function. This
posterior tooth. It can involve both mesial and is normal wearing of the teeth during contact with
distal surfaces or only one surface tooth and is opposing teeth in occlusion. It has relation with
refeered as MO, DO or MOD (mesio-occlusal, aging.
disto-occlusal, or mesio-occlusal-distal) cavity. 3. Erosion:- is defined as a loss of tooth substance by
Class III A cavity occurring on the mesial or distal a chemical process that does not involve known
surface of any incisor or bicuspid. The shape bacterial action.
of the cavity is circular. Etiology:- Uinknown
Class IV. A lesion on the proximal surface of an Some scientists think that, decalcification due to local
anterior tooth from which the incisal edge is acidosis, obvious decalcification, beverages, lemon
juice, gastric acid decalcificatio industries which Parts of the normal gingiva
produces beverages, chemicals may be factors for the 1. Free gingival (inter-dental papillae)
erosion. 2. Attached gingiva 3.0 mm – 4.00 mm (stippled
Site:- Labial and buccal surface of the teeth. surface like orange peel)
CF:- Shallow, broad, smooth, highly polished, 3. Alveolar mucosa: loosely attached to the bone
scoopedout refracting away from the bone.
depression on the enamel surface adjacent to 53
the cemento-enamel junction. Figure 8: Schematic drawing of the gingiva and dento
49 gingival junction
DISEASE OF THE DENTAL PULP Defence mechanism of the oral cavity:
The junctional epithelium is a unique structure, but in
Pulpitis the
It is the inflammation of the dental pulp.
presence of plaque, affords little protection to the
Main causes
underlying connective tissue.
1. Infection: spread of dental caries to the pulp,
The oral environment together with the hosts’ defence
2. Trauma.
mechanism provides a degree of protection to the
3. Physical irritation: excessive heat during cavity
dentoginval area.
The defence mechnisims include saliva, crevicular
4. Chemical irritation i.e. filling materials.
(gingival) fluid, polymorph nuclear leukocyte and
5. Mixed microorganisms which are found in the
perhaps certain micro-organisms.
oral cavity.
Saliva: Saliva production and secretion play a vital role,
Classification due to the flushing action, which helps to remove
There are different classifications pulpitis. Some of them bacteria in maintaining oral health. Thus, only those
are as follows. bacteria that have the capacity to adhere to the teeth
1. Acute closed surface will play a role in plaque development. It
2. Acute open contains the secretory immunoglobulin IgA, agglutinins,
3. Chronic closed lysozyme, viable PMNs and lactoferrin, which interferes
4. Chronic open with bacterial adhesion and growth.
50 55
All acute pulpitis are known as vital pulpitis. Crevicular (gingival) fluid: this fluid percolates through
All chronic pulpitis are known as non-vital pulpitis. the tissues and junctional epithelium into the gingival
Clinical pictures of vital pulpitis crevice, providing a continuous flushing action, which
• Self initiated pain may serve to reduce bacterial colonization of the
• Pain which radiates to the ear and to that side of crevice. Production and flow of crevicular fluid increases
the face. in relation to the level of inflammation in the gingival
• Severe pain which wakes you up from sleep. tissues.
• If by chance the pain was stimulated, no relief on Polmorphonclear neutrophils: PMNs are now
removal of the stimuli. considered
• Stays more than 20 minutes to be the primary of first line of defence in the protection
• No edema of the gum or mobility of the tooth of the gingival tissues from bacterial plaque. These
involved. cells have an important role in preventing and
Clinical pictures of non vital pulpitis development of gingivitis, the formation of the pockets,
• No response to stimuli and the progression of periodontal disease.
• Fistula at the gum around the root of the affected Development of Gingivitis: The development of
tooth and pussy discharge. clinical features of gingivitis is related to plaque
• Bluish red or black discoloration accumulation and the inflammation. Inflammation
• Intermittent and throbbing pain. resolves when the plaque is removed.
Periodontitis: is an inflammatory disease of the
periodontal tissues. The features of periodontitis include
Diagnosis is made by clinical pictures and dental x-ray.
loss of the connective tissue attachment to the root
surface and exposure of cementum; apical mirgination
• Root canal therapy
of juctional epithelium, which can result in gingival
• Tooth extraction if no alternative treatment
Table 4:Differential diagnosis of deep dental caries and
pulpitis recession or pocket formation; and alveolar bone loss
Pain Temp.probe Duration and an increase in tooth mobility. The formation of
Deep Caries + or - Cold or hot Short pocket allows plaque to colonize the root surface and
Pulpitis Self initiated Cold Long the layer of the necrotic cementum. The pocket
Radiated environment facilitates the growth of anaerobic
Plaque: Dental plaque plays a central role as a major
CHAPTER 7 etiological factor in the pathogenesis of dental caries
PERIODONTAL DISEASES and periodontal disease. Dental plaque has been
defined as a bacterial aggression on the teeth and other
(GINGIVITIS AND PERIODONTITIS). solid structures in the mouth. Clinically, plaque may be
Anatomical consideration difficult to identify with the naked eye. Only when the
The normal gum is pink, firm stippled with well formed deposit has reached a certain thickness can it be seen
papillae and gingival crevices. The gingival sulcus as a yellowish substance in the vicinity of the free
should be shallow in depth and without exudates. gingival margin.
Calculus: Dental calculus is a hard, calcified deposit The bacterial component of plaque produces and
that is found on teeth and other solid structures in the releases variety of enzymes and toxins (e.g.
mouth. It is classified according to its location related to lipopolysacchardies and lipotechoic acid) which diffuse
the marginal gingiva. Depending upon its location with through the junctional epithelium and initiate
respect to the gingival margin, calculus may be inflammatory changes in the gingival connective tissues.
characterized as supra gingival or sub gingival. Clinical feature
57 • Redness of the gum
Hard deposits on the crowns of the teeth are also • Gum bleeding
known • Oedema of the gum
as supra gingival calculus. This is crumbly in texture • Tenderness of the gum
and yellowish-white in color, although staining is not 61
uncommon, particularly in smokers. Treatment:
Sub gingval calculus is often visible to the naked eye as • Oral hygiene
a narrow, dark-green, or black band located just apical • Plaque control
to the free gingival margin. Such deposits are very hard • Oraldine mouth wash
and partiality resistant to removal by scaling • Administration of antibiotics
instruments. Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG)
Immunologic features of gingivitis/periodentitis Definition: is an inflammatory destructive gingival
Bacterial plaque induces inflammation with bacterial condition which exhibits characteristics clinical signs
cyto-toxic and proteolytic nature. Host inflammatory and
response to plaque micro-orgnisms + substances they symptoms. The other names for ANUG are "Vincent's
release humoral and cellural immunity then additional gingivitis" or "Vincents gingivostomatitis", 'Trench
damage to periodontal tissue. mouth'' and" Ulceromembraneous gingivitis"
Local response Cause: -
􀂙 Complement activation • Fusiform bacteria
􀂙 Infiltration of leukocytes • Treponema vincenti
􀂙 Release of lysosmal enzymes + cytokines • Treponema deticola
58 • T-macrodentium
􀂙 Production of a serous gingival crevicular • Fusobacterium nucleatum
exudates (IgA, IgG, , Ig M) • Prevotella intermedia
􀂙 Dentobacterial plaque contains : • Porphymonas gingivalis
• Acinomyces 62
• Streptoccus mutans + sanguis NB. These bacteria are found in large numbers in the
• Bacteides melaniogencis slough and necrotic tissues at the surface of the
Periodontum ulcer.
It is supporting apparatus of the teeth. It includes the Clinical features
gum, alveolar bone, various tissue components of the • Inter proximal ulcers covered with a yellowish -
gingiva, ligaments, blood vessels, periodontal space, white or grayish debris
root and cementum. • Easily bleeding
Periodontal Diseases (Gingivts and Periodontitis) • Necrosis develops rapidly
Periodontal disease is a disease of the supporting • Linear errythema
structure of the teeth.(perdidontal ligament, cementum, • Bleeding
alveolar bone and the various tissue components of the • Pain
gingiva). • FOETOR EX ORE: Halitosis
59 • Lymphadenitis
Classification • Fever and malaise
A Gingvits Treatment aim
􀂙 Acute gingivitis • Control of the acute phase
􀂙 Chronic gingivitis • Management of the residual condition
B. Prepubortal 63
􀂙 Juvinale Control of the acute phase
􀂙 Rapidly progressive • Antibacterial cleaning
􀂙 Chronic (adult) • Irrigation of the wound with 3% hydrogen
􀂙 Refractory peroxide solution
C. Periodontitis • Scaling of the affected teeth
􀂙 Acute periodontitis • Metronidazole
􀂙 Chronic periodontitis • Antibiotics
􀂙 (Apical, marginal) • 2% Chloxeidine mouth wash
D. Dystrophic disease Management of the residual condition
􀂙 Hyperplasic condition 􀂾 Supra and subgingival scaling
􀂙 Atrophic condition 􀂾 Gingivoplasty
􀂙 Degenerative condition 􀂾 Regular follow up for maintenance of oral
60 health
Gingivitis NB: Patients with recurrence should undergo medical
It is an inflammatory lesion confined to the tissue of the examination
marginal gingiva.
Cause: accumulation of bacterial plaque at or near the
gingival margin. Modification for suspected or verified
HIV positive patients Some of the anesthetic agents
• Use of antibiotics or chemotherapeutics may 1. Lidocane
cause over growth of opportunistic 2. Tetracaine
microorganisms. 3. Cocaine
• Chlorhexidine mouth wash 4. Butacaine phosphate
• Amphotercine lozenges 5. Diclonine
• Nystatine 6. Ethyl aminobenzoate ( Benzocaine)
• Antibiotics Block methods of anesthesia
NB: Use of antibiotics should be combined with 1. Zygomatic /tuberal
antifungal tdrugs. 2. Infra orbital block
Perdiodontits 3. Insicival (Nasoplatine)
Periodontitis is host inflammatory response. 4. Palatal (posterior palatine)
65 69
Cause: 5. Mandibular
A Local 6. Mental
• Microbial components of plaque, Techniques
• Food impaction, 1. Zygomatic block
• Mouth breathing, • The mouth half opened
• Chemical irritation. • The cheek is retracted with the help of mouth
• Truma mirror.
• Drug toxicity • Injection made between the first and 2nd upper
B. Systemic molars of the side of the tooth to be extracted
• Pregnancy • The needle is forwarded upward and inward and
• Diabetes mellitus advanced about 1.5cm.
• Allergy • About 2 ml are released,
• Hereditary Time Wait about 5-10 minutes
Clinical features Area of anesthesia for zygomatic method
It is consequence of an interaction of bacterial plaque Upper molars, periostium of the alveolar bone, mucus
and its production with the hosts’ inflammatory and membrane, posterior and external wall of the maxillary
immune response. Inflammation and various sinus. The effect of the anesthesia may reach up to the
immunological changes are the features pf periodontal 1st premolar
diseases. 70
66 2. Infraorbital block
• Pain on mastication • Find out the site for infraorbital foramen
• Tenderness of the gum • pate the infraorbital foramen ,and don’t remove
• Feeling of elongation of the tooth the finger
• Tenderness to percussion • The mouth nearly closed injection made between
X-ray result shows widening of the periodontal space in the upper premolars of that side of the tooth to
chronic cases. be extracted and advanced to the ifraorbital
Treatment foramen
• Scaling – removal of calculus • The syringe is brought parallel to the premolars
• Treatment of dental caries and the needle is advanced under the palpating
• Oral hygiene finger about 1 cm
• Extraction, if hopelessly diseased • Aspirate to check that the needle is not in the
67 blood vessel.
CHAPTER 8 • 2 ml of the anesthetic solution is released.
Time to wait 3-5 min.
DENTAL PRACTICE • Upper anterior teeth, canines, premolars
• Periosteum, mucus membrane
Techniques of Local Anesthesia or • Lower and upper wall of the maxillary sinus
methods • Skin around the infraorbital region,
1. Topical anesthesia 71
􀂙 Spray • Lower eye lid, half of the nose, skin and mucous
􀂙 Ointment membrane of the upper lip of that side.
􀂙 Solution form Complications
􀂙 Gel 1. Trauma to the nerve and blood vessele
2. Parentral anesthesia 2. Ptosis in case of the involvement of the
􀂙 Infiltration ophthalmic nerve
􀂙 Block anesthesia 3. Hematoma in case of trauma to the blood vessel
68 Figure 9: techniques of infraorbital block
Desirable characteristics of ideal 72
anesthesia 3. Incisival block
1. Low toxicity • The mouth widely opened
2. Reduction of blood flow • Injection made just below the gingival papilla of
3. Long duration of action the central incisors
4. Rapid speed of onset • Try to find out the incisival canal
5. Good anesthetic efficacy • Aspirate to check that the needle is not in the
blood vessel. Indication of tooth extraction
• 2ml of anesthetic solution is released 1. Teeth that are hopelessly diseased, where
Time to wait 3-5 min restoration is impossible
Area of anesthesia 2. Acute/chronic puplitis, necrosis and gangrene of
• The upper lip the pulp when root canal therapy is impossible.
• The Mucous membrane 3. All forms of apical periodontitis, when
• The periostium of the alveolar bone. conservative treatment is impossible
4. Palatal (Greater palataine) block 4. Retained root, retained primary teeth (delayed
• Mouth wide open eruption)
• Injection is made between the root of 2nd and 3rd 5. Severe marginal periodontal diseases (moveable
upper molars palatally. teeth)
• Find out the greater palatine foramen 6. Impacted teeth, mal-erupted,
• Aspirate to check for blood 7. Misplaced teeth.
73 8. Supernumerary (extra tooth)
• About 0.5ml of anesthetic solution is released 79
Time to wait 3-5min 9. Fractured teeth with opened pulp chamber,
Figure10: Technique of Greater palatine block 10. Fractured root.
74 11. Teeth that are localized on the line of fracture.
5. Mandibular block 12. Mal-positioned teeth not movable by orthodontic
• Mouth wide opened treatment.
• Palpate the pterigoidal raphae 13. Radical surgery of tumors.
• Syringe placed opposite to the side of the tooth 14. Preparation for radiotherapy.
to be extracted 15. Paradontsis.
• Injection made on the site of palpating finger and 16. Tooth which is moved out of its socket because
the needle rested on the bone the syringe is of loss of antagonist.
brought // to the occlusal surface of the tooth to Contraindications to tooth extraction
be extracted There is no absolute contraindication for tooth
• Needle is advanced about 2cm and 2ml sol. extraction. But there are relative contra indications
released after aspiration, then on the way back which are listed below. When ever a patient comes to
release about 1and1/2ml sol. the clinic with one of the conditions listed below, the
Time to wait 5-10 min. management should be multidisciplinary.
75 1. Cardiovascular diseases in their acute stage.
Figure 11: techniques of mandibular bloch 2. Diseases of the liver, kidney, pancreases.
76 3. Disorder of the blood.
6. Mental block 4. Acute infectious diseases
The mouth nearly closed 5. Diseases of the nervous system
The needle at an angle of 45 degree, injection made 80
between the roots of lower premolars labially. The 6. Psychologically ill patients if they are in the
direction of the needle is towards the 1st premolar. exacerbation period.
Block method is advantageous than the other 7. Diseases of the oral cavity.
methods. 8. Acute febrile illnesses.
Advantages of block over the other methods are as Complications following dental extraction
follows: Complications following dental extraction are commonly
• Injection far away from an infected site local. These are:
• More profound anesthesia 1. Fracture of tooth
• Less penetration(Decreased injection site) 2. Fracture of the jaw
• Maximal anesthesized field with minimal drug. 3. Damage to the soft tissue
Complication of anesthesia 4. Penetration to the maxillary sinus.
• Trauma to the nerve 5. Lose of the tooth (aspiration, swallowed,
• Trauma to the blood vessels Entrance to the sot tissue).
• Injection directly to the blood vessel dropping of 6. Fracture of the maxillary tuborosity.
the anesthetic solution to the blood vessel. 7. Removal of the wrong tooth, (during extraction of
77 milk tooth)
• Allergic reaction 8. Excessive bleeding
Prevention of complications 9. Local infection, (dry socket)
• Use of proper technique 10. Loss of the root in the antrum.
• Use of proper syringe and needle 11. Syncope
• Good knowledge of the innervations and blood 81
supply of the face and teeth Instruments for tooth extraction
• Aspiration before the release of the anesthetic Main instruments of extraction are:
solution. 1. Dental forceps
78 2. Elevators
CHAPTER 9 3. Burs
Dental forceps
TOOTH EXTRACTION Dental forceps has three parts:
Tooth extraction is defined as the process of taking out 1. Beaks : part which rests over the crown during
of tooth from its socket. The procedure is carried out extraction
with the help of different types of instruments. 2. Handle: part where the hands and fingers of the
operator rests. • During extraction of the upper teeth the tooth to
3. Hinge: part where the beaks and the handle be extracted (head) should be at the level of
joins. should joint of the doctor.
82 • During extraction of lower teeth the tooth to be
Types of forceps extracted (head) should be at the level of the
Dental forceps are made in such a way that, they fit the elbow joint.
anatomical structure of each individual tooth and for Position of Operator
each dentition (Deciduous and permanent teeth). For extraction upper teeth the doctor stands in front of
1. Forceps for upper teeth with crown and they are the patient, the arm of the dental chair raised for the
also classified according to the class of tooth to upper left side.
be extracted and their beaks are with cleft. • For extraction of lower teeth to the right side, the
2. Forceps for upper tooth without crown and their doctor should stand at the right side of the
beaks are without cleft. patient lightly at the back, supporting.
3. Forceps for lower teeth with crown and they are 89
known as saggital forceps. • For extraction of lower left teeth, the doctor
4. Forceps for extraction of lower teeth without should stand in front of the patient, the arm of the
crown, their beaks are without cleft. dental chair raised.
Special forceps for roots in the upper jaw Step of tooth Extraction
Bayonet-forceps is a specially designed for extraction of 1. Detached the gum from the crown part of the tooth
retained roots of upper wisdom tooth and roots of all 2. Put the beaks of the forceps on the crown
classes of the upper teeth. 3. Push the forceps down under the gum
83 4. Fix the forceps
Figure 12: Bionet forceps 5. Dislocation of the tooth(Luxation)
Special forceps for wisdom teeth 6. Apply traction
1. Deep Grasped forceps The pressure which should be applied to dislocate
2. Saggittal forceps should depend on the thickness of the jaw i.e
3. Wisdom teeth forceps for the upper jaw Maxilla: Buccal side of the alveolar bone is thinner than
84 the palatal side. Therefore the pressure should be
Figure 13: wisdom forceps for the upper jaw applied to the buccal aspect of the maxilla for extraction
85 of premolars and molars of upper teeth.
Special beaks of the forceps 90
They are designed in such a way that, they are suitable Mandible: for extraction of tower teeth 5-4/4-5 the
for extraction of buccal side is thinner than the lingual side
- Misplaced or partly erupted teeth, • Ext. of 8-7/7-8 the lingual aspect is thinner
- Where mouth is small, • Ext. of 6/6 - the thickness is the same on both
- For bicuspids to be able to extract standing in sides
front of the patient, Dental instruments for minor surgical
- To remove retained roots, etc. operations
Elevators 1. Scalpel (knife)
Purposes of elevators 2. Periostal elevator
1. For dislocation of tooth 3. Retractor: Mippledorph
2. For extraction of retained roots. Langenbeack
Types of Elevators 4. Surgical bur
Elevators may be- straight or curved 5. Hand piece
• Group of cross bar handled elevators 6. Chisel and Mallet
• Winter elevators 7. Side cutting bone forceps (bone cutter)
• Elevators of LE CLUSE 8. Blant-nosed rongeur (Leur forceps)
86 9. Rasp or bone file (dental)
Winter 1Rand 12 R 10. Double ended curette
Le Cluse 91
Fine screw
11. Tampon-stop
Apical elevators
Straight, left, right 12. Suture materials (non absorbable)
left and right 13. Needles
Figure 14: different elevators (a) 14. Needle holder
87 15. Scissors
Figure 14 different elevators (b) 16. Tissue forceps
Medium and small 17. Surgical forceps
Read smooth blade and 18. Sponge forceps
Coleman serrated blade 19. dental forceps (foil carrier, cotton pliers)
Lindo-levien large 20. Hemostat (curved, straight, Mosquito
Left, right 21. Mouth opener: Heister
88 Roger-Kong
Work principles in the use of elevators 92
1. As a wage CHAPTER 10
2. As a lever
3. As wheel and axel ODONTOGENIC INFECTION
Position of the patient Acute Osteomyelitis of the jaw
Position of the patient may be sitting, semi sitting or Cause:-
lying according to the condition of the patient.
Due to local infection Region of Lower molars
i.e from teeth & gingival margins Osteomyelitis (as a complication)
(staphylococcus ..& streptococci) 96
Sources of infection:- CF:-
• Acute peri apical infection • Headache
• Fracture of the jaw • Diffused brown swelling - Hard, tender,
• Acute pericornitis or acute gingivitis hot
Clinical Features:- • Pain
o Thorough history • Fever
• Headache • Malaise
• Severe toothache & Hx of dental • Difficulty of opening the mouth &
Extraction (throbbing & deep seated pain) swallowing
93 • The regional LNs are swollen & tender
• Swelling • If not early treated sepsis
• Redness, tenderness, hotness of the gum TREATMENT AIM:-
• The teeth in the area are tender to • Localization of infection
percussion, palpation & sometimes • Relieve of tension
loosened. Rx:-
• Enlarged and tender Lymphndes • Incision & Drainage
• Difficulty of opening of the Mouth • Administration of Antibiotics
• Fever and malaise • Analgesics
Diagnosis:- • Vitamins
Para clinical examinations (X-ray ) • Oral Hygiene
Rx:- 97
• Administration of Antibiotics SUBLINGUAL CELLULITIS (sublingual space)
• Analgesics Source of infection:-
• Vitamins • Mandibular Molars, Frontal teeth (lower)
• Incision and Drainage • Surgical traumaInflammation of
• Removal of sequester sublingual glandsand its duct system.
• Oral hygiene CF:-
94 • Swelling of the floor of the mouth
COMPLICATION:- • Mucus membrane is red or purplish
• Involvement of inferior dental nerve • Difficulty of swallowing
• Pathological fracture • Displacement of the tongue superiorly and
• Cellulitis posterioly
• Disphagia
If inadequately treated or if not treated early the acute Submandibular space infection
osteomyelitis will be complicated to chronic Source of infection:-
osteomyelitis. From 2nd / 3rd molars (Lower)
• Localized infection
• Pussy discharge
• Swelling of the submandibular triangle
• Mild of intermittent pain
• Mucus membrane is red or purplish
• Shed of sequester
• Difficulty of swallowing
• Cervical lyphadenopathy
NB: Infection may spread into the sublingual &
95 parapharyngeal
Rx: space.
• Extraction of causative teeth
• Drainage & Removal of Sequestra Ludwig's Angina
• Antibiotics It is more serious type of infection.
• Analgesics Etiology:
• Vitamins • Virulent strains of streptococci.
• Balance diet. • Abscess of mandibular molars can cause it in a
CELLULITIS compromised patient
Sign and symptoms:
It is spreading infection of connective tissue,
􀂾 Browny-board like cellulitis involves
characterized by gross inflammatory Exudates &
􀁺 The mental space
􀁺 Bilateral sublingual space
The spread of the infection is through the various
􀁺 Bilateral submandibular space
spaces of the face. The various spaces cellulitis will be
difficult to be discussed here but the only ones which 99
are more serious and which should be given attention 􀂾 Rapid onset of involvement of the spaces
as 􀂾 Edema of the neck, floor of the mouth and
they may cause air way distress will be discussed as epiglottis
follows: 􀂾 Dysphagia
General 􀂾 Odynophagia
1. Etiology:- Beta - Hemolytic streptococcus. 􀂾 Dyspnia with rapid loss of patent airway
Source of infection:- 􀂾 Headache
􀂾 Fever
􀂾 Malaise Although the soft tissues of the face are extremely
Treatment: vascular, uncontrolled hemorrhage secondary to injury
• Admission is rare. During the initial examination, ligation of obvious
• Early diagnosis bleeding vessels and application of occlusive pressure
• Early treatment dressings may be necessary to control the bleeding.
• Secure airway The pressure dressings also provide temporary
• Administration of antibiotics immobilization of the hard and soft tissues. The lip
• Antipyretics should be examined bimnually and bidigitally inorder to
NB. There could be an involvement of parapharygeal avoid missing penetrating wound of the lip.
space if note early. The wound should be inspected for:
100 • Foreign bodies and
Indication of Incision and drainage • Cleaned thoroughly
1. A diagnosis of cellulitis or abscess 104
2. Significant clinical sign of infection (i.e. fever, Wound healing depends on the following:
dehydration, pain, loss of function etc.) • Minimal tissue damage
3. Infection in a facial plane that threatens the air • Debridement of necrotic tissue
way, chest, orbit, or intracranial- extension. • Maximal tissue perfusion and oxygenation
The principles of Incision and drainage • Proper nutrition and moist environment
1. Only the shortest and most direct and dependent Rx:-
route to the abscess cavity or cellulitis, with • Careful cleansing of the skin and wounds is an
preservation of anatomical structures and essential preliminary step in the care of all facial
placement of the incision in esthetically injuries.
acceptable area. • Antibiotics active against gram-positive
2. Place the incision in the healthy skin or mucosa, organisms, are considered drugs of choice in
over the most fluctuant area. facial soft tissue injuries.
3. Use blunt dissection with hemostats advancing • Clindamycin should be considered when
into all areas of involved space to ensure that all allergies to penicillins or cephalosporins exist.
loculi of pus have been allowed to drain. Soft tissue wounds heal in three general ways:-
NB. Remain cognizant of regional anatomical • Primary intention refers to the reapproximated
structures. tissues. This type of healing is seen with surgical
101 incisions that are closed with sutures or well
4. Use latex, silicone, or red rubber catheters and approximated by adhesive plasters.
suture them in place. 105
NB. Gauze drain will clot and act as plugs!! • Secondary intention is a spontaneous healing of
5. Clean drains in a sterile fashion daily, advance an open wound. This happens when the edges
them gradually, and remove them when the oe the wound are not well approximated.
drainage stops or becomes minimal. • Tertiary healing is important in contaminated or
infected wounds.
Medical supportive care
The patients who need hospitalization are with all Dental trauma
the following conditions: 1. Intrusion: it is when tooth enters beyond its
1. Immunocompromise: a patient with poorly socket due to trauma.
controlled diabetes, malnourishment, alcoholism, 2. Extrusion: it is partially pulled out tooth due to
other immunodeficiency (Acquired Immunodeficiency trauma.
Syndrome{AIDS}, steroid dependency 3. Avulsion/ Luxation: it is when tooth totally comes
or collagen vascular diseases.) out of its socket.
2. Significant clinical presentations, high fever 4. Fracture of teeth
(>1010F), dehydration, malaise, inability to take a) Fracture of crown (only enamel)
fluids, trismus, neurological changes, or lower b) Fracture of crown (enamel and dentine)
cervical and deep space involvement. c) Fracture of crown (with exposure of the pulp)
102 d) Fracture of roots, (oblique horizontal, apical
3. history – rapid onset and progression of and vertical)
symptoms, swelling, extension to the other 106
spaces, or tissues slough or discoloration Cause
4. Compliance- a patient who is unreliable or 􀂙 Car accident
incapable of properly caring for him or herself. 􀂙 Fall accident
5. Need for parentral antibiotics: based on 􀂙 Homicidal injury
presentation of the patient, previous culture and Common sites of trauma of teeth:
sensitivity testing or acute illness. 􀂙 Upper frontal teeth
6. Other considerations need for other medical or 􀂙 Lower frontal teeth in order of priority.
surgical consultation for patient management; Diagnosis:
organisms resistant to oral antibiotics, bone 􀂙 History
involvement, or need for surgical debridement. 􀂙 Physical examination
103 􀂙 Dental X-ray
CHAPTER 11 􀂙 If patient comes to the hospital with in 6-12 hours
TRAUMA OF THE OROFACIAL inter-dental fixation and administration of
antibiotics (for intrusion and extrusion)
REGION 􀂙 If Fracture of crown, Restoration
Soft tissue injury 􀂙 If Fracture of crown with exposed pulp, root
canal therapy or extraction depending on the • Circumferential wiring
availability of the dental facilities. • Intra-osseous wiring
107 • Osteo-synthesis or plating
Fracture of root the treatment depends on Extra oral treatment
human and material resources, if there is no • Head –chin cap
resource and skilled staff, extraction. • Head-chin cap of gypsum
􀂙 If Apical fracture observation (heals by itself, if • Immobilization using bandage
the apex is not exposed) • External fixation
NB. Healing of pulp takes about 3 months. 111
Fracture of the oro-facial region FRACTURE OF THE MANDIBLE
Signs of fracture CAUSE:
A) Certain • Road accidents
• deformity, • Falls
• dislocation, • Homicidal injury
• abnormal movement • Destructive dental extraction
• Post X-ray pictures • History
B) Uncertain • Pain
• Pain, • Swelling
• heamatoma, • Deformity
• loss of function • Abnormal Mobility of the jaws
108 • Tenderness over the site of fracture
Systematic examination • Ecchymosis (Bleeding under the skin/mucous
1. Inspect for deformity of the face. membrane.
􀂙 Heamatoma, • Creptation
􀂙 Bleeding, from the nose, ear, mouth etc 112
2. Manual investigation, pain on pressure or push X-RAY Findings:
o Palpation of deformities, • Shows severity of the fracture
o creptation, • Relation of the teeth with the Fracture
o Sensitivity of the trigeminal nerve. • the direction of the Fracture line
• Ability to open the mouth, • The angle of the mandible
• Disturbance of the occlusion, • The neck of the condyle
• Deviation of the jaw (upper/lower) • The body of the mandible (canine region)
• Inspect for the posterior displacement or Principles of management
swelling of the tongue • Clear airway
• Inspect for the presence of broken tooth or • Stop hemorrhage
denture • Treat shock
109 • Prevent infection
General management and treatment
1. First aid measures AIMS OF TREATMENT
• Clearing of air way 1. Reduction of displacement and Immobilization
• Stopping of bleeding o Internal wiring
• Treatment of pain o Cast metal cap splints
• Treatment of shock o Intra-osseous wiring
• Prophylaxis of tetanus o Plating
Once air way obstruction is recognized or the patient’s o Pin fixation (extraoral fixation)
condition is predictive of impending respiratory 2. Reduction of infection
difficulties, the air way should be cleared and a systemic TREATMENT AND MANAGEMENT
air way management established. Clearing the air way 􀂙 Interdental fixation (maxillar–mandibular
is fixation MMF)
best accomplished by the following steps. 􀂙 Extraction of teeth which are on the line of
• Establish the degree and the cause of air fracture
way obstruction 􀂙 Administration of Antibiotics
• Clear the oral cavity of debris, blood, 􀂙 Administration of Analgesics
secretions, foreign bodies 􀂙 Encourage Liquids diet
• Observe for the likely cause(s) of the NB: The fixation is kept for 5-6 weeks
obstruction 114
• Reposition the patient consistent with the
potential for further servical spine or COMPLICATIONS OF FRACTURE OF
lower spine injury. THE JAW {Mandible}
110 􀂙 Delayed union
• Establish the effectiveness of steps 1-4 􀂙 Non- union
by inspection, listening, and palpation of CAUSE:-
the upper and lower air ways. 􀂙 Infection
2. Methods of treatment 􀂙 Teeth in the fracture line
Intra-oral splinting and wiring 􀂙 Poor immobilization
Operative treatment 􀂙 Wide separation of fragments
􀂙 Foreign body or bone fragments 􀂾 Mobility of the maxilla
􀂙 Systemic conditions 􀂾 Area of anesthesia if infraorbital bone is
􀂃 TB. Of the bone affected.
􀂃 Syphilis Management
􀂃 Age - - etc 􀂾 Clear airway
Maxillary fracture 􀂾 Stop bleeding and treat shock
The maxilla forms the frame work of the midface, and it 􀂾 Inspect for any other injuries
supports or is closely associated with the 􀂾 Examine the face CSF escaping
appurtenances 􀂾 Care of the wound.
of the face. Diagnosis
115 􀁺 Hx
It supports the bones of the lateral face or check 􀁺 General examination
• The orbit and orbital bone 􀁺 Local examination
• The nasal bone 􀁺 Radiological examination
• It has intimate relation with bones forming the RX
cranial base (ethmoid). ♦ Admission
• It contains wholly or in part ♦ Reduction of the diplacement
􀂾 The maxillary sinuses ♦ Immobilization
􀂾 The nasal apertures ♦ Infraorbital fixation
􀂾 The orbit ♦ Extraoral fixation
􀂾 The superior aspect of the oral cavity. ♦ Administration of Antibioticand analgesics
• It is boundary for sphenomaxillary, 119
pterigomaxillary fissures and contributes to the CHAPTER 12
zygomatic and sphenomaxillary fossae.
• It articulates with the nasal, zygomatic, lacrimal, CONGENITAL MALFORMATION
inferior turbinate, palatal, opposite maxillary and Cleft palate and lip
vomer bone. By 35days of uterine age, the lip is normally fused, a
Majority of maxillary fractures displacement follows the failure to fuse causes cleft. A failure of lip fusion may
direction of the force they receive and they tend to stay impair the subsequent closure of the palatal shelves.
in that position until reduced. Thus cleft lip is a frequent association with cleft lip. Cleft
116 lip, with or without cleft palate, occurs more frequently
Classification of maxillary (midface fracture) than cleft palate alone. Cleft lip is the most common
Maxillary fractures can be classified by the L Forte .Le significant craniofacial anomaly.
Fort classification was described by Rene Le Fort in Etiology:- Usually unknown
1900. It is more likely to occur in the male.
Le forte I- it involves only the maxilla. Classification
It extends horizontally through the maxilla above the 1. Unilateral complete Cleft palate
palate and through the lateral wall of the sinus and 2. Unilateral incomplete Cleft palate
nasal 3. Bilateral complete Cleft palate
aperture and septum. 4. Bilateral partial Cleft palate
If there is displacement, that is by the traction of internal 120
and external pterigoid muscles. 1. Primary cleft lip
Le forte II – the pyramidal fracture involves several Unilateral complete
bone of the midface in extending obliquely or vertically, 􀁺 Malpositionof the nostril skin on the lip
through the lateral and posterior sinus walls, walls of the 􀁺 Retraction of labial skin
maxilla through the infraorbital foramen, floor of the 􀁺 Alteration in the white roll
orbit, and across the nose, usually through the nasal 􀁺 Abnormalities in neighbouring mucosa
lacrimal and ethmoidal components down and back 2. Premaxilla palate
through the pterygoid area. Unilateral cleft
117 􀂾 The premaxilla is under developed on both
This fracture may extend superiorly to the cribriform sides(clefted /nonclefted)
plate. 􀂾 Deviation of the interincisive suture
This fracture can produce or open bite and dramatic 􀂾 Septal deviation , causes an internal rotation of
periorbital edema. the ascending pillarof the maxilla and
Leforte III 􀂾 Attendant lateral displacement of the medial
High level supra zaygmatic fracture. canthus on the cleft side
􀂋 Fracture line through the base of the nose ethmoid , 􀂾 There by disturbing the entire symmetry of the
neck of pterygoid plate , the inferior orbital fissures face
and disrupts attachments of the zygomatic bones, 121
through the edge of the wing of the sphenoid and Classification of Cleft Palate
near fronto-zygomatic suture .The zygomatic arch is 1. Class I :- the defect is only on the soft palate]
broken .The face is driven backward and downward. 2. Class II:- the defect involves the soft palate and the
CF hard palate up to the incisival foramen
􀂾 Gross edema of the face 3. Class III:- the defect involves both the soft and hard
􀂾 Long face palate up to the anterior alveolus.
􀂾 Haemorrhage to the tissue (ecchymosis) CF:- Cleft lip can be easily identified by the mother as
􀂾 Displacement of the eye soon as the baby is born
􀂾 CSF rhinorrhoea Cleft palate is diagnosed later, when the child develops
118 􀂾 Vomiting
􀂾 Frequent aspiration 1. Oral hygiene
􀂾 Weight loss 2. Dietary measures
Treatment:- Surgical closure of the defect 3. Topical fluoride application
Social problem of the child with such defects 4. Ingestion of fluoride in tablet, milk slats,
􀂾 Speech defect fluoridation of drinking water etc
􀂾 Aesthetic problem Oral hygiene
􀂾 Psychological problem 1. Home care of the child
122 􀂙 It is important to stress the necessity of
CHAPTER 13 cleaning of the teeth after every meal, or
snack and before going to bed.
PREVENTION OF DENTAL CARIES 􀂙 Teach children how to clean their teeth
Microbes of the oral cavity early in life (2 yrs)
In the oral cavity there are more than 100 species of 􀂙 Encourage the use of floss
microbes. 􀂙 Encourage the use of local
These are- Natural inhabitants such as acidophilic sticks(specially for those who cannot
bacillus, trepanoma microdentium, diplococci, afford the use of floss and tooth pastes)
streptococcus salvarius, entoameba gingivalis act and 126
those which are in the environment ingested together Principles of methods of cleaning of teeth
with food, water and air. 1. Tooth brushing
Pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes are 2. Oral rinsing
found on the mucus membrane of the mouth. 3. Eating detensive food stuffs
The oral cavity is a favorable medium for many Tooth brushing
microbes. Tooth brush for children:
It has an optimal temperature, a sufficient amount of 6 inches long –Handle
food substances and has a weakly alkaline reaction. 1 and 1/2 inches- Head with several tuffs (filaments).
123 Tuffs shouldn't be hard. They should be nylon.
Increasing the amount of micro floras in the oral cavity N.B. Tooth brush should be changed every 3 months.
depends up on the: Methods of tooth brushing
1. Type of food we eat Direction: For both jaws from the gum to the teeth.
2. Rate of flow of saliva Start from the upper left buccal region then to labial
3. General state of our health and health surface of the anterior teeth then to the right buccal
state of the oral cavity region -􀃆 then to the lingual and palatal of the anterior
4. Frequency of cleaning of the oral cavity teeth. Then down to the lower left buccal surface of the
Great amount of microbes are found at the neck of teeth posterior teeth, then to the labial surface of anterior
and in the space between teeth (interdental space). 127
Streptococci and diplococcic are found on the tonsils. teeth, then to the labial surface of the right lower
There are many microbes in other parts of the oral posterior teeth, then to the lingual aspect of the anterior
cavity and posterior teeth. Attention should be given to the
which are in accessible to the bathing action of saliva interdental (proximal spaces) which are favorable place
and the action of lysozyme. for food impaction. Finally the occlusal surface should
The presence of carious teeth is a condition for be scrubbed back ward and forward.
increasing the micro flora in the oral cavity, for the Tooth pastes
appearance of decaying process and unpleasant odors.
124 􀂙 Removes fermentable carbohydrates
Draft of basic statements on oral hygiene is defined as from tooth
the practice of habits which tend to preserve healthy 􀂙 Interferes with bacterial activities on the
teeth in healthy gums through out life. carbohydrates.
Principles of preventive Dentistry (Oral 􀂙 Protects the enamel and strengthen the
Health Care) tooth itself
!. Prevention of Dental caries 􀂙 Provides favorable odor to the oral cavity.
Four things to be encouraged for the prevention of Oral rinsing
dental caries It is recommended when the condition is not favorable
1. See the children eat balanced diet which reduces for tooth brushing. Oral rinsing should be done after
the desire to eat sweat, sticky or soft foods every snack.
between meals. 128
2. Remove food particles from the mouth after Defensive food stuffs
meals and especially last things at night by Apple removes soft food debris from the mouth and
means of a tooth brush and tooth pastes or local teeth efficiently. Other food stuffs such as carrots, sliced
sticks stimulate and harden the gum by a correct oranges are more efficient than tooth brushing in
brushing and massage. removing yeasts from the mouth after ingestion of a
3. Finish the meal with a hard naturally cleaning yeast cakes.
food such as an apple carrot or rinse the mouth Dietary measures
vigorously with water when tooth brushing is not 􀂙 Avoid foods with high carbohydrate contents as
possible much as possible. Use apples, oranges after
125 carbohydrate their foods.
4. See the dentist and take the children too at list 􀂙 Rinse mouth after their usage.
every six months. Topical flourid (concentratio 0.1-4 % )
The principles may be grouped in to four: Topical application of fluoride to teeth surface is a
proven method of prevention of caries.
Method of application
1. Fluoride solution applied on the teeth by the
2. Fluoride sol. brushed on the teeth by the
3. Incorporation of fluoride in a polishing pastes.
NB: Application is made for 20 min. every day for 15
2. Prevention of periodontal diseases
Normal gum is pink, firm, stippled with well formed
papilla and gingival crevices, shallow in depth with out
Preventive measures
1. Good oral hygiene
2. Avoid all predisposing factors
3. Prevention and treatment of calculus
4. Treat disorders of occlusion ( Extraction of extra
tooth, avoid overcrowding)
5. Extract decayed deciduous teeth, avoid gingival
6. Restorations should be carefully inserted,
contoured and polished
7. Avoid food impaction and gingival damage.
1 Proper use of local sticks (Mefakia) is very
important. This topic has been always under
discussion with the students who had taken this
course and finally we used to agree on one point
that is to preach the people to use the local stick
(Mefakia) properly as it is not costly and easily
available almost to everybody. A study was made in
1978 by Bent Olson in Arussi province on oral health
and the study has confirmed that the local stick (
Mefakia) is as effective as tooth brush if it is used
properly in all the surfaces of the tooth.
2 Incorporation of oral health as part of health
programs in schools
3 Including oral health in primary health care programs
4 Frequent use of mass media to teach the people
about oral health is the relevant points for our

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