RNR Case Solution

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RnR Case solution – Kandarp Pande

1. Why are the opportunities in the board game industry presented in R&R case considered
inherently risky? List 5 reasons.
 Biggest risk was the brand image and the negotiation power of TV Content Creators,
since its publishers were the biggest partners.
 Board games are usually seasonal, so there was a risk of competitors catching up
with their own product on the same lines of TV Game.
 Higher Pricing of the product was another risk, since the conventional board games
were priced lower, and adoption of the new concept was an assumption based on
the success in Canada.
 Being a new concept, Trivia Inc. ran a risk of not meeting the early demand in the
family games industry and the operations were their responsibility limiting them to
expand with few contributors in the business.
 Typical board games had a short life cycle therefore the concept ran a risk of dying
out soon after creating an impact in the future.

2. What are the risks for each of the coalition partners of Bob in this venture? How do they
justify taking such a risk?
 Kaplan:
i. Being the only full-time employee, held a higher say in the business.
ii. He handled all the manufacturing hence controlling the supply chain to
negotiate higher cuts for his personal contacts.
iii. Since a close friend of BoB, Kaplan’s risks were justified in the 50%
 Suppliers:
i. Just in Time based supplies to be delivered by Madison, and total assembly
by the same poses a risk of quality control.
ii. Due to lower costs and flexibility, the risks were justified.
 TV Guide:
i. Due to high involvement in the design process, RnR ran a risk of getting
influenced by the TV Guide Media for their own interests.
ii. Since the content opened up future possibilities like speciality subjects, the
risks with TV Guide were justified.

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