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Perspective Objectives Measure Target Initiatives

- To Anticipate - Total Profits - Comparing the

Financial gradual recovery - Total 90% anticipated
Perspective of airline Outstanding recovery timeline
operations to 90% Revenue of airline revenues
of pre-COVID-19 to published views
revenues by of market
financial year 2023- commentators,
24 and publicly
available aviation
industry reports
- To Preserving - Cash Flow - Restructured
cash & - Working Get back the financial
Control/Reduce Capital 23% that is commitments
costs - Balance decreased - Freeze non-
Sheet in Cash essential spending
- Total Cost Balance and cut expenses
- OPEX - Reducing payroll
- CAPEX and benefit costs
- Suspend the

- The long-term - Return on - Compared the

growth rate of Invested 1.5% after long-term growth
1.5% after the Capital, or the 4 year rates to external
four-year period ROIC period airline industry
- Market economic data
Share and economic

- Customer 100% score - Implementing new

- Customer Effort Score from the protocols to
Satisfaction - # of Customers introducing
(In terms of Customers innovative
Customer Convenience and repeats products and
Perspective Service) - Total services
number of - processing
Customers refunds and
- Post-Service rebooking’s,
customer - and providing the
surveys latest travel
- Flexible options
on our ticket
validity and refund
- A one-stop shop
to help customers
Navigate the
varied and
dynamic travel
around the world.
- Customer Health - Health -0 Cases of - Developing new
and Well Being Declaration infected service and
Certificate passengers operating
or protocols
customers. - complimentary
-100% medical cover for
commitment all passengers,
to Safety - fast-tracked
and biometric
Cleanliness processing and
other technology
- Enhanced
experience while
reducing contact
at airport
- Enhancing the
- Smart contactless
journey offered to
- .Maximize - Actual 100% - Examined
Internal revenue through Introduction Performanc processes and
Business innovative Schedule e Level consolidated
Process products and - Past / current operations.
services. innovation
- Increase - Number of -Continues - Emirates joined
Environmental energy efficient in Reducing the World
Protection Emission Economic Forum’s
(Emissions and waste Clean Skies for
reduction, consumption Tomorrow
responsible coalition, which is
consumption) Supporting a
- transition to
aviation fuels as
part of a pathway
towards carbon-
neutral flying.
- its long-standing
operation of
flexible routings in
partnership with
navigation service
providers to create
the most efficient
flight plan for each
the use of
advanced data
analytics, machine
learning and AI in
its fuel monitoring
and aircraft weight
- reducing paper
consumption and
waste by using the
digitization of
processes at
- customer
- Renegotiated - Number of 100% clear -Talking with the
Learning and contracts requirement and concise people involved in the
Growth s changes renegotiated contracts like
request contracts Shareholders,
Suppliers, Employees
and Creditors.

- Restoring our
operations safely
and sustainably
- Workforce Health - Health -0 Cases of -Make sure that all
and Well Being Declaration infected employees are fully
Certificate employees vaccinated.
- Employee - Adapted quickly to
Satisfaction -100% safeguard their
Index commitment workforce with the
to Safety provision of
and PPE, training, and
Cleanliness revised operating
procedures to reflect
social distancing.
- Impacted
employees were
provided with
assistance and
support, particularly
those who were
unable to repatriate to
their home countries
due to travel
- A special taskforce
was set up to
regularly review
workplace and
operational protocols
as new medical
information on
COVID-19 became
- Group conducted
workshops to support
the resilience of its

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