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45 All-c.

Skin -.Itching papillary eruprion across chest and back. < scratching, > rubbing.
Modalities - worse: Loss of flurds. Better. passing flatus. Bending backwards.
conditions - Chlorotic girls and pregnant women. weak, emaciatid persons.
Relations - Compare: Alum. fconstipation; grasps the seat tightly; deipairs of having
a stooll; ctttrl.; caust., Ferr. andPa/s. [discharge of urine durlng'coughl; Chin.; Dioi.
[colic > bending backward],. Helon.; H,vdr; Sabin.; Senec.; ,Taiac.; .Trilt.

California Clover or Lucerne

characteristics - From its action on the sympathetic nervous system, Alfalfa

tavourably influences nutrition, evidenced in "toning up" appetite and digestion
resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigour, with gain in i,eight.
Disorders characterised by malnutrition are mainly within its therapeutic .ung","fo,
example neurasthenia, splanchnic blues, nervousness. insomnia, nervoui indigestion, etc.
Acts as a fat producer coffects tissue waste. Deficient lactation. Increases quatity and
quantity of milk in nursing mothers. Its pronounced urinary action suggests ii clinically
in diabetes insipidus and phosphaturia; and it is claimed io allay veJiial irritability of
prostatic hyperlrophy. The rheumatic diathesis seems esp. amenable to its action.
Mind It induces mental exhilaration or buoyancy, i. e. a general feeling of well-being;
clear and bright, so thar all blues are dissipated. Dull. drowsy. stupid
tcels.l; gloom!
and irritable, < evening.
I{.19 - sE Dull, heavy feeling in occiput, in and above eyes, < rowards evening. pA In
l. side of head. Violent headache.
Ears_ -^sE Stuffed feeling in eustachian tubes
[Kali-m.] at night; open in morning.
Food & Thirst - Increased thirst. Appetite impaired, uut ctrlefty increased, erien to
bulimia. He must ear fiequently, so t6at he can't wait fbr regular meals, hungry in
fbrenoon lsulph.l. Much nibbling of food and craving for swiets. Shifting, fla"tulent
pain along colon several hours after meals.
Abdomen - OB Flatulence & distension. Chronic appendicitis.
Rectum - OB Frequent, loose, yellow, painful stools.
Urinary.- oB Kidneys inactive; frequent urging to urinate. polyuria lph-ac.l.
lncreased elimination of urea, indican and phospiates.
sleep - sleeps better than usual, esp. in eaily morning; it induces quiet, reposeful and
refreshing sleep.
Relations - Compare: ,Aven.; Dip.; Gels.; Hydr.; Kali-p.; ph-ctc.; Zinc.
Dose - The best results are elicited with material doses; 5-i0 drops of tincture, several
times daily. Continue its use until tonic efTects ensr,re.


Red Onion

characteristics - A picture of coryza, & ac:rid nasal discharge and laryngeal

symptoms, bland secretion from eyes; singers' cold, < warm io,n and towirds
:_pen air is presented by this remedy. Specially aclapted to phlegmatic
evening; >
patients; colds in futmp cold weather. Neuralgic pains like a.
fiil threatl, following
amputations or injuries to nerves f.after surgical operations];.neuralgic pains, like i
long thread, in face, head. neck, and elsewheie; < evening. Tiaumaticitroni. neuritis.
Burning [,and shooting] in nose, mouth, throat, bladder ancl skin. Sensation of glowing
heat on different parts of the body. ,Affects the mucous membranes of NOSE, EYES,
larynx and bowels, causing increased secretions.
'Unpleasant secretions from handling
peaches. "Flitting heat over body, & thirst. weak and tired, has to lie down. coidness #
All-c. 46

heat during catarrh. 'symptoms go from left to right. ,oBad effects from eating spoiled
fish. Deathly faintness after profuse micturition. Colds and toothache after damp cold
wind and weather.
Mind - ulndefinable anxiety. ,Confusion of mind; after coffee; after wine. Indolence in
morning. uFears pains [,oin suppurations on fingers] will become unbearable. Very
melancholy. ,nMakes mistakes in spelling.
Vertigo - ,oOn rising.
in bones of skull, as if
Head- SE ,oElectrii shock passes through head. Numbness
asleep. Dulness as after inhaling chloroform. Vertex as if swollen and heavy- Head full
and heavy; as if it was bound up, & flickering before eyes. As if whole head was
wrapped up in warm water, & pressive headache. Dulness, pressure, fulness, heaviness,
mostln ociiput, < evenings, > open air. PA catarrhal, mostly in forehead; <warm room,
towards evening. Headache ceases during menses; returns when flow disappears'
,Aching in forehead, + eyes and face, > ftee coryza or menses.'Headache f'dulf in
foreheid and templesl &-coryza; > open air, < retuming to warm room. In temples,
most in r.; < winking; + over forehead; < 1. side. 'CLOSING EYES <. 'oDeep in head,
over 1. eyebrow. stitihes as of needles in forehead. In temples, < motion of eyelirls.
From boih sides of head, downward and inward, + middle. First in occiput, then in
forehead, over r. eye. Intense, in occipital region and cervical spine; during influenza.
Drawing stitches, in l. forehead, + upper jaw and teeth. OB ,oWhole head becomes hot.
Itching in supraorbital region, < on 1. side.
Eyes - SE ,As if eyes hung loose posteriorly on a string. ,uEyss as if torn. Of heat in 1.
eyebrow. pA Burning in eyelids. ,nThread-1ike, over r. eye + root of nose; Jrom cheek
+. eye. Smarting in eyes as from smoke. Shooting, in r. lachrymal duct. Smarting of
inner surface of uppei lids. Stitches as of needles in eyebrows. Pain like thick threads,
towards ear from deep witirin head. On Red. Much burning and smarting lachrymation'
Sensitiye to light. Eyes suffused and watery; profuse, blandlachtymation; :4 coughing,
wants to rub ihem;'> open air. uExcessive, non-excoriating lachrymation; < l. eye, &
redness of eyeball; sensitive to light; < evening.
Yision - ,Near objects seem distant while yawning. ,oFlickering, & fulness and
heaviness in head. Cloudy, by candlelight. Flickering and blinding; everything dances
hither and thither. Brtght dazzbng in distance and dimness near by. Letters appear
smaller; when getting sleepy, eyes dull, dim and sensitive to light; during coryza'
Ears - SE ,uNoises, blzzing and roaring; sounds appear to come from a distance'
Humming, on lying down. Roaring in 1. ear, as after a severe cold. Chilling or burning
twitching in region of r. eustachian tube near throat. Tingling behind I. mastoid process.
,.Pain, lif,e thi& threads, towards ear from deep within head. pL Earache, shooting in
eustachian tube. ,.Jerking, from throat + eustachian tube. Behind ears, deep within
head from backward and inward to ears. oB ''Discharge of pus from ear.
Hearing - 'uDull'
Nose - sB As of a lump at root of nose; 'nof tightness' 'uCrawling in r' nostril, as before
sneezing; must frequently blow thin mucus out of nose. PA ,oBurning in edges of nose
and hpJ; during coryza. OB Constant sneezing [,0& profuse acrid coryza], esp. on
entering warm-room. Copious, watery and extremely acrid discharge. Hay fever
lsabad.; sil.; Psor.l. Fluent coryza & headache, cough and hoarseness. Polypus.
iAcrid, watery discharge dropping from tip of nose; ,dripping nose or from uvula.
DISCHARGE FROM LEFT NOSTRIL. oAcute coryza & violent sneezing [esp. on deep
breathingl. 'Hay fever in August; tocoryza & violent sneezing in morning [lasting two
or three-weekil. oCopious watery discharge from nose & lblandl watering of eyes'
Fluent coryza & headache, lachrymation, cough, heat, thirst, trembling of hands; <
evening und *ur- room; > open air. usensitive to odours; of flowers and skin of
4l All-c.

peaches. ,common colds GoING DowNwARD, progressing rapidly to laryngitis.

Epistaxis. Nose stopped, nasal,voice. Dryness of anierior nires. Immediateiy "after
rising from bed in morning, violent sneezing, as if it would tear her to pieces. cold
begins mostly on l. side and goes to right. Spring coryza. colcls after clamp
rtortheasterly winds. Sneezes correspondingly after tat<ing a long breath. Ichorous fluid
tiom nose, when singing.
Face - PA ,.Threadlike, about face, temples and ears. Threadlike, in upper jaw.
Throbbing, drawing, pressing, & swelling of cheeks. Drawing, in l. cheek, J interior
of l. eye, > cold air. oB 'Paralysis; I. side, also in limbs of sanie side. ,oFace hot, esp. in
erening. Expression of anxiety and despair, during pain in abdomen. warm spots on r.
cheek. Nettle-rash on face. upper lip red and sensitive from acrid nasal dischirge.
\Iouth ,-_ sE ,Disgusting taste; sweet and nauseous. Burning taste, more on gums.
1:h^rlg like a large lump on roor of tongue, roof of mouth, eusiachian opening, i ear.
of fulness, coldness and soreness behind palate. Mouth and tongue as lf scalded. on
Dryness of mouth, root of tongue, soft palate and throat. Bad odour from mouth or
throat. Tongue dirty, slimy and furred, esp. in morrring. Loss of taste.
Teeth - SE ,uAs if back teeth were too long, at night, i rising. pA ,uwith coryza, getting
> when catarrh is <, and < when catarrh ceases. Chewing i. In molars, after exposure
to damp cold wind, and < warm room and from warm drinks; > cold water and picking
or sucking. Going from 1. + r. Pressing in r. back teeth on going into warm room.
Drawing from root to crown of flrst upper teeth, r. side; later iricorrisponding teeth on
i. side. Pressive, in root of 1. eye toot6, disturbing sleep, & excessive heat in iheeks; >
g.wards moming during sweat; cheeks feel swollen. oB ,.Teeth are dirty and turn yellow.
Throat * SE ,uAs of a ball or lump in throat. As after swallowing tooiarge a mouthful,
or as if swollen. Posterior_wall of pharynx as if numb. Sense of-nausea Extending into
throat. As if food remained stuck behind breast bone. Heat low in pharynx, + stomach.
of fulness, soreness and coldness behind palate. Raw feeling ln'tauces, a tictting in
region.of epiglottis, first on 1., then on r. iide. pA uConstrictlve, in forepart of throat.
'D,rawing, in L side of throat, > cold air. Jerking, + eustachian tube. bn .catarrhal
inflammation, & constrictive sensation in region of epiglottis. ,uTough mucus in fauces
gd !h1oa1 $ayks up mucus of a sweetish taste. Sore ana Ory, duriig influenza.
Food & Drink - Canine hunger [,oor loss of appetite]; ,"&ihirst. ihirst; .sysning g
heat. ,colic from overeating; from cucumbers, salids. ,Thirst during coryza. ,confuJion
of mind; after coffee; after wine. ,Aversion to cucumbers. ,,Bad-effeits from eating
spoiled fish. Desire for raw onions; ,strorlg craving, can,t take any other nourishmenl
After each meal prickling sweat on bald vertex. Toothache < *u.-"d.irks, > cold water.
Dryness in mouth, without thirst. Stomach weak, can't bear anything but raw onions.
After eating, horribly deathly nausea, & slight eructations, which >"somewhat. After
breakfast: rumbling in abdomen and pain in itomach.
Stomach - sE ,,stomach as if empty, weak. Feels a pressure on cardia from behind. pA
In pyloric region. ,uPressure in stomach; in pit; & yawning. pressure from behind on
cardia. OB Belching; o& rumbling in and puffing up of abdomen. Nausea; ,uwhen rising.
uSour eructations. Hiccough. Nausea forced upthioat,
like a thrust.
Abdomen - SE ,ocontracting sensation in spieen, & stitches while lying. Flushes of
heat in abdomen. PA In l. hypogastrium; ,o& urging to urinate; burning"micturition.
Colic [,,]1 region of navell--< sitting, > moving about. ,Colic: from cold, bi getting feet
wet; haemorrhoidal; of children. ,colic beginning in hepatic region and sprJadinf over
abdomen, esp. around navel, < sitting; ,o> moving about and-passing flatus. .Sudden
burning or chilling cuuing, as thin as a thread from sides of hypogasiiium inward and
uPressure in region of liver & creeping chills arong baii<;
fp.warg. ioldness. pressure in
l. inguinal ring. Stitches in I. side, > lying. Deep in pel'iis on a small spot to right,
violent pressure and cutting as with small knives. or Rumbling, offensive flatus.
All-c. 48

,Ascites. Abdomen puffed up, & rumbling, more to lett; ineffectual urging to stool, & heat,
some pains, difficult breathing, inconvenience of clothing; > after wind passes freely.
Rectum SE Glowing heat in rectum. ,"Cold creeping, like a worm, in anus and
protruding haemorrhoids, more on 1. side. PA Stitches in rectum, itching [,worms] and
rhagadesin anus. ,oContraction, cutting, tearing, at anus during stool, & irritation of
haemorrhoids. Very painful stitch + along rectum downward. oB Diarrhoea & very
offensive flatus. .Diarrhoea, after midnight or towards morning. ,uConstipation,
following intermittents treated with quinine. Blood passes with stool. Very offensive,
moist flatus in morning. Odourless masses of wind. Ineffectual urging, & rumbling in
bowels. Urging without a passage, but stitches in rectum. Blood passes with stool.
Urinary - SE Of weakness [,uand warmth] in bladder and urethra. PA ''In region of
kidneys. Pressing and other pains in region of bladder. Periodic, in pubic region, <
sitting. oB Urine increased & coryza [,ucopious urine as a concomitant]. Urine red &
much pressure and burning in urethra. ,,spasmodic strangury after getting feet and
bowels cold. Dribbling or spurting of urine in old people. Urine frothy and iridescent.
Urine: frothy and clear; red; reddish-yellow, with sandy sediment. Region of bladder
very sensitive, child screams if hand is placed there.
Male - pA ,oln bladder and prostate gland after coition. Drawing in spermatic cord.
Burning in glans. In pubic region, < sitting. OB ,olncreased sexual desire. Erections, &
painful tension, without sexual desire, in morning.
Female * PA ,oln uterine region. OB ,uAmenorrhoea. After forceps delivery, swelling of
whole lower limb, exceedingly painful, mostly in thigh. In childbed, panaritia on
several fingers, & red streaks up arm; pains driving to despair.
Larynx - SE As if larynx would split or torn ['owhen coughing],' rmust grasp it. Region
ofepiglottis as ifconstricted.,Throbbing and contracted sensation in larynx. PA,Larynx
painful when talking. uAching in larynx & tickling in throat. oB Hoarseness
lucatarrhall. Tickling in larlnx; ,u& constant inclination to hack. .Acute laryngitis &
great hoarseness and pain on coughing as if "lining" of larynx would be torn out, or as
if larynx would split, & sudden lachrymation.
Respiration - Oppressed, from pressure in middle of chest; ,< evening. 'uMust take a
long breath, and then sneezes correspondingly.
Cough - Hacking, on inspiring cold airlncessant, hacking, tickling.'oCough - raw,
splitting pain in larynx, so acute and so severe as to compel patient to crouch from
suffering, and to make every effort to suppress cough. With fulness in head, esp. in occiput.
Sputum - ,uTough.
Chest PA ,nHere and there through chest. Stitches with burning in middle of L side of
chest, when taking a deep breath. Sticking in l. side on deep inspiration. oB 'Senile
bronchitis. ,Cold extends to bronchi, & profuse secretion oJ'mucus, coughing and much
rattling; ,uchest laden with mucus. 'When All-c. drives catarrh to the chest think of
Phos. ,oAcute bronchitis, going from l. to right. Rattling in chest. Incipient pneumonia
in children. Sweat in axillae.
Heart - ,uPulse more frequent and full; or, slow and hard. Pulse full and accelerated.
Back - PA ,uln lumbar region, if bowels did not move. Intense, in cervical spine, during
influenza. Pain a hand-breadth below r. scapula, more towards spine, after long sitting.
Right scapula painful when lying in bed. Stitches in lumbar region. Burning pressure
in lumbar region. oB ,uCrawls in back; after sitting, pain under r. scapula. Rigidity of
spinal column in periodic attacks, & pain through whole chest.
Limbs - SE Lame joints. 'oTired feeling in all limbs. Weak sensation in limbs after
flatulent troubles. PA Neuralgia of stump. 'Fine, threadlike pains, shooting ffollowing
amputations or injuries]; 'not burning like those of Ars. uSoreness in limbs and aching
in all bones, as after taking co1d.
Upper - SE Limbs, esp. arms, feel sore and tired. ,uNumbness in L elbow, < slight
49 All-s.

ntotion. Weak sensation in arms. PA ,.Stitch and burning pain through r. arm. fiom
scapula + elbow. Needle-stitches in arms. In middle of 1. radius, < writing, > rubbing.
In l. middte tinger, and in r. fourth and flfth fingers. ots Painful afl'ections of fingers
about nails: ,ptm.aritium, v;ith red streaks up (trm; pains drive to desptrit'. 'Hands red
and dry. as if he had been in the cold. Sweat in palms of hands. Trembling of r. hand,
he can hardly write. Voluptuous, corrosive itching, esp. on palmar side of t. thumb, from
lirsr lo \econd phalanx. in evening.
Lower SE ,uWeakness in hips; interf'ering with coition fin males]. Lameness in knee.
Excessive tired feeling in region of hips, in evening, on rising from sitting, and on
r,,alking. Glowing sensation on outer side and upper part of both thighs. PA "In external
soft parts of r. great toe. and in 1. middle finger. nAbove knees. Paralytic, in knee-joint.
Stitches in r. knee, from within. Burning pressure in middle of 1. lower leg, then on
right. Painful twitching on inner side of l. heel. In great toes. In most external soft parts
ol r. great toe, and also in 1. middle finger. OB Ulcers on heel; ,.e171s and raw spots on
lbet, esp. on heel, frcm fiiction.'Bad effects from getting feet wet. uNettle-rash on
thighs. Painful twitching on inner side of 1. heel.
Sleep - Yawning & headache and drowsiness; ,u& cramp in stomach. Yawning in deep
sleep. Wakes at 2 a. m. ,,Restless sleep, drowsy in morning.
Dreams - "Of being near water; of storms at sea, high waves. Battles, fights. precipices
and deep wel1s. Annoying, in convalescents.
Fever - ,uYellow f-ever.
Chill chilliness during micturition.
- ,,,Coldness # heat; during catarrh. Shuddering and,Ftitting.
Heat - .With rumbling in abdomen, cor!-;o and thirst, at intervals, irregular
[& acute catarrhal symptoms]. ,uAttack" of f'lushes of heat; during coryza. Heat without
thirst, 2 a.m., passes ofT by morning, < again after breakfast.
Sweat - ,,Sweats easily and copiously.
Skin -,,,Pricking as fiom pins. Redness. Measles & strongly marked catarhal symptoms.
Modalities - Worse: WARM ROOM. Wet.fbet. Singing. Damp weather. Spring. Evening.
Eating spoiled fish; cucumber; salads. ,N. E. Winds.
Better: Cool open air. Bathing. Motion. ,Cold loom.
.All-c. is a left-sided medicine primarily. Symptoms go from left to right. Left eye; 1.
tacial paralysis; f. inguinal ring. Rest < , motion >. < Afternoon and evening: when
Iy'ing down. Damp cold wind and weather = colds and toothache. But cold water and
open air >. Picking or sucking teeth > toothache. Eyes sensitive to touch.
Relations - Compttre: All-s., Aloe, Conv., Lil-t. and Sqtil. [botanicall; Acon.; ChLor.;
Ip.; Lach. [eft to rightl; Euphr; Gels.; Kali-i.; "Ars.; Arum-t.; Brom.; Puls.; "Arund.,
.\ubad., Sin-n. and l4z1e. [hay fever). Followedwell by: Calc. and Sl/. [nasal polypus].
C,,mflementtu)'; Phos.; Puls.; Sars.; Thuj. Antidoted bl.' Anl. [toothache]; Chatn.
labdominat painsl; Nux-u. [coryza recurring in August]; I/zrlj. foffensive breath and
diarrhoea after eating onionsl; Verat. [colic & despondency]. Roasted cofTee will often
remove onion breath. IncompatibLe: All-s.; Aloe; Squil.
Causation - EfTects of exposure to damp cold winds and weather. Colds of spring; hay
iever of August; epidemics of spasmodic cough in autumn. Wet feet. Eating spoiled
tish. Injuries: surgical operations [fine shooting pains after].



Characteristics - Acts directly on intestinal mucous membrane increasing peristalsis.

Colitis. & pathological flora. Has vaso-dilatory properties. Arteriai hypotension begins
u.r:ally in 30 to 45 minutes after twenty to forty drops of the tincture. Adapted to fleshy
'rrbjects with dyspepsia and catarrhal aft'ections. High livers. Pulmonory tuberculosis.
Acon. 10


mind and body. PhysicaL and

Characteristics - A state of t'ear, anxiety; anguish ofmanifestation of Acon' Actie'
i."t"t restlessness, fright, is the most iharacteristic
touched' Sudden
sudden and violent invaiion with fever calls for it. Does not want to be
dry, cold
una g."ut sinking of strength. Cimplaints and ten-sion caused by
ieoihr, [,esp. rJspirator/affections], draught of cold air' checked perspiration' also
.o*pluirir fiom r2ry hoi weather esp. gastiointestinal disturbances, etc. First remedy
in inflammations, inflammatory feveri. Serous membranes and muscular tissues
affected markedly. Burning in internal parts; tingling, coldness. and
Influenza. Tensioi of arteriis; emotional, physical and mental tension explain many
;r-p1;r. When prescribing Acon. teme-bet it causes only functional disturbance,
change, i.e. to be used at the beginning of an acute
.'rlOin." that it can produce"tissue
disease and not to be continued after"pathological change comes.
In hyperaemia.
InfLueiza A.cute, violent and
congestion not after exudation has set in.- llnfluenzinum).
iiiii"t. s"iaenly, a big storm, which soon blows over. FRTGHT; SHOCK; vexarion.
'Neies of pain; & FEAR;
are excited, teniion. Bei:side himself, frantic from intensity
,irni*i, gnaws the fists, bites the nails [Ars.], wants to die. Haemorrhages are
paini are sticking, tearing. Burning, rutmbness,.tingLittg, prickling or
bright red.
lruirtlng are marked. Parts'fbet blg'or deformed. External soreness, & internal
heaviness. Senses acute. Parti remain sore or numb, cLfter the pains. Convulsiotts.
Remote effects of fright top.l. Cries out and grasps genitals.-Crepitation. 'Bad
jri* ,orrii*s cokl, irom ing"a from .frigh.t, esp tvith .females during me'nses' Most
d"isappear white' sitiing quietly, but at night and in bed they are
iisipportable. ,,C;IfeCfS OF PANIC or telror, unreasonable and unaccountable fear &
p.lpli.ii"" and tingling sensations throughout the body, but mainly the limbs. often
Iiui"J uft.. a frigitful'experience, e.g. car accident in a tunnel, or a strong frlglt, o1
-elevator, without a known causation [too far back
being stuck in an atttrougtr soinetimes
* p""r,]. Fear of fright remains. F"ar a. a concomitant. Heart and arterial circuLation
uf..t"i strongly, = congestion to head foften apoplectic] and chest' Complaints after
injriy. ,.a1-Jni, or n.ruo.n children: asphyxia, apoplectic symptoms' hot' purplish'
ili"utiil.rr, pulseless; icterus; ophthalmia; ietained urine. Convulsions of children,
teething, heat, starting, twitches of single muscles; child gnaws its fists,
frets, cries;
costiveior dark watery stools. To be giien in cases going from.right to left; earache,
faceache, toothache, irm numb. Coldness and retarded venous circulation.
Mind _ Great fear anxietl* and worry accompany every. ailment, however trivial.
Fiiebodings antl fe:ars. Deiirium charicterised by unhappiness, worry, fear, raving,
predicts the day'
rarely unc[nsciouiness. Fears death, but believes that he will soon die;
others passing by [from
iroi, future,
th" crowds, crossing busy streets; 'uof touching
ttickering"terore eyesl; ,.fear of i6., oi reason. RestLessness, tossing about. Tendency
io ,tu.t. imagination aiute, clairvoyance [,uperception of distant things; conscious that
they drive
his beloved,hiles away, was singing a certain piecel. Pains are intolerable;
come from
hi;;ry. Music is unbearable; iakis her sadfAmbr.l. Thinks his thoughts
as if what
the stomach; that parts of his body are abnormally thigk l,ndefo_rmedl.,Feels
had just been done was a dream. Nocturnal furious delirium. 'Beside himself;frantic;
""Cieat tfmidity, Lsp. after a fright; afraid in the dark, fear of ghosts, etc. Chattering
jumping about'
childish noni"n..-; thinks he is dying, & restless jerking and
piteous waili,gs;lexation about trifles; r.reproaches others for
Inconsolable anxier.\;
ucan't remember
mere trifles. Dulness and confusion of aino; weakness of memory;
il Acon.

TIME. Feurful before menses. Desire for light. Mania to ridicule. Undertake.s mttny
tltings, perievere's in nrtthing.'Complaints come suddenly and with great intensity'
often with an overwhelming fear of death. Fear of narrow places [often afler a fiightful
eais; rvill not be touched or uncovered. Ailments from anger; frorn chagrin; child has
spells of rage. Oversensitive to pain; pains, esp. at night, seem insut'fbrable. Ideas haunt
hlm. can't get rid of them. Attention distlacted when reading, thought seems to cease.
On amempting to think ofone thing, another inffudes; this is soon supplanted by another
and so on. Loquacity; speech hurried. Gay # gloomy. Does everything in great haste;
nrust move about or change position often. Dlsliftes to talk; ans\'-ers laconicallr,- yes or
rto uffection.fbr anybotly; during pregnoLzcyr Takes every joke in bad par1. Remote effects of
tnghi, esp. jaundice. Confusion. as after drunkenness, & pressure in temples, earty in
mirning on awating. Stupefaction # restlessness. Stupor & cold feet. Lnpatient. Altemating
mood; laughing, singing, then sad and f'earful.
vertigo ,-Woise: o, itting [Nur-v.; Op.l and shaking head: 'moving or shaking head;
,,on rising head, esp. aftei lying down in a walm room. .With naLtsea and vanishing of
sight; ,,losi of consci,ousness, epistaxis. With fainting and pale face. On stooping; staggers
to right. From congestion; from anger; from tiight; from suddenly-suppressed
-"nr"r [,,by emotions or cold]; ,ufrom heat of sun; after dry, cold winds.,Alter a shock.
,uFrom a fall or contusion; face pale or red, but no stupor. While walking >.
Head - SE Burning, as if brain were moved by boiling watet llndg.). Fulness; /rear.'1
-or hot, buriting, burning, undulating sensation. On vertex as if hair were pulled
stood on end. ,As of a hot band about head, or boiling heat in brain. Crackling in
head; ,u2s from bending tinsel, in temples, forehead and nose, < toward evening, from
motion, > sitting. "Filness and heav,v feeLing, os it' evervthing v'ould push oLrt of
.,\5 if brain were moved or
foreheaj [,,as if whole brain would start out through eyes].
iaised, < motion, drinking, talking or sunlight. As if fbrehead were compressed, on
going into a warm room. vertex as if compressed unifbrmly by a pitch-cap; > walking
in op.n air. PA Intercranial pressure lHedera fte1lxl' 'violent squeezing or bursting in
foreiread or eyes; uabove root of nose, as if he would lose his senses; < walking in open
air. With more urine. Throbs in l. tbrehead fright: Ant-t., Bell., lgn.)..Pulsttting, in head
ancl teeth.,Aching in vertex. < night, > motion and in open air. Stitches under scalp.
,uPressing, shooting, in forehead, & coryza. OB ,Formication of scalp > heat. Sunstroke,
esp. from sleeping in rays of sun. Congestion; anxiety; face hot and red, or pale;
carotids pulsate stiongly; < towards evening. Scalp sensitive to tollch. Scalp sensitive
to cold air, esp. strongwind. Often indicated in first stage of meningitis, not tubercular,
but when arising from exposure to sun's rays, or fiom fright or anger. ,uBrain afl'ect ons
of children, & violent pain in head and oversensitiveness of eyes; or lying stupefied, &
vomiting, bowels conitipated. Cold sweat on forehead. Heod excessivel-,- hot. Bends
head fai back; & croup. Yertex feels hot to touch. Lying with head high >. sweat on
head > outdoors.
Eyes - SE Feel dry and hot, as if sand in them. "As if eye would be pushed out when
lids are opened. Eyeballs feel enlarged, as if coming out of sockets; ,,>^ stooping. Lids
feel tense, hot, dry, burning and sensitive to airl "dry heat > cold water. Of sand in lower
inner canthus. uPiessure in upper lids as if whole ball was pushed into orbit, = bruised
pain in eye. PA ,shooting, in eyeballs. rViolent. about eyes and through eyeballs +
iemples or cheeks. ,ulntJnse burning, pressive, shooting, esp. on moving eyeballs.
Upptr half of eyeball sore when moved. Stitches in upper olbital region, tiom pressure
and- toward OB Red, inflamed. Lids su-oLlen, hord and rcd. Aversion to light;
,uor desire for light; 6sensitive to light. esp. sunlight; light dazzles eyes. Profuse
lachrymation aftei exposure to dry, colcl winds, reflectionfrom snow, after extraction of
Acon. t2

cinders and other foreign bodies [,c6niunctivitis]. .Eyes glitter, stare, ,u14,41s1r.
.Bloodshot. Dull, surrounded by blue rings. Distorded. Sensitive to air Violent and
acute intlammation, in earliers/age.i. Conjunctivitis from ingrowing eyelashes. Pupils
contracted; othen dilated.'Injuries and foreign bodies to eyes. ,uEyes protruding. staring.
distorted; in apoplexy, asthma or tetanus. Asthenopia from straining eyes.
Vision - oDim or entirely lost. uCan't bear reflection of sun liom snow. 'ul-ost, after
fright or shock. Optical illusions in dark colours or black. Flickerings make him
anxious, fears he might touch people passing by. Total blindness after catching cold.
Sparks. & burning and twitching in eyes. Obscuration, when shaking head.
Ears - SE As of drop of water in 1. ear. .Ringing or roaring; ,uhumming. PA Earache
[Cham.)..Through external parts, involving sides of head. oB External ear hot, red,
painful, swollen.
Hearing - Very sensitive to noises; music is unbearable ['ogoes through every limb;
noises startle himl. "ls11ear deaf, &buzzing in whole head; apoplexy.
Nose - SE ,Numb nose & epistaxis. oPosterior nares as if dry. PA At root of nose;
.distressing pressive. oB Smell acutely sensitive; oesp. for unpleasant odours. Epistaxis,
bright red blood. Coryza; much sneezing; throbbing in nostrils. Mucous membrttnes
dry, nose stopped up; dry or with but scanty watery coryza.'Hot water runs from nose.
oCoryza & sneezing, fever, thirst, restlessness; ,udry or fluent; caused by dry, cold air or
wind. ,,Coryza & headache, roaring in ears, fever, sleeplessness; esp. if coryza has been
suppressed by exposure; > open air, < talking. Frequent sneezing.
Face - SE Tingling in cheeks and numbness. oFace as if growing large or swelling. *\s
if muscles were firmly but not spasmodically contracted, numbness, heavy feeling of
whole face. Tingling, numbness, burning of lips. PA Neuralgia, esp. of L. side, &
restlessness [,,anguish, rolling about screaming], tingling and numbness,' 'oface red and
hot. Pain in jaws. oDrawing pressing, in trigeminus, then shooting, wandering,
intermittent, then constant pain, sometimes pressure. ,uBurning, lips and tongue, as after
eating pepper or smoking. oB Constantly moves lower jaw, as if chewing. Red, hot,
flushed, swollen. One cheek red, the other pale lCham.; Ip.l. On rising the red face
becomes deadly pale, or he becomes dizzy.'Pale # red. ANXIous LooK.'Sweat on side
of face lain on..Hippocratic. Bloated and red. Twitching. lnvoluntary closing of jaws
& salivation. Trismus, in paroxysms. ,.Swelling of lower jaw & aching in face. Mouth
drawn to one side; convulsions. Pale, between attacks of croup; dark red during. Dark
red, in apoplexy. Lips black, dry, peeling off.
Mouth SE Numb, dr1, and tingling. Bitter tdste of everything, except water. 'Middle
of tongue as if dry and numb. ,.Taste: putrid; sweetish; like rotten eggs; flat, nauseous,
compels hawking of tough mucus. Tongue as if swollen; tip tingles. As of cold air
passing over tongue. Orifices of salivary ducts sore, as if corroded. PA 'uBurning, biting
in mouth. oB Tongue coated rrhite lAnt-c.l; 'or thick yellow white. 'Burning vesicles on
tip of tongue. ,uAccumulation of water in mouth. Saliva generally diminished. Tongue
dry, red on sides, centre thinly coated white. Tongue red and dry. Saliva frothy; streaked
red; sweetish. Breath hot; hol f'eeling in lungs; in croup. Breath cold; in cholera.
Trembli ng and lemporary stammering.
Teeth - SE ,uAs if teeth would fall out. Cold feeling in incisors. pl .Throbbing in teeth
and head. oFrom cold, or dry, cold winds, & throbbing on one side; cheeks red;
congestion to head. ,"Most left-sided, or going from r. + 1. During pregnancy. esp' in
young, plethoric sedentary persons. ln sound teeth. oB Teeth sensitive to cold. Gums
hot and inJlamed. .Grinding of teeth.
Throat - SE .As of dry, as if something had stuck in throat. ,oAs if food lodged in region
of heart. Uvula as if elongated and coming in contact with tongue. PA .Stitches
[,"burning] in back of throat, [,"and along eustachian tube] = frequent swallowing; 'o=
hawking. ,"Stinging, in throat when swallowing. oB Red, dry, constricted' numb,
t3 Acon.

& hoarseness. Child grasps its throat
burning. entire inability to swallow,
every time it coughs. Urging to swallow. Veins of throat expanded; in pneumonia.
Food & Drink - Thirst for cold water. Intense thirst; ,oivvinf all stages of fevex Drinks,
vomits and declares he will die. Abdominal symptoms > warm soup. Pruritus >
stimulants. ,Craving for beer, acids; o'"vi1s, brandy; ,CoLD DRINKS; , 'obitter drinks.
Thirst < after ices. Milk >. Wine generally >; ,uafter wine [sometimes], blood-spitting,
congestions; palpitation. .No appetite; loathing of food. ,Aversion to tobacco. ,uHunger
and thirst excessive, but eats slowly. Lively sensation of hunger, renewed soon after
eating. Before breakfast <. Great thirst, & red tongue. Thirsty during labour. Thirst for
beer during heat. Drinking ice water = cough; gastric catarrh, esp. from drinking while
overheated. Vomiting of what has been drunk, followed by thirst. After eating, violent
pain in stomach, & warmth and tenderness; hiccough; nausea [after meat broths]. Anxiety
> cold drinks. Stupefaction from smoking. Everything tastes bitter, except water. Things
which formerly tasted strong now have no taste. Enuresis & thirst. Palpitation of heart
from smoking. Cough from tobacco smoke. Cough < eating or drinking.
Stomach - SE Pressure in stomach [uas from a weight or stone] & dyspnoea. ,uAs of a
cold stone in pit after repeated vomiting. Tension in stomach > eructations. PA Burning
from stomach + oesophagus; 6+ mouth; .+ throat. nAnxious pulsation in pit, &
shooting pain. ,.Sudden, excruciating, & gagging, retching, vomiting ofblood, gasping;
cold sweat on forehead; congestion of mucous lining of stomach; stage of
desquamation in scarlatina. OB Vomiting, & feaa heat, profuse sweat and increased
urination. Vomiting, bilious, mucous and bloody, greenish. Haematemesis. ,Projectile
vomiting lVerat-v.1. Nausea and sweating before and after loose stool. .Vomiting of
lumbrici; of green masses of mucus. Region of stomach sensitive to touc[; ,unnd
meteoristic. ,oNausea in oesophagus or stomach, rarely in throat. Violent but irreffectual
urging to vomit. Vomiting of clear water, on sitting up. Vomiting & purging of green
water. Pit drawn to spine on breathing. Painful hiccough.
Abdomen * SE ,oAs if a heavy weight were resting on abdomen, bearing one down.
Intestines as if paralyzed, inactive, < about transverse colon. Loins as if bruised. PA
Collc, ,oforces to bend double, yet no positioo ), Loi1fl4-*atory, after a cold. Burning
in umbilical region. ,Wind colic after taking cold. "Burnin7 and cutting in inrestines, <
pressure or lying on r. side. Pressive, as from fulness and weight in hypochondria;
constriction, or stitches in hepatic region hindering respiration. In hypogastrium as
from a flatulent purgative. ,uStitches and heat in diaphragm. Cutting extending in circle,
from spine + abdomen. Pain + umbilicus, or changing from stomach to liver;
jaundice. Colic involving bladder, contraction of hypogastrium in region of bladder; &
constant ineffectual urging to urinate. Cutting in intestines, + through chest to r.
scapula, almost making him cry out, during stool. Pinching about umbilicus during
urination. OB Hot, tense, tympanitic. Sensitive to touch; nlower abdomen. uMeteorism,
vomiting, inability to urinate.,oUmbilical region hard, swollen. Hot, tense swelling under
r. short ribs. Jaundice in newborn children. Incarcerated hemia; & bilious vomitingl
hernia & excessive sensibility and inflammation, or with cold, clammy sweat.
Rectum * SE ,uAs of a warm fluid escaping from anus. PA With nightly itching and
stitching in anus; ofrom seatworms. ,Cutting, griping, followed by frequent urging to
stool after anger or fright. or Frequent, small stool & tenesmus; green, like chopped
herbs. 'Y,lhite stool & red urine. Choleraic discharge &collapse, anxiety and
restlessness. Bleeding piles fHam.l; uburning and heat in haemorrhoidal vessels; ,.ft
stinging and pressure in anus. Watery diarrhoea in children ['in hot days]; they cry and
complain much, are sleepless and restless. ,Stools; of pure blood; slimy, grass green or
Acon. l4

white, < hot days and cold nights [Drzlc., Merc.l. Dysentery. ,FREeUENT STOOLS &
wITHour FAECES. ,uBilious diarrhoea of infants, & colic. Diarhoea from getting wet.
Slimy stools # constipation. Constipationl clay-coloured stools. Involuntary stools, on
passing flatus.
Urinary - SE ,,Splashing sensation in region of bladder, during urination. pA Tenesmus
and burning at neck of bladder ["when not urinating]. Burning in urethra; ,u\yhgn
urinating. Renal region sensitive; "& shooting pains. ,Agonising dysuria. .Burning in
fossa navicularis. ,.Stinging and pressing, in renal region. OB Scanty, red, hot, painful.
Urine suppressed, bloody. Anxiety always on beginning to urinate. Retention, &,
screaming and restlessnes.r, and handling of genitals. Profuse urination, & profuse
sweat and diarrhoea. ,Cystitis. Urethral chlll. "Micturition pain;ful, difficult, drop by
drop; urine fiery, scalding hot, red or dark-coloured ,RETENTION AFTER DELIVERY
IINFANT AND/OR MOTHERI. ,uBrown, burning urine, & brick-coloured sediment.
Diuresis & headache or profuse sweat. Haematuria, & haemorrhoids of anus or bladder;
burning pain in urethra. Compelled to get up to urinate, between l2 and 3 a.m., during
pregnancy. Retention or suppression of urine [o& pressure in bladder or stitches in
region of kidneysl; due to cold exposure.
Male - SE ,,Testes feel swollen and hard, as if surcharged with semen. As if poles of
galvanic battery had been applied to glans; severe painful, fugitive stitches, coming on
suddenly. PA Stinging and crawling in glans. Bruised, in testes, swollen, hard; :s1shi1is.
,uln glans during urination. OB Frequent erections and emissions. Painful erections.
,,Sexual desire increased; fits oflasciviousness. Increased desire in evening, during heat
and sweat. Sexual desire decreased, & relaxed parts; tingling in parts. Emissions even
after coition. scrotum drawn up. Skin of l. side of scrotum studded with minute
vesicles, pouring out a humid discharge.
Female - PA Sharp shooting, in uterus. ,ul-abour-like pressing in uterus; has to bend
double, but > in no position; dysmenorhoea. OB Vagina dry, hot, sensitive. Menses too
profuse, & epistaxis; too protracted, generally too late; '.plethoric women who lead a
sedentary life. Frenzy [,maniacal fury] on appearance of menses. Menses suppressed
Jromfright, cold, rn plethoric subjects. Ovaries congested and painful. Afterpains, &
fear and restlessness. .Suppressed lochia; skin hot and dry; milk scanty; abdomen
inflated and sensitive. Impending abortion from fright or vexation.
'Ovaritis & painful
urging to urinate, high fever. Prolapsus uteri, occurring suddenly, & inflamrnation,
bitter vomit, cold sweat, or dry, hot skin. Leucorrhoea copious, tenacious, yellowish.
Labour-pains violent, fol1ow in rapid succession; parts dry, tender, undilatable;
contractions insufficient. Return of lochia when women commence going about after
confinement. Amenorrhoea during puberty. \fier tedious and dfficult parturition.
Uterine haemorrhage active; much excitabilit,-; giddy; can't sit up; fear ofdeath.
Ovaritis from sudden checked menstrual flow. Milk fever & delirium; mammae hot.
Increase of milk in breasts.
Larynx - PA ol-arynx as if denuded. ,uBurning low down in larynx. OB Larynx very
sensitive [.to touch and] to inspired ai,r. ,Croup & fever. "Laryngitis; & inflammatory
fever; also & suffocative spasms. Croup, a*-akening in.first sleep; agony, to.ssing about;
,udry, short cough, but not much wheezing nor sawing breathing; cough and loud
breathing during expiration: every expiration ending with a hoarse, hacking cough;
after exposure to dry, cold winds. ,Croaking voice. Laryngeal complaints after
straining voice. Hoarseness, & pain when talking. Hoarseness after speaking or singing.
Voice husky, can scarcely speak, points to larynx, wants to cough, but can't.
Respiration - Shortness of breath; ,during sleep. :,{n1i6rs; hard; sits erect. "Agony; sits
straight up; can hardly breathe; pulse thread-like; vomiting; .tweat with onxiety;
swelling under short ribs; afier scarlet fever. "Oppressed, when moving fast or
l5 Acon.

ascending; in heart disease. ,uAqthma fiom active hyperaemia of lungs and brain. face
red, eyes staring; after emotions; can talk but little at a time; loud, strong. noisy
breathing, with open mouth. Asthma aller suppression of acute rash; f'eeling of a band
around chest; muscles of chest rigid. Deep, slow, sighing. Slow, rattling; in apoplexy.
Short, when raising one's self. During inspiration <. during expiration >. Breathes only
with diaphragrn.
Cough Hoarse, dry, croupl,;& loud, laboured breathing. Child -qrasps its throat every
time it coughs. Dry, short. hacking; < night and afier midnight..Short, barking. ringing
or whistling, < every inspiration; '< at night, drinking. ,Croupy; dry, coarse, suffocating;
loud. rough, croaking; on expiration lSpong., on inhalationl; from dry, cold winds, or
drafis of air. .Awaking with danger of suffbcation; from tickling in throat. Lying on
back >, on side <. uFrequent little cough fiom dryness in trachea. Cough < afier taking
cold; drinking cold water; frorn tobacco smokel lying on either side. Dry, & raw pain
in chest, from change of temperature. Av,akening.from sleep. With nervous excitabiiity.
From speaking. From walking in open air.
Sputum - Blood comes up with ["easy] hawking; ,hemming or slight cough; & anxiety,
palpitation, quick pulse, stitches in chest. ,Brigltt red blood; blood and mucus, & raw
feeling behind sternum; rusty; thin, frothy, white mucus streaked with bright blood.
Haemoptysis from mental excitement, wine or exposure to dry, cold air. ,'Sputum
absent. Thin, gelatinous. < mornings and during day. Scanty, falls in round lumps. dark
cherry-red: i n pneumonia.
Chest - SE Hot feeling in lungs. Tingling in chest afier cough. ,.As if lungs will not
expand. PA Constant pressure in l. chest: oppressed breathitg on least motion. Stitches
through chest; ,u4 bending sideways. oPressive weight and burning under sternum.
Lancinating, through chest, & dry heat. difficult breathing; often violent g[]ll. r,,ln
middle of chest, + back. < every motion of body. Stitches in r. side of chest. but oniy
when lying on that side; in endocarditis. oB ,Violent rushes ofblood to chest. Pleurisy.
,'Pneumonia'.first stage in robust person.t; chill of more or less severir,n; .ftillovved b-v
intense.feve4 hot, dry skin; laboured and incomplete respiration; and dn, hard cough.
Heart - SE .Heart f'eels swollen; in carditis. .Dreadful oppression and anxiety about
heart. .As if boiling water were poured into chest, & palpitation. Feeling of fulness,
stitches at heart; lies on back, with raised shoulders. Oppression about heart & burning
flushes along back. oB Tachycardla. Affections of heart & pain in l. shoulder,' ,pain <
sitting erect. Palpitation, & anxiery, fainting and tingling in fingers; ,pain down l. arm;
"& restlessness; difficult breathing; confusion in head; flying heat in face; pressive pain
in cardiac region. PuLse fuLL, hard; tense and bounding; sometimes intermits. Temporal
and carotid arteries felt when sitting. ,p4lp1TAIION: FROM ANXIETY; DURING FEVER;
AFTER FRIGHT; FROM MOTION; AND ON WAKING. Uncomplicated cardiac disease
[.hypertrophy of heart] esp. & numbness of l. orm; tingling in.fingers; fainting. upvlss
strong, full, hnrd, in asthma; quick, hard, small, in peritonitis. ,Pulse quicker than heartbeat.
Back - SE Crawling and tingling, as if bruised; ,uas from beetles. oNumbness in lumbar
region + legs. PA Numb, stiff, painful. Bruised, between scapulae, ,and in lumbar
region. oTettring, in nape. Painful stiff neck, < moving neck; pain + right shoulder.
Drawing, tearing, in scapulae. ,uln lumbar region, esp. at last lumbar vertebrae, as if
beaten. Stitches between scapulae, on deep breathing. Burning, shooting in spine.
Tensive, pressing, in lumbar and sacral regions, on stepping. os Stiffness in nape; ,fiom
nape downwal(. ,"$p2s6s from inf'lammatory atTections of spine. Weariness in neck on
motion as if involving single muscles, esp. evenings and nights. Spinal meningitis after
injury or checked sweat. Slightest touch of spine = spasms.
Limbs - SE Numbness and tingling of hands and .feet. ,.As if bru sed and heavy. PA
,Stitches in inflamed joints. OB Icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet. Hot
hands & cold.feet. Rheumatic inflammation of joints; < [,,evening and] night; bright red
Acon. 16

shining swelling, very sensitive to least contact. Weak and lax ligaments of all joints.
Painless cracking of all joints. .Trembling. Convulsive contraction. Twitching of
fingers and toes.
Upper - SE Arms feel lame, bruised, heavy, numb, ocan scarceLt- move hand..Creeping
in fingers, esp. during writing. ,uAs fiom needles, in wristjoint. PA Down l. arm lcttct.;
Crot-h.; Kalm.; Tab.l. nDrawing, tearing, in shoulder-joint, elbow-joint, in forearm,
wrists and fingers. oB Bright red hypothenar eminences on both hands. "Hands icy
cold, cold sweat in palms. Blueness of nails. ,uArm hangs down powerless; as if
paralysed by blows. Jerks of 1. arm. Paralysis of wrists. Red pimples on back of hands.
Pulnts hor. Red lingertips.
Lower Sr Hip-.ioint and thigh feel lame, esp. after lying down. As if drops of water
trickle down front of thighs. "Thighs as if tightly bandaged, when walking. Ankles as
if tied with a ligature. Legs and feet feel numb; tingling, commencing in feet and
spreading upwards. Hot pricking in toes; toes 'go to sleep' when walking. PA ncramps
in calves. .Drawing in tendons. Flying shooting in knee # coldness. oB Knees
unsteady; disposition of foot to turn lAesc.l. ,Legs powerless; ,feei tired during rest.
"Legs almost powerless t{ter sitting; numbness. Coldness of feet, esp. toes.'uColdness
of feet and ankles; soles and toes cold and sweaty.
Sleep - Nightly ravings. Sleeplessness [,.after midnight], & restlessness and tossing
about; ,usyg. closed [use 30th potency]. Starting up in sleep. Insomnia of the aged.
.Sleepiness; spasmodic yawning. Sleeplessness caused by fear, fright or anxiety, & fear
of the future. Sleeping light, imagines in morning he has not slept at all, yet not weak.
Dreams - Nightmare. Anxious. Long dreams, & anxiety in chest. ,uVivid, of day's
Fever - Thirst & restlessne,ss always present. Most valuable febrifuge & mental
anguish, restlessness, etc., InJlamtnat o ry .fbv e rs.
Chill - Cold stage most marked. Coldness # heat; .at night. Evening chilliness soon
after going to bed. Chilliness down back. CoLd waves pass through him. Chllly if
uncovered or touched. ,Chilliness, even & heat of head and face and thirst, always &
anguish. .Chilliness on slight movement. Shivering ascends from feet to chest.
Chilliness tovvards evening, & thirst, hot head and.face, red cheeks and headache
pressing outward. ,usensation of coldness in bloodvessels. Commencing in limbs and
going over whole body, & gooseflesh; < in rest; > motion. With one hot cheek and
contracted pupils.
Heat - Dry heat, red face. ,HIGH FEVER; dry burning heat; in eyelids, nose, mouth,
throat, lungs and palms, must uncover. .Predominates, esp. in head and face.
u'lntolerable, on going to sleep. Dry, burning, generalll, extending.from head and face,
& much thirst.for cold drinks.
Sweat - Drenching, on parts lain on; > all symptoms, resp. of anxiety. Cold sweat and
icy coldness of face. ,uOn affected or uncovered parts; likes to be uncovered. oProfuse
hot, during sleep; cold or sour. Bad effects from suppressed sweat; ,u= catarrhs, fever,
local inflammations, etc. uProfuse, & copious flow of urine and diarrhoea.
Skin - Red, hot, swollen, dry, burning; "shining. Purpura miliaris. Rash like measles.
Goosef'lesh. Formication and numbness. Formication down back. ,As if ice water on
skin. ,Fine prickling as from needles here and there. Spots like flea-bites; itching
unchanged by scratching. Rash of children; miliarl-; also in measles and scarlet fever
,Erythema from sun's rays; papular erythema.
Modalities - Worse: Violent emotions [FRIGHT; SHOCK; vexation]. ChiLLed Dy COLD,
dry winds; while sweatin g. Noise. Light. Dentition. Night. ol-ying on 1. side or on back;
,on affected side. After getting into bed. Rising from bed. In close [,warm] room.
Tobacco smoke. ,Pressure, touch. During menses. Sleeping in the sun. Music. Better:
Open air. Repose. Warm sweat. .Sitting still [rheumatism]. Wine.
T1 Acon.

*The time of the aggravation of Acon. symptoms is chiefly at night and about midnight.
Heat as well as cold is injurious to the Acon. patient; sunstroke is among the conditions
which call for it; and Acon. will cure many headaches caused by exposure to the sun,
and also sun erythema. Headaches generally > open air, < warm room; toothache and
cough < open air. > Uncovering. Warm room < chill; in fever, the bed is intolerable; he
wants to uncover. There is > wine or stimulants; < drinking [any kind of liquid]. Resr >
symptoms generally, but during the night the pains are intolerable, limbs feel tired and
rigors are worse. Lying > headache and vertigo, and < other complaints. Lying on back
> cough and stitches in chest; lying on side < stitches in chest and cough; the cheek lain on
sweats. Rising from a seat = vertigo. Vertigo, palloq faintness on sitting up in bed. Bending
double > colic and dysmenorrhoea pain. Motion < pain in muscles, joints, and stiffness.
Conditions - oEsp. applicable to plethoric persons, or those leading sedentary lives;
dark hair and eyes; persons with rigid fibre. .Is generally indicated in acute or recent
cases occurring in young persons, esp. girls of a fu11, plethoric habit; persons easily
affected by atmospheric changes. ,.Old age; sleeplessness. Contra indicated in fevers
which bring out eruptions or are otherwise salutary, unless there is agonizing tossing
with dry skin.
Relations - Acon. is related in its action to the other Aconites and to Aconitinum, and
also to the Ranunculacea'. Act-sp., Cimic., Peon., Podo., Ran-b., Staph.
Teste places in theAconite group: Cocc., Cfutm., Dulc., Cann-i., Con.But he admits
that the relationship is not close, and that Acon. is really without analogues.
Compare:Bry. [effects of cold, dry winds]; Bry. and Nax-v. [diarrhoea from anger];
Camph., Lyc., Puls. and Sec. [> uncovering]; Chin. [white stools] ; Coff. and Hep.
[intolerance of pain; oCoff. fever, sleeplessness]: Gels. Leffects of bad news, fright,
angerl; ,Bel/. [,sudden, violent acutes; high fever; throbbing; flushed face; Bell. is
thirstless and lacks the anxiety and restlessness; in Bell. the pupils are often more
dilatedl; Cham.; Arn. l.lvlLtr,:r tisml;Ars.,' Cact.; Canth.; Conv.; Colch.; Dig.; SpiS.;
Verat.; ,4gUy.; Acon-c.; Acon-f.; Acon-\.; Aconin.; Eran.; Fen-p.; Queb.; ,Op.
[complaints after fright; fear of the fright remains.]; Stram. ldesire for light and
companyl. Cctmplementary to: Anz. [bruises; injury to eye]; Coff.7"'1st.r, sleeplessness,
intolerancetopainl; Sulph.[Acon. istheacute ofSulph., andbothprecedesandfollows
it in acute inflammatory conditions; Sulph. is the chronic of Acon., it will ofien
complete an action thatAcon. begins, and will cure cases in whichAcon. is apparently
indicated but fails to relievel. Often indicated after: Arn.; Coff.; Sulph.; Verat.
Antidoted by: Acet-ac.; alcohol; Paris; Sulph.; uto large doses: free vomiting by
emetics; wine, vegetable acids, vinegar. Antidote to: Bell.; Cham.; Coff.; Nux-v.; Petr.;
Sep.; Sponx.; Sulph.; ,'Verat. Followed well bv: uArn.; Ars. [coiic]; Bell' [in gastric
statesl; Bry. [cough];1p. [gastric states, after pulmonary febrile affectionsf; Merc.
fdysentery]; Pals. [strangury of children]; Sep.; Spong. [cough]; Sulph.
,Acids, wine and coffee, lemonade, and acid fruits modify its action.
Not indicated in malarial and low fevers or hectic and pyaemic conditions, and in
inflammations when they localise themselves.
Causation - Fear. Fright. Chill. Cold, dry winds. Heat; esp. of sun. Injury. Surgical
operations. Shocks.


Arist-m. 158


Brazilian Snake Root

Characteristics Stitching pains in various parts. Pain in heels, burning in anus and
frequent rtrination. Flatulence in stomach and abdomen. Pain in back and limbs.
Stifiness of 1egs. Pain in tendo-achillis. Itching and swelling around malleoii. 'Colic
befbre cliarrhoea. Diabetes. Excoriated lips; pasty mouth; bitter taste; excoriated gums.
Lancinating pain in apex of heart, arresting respiration. Disturbed sleep, disgusting
Relations - ,Compare: Serp.


Virginia Snake Root

Characteristics - Symptoms of intestinal tract. Colliquative diarhoea. meteorism'

Flatulent dyspepsia.'Brain congestion. Distension and cutting pains in abdomen.
Symptoms iiti it.,ose of Poison oak. ,Congestion to and heat of head. Copious saliva,
spits'often. lncreased appetite. Frequent desire to urinate; ilTitable bladder and genitals.
Disturbed sleep.



Leopard's Bane

Characteristics - Produces conditions upon the system quite similar to those resulting
tiom iniuries, falls, blows, contusions. Tinnitus. Putrid phenomena..Septic conditions;
prophyiactic of pus infection. Apoplexy, red. full face. It is esp. suited to cases when
inyinjury, however remote, seems to have caused the present trouble. After rrattnntiL'
injuriis, or..ut" of any organ, stlains. Arn. is disposed to cerebral congestion. Acts best
in plethoric patients, ieebly in debilitated patients with impoverished blood. Cardiac
dropsy & dyspnoea. A muscular tonic. Traumatism of grief, remorse . or sudden
realisation oi financial loss. Limbs and body ache as if beaten; joints as if sprained.
Marked efl-ect on the blood. Affects the venous system inducing stasis. Ecchymosis and
haemorrhages. Relaxed bloodvessels, black and blue spots. Tendency to haemorrhage
and low-fever states. Tendency to tissue degeneration, septic conditions, abscesses that
do not mature . Sore, lame, bruised feeling. Neuralgias originating in disturbances of
pneumogastric. Rheumatism of musculal and tendinous tissue, esp. of back and
ihoulders. Aversion to tobacco. InJluenru. Thrombosis. Haematocele. 'BRUISED
SORENESS; all over; atter the pains; of the bleeding part lFerr.). Absorbent action
FOTJL; breath, taste, flatus, stools, etc.; oputrid, odour oJ rotten eggs. Crushing pain'
SEARCH OF A SOFTER SPOT. Involuntan, evacuations. Pains are paralytic; sudden.
shifting pains from joint to joint' Compound fractures; ''and their profu'se suppuration'
Twitchlng: tendons, muscGs. vaginitis in females and impotence in males from
excessive-sexual indulgence. Mind symptoms # uterine symptoms. Complaints when
overhurriecl. Recurring boils; ''1no,r, small, pcLinfuL boiLs, one ttt'ter another; ertemely
sore. Surgical operations. Insect stings. Sp.inters. .General rheumatoid diathesis and
cutaneoui manifestations. uFormication or clull pain in contused parts. Lassitude and
sluggishness of whole body; scarcely able to stand. Mlsl lie down, .,-et bed .lbeLs too
t rrli. Wnorc body, esp. skin and joints, excessively painful and sensitive. Tearing,
tingling, drawing, eti. in outer parts. ,Nervous affections as chorea after falls.
t59 Arn.

trrettgth. Partial paralysis from concussion of spine. General < during increase of
moon. Bruised parts tingle, feel numb, or as if dead. Preyents suppuration.
Hlperinosemia is rather a contra-indication for Am. Emaciation. Dropsy of internal
pans. Osteomyelitis lin beginning). Sprains & much swelling, bluish redness, intense
toreness. Contusions without laceration. Indicated in ailments from spirituous liquors
or from charcoal vapours. Burrowing pus; not painful.
)Iind - Fears touch, or approach of anyone ["in gout]; 'ofears even the possibility of
being struck. Unconscious; when spoken to answers correctly, but relapses
r'unconsciousness and delirium return at oncel. Indifference; inability to perform
.-ontinuous active work; morose, delirious. Nervous; can't bear pain; whole body
or ersensitive. Says there is nothing the matter with him; ,SENDS THE DOCTOR HOME.
\\':ants to be let alone. Agoraphobia [fear of space]. After mental strain or shock. ,Fear
oi sickness; of instant death [,.9 cardiac distress at night]; on awaking. Morose,
repellent mood. Physically restless, but mentally prostrate or apathetic; answers slowly,
r,'ith an effort.,Fear remains at night after fright [Op. during day]. Sudden fear that
rouses one fiom sleep at night, esp. after an accident..Stupor, & involuntary discharge
.rf faeces; typhoid. Sullen, morose, doesn't speak a loud vyord. Low muttering delirium
or complete stupor in malarial or typhoid fevers. Hypochondriacal anxiety.
Censorious, critical. Defiant. Sadness from injuries of the head. Oversensitive to noise.
Talking in sleep. Weeping <. Sighing during heat.,Fear of heart disease, esp. at night.
Srupefaction, loss of sight and hearing; in concussion of brain. Absentminded,
thoughts wander from their object and dwell on images and fancies. Forgetful, what he
reads quickly escapes his memory; even the word he is about to speak. Sits as if in
thought, yet thinks of nothing; a sort of waking dream. Thinking tardy. Picks
bedclothes. Indisposed to think; after walk in open air. Doesn't speak a word; declines
answering questions, dislikes sympathy. Hopelessness; indffirence; after concussion.
Frightened; unexpected trifles cause him to start. Ailments from fright or anger.
Oversensitive mood, peevish, quarrelsome. Pains insufferable, drive him crazy; < every
motion or noise; change quickly from part to part; scratches at the wall or bed,
apparently for relief. Excessive inclination to hard and long literary labours. Prays
quietly for her soul. Thoughtless gayety; great frivolity and mischievousness. After rage
sheds tears, and makes exclamations. Violent attacks of anguish, & angina pectoris.
Delirium tremens. Coma. Muttering delirium. Sensation of being good for nothing.
Vertigo - Chronic; objects whirl about, esp. when waiking. Of the aged. Wirh nausea,
vomiting and diarrhoea.Worse: walking, sitting erect, closing eyes..On rising and on
moving. .With nausea; > when sitting or bending head, but on righting or moving the
head a feeling as if everything turned with her [,uor was falling on her]. ,,\r71"n closing
eyes. During headache.
Head - SE Confused; ,brain feels tired; ,.5urnirg in brain. Scalp feels contracted. ,As if
brain were shattered..Headache as from a nail in temple; ,u& general sweat about l2
p.m., followed by faintness. Pressive headache, as if distended from within outward.
Pain, as if a knife were drawn through head transversely [,.f16. L side], followed by
[ ,internal] coldness [ "of head, which causes hair to stand on endl. As if skin of forehead
uere spasmodically contracted. As if brain were rolled up in a lump. Lof{sayiness in
middle of brain. Cold sensation at a small spot on forehead; as if some one touched
forehead with cold thumb. Unbearable feeling as from ice on vertex; after breakfast.
Buming or hot spots on vertex. As of a heavy weight in head. As if a liquid was
tluctuating in brain on day following attack of headache. Brain as if sore and tender at
upper part of head. Head as if too large. Pain in occiput as if hair was pulled out or as
Arn. r6:

,Eructations; like rotten eggs [,u]1 morning]. .Eructations of bitter mucus. Vomiting of
food, mixed with blood. .Empty eructations at night. Nausea; & general relaxation: &
burning and scratching in throat. ,oHiccough; in meningitis. Retching at night. Car-
sickness. Stomach distended with wind; = pressure on precordia and oppression of
chest. Belching after coughing.
Abdomen - SE ,nSwashing in abdomen as of water. pA Stitches under false ribs; [.< /.-
when standing, intercepting breathl. Sharp thrusts through abdomen;
'ufrom one side to
the other. .Stitches in region of spleen, taking away breath; ,o& soreness on pressure.
Pains [after iifting]. Colic, & retention of urine. Bruised, in sides of abdomen. oPressure
and constriction below last ribs. Stitches and cutting in abdomen; in sides during cough.
Colic, resembling dysentery, a deep-seated digging pain in hypogastrium on both sides,
& nausea and drowsiness. Intermittent tearing in L half of pubic eminence. ,nstitches in
region of liver; painful when turning in bed. Pressure in region of liver. Around navel
when moving. From liver through 1. chest and down 1. arm; veins on hands swollen,
purplish; sudden pain, as if heart were squeezed, or, as if it got a shock. OB Distended;
offensive flatus. .Hard distension. .Tympanitic distension; frequent urging to stool,
though constipated. ,nHard swelling of r. side of abdomen, & severe pain when touched.
Rectum - SE ,uOf rumbling in rectum, without stools. Anus as if bruised. pa
'uConstricting cramps in rectum while standing. Burning along perineum during
urination. OB Must lie down after every stool. Straining of tenesmus in diarrhoea.
Stools; o/ensive, brown, bloody, putrid, involuntary f,oilysluntary during sleep]. Looks
like brown /eastl odlal'fi6ea. Diarrhoea of consumption; < lying on l. side. Dysenteric
stools & muscular pains. ,Brown or white diarrhoea, & distension of abdomen before
and rumbling in abdomen during stool. Dysentery; long intervals between stools.
Ribbon-like stools, from enlarged prostrate or retroverted uterus. -Undigested stools.
,Prolapsus ani only > washing whole body. uDiarrhoea at night, & cutting in intestines.
,oStools consisting of bloody, slimy mucus, & urging and violent bellyache; dark,
bloody mucus & sore, bruised feeling in abdomen. Stools fluid, foamy, terribly
offensive, acrid. Dysentery, & ischuria, or tenesmus of neck of bladder with Jruitless
urging. Obstinate constipation after a blow on epigastrium. Urging every half hour,
nothing but slime being passed. Offensive flatus; smelling like rotten eggs. Prolapsus
ani < after walking for few minutes only, hindering him from going any further.
Urinary - SE 'oBladder feels overfilled. pa ,Cutting in kidneys; ,.piercing, as from
knives plunged into kidneys, & chilliness and inclination to vomit. ,uCutting in orifice
of urethra at end of urination. OB Retention from overexeftion; ,nf1s1 labour. Dark
brick-red sediment. Vesical tenesmus & very painful micturition. oTenesmus of bladder
& diarhoea. .Unable to urinate after holding the urine forcibly. oBloody urine from
mechanical causes. Urine retained, & aching and pressing in bladder. Involuntary
urination at night during sleep; oor when running during day. nBladder affections after
mechanical injuries. Urine passes involuntary in drops, & constant urging. Has to wait
a long time for urine to pass. Urine in small quantity, staining napkin yellow-brown.
Scanty, red urine, very offensive. Frequent discharge of pale urine. Red urine in liver
complaint. Infants scream from pain in bladder. Constant dribbling of urine after
Iabour. Brown clear urine which immediately becomes whitish and turbid. Discharge
of pus from urethra during urination.
Male - SE ,oOf weakness, relaxed testicles, as after an emission; early in bed. on
.Swelling of penis and scrotum, bluish-red. Hot swelling of scrotum [after injury].
'Impotence from excess or abuse. Seminal emission on slightest amorous excitement.
,ospermatic cords painfully swollen, stitches in abdomen. Erysipelas of scrotum +
anus. Hydrocele caused by a bruise. Violent continued erections often waking.
Phimosis from friction; parts bruised and much swollen.
Female - SE As if foetus were lying crosswise. oOvarian region [groin] as if sprained,
163 Arn.

rirging her to walk bent. PA Bruised parts after labour; .soreness and lameness ofparts
,,:ler delivery, esp. after instrumental delivery. ,Soreness of abdomen, causing the
.:otiiln ol the child to keep her awake at night. oB Violent afterpains: ,< suckling;
ieturn rvhile sucklingl. Uterine haemorrhages from mechanical injury; after eoition.
Srrre nipples. Mastitis liom injury. ,Prolonged afterpains. Inflammation of vagina and
-iterus after severe labour. lnflammation of mammae from sore nipples. ',Menses
te nerally too soon. Menses too frequent and profuse. Ulcers of uterus with a tendency
io bleed. Labia painfully swollen. ProLupsus caused b.n- t'ottcussion Haemorrhages
bri-eht red or mixed with clots; head hot, body cool. Bloody discharge between menses.
Threatened abortion from falls, shocks, etc. Labour pains weak or ceasing, wants to
rhange position often, feels bruised; violent labour pains, yet they do but little good.
Sr,r elling of mammae after contusions. Prophylactic against pyemia in puerperal t-ever.
Larynx - SE Raw, sore f'eeling [,,along trachea and bronchia] in morning. ,',Crackling
in trachea, evenings when lying down. oB Hoarseness tiom overuse of voice; 'in
persons who constantly speak or sing. .Hoarseness; < exertion, colds or getting \\'et.
Tickling in trachea = dry cough, & stitches in head. ,"Voice deepi or low, muttering.
Hoarseness early in morning. Constant insupportable tickling in larynx and trachea, =
cough day and night.
Respiration - Dyspnoea & haemoptysis. "Short, panting. Dyspnoea; quick inspirations
end expirations. *15pfuyais neonatorum. Dyspnoea & head hot, face red, body coo1.
.\sthma & inclination to move aboLl; & sleepLe.ssnes.s beJore midnight; looks ns if
dting; &.fatty heart. Children lose their breath when angry.
Cough - Depending on cardiac lesion, paroxysmal, at night, during sleep, < exercise.
Produced by weeping and lamenting; 'yawning. Dry ["slight], fiom tickling low down
in trachea; ,uevery morning on rising. Violent spasmotlic, & facial herpes. Whooping
cough, child cries before coughing. ,In sleep without waking. 'Cough = bloodshot eyes
or epistaxis. ,uAfier measles.
Sputum - .Can't expectorate, but must swallow whatever is loosened by coughing.
Bloody, blackish, in ciots, even without cough. ,Scanty, difficult, of transparent, glairy
slime, mixed with black dots, or bloody. Offensive, green, purulent, blood-streaked;
day and evening. Foaming blood.
Chest - SE ,Heaviness in lower chest. ,uAs if all ribs were bruised. when coughing.
Articulations and cartilaginou.s connections of chest feel as il beaten, whL'n ntotittg.
breathing, or coughing. Of an oppressive weight at upper part of chest, & feeling of
constriction in throat. PA.Stitches in r. ribs, + axilla on breathing. .Stitches in chest [1.],
< dry cough; < motion; > external pressure; & short cough, which < pain, and &
tightness of chest. Violent stitches in middle of l. chest. ,"ln intercostal muscles.
Burning or rawness in chest. Pressive, in [r.] chest, at a small spot, not increased by
motion, touch or inspiration. Stitches in sides of chest during cough. oB Pneumonia;
approaching paralysis. Pleurodynict[Ran-b.; Cimic.l. n,Pleurisy a/termechanic'ul injurie.s;
must continuolLy change position, bed feels .so hard. Huemorrhage afier mechunical
injuries; sLight sltitting of black, thick, viscid blood, or bright red, frothl, 61o1111, ,r'rrO
w,ith nrucus and coagula. Pneumothorax from external injuries. Red sweat on chest.
Heart - SE ,,,Sudden pain. as if heart was squeezed, or as if it got a shock. Region of
base of heart as if bruised. PA Stitches in heart. oPressure under sternum, anguish,
collapse, small irregular pulse, dyspnoea; angina pectoris. ,,Stitches in heart fiom l. to
r., & fainting fits; in angina pectoris. oB Angina pectoris; pain esp. severe in L elbow.
Cardiac dropsy & distressing dyspnoea. Fatty heart and hypertrophy. ,Beat shakes
whole body. Weakened heart muscle. "Pulse hurried. ,Pulse quicker than beat of heart.
Feeble fluttering of pulse. Cardiac distress at night, & horror of instant death.
Palpitation after almost any exertion; goes off by rest. "Strtrin of the heart," frutnt
vioLent running.
Arn. 164

Back - SE uGreat soreness and pain in back, as if bruised or beaten. ''Right dcapula and
lumbar region as if beaten. Inner portion of r. scapula as if bruised. Sacrum as if beaten.
Of a great weight across lower part of loins, and feeling of being drawn in, as if a cord
was tightly drawn across. PA .Violent, in spine, as afler sudden rising up after long
stooping; in morning on rising. In middle of spine when sitting; in spine as if it could
not iarry body. In lower cervical vertebrae on bending head, & tension; in spinal
processes of lower cervical and upper dorsal veftebrae, & tension. Between scapulae,
& pressure near spine. Stitches in r. side of back, frorn last ribs to axilla, at every
inspiration. ,"Agonizing, in back and hips before urination. OB ,Weakness of muscles of
neck; head falls backwards. ,uGreat sensibility of cervical vertebrae to pressure; during
congestive chills.
Limbs - SE As if sprained and dislocated. Soreness after overexertion. Everything on
which he lies seemi too hard. nHeaviness in all limbs. Paralytic in all joints during
tnotion. as if bruised. Limbs as if bruised, at rest or on motion; painful concussion fiom
jar of carriage, or stepping firmly, also tingling. ,oFormication; lame feeling; must often
posiiion, bed or chair seems so hard; after exertion, long marches, etc' oB Gout;
a rear bf being touche<l or approached. Rheumatism begins 1ow down and spreads
upward [Lerl.]. ,B5"r.atism, resulting from exposure to dampness, cold and excessive
muscular strain combined; pafis sore and bruised.
Upper - SE uAs if joints of arms and wrists were sprained. Slight cracking and
sensation of dislocation in r. wrist when moving hand. ,.Tingling in arms. Arms feel
weary, as if bruised. PA ,In arms > hanging down. oAcute bruised, in balls of thumbs.
Violent twitching, from shoulder-joint + little finger. Sharp drawing in outer half of
back ofr. hand. Tearing, twitching, drawing, in ulnar side ofback ofr. hand. Tearing in
tips of l. ring and little finger. Drawing in r. thumb. ,oQlnpps in fingers of l. hand. Oe
Deathly coldness of forearm. 'Want of strength in hands on grasping. Veins of hands
distended. ,,Unable to bend fingers inward, from weary, bruised feeling in arms.
Fingertips cold.
Lower - SE ,Hips 1-eel sprained. Weariness and tension in thighs. ,Thighs as if beaten
or contused, when walking. Calf of r. leg as if beaten, & lassitude of legs. Tarsal joints
as if sprained. ,.Tingling in legs and feet. Feet feel tired or inflamed after a walk. As of
a heavy weight in each instep, & want of power in ankles. Crawling, as if nerve were
pulled on outer half of 1. sole, when walking, on raising L foot and bending l. ankle. pA
.Drawing, pressing, in l. hip-joint, when sitting with thigh extended. Arthritic, in foot,
< towarcls evening; big toejoint red, feels sprained. Burning spot on outside of l. tibia.
Tearing, in r. outer malleolus, and on dorsum of foot. Drawing in outer half of back of
L foot. Tearing in 1. little toe. ,uStitch, like from a needle, when touching knee. Violent
burning in feet. OB Can't walk erect, on account of bruised pain in pelvic region.
,oAbscess of psoas muscle. Thighs livid, with blue yellow marks, as if black and blue.
Blue spots appeared on thighs, which felt as if bruised when touched; these spots were
more numerous after mental emotion or exertion. Carbuncle on thigh. Knee-joints
suddenly bending when standing, f'eet numb, insensible. Hygroma patellae. Hot
erysipelatous inflammation and painfulness of foot.
Sl-eef - Sleepless and restless when overtired. Comatose drowsiness; awakens with hot
heacl. Horrois in the night; rawakes in terror; 'fears to go to sleep again' Involuntary
stool during sleep. ,p1or. to sleep as he answers ['ubefore finishing]. oFrequent yawning
in evening, without sleepiness. ,uWhen getting awake, they stare and look around
anxiously, with small pupils; meningitis infantum. Unrefreshing sleep, loud, blowing
breathing. Is often kept awake until 2 to 3 a.m. from heat, restlessness and constant
desire to change position; or from prickling, stinging, biting, now here, now there, on
body. Falling asleep while lying on back. On falling asleep: starts as in fright; is aroused
by heat. Lies preferably with head low, or horizontally. Worse after a long sleep, or on
r65 Arn.

chilt. Can't fall asleep, fantastical iliusions while lying awake.

.ru aking. Yeiwning before
Dreams Of death, mutilated bodies. anxious and terrible. "Of graves: lightning
:trikin-e. etc. ,When dreaming sees black forms of spectres, ghosts. spirits: black
lnirrals. "Awful, of robbers and murderers. Of being buried alive, suffocation. etc.
\nrions. & talking. Repeating; had the very same dream often befbre. Awoke six or
.:r en times, each time fiom drearning that he was dying, his bed surrounded by friends.
iLr take their last leave.
Fever - Febrile symptbms closely related to typhoid. ',During apyrexia in intermittent
lever, headache, y6llow face, bitter taste, aversion to meat. Putrid. Intennittent.
I 'ittunatit'. Heclie , & emaciatton.
Chill Shivering over whole body. of part lain on. 'Shivering, as if dashed
n ith cold water. "ln morning in bed. With heat and redness of one cheek. On moving in
bed. "Fe1t worse in pit of stomach. Most in evening" & much thirst already before chill.
After every sleep. Internal, & external heat. On uncovering.
Heat - Heat and redness of head. & coldness of rest of body. Internal; feet and hands
r-old..In evening, & pains in back and lirnbs. Heat of head and upperparts, & coldness
irl lower parttl. nhead olone, or Jtrce oLone hot, body cold. ,l|1y, gsnslnl, after waking;
rn early morning, & violent thirst. Continuous heat & such weakness' that when
irttempting to sit up he faints. Flushes, & thirst. In often repeuted short attacks-
Sweat - Sour at night. ,uSour or offensive; sometimes cold. Several transitory sweats all
over at night. & anguish. Worse when sweating; sweat partial on fl"ont of body: aversion
to uncover. General, about midnight. followed by faintness.
Skin -.Black und blue spots; +rfrer every little hurt. ltching, burning, eruption of small
pimples. Crops o.f',smoll boils [Ichth.;Sil.]. Ecchymosis. Bedsores: ,uesp. sacral region
and hips. Acne indurata. characterised by syl1u11s7r- in distribution. .Dusky, mottled.
Yer,- sore acne. Pelechtae. Erysipelas; ,"phlegmonous. ,lnflammations of a dark, bluish
colour. ,scarlet fever when the eruption doesn't come out, in severe forn-rs, body dusky.
irottled and covered with red spots, patient continually turning, becomes gradually
rnorose and stupid. .Red, hot, oedematous. Hot, hard, shining swelling. frorn insect
\tings. ,Eruptions afier trauma. .Red spots first on limb. then upon trunk. Erythema
nodosum. Varicose ulcers: torpid; dirty, bluish bottom; no pus, but watery. t'etid
secretion, half transparent crusts, like thick glue, fetid. Corns fpare them and apply
externallyl. Carbuncle; of thigh.
\Iodalities - Worse: INJURIES; falls, blows; BRUISES; shock; jnrring; ctfier labour;
overexertion; sprains. TOUCH. Afier sleep. Motion. Old age. Alcohol ['wine]. Damp
cold. Coal gas. Lying on 1. side. ,Rest. ,Evening and night. Noise..Berfer.' Lying down
and lying with head low or outstretched. .Motion. ,Clear, cold. stimulating weather.
'There is < damp, cold weather with Arn., which is included by Grauvogl among the
rernedies suited to the hydrogenoid constitution.
Conditions ,It is suited to persons who are extremely sensitive to mechanical injuries.
and r,r,ho t'eel the ef}'ects of them long after; persons easily made train-sick or sea-sick.
Nervous women, sanguine plethoric persons, with red tace. Light complexion. sandy
hair, sanguine; whooping coltgh. Nervous, can't stand pain. Sanguine plethoric people
rvith lively expression, very red tace, disposed to cerebral congestion. Full-blooded,
strong, old people.
Relations - Compare: Abrot., Absin., CaLerL., Chcun., Cina, Gnaph. and other
Cornposit:e; Acon.; Am-c.; Ars.; Bapt. [typhoid states; Bapt. "l'eels i11", Arn. "f'eels
rvel1", resents being thought 1111; Bell.; Bn.; Calen. [,Calen. is preferable in wounds
u,ith loss of substance or with suppurationl; Cham.; Chin.; Crot-t [swashing in
abdomenl; Euphr.; Ham.; Hep.: Hyper. IrHyper. is preferable in spinal concussionsl;
Ip.: Merc.; Puls.; Ran-b.; Rhotl.; Ruta; Sil.; Staph.; Sulph. lutraumatic pleurisyl; Slil-
ac.; Symph.; Verat.;.Echi.'"Bctv.; Carb-v.: Cimit:.; ELaps; Nit-ac.; Phos.: Rltus-t.; Sec.;
Bar-m. 250

cardiac dii4tion. Arteriosclerosis of lung, thus in senile asthma, modifies the arterial
and 8 are protruding,, forming a hump.
Limbs - 6s *paralisis o.f upper and lower llmDs. Swelling of hands and feet.
Upper - OB ,,Painless je*ing in arms, esp. at night. Eruption like miilet seed on hands.
fower - SE nTension in ttrigns. Tension and increased wttrmth in knee. PA u'When
kneeling, a vir.tlent stitch, fotliwed by a peculiar tension in r. patellct, making it dfficult
to w-alk.'Frne stinging in ind around swollen knee. Cramps in toes. OB ,uEmaciation of
Fever - .During fever increased suppuration of ulcers with boys, and enlargement of
swollen cervical glands with girls
Chill - With thirst in evening: loss of appetite and vomiting. ChiLL # heat, during
angina tonsillaris.
Heat - ,Dry, all day. During cotyza.
Sweat - ,,,Disco1ouring. Cold.
Skin - ,.Biting sensati,on in skin. Spasmodic contraction of skin. Inflammation of skin.
Itchlike pimpks on head, nape, abdomen and thighs. Yell.owish, scal!- eruptions. Herpes
u, ,oriour' parts. Crusted herpes all over body, fttce excepted' SCROFULOUS
ERUPTIONS. Whole bodl- covered with ulcers.
Modalities -'Worse: Wet weather. Autumn. Spring.
Relations abdominal glands]; Iod., Iris and Kali-i.
- Compare: Con. [induration of ,Aur-m.
[pancreas]; Sel. [pulsations in abdomen); [wi1l often accomplish more in
silerotic and exudative degenerations than other remedies; multiple sclerosis;
fulgurating pains; tremors; Morvan's disease; hypertrophy of flngersl; PLb. and Plb-i.
[sclerotic degenerations, esp. of spinal cord. liver and heart].
FolLow.s yvell: Ar.s. fextravasation of blood]. Antidotedby: ADsln. [vomiting].


Sulphide of Barium

Characteristics - ,Very anxious, esp. during fever. Suspicious. Always in a hurry. Loss
of willpower anct marked iritability. Desire for and > open air. Itching of scalp. Pain in
sides oi head. Eyes < light. Vision dim on exertion of eyes. Roaring in,ears; hearing
impaired. Nose dry internally. Pressing in stomach after eating. Restless sleep. Externai
piles; constant mtisture at anus. Leucomhoea copious. smarting. Corns sore' sting,
burning, painful. Small warts, stinging pain.
Uoaaiities - Worse: Morning. Forenoon. Night. Hearty meals. Bathing. Before and
during menses. Better: Walking in open air.

Deadly Nightshade

Characteristics - Bell. acts upon every part of the nervous system, producing active
congestions, furious excitement; perverted special senses, twitching, convulsions and
pali tt has a marked action on the vascular system, skin and glands. Bell. is always
associatecl with hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, excited
mental state, hyperaesthesia of a1l senses. delirium, restless sleep, convulsive
movements, dryness of mouth and throat with aversion to water, neuralgic pains lhat
come and go suddenly lOxyt.). Heat, redness, throbbing and burning; Great children's
remed1,. E;ileptic rpis-. followed by nausea and vomiting. Scarlet fever and also
25t Bell.

prophylactic L30Cl. Exophthalmic goitre. Coffesponds to symptoms of "air-sickness"

in aviators; give as preventive. No thirst, anxieQ or fear.8e11. stands for vioLence of
attack and suddenness of onset. Bell. for the extreme of thyroid toxaemia; use lx
[Beebe]. ,DRYNESS, BRIGHT REDNESS, streaked lPhos.l, AND BURNING HEAT; &
PAINS THROBBING; SHARP CUTTING; SHOOTING or clawing; of maddening severity;
coming and going, in repeated attacks [Nit-ac.l. Scant or hot discharges. JERKS.
Shocks. TWITCHINGS. SPASM: of throat, vagina, etc. WORSE: LIGHT, NOISE, JARRING,
touch, motion. Right slde. ,Pulsation ofall vessels, & rush ofblood to various parts of
body. General < of all symptoms in the afternoon and at night. General tendency to take
cold easiiy from slight draft. Loss of sensation and motion of lower half of body, or of
isolated portions. Sensation in muscles as of something creeping, like a mouse.
Sensation as if inner organs were distended, or as if they would i,arsf. BLEEDING
FROM INNER PARTS. Loss of sensation and motion of one side of the body. Summer
compiaints of children, & crying and screaming and suddenly bending backwards.
,lrriiability and acuteness of sense, of taste, smelL touch, sight, hearing, and the mind
is easily moved and thoughts more acute. Great restlessness, & sudden starting;
grinding of teeth; convulsions. Can't bear to be touched anywhere. Restless, constantly
changing position, or moving the body to and fro, esp. hands and feet; 'ocan't stay long
in one position, at one time lies, at another sits, again stands, in all of which he
constantly changes his position. Chief action on cerebmm, from which radiates its
influence upon the entire organism. ,GENERAL < AT 3 PM. ''Spasms of one and
paralysis of other side. Spasmodic motion of body, generally backwards. Sudden
changes from warm to cold <. Wrapped up warmly in room >. Complaints during
puberty. Convulsions commence in arm. Throws body forwards and backwards while
lying, like constant change from emprosthotonos to opisthotonos; chorea. On closing
eyes for sleep a sudden shock runs through body from below up.
Mind - Patient lives in a world of his own, engrossed by spectres and visions and
oblivious to surroundings. While the retina is insensible to actual objects, a host of
visual hallucinations throng about him and come to him from within. He is acutely alive
and crazed by a flood of subjective visual impressions and fantastic illusions.
Hallucinations; sees monsters, hideous faces. Delirium; frightful imageq'furious.' rages.
bites, strikes; wants to escape; 'uor hide himself. Loss of consciousness. Disinclined to
talk. Perversity, & tears ['children]. Acuteness of all senses. Changeableness. Constant
moaning. ,Overactive. WILDLY DELIRIOUS. Excited; ferocious; noisy; cries out.
The child cries out suddenLy, and ceases .just as suddenly,' ,oand appears as if nothing
hadbeen the matter. Imagines he sees ghosts, hideousfaces andyarious insects; black
animals, dogs, wolves, e/c. .Delirium; > after sleep; & quick movements; & springing
out of bed; violent delirium, & livid face, injected and protruding eyes, dilated pupils,
strong pulsation in carotids; full, hard, frequent pulse and inability to swallow. Fury;
pulling at hair of bystanders. Fury, & heat of body, staring eyes and continually spitting
at those around her. Fright, & weeping. Sadness, & indifference. Mistrust.
Hypochondriac depression. 'An angel when well, a devil when sick. .Disposed to tear
things to pieces. Fear of imaginary things; wants to run away from them. Carphologia;
,opicking at bedclothes as if looking for something lost, & confused muttering.
Abhorrence of lic1uids; liquid poured out makes her furious. Stupefaction & congestion
ro head and dilated pupils. ,IMAGINES HIMSELF DREAMING WHEN AWAKE. Delusion
he had stabbed a person who passed him on the street. FEAR OF IMAGINARY
ANIMALS. Hasty motions of hands. Hides things. Pleasure in voluptuous ideas only.
Rage, doesn't know his reLatives. Suicidal disposition while walking in open air. Plays
antics. Anxiety during menses; during sleep. Consolation <. SEES FACES ON CLOSING
Bell. 252
ecrrve, ,uremembers tirings long gone by' Praying' RAGE DIIRING.HEADACHE'
Restlessness luring hectclainr. nigi trotliig to violent deeds.'Dtsposition
to dance,
OOCS. impaired; forg.ets in a moment what he
tarln, .ing, whistlJ. 'FEAR OF ''Memory
*ui uUori to do. Confusion < motion. Weary oi 1ife, & desire in two,
to drown herself'
gnawed the plate'
Talkative, then mute. Instead of eating, bit the wooden spoon
would spit and bite
;il ;;*i.J ,nd barked like a dog. M'in1a, at one^time merry, again
during exuberant mirth'
ui in?r. around; thinks himself iuddenly rich. Quarrelsome
Fretful; nothing seemed.right to him;
Anxious and confused, fears she is aboui to clie.
Likes to brood in silence, supreme indifference, nothing makes an
vexed with himself.
;;;ril;. Mind disordered so rhar speech didn,t correspond to thought, nor rhought
Me.y while laughing or, singing she
i; :;;, nor sense ro objects present. craziness,
.tnirrrtfy touches thingi around her. When closing eyes' though not asleep' seemed to
with horns and bushy heads; room
,".. fi.i.L, wicked looklng large animals
as they passed,
be full of strange ,n.n pa'srin! in and out, who would snatch at her
.rit, to take her away from
which frighter.l h". ,"iy she thought the men wanted
tome; ,nJtnen saw childien sitting on lowlenches in rows as in a school-room'
u, oi, using a stick for a gun. Rather desires death than
ideas,'thinks he is riding on
lead to
i."ir'it. Weeping and sireaming, < genile consolarion. Nearly all symptoms around her to
,loi."." of actio"n; patient must Jo evErything violently; she wishes^those part
kitl her. Sensation of floating or gliding along, as if in a boat; as if the body' or a
oiit *u, greatly enlarged. Sie feils oithoselround her; at tirnes she seats herself; at
times she acts as if she was washing, or as if she counted money, or as
if she was
protruding eyes;
drinking; she mutters as if asleep; she talks like a maniac, with staring,
talks about dogs that swarm arbund her; converses with a late sister in a churchyard;
beautiful images present themselves to her as if by a charm' Hands
motion, tries io caich things in air. Disposition to spit. Quarrelsome during exuberant
mirth. Starts in affright at ipproach of others' Sits and brettks pins'
head, roaring in
Ve.tigo - Wirh falli"ng to l.'side or backwards. .With rush of blood to
ears, dim vision, etc. < motion. ,with sensation as if sinking through bed. 'with
if objects a circle' or swayed
,."i.fri.g of sighi and flickering betbre eyes- A-s
,uWith sensation as if a board were before
to ancl fro. On motion; on turniig over in ted.
forehead. As if bed were bounciig one up and clown. With tired t-eeling befbre and after
atl.ack. Worse: stooping and rising from stooping'
of a
Head - SE ,Brain rises and falls in *ur.t; ,.in forehead, at every step. 'sensation
iourJ p."..irg on forehead. "As if a stone were pressing forehead. Fulness and pressure
ui t"-pf., an"d forehea6, & pain, .nu-kirg him restless and uneasy. As
if bones were
directiy on bending
iitt"O ip. As if brain 11,ui p.".t..0 to foreLead, which disappetired
head backwara. on stoopi'ng, as if everything would issue at forehead. As if sutures of
skull were being torn operl'ano as if a lever was being applied,.whereby
head was
forced as,nder. A kind Lf twisting in veftex. Skull as if quite thin, as if it could be
pi.rr"O ,frrorgh. As if skull wai transparent. Numbness in temples. Scalp as inif
contracted. As if muscles of forehead and eyes were contracted [externally]. pA
brain like swashing of water. Cold sensation in brain at middle of
< light' jar' lving dov;n
ilil*, esp. in foihead, also occiput and temples' Pain t'tois-e'
posture. worse on r. side and when lying
-etc.; and semi-erect
and in aJiernorrr?,. > pressure
down; from colds, from having haii cut. From suppressed catarrhal flow.
,fn[OeefNC , < temples; < motion, iletting hair down; ,opressing strongly on part,
bending hea<l backwaris. 'Often be'gins i-n o-cc.iput ancl
-> r' temple or 'forehead and
settles-about r. eve [Sang.).'Better: ctld applications, Lving in.dark' pressure, from
menses' wrapping up' but < warmth'
iirii,rg sititng-,lyiigon abdomen;
heacl, 'oduiing
2s3 Bell.

ll'orse: motion, sun, menses, heat, stepping, touch, stooping, coughing; .moving eyes,
iooking down and reading. oTensive pressure in l. vertex and in forehead. lntense, <
,:oise, motion, moving eyes, contact and when coughing. Pressure in head, now here,
tiotr tl'rere, which occupies each time large areas. Jerking, extremely violent on walking
tuicklt,, or ascending stairs rapidly; at every step a jolt downward, as if a weight were
:n occiput. Frequently obliged to stand still in walking; from violence of pain in
',trehead; at every step it seems as if brain rose andfell inforehead; pain> pressing
,rrongly on forehead. In head and eyeballs, as if the latter would start from their
\rrckets. Pressive, in forehead, so severe during motion that it causes him to close his
.-,?r. i0> sitting, ceases when lying down, < rising again or going into open air.
S:abbing, as if with a knife, from one temple to the otheu uCrampy, in frontal eminence
=> zygoma and lower jaw. Violent, in forehead, & heat and redness of face and
rnrobbing carotids. Comes on suddenly, lasts indeJinitely, but ceases suddenly.
lacreases at night, makes him crazy, he has to run up and down, and often falls.
Prroxysmal, & pain in lumbar region; cold feet; difflculty in swallowing; nausea and
'.omiting; frequent urination; oppression of chest; stiff neck; irritable mood; tired
::eling in limbs. With sleepiness, but can't sleep. Generally comes in morning after a
:::tless night. With not only visible but audible pulsation. Pains go downward from
.,:ad. Half-sided, + orbits and bones of nose, & pressing, bursting, wavelike sensation.
OB Sensitive to least contact; ,uhead externally so sensitive that least contact, even
::essure ofhair, - pain. Much throbbing and heat. Palpitation reverberating in head, &
:boured breathing. Sudden outcries. Boring of head into pillow [,hydrocephalus];
::au'n backward and rolls from side to side. Hair splits; is dry and falls out. ,HOT
JE\D, & cold limbs [Sulph.1. Pulls her hair. Meningitis. Sunstroke. 'Sinusitis,
:erillary or frontal; right-sided; ,osevere shooting in r. frontal eminence, < bending
'rnlard, > pressure. uRush of blood to head; pulsation of cerebral arteries; throbbing
-. firain. ,olnclination to lean head against something cold and hard. Scraping itching of
---rehead. Hot head during menses.
Eles - SE As if swollen and protruding. As if half closed. oEyes as if stiff. ,91 sand in
:r es. As if surrounded by hot vapour. Feeling of burning dryness. Pain in orbits: often
::els as if eyes had been torn out, sometimes as if pressed into head. r,+. Throbbing deep
: .\'es on lying down. ,uDeep-seated dull, in back of eye. Ciliary neuralgia appearing
.nd disappearing suddenly, & photophobia and congestion. Shooting, from within
-rtu ard. Violent aching, from without inward. Burning. Dull, heavy, aching, in lids. Os
irophthalmus. Squinting, spasms of lids. Fundus congested. PupiLs dilated [Agn.l.
t'.es staring, brilliant; conjunctiva red dry, burn; photophobia [,ua artificial light];
-rooting in eyes. .Violent inflammation, & dryness. Conjunctivitis, & great inflam-
:.rtion, so great that eyelids are rolled outward. .Insensibility to light. Eyeballs in
,,rnstant motion. Dilated, immovable puplls. Agglutination of lids in morning. 'Flow of
.:rid and [salt] corrosive tears. ,uConjunctiva injected. Yellow sclera. Swelling and
.Ilammation of caruncula lachrymalis. Sudden ophthalmia. Trembling and quivering
: r. upper eyelid. Heaviness of lids. Lids sore, congested and swollen. Inclined to
-:main in a dark room. Wild look, stunned appearance. Restless, unsteady look, vacant
::ze. Threatening, wild, wandering look. Eyes very animated, & fully dilated pupils.
\[rdriasis, resulting from nervous headache. Inflammation of optic nerve and retina.
':-abismus, due to spasmodic action of muscles, or when resulting from brain
..:cctions. Eyeballs turn convulsively in a circle. Ulcers or spots on cornea; thickening
': .-ornea. Itching and buming of lids. Bleeding from lids. Everted lids. Photophobia,
< .;rri.ficial light.
\ ision Visual illusions; fiery appearance; durid, terrifying hallucinations, on closing
:.,:;. Diplopia. .Attacks of blindness, then yellow vision. Flashes. uObjects appear
,:rrde down. Halo around light, partly coloured, red predominating; at times light
Bell. 254

seetns brokeninto rays.,.Farsightedness. Objects appear double, and seem to revolve

and run backwards. FLickering, sparks. Bright sparks. Obscured, as from a white
vapour. Everything he looks at seems red. Diminished. fiom doing tine work.
Vanishing, on sitting up in bed. Amblyopia caused by stoppage of menses. Lost, after
,"r.r. .ing"rtive headache. Clouded, before menses. Lines appear crooked when
reading. Trlplopia; sees a second dim representation of object on each side of it; from
candlJprocied rays of same colour as tlame, and outside rays there is a variegated halo,
inner circle being green, middle red, and outer white; when walking he also sees a
round black ball Lovering, a little larger than a pea: all this he sees before his left eye'
clownward direction. PcLin = cliLirium. Child cries out in sleep; throbbing and beating
pain deep in ear, synchronous with heartbeat. ,oPinching in ears. first. right, then left'
i least noiie. Stitches. Shooting in internal ear, & hardness of hearing on same
side. Boring and screwing in ears. Violent, tearing, from external ear + both hackward
ancl forwarid to whole silde of face. Sharp, in and about ears. sometimes excited by
chewing. OB Membrana tympani bulges and injected. Otiis media. Haematoma auris'
Acute and subacute conditions of eustachian tube. nlnflammatory swelling of ears and
of parotids; shooting pains. 'uOtorrhoea.
Hearing - Sensitivi'to loud noises. Hearing very acute. Autophonyi hearing one's
voice in ears. olntolerance of noises. ,uDeafhess, as if a skin were drawn ovel ears'
Awakens from tancied noises. Impaired, fiom taking cold'
Nose - SE Imaginary odours. Tingling in tip of nose. uOffensive smell in nose as from
herring brine olsoui beer, esp. when blowing nose; during coryza. As ifbruised, when
touchii'ng nose. PA ,rCrafip atioot of nose. OB Red and swollen; .tip of nose, shining red
and bur:ning; .& swelling of upper ltp. Epistaxis, & red face: ,,,in children at night.
Coryza; muius mixed wiin Utooa. .Great dryness of nose. Frequent sneezing & tickling
in nostrils. ,uFrequent sneezing. Dryness of nose & dull frontal headache. Fluent coryza
from one nostrii only. Nostriis and cornels of lips ulcerated, without pain or itching'
Sudden redness of tip of nose, & burning sensation. Smell now acute, at another time
dull, & coryza. Tip of nose red and hot, esp. in warm weather'
Face , Sn ,,Lowei jaw as if clrawn backwards. Of burning heat in whole face, without
redness of cheeks; or & marked thirst, body warm, feet cold. Corners of rnouth as if
raw. As if numb. PA Facial neufalgia & twitching muscles and flushed face. 'Cutting,
tearing, < r. side; r0+ up to tempG, into ear and down to nape, < touch and motion'
.o-"tlir1,", > hard presiure. .Telring, pressing below r. zygoma. karing ort inner
stuface of l. lowerjaw, < swallowing. Shooting from maxiliary .ioint + ear;
chewing."Shooting in r. parotid gland + external ear, where it becomes cramplike.
,uNeuraigic, comniencing-under l. orbit and + ear. Stitches and tightness in maxillary
joints. O"n Red, bluish ,id, hot, swollen, shining; convulsive motion of muscles of face
i.and mouthl. Swelling of upper 1ip. Parotid gland [,,1ig511 swollen; '&.erysipelatous
iedness and violent shooting-pains. Pustules on face 'Pale # red [suddenly)' "Great
swelling anrl tension oJ uppi iip; stilf Jeeling on opening mouth..'SemlTateral swelling
of facelSpasmodic distoition of mouit [risus sardonicus]. ,16.tr1u*. Fac.e mottled red.
Pustules at borders of lips, & smarting pain. Lips, esp. upper one, crack in middle; dry
and parched. Sweat only in face. Tre-mbling of upper lip. White circle around mouth
and nose, rest of bodY scarlet red.
Mouth -'Sf "Scraping in mouth and throat. roTaqte' salty sour; bitter; pappy; offensive.
As if a vesicle were on tip of tongue, & burning pain when touched. Mouth Jeels
scalded. Mouth as if constricted, & dryness of lips, tongue and throat. Of coldness and
dryness of forepart of tongue oB Dry; 'Hor' Tongue red on edges' Strawberry tongue'
Tongue swollen and painiul' Stammering 'Soft palate bright red and swollen' 'Motion
of riouth as if chewing or sucking. "Dryncss ttf mouth, tongue and throat interferes with
255 Bell.

')('€clt ond .sw-allowing. Tongue hot, dry, red, cracked; white centre with red edges.
Tongue difficult to move, scalded feeling. Slimy motrth in morning n'hen v;uking, &
r;rt,rsrrig headache. Thick whitish mucus in mouth and throat. & constant inclination to
rr* k and swallow. ,"Papillae of tongue of deep red colour. tip and edges light red. Two
.'. hite stripes on tongue, tongue covered with white clammy fur, which can be pulled
,ii in strings; tongue covered with much tenacious yellowish-white mucus. Saliva tenacious, white, clings to tongue like glue. Smacking with tongue.
Trembling of tongue when protruded. Haemorhage from mouth and nose. Salivation <
.r ing down. Increased flow of saliva. Tongue red, hot, swollen. Red streak in middle of
. \n,que. wider and broader towards tip. Tongue hangs dry out of child's mouth.
Teeth - SE ,,Teeth feel on edge. As if teeth would be forced out. Teeth f'eel elongated.
-lums as if ulcerated. PA Throbbing. in teeth. ,Toothache > biting. ,From taking cold, <
:.,iing. becomes intolerable. "Dull drau;ing in upper r. row of teeth, < night and cold air.
>rre. fiom admission of open air. Tearing, drawing and stinging in spells; < evening
' l night: sometimes renewed in morning on waking; < touching teeth, chewing and
-:.rm cold air; > pressure and pricking gums until blood comes. With red, hot face and
rir)bbing in head. With earache. Rheumatic" particularly in females, esp. when
-:ignant. Pain seems to start fiom teeth and returns to them. OB Gum bo1l. Grinding of
,,rlr. ,Painful swelling of gums. ,Extreme troublesome itching of gums, & pain in
'rrrrat. Bleeding of gums. Difficult dentition, convulsions, etc. Heat and redness of
-..ns during dentition.
- sE Of a lump; ,owhich can't be removed. Oesophagus dry; as if contracted.
.,raping sensation. "During deglutition,.feeling in throat as if it were too narrow, or
..;nrt togetl'rer as if'nothing woulcl pass properly. Constriction + stomach.
' :.'rrnittent contraction of oesophagus when swallowing, follov,ed each time b1,
',tping in region of epiglottis, as if the latter were raw and sorc. ,nFeeling as if he
,u1d choke if he did not swallow. As if a iarge tumour was growing in throat and
. pped it up. As from an interral swe11ing. painful, upon turning head around. PA
.:rooting, on even breathing; also on turning head, on touching throat externally. "'p1n.
:.,ring on inner surface of angle of 1. lower jaw, in and behind 1. tonsil, unaff'ected by
- :rtlct. < swallowing. Burning, in fauces. Violent burning. not at all > drinking but is
- . .r littte sugar, though only for a moment. Pressive, externally. when bending head
-..,knard and when touching parts. oB Dry. as if glazed; angry-looking congestion
::'ts.l; red, < r. side. Tonsils enlarged; throat Jbels consticted; dfficttlt deghttition; <
,.;.rids. Spasrus in throat. Continual inclination to swallow; ,& choking. Muscles of
-::lutition very sensitive. Hypertrophy of mucous membrane. oCervical glands inflame
..:Jenly. ,Aversion to tight colkrrs. .Rapidly forming aphthous ulcers on tonsils;
'. .inse congestion; & throbbing of carotids. Chokes easily; things go down wrong way.

irstant desire for empty swallowing, which - pain in larynx. Clutches wildly at
'' during epilepsy. Has to swaliow, which is very painful; he has to bend head
' :.i arcl and lift up knee.
F,rod & Drink - Loss of appetite. Aversion to meat and milk; 'vegetables; fat; r.acids'
. - .ttitirnt, < liquids..Drinks in sips.Hard pressure in stomach after eating.
, :rre I o meal. Burning thirst, & dryness in throat, but with dread of drinking. Drinks
.,.:rlr. & trembling. Tetanic closing of jaws on attempting to take food or drink.
--rhrrche < eating. .Better'. eating a little light food. nGreat sensitiveness o.f smell;
'., .li:t crdour, esp. tobacco [,.and soot], unbearable. Tonsillitis, < r side; ptrrts bright
. :. < rvallowing liquids. "Thirstles.s.,,Loss of appetite before menses. If children in
-. :rocephaloid cry until they get something to eat. Bell. is well indicated. Thirst fbr
.,:.r changed into thirst for beer. Thirst during menses. Craving for undigestible
' :.:'. Desire fbr warm drinks. Craving for tobacco; Lemons and lemonade [which
Bell. 2s6

prove beneficiall; ,56u. fbod: vegetables; sweets. Desire for lemonade during headache.
Headache fiom abuse of coff-ee. Putrid taste when eating or drinking. Bread tastes sour.
Dryness of mouth & thirst. Toothache some minutes after eating, not during; increases
gradually to high degree and as gradually diminishes. Swallows water with the greatest
difficLrlty, can only get the smallest quantity of it down. Only with difliculty and by
constantly taking liquids he is able to swallow solid food. Eating or drinking =
vomiting. Beer = internal heat. Wine < dyspnoea. Shortness of breath after drinking
cotTee in afternoon.
Stomach - SE ,uAs if empty. PA Spasmodic. in pit. Constriction; pain + spine. ,ln
stomach + shoulder and throat, < lying on it. Cutting epigastric colic, > bending
backward. .Burning, cutting. in region of stomach, & heat. oGnawing, pressing. cutting.
drawing. wrenching. in stomach, compelling him to bend backward and hold his breath.
Acute, at stomach; periodical, at night, & tremor. Burning in stomach. .Cutting, in
stomach < motion or pressure. Painful pressure in pit only when walking; cornpels him
to walk slowly. In stomach + between scapulae. Pressing, in stomach, & nausea,
during stool. Cramps, in stomach, after menses. OB Nausea and vomiting. Empty
retching. Spasmodic hiccough; ssometimes & sweat and convulsions. Uncontrollable
vomiting. "Stomach sensitive to touch. ,Violent hiccough. Hiccoughing eructations;
spasm composed partly o1'eructation. partly of hiccough. Half suppressed, incomplete
eructation. Ineffectual efforts to vomit about midnight, & cold sweat. Vomiting of
mucus; ol bile and mucus; of undigested food; watery. Vomits everything, & paleness
and weakness. Painless throbbing and beating at pit. Haematemesis & ringing in ears.
red cheeks. feeling of lllness and warmth in stomach. Nausea & bitter eructations.
Abdomen - SE Pain as if clutched by a hand; < jar, pressure . ^Abdornen as if .sore and
ran: As if hypogastrium were spasmodically constricted. ,Colic, as if a spot in
abdomen, were seized with nails, a griping, clutching, clawing. As if a hard body
pressed from within outwards, at r. inguinal ring; part not feeling hard to touch; while
sitting with body bent lbrwards. As if a ball or lump would fbrm around navel. As if
intestines below navel pressed outward, chiefly in standing. Abdomen as if distended.
Of heat in abdomen. as from a hot iron. PA Cutting, across; stitches in 1. side of
abdomen. when coughing, sneezing. or touching it. ,ln liver region, + shoulder and
throat, < lying on it; ,usa, tolerate no pressure or jar; & bloatedness of pit of stomach.
,CoLick!, comes quickl,t and goes cluickly; > bending doLrble or bending backv,ard; also
> Lting on abdonten.,Flatulent colic in region of transverse colon, > external pressure.
"Heat and burning in abdomen, & anxiely. Violent cutling presstte in abdomen, no**
hcre. nov.r/rerr. Ten:ive. in morning on getting out ol bed. us il hypogastrium were
spasmodically constricted. Squeezing constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, #
shoots or jerks + perineum. Pains, esp. in abdomen and pelvis, come on suddenly,
continue violently a longer or shorter time, and disappear as suddenly as they came.
'uColic from gall-stones. Fine shooting in 1. groin. Children relieve their belll,ache by
lt,ing Jla on their bellie,s acro.vs a chair. Sore aching in upper part of abdon-ren, before
stool. Clawing, around navel; > pressure. oB Distended, hot. Transverse colon
protrudes like a pad; ,uduring pain. Tender, swollen. Extreme sensitiveness to touch.
bedclothes, etc.lLach.l; "during great pain in r. ileocoecal region. ,uLoud rumbl'ng and
pinching in abdomen. Incarcerated hernia. Itching on abdomen.
Rectum - gp ,.1\,l[ugsus membrane of anus seems swo]len and pressed out. Sense of
constipation. PA Stinging, in rectum; spasmodic stricture. OB Stools thin, green
[,,mucusl. dysenteric; in lumps like chalk. Shuddering during stool. Piles more sensitive
with backach"; ,,pain as if breaking. Prolapstts ant llgn.; Podo.l. rStool sometimes
bloody. ,Diarrhoea of green mucus and blood after a haircut. "Pressing and urging in
rectum + anus; .tenesmus # painful contraction of anus. Straining and urging to stool.
& scanty evacuations. Frequent ineffectual urging, or with scanty. hard stool. Retarded
251 Bell.

.. .,;:. \bluptuous tickling in lower part of rectum and anus. Stools: clay-coloured;
-::.,ikr w'hite. & granular, slimy mucus; smell sour. Violent itching & constrictive
..,n:ation in anus- Diarrhoea & bearing down pain in uterus. Diarrhoea < motion
- \111p. RheLull and Crot-t.). Escape of faeces when passing wind. Involuntary stools.
-l.rrrhoea & pressure on bladder.
L rinary - sa Of [,.turning and twisting] motion in bladder as of a worm; "withottt
,i.rre to urinate. pA ,Dull pressing in vesical region during night. .Spasmodic. crampy
- ,.rining along ureter, during passage of calculus. Stinging, burning. from region of
. lner i+ bladder. Shooting in bladder when moving. Dull shooting in ulethra, behind
_..,n.. between acts of urination, < motion. OB Retentiot'L; ,,,post partum. Acute urinary
:r-irions. Urine scanty, & tenesmus; dark antl turbid, loaded with phosphates. Vesical
-:':i\rn sensitive; rto pieqsure orjar. lncontinence, continuous dropping. Frequent und
l -:rrs. Haematuria where no pathological condition can be found.,Enuresis on lying
. .,.n: nocturnal. Fiery red urine..Urine turbid like yeast [,,on standing], & reddish
.--:rnrent; deep red, & white sediment.'uUrine'bright yellow and clear; fiequent,
, :rolrs. pale ind watery. Frequent desire & smal1 quantity. Very fiequent desire to
-::l:rte. even if only a few drops had accumulated. When passing water faeces escape
- :rp. Rhas-r.1. Involuntary urination: when standing; during a deep sleep in daytime
\tale SE ,,As if testicle was drawing up into abdomen. PA 'Tearing upwards. in i.
-:.natic cord, evening in bed. Drawing in spermatic cord during urination. Smarting,
lrer edge of prepuce, < after urination. Violent stitches in testicles, which are drawn
- OB Hypertrophy of prostate. Testicles hard. drawn up, inflamed. Nocturnal sweat
' lenitals. Flow of prostatic fluid. Desire diminished. ,"Weakness and relaxation of
-i-.rti.tls. Nocturnal emissions & relaxation of penis. Increased sexual desire, & great
, :nation to masturbation. Inflammation of prostate. Soft painless tumour on glans.
: rnrnle - SE Violent pressing and urging downwards, as iJ'aLL viscera would protrude
-,rtirals; .> standing and sitting erect, < sitting bent and walking; '< earlY morning'
'..:mae as if heavy. PA Dragging around loins. Cutting, from hip to hip. '$umi1g,
-:.:Llre. uneasiness and weight in uterine region. Shooting in internal organs at every
'i... Pressure on genitals during stoo1. In ovaries, with appearance of menses.
.^.,urlike, deep in pelvis, + back and loins. Drawing, in pelvic region. Clutching or
- -,i.ln-s. or transient stitches in uterine region. Bearing down & leLrcorrhoert. Stitches
. -,gina, & sensation of great heat and dryness. OB Menses increased; bright red, too
too profuse' Haemrtrrhctge hot' Menses and lochia ve11' oJJensive and hot' Labour
.\" come and go suddenly; r0or ceasing [have only periodical slight pressure on
-:,;,nt). Mastitis, throbbing pain. redness, streaks radiate from nipple. Breasts f-eel
:..,\r &re hard and red. Tumours of breast, pain < tying down. Badly smelling
. Ionhages, hot of blood. Diminished lochia. ,Metritis. Rigid os.
: .:t,rrhoea [,uwhite mucus], colic. Menses gushing.,Profuse flooding, & feeling as
. : . 3r\ thing would issue fiom vagina. Spasmodic contraction of uterus. ,Discharge of
,. iiom women not pregnant. .Ovaritis; r. ovary much enlarged; burning, lancinating
. -'.'. t?n(lerners on prestyre. Menses; thick, decornposed durk red bLood; "'smelling
-.,.r Atterpains; retained placenta. uHaemorrhage after confinement, or after
.-:rrriage. Haemorrhage < every motion. Flow of blood between periods'
. :.non.hoea; & congestion to head. OtTensive lochia, feel hot to parts. Amniotic fluid
- :.. \cr os still spasmoclically contracted. Retained placenta & profuse t-low of hot
- .rJ. uhich speedily coagulates. Profuse menses & urticaria. Erysipelatous swelling
rreasts. Erysipelatous inflammation of breasts, esp. from weaning. Clirnaxis:
- rsestron; axillary glands harcl; sudden hot flushes. Old maids marlied late, in first
.- ,.en muscles rigid.
[,ar1 nr SE Larl'nrvery painful;feels as if a foreign body were in it, & cough. Larynx
'::.' :ore. ^As if larl'nx w-os infldtned, swoLlen arul constricted. PA "ln iarynx when
Bell. 258

talking. Violent, in upper part of trachea, & danger of suf1bcation when touching or
turning throat; when coughing, talking, or taking breath. oB Dryness in nose, fauces.
larynx and trachea. Hoarse; loss of voice. Painless hoarseness. High, piping roite.
.Spasm of glottis. Hourseness, esp. w'hen crying. u'Q1s'at sensitiveness
'Barking voice.
to slightest pressure in lower portion of larynx. Now and then while speaking, the voice,
which had been weak, becomes suddenly loud and clear. All s)-mptonls of membronous
croLrp, but the ustnl remedies are of no avaiL, and the case is characterized by single
attacks; hollow couglt, with stangulation and pLrttitg hands to larynx, evidently a
s pasmodic c ons t r i c t b n.

Respiration - Oppressed; quick, unequal. Cheyne-Stokes respiration lCocctin.: Op.l.

Moaning at even breuth. ,uAsthma in hot damp weather; < after sleep. Asthmatic
attacks in afternoon and evening, & sensation of dust in 1ungs. Heavy and siertorous.
Rattling, & cough. Quick. short, irregular, # slow, gentle, at times imperceptible.
D1 spnoea alter rising irt morning. > open air.
Cough - Tickling, short, clry, < night. With pain in 1. hip. Barking; whooping cough, &
pain in stomach before attack, & expectoration of blood. .Dry, barking, sometimes
spasmodic. < after l0 p.m., caused by scraping or pain in larynx. From slightest motion.
Followed by sneezing. ^Barking; atuaking after midnight, & pain in lorlnx and
threatened suffbcation. Violent, in sleep, & grinding of teeth. ,uFrom sensation as if
something were in pit of stomach. Caused by fine dust in air; as if one had inhaled dust.
Dry, day and night, & headache and redness of face. With red, injected throat. Dry,
spasmodic, & retching, esp. after midnight. Barking. waking suddenly 11 p.m.
Frequent attacks about 11 p.m. From siightest movement in bed at night. Causes pain
in stomach, "seems to strike there." With redness or blueness of face. With stiffening of
body. Child cries immediately befbre cough. Yawning causes cough.
Sputum - ,.Bloody mucus, in morning; & bloody taste in mouth; & cough.
Chest - so .Of tightness or tension through chest, + abdomen. Of rush of blood to
chest, & throbbing. uConstriction across chest, as if pressed inwards fiom both sides.
Heat in sternum. PA Stitches in chest when coughing. .Pressive, in chest, I nand at same
timel between scapulae; & shortness of breath; when walking or sitting. Burning in r.
chest. ,.Stitches in apex of r. Iung. Corroding, gnawing, beneath cartilages of last ribs,
r. side. OB ,,Nclise and rattling in bronchial tubes. Perspiration of chest at night, during
menses. Eruption of scarlatina begins on throat and chest. Swelling of axillary glands.
Heart - SE Heart as if too large. .Gurgling at heart, a kind of palpitation when going
up stairs. PA,uPressure in cardiac region, anesting breath and causing anxiety. oB
Violent palpitation, reverberating in head, & laboured breathing. Palpitation from least
exertion. Throbbing all through body. Dicrotism. Rapid but weakened pulse. ,Violent
palpitation, & oppression of chest and rush of blood to head. Pulse: much increased in
fbrce and fiequency; full, frequent; accelerated. tiequently full. hard and tense; large.
full and slow: at times small and sofi: slow, thready, irregular. 'Throbbing in carotid
ttrteries. Beating of arteries of head and all parts of body, in morning on waking.
Back - SE As if nape would break; olvhsn coughing. .Back Jeels broken. "As if lumbar
region would break. uBearrng down sensation on to sacrum. PA Lumbago, & pain in
hips and thighs; .cramps in legs, etc. ,Violent stitching, in lumbar region, when
coughing. .Shooting and gnawing, in spinal column. ,uPressive, externally in neck, when
bending head backward, and when touching part. Pressive, under 1. scapuia, more
towards outer side. Drawing pressure between r. scapula and spinal column. Stabbing
as if with a knife, from within outwards, in vertebrae. Drawing, burning and throbbing
pain in spine. Soreness of last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae. Cramplike. in 1. lumbar
region. OB StifTneck: ,and shoulder lr.). Swelling of glands of net:k. Pressure on dorsal
region most painful. ,Hyperaemia of spine, & difficulty in walking, loss of co-
ordination when walking. '.Swelling of glands in nape & cloudiness of head. Curvature
259 Bell.

of lumbar vertebrae. Sour-smelling sweat only on neck.

Limbs - SE nHeaviness and tired feeling in limbs. PA Shooting, along limbs. Shifting,
rheumatic. ,,Pressure, buming, stinging or tingling in limbs. oB Joints swollen, red,
shining, & red streaks radiating. Jerking limbs. Spasms. Cold /lmD,s. 'Violent
convulsions; distortions of all muscles; esp. flexors. 'Trembling of limbs.
Upper - SE ,.Of stretching and twisting in upper limbs. Heaviness and paralytic feeling.
\umbness and prickling in hands. PA.Tearing, in shoulders. Shooting pressure on top
of l. shoulder. Paratytic, in l. arm. ,uViolent stabbing, as with a blunt knife, below head
of humerus, from within out. Drawing, on inner side of 1. upper arm. Bruised, in upper
arm. Cutting, in interior of l. elbow-joint when walking. Sharp shooting externally in 1.
elbow-joint. Cutting, tearing in lower muscles of both forearms. Cutting, commencing
in wrist, shooting to elbow and above, always from periphery to centre. oB ''Not able
ro turn hand easily and freely on its axis [as when dropping from a glass], turns only
b1, jerks; as from want of synovial fluid in wrist-joint; painless. Twitching of arms.
Spasmodic closing of fingers. Hands swollen and dry; drops things.
Lower - SA,Thighs and legs as if beaten, and as if carious; Jine shooting and gnawing
,;Long bones, & violent tearing in joints; pain gradually rises from tarsal joints + hips,
tecessitating while sitting constant motion and shifting of feet; > walking.,oSensation
rn joints of iower limbs, esp. knees, as if they would give way, < when walking and
inore marked when going down hill. Of bubbling as from drops of water, in knee-joint.
Legs and feet as if heavy and lame. Tension in r. tarsal joint while walking in open air.
\ letatarsal bones as if dislocated. Heel as if bruised when treading thereon. PA ostitches
in hip-joints, < night and touch. "Cutting stitches in outer muscLes of r thigh, just above
..nee, only when sitting. Tearing pressure in middle of inside of leg, uninfluenced by
notion or contact. ,uCramP in gluteal muscles, & tension on bending body forward.
Cramplike, in r. knee near patella, towards outer side when sitting. Burning-stinging in
\nee-joint,< at night. Boring, digging or shooting, in soles. On Tottering gait.
Phlegmasia alba dolens; 6can't bear to be touched. Involuntary limping. 'Sciatic nerve
3\tremely sensitive, intolerant ofpressure. 'Lies or sits with feet crossed, can't uncross
:hem lTherl.,.Stiffness of hip-joint. Synovitis of knee-joint; intense inflammation; &
..nse of bubbling as from drops of water. Tremulous heaviness of legs. Paralytic
'* eaknessof muscles of feet. Cold feet.
Sleep -Restless, crying out, grinding of teeth. Kept awake by pulsation of
:itrodvessels. Screams out in sleep. Sleeplessness, & drowsiness; 'slsepy but can't
,.eep. Starting when closing eyes or during sleep; ofeet are jerked upward and head
:-.nvard. Sleeps with hands under head [Ars.; Plat.f..Qal sleep only while sitting
';rnght. oWoken constantly by fearful dreams and twitching. Waking at night full of
::x. 'sleeps on abdomen. oFrequent yawning. Towards evening drowsiness & yawning;
:: moming feels as if had not slept enough. Sleeps much, yet not refreshed. Sleep
rrlvented by anxiety. Loud singing and talking during sleep. On closing eyes for sleep
: >udden shock runs through body from below up. Lies half sleeping, half waking'
Sleepless from 2 to 5 a.m.; laughed, and said she saw laughing masks. Wakes full of
:nght and fear; imagines that there is something under bed which makes a noise.
Doesn't sleep well; "hears all that is going on." Heavy sleep & hot skin. Moaning and
:!r:sin-s about in sleep. Visions ['frightful] on closing e]es; rdrsnfls 51..r.
Dreams - ,Frightful, of quarrels, fire. .Assassins. 'FALLING. 'oVivid, but can't remember
::em. Of swimming. Danger from fire. Robbers.
Fever - High feverish state with comparative absence of toxemia. 'oMilk fever, &
chill - .In ivening, mostly on arns, & heat of head. chill # heat; without thirst, and
:-..r!tl), & confusion of head. ,oshivering running down back. Shuddering during stool.
Heat - Buming, pungent, steaming;'& internal coldness' 'HoT HEAD & cold limbs' "With
::>rension of supertrcial veins, great thirst, anxiety and trembling; & furious delirium.
Bell. 260

lntense burning, within and without; sweat only on head, & confusion of head.
,"Predominating, yet averse to uncovering. lnternal, after drinking beer. Intemal, & anxiety
and restlessness. Offorehead & cold cheeks. With redness and puffiness offace. Flying.
Sweat - All over, dry only on head. .Hot. oOn covered parts. During or just after heat,
mostly on face. ,oStaining clothing and of empyreumatic smell. During sleep, day or
night. Ascending from feet to head. General, suddenly occurring and disappearing
quickly. Before stool. Cold on limbs.
Skin - Skin hot; moist # dry. Dry and hot; swollen, sensitive; burning; scarlet, smooth.
Eruption like scarlatina, suddenly spreading. Erythema; .very sensitive. Glands
swollen, tender, red. Boils; 'returning every spring. Acne rosacea. Suppurative wounds.
Redness # paleness of skin. Indurations after inflammations. Erysipelas. .BRIGHT RED,
GLOSSY. Intense dermatitis. oThe scarlet-redness of the skin, followed by
desquamation, is exactly similar to scarlet fever. Pustular eruptions, surrounded by
inflammation, very sensitive to touch. ,White line on skin after drawing finger, with
pressure, over the scarlet coloured skin. oRedness of whole body, & quick pulse.
Pustules break out on cheek and nose, which rapidly Jill with pus, and become covered
v:ith a crust.,uEruption resembling measles. Heat over whole body & bluish redness of
whole surface. Skin imparts a burning sensation to the examining hand. Intense
erysipelatous fever, & inflamed swellings, passing even into gangrene. Pustules on
nape, arms and back. Red scaly eruption on lower part of body, as far as abdomen.
Urticaria during profuse menses. Jaundice & stones in gall bladder.
Modalities - Worse: Heat of sun; if heated; hot weather. DRAFTS - on head; haircut;
washing head. After taking cold. Light; noise; jarring. CHECKED SWENI. Touch.
Company. Pressure. Motion. Hanging down affected part. Aftemoon. Lying down.
Looking at shining objects or running water. .Uncovering head. "After 3 p.m., and again
after midnight. Sudden changes from warm to cold weather. Drinking. Better: Light
covering. Bending backwctrd; semi-erect. Rest in bed. Standing. Leaning head against
something. Bending or turning affected part. .Wrapped up well in a warm room.
Conditions -,Esp. suited to plethoric and intelligent persons. Mentally active children.
.In young, full-blooded people. *Plethoric people with red face. ,oSuits persons with
largely developed brains.
Relations - epapcLrc: Aco,?. [,sudden, intense fever and inflammation]; AlcohoL lmetry
crazinessl;Anz. [whooping cough];Ars. [pains of cancer]; Bry. [rheumatism < motion;
in pneumonia and pleurisy it is distinguished from Bry. in that it has < lying on affected
side whilst Bry. has the oppositel; Calc.; Cham.; Cic.; Coff.; Cupr.; Eup-pur [diuresis
and vesical irritation, but Eup. has more hyperaemia and vesical inflammationl; Gels.;
Hep.; Hyos. [,less fever, more agitation]; Lach. [,congestion and pulsations; < clothing
around external throatl; Lil-t. lLil-t. has > motion, Bell. < motionl; Merc.; Nux-v.; Op.;
Puls.; Rhus-t.; Stram. frage; ,m61s sensorial excitement]; Ter.; Verat.; ,Glon.; .Aml-n.;
Ferr-p.; Meli.; Verat-v.; ,Coloc.; Phos.; '41v6.' Hoitzia [a Mexican drug similar in
action to Bell.; useful in fever, scarlatinal eruption, measles, urticaria, etc.; high fever
with eruptive fevers; dry mouth and throat, red face, injected eyes, deliriuml; Mand. la
narcotic of the ancients; restless excitability and bodily weakness; desire for sleep; has
anti-psoric properties L1ke Chin. and Aran.; useful in epilepsy and hydrophobia, also
Cetonial; Sanguiso. lprofuse, long-lasting menses, esp. in nervous patients with
congestive symptoms to head and limbs; passive haemorhages at climacteric; chronic
metritis; haemorrhage from lungs; varices and ulcersl. Follows well: Ars.; Cham.;
Cupr.; Hep.; Lat'h.; Merc.; Nit-ac.; Phos. Followed well by: Cham.; Chin.; Con.;
DuLc.; Hep.; Hyos.; Lttch.; Rhus-t.; Seneg.; Stram.; Valer.; Verat. Complementary:
Cttlc. fesp. in semi-chronic and constitutional diseases; Bell. contains limel:' 't1sp.;
Merc. Antidote to: Acon.; Arum-t.; Atro-s.; Chin.; Cupr.; Ferr.; Hyos.; Jab.; Merc.;
Op.: Plar.: Plb., sausage poisoningl oil of turpentine. Antidored hy: Camph.: Cofl.:

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