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Course Title: Telecommunication Engineering Sessional
8 Course Code: EEE 4526

Experiment No- 08
Study of TDM Multiplexer and Demultiplexer

1. To understand the operation theory of time-division multiplexing (TDM).
2. To observe TDM multiplexed waveform.
3. To understand the operation of TDM demultiplexer.
1. 555 timer IC
2. CD4017 Counter
3. CD 4066 Analog Switches
4. Oscilloscope
5. Function Generator
6. Wires and Leads
Time division multiplexing (TDM) multiple
signals can be transmitted over the same
transmission channel. Time division indicates the
signal is divided into several slots in time domain,
then these slots transmit to the receiver by
following a fixed unique time slot. Different messages are transmitted or received one after
the next in same bandwidth but in different time slots. It uses the technique of pulse
amplitude modulated natural sampling to divide the signal into several slots. To demultiplex
the received signals from TDM multiplex time synchronization is a must. To demultiplex a
particular message signal from
received TDM multiplexed wave,
particular time slots for the signal
should be given in demultiplexer.
TDM Multiplexer Module Diagram:

TDM Multiplexer Module Description:

Here, a diode amplitude limited Wien bridge oscillator is used to generate sinusoidal signal.
By adjusting variable resistor VR2 sinusoidal waveform can be generated from this circuit.
Triangular wave and square wave are generated by using a comparator and capacitor C1. The
charging and discharging time hence the pulse width of square wave can be controlled using
the variable resistor VR1. The gain of triangular wave can be controlled using variable
resistor VR3. In TDM method, these three signals are multiplexed and transmitted. To
implement TDM time slot a time generator circuit is needed. Using 555 timer IC in multi
vibrator mode and counter CD84017 in divide by 3 mode (as we have used 3 signals to be
multiplexed) particular time slots are generated. Finally, these time slots bit pattern are
used as selection of analog switches CD4066 and transmit the multiplexed signals.
1. Observe the signal from TP1 using Oscilloscope. By adjusting variable resistor VR1
and VR3 make a triangular waveform without distortion.
2. Observe the signal from TP2.
3. Observe the signal from TP3 and make a sinusoidal wave by adjusting variable
resistor VR3.
4. Turn the variable resistor “Clock Adjustment”, left to the end so that the counter
becomes slow. This variable resistor mainly controls the frequency of 555. As a
result, time slots from the counter can also be controlled.
5. Observe the TDM O/P in the Oscilloscope as well as the blinking of LED D1, D2 and
D3. The ON time of D1 denotes the time slots for message-1 (triangular wave), D2
is for message-2 (square wave) and D3 is for message-3 (sine wave).
TDM Demultiplexer Module Diagram:

TDM Demultiplexer Module Description:

Similar to TDM multiplexer, analog switches CD4066 are used to demultiplex single input to
different output channels. In this module TP2, TP3, and TP4 are used to select the output
channel O/P1, O/P2, and O/P3 respectively followed by a unity gain buffer. As TDM
demultiplexing should be synchronous with the time slots of multiplexing so which time slot
is given as input TP2, TP3 or TP4 the same slotted input signal will be demultiplexed at the
output. For example, if we connect TP2 (demultiplexer module) the time slot of our
triangular signal TP4 (multiplexer module) then we can demultiplex our triangular message
from O/P1.
1. Connect TDM O/P of the multiplexer module with the TDM I/P of the
demultiplexer module.
2. Connect TP4 (multiplexer module) with the TP2 (demultiplexer module) and
observe the O/P1, O/P2, and O/P3 sequentially. Triangular wave will be seen in
O/P1 as the selection pin TP2 of O/P1 is connected with the particular time slot of
triangular wave in multiplexer module. No output will be observed in O/P2 and
O/P3 as their respective selection pins TP3 and TP4 in demultiplexer module are
3. Connect TP5 (multiplexer module) with the TP3 (demultiplexer module) and
observe the O/P1, O/P2, and O/P3 sequentially. Square wave will be observed in
4. Connect TP6 (multiplexer module) with the TP4 (demultiplexer module) and
observe the O/P1, O/P2, and O/P3 sequentially. Sinusoidal wave will be seen in
5. Connect TP4, TP5, TP6 (multiplexer module) with the TP2, TP3, TP4
(demultiplexer module) and observe the O/P1, O/P2, and O/P3.
6. Connect TP4, TP5, TP6 (multiplexer module) with the TP3, TP4, TP2
(demultiplexer module) and observe the O/P1, O/P2, and O/P3.

1. What is the advantage of multiplexing technique? What is TDM?
2. Consider three message signals are transmitted using TDM multiplexer module. The
time slots for message-1 (triangular wave), message-2 (square wave), and message-
3 (sinusoidal wave) are generated from TP4, TP5 and TP6 in multiplexer module.
What will be the output signals from TDM demultiplexer module of the following
table for mentioned connections? Where, TP2, TP3, and TP4 in demultiplexer module
denote the selection switches for O/P1, O/P2, and O/P3 respectively.
SL. Multiplexer Module Demultiplexer Output Node Output
No. Module Waveform
a TP4 TP2 O/P1
b TP5 TP4 O/P2
c TP6 TP2 O/P1
d TP4 TP3 O/P3
e TP5 TP3 O/P2
f TP6 TP3 O/P1
g TP5 TP2 O/P3
h TP5 TP3 O/P1
i TP6 TP3 O/P2
j TP5 TP2 O/P1

Prepared by:

- Md. Pabel Sikder

Faculty Member of EEE Department
School of Science & Engineering
Canadian University of Bangladesh

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