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Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Visualize situations when subtraction is used

Value: Sportsmanship

II. Learning Content

Visualizing Situations When Subtraction is Used

References: BEC I.C.1.1 p. 10; TX Power in Math I, p. 122

Materials: flashcards, chart

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Conduct a drill on subtracting mentally
72 29 86 34 77
- 1 - 6 -4 - 3 -5

3. Review: What is the difference?

47 56 85 42 31
- 8 - 7 -6 - 9 -4

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Sharing experiences in playing marbles. Emphasize the value of sportsmanship.

2. Presentation:
a. Present this problem to the pupils.
Nico had 23 marbles, 11 are yellow. How many are blue?
b. Let the pupils solve this problem using concrete objects. (real marbles)

C. Generalization:
What can help us solve subtraction problems to find the correct answers?

D. Fixing Skills:
What is the answer?
1. 38 books 2. 92 mangoes 3. P 100 money
- 15 borrowed -30 sold - 35 cost of eraser

IV. Evaluation:
Draw and solve the problem.
1. 35 egss gathered 2. 255 plates in a cabinet 3. 124 petchay gathered
23 eggs sold 159 plates used 116 pechay sold

V. Assignment
Draw and solve the problem
1. There were 32 flowers pots in the garden. 18 flowers pots were brought in the office. How many
were left in the garden?
Date: W1D1

I. Objective:
 Removing a Subset from a Given Set of Objects

Value: Helpfulness

II. Learning Content

Removing a Subset from a Given Set of Objects

References: BEC No. C,1.1.1 p.10 TM Mathematics 2000 pp. 187 -190;
TX Mathematics 2000 pp. 266-268
Materials: glasses, pictures, cut-outs

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Joining sets


3. Review: Show sets of objects
4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Do you help your mother and father at home? How do you help them?

2. Presentation:
a. Request 5 pupils to go in front of the class. Say - This is. a group of children. Ask - How
many children are in the group. Then request 2 children to go away. How many went
away? (2) How many were left? (3)
b. Continue this activity using sets of objects. Show sets of 4 cups. Then remove 2 cups.
How many cups were left? (2)

C. Generalization:
What is a subset? How do we remove a subset from a given set?

D. Fixing Skills:
How many were left. Draw them.
1. 2.

IV. Evaluation:
Draw and solve the problem.

1. 2.
V. Assignment
Encircle the number that tells about the subset.

1. 2. 3. 4.

2 4 3 5 3 2 5 4 6 2 7 6

I. Objective:
 Shows the relationship of the removal of a group of objects from a given set to subtracting of
whole numbers

Value: Importance of fruits

II. Learning Content

Showing the relationship of the removal of a group of objects from a given set to subtracting of
whole numbers.

References: BEC I.C.1.1 p. 10; TM Mathematics 2000 pp. 190-193;

TX Mathematics 2000 pp. 168-272
Materials: real objects, cutouts, pocket chart, number cards

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Naming sets

3. Review:
Look at the mother set, then put a () if the subsets
that follow are part of the mother set and x if not.

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Do you eat fruits. What fruits do you love to eat? Are fruits important to our body? Why?

2. Presentation:
Provide more example to show the relationship of subset removal to subtraction using
cutouts and pictures.

C. Generalization:
Is there a relationship on the removal of a group of objects from the given set to the
subtraction of whole numbers?

D. Fixing Skills:
Write the subtraction story.
1. 2.

IV. Evaluation:
Encircle the correct answer

a. 6 – 3 = 3
1. b. 6 – 4 = 2
c. 6 – 5 = 1

a. 8 – 4 = 4
2. b. 8 – 2 = 6
c. 8 – 7 = 1

V. Assignment
Write the subtraction sentence:

1. ____ - ____ = ___

2. ____ - ____ = ___

Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Compare two given sets more or less in number

Value: Importance of eating nutritious food

II. Learning Content

Comparing Two Given Sets

References: BEC No. C. TM - Mathematics for Everyday Life pp. 95-96
Materials: counters, cutouts, different kinds of food (pictures)

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill:
4 3 7 8 9
+5 +4 +2 + 1 +0

3. Review: Removal of subjects from a given set.

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Comparing nutritious food to junkfood. Which gives us more vitamins and minerals?
Which, do you prefer to eat? Stress the importance of eating nutritious food.

2. Presentation:
Provide activities on comparing sets of objects. Present actual or real objects, then
pictures of sets of objects. Have the pupils arrange them from the set of fewer objects to the
set within the most number of objects.
Have the pupils look at the two sets of chairs.

 Which set has fewer chairs?

 Which set has more?

C. Generalization:
A set may have greater or lesser value than another set.

D. Fixing Skills:
Check the lesser numbers

1. 3 5 2. 8 10 3. 9 5
IV. Evaluation:
Write more or less inside the box.

V. Assignment
Date: W2

I. Objective:
 Find a missing addends

Value: Being Cooperative

II. Learning Content

Finding the missing addends

References: B BEC No. C. TX - Living with Today's Math pp. 100-101;
Teacher's Prepared Activity EC I.C.1.1 p. 10; TX Power in Math I, p. 122
Materials: counters, cut-outs

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill:
4 4 6 7 9
+5 +5 +2 + 1 +3

3. Review: sum of 10
4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
What are missing in .the animals? Infuse the value of cooperation in doing the work.

2. Presentation:
What fruits are missing in the second set? How many fruits are missing to make it five?
What do you do? Subtract the first addends from the sum of fruits, to get the missing

C. Generalization:
How do we find the missing addend? Subtract the addend from the sum to get the missing

D. Fixing Skills:
Find the missing addends.
4+=9 8 +  = 10 9 +  = 10 ____ + 4 = 8 ____ + 8 = 8

IV. Evaluation:
Write more or less inside the box.
1.  + 4 = 10 2. 7 +  = 9 3. 4 +  = 6 4. 7 +  = 8 5.  + 8 = 9

V. Assignment
What are the missing addends?
a. 5 +  = 11
b. 6 +  = 12
c. 8 +  = 10
d.  + 2 = 8
e.  + 5 = 10
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Show that subtraction is the inverse of addition

Value: Honesty, No Two people are exactly alike

II. Learning Content

Showing that subtraction is the inverse of addition

References: BE BEC I C. 10 TM - Mathematics 2000 pp. 194-195;

TX Mathematics 2000 pp. 272-273
Materials: pictures, cutouts, real object, flashcards

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Removing subsets by using pictures, cut-outs
3. Review: Removal of subsets
4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Call a all boy to stand in front. Ask "How do you describe his height? (tall) Call another
small boy Ask: How do you describe his height? (short) What can you say about their height,
are they the same?

2. Presentation:
1. Show a set of 6 notebooks. Put 4 notebooks. Ask a pupil to give the addition sentence 6
+. 4 = 10 Ask: "How many· notebooks did we put?" (4)
2. Ask another pupil to remove the notebooks from the set. What is the subtraction sentence
mom? 10 - 4 = 6 Say: "We started with 6 books and we ended up with the same 6 books
also. Ask: "What can you say about the relationship of addition and subtraction?
Subtraction is the inverse of addition.
3. Repeat with other numbers of objects until it is clear to the pupils that subtraction is the
inverse of addition.

C. Generalization:
What is the inverse of addition?

D. Fixing Skills:
Write the missing number in the blank.
1. 7 – 4 = 3 ___ + ___ = 2. 8 – 5 = 3 ___ + ___ = 3. 9 – 6 = 3 ___ + ___ =

IV. Evaluation:
Write more or less inside the box.
1. 9 + 1 = 10 a. 9 – 2 = 7 3. 8 + 2 = 10 c. 10 – 2 = 8
2. 6 + 3 = 9 b. 7 – 3 = 4 4. 4 + 3 = 7 d. 10 – 1 = 9

V. Assignment
Write the inverse
1. 4 + 5 = 9 2. 2 + 5 = 7 3. 5 + 5 = 10 4. 9 + 2 = 11 5. 7 + 8 = 15
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-digit numbers with minuends 2 and 3

Value: Neatness, Eggs make our body healthy

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 2 and 3

References: BEe 1,C.1,2 p: 10 TM - Mathematics 2000 pp. 195-196;

TX Mathematics 2000 pp. 275-277
Materials: objects brought by the children, pictures, cut-outs, show-me card

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Draw the remaining set

1. 2.

3. Review: What is the subtraction sentence for each of the following numbers/illustrations?

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Ask the children. Do you eat eggs? Why do you like to eat eggs? Do eggs make our body

2. Presentation:
1. Mother bought 3 eggs. She cooked 1 of them. How many eggs were left?
2. Tell the pupils to bring out the objects they brought. Ask them to bring out 2 objects. Tell
them to keep 1 object. Ask: How many object is left?"
3. Show picture and cutouts to the children.
4. Repeat the activity using the same procedure with minuend of 3.

C. Generalization:
What are the subtraction combinations with minuends of 2 al1d 3?
D. Fixing Skills:
Write the missing number in the box.
2 3 3
-1 -1 -2
  
IV. Evaluation:
Write the letter of the correct answer on each _________.
1. 3 – 2 = ______ a. 0
b. 1

2. 2 – 1 = ______ a. 1
b. 2

V. Assignment
Write the subtraction combination.


2. ____ - ______ = ______

3. ____ - ______ = ______

Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 4 and 5.
Value: Sharing
II. Learning Content
Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 4 and 5.
References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 10; TX Mathematics 2000 pp. 19-210;
TX – Mathematics 2000 p. 277-279
Materials: battle cups, cut-outs, pictures
II. Learning Experiences:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Write the subtraction story for the set.
3. Review: Write the correct answer.
1. 3 – 2 = ___ 2. 3 – 1 + ___ 3. 2 – 1 = ____

4. Checking of Assignment
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Have a short discussion on how the pupils share- their snacks with their classmates.
2. Presentation:
1. Present the story problem
Pia has 4 star apples. She gave 2 of them to her seatmate. How many star apples
were left to Pia?
2. Distribute 4 bottle caps to each pair of pupils. Ask them to separate 2 bottle caps. "How
many are left? (2) Who can write our answer on the board? ( 4- 2 = 2).
3. Show cutouts and pictures and let the children write all the subtraction combinations on
their paper. Then ask somebody to write these on the board.
4. Repeat this activity following the procedure with minuend of 5.

C. Generalization:
How many subtraction combinations are there with minuend of 4? of 5?
D. Fixing Skills:
Write the correct number.
1. 4 – 2 = ______ 2. 5 – 3 = ______ 3. 5 – 1 = _______
IV. Evaluation:
Write the subtraction combination.
V. Assignment
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-digit numbers with minuends 6 and 7

Value: Being Thrifty

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 6 and 7.

References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 10; TX – Mathematics 2000 pp. 204-204;

TX-Mathematics 2000 pp. 279-280.
Materials: one peso coins, pictures and cut-outs, flashcards

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Written on flashcards

3. Review: What is the difference?

2 3 3 4 5
- 1 - 2 -1 - 2 -3

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Do you save your money in the bank? Where do you save your coins?

2. Presentation:
1. Present the story problem
A boy has P7 in his pocket. He saved P5 in his savings bank. How much money had
he left?
2. Tell the pupils to bring out their 7 one-peso coins. Ask them to keep 5 one-peso coins.
Ask: "How many one-peso coins were left?
3. Continue this activity o by using pictures and cutouts in discovering other subtraction
combinations with minuend of 6.

C. Generalization:
How many subtraction combinations are there with minuend of 6? of 7?

D. Fixing Skills:
6 – 1 = ____ 6 – 4 = ____ 6 – 2 = ____

IV. Evaluation:
Write your answer in the blank.
1. 6 - ___ = 2 2. ___ - 5 = 2 3. 7 - ___ = 6 4. 6 – 1 = ___

V. Assignment
Write the correct answer. Add horizontally
1. 6 – 4 = ___ 2. 6 – 4 = ___ 3. 7 – 4 = ___ 4. 7 – 5 = ___ 5. 7 – 2 = ___
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-digit numbers with minuends 8 and 9

Value: Carefulness

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 8 and 9

References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 10; TX – Mathematics 2000 pp. 204-205;

TX – Mathematics 2000 pp. 280-281
Materials: crayons, pictures, cut-outs

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Drill on subtraction combinations with minuends of 5 and less.
3. Review: Review on subtraction combinations with minuends of 6 and 7.
4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Ask: How do you take care of your things? Why do you take care of your things? Is being
careful with your things a good trait? Why?

2. Presentation:
a. Present the story problem.
Christian had 8 crayons. He lost 3 of them. How many crayons were left to
 How many crayons has Christian? What happened to his 3 crayons?

C. Generalization:
How many subtraction combinations are there in minuend of 8? of 9?

D. Fixing Skills:
Write the correct answer?
1. 8 – 5 = _____ 2. 8 – 6 = _____ 3. 8 – 7 = ______

IV. Evaluation:
Write the missing number in the box.
1. 9 -  = 2 2.  - 5 = 3 3. 8 -  = 7 4.  - 8 = 1 5. 8 -  = 6

V. Assignment
Find the difference.
1. 8 – 5 =  2. 8 – 6 =  3. 8 – 7 =  4. 9 – 6 =  5. 9 – 8 = 
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-digit numbers with minuends 10 and 11

Value: Honesty/Obedience

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 10 and 11

References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 10; TM – Mathematics 2000 pp. 206 – 207

TX – Mathematics 2000 pp. 282 - 283
Materials: flashcards, ping pong balls, pictures, cut-outs

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Drill on subtraction combinations with minuends of 7 and less.
3. Review: Have a review on flashcards subtractions combinations with minuends of 8 and 9.
4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
"Do you run errands for your mother? How?" (Pupil will say buying eggs in the stars,
buying oil in the supermarket). How do you show your honesty and obedience in running
errands for your mother and other members of his family?

2. Presentation:
a. Present the story problem.
Rico went to buy 10 eggs in the corner store. He accidentally dropped 4 and were
broken. How many eggs were left?
 Who went to buy eggs? How many eggs did he buy? What happened to 4 eggs?

C. Generalization:
How many subtraction combinations are therewith minuend 10? 11?

D. Fixing Skills:
Write the correct answer.
1. 10 – 5 = ____ 2. 10 – 6 = ____ 3. 11 – 8 = ____ 4. 10 – 7 = ____

IV. Evaluation:
Write the missing numbers.
1. ___ - 6 = 4 3. 10 - __ = 9 5. 10 - ___ = 8
2. 11 - __ = 3 4. ___ - 10 = 1

V. Assignment
Write the missing number in the box.
1.  - 3 = 7 3. 10 -  = 4 5.  - 3 = 2
2.  - 8 = 2 4. 11 -  = 5
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-digit numbers with minuends 12 and 13

Value: Helpfulness, Fruits make our skin healthy

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 12 and 13

References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 10; TM-Mathematics 2000 pp. 208 – 209;

TX- Mathematics 2000 pp. 284-286
Materials: popsicle sticks, pictures, cut-outs, flashcards

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Drill on flashcards subtraction combinations with minuends less than 9
3. Review: Have a review on the following subtraction combinations
10 – 2 =  10 – 5 =  10 – 8 =  11 – 6 =  11 – 9 = 

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Tell the children to bring out their popsicle sticks. Ask the children to show you a dozen
popsicle sticks. Ask: "How many popsicle sticks are there in all?"

2. Presentation:
a. Present the story problem
Mang Rudy picked 12 mangoes. There are 7 ripe mangoes. How many mangoes are
 Who picked 12 mangoes? How many are ripe? Infuse the value of helpfulness.

C. Generalization:
How many subtraction combinations are there with minuend 12? 13?

D. Fixing Skills:
Write the correct answer.
1. 12 – 6 = ___ 2. 12 – 7 = ____ 3. 12 – 8 = ____

IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. 12 - ___ = 10 2. ___ - 6 = 6 3. 13 – 8 = ___ 4. ____ - 8 = 4

V. Assignment
Write the missing number.
1. 12 -  = 3 3.  - 11 = 1 5.  - 11 = 2
2. 12 -  = 2 4. 13 -  = 4
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-digit numbers with minuends 14 and 15

Value: Sharing, Vegetable make our body strong

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 14 and 15

References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 10; TM-Mathematics 2000 pp. 210-2100;

TX-Mathematics 2000 pp. 286-288
Materials: flashcards, popsicle sticks, pictures, cutouts, shells.

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill:
5 8 9 6 4
- 4 - 7 -3 - 5 -2

3. Review: minuends of 12 and 13

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Present to the class a box of shells. Request a pupil to Gaunt 14 from the box.

2. Presentation:
a. Present this problem to the pupils.
Father gathered- 14 radish. Mother cooked 4 radish for lunch. How many radish were
 How many radish did Father gather? How many did Mother cook? Infuse the value
of sharing - are vegetables good to our body? Why?

C. Generalization:
How many subtractions combinations are there with minuend 14? 15?

D. Fixing Skills:
Write the correct answer.
14 – 6 = ___ 14 – 7 = ___ 15 – 1 = ___ 15 – 2 = ___

IV. Evaluation:
Write the missing numbers.
1. 14 - ___ = 12 3. ___ - 6 = 9 5. ___-10 = 4
2. ___ - 9 = 15 4. 15 - ___ = 10

V. Assignment
Write the missing numbers.
1. 14 - ___ = 3 3. ___ - 13 = 1 5. ___ - 13 = 2
2. ___ - 12 = 2 4. 15 - ___ = 4
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-digit numbers with minuends 16 and 17

Value: Cooperation

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuends 16 and 17

References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 10 TM- Mathematics 2000 pp. 212-213;

TX Mathematics 2000 pp. 288-289
Materials: flashcards, straws, pictures, cutouts

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill:
9 6 10 12 13
- 4 - 5 -8 - 9 -5

3. Review:
1. ___ - 3 = 12 2. ___ - 6 = 9 3. 15 – 6 ___ 4. 14 – 2 = ___

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Let the children count up to 16 and let them stand. Request 8 pupils to sit down.
Call a pupil to count the pupils who are still standing· (8). Ask somebody to write the number
story (16 - 8 = 8) on the board. Stress the importance of cooperation in doing the activity.

2. Presentation:
1. Distribute 16 straws to each pupil. Let them work in pairs. Lead the pupils to discover
subtraction combinations and write then: on their paper or list them on the board.
 How many combinations are there in all?

C. Generalization:
How many subtraction combinations are there in minuends 16 and 17?

D. Fixing Skills:
Find the difference.
1. 16 – 1 = ___ 2. 16 – 5 = ___ 3. 17 – 3 = ___ 4. 17 – 5 = ___

IV. Evaluation:
What number is missing?
1. __ - 3 = 3 2. 16 - __ = 10 3. 17 - __ = 10 4. __ - 5 = 11 5. __ - 4 = 3

V. Assignment
Write the missing number in the box.
1. 16 -  = 5 3.  - 13 = 1 5. 17 -  = 6
2. 16 -  = 4 4.  - 12 = 4
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-digit numbers with minuend 18

Value: Cooperation

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-digit numbers with minuend 18

References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 10 TM- Mathematics 2000 pp. 213-215;

TX Mathematics 2000 pp. 290-291
Materials: flashcards, pictures, books

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill:
10 9 4 8 12
- 9 - 7 -3 - 6 -9

3. Review:
16 - __ = 12 16 - __ = 8 17 - __ = 1 17 - __ = 15

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Count of again up to 18. Let them stand and let the 9 girls sit down. Call somebody to
count their classmates who are still standing.

2. Presentation:
a. Present this problem to the pupils.
Count of again up to 18. Let them stand and let the 9 girls sit down. Call somebody to
count their classmates who are still standing.
 How many boys planned to fly kites? How many were not able to join?

C. Generalization:
How many subtraction combinations are there in minuend 18?

D. Fixing Skills:
Write the correct answer.
1. 18 – 6 = __ 2. 18 – 7 = __ 3. 18 – 8 = __ 4. 18 – 9 = __

IV. Evaluation:
Write the missing numbers.
1. 18 - __ = 12 3. __ - 4 = 14 5. 18 - __ = 8
2. __ - 8 = 10 4. 18 - __ = 17

V. Assignment
Write the missing number in the box.
1. 18 -  = 7 2. 18 -  = 6 3. 18 -  = 5 4.  - 14 = 4 5.  - 15 = 3
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1 to 3 digit numbers with minuends up to 999 without regrouping

Value: Neatness

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1 to 3 digit numbers with minuends up to 999 without regrouping

References: BEC I.C.1.3 p. 10 Teachers Prepared Activity

Materials: flashcards

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Match the correct inverse of each of the following addition combinations.
1. 9 + 1 = 10 a. 9 – 3 = 6 3. 8 + 2 = 10 c. 10 - 2 = 8
2. 6 + 3 = 9 b. 10 – 9 = 9

3. Review: Write the correct answers.

a. 18 – 2 = ___ b. 18 – 5 = ___ c. 18 – 3 = ___ 4. 18 – 4 = ___

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
What do we have on the table? Let us see how many shells and straws are there in each set?

2. Presentation:
1. Let the children bring out their objects such as flashcards, shells etc.
 Let them count 96 objects. Ask: In 96 objects, how many tens are there? (9)
 How many remaining ones? (6). Let the children take away 3 objects or 3 ones from
96 objects. Then ask: How many objects were left? (93)
2. Show a pocket chart on how to subtract 3 from 96.
3. Give similar activities with 3digit numbers.

C. Generalization:
How do we subtract 1-3 digit numbers without regrouping?

D. Fixing Skills:
Find the answers.
1. 687 – 245 = ___ 2. 678 – 254 = ____ 3. 75 – 23 = ___

IV. Evaluation:
Draw lines to match the pair that has the correct answer.
1. 698 – 44 = ___ 3. 97 – 3 = ___ 5. 598 – 40 = ___
2. 763 – 130 = ___ 4. 145 – 23 = ___

V. Assignment
Make subtraction sentences using various combinations of 1-3 digit numbers on flashcards with
minuends up to 999 without regrouping.
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1 to, 3 digit number with minuends up to 999 with regrouping.

Value: Be sport

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1 to, 3 digit number with minuends up to 999 with regrouping.

References: BEC I.C.1.3 p. 10 Teachers Prepared Activity

Materials: rubber bands, straws, shells.

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill:
1. 18 - ___ = 12 2. __ - 18 = 10 3. ___ - 4 = 10

3. Review: Find the answers

476 66 49 784 965
- 35 - 23 - 25 - 432 - _132

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
What games do you play at home?

2. Presentation:
1. Distribute rubber bands or objects that the children can manipulate for their activity. Let
them count 98 objects.
 Ask: How many tens are there in 98? (9 tens).
 Instruct them to separate 9 objects from 98 objects.
2. Lead the children to focus their attention on the place value chart. Slowly, show them
that 8 is not enough if 9 is subtracted.

C. Generalization:
How do you subtract 1-3 digit numbers with regrouping?

D. Fixing Skills:
Find the answer.
1. 88 – 9 = ___ 2. 64 – 7 = ___ 3. 97 – 9 = ____

IV. Evaluation:
1. 945 – 356 = ___ 2. 789 – 198 = ____ 3. 685 – 123 = ___

V. Assignment
Find the answers.
1. 678 – 89 = ___ 3. 826 – 198 = ___ 5. 669 – 399 = ___
2. 345 – 98 = ___ 4. 767 – 198 = ___
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract mentally 1-digit numbers with minuends up to 18 without regrouping

Value: Sportsmanship

II. Learning Content

Subtracting mentally 1-digit numbers with minuends up to 18 without regrouping

References: BEC I.C.1.2 p. 11 TM – Mathematics 2000 pp. 219-230;

TX – Mathematics 2000 p. 297
Materials: flashcards of subtraction facts, pocket chart

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Subtracting basic facts with minuends up to 18 with and without regrouping.
5 – 3 = ___ 12 – 7 = ____ 15 – 9 = ___

3. Review: Subtracting vertically and horizontally.

13 – 4 = 16 – 8 = 6–4= 11 – 7 =

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Give a mini-problem to be answered mentally

2. Presentation:
 Present the lesson by having a relay game,' in answering the flashcards. Call one pupil to
represent the girls and one for the boys.
 Provide more flashcards and give to the leader of the group Each one take turns in
flashing these cards. Infuse the value of sportsmanship.

C. Generalization:
How did you answer the subtraction facts flashcards? Did you use counters? Did you
subtract mentally? How do you subtract mentally?

D. Fixing Skills:
Answers orally.
1. 15 – 3 = ____ 2. 12 -2 = ____ 3. 10 – 8 = ____

IV. Evaluation:
Find the answers without using papers and pencil.
1. 10 – 8 = ___ 3. 15 – 4 = ___ 5. 16 – 5 = ___
2. 12 – 3 = ___ 4. 18 – 8 = ___

V. Assignment
Answer as fast as you can.
1. 5 2. 4 3. 9 4. 12 5. 7
-2 -5 -6 - 12 -5
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1-to-2 digit numbers from 2 to 3 digit numbers with minuends up to 900 without

Value: Helpfulness

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1-to-2 digit numbers from 2 to 3 digit numbers with minuends up to 900 without

References: BEC I.C.1.1 p. 10; TM – Mathematics 2000 pp. 108 – 109;

TX – Mathematics 2000 p. 224
Materials: flashcards, popsicle sticks, picture of a girl selling rice cakes.

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: With the use of flashcards, conduct a drill on the basic facts with minuends up to 18.
7 9 7 8 9
- 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 -5

3. Review: Subtract the following.

36 28 749 576 758
- 24 - 16 - 12 - 432 - 146

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Show the picture of a girl selling rice cakes. Ask: What's the girl doing? Why do you
think is she doing this? Emphasize the value of helpfulness. Ask the pupils to relate acts of
helpfulness they're done.

2. Presentation:
1. Present the Problem.
 Ludy's mother baked 58 rice cakes. She sold 24 rice cakes. How many rice cakes
were left?

C. Generalization:
When subtracting 1-2 digit number from 2-3 digit numbers, what do we subtract first? next?

D. Fixing Skills:
Find the difference.
45 172 236 568 486
- 3 - 50 - 14 - 37 - 62

IV. Evaluation:
69 86 47 688 896
- 4 - 25 - 11 - 76 - 84
V. Assignment
Find the difference.
35 46 78 494 267
- 2 - 33 - 24 - 53 - 32
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Subtract 1 to 2 digit numbers from 2 to 3 digit numbers with minuends up to 900 with regrouping

Value: Know the value of legal fishing

II. Learning Content

Subtracting 1 to 2 digit numbers from 2 to 3 digit numbers with minuends up to 900 with

References: BEC I.C.1.1 p. 10; TX Mathematics 2002 – Power in Math I, p. 123

Materials: flashcards, picture of a boy fishing, fish cut-out flannel board, pocket chart, place
value chart

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill:
Distribute flashcards on basic subtraction facts for the pupils to answer orally as they
place each card in the pocket chart. While the distribution is going on lead the class to sing a
Math song.

3. Review: Regroup the tens to ones

93 45 132 274 312

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Present the picture of a boy fishing in the river. Talk about fishing to the class. Elicit
from the pupils the different ways of fishing using fishing rod, nets, etc. Ask if they know of
fishing practices that can be harmful such as dynamite fishing. Discuss why dynamite fishing
is harmful.

2. Presentation:
1. Present the problem
Obet went fishing last Saturday. He caught 30 fishes. He gave away 8 to his aunt.
How many fishes were left?

C. Generalization:
What do we do when the ones in the subtrahend is greater than the ones in the minuend to
make subtraction possible?

D. Fixing Skills:
Subtract the following
1. 14 – 6 = ___ 2. 82 – 5 = ___ 3. 433 – 25 = ____

IV. Evaluation:
Find the difference
28 – 9 = ___ 86 – 58 = ___ 882 – 76 = ____ 735 – 17 = ___
V. Assignment
Write the missing numbers.
22 64 92 383 567
- 8 - 36 - 66 - 25 - 39
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Tell what is asked, what is/are given, the word clue, the operation to be used.

Value: Hardwork, Be Thrifty (Fruit bearing tree)

II. Learning Content

Analyzing the word problem

References: BEC 3.C.1.1 p. 11; TM – Mathematics 2000 pp. 220-222;

TX – Mathematics 2000 pp. 298 - 300
Materials: number cards, chart

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Adding 1 digit numbers
3. Review: Adding numbers vertically and horizontally
4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
What fruit trees do you have at home? Name them. If you have abundant fruits, what
should you do to have an extra income? What will you do to this extra income? Emphasize
the value of hardwork and being thrifty.

2. Presentation:
1. Present this story problem
 There were 13 chicos in the basket. Inah got 8 of them.
 How many chicos were left in the basket?
2. Guide the pupils in analyzing the problem by studying the table.

C. Generalization:
How do we analyze a problem? What are the steps that we should know?

D. Fixing Skills:
Read and analyze the problem.
There were 15 glasses on the table. The maid removed 6 glasses. How .. many were left?
1. What is asked?
2. What are the given facts?
3. What is the word clue?
4. What is the process to be used?

IV. Evaluation:
Analyze the problems below. Answer the questions after the problem.
1. Many planted 12 vegetable seedlings in his garden. Five of them were eggplants. How many
were not eggplants?
a. What is asked?
b. What are given?
c. What is the clue word?
d. What operation should be used?
2. Vincent will plant 58 banana plants. He has planted 36 plants. How many more does he need to
a. What is asked?
b. What are given?
c. What is the clue word?
d. What operation should be used?

V. Assignment
Analyze this problem.
1. Celina will bring 17 seeds to school. She already has 9. How many more does she need?
2. Mother bought 12 oranges. At home her daughter ate 2 oranges. How many oranges were not
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Tell what is asked in a word problem.

Value: Be Thrifty

II. Learning Content

Telling What is Asked in Problem Solving on Subtraction .

References: BEC No. I C.3. 1. 1. La p. 11 . TM - Math 2000 pp. 220222;

TX - Math 2000 pp. , 298-300
Materials: flashcards, chart, Philippine money

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Answer the following subtraction exercises.
16 12 11 13 15
- 18 - 7 -5 - 8 -7

3. Review: Answer the following exercises orally.

28 39 56 78 45
- 14 - 27 - 36 - 12 - 34

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Lead a conversation about their daily allowance. Ask them on how much they spend
during recess and what should be done to the money left or amount not spent.

2. Presentation:
1. Present simple word problem involving subtraction using money.
 Monica saved P100. She spent P87 to buy a gift for her mother. How much money
had she left?
2. Have one pupil read the problem. Then ask: What are you asked to find out in the
problem? Will you read the sentence that tells what is asked?

C. Generalization:
What is the first step in analyzing a story problem? How do you express what is asked?

D. Fixing Skills:
Tell what is asked in the problem.
1. Mr. Martin had 567 sacks of rice to sell. On the first day he sold 153 sacks. How many sacks
of rice were left?
2. Elena gathered 42 mangoes. Ten mangoes were big. How many were small?

IV. Evaluation:
Write what is asked.
1. JM collect 213 bottle caps. He gave 92 caps to his friend. How many bottle caps were left?
2. Abby paid P40 for a hat. He gave the seller a P50 bill. How much change did he receive?
V. Assignment
Write what is asked in the problem.
1. In a 40 item test, Pol made 5 mistakes. How many correct answers did he get?
2. Liza picked 60 pomelos in her garden. Her sister sold 26 pomelos. How many pomelos were left?
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Tel what is/are given in a word problem.

Value: Be Thrifty

II. Learning Content

Telling what is/are given in a word problem.

References: BEC I.C. p. 11; TM-Mathematics 2000 pp. 220-222

Materials: flashcards, pictures, chart

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Flashcards drill on the following combinations.
38 53 436 78 64
- 7 - 12 - 14 - 54 - 32

3. Review: Tell what is asked in the problem.

Mrs. Reyes planted 48 seedlings. If 26 seedlings were cabbage, how many seedlings
were not cabbage?

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Show the picture of a girl depositing money in the bank. Let the pupils talk about the
picture. Stress the value of being thrifty and saving some amount no matter how small it

2. Presentation:
a. Present this problem to the pupils.
 There are 345 depositors from Grade One and Two. 272 depositors are from Grade
One. How many are from Grade Two?
b. Ask the pupils to read the problem and let them answer the following questions:
What is asked in the problem?
What are given in the problem? What are the numbers you see in the problem?

C. Generalization:
What is the second step in analyzing a word problem? How do you find what is/are given in
the problem?

D. Fixing Skills:
Read the problem and tell what are given.
1. Rino planted 649 tomato seedlings. The strong rain destroyed 245 seedlings. How many
seedlings were left?

IV. Evaluation:
Write what are given in the problem.
1. An egg vendor gathered 76 eggs. When he got home, he found 23 of them were broken. How
many eggs were not broken?
2. In the coconut plantation, Pablo gathered 132 coconuts. He separated 43 young ones for a
coconut party and sold the rest. How many coconuts were sold?

V. Assignment
1. The parking lot in the school yard has enough spaces for 50 cars. At the school program, 21
spaces were used by cars. How many spaces were not used?
2. Lita's class has 56 pupils. There are 28 boys. How many girls are there?
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Tell the word clues and the operation to be used.

Value: Cooperation, Respect for others.

II. Learning Content

Telling the Word Clues and the Operation to be Used in Solving Problem on Subtraction.

References: BEC No. I C.3.1.1,1 p. 11 TM - Math 2000 pp. 220-222

Materials: flashcards, chart , picture

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Flashcard drill on the following combination
98 65 77 89 54
- 42 - 16 - 24 - 36 - 26

3. Review:
Present word problems in a flip chart. Ask the children to underline the given facts in
each word problem.

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Lead a conversation about the picture of Boy and Girl Scouts in action. Encourage the
pupils to tell their experiences in scouting. Emphasize teamwork, cooperation and respect for
others as stressed in the different school organizations.

2. Presentation:
1. Present the word problem.
In Sta. Monica Elementary School 794 pupils are registered scouts. If 500 of
them are Girl Scouts, how many are Boy Scouts?
2. Ask the pupils to read the problem and answer the following:
a. What is asked in the problem?
b. What are given?
c. What operation will you use to solve the problem? Why? What words tell you to

C. Generalization:
What is the third step in analyzing the word problem? What word clues suggest

D. Fixing Skills:
Answer the following:
1. There are 126 magazines in the library. Of these, 85 are old. How many magazines are new?
a. What process will you use to solve the problem?
b. What word tells you to subtract?
IV. Evaluation:
Underline the word clues and tell the operation to be used.
1. Marita has a book of 216 pages. She read 82 pages. How many more pages does she have to
2. There are 640 bananas in a pile. Of these, 310 are ripe. How many bananas are not ripe?

V. Assignment
Underline the word clues and write the operation -to be used.
1. Mr. Cruz harvested 475 pine apples. He sold 251 in the market and the remaining pineapples wee
brought to Manila. How mall')' pineapples were brought to Manila?
2. There are 392 members in an English Club. If 186 are girls, how many are boys?
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Transform the word problem into a number sentence.

Value: Cooperation

II. Learning Content

Transforming the word problem into a number sentence.

References: BEC I. C. 3.1.2 p. 11

Materials: flashcards/problem charts

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Subtract
45 88 74 34 34
- 2 - 6 -4 - 3 -3

3. Review: Analyze the word problem.

Mother had 8 eggs. She cooked 5 eggs. How many where left?
a. What is asked?
b. What are given?
c. What is the word clue?
d. What is the operation to be used?

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Can you give the number sentence for this problem?
Ester has 8 flowers.
She gave 3 to her sister.
How many were left?

2. Presentation:
Lead the pupils in solving the problem cooperatively - by answering the steps.
Tell what is asked
Tell what are given
Tell what is the word clue
Tell the operation to be used

C. Generalization:
Give the number sentences for the following problems.

D. Fixing Skills:
Give the number sentence for the following problems.
1. Dino collected 8 seashells. He gave 5 of them to his science teacher. How many seashells
were left to him?
2. There are 42 Math books in the library. 13 are old books. How many books are new?
IV. Evaluation:
Write the number sentences for the following problems.
1. Tess gathered 7 tomatoes. She used 5 of them in cooking. How many were left?
2. There were 17 cups on the table. 6 of them were taken away. How many cups were left?
3. Cora bought 9 oranges. Three of them were small. How many were big?

V. Assignment
Give the number sentences for the following problems.
1. There are 40 Grade I pupils in a room. 18 of them went out to clean the playground. How many
were left inside?
2. Ramon had 54 marbles. He gave 10 marbles to his sister. How many marbles were left to Ramon?
3. Maria had P 75.00. She spent P 30.00 in the grocery store. How much money had she left?
4. Ryan has 8 balloons. 3 balloons burst out. How many were left?
5. Mother picked 10 eggplants. She cooked 6 of them. How many were left?
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Use the correct operation

Value: Importance of earning money

II. Learning Content

Analyzing Word Problem by: Using the Correct Operation.

References: BEC 1. C. 3.1.3 p. 11 Project Josie Workbook Volume 3 pp. 48-65

Materials: flashcards, pictures, chart of word problem

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill:
32 55 64 48 49
- 11 - 31 - 33 - 12 - 36

3. Review: Read and transform the word problem into number sentence.
a. A pad of paper has 50 pieces. Rosa needs 36 pieces only. How many are left.

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Show them picture of a balloon vender.
Ask: What can you see in the picture?

2. Presentation:
1. Jojo had 9 balloons to sell. Jinky bought 3 balloons. How many balloons were left to
How many balloons did Jojo have?
How many balloons did Jinky buy?
What is asked in the problem?
What are given?
What is the word clue?
What is the operation to be used?

C. Generalization:
What helps us identify the operation to be used?

D. Fixing Skills:
Show them a tree with fruits, each fruit has a word problem.
 Call some pupils to pick fruits. Have them read the word problem and ask them to use the
correct operation on I. the board.

IV. Evaluation:
A. Write the solution to each problem in the
1. 47 Grade I pupils are having a relay. 28 of them are boys. How many are girls?

2. After 20 minutes, 23 children out of 47 went to the canteen to buy juice. How many children
were left?

V. Assignment
solve the problem
1. Mrs. Reyes planted 90 vegetable seedlings. If 36 were cabbage, how many were not cabbage?
2. Of the 90 seedlings Mrs. Reyes planted, 12 were destroyed by heavy rain. How many plants were
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 State the complete answers

Value: Helpfulness

II. Learning Content

Stating the Complete Answer.

References: BEC I. C. 3.1.4 p.12 TX - Mathematics 2000 .pp. 298-300

Project Josie Workbook pp. 62-65 Volume 3
Materials: flashcard, picture, word problem chart

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Answer as fast as you can.
5 9 4 7 9
- 2 - 6 -3 - 5 -9

3. Review: Read and use the correct operation

1. Mother bought 12 fruits. If 5 are chicos, how many are mangoes?
2. There are 13 flowers in the vase. Eight are small flowers. How many big flowers are

4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Show picture of a flood victim.
Ask: What can you see in the picture?
What did you do to help flood victim?
Who among you experienced the flood?

2. Presentation:
a. Present the word problem:
Kaye had 10 old T-shirts. She gave 7 to flood victims. How many T-shirts had she
 How many old T-shirt she give to flood victim? (7 old Tshirt)
 How many T-shirts had she left? (3 old T-shirts)

C. Generalization:
How do we state the complete answer?

D. Fixing Skills:
Present a box. The box contains word problems. Ask the children to get one each and write
the solution and the complete answer on the board.

IV. Evaluation:
Answer these problems. Show the solution and the complete answer.
1. There were 23 papaya plants in Mang Tino's garden. Typhoon Feria destroyed 6 of them. How
many papaya plants were left?
2. Dino collected 8 seashells. He gave 4 of them to his science teacher. How many seashells were
left him?

V. Assignment
Solve the following problems. State the complete answers.
1. Rina bought 18 balloons for her nephew's birthday. 12 of them are blue. How many are not blue?
2. Romy saved 95¢ in one week. He spent 40¢ for a piece of candy. How much had he left?
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Solve word problems involving subtraction of whole numbers including money with minuends up
to 900 with regrouping

Value: Obedience, Nutritious value of vegetable

II. Learning Content

Solving word problems involving subtraction of whole numbers including money with minuends
up to 900 with regrouping

References: BEC C.3.1 p. 11 TM Mathematics 2000 pp. 220-222

Mathematics 2000 TX pp. 298-300
Materials: number cards, charts

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Subtracting 1 digit numbers with minuends through 18
3. Review: Stating the complete answer.
4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
You were asked by your mother to go to· the market to buy tomatoes, eggplants, squash
and radish. Your friend came and asked you to play basketball. What will you do?

2. Presentation:
1. Present on a chart this word problem.
 Celina had P81.00. She bought an apple hat cost P25.00. How much did Celina have
2. Analyze the Problem.
3. Demonstrate how to subtract whole numbers including money with regrouping.
4. Give anther story problem. Have pupils write the solution and the complete answer.

C. Generalization:
How do we solve word problem involving subtraction of whole numbers including money
with regrouping?

D. Fixing Skills:
Solve these problem. Work in groups.
1. There are 832 children inside the hall. Four hundred seventeen of them are girls. How many
of the children are boys?

IV. Evaluation:
Read and solve the following problems.
1. Bell had P95.00. She shared P86.00 with Adel. How much money was left with Bell?
2. Mother cooked 248 pastel candies. She sold 39 pieces. How many were left for her children?
3. Dante collected 116 bottle caps. He gave 79 to his friends. How many were left to him?
V. Assignment
Solve the following problems.
1. Vincent's pet shop had 523 fishes. Last week, 267 fishes were sold. How many fishes were left?
2. Marina is reading a book having 116 pages. She has already read 79 pages. How many more
pages does she need to read?
Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Solve word problems involving subtraction of whole numbers including money with minuends up
to 900 without regrouping.

Value: Sportsmanship

II. Learning Content

Solving word problems involving subtraction of whole numbers including money with minuends
up to 900 without regrouping.

References: BEC 3.1 p. 11 TM - Mathematics 2000 pp. 220-222;

TX Mathematics 2000 pp. 29300
Materials: flashcards, textbooks

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Exercises in OBFAD 4 F's (One Basic Fact a Day)
2. Drill: Addition without regrouping
3. Review: Subtracting with regrouping
4. Checking of Assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
What will you do if you see your teacher carrying plenty of things on her way to her
 What kind of children are you?
 Infuse the value of helpfulness.

2. Presentation:
1. What kind of children are you? Infuse the value of helpfulness.
A park needs to be planted with 124 trees. The Boy Scouts planted 102 trees. How
many more trees need to be planted?
2. Lead the children in solving the problem cooperatively by answering the following steps.
 Tell what is asked; what are given; what is the word clue; and what is the
operation to be used?
 Show the solution and the complete answer.

C. Generalization:
What are the steps in solving the problems? How do we solve word problem involving
subtraction of whole numbers including money without regrouping"?

D. Fixing Skills:
Teamwork (Work by Three's)
1. A peddler has 98 balloons. He was able to sell 46 balloons. How many balloons were not
2. There were 568 desks in the classroom. The janitor took 236 desks. How many desks were
IV. Evaluation:
Read and solve the following problems.
1. Thirteen eggs were laid by the hen. The children cooked 3 of the eggs. How many were left?
2. There are 97 guavas in the basket. Of these guavas, 14 are yellow. How many are green?
3. Mother has P95.00. She spent P42.00 in the market. How much money has she left?

V. Assignment
Solve the following problems.
1. Rey had P75.00. He paid P24.00 for his snacks. How much was his change?
2. Raul picked 347 guavas. He gave his sister 135 guavas. How many were left?

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