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Calculation and modeling long-haul DWDM system with advanced format

modulation tolerated by chromatic dispersion

Conference Paper · October 2014

DOI: 10.1109/APEIE.2014.7040911


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1 author:

Roman Ibragimov
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics


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Calculation and modeling long-haul DWDM

system with advanced format modulation
tolerated by chromatic dispersion
R.Z. Ibragimov, V.G. Fokin
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences, Novosibirsk,Russia

Abstract – In this paper investigate influence of nonlinear II. PROBLEM FORMULATION

effects with no compensation link. The Non-linear opti-
cal phenomena greatly enhanced our knowledge Fiber optic communications have provided us
about interaction of light with matter and created a with high-speed communications with enormous
dramatic change in optics technology. This nonlinear
bandwidth potential. The nonlinear effects depend
products will reduce the optical signal to noise ratio
(OSNR) which in turn increases the Bit Error Rate on the transmission length of the optical fiber.
(BER). Also, authors propose some solution for calcula- The longer the optical fiber and more optical
tion OSNR for usage different methods. power are available over its length, the more the
light interacts with the fiber material and the greater
Index Terms – DWDM, advanced format modualtion, the nonlinear effects. On the other hand, if the power
PM-QPSK, OSNR, transponder devices. decreases while the light travels along the optical fi-
ber, the effects of nonlinearity diminish. According
I. INTRODACTION with [3], we can calculate optical signal-to-noise ratio

T oday wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) in DWDM systems by different methods. Fiber

system based on 40-Gb/s time-division multiplex- nonlinearities become a problem when several
ing (TDM) channels are an attractive approach to real- channels coexist in the same fiber. Nonlinearity
ize future terabit-per-second networks. DWDM sys- effects arose, when optical fiber data-rates,
tems use for transmission C and L-band, that it allow transmission lengths, number of wavelengths, and
to increase total capacity of system from 1.6Tbit/s and optical power levels are increased.
over [1]. Recently, the main challenge for commercial
use DWDM systems are spectral efficiency. It is III. THEORY
major parameter for DWDM systems. This equation can be generalized to account for the
One of the popular method increasing spectral OSNR of any end-to-end path through an optical net-
efficiency is polarization-multiplexed quadrature work (including the effect of the amplifiers in the
phase-shift keying (PM-QPSK) or quadrature WDM line segments) which results in equation 1.
amplitude modulation (PM-QAM) [4], [5]. The −0,1(P − NF −10 lg(hf Δf ))
performance of long-haul broadband optical OSNRout = −10 lg(10 in1 1 + ...
transmission systems is mainly limited by two distinct −0 ,1(P − NF −10 lg (hf Δf ))
... + 10 inN N
), (1)
phenomena: amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)
noise accumulation and the generation of nonlinear where Pin1, Pin2,…, PinN – are the channel powers
interference (NLI) due to the Kerr effect in the fiber. (dBm) at the inputs of the amplifiers or ONEs on the
According with ITU-T G.652, contribution for relevant path through the network;
coefficient of PMD have value of about 0.5 ps/√km, NF1, NF2,…,NFN – are the noise figures (dB) of
however value of PMD for high bitrate system with the amplifiers or ONEs on the relevant path through
wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) optical the network.
network has ≤0.04 ps/√km. It should be noted, that at the input port of the
Coherent detection optical channels in WDM system ONE is determined by vendors range 40-50dB. The
allows to decrease influence of nonlinear effects. most characteristic and essential problem for
Also, for high-speed (40-Gb/s and beyond) optical multichannel optical systems, beside attenuation and
fiber communication systems, more powerful FEC dispersion, is interchannel crosstalk. We assume that
codes have became necessary in order to achieve the effect of nonlinear interference on WDM signals
higher correction ability that FEC codes and compen- can be modeled as additive Gaussian noise,
sate for serious transmission quality degradation. statistically independent of ASE noise. If so, the ASE
and NLI contributions add up in power. The BER then
depends on the OSNR modified to include the NLI
noise, defined as [2]:

978-1-4799-/14/$31.00 © 2014 IEEE 339


OSNR = , (2)
where Pch – per-channel power;
PASE – dual-polarization ASE power;
PNLI – nonlinear interference power.
The DWDM signal in (1), (2) is made up of many
individual channels. Individual power in channel de-
fined as:
PSUM = P1 + 10 lg N , (3)
where N – number of channels;
Psum – total power of DWDM signal +17dB; Fig. 2. Number of span vs. OSNR for G.655: – OSNR, calculat-
Pch – per-chanel power. ed by the equation 1; – OSNR, calculated by the equation 2..
In telecommunication systems often use optical fiber
G.652. This fiber accumulates chromatic dispersion V. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS
along fiber length, that it is negative factor for OSNR.
G.652 fibers need dispersion compensation to span From calculation and figure 1, it is observed that
conventional distances in metropolitan, regional, and difference between two methods is approximately
long-haul networks. For decreasing chromatic disper- 5dB. For the figure 2, it is observed that both results
sion we can use Non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber of calculation coincide. Our calculations has shown
(NZDSF), specified in ITU-T G.655. Because the ze- that the difference between two methods of calculating
ro-dispersion point of NZDSF is outside of the normal OSNR are made explicit.
communications window, four-wave mixing and other
non-linear effects are minimized. NZ-DSF, due to VI. CONCLUSION
lower dispersion in the 1550 nm window than SMF,
This paper has investigated the calculation of sev-
has only one quarter of the total dispersion compensa-
eral equations of OSNR with different fibers. The
tion requirements of SMF for a network to operate at
main points we wish to make are:
its optimal level. The resulting next-generation NZ-
1. OSNR from ITU-T G.680 ignores nonlinear
DSF with optimized-dispersion fiber provides opti-
effects such as Stimulated Raman Scattering, four-
mum performance with both current and future system
wave mixing and etc.
needs [6], [7].
2. Equation 2 is more flexible then equation 1,
and it allows to increase of nonlinear penalty.
3. The analysis of penalties is done by set-
According with (1), (2) and (3) we demonstrate of ting various power levels and channel spacing of
calculation OSNR with different type of fibers (G.652 individual channels in DWDM system.
Aeff = 80 mcm², γ=1.54; G.655 Aeff = 72 мcм², γ=2.3).
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Ibragimov Roman Zahirovich, assistant of

professor in dept. of Multichannel com-
munication and Optical systems, Siberian
State University of Telecommunications
and Information Sciences. His current
interests include optical communication
systems, dense-division multiplication,
coherent detection and nonlinear effects in
optical fibers.


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