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Inferential Analysis of Job Description data


Null Hypothesis: Opinion regarding Statements on Environmental

Perceptions of Employees are equal to Average level
Table 4.3.1 t test for Specified value (Average = 3) of Statements on
Environmental Perceptions of Employees

Statement on Mean SD t value P value

Environmental Perceptions
EP1 3.90 1.07 16.776 < 0.001**
EP2 4.10 1.03 21.291 < 0.001**
EP3 3.99 1.14 17.472 < 0.001**
EP4 3.90 1.21 14.878 < 0.001**
Note : ** denotes significant at 1% level

Since P value is less than 0.01, the null hypothesis is

rejected at 1% level of significance with regard to all
the Statements on Environmental Perceptions of
Employees. Hence the opinion regard to all the
Statements on Environmental Perceptions of
Employees is not equal to average level. Based on
mean score, opinion regard to all the Statements on
Environmental Perceptions of Employees is above
average level. (Add reason related to your topic with

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between Male and

Female with respect to Factors of Job Description of

Table 4.3.2 t test for significant difference between Male and

Female with respect to Factors of Job Description of Employees

Factors Gender t value P value

of Job Male Female
Description Mean SD Mean SD
Environmental 2.056 0.040*
16.27 3.58 15.47 4.08
Attitudes 16.083 <0.001**
toward 15.03 3.98 8.72 3.83
Organizational 0.235 0.815
14.48 4.16 14.58 4.18
Job Satisfaction 11.81 3.97 12.60 3.80 2.016 0.045*
Staying 3.008 0.003**
15.82 2.72 14.85 3.64
Overall Job 5.725
73.41 11.57 66.22 13.54
Description <0.001**
Note : 1. ** denotes significant at 1% level
2. * denotes significant at 5% level

All **

Since P value is less than 0.01, null hypothesis is

rejected at 1% level with regard to Factors of
Attitudes toward Co-workers, Staying Intentions and
Overall Job Description of Employees. Hence there
is significance difference between male and female
of employees with regard to the Factors of Attitudes
toward Co-workers, Staying Intentions and Overall
Job Description. Based on mean score, the male
employees have better in Attitudes toward Co-
workers, Staying Intentions and Overall Job
Description than female employees because …..
(Add Reason)

All *

Since P value is less than 0.05, null hypothesis

is rejected at 5% level with regard to Factors of
Environmental Perceptions and Job Satisfaction of
Employees. Hence there is significance difference
between male and female employees with regard to
the Factors of Environmental Perceptions and Job
Satisfaction. Based on mean score, the male
employees have better opinion in Environmental
Perceptions than female employees but for job
satisfaction female employees have better opinion
than male because ….. (Add Reason)

No Star

There is no significance difference between

male and female employees with regard to
Organizational Commitment, since P value is greater
than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted at
5% level with regard to Organizational
Commitment. (Add Reason)


Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference among Age

Group with respect to Factors of Role
Description of Employees

Table 4.3.3 ANOVA for significant difference among Age Group

with respect to Factors of Job Description of Employees
Age Group in year F P value
Factors Upto Above value
of Job Description 30 31-40 41-50 50
Environmental 15.55 15.88 16.05 16.32
0.727 0.536
Perceptions (3.87) (3.88) (3.82) (3.78)
Attitudes toward 10.75 11.35 13.01 14.03
9.136 < 0.001**
Coworkers (4.98) (4.79) (5.05) (4.56)
Organizational 13.70 14.76 14.31 16.01
5.278 0.001**
Commitment (4.35) (4.14) (4.29) (3.25)
Job Satisfaction 11.52 11.84 12.49 13.49
4.615 0.003**
(4.20) (3.68) (3.78) (3.51)
Staying Intentions 14.75 15.44 15.60 16.07
3.033 0.029*
(3.40) (3.12) (3.11) (3.06)
Overall Job
66.26 69.27 71.46 75.92
Descriptions of 9.900 <0.001**
(13.10) (11.99) (13.49) (11.35)
Note : 1. The value within bracket refers to SD
2. ** denotes significant at 1% level
3. * denotes significant at 5% level

Age Group in year F P value
Factors Upto Above value
of Job Description 30 31-40 41-50 50
Environmental 15.55 15.88 16.05 16.32
Perceptions 0.727 0.536
(3.87) (3.88) (3.82) (3.78)
Attitudes toward 10.75a 11.35a 13.01b 14.03b
Coworkers 9.136 < 0.001**
(4.98) (4.79) (5.05) (4.56)
Organizational 13.70a 14.76a 14.31a 16.01b
5.278 0.001**
Commitment (4.35) (4.14) (4.29) (3.25)
Job Satisfaction 11.52a 11.84a 12.49ab 13.49b
4.615 0.003**
(4.20) (3.68) (3.78) (3.51)
Staying Intentions 14.75a 15.44ab 15.60ab 16.07b
3.033 0.029*
(3.40) (3.12) (3.11) (3.06)
Overall Job
66.26a 69.27ab 71.46b 75.92c
Descriptions of 9.900 <0.001**
(13.10) (11.99) (13.49) (11.35)
Note : 1. The value within bracket refers to SD
2. ** denotes significant at 1% level
3. * denotes significant at 5% level
4. Different alphabet among Age Group in years denotes
significant at 5% level using Duncan Multiple Range Test

All ** with DMRT

Since P value is less than 0.01, null hypothesis is

rejected at 1% level with regard to Factors of Attitudes
toward Co-workers, Organizational Commitment, Job
Satisfaction and Overall Job Description of Employees.
Hence there is significance difference among Age Group
in years of employees with regard to the Factors of
Attitudes toward Co-workers, Organizational
Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Overall Job
Description. Based on Duncan Multiple Range Test
(DMRT), the age group of upto 30 and 31-40 is
significantly differ with age group of 41-50 and above 50
at 5 level of significance but there is no significant
difference between upto 30 and 31-40 and also 41-50 and
above 50 with respect to Attitudes toward Co-workers.
In Organizational Commitment the age group of upto 30,
31-40 and 41-50 is significantly differ with age group of
above 50 at 5 level of significance but there is no
significant difference among upto 30, 31-40 and 41-50.
In Job Satisfaction the age group of upto 30 and 31-40 is
significantly differ with age group above 50 at 5 level of
significance but the age group of 41-50 is not differ with
any other age groups. In Overall Job Description the age
group of upto 30 is significantly differ with age group of
41-50 and above 50 and also age group of 41-50 and
above 50 at 5 level of significance but the age group of
31-40 is not differ with any other age groups. (Add

All * with DMRT

Since P value is less than 0.05, null hypothesis

is rejected at 5% level with regard to Factors of
Staying Intentions of Employees. Hence there is
significance difference among age group in years of
employees with regard to the Factors of Staying
Intentions. Based on Duncan Multiple Range Test
(DMRT), the age group of upto 30 is significantly
differ with age group above 50 at 5 level of
significance but the age group of 31-40 and 41-50 is
not differ with any other age groups with respect to
Staying Intentions. (Add Reason)

No Star with no DMRT

There is no significance difference among age

group in years of employees with regard to the
Factors of Environmental Perceptions, since P value
is greater than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is
accepted at 5% level with regard to Factors of
Environmental Perceptions. (Add Reason)

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between Mean Rank

of Full time and Part time job with respect to Factors of
Job Description of Employees

Table 4.3.4 Mann Whitney U test for significant difference between

Mean Rank of Full time and Part time job with respect to
Factors of Job Description of Employees

Factors Mean Rank of Z value P value

of Job Description Nature of Job
Full Time Part Time
Environmental Perceptions 211.17 189.51 1.896 0.058
Attitudes toward 0.384 0.701
202.68 198.25
Organizational 1.372 0.170
208.29 192.48
Job Satisfaction 221.65 178.71 3.724 <0.001**
Staying Intentions 209.28 191.45 1.550 0.121
Overall Job Description 213.53 187.07 2.289 0.022*
Note : 1. ** denotes significant at 1% level
2. * denotes significant at 5% level


Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between Mean

Rank of Experience in years with respect to
Factors of Job Description of Employees

Table 4.3.5 Kruskal-Wallis test for significant difference among

Mean Rank of Experience in years with respect to
Factors of Job Description of Employees
Factors Experience in years Chi-
of Job Description square P value
Upto 5 6-15
16-25 Above 25 value
Environmental 200.13 185.32 214.41 215.94 4.725 0.193
Attitudes toward 185.10 200.96 206.89 221.82 4.434 0.218
Organizational 193.44 188.81 223.96 207.92 5.617 0.132
Job Satisfaction 190.69 197.83 212.14 209.95 2.211 0.530

Staying Intentions 184.24 186.10 217.18 242.75 14.289 0.003**

Overall Job 183.60 188.17 224.69 228.53 11.319 0.010**

Note : ** denotes significant at 1% level


Null Hypothesis: Level of Job Description of employees are equally


Table 4.3.6 Chi-square test for goodness of fit of equality of level of

job description of employees

Level of Job Frequency Percent Chi- P value

Description square
Low 102 25.5
Moderate 196 49.0
44.180 < 0.001**
High 102 25.5
Total 400 100.0
Note : ** denotes significant at 1% level

Since P value is less than 0.01, the null

hypothesis is rejected at 1% level of
significance. Hence concluded that Level of Job
Description of employees are not equally
distributed. Based on percentage, majority of
employees belongs to Moderate level (49.0%).
(Add Reason)


Null Hypothesis: There is no association between Gender and

Level of job description of Employees

Table 4.3.7 Chi-square test for association between Gender

and Level of job description of Employees

Gender Level of Job Description Total Chi- P value

Low Moderate High
Male 41 98 71 210
(19.5) (46.7) (33.8) (100.0)
[40.2] [50.0] [69.6] [52.5]
Female 61 98 31 190
(32.1) (51.6) (16.3) (100.0) 18.654 <0.001**
[59.8] [50.0] [30.4] [47.5]
Total 102 196 102 400
(25.5) (49.0) (25.5) (100.0)
[100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0]

Note: 1. The value within ( ) refers to Row Percentage

2. The value within [ ] refers to Column Percentage
3. ** Denotes significant at 1% level

Since P value is less than 0.01, the null hypothesis is
rejected at 1% level of significance. Hence
concluded that there is association between Gender
and Level of job description of Employees. Based on
row percentage, 19.5% of male have low level of job
description, 33.8% of male have high level of job
description whereas for female employees 32.1%
belongs to low level of job description and 16.3%
belongs to high level of job description. Hence
majority of Male employees have high level of job
description and majority of female employees have
low level of job description (Add Reason).


Null Hypothesis: There is no relationship between Factors of

Job Description of Employees

Table 4.3.9 Karl Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Factors

of Job Description of Employees
Factors of Job
Description EP AC OC JS SI
1.000 0.216** 0.533** 0.184** 0.496**
toward - 1.000 0.246** 0.033 0.282**
- - 1.000 0.174** 0.467**
- - - 1.000 0.185**
- - - -. 1.000
Note : ** denotes significant at 1% level

Correlation Coefficient between EP and OC is 0.533

which indicate (0.5332 = 0.284) 28.4 percentage
positive relationships between EP and OC and is
significant at 1% level. (Same way other two pair of


Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference among mean

ranks towards Factors of Job Description of

Table 4.3.8 Friedman test for significant difference among mean

ranks towards Factors of Job Description of Employees
Factors of Mean Chi-Square P value
Job Description Rank value
Environmental Perceptions 3.76
Attitudes toward Coworkers 2.31
Organizational Commitment 3.13 297.273 < 0.001**

Job Satisfaction 2.31

Staying Intentions 3.49
Note: ** Denotes significant at 1% level

Since P value is less than 0.01, the null hypothesis is

rejected at 1% level of significance. Hence concluded that
there is significant difference among mean ranks towards
Factors of Job Description of Employees. Based on mean
rank, Environmental Perceptions (3.76) is the most
important factor of Job Description of Employees,
followed by Staying Intentions (3.49), Organizational
Commitment (3.13) and so on. (Add reasons)

Note: If the given data is Ranking Data, then least mean

rank is the best one.

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