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Monceda, Alyssa Jean

BSEd English IV

1. What happens to a person if he doesn’t have literacy skills?

Having these literacy skills will benefit us of being smart enough to know the difference of a fact and
false information. If a person does not have literacy skills she will be easily deceive by false information.
in our modern era there are a lot of false information scattered throughout social media platform,
YouTube, google. Whereas, having media literacy skills will also help us find and identify credible
information’s, necessary facts and be knowledgeable on how to easily ignore and spot the significant to
less significant information. On the other hand, having technology literacy skills will benefit us through
this modern era in which almost everything was run by technology. It will help us basic skills that are
needed in certain field and accomplishing them using technology.

2. It is important to have these skills for it will help you achieve your goals.

Having leadership skills will help you through setting a plan and working it collaboratively. Leadership
means being the one who directs through your teams and perform responsibilities. Initiative on the
other hand is creating strategies that will make your plan work. Productivity speaks about consistency
on working your projects and until you finish your goal. Whereas flexibility is being adaptive to the
pressure and environment you’re in. While social skills are having a good social and communicative skills
to face people and develop mutual relationships.

3.When does one possess the following literacy? Write one specific example

of what he can do to show he/she has the following:

1. Critical thinking
In English subject, you can provide the student a literature and give them a scenario aligned to
that literature let them debate about the pros and cons. Like for example the Philippine
literature, Debate on “What if the Philippines was not colonized by the Spaniards VS. The result
of the Spanish Colonization”

2. Creative Thinking
asks the students to make a reflection paper about a particular movie. |
eg: Romeo and Juliet
as well as asking follow up questions
1. Are you in favor Juliet’s plan? Why and why not?
3. Communication
share your thoughts through adrdressing a certain issue or in a report you can share you experiences or

4. Collaboration
Plan with your classmate about the activities and teaching strategies to create a lesson plan and present
a particular subject matter.

5.Information Literacy.

Read and research about some information regarding to our present condition the Covid 19 pandemic
and provide some sites that provides authentic and reliable source.

6. Media Literacy

Read articles in social media and scan or double check or background check if it presents a reliable and
authentic information.

7. Technological Literacy

make a video about technological terms used in the a specific field and make a scenario in which they
tend to use that term. Eg. Medical terms

8. Leadership

for the Ceas month Each major was assigned to make a booth ro participate or represent their major.

9. Initiative

create an assigned lesson plan with your choice of topic, strategies and instructional materials.

10. Productivity
being able to do and finish each module for each subject by having time management and pass it before
the deadline.

11. Flexibility
being able to work under pressure through barriers and various factors brought by this new normal.
12. Social skills
give students to rate each other’s works by providing the strengths and weaknessesas well as sharing
opinions. Eg: lesson planning and during demo teaching

1- never
2- rarely
3- sometimes

21st century learners 1 2 3 4 5

1. Technological Literacy /
I use the computer with ease when I lecture.
2. Media Literacy /
3.Information /
4.Social skills /
5. Initiative /
6. Leadership /
7. Creativity /
8. Communication /
9. Critical Thinking /
10. Collaboration /
11. Flexibility /
12. Productivity /
Assessment about how 21st learners cope up the new normal

My own Likert scale


New Normal Assessment 1 2 3

1. 1.I am having a hard time in

understanding the lesson

2. I feel like I am competing

with my classmates

3. I am struggling with the set

deadline in every projects
and modules

4. I am struggling using ICT as a

mode of learning because of
the barriers I am facing

5. I am confident with every

answers and activities I pass

6. I am enthusiastic that I will

pass this semester

7. My parents are there to

support me in my modules

8. I have a private space

provided by my parents for
my online class

9. I have the access to the


10. I have laptop/cellphone and

necessary gadgets for online

11. I am not comfortable about

my chosen mode of learning

12. Our professors/teachers are

following their own schedule
for sending their modules as
well as giving considerations
to those who cannot pass
the module on time.

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