Maphysed Lesson2 Ind (Villar)

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Activity 1: Educational Technology and Industry 4.

Name: MA. FLORENTINA A. VILLAR Date: May 28, 2021



Using the Goal-Reasons Web below, select and write inside each of the two circles under the first
one on top one of the 4Cs of the 21st Century Skills (shown in a separate part under Unit 2 in our FB group)
and explain briefly as well inside those same circles based on the videos you have watched (on Educational
Technology and Industry 4.0) why each of these two is necessary for you to develop as an educator among
your students to meet the instructional demands of this fourth industrial revolution as your given goal. Under
each reason for each skill, write and describe inside the upright rectangle found below each of those two
circles an authentic example showing how educational technology can help you in developing them.

Meet the
demands of
Industry 4.0

1stSkill: 2ndSkill:
Interpersonal Skills Creativity
(As educator, we must have
(Being creative must be the
this vivid skill. We must not
first trait that an educator
just let our self to be out
must have.
casted, rather we must join,
Dealing with diverse
mingle and have fun for easy
students is challenging but if
we are oriented with this
skill, we will find it easy.)

Example: Example:
Interpersonal skills are Creativity is a valuable
the skills we use every day workplace skill because it can be a
useful tool for developing new
when we communicate and
ideas, increasing efficiency and
interact with other people, devising solutions to complex
both individually and in groups. problems. While you may have
They include a wide range of natural creativity skills in certain
skills, but particularly forms, it is a skill that can be
communication skills such as learned and developed over time.
listening and effective In this article, we discuss what
speaking. They also include the creativity is and how you can take
ability to control and manage advantage of creativity skills in
your emotions. your day-to-day tasks.
I must be flexible at all the
I must possess this skill
times specially when dealing with
specially in interacting with my my students. I cannot avoid
students. I must let them share multiple students but I must
their point of views regarding accept it. I must adapt versatile
to our lesson. Consulting my strategies and techniques to catch
students regarding their their interest in the lessons. I must
suggestions about the lesson is be oriented with different
very good because I must assessment tools in coping their
respect oneself. own styles of learnings.

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