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lo o
,,-lle f'""ff'ztt Ë*"l*É"n*/

or I leb 195!r the ?oùorh lù Bsse sqdn, 12ih Àtr rorcê {ês âclivaùêd
at PtB. rhis ùit ûâ3 rêds3lrhà!êd thê 7ù0trr .{ir Èâsè clorç on I rù\y I9t!
ed o. t nêc 195I edésisctêd thô 7lr364nÂtr letmss orcup" thts latt€r
sr@p res ClÈ! ihe task ôf pre,êlins Pha*b@rg tB to pêr:fom â têctical
ris5rôn. 0n B oct 1955, the 7!86th Æç {æ rêd€sr8nated ih€ 7lr86th Àir las
SqDdrc', '\1s ,n1! les Fên of tn€ 361. Frgnis.Interc€! o-]'Jins, 1/rh A1!
Iôrcê. 0n 1 ,Jân19t7 rhé 7!36th bô.æ ô Glouo,

The only.1!c!af, siâltôn€d êt, ?hâlsboûe Il Jrq lr5h to r95? rcr€

neÈcolieru. lhæe ree tle 2rrd Heilcoptêr SqsdNn, eiâtioæd at PAB

In 195? Phakbourg .$ vas tÉnsfeftd trcr th€ 36ih Flslter Intêæêpiôt

vÈns to ûe loih Taciical Re and És âsetsnêd trc nFi!Î
âqradrône. Theee p1arcs fl€w rccornàiFrance ûlsolo$ rnilr tho IaU of 1953
vhm they ft4 rêplecêd by m-101o's. lhâlrbôulc Æ ând ,h€ ta ôquâdMô
reæ tlandf€rled to tha 66th Tàci,lcô1 R.comatsssco lll4r 17ih Àir Fo.æ

Th€ 7lr86ih Ât! Bss€ clouF, 66th Tactlcat $côûê1ssa.ce Itng, 17ih Â1r
for€ renâùsd at Phs13t$urg ÂB unttl l%f Nhù the ùâse É3 put on !08
(disFersed opê*trng bèse) siaiùs.

Du.tng thê È€!1td cn3lE 1n 1%1 ead âs â æsl]t ôf tnis cltsts, the
102nd Têoiical F18hiêr tli4, ltr Nailohal c!ârd oaued w and s€nt to
Pàâ1sboùls 4n. Tà€J aûtvêd hee tn Nôamber and 'as@tnèd hère uttl !h€
Èæsêni Êeupr tlE ?lô9ih ombâi swporf omç. comanded bJ lt. Co1. rùtbnr
r. Cùshtru, took over'ihe bas€ r. Jù1y of 1tÛ2.

ft€ ?l69ih CSçp!s !nde! ihè 366tn tactlcd rkhtar lt1.g klih )æadq@t€!è
at Chadont ÀE, r8nce, rhlch ln e 1é ùndâr ùth lorcè, nmstelnr
o.rury ad Us$nt lleisùaden, 0€m1ry, ^1r
1p 7,60!0 CSopsppons Lhe LSor| acr al Frsrrer Sqsdh' , cl)lruôed
b y r ' . C o _ . h -rd E . A rh o o ro . Âjf €JL - . L8or n cee hn u€
hEniorl* '
ot thê lômÈr Ài! Nailonal oùard ùiio- and cônsi3rs ôf F-81!'
ryhundântreaksn. DÉ io *temive nnxey re!al!s, the lrSolh Îâc ltr sqdt
dld nôt âôinal1y ârr{ve âi Phâ1sboùrs ÀE $tt1 æ !êc 1962, bâIinc be€n
6tâtionèd at Châùont ,lx durins thè lepairc.
Phèlsèorg,À1r 8asèJ FÉrc€

[acou! fnofi Tse a,!sEcoM ]{I]ER

ths puraose ôf i,his bekrei It tô pfoladê Jùn rith a brief
Bketch of ibe tactlities ènd âctivtliee of ihe Èaséand ihe ciYiliân
comuity. llihôùgh ân âtt€npt ha3 bô€n mde r.o d€scribe ine ÉJorltt
ôf our serrtces, tt is of coursô inpô3stbLet, aniicipate è11 of your

and MæihlY as Pôsstblê.

hêy stiu have âfiêr rcadi.s ihis bookl€t.

th€ hisiorT ôf thls âreâ ts 4ctting, rhe pëolle I.iendry ând

ihe coût.yElde b6ùttfu1, 3€ê ând to do. l{lth a
liti1e ar-rû sffort on tbur paftr sùch ês acqùirh8 ê h1ovledee ol
ihe FeôptèJ th€ir cusbre end lânelaeê, you v r lind Jtur a3slgtùent
here tô be msi rm.din{.
rl€asè acc€pt our Ém rlshês fôr â sùcc€3sful âhd enJoldble

,- J2' .t
L4ztZA44,"1-!4 tz*1
ÀnflfiÎI. clrsHû\io a/
rt. co1., usÆ l,/
rrEtcorcT0 PÈtrIsBcr.rn4
ÀsiEE4i !o Pharsbôùr3 Ài. Base @rês yôù 3 hehnê. ôf seveË1vitar,
lfrp.û3.t t€as"
: , T ': : . " j, , ' ] : . 1 . !: r *n Èr L ic- r ô ke o r , Àr _ ..u k îF ;r r o lranr,_
1 s * € " Àô.
-s, pâll ôr tiô {rrT0."a, Æ *d y,_r NÀra
f rhe Îæe mr1d.
Ii add*l.! no lraloJ sssig@t to !àâlsbours Æ a1sô neâns rhat 1ù are
:1\Fæ ( r ' sNr - ) . ie r ,u !i.lor e è

t q. 7 v: 1 â L cl mb lpy À3, 7r ô6,n â sr aii À., * ,È ir - ;i

:. !hj."
a squolon of F_3! i!.

xÀrx c!lE, PHÀr,9EoùRC


InflFnce 1B leqnred ror autmblles ôhêd ând operÀled W sôn4* lerson-
.ê1 in rrecê dd C€tuy. tn€ricà! 1nsËnc6 @!pa!V aË bâeed !9;n
lek ând fô! thé ninidu Eqlirænt 'âtsdæcÈ1iâb1riit
ot $m,aoô prope!,ôy ôr
utinitèd. F\Fther i.Jooaiiôn Dry bê obrâi.ed àt tné tuêridd lliIitary htôÈ
national Iftua.cê Àssôciarion rcênr, jn rh. ln .ican rrglirs otric. @ b!3ô,
or, yd nây ôbt?in y@ p.l1cy h ttre statês bêtos Fù dep4rure.

ïo æ not Nthodæd io dliæ a vehiclê th IÉn@ ùnttl yd hâa€ obtai!-

ôd a coqz ddvèr's l1cêhsê. Yo! nst lass at4i ôhorile J@! iTdledsê of tbê
Dubpâ Èreitlc aistu sd rrench dliwlhg tuùs b€foæ. Èc€nss viU bê 1s3uèd.
{ùeæ and à@ to obtàh yoù cct{z drtvê!'s lrê€reé
ànd ê n râ1 for 3tùdy iay bê obtarned frcn ihê 3à3s rrirer t!ètntug school
locaftd rn bdldins h08. I val1d sraresid€ or ilur3ry drare.'s 1la€æe rs æo-
rLftd to oorài1 a c&r,


Yo! r$t regisi€r r6n! ca! ând âilr Eapds r:rth the Ât! pouce. ft you
aùtorcbllê hæ beên shipped ftd thô Unlted Siaies ro a fFnch poltj tu m3t
rlftt tuk€ a !âriial resist&rlon of 1r ai rhô iasô yehicle Réstôrlailon offlce!
tr vIII be dstiv"Fd to yo! à! jê ror,
ol.Bhèd orly ùé1 y@ ale 1n possôssiônof (a) . colz dnrsr's rl .e13€r rb) âo(ep
âb1ô tlsùance corêFséj {cl ihe v€hlc1ê sgtsirstiôn -
ce!,Èif1ôâie fr@ thê stat€
1n Thlch td rè31stered ihê âùtonobilé.

3ê10re }tu ù'\r â cæ tl rràncêr 31tùe! @r or sêd, be $E to mks inqùtlv

c6cèh1rg th8 né.essary doûeht3 {lrrch yôu N6t hâye ald ttÈ p!ôcêdùe io
folloy io pêndt yo tô æé3te! thê d! l, }!ù! lte ln ihô cF s'3rân !6ed on

Dùdnc tbu stây in iÈncê, yd !.û' ê4erdsæ rhe nisfortùê of beins in-
volld ln à nok. Fhrc]! à u hàE c.!i,!l. +spo;stblt_
tttês th !êpôrtins ihe accldênt. h e.r caoè, ri; ih" yd
e3t &pori 1i tô the IHch Police ed to uré ai. pouoè at, 'cddênr
".*;, ab. 1où
shoutd no! I@vô !hê scen€
yo, In âddltlonJ it xs æcmended rhât yoù id6dùrèù cotrtact rhê ]{ir policô
ihe àcùtdêbi êrc !eco:nêd. rf, y@ ôdê ùDo! a æo1-
dent ed are ttu fr.s[ rc dfnve, h€ FFn.h 1,, sqrrFs !b! Jd srqp and ændér
flr6i ald tô ih€ injùæd. rê s!ft rhar, yd æ dol.s ô!1y ?bat, rs âbeàhrery
æc€ssêly iô pæs€Fe ihe 1t1ê ol the injurcd tor iJ you rende inpFler âid,
yù nal bô h€ld ttable fof thê ôôde4rèrces. r.ù aæ tô rmrn ùntl1 æl&s;d
by ih€ lredb 4thorltlès. Il yôù tail to srô!, yd .É 1tâb1e fo, crlninal !rs-

ca "€t Dôd'.âI cæ æd dded for nl|Lsfr

ed iv 1,e bsrsonnp- .n a **; be di,F*s. ôrh..
lospirat fâdtriips uL "
ar !Êssbâdêa, rénd3rù- ;d Britû.c,
0emnJr dd ch'dæuftùrr!ânce, rhe dispensarr i6 1ocâiêd in buildlnc 209;-
r,rildjns 105, 13 a@llab1e i

Thê b.sê cdrrllssèrr, locaied tn bulldlr8 1101, cériês à

s'ocê|têsr honskêêplns itars, fæsh !*rE,



. Thê air Fo{e &cÀéng€ (rFE) operÂæs ctâss "À'tr.!i-y ar

rB sd ca' ruFisb â]jDsr aT jctÆ cnd "hat3bù3
dorhine. À klddi€'s deFêrherr offêF caq)lêté sr€cks of chlldÉn,s clothùg.-;
l4ay ftnô toJs æ âul1àbl€ fo. childM. Cerr,ain itâ. .re liûitêd duê tô
5ioÉ3e â.d display rc@. Àryrhinc noi avrârâb& ce bê special-orderd.
rrlfl â15o off€rs 1t3 .ùsioDF a bârbF shop, laudlr, lhoro€!æh1c prccessl.s,
ed a sÉck b3!. À c acs CI rtoÉ rof pùrcrse or o-rerâgês, "{;ês rd

.1" .:;


è!r DRYcrtaxriro
d::r c14ning, &d shoe eFâi

Pnarsèmlc Àir lase b.asts a ofricênt o!e. È€os, a! Nco otêa lrese, a
w11 deslsned serEcè c1ùù ed a n d ând cù club.

the r.d dd Gû cùb, locrt€d in turldlie 502, oîlæs arl tr!€s of lMtins
and lishins eqnipn€nt ûith erDlrasis ar Iore! orelsêaG plices. Phâlsbour€ AB i6
lôcatêd riihin onê nil€ of a cfùb leæ€ r'bere deer. Fetùclr. and ûild bær
a chb o"nec skê€i 'med
race i5 a1sô local,ed or the bâs€. Idbêr3hl!
in the Hôd ad cù c1ùb ie Frâcucalrji a nece3slty tôr IDntè* dd 1lshênen
t la$ dd dsr# of l!ârce.
l4o!e itian ô,c00 bcotr conpl€tèly eqùlpFed and récênw
lo€ted in the sêricê club hildtr{ æ1. Tàè sô*tcê Club
pe14de5 â rsere tô neei n pecomel. The sewice
spons.r af Ény bus rhicn ûowld€ plÊasant econon$ar !êek+nd ênd
holiday trips io sTiize.tâld, Psts, Iialr, Iuenboùrg, cem.r, and ]lmrds
otàê" sleht-seôlna spot3.
erope aæ a.iànced tJ : ùa!ab1ê stafr.
n'ItsrroEv'st or ÀlsÈIJBFÀE
Àt U€ b3!é thê6td. rt!.I! @U!ad on $êk-
q Èe.ttlB c.letty of 250 ed & rôod4

oYrohsnxllD to$Û& ÂrJ&

P.lttotpÂi{or l, êlgéltzèd.!ort! ald alhlé1,1cê ts ùftwg€d. Ûê ith-
l.!ro lFelu .i Ph3lâæùla $ h$ at tlE dlrpsal  sâI@tu' bu.trdllg 2!,
â!a a tua6h ldltlg âltêy, hllldtrg ,12.

Àtr aùi@btlê hobùr slDp tô locaiêd @ tùé bè.ê. Â cdlp1êté lùè ot

ioolÊ 6d aqtlrnétt ft âctlabl. for tl€ ldo-lt-JènÈê1f,! âutô Fp.ihâ..

ool,f @ugg
À nlrê hô1ê, Pa! 36 3o1t cd!66 td loceted lod the bæê, 'lh€ cro3e
td opo!ât€d W ltr Iô@ pêrseê1 é!d ha3 g.rt slpllee aad c1ù! !€ltsls
Jôu *1,11 b€ tnterêstèd in k
Editiotr ot t]le stars
liversd tô ihe bæe dâiL1.

Th€ an€lice 1oft€3 Net*oik {!1I) pF!.rd* râdio lloglas in-

cludt4 tu's ând sportrng dilectry tM the unttêd siatæ,

Th€ rrBold Defêndêru ls !n elght !âg€ bl-Æêklw paper pr{.iêd at ob@nt

A1r lâsê, F ed fo! the !êAiê oi th€ 366th Tâctical ristreriÆns. It incorp-
oate€ nilitaï æro and lôcal erets fm tb€ îd ai! bæès or tiE Ti,s, ih-

ixse Fêliodtcâû. llo{cr.rj .{nencân R€d

oross w1ùntêers âre àtrai]ank àt all tihæ, th€ in€rics &d cs53 offlcê ls
looat€d ir buildils 1ca

laogle is pryided ùy a Câiho

visiis tbe bâs€ t&qrenily ad setrices æ hê1d
The lase cha!ê1 ls locaied in bùildine l-ro.



l,'rnRrot vls{ $ !Àsr cli,lPtt

r,11 rêf, 3fiB15 ôhold k d ihai rhe Gewlcês of thê Frsnch tt.tso! æ
.t rh- ! Ùsæsa1 1n ^oDrnssllh r\e dtffrtu ies tnàL yilt à!r3" in eô!!ie ab
(cart.s ôÊ $Jôu), rkn.\ teô, pece,
-ou-l1g rn ci;F

.ID cobôL.ncs {ir roæignêÉ Fsidle b Frsnca rof

À cdç16tê posrâ1 seFice 1e a?d]lb1ê on bése inclùdtns thê

u.s. cu!rency is nd b€tnc used tu r!âncê, !êftonaI ch€ckson staresidê

ba as"d lhro!€n f" À,ô!1c& E4r*3 offi.ê rocai"d in brrlùn3
t!r, !'€cKrr€ ano op.nèd8Jr€f Fu, q1ral at pdr-
bùry Æ. No 111* 15 olaced ôn eoùn! oL rcnêj you nrn b bljna rn.ô


Tiânspoltaiior of pêis is eùthori,ed to ltuce. Iou @sr po6sê6ôhosere!.

b. "1 155."dtlrllry .raysp,_iorro ârivâr ù FBncô, and
lij :.llf "i" hês Md irofllrtrn ^êelf:_
agai$! Flrjêc nôr erc lhàr 4!vê
h- ri,e or {rFJ iE? NoquhnrMe is upo3ed
T:':l: ll:"-:. {!! e*t4.
!D pets rrd earrs or

tÆT\ Is{ imæeô md rF r€rl Fstdsisliiy
!tulsèrres (ri. t'lll,1, fr"rcn .ryir codt; rùL aI,o fô! d*Êe3 .:Ned b
p""p."v u rh flF.-el,â"i.s; ræ pl€Lsps æFaos k aôroln-
a n s ! o u 3 - 0 o r p fl .ô Ity (4 8 , tl l t, pr - . 2t. $.h les"_ r ..ujr .ie: a*
&o:|13slth,LyFænoêolnatÀL "i.- ,._

erpany rn thê lom ot a lider I€sso.,s r ne@æ

on rhe o:4siml poLc). ar
Ultiêd Stat€e lersom€} are ltab1ê fo! o!
bâ! of tæer lhich can be srm!€d ad fo1lom: (â) contlibùtioù uoblllè€ ald
s jêd t*€s ùd {b) ladio ând TI i4.

l4abers of thê Û.S. ioees ând the dYl]le cdFon€.ts de, unite! laticle
X. llÀIO stâtns ôf lo.ces Âg&ment, €asn$t fm !rench tâx€s Ôh$ a.d
€;olm€nts pald to ihd as ôuclr ndbeÉ !y ths S*dlls st
tb1é rtrablè prclsltr the nrêsên€e of rhich in thê Rêcgltùc statê (iracâ) 1s
due sot€Iy io th31! ten9o!6!y stây urère.

Thê cortdlutiotr xôbiliè!ê (dô !ùiôh 16 .dded a T* drHâbtiattô! sfti1âr-

le imosêd tùi difeælt1y conFùted) 13 a 1ocs1 td bâsêd ùlon tbe occupacv ot
i ho:e or èra-tnent. lt 1s assessèd yêdlx acairet the ocmpâi ôl ihe !!4iÉ-
e6 dro * 1! !ô6session âB of 1 Jan of êà.h yesr. If thê hdse k nôi ocdpled
by its ohdr the td is .66essed asalroi the iênant. If, at the tlne ot thê
1€æ€t it hes bâen a.ranssd and âereed beireên ]!ss! and f€ô6ee tàat thê léssôr
ral'l;ây the ts, sùch alra.senent 16 Elfd berræen ih€ pa"lles, aDd iJ the id
t3 acûârly latd tt tbe ténæt, he nây &dùct It frcn nh
tæp1t6 ihis âgreMt, thê ulttuaie EsrrotslblùW fo! Pqvùc the td tua1ns
vith ihê ienei 1n FôgÉeôsio
'le r " n + a ! pcà ., In !à :yi r]c n d æ. aom r s ,o locàlr t:es. oô r \e 3e"
on Àobrlrère and â cânâ.n nùrbêr
oJ oLh€. -ôca.r @s levreo

!ôsd tuint€nâhcâ ând repair. À11 srch tæ3' tnô eui oî Yhroh is 3nd1,
1o11d the sde rêsla€ as the conidtutim ]{ôbiltàft as far â6 !.s, pe$o@e1

Ths cotriliùltio. uobilièÉ i.l1l b€ nâtd ty a1.1eersomel 1ivi4 on tlre

F?'cJ econoqr.

the Fâdio ed Md rêpæ6€ntE a eJè1ty levied fo! the heneiii of the

Iqch Édio and ts1.rls1on nôth.k. U.S. peEon€l ôei
âæ 1iâb1ê loa inis t*.


F.enc]l la{ Èqrtrcs eyê:T res-bob bèW to be registêred laÈhin ?2 hNâ

at th€ 1o€1 clty tÉu ôx the geographlcal dea the chtld É3 t n.
railæ ro cdp]y ihis reqùr.ehèni sùblacis 'heæ
rà€ æsponsibl€ pêr.ry ro rænch
&dicial proceedinss 'rth ùich nqy
it nêy caùsê se14es cdrçli zenshiF ôf the infant.

In o!dê! to pæchde any t\tùrc têga1 uhcelhalnty as to !rcrice oiiizo-

shfu, the child 3h@1d hê æ6l3te!ed nrth the Ultied 6tat€B n{bæ!y, Palts, æ
5oo a3 pô3s1b1e, rrut h any *nt, r{tbtn on€ y€d fxn bilih,

social sodrit', atpf,iôabla {rren€rcr doresiic

h€lp is àploy€dj nrv he oltaiûed by tnqdring at ihè l€eal office. À ôelids

c o r u . q F n ^ ê o 'rô n -p a j n 4 r r ' tu iôar oJ h"ir dù â dd?
bê.1"ld æ$omlble fo. d.l tlnscrâl orê ir ca,a oi d€.x, 1,.i_-y, *

BetoÉ erp-ôn1g âù oors-ic help!

L \è rærcn L i a i so10f.1!e îo. as313te.ê i! r c_;:!!nÊ ùd
layrns rrenct soôial secù.1iy prei@.

ths M-0 srd.s of rorcæ r a! yor p"-sô.âr srrÊ.ls

n Jo
"tft! à-ive 1n !le.e o!
llyols' |@P!10i4or
3æd3 aft€- s{* rcnrhs fù Flr orieirê_ cnr.r rnto Frùce, ro rÈJ F $bJ"c!

Pæsst âsre4€.t3 Étrr ihe FEnch coremêni pnvldê ihsr Eoods jl@ôrtêd
fæe of by nênbe.s or rhé lj.s. Forcæ rr1r nor b. dislosed ol on ihê
rrs.h Itrker s anj.rr:der, rncl i,rg gifls, unless lnoor ou.,, are p5id. Dô
nôr p1e tô *11 oart of_/dr rd€âturd soodsJ!ù my bnns d€r or "
rc lefEgôF
àtor yd nây bw Ât rh€ Ærf on th€ r'ænch Ék€r aô yd ,ay bà liâble fôr th;
q e o | , o . : 4,
r3Dæal or ÂFÂx e, :,dnd_
Bls shoù1d not €.ry @e ihah a iorÂr doùr, of ônô mnthr: cisaErtê ;nd b€v_
êrdse ntin $d &âsônable qùùtttlee of fôôd sr,utrs. pemnnôl dô

t:n"s are _êrl€d.

rrooD Ttsls roR lIcoHoL
In éa6èe of têftic accidénk ôr of 1nêidatu ôônsriiuths â teto!!, o.
d.déneâ'or, thé mt c eulnoriLy, hod â iËrn tas. hsE LhÀ nch. ; dé_
Lo. *b[r! iô a olood Les[ fo! alconôI, rrq to€æ
13 reasm to tuspe.t ihâr r uÉ€d *hen ;uch pôlsn ÉB
rbd.r thê lnfi La^ê of a_mbotr yæ æ ror esçi rrcn u. p*,i,t."; ;i h;-
rs, r p ê Ja rr ro r rru d rc ro *bai L to
. rt you æ Fqùed.d tu i.\e !hê r"ft &dd
yoù Ey â5r u. FEnch âurtôrtre! Lo aôùnisrer ûÉ re* upm rF otro. do so:
or lersons involved in ihe tncident o! âccident, ære;

,::'"*":-': prcddôo fù arr ûir4ry oêlsme_ âr ùèir dêp.ad_

êll3 l:*:]
by tu esè stârf JJdce a.vocâi.. rôc5.ed ,n bLlo.1c ro7. À Frsch
ro a1*r âny qr€stio,s cdc"nins r|gd bvs.

Ire 0L : ê of Infôtut1on, lôsted in brjoi.s 10., :s È3poosiot" lor [..

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rdohà io, !r1ô. b b.ùs re1eâreo


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