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The English language.

The English language is in approximately 400 million native speakers worldwide. It is

the third language with the highest number of native speakers, surpassed by Mandarin
Chinese and Spanish. But it is the second most popular language that, combined with
native and non-native speakers, can be said to be the most widely spoken language in
the world as an official language; in a total of 67 different countries as in other non-
The English language is the main language for business as well as for International
The United States and the United Kingdom are the two largest English-speaking
countries, followed by Canada and Australia, having the largest number of native
English speakers.
So I will mention Australia, which is the fourth with about 17 million native English
Australia has English as its official language and its Aboriginal population maintains its
own languages.
Australia has an area of approximately 7 million square kilometers, has 24.6 million
inhabitants. Its capital is Canberra and its main cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane
Perth, and Adelaide.
Australia is a country made up of immigrants from more than 120 countries that make
up a multicultural society, although their language is English, the most widely spoken
languages are Italian, Chinese, Greek, Arabic, and Vietnamese.
The native Australians or Indigenous Australians are the oldest civilization in the world.
It is well known that Australia is the only continent where the entire Indigenous
population maintained a single kind of adaptation — hunting and gathering — into
modern times.
After the British colonization, English became the official language. And in actuality,
Australia is a highly developed country, with one of the largest economies in the world.
The actual people of Australia are generally very open and very friendly to foreigners.
Commonly, people in this country meet up with friends, organize a barbecue, eat
outside, pass a lot of time on the beach, and surf because 80% of the population live
on the coasts.
As in other countries during the year there are cultural festivals, and also is pretty
usual that every day you can find music, theater, dance shows, and outdoor
Among the most popular sports are rugby, cricket, and surfing, the latter being the
national sport par excellence. But also in swimming and athletics, they are recognized
as the best in the world.
Australia is the host of many sporting events, such as the Australian Open and the
Formula One Grand Prix that takes place every year in the city of Melbourne.
Australian gastronomy is very diverse, with influences from Asia, Africa, the Middle
East, and Europe. In Australia you can taste the best wines, also taste the amazing
lamb, taste seafood, or enjoy the freshest fruits.
One of the fundamental aspects of this country is the "Dreamtime" which is the
essence of aboriginal beliefs and culture.

This important tradition is when people represent the time when the Ancestral Spirits
progressed over the land and created life and important physical geographic
formations and sites.
Among the most outstanding characteristics that this tradition has, it is the painting, it
can be on rock, on the ground, on wood, or more recently on cloth. The important
aboriginal art expresses the dreamtime also through dance, music, and legends
These things make Australia an amazing and beautiful place. Thank you.

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