Sop Vajj Local Flying

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ISO 9001 :2015 CERTIFIED
qrg qrcn{rrd gG[erq
Uf{ E{r$GrgI / MUMBAT ArRPoRr

No. GM lAlloPsl E-31



Standard Operating Procedure for Local Flying by aircraft (Fixed-Wing/Helicopter)

operating from Juhu Aerodrome will be effective from O9|1U2O2O.

Thehard copy of SOP will be made available in WSO, OCC and Tower. Soft copy will

Rajeev Mehta
. General Manager (ATM)
gSMl AirpoG Mumbai

Dist: WSO / OCC / TWR- SUP and via emailto allATS Units, Sections and ATCOs

q. d. Ts, offiffi, q-drur o-ril il'qrq, gox verd t-s, 3ie)t (f,d), ge{ - 4oooee. rEL.:e1_22-2681 e3oo
A. T. S. Complex, Near Sahar Cargo, Sutar Pakhadi Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 099. Tel./FAX: 91-22-26828010

Illlttr ftnr{Erlr ffirFltr


Standard OPerating Procedures

for local flYing
by ai rcraft (fixed-wing/helicopter)
operating from Juhu Aerodrome





Ashish Rajan
Prepared By (Manager-ATM), Mumbai &q oct JozO

K.E. Hiray, Jt.GM (ATM)

ATS ln Charge, Juhu
\ odrpN
Recommended By A.B. Joshi
iGM (ATM- SQMS), Mumbai -^1,"l"
Approved By
Rajeev Mehta
General Manager (ATM),

r;rafu kirri !ftF*

Airpriu }}fi$rltr, of hdir

General Conditions

1. Details of Local flying area 'A'and 'B'

o AREA,A,:

Operating Altitude: Up to 2000 ft. AMSL (when RWY in use at Mumbai is


Operating Altitude: Up to 1500 ft. AMSL (when RWY in use at Mumbai is

RWY 0el14l32)


Agashi Bay - in the North

Bassein Creek - in the South

Coastline - in the West

Railway line - in the East

o AREA,B,:

Operating Altitude: Up to 700 ft. AMSL (when RWY in use at Mumbai is 27)

No localflying permitted in area'B'when RWY 09/14132tn use at Mumbai


From Juhu Aerodrom" to

Bassein Creek - in the North

Coastline - in the West

Railway line - in the East

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AjrF{ilt AR*lr0rils ol.fldil

2. When RWY 27 is in use at Mumbai :

) Local flying in Area 'A' and Area 'B' is permitted with operating
a ltitude:

o Area 'A'- uP to2000 ft AMSL

o Area 'B'- uP to700ft AMSL
3. When RWY 14/32/09 is in use at Mumbai :
)> Loca! flying in Area 'A' is permitted with operating altitude up
to 1500 ft AMSL
) Localflying in Area 'B'is NOT permitted.
4. Juhu ATC may authorise local flying for helicopters on K routes i.e., fly
outbound on a K-route up to a certain distance and thereafter fly inbound
to return on specified k-route as per conditions specified for K routes.

5. Local flying shall be permitted only when visibility at Juhu is 3000m or

more, except when local flying is carried out on k-routes where visibility
criterion for K - routes shall prevail.

6. Local Flying aircraft operating to/fromland within local flying area shall
always remain in two way contact with Juhu ATC except as mentioned in
specific procedures or as and when instructed by ATC

7. Local flying areas with INS Shikra may also be used for local flying by
aircraft subject to advance coordination by Juhu ATC and approval by
Shikra ATC.

8. Local flying in any other area not mentioned here may also be permitted
by Juhu ATC after prior coordination and clearance from Mumbai ATC.
Mumbai ATC may approve such requests on case to case basis with
applicable restrictions/conditions.


9.'Whenever runway in use at Mumbai is RWY L4l32lO9, Juhu ATC shall

obtain prior clearance from Mumbai TWR for all movements associated
with local flying. Mumbai TWR shall in turn take all clearances from

10.When runway in use at Mumbai is RWY27, no prior clearance for local

flying in area 'A' and 'B' is required from Mumbai ATC by Juhu ATC.
However information regarding such movements shall be passed to

11.When runway in use at Mumbai is RWY L4l32lO9, only one aircraft every
alternate hour shall be permitted to proceed to local flying area A

12.Aircraft equipped with transponder shall keep it switched OFF unless

otherwise asked by Mumbailuhu ATC.

L3.4ll runway change plans at Mumbai shall be informed to Juhu ATC in

advance, which in turn, shall inform to fixed-wing/helicopters operating
tolfromlwithin localflying area and issue revised clearances (if any)'

L4.Aircraft will operate at speeds that will provide adequate opportunity to

observe other traffic or obstacle in time to avoid collision risk.

15.Unless otherwise cleared, aircraft shall maintain 700 ft AGL while inbound
or outbound from local flying area 'A' or when within 10 Nm BBB.

16.Juhu ATC shall pass traffic informat[on with respect to local flying aircraft
to all the aircraft operating under their control and vice-versa.

17.During specialVFR conditions, juhu ATC shall ensure adequate separation

between the traffic operating under its control (Juhu ATC may provide
geographica I separation).


18.When iuhu traffic is crossing approach path of Mumbai RWY 09/L4,
Mumbai ATC may permit departure from that RWY after assessing the
traffic through visual su rveillance.

19. All Aircraft, while crossing over mumbai runway from Terminal 2
(formerly known as NIPTC) to kalina or vice versa or any approach/take-
off path , shall turn on all exterior lights for ease of visual observation.


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Specific Procedures


Departure from RWY 0g126 of Juhu

) For local flving Area 'A' or'B' :

o After airborne from RWY 08 aircraft willturn left before the Railway
Line or after airborne from RWY 25 aircraft will turn right, climbing
to 700 ft AGL and will proceed to local flying Area 'A' or 'B' along
the railway line. Thereafter, in coordination with Juhu ATC
Climb to 2000 ft AMSL in local flying Area 'A' or maintain 700 ft
AMSL in local flying'B'.

F For local flvine towards South :

After airborne from RWY 26,turn right (After airborne from RWY
08, fly on runway heading ) and report overTerminal 2
CSM|A(formerly known as NIPTC)and hold visually over north of
Terminal 2 atTOO ft AGL clear of take off and approach path of
RWY 27.
Mumbai tower, in coordination with Mumbai approach, will
approve Juhu traffic to cross overhead from Terminal 2 to kalina
and thereafter change over to Shikra ATC.

o Alternate procedure: After airborne, aircraft to remain in Juhu

aerodrome circuit at 700 ft AGL and contact Mumbai tower for
crossing take off path RWY 27. Mumbai tower in coordination with
Mumbai approach will approve Juhu traffic to cross take off path
RWY 27.
o After crossing of take-off path RWY 27, Juhu departure will inform
Mumbai tower and thereafter changeover to Shikra ATC.

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Arrivalfor RWY 0g126 of Juhu

) From local flving Area 'A' or'B' :

ln coordination with Juhu ATC ,depart local flying Area 'A' or 'B 'at
700 ft AGL and follow the railway line to join right base of RWY 2G
or left downwind of RWY 08 to land on RWY 25/08.
ln case of Go Around from RWY 08, aircraft shall turn left before
Railway Line and join left hand traffic circuit of Juhu RWY 08 at 700
ft AGL.
ln case of Go Around from RWY 26, aircraft shall turn right and join
right hand traffic circuit of Juhu RWY 26 at 700 ft AGL.

Note -
Arrival at Juhu shall exercise extreme caution and remain
North of RWY 08/26 Juhu at all times to remoin clear of Mumbai
Note Troffic informotion with respect to ony aircraft
operating/entering in the troffic circuit of Juhu shall be possed by
Juhu ATC to Mumbai tower which in turn shall be passed to IFR
operotions in Mumbai.

) From Local Flving towards South :

Report south of kalina point at 700 ft AGL and hold visually over
kalina point at 700 ft AGL and remain clear of take off and
approach path of RWY 27 and contact Mumbaitower.
ln coordination with Mumbai.tower, cross RWY 09/27 from kalina
to Terminal 2 CSMIA (formerly known as NIPTC), thereafter turn
left and report final RWY 25.
ln case of a Go around from RWY 26, aircralt shall turn right and
join right hand traffic circuit of Juhu RWY 26 at 700 ft AGL.

Note : Deportures from Mumboi RWY 27 con take off once the Juhu
traffic reported/observed on short finol RWY 26 of Juhu.


Ahp(xlr Aattroli$ uf .*rrlh


Juhu fixed-wing arrival/departure should preferably use RWY 08.

Departure from RWY 08 of Juhu

F For local flving Area 'A' :

o After airborne, departure will turn left before the Railway Line
climbing to 700 ft AGL and will proceed to local flying Area 'A' along
the railway line. Thereafter climb to L500 ft AMSL in coordination
with Juhu.

F For local flvins towards South :

When Juhu departure is ready, the same shall be informed to

Mumbai tower. Mumbai tower in turn shall coordinate with
Mumbai approach for adequate inter-arrival spacing(preferably 12
Nm).As soon as first arrival at Mumbai crosses the beginning of
RWY 09, Mumbai TWR shall inform Juhu tower to clear Juhu
depa rture for ta ke-off .
After airborne, departure will turn right before the Railway Line
climbing to 700 ft AGI- and will cross approach path of RWY 09 .
Departure shall contact Mumbai TWR to report clear of approach
path RWY 09.
Juhu departure shall remain in two-way contact with Juhu and
Shikra after crossing approach path RWY 09.

Note - tf Mumboi arrival RWY 09 passes 2L00 ft before Juhu

Departure is cleor of opprooch path RWY 09, the RWY 09 orrival
should be instructed to Go Around.

r;rntu funwnr rrfrssra
AitFl*tt fudrrority al illir

Departure from RWY 25 of Juhu

when Juhu departure is ready, the same shall be informed to Mumbai

tower. Mumbai tower in turn shall coordinate with Mumbai approach for
adequate inter-arrival spacing (preferably 12 Nm).

P For local flving Area 'A' :

As soon as first arrival for Mumbai RWy 09 is within 1Nm, Mumbai

TWR shall inform Juhu tower to clear Juhu departure for take-off.
After airborne, departure will turn right climbing to 700 ft AGL and
will fly along the railway line to local flying area 'A'.Thereafter crimb
to 1500 ft AMSL in coordination with Juhu.

Note - lf Mumboi orrivol RWY 09 posses 2L00 ft before Juhu

Deporture hos commenced the right turn, the RWy og orrival should
be instructed to Go Around

) For local flving towards South :

As soon as first arrival at Mumbai crosses the beginning of RWy 09,

Mumbai rwR shall inform Juhu tower to clear Juhu departure for
ta ke-off.

After airborne departure will turn left climbing to 700 ft AGt and
cross approach path RWY 0g will fly along the Coast Line.
Departure,immediateiy after airborne, shal I contact Mum ba i TWR
to report when it is clear of a$proach path RWy 09
once clear of approach path, Juhu departure will contact shikra
ATC and remain in two way contact with juhu.

Note - lf Mumbai orrival RWY 09 posses 2L00 ft before luhu

Departure is cleor of opproach path RWy og, the RWy 09 arrivar
should be instructed to Go Around.
10 lr

Arrivalfor RWy 0g of Juhu

) From local flvine Area ,A, :

Depart local frying Area 'A' at 700ft

AGL and foilow the rairway rine
and hold visuary 5 Nm north of Juhu
airfierd and contact Mumbai
approach' rn coordination with Mumbai
approach, report finar
RWY 08 and changeover to Juhu
In case of Go Around Aircraft sha,
- turn reft before Rairway Line,
climbing to 700ft AGL and foilow the
rairway rine to hord visuaily
5Nm north of Juhu and contact Mumbaiapproach.

Note -
Arrivar of Juhu shoil exercise extreme
coution ond remoin
North of RWy 1g/ze Juhu ot ail times
to remoin crear of Mumbai

) From Local Flvine towards South :

Arrival to hord visuaily over bandra point

and contact Mumbai
TWR.Mumbai tower shail coordinate
with Mumbai approach for
adequate inter-arrival spacing (preferably
12 Nm).
ln coordination with Mumbai rwR, aircraft
wi, cross approach
path RWy 0g and report finar RWy
,g.Thereafter changeover to
Juhu TWR.
ln case of Go Around Aircraft sha,
- turn reft before Rairway Line,
climbing to 700ft AGL and foilow the
rairway rine to hord visuaily
5Nm north of Juhu and contact Mumbai

Note -
lf Mumbai orrivar RWy 0g passes 2L00
ft before Juhu orrivor
is clear of opprooch poth RWy og,the
RWy 09 orrivor shourd be
instructed to Go Around.

11 lPage
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Arrivalfor RWY 2G of Juhu

) From local flvine Area 'A' :

o Depart local flying Area 'A' at 700ft AGL and follow the railway line
and hold visually 5 Nm north of Juhu airfield and contact Mumbai
radar. ln coordination with Mumbai radar, report final RWy 26 and
changeover to Juhu ATC.
o ln case of Go Around - Aircraft shall turn right , climbing to 700ft
AGL and follow the railway line to hold visually 5Nm north of Juhu
and contact Mumbai approach.

Note -Arrival at Juhu sholl exercise extreme caution and remoin

North of RWy 08/26 Juhu ot all times to remoin clear of Mumboi

F From local flvins towards South:

Report south of kalina point at 700 ft AGL and hold visually over
kalina point at 700 ft AGL and remain clear of take off and
approach path of RWY Agl27 and contact Mumbai tower.
ln coordination with Mumbaitower, cross RWy og/27 from kalina
to Terminal 2 csMlA (formerly known as Nlprc), thereafter turn
left and report final RWy 26.
ln case of Go Around - Aircraft shall turn right , climbing to 700ft
AGL and follow the railway line to hold visually 5Nm north of Juhu
and contact Mumbai approach.

Note - lf Mumbai arrival RWy 0g passes 2100 ft before Juhu orrivol

is at the short finol RWy 26, RWy 0g arrival should be instructed to
Go Around

12 1 ,,,

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Juhu fixed wing departure shall use runway RWY25 and arrivals to Juhu
can use either RWY 25 or 08

Departure from RWY 26 of Juhu

F For localflving Area 'A' :

After airborne, turn left, climbing to 700 ft AGL and hold visually
over south of kalina clear of take-off and approach path of RWY
With Mumbai tower, cross overhead from kalina to Terminal 2
CSM|A(formerly known as NIPTC).From Terminal2,fly on northerly
heading (remain east of western express highway and clear of
chandivali hill)to Westin helipad (BBB 345 R 005 Nm,coordinates
L9.L72930N, 72.851140E),thereafter follow the railway line and
proceed to Local flying area A maintaining 700ft AGL.
ln local flying Area 'A' ,climb to 1500ft AMSL in coordination with

) For local flving towards South:

o After airborne turn left climbing to 700 ft AGL to follow the

coastline and proceed to local flying area in coordination with

Arrivalfor RWY 25 of Juhu

D From local flving Area 'A' :

Depart from local flying area 'A' at 700 ft AGL and follow the
railway line to Westin helipad (BBB345 R 005 Nm, coordinates
r;r'rir ftEnnr|l [fsFE
Airp&tr *gft&filf alhdir

L9.172930N, 72.8511408). From westin helipad, fly southerly

heading (remain east of western express highway and clear of
chandivali hill) to report over Terminal 2 csMrA (formerly known
as NIPTC)and hold visually over north of Termina r 2atToo ft AGL
clear of take off and approach path of RWy 1.4/32.
Mumbai tower will coordinate appropriate inter-arrivar spacing
with Mumbai approach (preferably 12Nm for RWy14 or OgNm for
RWY 32).
ln coordination with Mumbai tower, crossapproach/take off path
of rwy1.4/32 and report final RWy 26 of Juhu and then changeover
to Juhu.
ln case of a Go-around ,turn left,climbing to 700ft AGL and
proceed to kalina point and hold visually over kalina point clear of
take off and approach path of RWy L4/32 and contact Mumbai

Note - lf Mumbai arrivol RWY 14 posses 2L00 ft before Juhu orrival

is cleor of opprooch path RWy 14, the RWy L4 arrivol should be
instructed to Go Around.

Note -lf Mumboi orrival RWY 32 passes 2100 ft before luhu orrivol
is clear of take-off poth RWy 32, the RWy 32 arrivol should be
instructed to Go Around.

) From local flvins towards South:

Report south of kalina point and hold visually over karina point
clear of take off and approach path of RWy t4/32 and contact
Mumbai tower will coordinate appropriate inter-arrival spacing
with Mumbai approach (preferably 15Nm for RWy14 or 12Nm for
RWY 32).

o ln coordination with Mumbaitower, cross over RWY14/32 from
kalina to Terminal 2 CSMIA (formerly known as NIPTC) and report
final RWY 26.

Note -lf Mumbai arrival RWY L4 passes 2100 ft before Juhu arrivol
is cleor of opprooch path RWY 74, the RWY L4 orrivol should be
instructed to Go Around.

Note - lf Mumbai orrivol RWY 32 posses 2100 ft before Juhu orrivol

is cleor of toke-off poth RWY 32, the RWY 32 arrivol should be
instructed to Go Around.

Arrival for RWY 08 of Juhu

D From local flving Area 'A' :

Depart from local flying area A at 700 ft AGL and follow railway
line to Westin helipad(BBB 345 R 005 Nm ,coordinates
L9.L7293ON, 72.861140E).From westin helipad, fly southerly
heading(remain east of western express highway and clear of
chandivali hill) to report over Terminal 2 CSMlA(formerly known
as NIPTC)and hold visually over north of Terminal2 at 700 ft AGL
clear of take off and approach path of RWY 1,4/32
ln coordination with Mumbaitower, cross overhead RWY L4/32
from Terminal 2 to kalina. Thereafter turn right and report final
RWY 08 and changeover to Juhu
ln case of a go-around, turn right before railway line and proceed
to kalina point. Aircraft to remain west of Mumbai ATC sky tower
at all times.

Note - lf Mumboi arrivol RWY 14 posses 2100 ft before Juhu orrival

londs on RWY 08, the RWY 14 orrivol should be instructed to Go


Er-nt l:atvqtrtr iiirEsiF
Ai!put* ln{rtslilY of

Note - lf Mumbai arrivol RWY 32 posses 2L00 ft before Juhu orrivol

londs on RWY 08, the RWY 32 arrivol should be instructed to Go

Note -Untilthe Juhu arrivol lands on RWY 08 of Juhu, deporture

from RWY 32 will not commence toke-off roll.

! From local flving towards South:

Fly along the coastline at 700 ft AGL to report south of bandra

point and hold visually over bandra point and contact Mumbai
ln coordination with Mumbai tower, report final RWY 08. ln case
of a go around, turn right before the railway line and remain west
of ATC sky tower at all times.

Note lf Mumbai orrival RWY 14 posses 2L00 ft before Juhu arrival

lands on RWY 08, the RWY 14 orrival should be instructed to Go

Note - lf Mumbai arrival RWY 32 posses 2L00 ft before Juhu orrival

lands on RWY 08, the RWY 32 arrival should be instructed to Go


Note -Untitthe Juhu orrivol lands on RWY 08 of Juhu, departure

from RW,Y j2 witl not commenie take-off roll.

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