Bio - Wax From Colocasia Esculenta As Water Repellent in Road Construction

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Moisture damage is a major problem in asphalt pavements, and shows
itself in various forms with multiple mechanisms, such as adhesion failure
between asphalt and aggregate; moisture-induced cohesion failure within the
asphalt binder; cohesion failures within the aggregate; emulsification of the
asphalt; and freezing of entrapped water. Among those, the reduction of
adhesion between asphalt and aggregates in the presence of water and the
deterioration of asphalt due to cohesive failure within the asphalt binder itself
have been known as two primary driving mechanisms of moisture damage.
The moisture damage causes loss of adhesion, and adversely affects the
strength of the asphalt mixture dramatically. The loss of adhesion is a major
mechanism of physical distress in hot mix asphalt (HMA) which is manifested
by reducing durability of HMA. Addition of anti-stripping agents can improve
the hydrophobicity of HMA. The bonding between asphalt and aggregate is of
special importance because it is the primary characteristic that influences the
integrity of the pavement. This bonding must be established at the initial stages
of contact between the asphalt and the aggregate and must endure during the
lifetime of the pavement. Loss of bonding results in lowered performance.
Here bio-wax from colocasia leaves is used as anti- stripping agent.
Number of researchers has studied the effectiveness of anti-stripping
agents on the adhesion of asphalt to different types of rock surfaces. Dybalski
(1970) determined that the adhesion water-asphalt dispersions to sand as well
as the resistance to leaching of asphalt from sand were improved by suitable
treatments. Liquid anti-stripping agents in the form of cationic surface-active
agents, principally amines, have been used for many years. In 1964, Mathews
(1964) reviewed the use of amines as cationic additives in bituminous road
materials and explained the problems associated with each of the materials. At
the time of this review, heat stable agents were not available and, hence, the
development of a heat stable agent that could be kept in hot storage was
essential to the future usage of the anti-stripping agents. The difficulty of

determining the quantity of agent present was expressed. The correlation
between the immersion wheel tracking test, the then best available test method,
did not agree with full-scale experiments. However, this study found that
cationic agents helped to adhere wet stone and bitumen and to prevent
stripping. Some agents were more effective than others in specific applications
because of differences in asphalt composition and aggregate surface condition.
The social relevance of this project is that the weaker area of the flexible
pavement is the curves due to the drainage issues; there we are using interlock
for better strength and performance which cause extra cost. By using anti
stripping agents we can avoid that extra cost and continue the normal materials
for the flexible pavement without compromising the strength. Here we are
using the bio-wax as anti-stripping agent so the difficulties at the time of work
can be reduced and also it is convenient that colocasia is abundantly available
in this place. We also aim at bringing out the use of natural products which is
more safe than chemical products.
The surface of Colocasia esculenta (L.) (taro) leaf is covered with a
layer of highly hydrophobic layer of bio-wax. The main objective of the
project was to isolate the bio wax layer of the leaves using organic solvent
extraction method using chloroform and add it to bitumen to obtain
hydrophobic property which might be later improve the stripping of aggregate
from bitumen. Also, the isolated bio-wax was subjected to various tests like
heat test, hydrophobicity test, anti-microbial test, quantitative analysis to
check its viability for industrial uses. The result of quantitative analysis
showed that 1 gram of sample leaf contained about 0.116 gram of wax. It was
also believed that the bitumen added with the bio wax will attain hydrophobic

• To extract the bio-wax from colocasia leaf.
• The surface of Colocasia esculenta (L.) (taro) leaf is covered with
a layer of highly hydrophobic layer of bio-wax. One of the main
objective of the project was to isolate the bio wax layer of the
leaves using organic solvent extraction method using chloroform.

• To determine the properties of aggregate and bitumen

Properties were evaluated by:

• Penetration Value test, Ductility Test, Softening point test,

Viscosity test (For bitumen)
• Impact value test, Los angeles abrasion value test, Specific
gravity, Shape test (For aggregate)
• Mix design
• To determine optimum bitumen content
• To determine optimum bio-wax content
• To evaluate the stripping rate of HMA by adding bio-wax.
• Cost Analysis.

We perform different tests on hot mix asphalt, this can also done using
warm mix asphalt. The design of a pavement, with BC grade I can be prepared
and investigated by using the optimum percentage of bio-wax obtained in the
work. Trial section of the BC grade II can be prepared and the structural and
functional performance of this pavement can be tested. Various anti stripping
agents could also be used in the preparation of the bituminous mix and can be
used for a comparative study.


Akash Kalita and Nayan Talukdar(2018) conducted experiments om

Colocasia Esculenta and reported in their journal paper “Colocasia esculenta
(l.) Leaf bio-wax as a hydrophobic surface coating substance for paper for
preparing hydrophobic paper bags” that the taro leaf is covered with a layer of
highly hydrophobic bio- wax. The main objective of his work was to extract
the bio- wax and coat it on paper bags for water repellance character as well
as to increase the bio- degradable property. The bio- wax was extracted by
Solvent Extraction Method using Chloroform as the solvent. The result of
quantitative analysis showed that 1g of sample leaf contained about 0.116g of
wax. It was also observed that the paper coated with the bio wax attained
hydrophobic property which was similar to the Colocasia leaf. The test also
showed that the wax can withstand temperatures upto 100⁰ C and the wax
started to degrade at 110⁰ C and it becomes semi- solid at 120⁰ C, but still the
hydrophobic property continued to be present.

Mahmoud Nazirizad, Amir Kavussi, Ali Abdi(2015) studied on

bituminous pavements and reported on their journal paper “Evaluation of the
effects of anti stripping agents on the performance of asphalt mixtures” that
stripping is the main cause of distress and damage on pavements. Loss of bond
between bitumen and aggregate is the cause of stripping. This property can be
regained by the addition of anti- stripping additives.In their study they used
two anti strippng agents namely hydrated lime and Iterlene In/400- S on HMA.
The results showed that the moisture resistance was increased to some extend.

Muhammad Rafiq Kakar(2017) analysed the Warm Mix Asphalt and

reported in his journal “Analyzing the stripping potential of warm mix asphalt
using imaging technique”. In asphalt mixtures, stripping occurs when the bond
between the asphalt and the aggregate is broken due to the intrusion of water
within the asphalt aggregate interface. WMA is a technology that allows
significant reduction in mixing and compaction temperatures of conventional
hot mix asphalt. In their study imaging technique was applied on the fractured

faces of asphalt mixture to quantify the adhesive failure susceptibility due to
the destructive effects of moisture. The results showed that adhesive failure
increased with the number of freeze and thaw cycles and this method proven
to be very effective to analyze the deterioration of asphalt mixtures subjected
to moisture conditioning.
Louay N. Mohammad, Samuel B. Cooper Jr. and Mostafa A.
Elseifi(2011) evaluated the use of crumb rubber (CR) from waste tires and
used as a rejuvenator to high reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) content
asphalt mixtures and reported on their journal “Characterization of HMA
Mixtures Containing High Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Content with Crumb
Rubber Additives”. The use of high RAP content with crumb rubber as a
rejuvenator in the preparation of HMA provided adequate moisture resistance
and superior rutting resistance as compared to conventional mixtures.

Mital patel (2014) analyzed the engineering properties of VG 30

grade with and without WMA Additive (Rediset) in doses of 1.5%, 2% and
2.5% samples through Marshall test. Procedure according to MORTH section
508 was used to find the optimum bitumen content from 5%, 5.5% and 6 %
and was obtained as 5.5%. Laboratory investigations showed that 2% dosage
by weight of asphalt is acceptable for all properties of VG30 except that of
viscosity test, due to the bond that is to be formed at lower temperature.
Stability test for 2% dosage of Rediset as warm mix was noted higher at 120℃.

Nasri Noor Shawal (2014) studied the hydrophobic properties as

well as the presence of 1-octacosanol of taro wax extracted from taro leaf.
Wax was extracted by immersing taro leaf samples in 500mL chloroform at
50℃ for 30 seconds and repeated the same using fresh chloroform. Rotary
evapourater was used to vapourise the chloroform to obtain the raw wax
solution. Contact angle of water droplets over taro wax surface was found to
be greater than 90° and this confirmed hydrophobicity.

Hamed Omrani (2017) studied the moisture susceptibility of

unmodified and SBS modified hot and warm mix asphalt mixtures. The
moisture susceptibility of warm polymer modified asphalt (WPMA) mixes
was evaluated using modified Lottman test at 25°C according to AASHTO

standard (T 283). In addition, the effect of different percentages of hydrated
lime (from 0% to 2%) and Zycosoil (from 0% to 0.1%) as anti-stripping
additives on the moisture susceptibility of the mixtures was studied. Based on
the ITS test results, WPMA prepared with Sasobit additive and polymer
modified asphalt (PMA) mixes satisfied the desirable tensile strength ratio
(TSR) (above 80%) but Aspha-min WPMA mixes had TSR lower than 80%.

Ravi Shankar A U (2018) studied the effect of anti-stripping

agents on the moisture susceptibility of Bituminous Concrete (BC) mixture.
The anti-stripping agents used were hydrated lime and Zycosoil. Three mix
types were studied, namely: BC mix without additive, BC mix with hydrated
lime and BC mix with Zycosoil. Viscosity Grade (VG) 30 bitumen wasused
in all three groups of samples. Marshall mix design method was adopted and
specimens were prepared at bitumen contents 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0 %
by weight of mixture. Moisture susceptibility of mixtures was assessed using
Tensile Strength Ratio, Retained Stability and Stripping Value. From the
experimental results, it is observed that the addition of anti-stripping agents
had a significant positive influence on the results of the test properties being
evaluated in each test.

Ruikun Dong (2011) studied the properties of hot-mix asphalt

(HMA) prepared with devulcanized crumb rubber– modified asphalt
(DCRMA), which was processed by using pre-devulcanized crumb rubber at
a lower temperature (165°C). HMA with different DCRMA content in weight
were investigated, and it was found that the optimal binder content was 6.1%
by weight. The packing grading mixture design method was applied in the
design of DCRMA HMA. A series of laboratory tests including the submerged
Marshall Stability, wheel tracking test, dynamic modulus test, small beam
bending test, and four-point flexural fatigue test, were carried out to
characterize the properties of DCRMA HMA. From the experimental results,
it could be concluded that the pre-devulcanized crumb rubber can be used as
one kind of good modifier for asphalt rubber to improve hot storage stability.

Shajib Kumar Guha and Ashok Kumar(2016) studied about different

anti- stripping additives and their effect on addition to HMA and reported on

their journal paper “A Literature Review on Anti-Strip Additives in Asphalt
Mixture”. Stripping of pavement is due to the loss of bond between aggregates
and asphalt binder that generally begins at the bottom of the HMA layer and
progresses upward. There are different factors that contribute to the stripping
of the pavement such as bitumen film rupture, water pore pressure, hydraulic
scouring, chemical dis-bonding, microbial activity, osmosis and blistering and
pitting. Chemical composition of aggregates. Different Anti strip additives
may minimize the severity of stripping based on their properties and

Nayeem Ahamad (2016) conducted experiments and reported in

his journal paper "Use of different types of additives in DBM that the results
of performance of different additives in DBM. Bituminous mixes were
prepared using different types of additives such as polymers, crumb rubber
and waste materials like discarded tube tyres, plastic bottles and rice husk ash.
Basic tests on bitumen and aggregate were conducted and the results were
compared with MORTH specifications. The test on modified bituminous
mixes was conducted in two stages, testing of DBM with additive and without
additive. To find OBC Marshall samples were prepared by varying percentage
of 60/70 binder without addition of any modifier. Curves were plotted and
OBC was obtained as 4.5%. The test continued by replacing 4.5% OBC with
8%, 12%, 16% of plastic content. Satisfied value obtained only with 8% of
plastic content and also 6% of discarded rice husk has the highest stability
value and also on the analysis it was found that the optimum CRMB content
comes out to be 5%.

Yong-Rak Kim (2011) presented in his journal paper

“Experimental evaluation of anti-stripping additives in bituminous mixtures
through multiple scale laboratory test results” that performance changes and
material characteristics associated with moisture damage due to anti-stripping
additives in asphalt mixtures through various laboratory tests. Two additives
(hydrated lime and fly ash) are investigated by adding them into two types of
mixes where different asphalt binders and aggregates are used. With the
limited amount of test data, both hydrated lime and fly ash contribute to

reducing moisture damage, which implies potential significant cost savings by
the use of fly ash as an alternative additive.

Praveen Kumar (2012) studied and recorded in his journal paper
“Laboratory Study on Moisture Susceptibility of Dense Graded Mixes” that
Moisture damage is the degradation of the mechanical properties of the
material attributable to the presence of moisture in its microstructure. To
enhance the life of bituminous pavements, it is necessary to understand
moisture’s damage on pavements and to evaluate the effects of hydrated lime
as moisture damage resisting agents. The basis of laboratory work was
AASHTO T 283 test and it was performed on two types of dense graded
bituminous mixes that included dense bituminous macadam and bituminous
concrete mix. The study was carried out for mixes prepared without lime, and
the same process was repeated with addition of 2% quantity of hydrated lime.
The addition of hydrated lime in the asphalt mix improves the tensile strength

Hasan H. Joni (2017) evaluated in his journal paper “Evaluation

of the Effects of Anti-Stripping Materials on the Performance of Cold Bitumen
Emulsion Mixtures (CBEMs)” and reported that Stripping is defined as the
loss of adhesion between bitumen and aggregate. It is one of the most
commonly occurring distresses in asphalt pavements. The main objective of
this study is determining the effects of two different anti-stripping materials,
namely hydrated lime and fly ash on cold bitumen emulsion mixture
(CBEMs). It was found that mix samples prepared using hydrated lime
additive give greater resistance to water damage, compared with control mixes
and those containing fly ash.

Mansour Fakhri (2008) had reported in his paper “Laboratory

valuation of some available Anti-Stripping Agents in Iran to Increase the
Durability of HMA Mixtures” that the action of water and water vapour may
cause moisture damage, including a reduction in mixture stiffness and
stripping of the binder from the aggregate. Additives have been developed to
address the issues of poor pavement performance and high maintenance costs
experienced by moisture susceptible pavements. Different laboratory tests

were conducted to study the effect of these additives on increasing the
durability of mixtures and concluded that Adding Portland cement and
hydrated lime to the hot mix asphalt mixtures would significantly improve the
stripping resistance. In this case, for a determinate amount of filler, hydrated
lime would better improve this properties rather than Portland cement.

Gh.H. Hamedia (2018) studied in his journal “The effect of using anti-
stripping additives on moisture damage of hot mix asphalt” zycosoil additive
in asphalt mixtures caused an increase in the resistance of asphalt mixtures
against moisture damage. Two types of aggregates, limestone and granite with
different potential against moisture damage were used. To evaluate the
performance of asphalt mixtures against moisture damage, Modified Lottman
test (AASHTO T283) was used. The results demonstrated that mixtures
containing limestone had greater resistance to moisture damage. The main
reason of this behavior was the structure of the constituent minerals in these
two aggregates. A greater percentage of granite aggregates structure contained
SiO2 mineral, causing the tendency of hydrophilic in this aggregate to increase
in comparison with limestone aggregate. Mixtures prepared with limestone
aggregates and 4% zycosoil had the best effect on increasing the resistance of
asphalt mixture against moisture damage.

Dae-Wook Park (2017) studied in his journal “Evaluation of moisture

susceptibility of asphalt mixture using liquid anti-stripping agents” aliphatic
amine type-developed liquid anti-stripping agents, were evaluated for
application in asphalt mixture. Asphalt binder PG58-22 grade was used as the
base in order to easily find the effect of anti-stripping additive on the
performance of asphalt mixture. Asphalt mixtures containing developed liquid
anti-stripping agents (K) were evaluated in this study. The agent K consists of
silane additive, amine type surfactant, and stabilizer. Seven kinds of the agent
K, numbered from 1 to 7, have different proportions of silane additive to amine
type surfactant. The tensile strength ratio and image analysis method were
used to evaluate the moisture susceptibility of the asphalt mixtures. The
highest moisture resistance is obtained for the asphalt mixtures modified with
the anti-stripping agents, K-3, K-6, and W. The field evaluation shows that the

anti-stripping agent K3 with a dosage of 0.5 per cent by weight in the asphalt
binder is effective in improving moisture resistance of asphalt mixture

H. F. Haghshenas (2015) carried out a study in his journal paper

“Stripping Potential of HMA and SMA: A Study Using Statistical Approach”
to compare the moisture resistance of two types of mixtures [i.e., hot mix
asphalt (HMA) and stone matrix asphalt (SMA)]. Three dense and three gap-
graded aggregates were selected and tested according to a modified Lottman
test procedure. A mathematical model correlating stripping potential of mix
with bitumen content and grading was developed based on statistical concepts
that can be utilized for prediction purposes. In HMA mixtures, decreasing the
aggregate size and the consequential increase in the mastic will result in a mix
that is more susceptible to stripping, while the same condition in the SMA will
actually decrease its moisture resistance. An incorrect amount of BC can lead
to a decrease in moisture resistance of mixtures. However, this effect was
greater in HMA mixtures.

S.K.R.Affrin (2017) studied in his journal paper “Study on

Improvement in Performance of Moisture Damage in Asphalt Mixtures with
Various Anti-Stripping Agents” the effectiveness of hydrated lime in
improving the resistance of asphalt mixtures to moisture susceptibility is
evaluated to determine the influence of Marshall and roller compaction on the
moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures. Asphalt mixes prepared at
optimum binder content are tested for indirect tensile strength and retained
stability. Mixes modified with hydrated lime improved the stability and
indirect tensile strength when compared to the control mix. An Optimum
hydrated lime content of 2 percent is expected to improve the resistance of
asphalt mixtures to moisture induced damage.

Eva Remišová (2017) discussed in his paper “Changes of Properties of

Bitumen Binders by Additives Application” the results of bitumen properties,
penetration, softening point, and dynamic viscosity of two paving grade
bitumen 35/50, 50/70 and polymer modified bitumen PmB 45/80-75 are
analyzed and also the changes of these properties by the application of selected
additives (Sasobit, Licomont BS100, Wetfix BE and CWM) to improve

adhesion to aggregate and improve workability. The laboratory tests showed
significantly increasing the softening point of paving grade bitumen 50/70 and
35/50 by 13 to 45℃. The additives changed the viscosity of bitumen to lower
values mostly of modified bitumen. The smallest changes in viscosity were
determined with bitumen 35/50 (stiffer bitumen from the tested). In case of the
additive wetfix BE mixed with bitumen 35/50, the additive caused the
viscosity increase.


The moisture damage causes loss of adhesion, and adversely affect the
strength of the asphalt mixture. It can also cause the premature pavement
failures such as rutting and ravelling on the pavement surface. Recently, many
types of anti-stripping additives such as bio-additives showed positive effects
on improving moisture damage and rutting resistance of asphalt mixture.


Physical properties of aggregate

and bitumen

Proportioning of aggregate

Determination of optimum
bitumen content using marshall
mix design method

Stability test for control mix

Extraction of bio- wax from

colocasia esculenta

Preparation of material specimen

with varying % of bio
added to the bitumen

Determination of optimum
bio-wax content

Comparison with control mix

using stability and stripping test
Fig 3.1: Methodology



Selected aggregate size for the mix design are 13.2mm ,6mm and dust
Table 3.1: Result of physical property evaluation of aggregates
Property Obtained Value Specified limit Code
Impact value 29.7% 10%-30% IS: 2386 (part IV) -1963
Los angeles abrasion
37% Maximum 40% IS: 2386 (part IV) -1963
Specific Gravity 2.73 2.6 - 2.8 IS: 2386 (part III) -1963
Water absorption 0.35% Less than 2% IS: 2386 (part III) -1963
Combined flakiness
29% Less than 30% MoRTH specification
and elongation index

The physical properties obtained were within the specified limit so these can
be used for mix design.


The bitumen grade selected for Bituminous concrete (BC) is S90

Table 3.2: Result of physical property evaluation of bitumen
Property Obtained value Specified limit Code
Softening Point 44⁰C 35⁰C-50⁰C IS:1205-1978
Viscosity 90 Sec 60-140 Sec IS:217-1961
Penetration Value 90 80-100 IS:1203-1978
Ductility Value 85 cm Minimum 75cm IS:1208-1978

The physical property has satisfied the limits. Thus the bitumen is suitable for
mix design.

3.2.3 BIO-WAX

The bio-wax is extracted from the Colocasia esculenta (L.) (taro) leaf.
This wax gives the hydrophobic property to colocasia leaves. Bio-wax is
extracted from the leaves solvent extraction method using chloroform. The
bio-wax shows hydrophobic property up to 120⁰C. From 110⁰C it starts
degrading and become semi-solid in nature.

Marshall Stability Method is used in pavement design to determine the Optimum
Binder Content (OBC) in bitumen pavement.


We are using Bituminous Concrete mix type II for our study. Aggregate grading
for BC mix grade II given by MoRTH specification is as follows:

Table 4.1: MoRTH specification

IS SIEVE Specified Range
(mm) (%)
45 100
37.5 100
26.5 100
19 100
13.2 90-100
9.5 70-88
4.75 53-71
2.36 42-58
1.18 34-48
0.6 26-38
0.3 18-28
0.15 12-20
.075 4-10

Here we are using trial and error method to determine the aggregate proportion.
The obtained value is compared with the value provided in MoRTH specification and
the ratio of 13.2mm: 6mm: Dust is taken as 30:24:46

Table 4.2: Trial and Error analysis table

Percentage passing Obtained

IS Sieve Specification
13.2mm 6mm Dust value

45 100 100 100 100 100

37.5 100 100 100 100 100
26.5 100 100 100 100 100
19 100 100 100 100 100
13.2 91 100 100 97.3 90-100
9.5 15.48 100 100 74.644 70-88
4.75 12.44 25.62 100 55.8808 53-71
2.36 11.8 24.1 87 49.344 42-58
1.18 10.5 22.54 64.2 38.0916 34-48
0.6 6.54 15.58 54.12 30.5964 26-38
0.3 2.72 4.68 46.58 23.366 18-28
0.15 0.6 0.62 33.52 15.748 12-20
0.075 0.4 0.32 12.05 5.7398 4-10


1. Collect the aggregates as per the proportions obtained; 1200 g for each
2. Here we have to prepare 3 samples with bitumen content 4.5% , 5.5%
and 6.5% .
3. Heat the aggregates to a temperature of 175⁰C.
4. Heat the bitumen to a temperature of 125⁰C .
5. Mix these when the required temperature is obtained , mix it well till
it reaches a temperature of 138⁰C.s
6. Take the marshall mould and oil it.
7. When the temperature is 138⁰C transfer the mix to the mould.
8. Give 50 tampings on each side using marshall tamping apparatus.
9. Keep it in air for 24hrs.


1. Take the prepared sample from air dry and keep it in the water bath at
60⁰C for 30 mins
2. Take it out after 30 mins and keep it for drying in air some time.
3. After that take each sample and place it in the marshall test head
4. The test head with the specimen is placed in position in the loading
machine and the base plate of the loading machine raised until the top
of the test head is in contact with the bottom of the proving ring.
5. The deformation measuring dial gauge is then placed and the needle is
adjusted to zero.
6. The load is applied through the marshall set up maintaining a constant
deformation rate of 51mm per minute.
7. The load and deformation reading are noted.

Marshall stability = (0.021*proving ring right reading ) +0.104



Table 4.3: Marshall Stability test results

Stability Average
Percentage of Proving Ring
Sample No: Value stability
Bitumen Reading
(kN) Value (kN)
1 575 12.179
4.5% 12.07
2 565 11.969
1 578 12.242
5% 12.60
2 612 12.956
1 642 13.586
5.5% 12.73
2 560 11.864
1 744 15.728
6.5% 16.158
2 785 16.589
1 640 13.544
6.5% 14.457
2 727 15.371

Stability (kN)


Stability (kN)

Stability (kN)


4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Bitumen Content %

Fig 4.1: Stability versus bitumen content curve

Bitumen content corresponding to highest stability value = 6.03%

Table 4.4: Unit weight
Percentage of Bitumen Unit Weight

4.5% 2.39

5% 2.41

5.5% 2.40

6% 2.39

6.5% 2.39

Unit Weight


Unit Weight

Unit Weight


4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Bitumen Content %

Fig 4.2: Unit weight versus bitumen content curve

Bitumen content corresponding to peak unit weight = 5.05%


Table 4.5: Percentage air voids

Percentage of Bitumen Percentage air voids

4.5% 5.9

5% 4.36

5.5% 4

6% 3.62

6.5% 3.23

Air Voids %


Air Voids %


Air Voids %


4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Bitumen Content %

Fig 4.3: Air voids versus bitumen content curve

Bitumen content corresponding to 4% air voids = 5.42%


Optimum bitumen content is the average of the bitumen content obtained from
these curves
• Bitumen content corresponding to highest stability value = 6.03%.
• Bitumen content corresponding to peak unit weight = 5.05%.
• Bitumen content corresponding to 4% air voids = 5.42%

Optimum bitumen content from the obtained values = 5.5%

5.1 Specimen with bio-wax from wild Taro leaf
Marshall stability test was done as per the procedure by adding different
percentage of bio-wax from wild taro leaves to obtain the optimum bio-wax
Table 5.1: Marshall Stability test result of specimen with bio-wax
% of bio- Sample No: Proving Ring Stability Average
wax Reading Value Stability Value
(kN) (kN)
1 680 14.381
2 642 13.586 13.277
3 560 11.864
1 665 14.069
0.05% 2 689 14.569 14.321
3 677 14.325
1 995 20.999
0.1% 2 1015 21.419 21.218
3 1006 21.236
1 875 19.997
0.2% 2 998 21.059 20.176
3 927 19.572
1 940 19.744
0.4% 2 973 20.529 20.162
3 956 20.213
0.6% 1 933 19.697
2 970 20.474 20.109
3 955 20.156
1 930 19.634
1% 2 932 19.684 19.614
3 925 19.524

1 760 16.064
2% 2 888 18.749 17.535
3 842 17.793
1 735 15.539
3% 2 865 18.269 16.827
3 789 16.673
1 635 13.439
4% 2 799 16.883 15.271
3 733 15.493
1 628 13.299
5% 2 755 15.959 14.615
3 690 14.587
1 605 12.809
7% 2 535 11.339 12.139
3 579 12.271

Stability (kN)

0 2 4 6 8
Bio-wax Content (%)

Fig 5.1: Stability versus bio-wax content curve

From the result obtained the optimum bio-wax content is 0.1%

5.2 Specimen with bio-wax from common Taro leaf
Specimen was prepared using bio-wax collected from common taro leaf and
stability test was conducted.
Table 5.2: Stability table of mix with bio-wax from common taro
Bio-wax Stability(kN)
content (%)
0 13.277
0.05 24.359
0.1 24.989
0.2 23.593
0.4 20.281
0.6 19.984
1 18.689
2 17.986
3 17.321
4 16.443
5 15.619
7 13.329

Stability (kN)

16 Stability
0 2 4 6 8
Bio-wax Content (%)

Fig 5.2: Stability versus bio-wax content curve

From the result obtained the optimum bio-wax content is 0.1%

• 200g of aggregates passing through 20mm IS sieve and retaining on
12.5mm IS sieve was taken.
• Bitumen was pre-heated to 160◦C.
• The aggregates were dried, cleaned and mixed with 5% of the bitumen by
weight of aggregates (10g) in a small casserole.
• After complete coating the mixture was transferred to a 500 ml beaker and
was allowed to cool at room temperature for 2hrs.
• The same procedure was done with 0.1% (0.2g) of bio-wax from colocasia.
• Distilled water was added to the mixture such that the coated aggregates
were immersed completely.
• The beaker was covered and kept in water bath at 40◦C (taking care that the
water level in the water bath comes up to at least half the height of the
• After every 24hrs the samples were taken out and cooled at room
temperature and was visually analysed, while the specimen was still under


Fig 6.1: Control (left) and bio-wax (right) specimen at initial stage

Fig 6.2: Control (left) and bio-wax (right) specimen after 24 hours

Fig 6.3: Control (left) and bio-wax (right) specimen after 48 hours

Fig 6.4: Control (left) and bio-wax (right) specimen after 72 hours

Fig 6.5: Control (left) and bio-wax (right) specimen after 168 hours

Fig 6.6: Control (left) and bio-wax (right) specimen after 192 hours

Fig 6.7: Control (left) and bio-wax (right) specimen after 216 hours

Fig 6.8: Control (left) and bio-wax (Right) specimen after 240 hours

Fig 6.9: Control (left) and bio-wax (right) specimen after 264 hours


7.1 Specimen specification

Table 7.1: Specification Table
Control Mix Mix with bio-wax
Diameter 10 cm 10 cm
Height 6.5 cm 6.5 cm
Volume 0.05105 0.05105
Weight 1266g 1267.2g
Density 2479.99kg/m3 2481.88kg/m3

7.2 Cost Estimation

Cost analysis is done using normal estimation method for 1 m3 of sample.

7.2.1 Estimation of control mix

Table 7.2: Cost estimation for control mix
Material Quantity Unit cost (Rs.) Cost (Rs.)
Coarse Aggregate 1037.09 kg 1.14 1182.28
Fine Aggregate 1313.52 kg 1.41 1852.06
S90 Bitumen 129.28 kg 35.75 4621.76
Total Cost 7656.10

7.2.2 Estimation of mix with bio-wax
Table 7.3: Cost estimation for mix with bio-wax
Material Quantity Unit cost (Rs.) Cost (Rs.)
Coarse Aggregate 1037.09 kg 1.14 1182.28
Fine Aggregate 1313.52kg 1.41 1852.06
S90 Bitumen 129.281 kg 35.75 4621.76
Wax 2.33 kg - -
Chloroform 30 ml 0.78 23.40
Total Cost 7679.50


Stripping is one of the major causes of failure in flexible pavements. This can be
minimised by the addition of different types of anti- stripping agents. The anti- stripping
agent used in the project work was the bio- wax extracted from Colocasia esculenta
(L.), commonly known as taro leaves. The main objective of studies within the project
was to compare the performance characteristics, especially the stripping of HMA by
the addition of bio- wax from the taro leaves. Bituminous Concrete mix grade II was
selected for the project. The selected aggregates and bitumen were conforming to the
IRC specifications. Using trial and error method the ratio taken for aggregates of
nominal sizes 13.2mm:6mm:Dust was chosen in percentage as 30:24:46. The bitumen
selected for the work was of grade S90. The bio- wax used for the work was extracted
by solvent- extraction method, using chloroform as the solvent.

Different percentages of bio-wax were added into the Marshall mix with 5.5% of
bitumen; which was adopted as the optimum content. Among the different percentages
0.1% was obtained as the optimum bio- wax percentage. It was observed that for 0.1%
of bio- wax from wild and common taro leaves, the strength of the sample increased by
59.81% and 88.21% respectively. It is also noticeable that for the same optimum bio-
wax content, the strength of the sample increased more for bio- wax from common taro
leaves. Also from the comparison of stripping test, the rate of stripping for the mix with
bio- wax was quite low even after 264hrs, i.e, 11 days. Thus the addition of bio- wax
increased the performances of HMA. The wax provides water repellence inside the
pavement, thereby reducing the stripping of the pavement.

While analysing the cost it was found that the percentage increase in cost of
construction of the pavement for 1 m3 was 0.31%. This shows that there is only a small
variation in the cost. Even though the variation in cost is minute, there is a huge increase
in the strength of the pavement, there by improving the life of the pavement.

The work is thus an example for “Biomimicking” by adopting the water repellent
property of the taro leaves to the pavements. As a suggestion for future works, the same
can be done in other bituminous pavement mixes.

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