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No: 27, Jeeva Street, Muthirayarpalayam, Pondicherry 605009, INDIA


Om Easwaraya Namah

What next after Soul Liberation?

This is a summary of the message from Sri Agasthiar Maharishi addressed to athmas who attained Soul
Liberation on 01 Sept 2020.

I extend my blessings to all the blossomed flowers (athmas) who have attained liberation. I had given you 10
pearls of wisdom which all of you received and accepted as my advice and blessings. There are indeed some
of you who have not completely understood the essence behind the messages. However, your present state
is different. The Truth is that your Soul is now liberated. That itself is a great privilege that you have acquired.
My beloved blossomed flowers, please make an attempt to now fully realize your Soul.

The Liberated athma is very powerful. Its potential is also immense. All that you have to do is to realize it. If
you practice the following 10 aspects, you will elevate in your spiritual journey.

1. Praise your Athma (Soul)

The first and foremost is to praise and glorify your athma. Constantly and sincerely repeat to yourself :

“I praise and glorify my athma”

“I praise my creator, Eswara”

2. Worship the Sun

The mighty Sun is the Paramathma. Look at the Sun with eyes wide open, offer water and humbly worship
the almighty Sun. The liberated Soul has the potential to go up to the core of Easwara every day. When you
worship the Sun, remember that you are actually feeding your Soul with pure and potent electromagnetic
waves. When you do this regularly, your Soul will glow and the cells in your brain will also function more

3. Praise the three worlds

The three worlds imply the three states of the Soul. The liberated soul particles reside in the greater
cosmos. The un-liberated soul particles reside on Earth. The Soul particles residing on the apex of your head
or the kabala connect both the liberated and the un-liberated soul particles. Please remember that only the
released soul particles have been liberated. You must pray to your liberated mercury soul particles residing in
the light bridge to assist in liberation of All your soul particles.

4. Humility and Righteousness

Be pious and humble at all times. You must also be virtuous in all that you do.
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No: 27, Jeeva Street, Muthirayarpalayam, Pondicherry 605009, INDIA

5. Love is the only prevailing attribute in Life

When you showcase humility, righteousness and become an epitome of Love, your Soul will begin to glow.

6. Praise your Guru

Do not fail to praise and glorify your Guru who has played a vital role in liberating your Soul. Also praise and
glorify Goddess Renuka Devi who resides inside your Guru. Gratitude is a quality which will help in releasing
your soul particles. Your blood will become thinner and will easily flow through your nerve fibres. Your
thoughts will become pure and you will also acquire a disease free body.

7. Praise the divine being seated in your head

Everyday praise the divine being who protected your body when you were on your divine journey and
express your gratitude for helping in liberating your soul. Make it a habit to converse with them. Since they
were seated in your head, they very well know the state of your brain. Praise them, worship them and
thank them every day. Request them to be with you at all times and protect you throughout your life.

8. Share your Soul energy

The liberated soul is always very vibrant. Share this vibrant soul energy with those around you. The very
purpose of human life is to liberate the Soul. Explain this Ultimate Truth to those around you. Many are
ignorant of the fact that the athma is indeed a tiny part of the Paramathma, and every human being is a
manifestation of the Divine. Make such people realize their Soul. Helping others to attain Soul Liberation is a
great punya (virtue) and every such deed will help you to get a darshan of the Divine.

9. Praise the five elements (Pancha – boothas)

Express your gratitude to Mother Earth , Water, Air, Fire (Heat) and Space. When you worship these
elements externally, these elements within you will also get balanced.

10. Remove the Toxic wastes

Consume vegetarian, satvik food and remove the toxic wastes from your body. This will purify your
thoughts. Good thoughts will lead to good deeds. Further, you will also be able to realize the thoughtless
state of the greater cosmos.

May all of you liberated Souls lead a happy life.


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