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Submitted to:

Prof. James Euric A. Llamado

Submitted by:

Yhenlee Rhizelle A. Marquez

Dash 5

September 2021
1. As a MEDTECH student, on what situations can you apply critical reading? (Answer this
question in not less than five sentences. Substantiate your explanation by giving examples.)

As medical technology students, we are trained and shaped to be a credible medical

technologist in the making. Critical reading should be applied the moment we choose to build a
career within ourselves. For instance, we always deal with case studies and situational problems
that test our judgments and knowledge. We do not only understand the situations given, but we
also discuss the endless possibilities of judgments that are supported by evidence. Also, I
remembered how an instructor of mine way back in my freshmen year always gave us quizzes that
were always out of the box. I mean, my instructor’s examinations do not only require your
knowledge about the topics discussed in the course but also tests how to weigh the choices into
what is the best among the rest even if they all seem right. May it be answering a case study,
answering an exam, or even just simply studying a lesson discussed, critical reading is always a
must in things that need knowledge beyond understanding.

2. Give 5 tips (your own tips) that you think will be helpful to other students to practice
critical reading and make it a habit. Briefly explain each.

1. Seek your passion. Reading, for most people, can be boring. But with the things that
people have an interest in, reading can be more of discovery rather than a boring duty. And
with that, the simple act of discovery about one’s passion can bloom into a habit of not just
reading but reading critically.
2. Maintain the reason. Passion can’t be the only foundation for a habit to grow. Keeping a
reason along with the process of forming a habit is essential—reasons such as interest and
willingness to learn more.
3. Take the process in your own way. From my experience, it’s always good to take your
learning in your own way. Whether it be annotations on your handouts, write a short
outline, or even thinking of a simpler scenario in your head can be a good start in critical
reading in where you are most comfortable with. I always have a better and faster
adjustment whenever I do my reviews and note-taking at my own pace and technique,
which can also be applicable to critical reading.
4. Make your own version of the text. When reading the text for the second time, make your
own version of it where it entails your views, the arguments, or even the questions you can
come up with from the situations discussed in the text. This will not only improve your
own understanding but also plays a vital role in critical reading.
5. Always give your best shot. Give your 100% focus on the text you are reading. It is
essential to lend your whole focus when working on something, especially when reading a
text. With that, it will create a better connection between the reader and the text. Contents
will be easier to absorb and comprehend with focus at hand.

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