Physical Assessment Guide To Collect Objective Client Data: Questions Findings

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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
Institute of Nursing

NAME: _______________________________ DATE: _______________

COURSE & SEC: ______________________ RLE GROUP: _________


Physical Assessment Guide to Collect Objective Client Data

Questions Findings
1. Gather equipment (gloves, exam light, penlight, centimeter ruler)
2. Explain the procedure to client what you are going to do and why the
client needs to cooperate during the procedure.
3. Maintain giving privacy to the client.
4. Ask client to gown.
1. Note any distinctive odor
2. Inspect for generalized color variations (brownness, yellow, redness,
pallor, cyanosis, jaundice, erythema, vitiligo)
3. Inspect for skin breakdown.
4. Inspect for primary, secondary, or vascular lesions. (Note size, shape,
location, distribution, and configuration).
5. Palpate lesions.
6. Palpate texture (rough, smooth) of skin, using palmar surface of three
middle fingers.
7. Palpate temperature (cool, warm, hot) and moisture (dry, sweaty, oily) of
skin, using dorsal side of hand.
8. Palpate thickness of skin with fingerpads.
9. Palpate mobility and turgor by pinching up skin over sternum.
10. Palpate for edema, pressing thumbs over feet or ankles.
11. Palpate thickness, texture, oiliness, lesions, and parasites.
1. Inspect color.
2. Inspect amount and distribution.
3. Inspect and palpate for thickness, texture, oiliness, lesions, and parasites.
1. Inspect for grooming and cleanliness.
2. Inspect for color and markings.
3. Inspect shape
4. Palpate texture and consistency.
5. Test for capillary refill.
1. Document your findings and let your client know about it.
2. Entertain questions if any.
3. Make necessary referrals.

Grade: ___________________

Rating Scale:

5- Performed well without assistance (recited step by step)

4- Performed with minimal assistance
3- Performed with assistance
2- Performed recited but not done & explain or vice versa
1- Did not performs & recite

_________________________________ _________________________________
Clinical Instructor Student’s Signature

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