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{Your Name} – {Your Student Number} – Network Scripting ICA 1

On Enforcing the Use of High Entropy Passwords in Linux

{Your Name}
Teesside University
{Your Email Address}
Abstract This paper is structured as follows: in
Section 2, we discuss related and previous
A common folk belief is that password
work on password quality, focusing on
entropy is a good indicator of password
password entropy; in Section 3, we list and
strength. However, there are studies that
discuss some password quality policies that we
challenge this view. In this paper, we discuss
identified in our literature review; in Section 4,
and investigate password entropy and its
we show how to encode some of these policies
relation to password strength. We show how
in Serenity; in Section 5 we conclude with a
we can enforce password entropy in Linux
summary and some final observations.
systems by encoding password composition
policies in Serenity, a domain-specific 2. Related Work
language for creating certified password
Even though it is widely believed that
composition policies.
password entropy is a good measure of
1. Introduction password strength, researchers have found that
policies requiring longer passwords with fewer
It is widely believed that password entropy
requirements can be more usable and, in some
is a good indicator of password strength:
cases, more secure than conventional policies.
higher entropy results in better passwords.
For example, this is supported by [ CITATION
However, research has shown that this is not
Sha14 \l 1033 ], who conducted an online
necessarily the case. In fact, [ CITATION
experiment with 8,143 participants to
MaW10 \l 1033 ] state that entropy cannot be
evaluated eight different policies. Their results
used as a quality indicator for passwords and
confirm that password policies requiring
propose a new password quality measure.
length lead to more usability, and in some
Other studies, such as the one performed by
cases more security, than those requiring only
[ CITATION Sha14 \l 1033 ] suggest that
a comprehensive mix of character classes and
password length alone is enough, because it
a dictionary check.
achieves a good balance between security and
usability. TODO:
In this short paper, we survey existing 1. Write a summary similar to the
research on password entropy and list some one above for the
password quality policies suggested in the reference[ CITATION MaW10 \l
literature. We show how we can enforce these 1033 ]. (10%)
policies in Linux systems with Serenity, a 2. Add one new reference and write a
domain-specific language (DSL) for creating summary of it. Use Word’s
certified password composition policies that reference manager! (10%)
follows from the work developed by
3. Password Composition Policies Focused
[ CITATION Fer17 \l 1033 ]. We also
on Entropy
compare Serenity with the current default
password quality mechanism available in most TODO:
Linux systems.
3. Here, you should describe in more
detail at least two (maximum of
four) password composition
policies that focus on entropy. As

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{Your Name} – {Your Student Number} – Network Scripting ICA 1

a starting point, look at the policy

mentioned in the conclusion of Definition 2class8 :=
[ CITATION MaW10 \l 1033 ] (enforce new_pwd (min
and at the policies mentioned in length 8) "New password
[ CITATION Sha14 \l 1033 ], for must be at least 8
example comprehensive8, basic12, characters long!") /*\
basic16, 2word12 etc. (20%) (enforce new_pwd (min
char_classes 2) "New
3.1. Enforcing Password Entropy password must contain
Constraints on Linux Systems at least 2 classes of
characters (from
In Linux systems, password composition
lowercase, uppercase,
policies are enforced using PAM modules
numbers and
[ CITATION Sam96 \l 1033 ] such as
pam_cracklib or pam_pwquality. In the
popular Linux distribution CentOS 7,
You can (and should!) use the
password composition policies are enforced by
“pwdquality” virtual machine that
the module pam_pwquality and can be
we used in Session 5 to test your
configured in the file at /etc/pam.d/system-
Serenity encodings. Edit the file
auth. An example of a password composition
PasswordPolicy.v and use the
policy is:
./serenity-activate command.
password requisite (20%) minclass=3
4.1 Comparison with pam_pwquality
This line configures the system so that…
TODO: Here, you should:
7. Briefly compare pam_pwquality
4. Finish the above sentence, by and Serenity. You can focus on the
explaining what this line does example shown above (where
(remember to read the man page minclass=3) and use what you
of pam_pwquality, as suggested in have learnt in Session 5. (5%)
Session 5). (5%) 8. Given an example of another
5. Give 2 examples of passwords Linux distribution that uses
accepted by this pam_pwquality pam_pwquality (or pam_cracklib)
policy and 2 examples of as the main password composition
passwords rejected. (4%) policy enforcement mechanism.
You will need to include a short
4. Encoding Password Composition Policies
description of the distribution and
in Serenity
indicate who its target users are.
In the previous section, we identified and (5%)
listed a few relevant password composition
5. Conclusion
policies. In this section, we show how they can
be encoded in Serenity. TODO:
TODO: 9. Summarise what you have learned
on password strength and
6. Here, you should show how some
password entropy. (5%)
of the policies mentioned in the
10. Mention other criteria besides
previous section can be encoded in
password entropy that can make
Serenity (at least 2 of them). For
password-protected systems more
example, a policy such as 2class8
secure. (5%)
would be encoded as:

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{Your Name} – {Your Student Number} – Network Scripting ICA 1

11. Finish the paper with a list of

professional, ethical, and legal
compliance considerations that
need to be followed when
managing a password-protected
system. (6%)
Ferreira, J., Johnson, S., Mendes, A. & Brooke, P., 2017. Certified password quality—a case study
using Coq and Linux pluggable authentication modules. International Conference on Integrated
Formal Methods, pp. 407-421.
Ma, W., Campbell, J., Tran, D. & Kleeman, D., 2010. Password Entropy and Password Quality.
Fourth International Conference on Network and System Security, pp. 583-587.
Samar, V., 1996. Unified login with pluggable authentication modules (PAM). Proceedings of the 3rd
ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security, pp. 1-10.
Shay, R. et al., 2014. Can long passwords be secure and usable?. Proceedings of the 32nd annual
ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems, pp. 2927-2936.

12. You should add at least 1 more
reference, but ideally you should
add 2 more. We suggest that you
use Google Scholar, but you can
also use plain old Google.
Remember that, as a Teesside
University student, you are
expected to use Harvard
Referencing. Use the Word
reference manager to make this
easy! (5%)

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