Design and Implementation of Electronic Human Resource Management System For Duhok Polytechnic University

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Design and Implementation of Electronic Human Resource Management System

for Duhok Polytechnic University

Article  in  Technology Reports of Kansai University · May 2020


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3 authors, including:

Subhi R. M. Zeebaree Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez

DPU Duhok Polytechnic University


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ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 04, April, 2020

Design and Implementation of Electronic Human

Resource Management System for Duhok
Polytechnic University
Ahmed Sinali Abdulraheem1, Subhi R. M. Zeebaree2, Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez3

Duhok Polytechnic University Duhok – Kurdistan Region, Iraq1

Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok – Kurdistan Region, Iraq2

Presidency of Duhok Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq3

Abstract— Nowadays, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used to build

professional electronic systems as a big step towards the E-government system. One of the most
important sectors that belong to the E-government is E-university. The universities of the Kurdistan
region suffer from the classical approach, so building the E-university system will push all other
sectors towards the E-government system. Hence, improving human resource management is an
important direction within E-university. An efficient proposed human resource management
system for Duhok Polytechnic University (DPU) called DPU Electronic Human Resource
Management System (DPU-EHRMS) is proposed in this paper. The services of this system cover
each of DPU's presidency, four colleges and eight institutes that belong to DPU. The proposed
system consists of eleven modules that provide four groups of services. The first group is related
to applicant services: online job application. The second group is related to staff services:
registration, appreciation and punishment, promotion and bonus, leaves, archive, payroll, and
summary of service. The third group is related to institutions and presidency services:
authentication, post, and statistics. And the fourth group is for university services: statistics. Three
campuses are selected (Duhok, Zakho, and Shekhan) to implement and test the proposed DPU-
EHRMS. These campuses include six institutions. The System Usability Scale (SUS) is used as an
evaluation tool to get the results via special questionnaire forms that are checked by the academic
and administrative staff of the same institutions. An acceptable evaluation score of the
questionnaire is obtained which is about (77.80). According to the practical implementation of
DPU-EHRMS, there is an opportunity of copying other Kurdistan universities which can be
considered as a great step towards the E-government.

Keywords: E-Government, E-University, E-Staff Registration, Electronic human Resource.

1. Introduction
In the era we live in, many things come digitally and electronically. Paper and solid (physical
existence) existence of these things is not anymore found except the device that holds the soft
representation of the object. The new era has benefits that save space, ease of processing data, ease

A. S. Abdulraheem, S. R. M. Zeebaree and A. M. Abdulazeez, 2020 TRKU

of sharing data and information to others and security that could be provided to them. This
motivation led the engineers and scientists to think in converting things into digital format [1],
[2].Human Resources HRs are one of the most important elements in organizations. HRM plays a
vital role in facilitating organizational processes, save cost and time, it also beneficial for
competitive advantages [3]. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) made deep effects
in human life [4], [5]. However, the communication style in most Kurdistan-Region Government
sectors is still at the beginning steps. So, the trend is to move towards the E-government system in
order to overcome the problems of traditional style. E-university is a field belongs to the E-
government [6]. Therefore, A Human Resource Management System (HRMS) or Human Resource
Information System (HRIS) refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between Human
Resource Management (HRM) and Information Technology (IT). It merges HRM as a discipline
particularly its basic Human Resource (HR) activities and processes with the IT field, whereas the
programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of
enterprise resource planning (ERP) software [7]. IT has created many benefits and opportunities.
However, at the same time, it also does create unlimited challenges for managers and employees
who are using them in daily operations. The rapid development of the Internet during the last decade
has boosted the implementation and application of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-
HRM) [8], [9].

E-HRM is a web-based solution that takes advantage of the latest web application technology to
deliver an online real-time Human Resource Management Solution. E-HRM aims at making
information available to managers and employees at anytime and anywhere [10], [11]. IT is
changing the way HR departments handle record-keeping and information sharing. It decreases the
paperwork substantially and allows easy access to voluminous data [12]. Some large companies
used computer technology to calculate the compensation and pay salaries. Along with the rapid
development of computer technology, HRM is combined with computer systems tools and database
technology more and more deeply [13]. Organizations should integrate HRIS with other
organizational systems to facilitate speedily sharing of information and decision-making [14].
HRIS is a computer-based information system for managing the administration of HR processes
and procedures. Electronic Human Resource Management System (e-HRM) is an alternative term
for the use of computer technology within the HR function [15]. The HRIS is a database system
that keeps important information about employees in central and accessible Location even
information on the global workforce. When such information is required, the data can be retrieved
and used to facilitate employment planning decisions. Its technical potential permits the
organization to track most information about employees and jobs and to retrieve that information
when needed it [16]. Universities are trying to follow the private organizations in applying
information technology and systems for various their functions in research, education, and
administration. These include also several human resource processes [17]. Office automation has
generally been achieved in different departments of universities. So, the informatization of human
resources management has a good base. But traditional human resources management information
system has many shortages. People cannot share their data. Its information cannot be used well.
Sometimes people have to work repeatedly [18]. The investigation of the functional and non-
functional requirements together with the required software and hardware is necessary for the
design and implementation of E-university systems [19].

ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 04, April, 2020

HRIS can be applied in multiple organizations such as company, factory, directorates, university,
etc. The aim of using HRMS is to reduce time-consuming, increase accurate in the process
execution, Provision of equal opportunities, prevent Redundancy, Talent management and
Provision of fair treatment. Currently, HRIS encompasses Employees Recruitment, Learning and
Talent Development, Employees Payment, Employee Leaves, Employee Absences, Employees
Archive, Employees Information, Employees Statistics, Employees Training, motivating workers
to achieve improved performance, Rewards and Punishments and Communication (send, receive
post). The huge efforts spent during administration tasks within any university depending on the
traditional style made a strong motivation to go toward this work (i.e. DPU-EHRMS). Hence, the
proposed system is the right step to get the full e-university system at DPU with other directions:
E-learning and E-student affairs…etc. This proposed EHRMS will be a great motivation to be
copied for other universities in Kurdistan. Consequently, these steps will be the cornerstone for
building e-government in Kurdistan.

2. Literature Review
The following is a literature review to some of the most recent and popular human resource
management system: In 2009, ZHANG Dan-Ping [20], Addressed the processes of applying
university human resource management by reduces and categorizes features based on an actual
dataset of University human resources. The class label evaluating teachers' ‟scientific research
abilities been proposed. He analyzed the data warehouse technologies and combined them with
practical work. He described the snowflake structure of a data warehouse of university human
resources and constructed the data warehouse. However, this work relates to just four modules,
which are: Staff Basic Information, Statistics, Scientific Research Information, and Teaching
Information. So, there are seven other modules designed and implemented by the proposed DPU-
EHRMS not included in [20]. In 2012, Mark Abadiano [21] proposed a solution to the deadlock of
manual HRMS that used by the University of Cebu) the Philippines, which was very slow in
processing the request and inquiries. The proposed system will enable. Faculty and staff to transact
queries faster in the database server and automatically they will be able to obtain information that
they need to enable the administrator to make necessary updates and obtain information that will
be needed. This work produced five modules that already depended on the proposed DPU-EHRMS
which are: Online Job Apply, Employee Payroll, Leaves, Attendance and Statistics modules. While
there are six remained modules not found in [21]. In 2014, Mweemba Simaanya [22], proposed an
employee management system that can be used in any organization and designed a web-based
information system to perform the requirements of companies to manage their employees faster
and more efficiently. To provide a comprehensive approach towards the management of employee
information, this will be done by designing and implementing an HR management system that will
bring up a major paradigm shift in the way that employee information is handled. In this work (i.e.
[22]) only four modules are addressed, which are: Staff Registration, Authorization, Leaves, and
Statistics. While in the proposed DPU-EHRMS there are an additional seven modules that are not
found in [22].

In 2015, Kadhim and Wafaa [23] designed and implemented a web-based information management
system for the University of Thi-Qar (TUIMS), the system provides a simple interface for
maintenance of university staff and its accounting information system. It can be used by all colleges

A. S. Abdulraheem, S. R. M. Zeebaree and A. M. Abdulazeez, 2020 TRKU

and research centers in the University. The creation and management of accurate, up-to-date
information regarding accounting are critically important in the university as well as to the colleges,
the system deals with all kinds of staff information (technical or teaching staff). The objectives of
this system are achieved and it's functioning well. There are only four modules addressed in [23]
which are: Staff Registration, Authorization, Employee Payroll, and Statistics. But still, there are
other seven modules not found in [23] and depended on DPU-EHRMS.

3. E-DPU System and Electronic HRMS

The proposed DPU Electronic Human Resource Management System (DPU-EHRMS) is designed
according to DPU staff requirements for each of the colleges, institutes, and DPU-presidency at the
same time within the same platform. The DPU-EHRMS is one of three main directions designed
for the Electronic Duhok Polytechnic University (E-DPU) system. The other two directions are
Electronic Learning System (DPU-ELS) and Electronic Student Affairs System (DPU-ESAS).
These three directions are inter-related with each other depending on the requirements. These
relations are very important in order to: avoid the database system duplications, provide fast data
accessing and produce accurate data retrieving and related computations. Figure (1) represents the
general of the E-DPU for these three directions.

Figure (1): General Structure of E-DPU

4. Methodology and Modules of the Proposed DPU-EHRMS

ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 04, April, 2020

The proposed DPU-EHRMS has been designed to provide important services at DPU. The
proposed EHRMS consists of eleven modules and three Admin types. The admins are: University,
Institutions and Units Admins. University admin authorizes all Institution admins that in turn
authorize all units’ admins belong their institutions. Also, the university admin has the full
authorization of all system modules. While the institution admin has the authority of all units belong
to his institution. Finally, the unit admin has the authority of just his unit. Each module is designed
to meet employee’s requirements at DPU to be used friendly using: add, view, edit, delete and print.
The admins and designed modules are: University Human Resource Management Admin
(UHRMA), Institution Human Resource Management Admin (IHRMA), Institution Unit Admin
(IUA), Online Job Apply (OJA) module, Staff Registration (SR) module, Acknowledgements and
Sanctions (AS) module, Premium and Upgrading (PU) module, Leaves module, Archive module,
Summary Service (SS) module, Employees Payroll (EP) module, Post module, and Statistics

Figure (2) illustrates the Modules connections. All staff of the university must be registered before
login to the system. If the user belongs DPU is a student, he will be registered as a student, and
otherwise, he will be considered as a staff. After correct login to the EDPU system, the user will be
directed to the specified location (or, he will be asked to select one of the three directions: EHRMS,
ELS or ESAS). After correct selection and accessing EHRMS, the user will be directed to the Staff
portal if he is not an admin. But, if he is an admin (and entering as admin for the first time), he must
get authorization from (UHRMA or IHRMA) if he is (IHRMA or UA) respectively.

A. S. Abdulraheem, S. R. M. Zeebaree and A. M. Abdulazeez, 2020 TRKU

Figure (2): Modules Connections of DPU-EHRMS.

4.1 Architecture of the proposed DPU-EHRMS

The overall Down-UP architecture of DPU-EHRMS is presented in Figure (3), there are three main
layers represent this system:
• Presentation layer: This layer consists of the tools: HTML, JavaScript (includes: Ajax and
jQuery), CSS, and Bootstrap. In this layer, the user (i.e. the client) will access the web
application at the client-side and communicate via the web browser (Internet Explorer,
Chrome, etc.) with the upper layer (logic layer) to request the human resource component.
Bootstrap an effective tool that provides the capabilities of merging functions of both (CSS
and HTML) with nice additional effects.
• Logic Layer: This layer belongs to the server-side written in PHP language and
communicates with the presentation layer via HTML forms and JavaScript queries.
• Data layer: this layer is responsible for storing all coming data to the MySQL database via
the logic layer.

4.2. Mechanism of the proposed DPU-EHRMS

The mechanism of using depended tools with DPU-EHRMS design consists of some steps:
• Webpage Design: the first step is designing the related webpage elements (i.e. forms,
tables, text areas) using the HTML tool.
• Webpage Effects: the additional effects (i.e. hover, color, focus, resize, etc.) It can be
added to the webpage elements using the CSS tool.
• Processing: this step needs both of (PHP and JavaScript) tools and it is responsible for:
checking the acceptance (validity) of the entered data and providing the necessary
calculations to produce the wanted outputs.
• Saving and Retrieving: all inserted data will be saved and retrieved using PHP and SQL

ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 04, April, 2020

Figure (3): Architecture of DPU-EHRMS.

4.3. System Requirements of the proposed DPU-EHRMS

To design and implement EHRMS for DPU some requirements are needed to achieve this project
such as functional and non-functional requirements, hardware and software requirements.

4.3.1 Functional Requirements

• System’s Administrator: is a person who manages the overall system, has the authority
to access to all modules, insert, view, edit and delete data, and giving the authority to other
• Institution Admin: is responsible for giving the employee permission, changes the
employee's permission and has access to all modules of his institution.
• Admin (i.e. Employee): each unit or directorate usually has more than one employee. Each
one represents the admin of the module that used for the institution-unit that he is working
at. These units may be one of the (presidency, college or institute). In addition, this Admin
has the authorization to insert, view, edit and delete data related to his unit.
• Staff: each staff can access his profile and view his personal information, salary, leaves,
summary service, and archive. However, he has no authority to delete or manipulate the
• Applicants: persons want to apply for jobs at DPU. They only can insert data (i.e. personal
information and formal documents) without the authority to change them after submitting

4.3.2 Nonfunctional Requirements:

Non-functional requirements or sometimes called system qualities to refer to all requirements that
describe the system attributes such as Security, Usability, Reliability, Accessibility, Extensibility,
and Availability.

4.3.3 Software requirements

To design an efficient web-based development of HRMS for DPU with multiple modules to
perform many tasks, there is a need to some software such as Windows operating system, MySQL
Database (phpMyadmin), Hypertext Markup language (HTML), Personal Home Page (PHP),
JavaScript (Ajax and jQuery), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), Bootstrap, Web browser for example
(Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, etc.), and Internet service.

4.3.4 Hardware Requirements:

There are two sides for hardware implementation related to hardware requirements:
• Server-side: Two servers (one for the Web Application (WA) and the other for DBS) to be
considered as three Tier Architecture 3TA.
• Client-side:
▪ Internal Clients: there will be (I institutions within DPU), for each institution, there are
(directorates or units). Adding to that each staff considered as an internal client (K persons
for each institution as staff). So, there will be One host as the main Admin, J hosts for I
units, L hosts for each unit, K staff for each institution.

A. S. Abdulraheem, S. R. M. Zeebaree and A. M. Abdulazeez, 2020 TRKU

Internals Hosts (IH) =1 + J + (L*J*I) + (K*I) …………………….. (1)

If I=13, J=25, K=200 and L=4, then:

IH= 1 + 25 + (4*25*13) + 200*13= 1 + 25 + 1300 + 2600 = 3926 hosts as internal clients.
▪ External Clients: there will be (M hosts) as Applicants that want to get jobs at DPU, and
the related peripheral devices for each unit such as: Scanners, Printers, Internet service

4.4 Implementation and Evaluation of the proposed DPU-EHRMS

The homepage of EDPU provides the ability to access three main directions: DPU-ELS, DPU-
ESAS, and DPU-EHRMS, Figure (4) illustrate the EDPU homepage GUI. The homepage can be
accessed by both registered and unregistered persons. After the user inserts the correct username
and password, he will get access to the EHRMS system. Then the user can select any direction
(Staff, Employee, and Administrator) according to his type and privilege. As shown in figure (5),
and figure (6) shown Employee panel Components.

Figure (4): Home Page

ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 04, April, 2020

Figure (5): DPU-EHRMS Panels

Figure (6): Employee panel Components

4.5 Evaluation of the Proposed DPU-EHRMS

The evaluation stage is very important to assess the implemented system. The DPU-EHRMS
practical implementation is done at six institutions: DPU presidency, Duhok Engineering Technical
College (DETC), Shekhan Health Technical College (SHTC), Duhok Technical Institute (DTI),
Zakho Technical Institute, Shekhan Technical Institute (STI). These institutions are distributed

A. S. Abdulraheem, S. R. M. Zeebaree and A. M. Abdulazeez, 2020 TRKU

over three campuses: Duhok, Zakho, and Shekhan. SUS is a reliable tool and it is used to evaluate
application usability and represents a self-reported survey metric. The SUS scores are on a 100.00
scale, which refers to the higher level of effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in the use of the
system. This questionnaire consists of ten questions that show average user satisfaction or
dissatisfaction on a five-point scale. In order to add variations to the provided questionnaire, the
evaluation form was designed to contain (10 questions), the odd-questions are positively worded
and the even-questions are negatively worded [24]. The proposed DPU-HRMS implementation has
been performed by UHRMA, IHRMA, IUA, and Staff. The testing period was (60 days) from
(1/10/2015) to (1/12/2015). The tested period included training courses for (60) system’s users
presented with a short brief about the DPU-EHRMS and on the SUS. This helped to prepare special
staff for the testing. The same users participated in the testing and evaluation processes. In order to
find the strengths and weaknesses of the current system to collect data for the investigation. After
testing DPU-EHRMS, the system has been evaluated for a period of (7 days), from (1/2/2016) to
(7/2/2016). Each of the: effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction from the system’s user viewpoint
been evaluated to check the usability of this system. After completing the SUS questionnaire, the
obtained SUS scores of DPU-EHRMS user’s samples as shown in Table (1).

Table (1): SUS Scores by DPU-EHRMS Participants (N=60)

The survey results of (60) users who participated in the DPU-EHRMS testing and evaluation are
shown in Figure (7). It is clear from the plot that high scores have been presented at the positive
questions while the negative ones produced lower values. Well understanding about the system
usability test and evaluation provided by the results, which represent the user’s opinions on

ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 04, April, 2020

usability issues of the system. High satisfaction with the proposed DPU-EHRMS been observed
from the results of the survey. It is clear from the results of Table (1) that the minimum SUS score
is (42.5) and the maximum score is (95). However, according to the mean of SUS scores, it can be
concluded that the provided system is generally perceived to be acceptable depending on the SUS
total score which is (60).

Figure (7): Mean Survey Result

4.6 Comparison the Proposed DPU-EHRMS with Previous Works

The proposed DPU-EHRMS is compared with all previous works that addressed in the literature
review section. So, as a conclusion for comparing the proposed DPU-EHRMS with the previous
works, it can be observed that the scope of altogether previous works is limited by the modules:
Online Job Apply, Staff Registration, Authorization, Payroll, Leaves, Statistics and Scientific
Research Management. But in comparison with the proposed DPU-EHRMS, there are two main
• Scientific Research Management, teaching information, training, performance evaluation,
and Employer’s Insurance is not addressed in DPU-EHRMS, but it has no relation with
HRMS structure, so there is no need for it.
• There are other four modules addressed in DPU-EHRMS and not been discussed by the
previous works, which are: Acknowledgement and Sanction, Upgrade and Premium,
Summary Service and Post.

5. Conclusions

The important concluded points from the proposed DPU-EHRMS can be summarized as follows:
In this paper, an efficient electronic human resource management system has been proposed,
designed and implemented to Duhok Polytechnic University named DPU-EHRMS. The proposed
system will improve the administration and financial mechanisms of all Kurdistan Universities and

A. S. Abdulraheem, S. R. M. Zeebaree and A. M. Abdulazeez, 2020 TRKU

converting their workflow from the current paper-based approach to an electronic-based one. The
proposed system will be used to combine all DPU eight campuses (including the presidency, four
colleges, and eight institutes) in one system to be managed electronically. The proposed DPU-
EHRMS improves the communication system between the DPU staff on one side and the
administration and financial directorate and units on another side remotely with full flexibility. The
communication style will be done via the Internet, and the submission’s response will be performed
via the DPU website, and any request or response will be done via e-mails. The DPU-EHRMS has
been designed with economic-cost in directions: money-consumed, time-consumed, less-efforts
and more accurate. Therefore, this system can be copied usefully to any other university inside the
Kurdistan Region or entire Iraq.

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