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History of Computers

Computer Fundamentals and Programming 1

• The abacus was a computational tool used for
Abacus hundreds of years and is normally considered as

(2700 – 2300
the first calculator. It is like a manual calculator that
has sliding beads that are used to represent
BCE) numbers.
Russian Abacus Chinese abacus
• These were multiplication tables that were carved
Napier’s on strips of animal bones, ivory or wood. This was
commonly used to get the quotient and product of a
Bones (1600) computation.
Napier • The inventor of the Napier’s Bones. He is a Scottish

(John1550 –
mathematician who is best known for his invention
of logarithms.
This is a device that consists of graduated scales that
can be moved which can be used to carry out simple

Slide rule

(1621) Normal slide rules contain scales that can be used for
multiplication, division and extraction of square
• It is a calculating machine designed at 1671 and built
Leibniz at 1673 by the German mathematician and

Wheel (Step
philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. It can
add and subtract like any other calculating machines,
Reckoner) but it can also multiply and divide.
Leibniz Wheel (Step Reckoner) Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
• This was made so that fabrics with very intricate patterns
Bouchon would be easily produced with very little manpower.
Loom (1725) Unfortunately, the paper was torn easily and was difficult to
advance and thus, the loom was never used again

Bouchon Loom
Joseph Marie • The inventor that brought together Bouchon’s idea
Jacquard(1752- of continuous punched roll but instead of using
paper, he used durable punched cards to produce a
1834) workable programmable loom
Charles •An English mathematician that is widely known as the father of
the modern computer. He designed the Automatic Difference
Babbage (1791– Engine.

Difference Engine

•This was used to help in

the construction of
mathematical tables for
Analytic Engine

•This was made to perform calculations. It also

contains most of the features found inside
modern computers.
Ada Augusta, •A mathematician and a writer that
The Countess of translated Italian mathematician Luigi
Menabrea’s memoir on Charles Babbage’s
Lovelace(1815– analytic engine.

• It is an electromechanical machine that was
designed to summarize information that is stored on
Tabulating punched cards. It was invented by Herman
Hollerith, an American businessman, inventor, and
Machine(1890) statistician.
Tabulating Machine Herman Hollerith
Atanasoff-Berry Computer (1937)

• The first truly electronic computer. Mathematician

and physicist John Atanasoff’s Linear equation-solver,
built with graduate student Clifford Berry, could solve
a variety of problems but was not programmable. This
was also the first computer to use binary math.
Colossus I
•Its job was to help decipher the
Lorenz-encrypted messages between
Hitler and his generals during World
War 2. This could not be
reprogrammed to do anything else.
• Also called the Automatic Sequence Controlled
Calculator. It was developed by Howard Aiken,
Mark 1 (1944) and it contained over 3000 mechanical relays
and was the first electro-mechanical computer
capable of making logical decisions
•Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer. This was the first
programmable general-purpose
electronic digital computer. It was
designed by J. Prosper Eckert and John
•Universal Automatic Computer. The
first practical electronic computer and it
was built by the inventors of the ENIAC,
Eckert and Mauchly.
Intel’s First 4-bit chip

•This was approximately 1/16 x 1/8

inches in size, this chip contained
250 transistors and had all the
computing power of ENIAC. It was a
4-bit chip.
Altair 8800 •The first low-cost
(1975) microprocessor computer
• Designed and built by Steve
Wozniak and Steve Jobs. This
Apple II (1977) was the most successful of the
early microcomputers
IBM PC (1981)

•This microcomputer
fulfilled its slogan
computers by the
millions for the millions.
It was 20 times faster
than ENIAC, 16 times
larger capacity,
1/30,000 the size and
costed only 1000
Macintosh (1984)
•This was the first mass-produced,
commercially available computer with a
graphical user interface. In 1989
Windows 1.0 was introduced for the PC.
Hardware – physical components of a computer.

Two Types of Hardware

Internal Hardware External Hardware

Internal Hardware

• Motherboard - the backbone that ties the computer's

components together at one spot and allows them to
talk to each other.

• CPU –Central processing unit. It is the brain of the


• RAM –Random access memory. This gives

applications a place to store and access data on a
short-term basis.
Video Card –this creates the images you see on
your monitor.

Power Supply –supplies the power needed for

the computer to function properly.
Hardware Hard Disk –this is where data is stored. It also
holds information even when the computer is
turned off.
Optical Drive –reads CDs or DVDs
External Hardware

Microphones –a device that translates sound vibrations in the air into

electronic signals or scribes them to a recording medium.

Speakers –a device that is plugged into the computer to generate sound.

Webcams –is used to transmit pictures over the internet.

Troubleshooting Tip #1

• If something doesn’t work the way it’s

suppose to, the simplest way to fix that
problem is to restart your computer.
Don’t panic if it doesn’t work,
oftentimes people tend to break things
when they panic and if that happens
you might make the problem worse.
Troubleshooting Tip #2

• Take notes about error

messages so that when
you think that you fixed
the problem, you’ll know
what to look for when
you encounter the same
problem again.
• Look for troubleshooting guides on YouTube or
Troubleshooting different social media platforms. If you don’t know
Tip #3 anything about troubleshooting, just look for guides
on the internet.
Software – the programs used by the computer.

Two Types of Software

System Software Application Software

• is a computer program that is
designed to operate different
types of applications and is also
System used to run the hardware plugged
into the computer. Examples of
Software this are: Microsoft Windows,
macOS, Linux, Apple, Android and
many more.
• is a software that is designed to run specific tasks
unlike the system software. It also uses high-level
Application language like Java, Visual Basic and, C. It can’t run
independently unlike the system software.
Software Examples of this are: Google Chrome, Microsoft
Office apps, Spotify and many more.
Basic Keyboard

• Ctrl+Z: Undo – roll back your last action.

• Ctrl+W: Close – this will close whatever you’re viewing

• Ctrl+A: Select all – highlights all text in a document or files in a folder.

• Alt+Tab – used to switch between apps

• Alt+F4 – a shortcut that closes an app that is running or shuts down

the computer.
Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+C: Copy – this will copy the Ctrl+V:Paste – this will paste the Ctrl+Shift+Esc: Open the Task F5 – this will refresh the page to see
highlighted text or picture. copied text or picture on the Manager – this opens the task the latest updates of whatever you
document or text box. manager where you can close apps refreshed.
individually and see the current
condition of your PC.
BIOS - Basic Input-Output Services
CD - Compact Disc
CPU - Central Processing Unit
DVD - Digital Versatile Disc
Computer GPU - Graphics Processing Unit
Acronyms HDD - Hard Disk Drive
HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface
IDE - Integrated Device Electronics
LAN - Local Area Network
MAC Address - Media Access Control Address
PCB - Printed Circuit Board

PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect PSU - Power supply unit

RAM – Random access memory

Computer ROM – Read-only memory

SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

SSD - Solid State Drive

USB - Universal serial bus

VGA- Video Graphics Array

WLAN – Wireless local area network

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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