Config ReadMe

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INFO (Tarkov v12.

BOSS: bossBully, bossGluhar, bossKilla, bossKojaniy, bossSanitar,
bossTagilla, sectantPriest
BOSS ESCORT: followerBully, followerKojaniy, followerSanitar,
followerGluharSnipe, followerGluharAssault, followerGluharScout,
followerGluharSecurity, sectantWarrior
SCAV: assault
RAIDER: pmcBot
PMC BOT: assaultGroup, cursedAssault (*Not recommend to use as Boss
escort/supporter, They will attacking boss and bosses ignore them until death)

"script_file": "Lua-Default.js"
(Description: Script file to use for this pattern)

"max_alive_bots": 12,
(Game Default: 13)
(Description: Change Ai's Max alive bots on map count, apply on
global MaxBotsAliveOnMap, more performance by reducing it.)

"local_bots_count": 60,
(Game Default: 100)
(Description: Change Ai's Local bots count, apply on bot core
LOCAL_BOTS_COUNT, more performance by reducing it. *NOT TESTED*)

"ai_max_warns_before_kill": 0,
(Game Default: 4)
(Description: Change Core Ai's behavior, Max warning before
shoot/kill *NOT TESTED*)

"scav_groups_together": false,
(Game default: true)
(Description: Change Scav Ai's behavior, Groups together

"pmc_usec_chance": 50,
(Game default: 50)
(Description: PMC Bot USEC spawn chance)

"map_rules": "AvoidAllPmc",
(Values: Normal, AvoidAllPmc, AvoidOwnPmc | Custom's
default: AvoidAllPmc)
(Description: This has zero/unknown effects for now, apply
on maps MapRules)
(Normal: Scavs and opposite PMC hostile to you)
(AvoidOwnPMC: Scavs and your PMC side hostile to you)
(AvoidAllPMC: Scavs and all PMC hostile to you)

(Values: disable, all, secret)
(Description: Print bot generating logs on server console)
(all: Showing everything, exact spawn values with
Group Size, Spawn time, Location, Supporters, Trigger Raider Waves with Trigger ID)
(secret: Showing secretly, without Spawn time,
Location, Trigger Raider Waves, Cultists and Min-Max Values unless Min-Max is Same)

"max_spawn_time": 1000,
(Values: Seconds)
(Recommend: Your average play/escape time)
(Description: Maximum wave spawn time for mod to reduce
total wave numbers, Recommend to set this for your average play/escape time to
optimization fps)

(Description: Print warning logs on server console when
wave_spawn_time is beyond map's escape_time_limit or [max_spawn_time], so you can
notice the problem and edit wave configs)

"max_bot_per_zone": 10,
(Recommend: 8~15, Depend on your computer specs)
(Description: Adjust the value if you want more performance
or Increase to hell *NOT TESTED*)

(Description: Allow other bots (except
triggered_raider_waves) to use spawn location where boss generated)
(Description: Set true for small maps like factory or Wants
to spawn bots on wide locations)
(Description: [bosses_also_use_scavs_spawn_locations] Or
[bosses_also_use_raiders_spawn_locations] are not effected by this config)

(Description: You want some boss?)

(Values: random, together, evenly)
(Description: random = Pure random, possible for spawn
multiple bosses at one location)
(Description: together = All bosses spawns at one
(Description: evenly = Spawn bosses at all locations
evenly, If spawn locations are not enough to spawn bosses it will rotate map cycle
again therefore it could be spawn same location)

(Description: Maximum numbers of boss types, currently
there are only 6+1 (Cultists) boss types in game)

(Description: How many trying to spawn bosses by chance, 0
= Keep spawn bosses until reach the [max_boss] value)
"boss_insta_spawn_time": 1,
(Values: Numbers, Minimum: 1)
(Description: Instant wave spawn time for bosses to set
priority of instant waves, Low number has high priority)

(Description: Allow to spawn same type of boss, If multiple
of same boss type has configured on "boss_settings", It still can spawn same type
of boss)

(Description: Allow to use scav/raider's [spawn_locations]
for boss spawn)

"cultists_spawn_count_for_max_boss": false,
(Description: Allow to count for [max_boss] when cultists
spawned, WARNING: Cultists are not spawning at day time even waves generated,
therefore recommend to set false or increase [max_boss] value)

"cultists_spawn_at_own_locations": true,
(Description: Allow to use own [spawn_locations] for
cultists because cultists are meant to do hiding on specific locations, This also
ignore [bosses_spawn_location_type] and [bosses_also_use_*_spawn_locations])

"name":"bossBully", : Boss Type,
Also possible to use multiple of name to be random like "bossBully, bossGluhar,
bossTagilla" (If multiple of name has been set, This boss's spawn queue will try
"chance":100, : Spawn
"difficulty":"normal", :
Difficulty, Also possible to use multiple of difficulty to be random like "normal,
hard, impossible"
"escort_type":"followerBully", : Escort Bots
Type, Also possible to use multiple of name to be random like
"followerGluharAssault, pmcBot, followerBully" (If "supports" are configured, this
config has no effect)
"escort_difficulty":"normal", : Escort Bots
Difficulty, Also possible to use multiple of difficulty to be random like "easy,
normal, hard" (If "supports" are configured, this config has no effect)
"escort_amount_min":4, : Escort
Bots Minimum Amount (If "supports" are configured, this config has no effect)
"escort_amount_max":4, : Escort
Bots Maximum Amount, 0 for none spawn (If "supports" are configured, this config
has no effect)
"wave_total":1, : Total Wave
Count, 0 for none spawn
"wave_spawn_time_for_each_min":600, : Spawn Time
Min/Max, Uses after first wave
"wave_spawn_all_same_location":false, : All waves spawn at
where first wave spawned location
"spawn_locations":{ : Spawn
Locations, Numbers are chance
"trigger_id":"", : Map
Trigger ID, Set this If you want to spawn like triggered_raider_waves
: Supporters, Gluhar has multiple supporters to spawn. Other bosses escorts
are spawn without these setting

Also boss with "supports" will bypass escort_* configs

Use this configs If you want multiple type of followers

"BossEscortType":"followerGluharAssault", : Support
Type, Also possible to use multiple of name to be random like
"followerGluharAssault, pmcBot, followerBully"
: Supporter Difficulty, Also possible to use multiple of difficulty to be
random like "easy, hard, impossible"
"BossEscortAmount_min":1, :
Supporter Bots Minimum Amount
"BossEscortAmount_max":2 :
Supporter Bots Maximum Amount, 0 for none spawn
: Cultists Boss Type
: Spawn Chance, WARNING: Cultists are only spawned at specific time (22:00 ~
06:00) even 100% chance, (Default = Custom: 20, Woods/Shoreline: 28)
: Cultists Follower Type
: Cultists Follower Minimum Amount (Default = Custom: 3, Woods/Shoreline: 5)
: Cultists Follower Maximum Amount (Default = Custom: 3, Woods/Shoreline: 5)
: Recommend to use game's default [spawn_locations] for cultists
"name":"bossBully, bossGluhar, bossKilla,
bossKojaniy, bossSanitar, bossTagilla", : Random Boss Type, It will pick
random one (If [allow_same_boss_spawn] is false and name is all filled than it will

multiple of name has been set, This boss's spawn queue will try last)
"difficulty":"normal, hard, impossible",
: Random Difficulty, It will
pick random one from list
"BossEscortType":"pmcBot, assault",
: You should notice by
now, How it works
"normal, hard"
followerBully, followerKojaniy, followerSanitar, followerGluharSnipe,
followerGluharAssault, followerGluharScout, followerGluharSecurity",
"normal, hard"
"wave_total":6, :
Total/Maximum Waves to have, This also includes [insta_spawn_waves], In this case
"6 Normal Waves" and "2 Instant Waves"
"slot_min":1, :
Minimum Number of Spawn for each wave
"slot_max":4, :
Maximum Number of Spawn for each wave, It also means size of group
"insta_spawn_waves":2, :
Instant Spawn Wave, This number of waves will spawn without spawn time delay when
map started
"insta_spawn_time": 10,
: Instant Wave Spawn Time to set priority of instant waves, Low number has
high priority
"spawn_time_delay_after_insta_wave": 0, : Initial Delay
after all [insta_spawn_waves] waves spawned, In this case second wave has spawn
delay by 0 + [random number between by spawn_time_delay_for_each_min/max]
"spawn_time_delay_for_each_min": 180, : Minimum Number
of Spawn Time Delay for each wave
"spawn_time_delay_for_each_max": 360, : Maximum Number
of Spawn Time Delay for each wave
"spawn_time_delay_accumulate_for_each_zone": false,
: If true, Accmulate Spawn Time for Each spawn
zone and Check for [escape_time_limit] and set spawn delay for each zone
: If false, Accmulate Spawn Time as One and
Check for [escape_time_limit]
: This only works when more than 1
"spawn_location_type": "random", : Same
as [bosses_spawn_location_type], [spawn_time_delay_accumulate_for_each_zone] only
works when this has "evenly"

"difficulty":{ :
Difficulty, Numbers are chance
"raider_random_role":true, : Allow to
Raiders have random role chance (Default Role = pmcBot)
"raider_random_role_chance":15, : Chance to
have other role
followerGluharAssault, followerGluharScout, followerGluharSecurity,
followerGluharSnipe, followerKojaniy, followerSanitar", : Random role lists, It
will pick random one from list
"insta_spawn_time": 5,
"spawn_time_delay_after_insta_wave": 120,
"spawn_time_delay_for_each_min": 480,
"spawn_time_delay_for_each_max": 720,
"spawn_time_delay_accumulate_for_each_zone": false,
"spawn_location_type": "random",
"cursedAssault_chance":33, : Spawn
Chance for CursedAssault Type of PMC, It has very high aggressive AI
"spawn_scav_raider_location_chance": 10, : Spawn Chance to
Scav/Raider's [spawn_locations], It's pure random and not effected by
"spawn_time_delay_after_insta_wave": 180,
"spawn_time_delay_for_each_min": 300,
"spawn_time_delay_for_each_max": 480,
"spawn_time_delay_accumulate_for_each_zone": true,
"spawn_location_type": "evenly",

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