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Environmental Geology Assignment

Environmental Geology &

Hazardous Waste Management

Submitted to: Mrs. Sadia Ismail

Submitted by: Amraha Noor





2017-GE-23 Page 1
Environmental Geology Assignment

Assignment No.5

Chapter No.7


Answer the following Questions

Weathering defined:

Question # 7.1:

The nature of the boundary with bedrock serves to distinguish regolith from sediments.
Describe the difference in the boundaries between (A) bedrock and regolith and (B)
bedrock and sediments in Figure 7-1.


Regolith is dynamic in that it is constantly in a state of observable change, whereas bedrock

and sediments are, by comparison, relatively stable. This is difference between the two
boundaries in fig 7.1

Physical weathering:

Question # 7.2:

In Figure 7-2, If A is one unit area, how many unit areas are in B? In C? In D?

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Environmental Geology Assignment


 B has 6 units
 C has 12 units
 D has 48 units
Question # 7.3:

(A) Where would you expect frost wedging to be most effective during winter months-in
coastal Equador, in Antarctica, or in Ohio?


Frost wedging to be most effective during winter months in Ohio

Question # 7.4:

Rocks exposed in roadcuts on the north sides of east-west highways are commonly more
weathered (rubbly) than those on the south sides (Fig.7-7). Why is that? Hint: What
would happen in the situation illustrated in Figure 7-7 when the daytime high
temperature is, say, 30 degree Fahrenheit with a cloudless sky?

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Environmental Geology Assignment


Rocks exposed in roadcuts on the north sides of east-west highways are commonly more
weathered (rubbly) than those on the south sides. Hence, the North faces southward when the
daytime high temperature is, say, 30o F with a cloudless sky.

Question # 7.5:

Less obvious is the greater degree weathering that might be apparent on the east sides
of north-south highways (Fig, 7-8). What is the reasonable explanation for that? Hint: A
clue is imbedded in Figure 7-8.


The explanation is that east side of north south highways exhibit a greater degree of frost
wedging. The weathering from the sun affects the eastside of the ridge from the afternoon sun
on the morning frost.

Chemical weathering:

Question # 7.6:

What is the singular difference in the chemical composition of kaolinite and common


Common clay: AlSiOK(OH)

Kaolinite: H4Al2Si2O9

Generalized hydrolysis of an orthoclase feldspar crystal in a region of moderate rainfall

Residual common clay retains some of the potassium in the orthoclase. In contrast, in regions
of high rainfall (e.g., southeastern United States) hydrolysis of orthoclase is more thorough,
and a variety of naturally refined clay (kaolinite) is produced. The main difference is that
common clay has more potassium than does kaolinite. While the kaolinite is so refined

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Environmental Geology Assignment

Question # 7.7:

Judging from the information on the facing page, what metal ions are likely plucked
from bloodstream by kaolinite? Hint: One is a common vitamin supplement aimed at
fortifying one's blood.


Iron is metal ions are likely plucked from the bloodstream by kaolinite.

Question # 7.8:

Given is granite (with a mix of plagioclase and orthoclase) that is subjected to moderate-
to-high rainfall, the plagioclase is more likely to form kaolinite than is the orthoclase. So
which metal ions are more stable is more stable the sodium and calcium or the


Rain is not able to bring more potassium in solution form, and it forms common clay (with
K). So, we can easily say that calcium, and sodium ions appear to more soluble than

Question # 7.9:

How does bauxite differ in its composition from kaolinite? Hint: What element present
is kaolinite has been leached in the development of bauxite?


H2Al2Si2O9 (Kaolinite), Bauxite consists mostly of the aluminum minerals gibbsite

(Al(OH)3). So, it clearly evident that Bauxite forms from Leaching of Silica from clay
minerals. Therefore, Bauxite mainly consists of Al3+ ions, whereas Kaolinite contains Both
Si4+ and Al3+ in approximately equal fractions.

Question # 7.10:

Rocks in fresh roadcuts are commonly gray to brown in color, but after a few years reds
and yellows begin to appear. Why? Hint: What are the principal elements in the
atmosphere and surface water?


The brown color is due to the Iron that is exposed. When iron is exposed to the atmosphere
oxidation occurs to form hematite, or rust. Hematite occurs in intense hues and tints of red. It
has been the paint pigment of choice for Native Americans and others around the world.
When water combines with hematite, limonite forms, adding hues of yellow to Nature’s

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Environmental Geology Assignment

Question # 7.11:

These reds and yellows become especially apparent along fractures within rocks, any
idea why along fractures?


When the water accumulates into the fractures of the rocks, then the water is combined with
hematite and limonite forms thus respectively creating hues of reds and yellows.

Question # 7.12:

Why do you suppose that sedimentary rocks crowded with fossils are seldom red in
color? Hint: What is the postmortem ( mortem, after death) history of a fossil?


When the sedimentary rocks crowded with fossils are seldom red in color due to lack of

Question # 7.13:

Coal deposits are commonly rich in pyrite. Why is that? Hint: How does coal form?
(This topic is covered in Exercise 6, Metamorphic Rocks.)


The reason is because coal is a sedimentary material that is developed from the organic
matter. It is transformed from the pressure of sedimentary overburden. Coal is high in pyrites
because it is formed from organic matters.

Question # 7.14:

Guess which item has a pH of precisely 2.3-tomatoes, lemon juice, baking soda, or beer?


Lemon juice has a pH of precisely of 2.3

Question # 7.15:

The dissolution of limestone is supported by a humid climate. What are the two factors
in humid climates that favor dissolution of limestone? Hint: Notice certain features in
Figure 7-19.

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The reason that there is more dissolution of limestone in a humid climate is because of the
increased moisture of a humid climate along with the higher levels of CO2

Question # 7.16:

(A) Where within the saturated zone do you suppose the concentration of carbonic acid
is greatest? (B) Why is that? (C) Which of the two histograms in Figure 7-20 appears to
represent the distribution of carbonic acid-the gray one or the brown one?

A. Shallow
B. Water comes from above ground
C. Gray

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Environmental Geology Assignment

Question # 7.17:

(A) On the following morning what would you imagine to be the distribution of the
sodium and chlorine ions within the water? Hint: Dissolved ions have mass, just like
solids. (B) Where within the water in the glass should it be easier to dissolve additional
salt, shallow or deep? (C) Which of the two histograms in Figure 7-20 do you suppose
represents the distribution of dissolved ions?


A. Salt will settle down on the bottom. As sodium settle down, while chlorine is less
B. Shallow
C. Brown
Question # 7.18:

How is it that a cave is born within the saturated zone, but then somehow finds its way
into the unsaturated zone? Hint: The answer is imbedded in Figure 7-21.


Due to Dissolution and erosion, water level drops with time. Reducing the water table and
allowing the water from the cave to diapente.

Question # 7.19:

Agitation (as in shaking) liberates CO2 from an opened soda pop. So what goes on with
cave water to cause agitation and the out-gassing of CO2? Hint: Name any thing that
causes turbulence within moving water.


The rain water would cause the CO2 to escape which would result in the precipitation of
calcium carbonate or calcite.

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Soils and human geography:

Question # 7.20:

Name two other uses of plants (in addition to food). Hint: You can see both from where
you're sitting.


Plant provides oxygen and consumes carbon dioxide.

Question # 7.21:

Recall the importance of certain bedrock (described earlier under Leaching on page
112) that was important in the development of the only bauxite ore in the United States,
Name that rock.


Artusia Rock.

Question # 7.22:

In Figure 7-24, why the patchy occurrences of high rainfall in the northwest? Hint:
Look again at the caption to Figure 7-23.


Because in the Northwest region, evergreen forests are present and in the Northwest region,
the local difference in soil profile occurs in numerous places in Western United States where
upland forests receive more rainfall than low areas of other regions. Plants and soils have a
big role in water falling and water reservoir. The density of the forests creates a huge air
pressure to interact with cloud and change the pressure of that place. Due to this reason, there
is heavy rainfall in Northwest region.

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Question # 7.23:

Identify the map feature that separates these two areas, one from the other.


609 (highway) separates these two areas from one another.

Question # 7.24:

Where is the more fertile soil in Fayette County?


The most fertile soil would be on the SW side of the maps. This is due to the amount of
roads, which indicates that there is more farming. The best farming occurs in fertile areas, in
this case the SW portion of the map.

Question # 7.25:

(A) What ethnic group of immigrant farmers appears to have arrived first in Fayette
County? (B) What ethnic group appears to have arrived second? Hint: Notice the


A. Ethnic group of German farmers (St James) appears to have arrived first in Fayette
B. Irish/English group (Swiss alp) appears to have arrived second.

Question # 7.26:

What is the age if volcanic activity that influenced that part of present-day Texas-
Eocene or Miocene? (See the map legend on page 272.)



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Question # 7.27:

Judging from the brief description of lignite on page 99, what could this elemental
nutrient possibly be?


The experimental nutrient is the coal grade.

Question # 7.28:

After the 30 years of development in the (A) which horizon was the thickest? (B) Which
horizon was yet to develop?


 Horizon C was the thickest.

 Horizon A has yet to develop
Question # 7.29:

Judging from their relative thicknesses, which horizon appears to be the most critical
for the development of the mature spruce-hemlock forest-O, A, or B?


Horizon O, this is because it is only after substantial development of origin of that the mature
spruce hemlock forest began to grow. Also, in that time frame for reason A, B and C are not
thick enough and one very far below to affect their growth.

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