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Vasantha kalyani
M.Sc Medical surgical Nursing
Assist professor
College of Nursing
AIIMS, Rishikesh

M.Sc Peidatric Nursing
College of nursing
AIIMS, Rishikesh


Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific kidney disorder characterized by three signs of disease:
large proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema.[1] Essentially, loss of protein through the kidneys
(proteinuria) leads to low protein levels in the blood (hypoalbuminemia), which causes water to be
drawn into soft tissues (edema). Very low hypoalbuminemia can also cause a variety of secondary
problems, such as water in the abdominal cavity (ascites), around the heart or lung (pericardial
effusion, pleural effusion), high cholesterol (hence hyperlipidemia), loss of molecules
regulating coagulation (hence increased risk of thrombosis). Nephrotic syndrome has many causes
and may either be the result of a glomerular disease that can be either limited to the kidney,
called primary nephrotic syndrome (primary glomerulonephritis), or a condition that affects the
kidney and other parts of the body, called secondary nephrotic syndrome. Along with obtaining a
complete medical history, a series of biochemical tests are required in order to arrive at an accurate
diagnosis that verifies the presence of the illness.
The treatment of primary nephrotic syndrome such as minimal change nephropathy, membranous
nephropathy, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis nephropathy remains challenging. Whilst most
cases of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome respond to steroid therapy and experience a limited number
of relapses prior to complete remission, some cases suffer from frequent relapses and become
steroid dependent or are primarily steroid resistant. Treatment options are limited to
immunosuppressive drugs with significant side effect profiles. This present case study discusses the
disease process and prognosis of the 3 children with various type of nephritic syndrome.

For the comparative study, 3 patients are selected randomly from the paediatric ward AIIMS
Rishikesh, who were diagnosed with Nephritic syndrome.
The details of the patients are followed:-
Bio demographic data Patient I Patient II Patient III
Name Varsh Divya Aayan
Age 6 years 6 years 6 years
Sex Male Female Male
Address Jwalapur, haridwar Tehri garhwal Lalpur balawala
IPD No. 456054/01/16 37746/09/15 bijnor
Education 1st class Kinduganden 134578/1015
Religion Hindu Hindu play school
Date of admission 29/01/16 9/10/15 Muslim
Nephritic syndrome is a syndrome characterized by edema and Lange amounts of proteins in
the urine and usually increased blood cholesterol, usually associated with glomemlonephritis or
within a complication of systemic disease.
Incidence of the condition is 2-7 per 1000 children most common in male. Mean age of
occurrence is about 2-5 years.


Book picture Patient picture

Patient I Patient II Patient III
(Vansh) (Divya) (Aayan)
TYPE I- Idiopathic nephritic
Idiopathic Secondary Idiopathic
syndrome/Primary nephritic nephritic nephritic
glomerulonephrosis syndrome syndrome syndrome.
Patient Divya Minimal changes
 Approximately 90% of was diagnosed disease
children with nephritic previously to
syndrome have idiopathic have septicaemia
nephritic syndrome,
idiopathic nephritic syndrome
is anointed with primary
glomeular disease without
evidence of a specific systemic
 Idiopathic nephritic
syndrome includes multiple
histological types: minimal
change disease, mesangial
proliferation, focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis, and
membranous nephropathy.
Type- II secondary nephritic
 Nephritic syndrome can
occur as a secondary feature
of many form of glomerular
 This may be associated with
membranous nephropathy,
membranous proliferative
glomerulo nephrites, lupus
nephritis, malaria, schistoso-
miaris, malignancy and
therapies with numerous
drugs and chemicals
Type III. Congenital nephritic
 Congenital nephritic syndrome is
defined as nephritic syndrome
manifesting at birth or within first
3 month of life congenital
nephritic syndrome may be
primary or secondary


Book picture Patient picture

Patient I Patient II Patient III
(Vansh) (Divya) (Aayan)
the etiological or risk factor are The etiologic in
divided into 2 types:- patient Vansu The etiologic in The etiologic in
a. Primary glomerulo nephritis was minimal patient Divya patient Aayan
b. Secondary glomerulo change disease was minimal was minimal
nephritis which results in change disease change disease
Primary glomerulonephrities- the abnormal which results in which results in
caused by any glomerulor disease kidney function the abnormal the abnormal
limited to kidney only (primary kidney function kidney function
i. Minimal change disease- glomerulo (primary (primary
cause due to minimal changes nephrities) glomerulo glomerulo
in glomerulus nephrities) nephrities)
ii. Focal segmental
glomerulosis- caused by
tissue scanning in glomeruli
iii. Membranous
inflammation of glomeular
iv. Membranoproliferative
glomerulo nephritis-
inflammation of glomeruli
along t antibodies deposition
in membrane
v. Rapidly progressive
glomerulo nephritis-
glomeruli are in moon
- GFR decreased by 30%
Secondary glomerulonephritis-
caused by any glomeruloe disease that
affect the whole kidney as well as
other parts of body
i. Diabetic nephropathy-
complication of diabetes
ii. Systemic lupus
erythematosis- it is an
autoimmune disease that can
affect many organs.
iii. Sarcoidosis – accumulation of
inflammatory granules in
iv. Syphilis
v. Hepatitis
vi. Sjoguevis syndrome
viii. Amyloidosis- Deposition of
amyloidal substance in
glomeruli modifying thin
shape and function
ix. Multiple myeloma- cancerous
cell in kidney
x. Genetic disease
xi. Drugs- penicillin gold salt,
captopril etc.

Clinical manifestation

Book picture Patient picture

Patient I Patient II (Divya) Patient III (Aayan)
The onset of the disease is  Periorbital  Periorbital  Oedema
usually gradual or may be puffiness puffiness  Ascetic
acute.  Oedema  Oedema  Wt gain
I. The child may present  Wt gain  Plural effusion  Proteinunia
with periorbital (28.5kg) present  Fatigue
puffiness  Ascetics  Generalized  Lethargic
II. Edema may be minimal present Oedema  Irritability
or masive  Generalized  Fatigue
III. Profound weight gain edema  Lethargic
within a short period of  Urine output  Irritable
days or week is found reduced  Hematuria
IV. Dependent edema  Fatigue  Proteinuria
develops in the ankle,  lethargy
feet genetalia (scotum)  Irritability
and hands.
 Wasting of
V. Striae may appear on
the skin due to
 Proteinuria
overstretching by
VI. Fluid accumulation in
body spaces
a. Ascites
b. Plemal effurion
VII. Generalized edema
VIII. Urine output reduced
IX. Concentrated & frothy
appearance of urine.
X. GT disturbances usually
found as vomiting, loss
of appetite & diarrhoea
XI. Other features includes
like:- fatigue, lethargy,
pallor, irritability.
XII. Hypertension,
hepatomegaly and
wasting of muscle may
found in some cases


Etiological factor

Damage to glomerular capillary membrane

Loss of plasma protein (albumin)

Stimulates synthesis of Hpyoalburianemia


Decreased oncotic pressured & fluid shifting

from extracellular to intracellular compartment.

Generalised edema

Activation of rennin angiotensin system

Sodium retention

Further edema
Diagnostic Measure

Book picture Patient picture

Patient I (Vansh) Patient II (Divya) Patient III (Aayan)
 History of illness and  Serum total  Biochemisty  Biochemistry
physical examination protein =3.9 examination examination
to exclude clinical gm/dl  serum total  Serum total
features help to  Serum protein = 3.5 protein = 3.0
diagnose the condition albumin=1.2 gm/dl gm/ldl
clinically. gm/dl  serum  Serum albumin=
 Laboratory  Serum albumin=1.5 1.0 gm/dl
investigations to globulin= 2.7 gm/dl  Serum globulin=
confirm the diagnosis gm/dl  serum globulin= 2.0 gm/dl
may includes the  A.G ratio =0.4 2.9 gm/dl  A. G ration = 0.5
followings:-  Urine  A.G ratio = 0.5  Urine
 Urine examination examination  Urine examination examination
shows gross  Protein =+ve  Protein =+ve  Protein= +ve
proteinuria (2 to 20 g 1 appro. appro. 400 mg/dl  Appro. 500 mg/dl
day), presence of cast, 500mg/dl  Costs= present  Blood = present
slight hematuria and  Leucoogtis= tve  Haematological  Leukucyte=
increased specific  Casts = granulan report present
gravity. cast present  Neutrophitis  Haematological
 Blood examination  Hematological =31.8% report
demonstrates reduced report  Eosinophilis =  Hb= 9.6 gm/dl
total protein, albumin  TLC = 13400 6.8%  RBC = 3.92
less than 2.5 gl/dl and cells/cumm.  MCH= 24.9 pg million cells
cholesterol more than  Other  Lipid profile cumm
200 mg/dl. investigation  Total cholesterol  Lymphocytes
 Lipoproteins and BUN are normal 446.0 mg/dl =47%
(blood urea nitrogen)  Renal biopsy is  Serum  Hematocrit =
are increased. not indicated triglycerides 229 28.6%
 Serum albumin and mg/dl  Lipid profile
globulin ratio is  Other investigation Total cholesterol=
reversed are normal 320.0 mg/dl
 Hypogammaglobuline  Renal biopsy is not
mia, hypomagnesemia done
and low-ceatinine level
 Renal biopsy is
indicated in case of
poor response to
steroid therapy
 Other investigation
show low ASO titer and
IgM, raised IgC & IgE,
serum complements is
Medical & nursing management

Book picture Patient picture

Patient I (Vansh) Patient II (Divya) Patient III (Aayan)
 Bed rest and high  Bed rest & high  Bed rest & high  Bed rest & high
protein diet with protein diet is protein diet is protein diet i.e.
restriction of fluid intake recommender recommended to 1.2g ml /kg /day
are important aspects of to client client is recommended
management  Antibiotic  Antibiotic therapy to patient
 Steroid therapy with oral therapy i e. IV metrogyl 15mg  Antibiotic therapy
predni solone is the Cefexime & TDS, oral is i.e. cetixine
most significant aspect augmentine is prescribed to the 200gm/orally/TD
of management of prescribed to patient S and augmentin
nephritic syndrome. It is the patient  Wysolone 375mg/ orally/
given 2 mg 1 kg iday in  Lasix (prednidolone) BD is prescribed
2to 3 divided doses for (furosemide) is 10mg, BD, oral is by doctor
at teat 4 to 6 weeks and prescribed to prescribed to  Lasix (furose
then gradually tapered patient patient mide) is
off or abruptly stopped,  Low sodium diet  Syp gelusil prescribed
after another 4 to 6 is recomemded. (magnesium 20mg/orally/BD.
weeks. hydrochloride) 10  Input/ output
 Antacid is given along ml OD, oral is chart should be
with prednisolone to prescribed maintain
prevent gastic  Furosemide (lasix)  Albumin
complication 21mg 18 hourly 1 600gm/IU/ TDS is
 antibiotic therapy is oral is prescribed administered to
indicated in the presence to patient patient
of any infection  Fluid intake
 Diuretics are prescribed restriction
in the presence ascites  low sodium diet
frusemide 1 to 3 mg 1kg
1 day in 2 divided doses
in given
 Rapid fluid loses should
not be attempted in 8 to
12 hours
 Potassium
supplementation to be
given along with
 Albumin infusion (1g 1
kg 1 day) may be given
in case of masive edema
& ascetics. It helps to
shift the fluid from
interstitial space into the
vascular system.
 Blood transfusion or
plasma may be given is
some cases to treat
 Immunasuppresive
drugs (leuamisole,
chlorambucil) may be
administered along with
prednisolone in case of
frequent (4 or more per
year) relapse and in
steroid dependent cases.
 Renal transplantation is
indicated in end stage


Book picture Patient picture

Patient I (Vansh) Patient II (Divya) Patient III (Aayan)
 Generally good although  The child is 6  Child was referred  Urine out put was
this depends on the years old. to other hospital moderaqtely
underlying cause, the age Enema was with reference adequate, weight
of the patient and their reduced, child note. was reducing
response to treatment. showed little. Periorbital
adequate urine Oedema reduced.
output. Childs


Book picture Patient picture

Patient I (Vansh) Patient II (Divya) Patient III (Aayan)
 Thromboembolic disord  Iron deficiency  Iron deficiency  Growth
ers anaemia anaemia. retardation
 Infections:  Protein energy  Growth retardation  Iron deficiency
 Acute kidney failure . malnutrition anaemia.
 Pulmonary edema:  Growth
 Hypothyroidism restriction
 Hypocalcaemia:
 Iron deficiency
 Protein malnutrition:
 Growth retardation:
 Vitamin D deficiency 
 Cushing's Syndrome

Discussion: the nephritic syndrome becomes common renal disease among children now days.
The causes are idiopathic for most of the children. And this leads to secondary nephritic
syndrome. The children with nephritic syndrome admit in the paediatric ward very often with
recurrence. In the above 3 cases baby Divya admitted 3 rd time in the paedia ward with
recurrence. The treatment of choice is depended upon age and type of nephritic syndrome.
Steroid therapy is proved to be affective management in treating nephritic syndrome. Baby
Divya was treated with hydrocortisone because of the recurrent attract of the same disease but
not other two babies were not received steroids. Master Varsh and Divya discharged form
hospital once they started to show progress were as master Aayan got discharged against
medical advice.

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