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you can contact us at:

Alexa Brandi Rivera


information about the laws 1
information on forensic pathology 2
information on political science 3
established facilities at the university 4

Some jobs that you can acquire

by studying laws are lawyer,
legal analyst, bond control
analyst, legislative assistant,
prosecutor etc. To be able to
study this career at this
university it takes 240 credits.
Requirements are as follows: you
must finish high school, you
must have an average of 3.25.
Necessary skills, Habit or
aptitude for reading
comprehension, ease of oral
expression and language prof
dominion, discipline and order,
flexibility and spontaneity,
having good psychology, having
a conciliatory and diplomatic
character, being able to act in a
self-sufficient way. Someone
who has studied law in Puerto
Rico can win from 2,179 to
5,273. have a degree in a
university and you can choose to
speculate in an area that
interests you, English,
economics, business, history,
political science etc.

In this race you can study to work in

the morgue, or you can be crucial for
some case, the credits you need are
120 to 150. the average you need to be
able to enter and study this career is
2.30. Necessary skills, Constant
attention and search for detail,
Communication skills that allow you to
transmit discoveries clearly and
accurately, Confidence to speak in
front of the public, for example before
jurors or law enforcement officers,
Ability to work under pressure,
Emotional intelligence to overcome
each case without causing havoc on
the professional's mood,
Troubleshooting, Organization and
practicality, always looking for the
simplest but most appropriate way to
solve problems, Skills to work on more
than one task at a time, Ability to
follow established rules and
procedures, always adjusting to them,
a forensic pathology can earn $34,089
annually. It takes at least to have
finished high school and, in this career,
you can get to study for four.

If you want to study political science

you can get to work in labor sciences,
labor relations and human resources,
degree in criminology and security
sciences, degree of social sciences
etc. in this college career you need
140 to 200 credits according to the
classes you take, necessary skills,
Capacity for empathy, Being a good
politician is much easier when you
can put yourself on each other's feet,
Citizens are looking for leaders who
can manage their environment and
change it towards buoyant economic
development, Contemporary
politicians need to identify the needs
of citizens and be proactive in their
resolution, Empathy is one of the
indispensable skills in them, Media
knowledge, Reaching citizens today
is easier but doing so requires good
communication skills. someone who
studies political science and who in
the future can do that earns $46,520
a year, you must have finished high
school and this career lasts 4 years
you must have finished high school
and this career lasts 4 years.

At our university we have an

Olympic pool for our
swimmers, we also have
swimming teachers who are
very professional.
we have an athletics track for
our athletes, as well as
professional teachers and
specialised doctors.

Our laboratories are one of the

best to study science, equally
teachers are very professional,
we have what it takes for you
to research and study what is

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