Ceua FH Dollouing Fablsdo Ompany: - Sol Couate Tnhle Employe

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pusmud 0 Date

Expt. No.01 Page No..

Ceua fh dollouing fablsdo ompany


_SoL Couate tnhle Employe
4name Vacha l2o)_not null
mnami Cho
Aname OKchas (20) nsi null,
SSAN numhiy ngtnull-
addees akhasl30,
Lalotyint chock_Lalaky KSO000
AupIHAN nIumhih,
dne in dulaul _
p.LmOkL Ky [Sa)
Qulput ahl Cuaid
dQL (eat oblk dypsiiuld
danm LOKchas(2o) na aull,
dumbi int ng nul,_
MOMn_numbn 0st Null,
pumauy kuyLdaunbis);

Otput ahl sualid

Teocher's Signature :
Date ---------*-.**

Expt. No.- ********

Page No.

CDepastment Locaion
L Lat table cdposttmtn lsrolbn
daumbL int ngl ull,
dllocaienLagtchasl20)_ngt nu
PSumAyhuy dnurmbth, dlecilien Jlz_
9utput _Tohle_Lsualid.
oOLZ(onti dahle_pEMLt_
pname asrha 20) net nul,
pumbhint nsi rul,
p Localien yOschh (20) ngd ull
duum int AT_nll,_
Luniqu lpnam,
PMimnyks lpaumhss
9utput ahlo SeLTid
QL2 (uah_tahlh lUksCn
LAn umbih Notnull,
Pas_int nul,
haes olutimal_3. 1nstaull,
pstimay hy_(SSn)
9upt ahl untid
Date ---o-------***

Expt. No.. *********

Page No.


cOL uet fab olasndont

dpendont noumeUcchas l20) nst nul,
LpLnclnt A
Ai Lho 1o),-
bdali_ d a
latienshiF \as«¢hon(1o)
pstimnsky hy , depnd1rd oome)]

utput TableLuntid

Teacher's Signature:
6spusmrd - o
Expt. No.O.-- -*-**** Page No.4

Net Nul valuus(, 3, hely, lo,'g. lustiale hLuL nainl

iniet unts anpleyt
l020, 1S)3 alaT aluLL
'SJe',40000,{, A Celmn djntd ith o nd null snlynunt
&upud (onnd inluet NULL 'vnle("OYSTEM", tfu mult__GValut dsh haf_CelLum
"FrlertE oynthn
Attubuti_nnm dairilypr_ig ng ul
inut unts arpleyu aluus(Veuho, , Uls.QuE
-b-19sSP, &0000, ', 10202, 16)3 Lolums hunigushe hUS LEUUA a Tohl
Qutputwniguu Conkedud (dydm.SYS-0 O4010) Vblobd. COn hou_duplicat Valus..
Oyntha Cloumhnon_datoiyaiL_LuniQuL
Kuimnuy Kuy: Puimaky kuy:/
intud into inpleya valus ('Sumil', 'M,'Roo,lo Iso attihutt Lud attihut öat
uniquly AMinyts Lach LU in a tabl, No psumasyN
'26-Ma-19, 'sJe', 41000, H', 1o301, 17)s ku"aluea Can aypLnMA An mO than tng_uuw na hhl
Qulput Uugu tsrteaund(dytm.SYs-(bo40'0)Vielotd. attuibui name datatupz tiE]Pnimas_Ku
hick: Chick
initd ntes tmplyu volus ('A nit'r, Totd is diJiazd asa Codilin hai ud bi nt
o Atatilu anlkaiunt, Each cLA n hi bhk M
o2017 '20-Masy-', 'STP, 11000,'',ORolo,355 MOkL il hat. ht Canditen i ihLs (h_Lunkaun.
hitk Cenikauf (dyuno. SYs-_ (o0401) viølahe. atiubathnami daalpeLigc)_ChuLk isndtusr

So-bumutu Date-
Page No.K
Expt. No.

yaulti n u t nte en/lgye

i s olinid asa_delauli Valuzsdh _n
lo20At69, 24-EC-18)
Valus attihui_namL_daiotyps liy_olJauH Valua

hi ahle Centinin hi daxiigo hyjs Coud Chidd
hbiL and hi hhl Corinining hL intl_hi
Kulwanus i_Cnld hu_pAHnÍ nbls.
ky(en) saluwnus iplsyu (ssn) ynias
orign FoeLon KLy ( atxihut om
anincefaud Inhle atleibu-oomu
L inligsily Viskakd postnt

ret sound

tahl impioyuI
name Vaxchon"20) nsnul!
Iricur Vceche (eo ns null
SSN umb nst ul,
addus Vorh_(30),
dne id cuault S
wiau (ami,
p9urasy KEy (sSnv)
Rin kuy ( upr-ssni) exurtu mpleyiu(sn
Table untid Teacher's Signoture :
Date- ******* *

Expt. No.03 Page No.l6

Valus("Jchn,'b,'daith, lo209 Dafa Manuplating nLrling Yalus inla hhlu
intuxt into inployu 5
79-Jon-88 ,'8angalsve", 30000,'N, nudin
l sew(s) inustig. Intt ina abl name oubub_nom, atfibsh
Gutput nam Valuts (ezpukion)
=Selct em Enplsyu; ThL Qhou (ommand ull inLIt 0 ingl nl
|he ahl
dname mnanL Aranttm bdat| cdotun Jalaty|doc dne
31-Tan-/9 MysteAo000 M
inst into ahllhomm aluus'atuhuh_namE&
Jama N attuihulh Lham
ank ati 3024-Feb-18 Barngalee o000 y h_abouL_ (Ammand uiu puSmpt J iniaclue
John b Smidh 450 19-or Bangals| 30000
M enTu attihuhValus nÍt hlz.

Updalng Updating
aUpctal seccord Condilisn.olly pdat Cemmand Used e chantL
Updlati Employuut mnamt ' Lohenam-
-"P 1ohuunan "Fwank' dily dato Valus pxaluntio a hhlh
Output sswls) udalt a lpdating Updati uCOMl Cenali tirally

Upiat ahlenami
Jname MnamIAam|SSndbcia 0ddsus Aalasy|sutdre Aut attibuh namt ='Value
hs Lenditien,
amuy 131kn19 Nuuu 9000 M 4
b T0Lpdalal gu
rank P
Patil 302 -b8 Bangaleu so0ooM
5shnb uh ASO 19-n-99|Bcongalne 3000
30000 M pda nhl-am
Lt atteihul-namu: "Valuus
Teacher's Signoture :
be pdate all seo0
et mith";
=Update Enplo
Ouput 9URu/s) ypdlabo

S e l c d x puem émployu

4name Niame ame| SsN bdat addsosLaay dut ohs

Pames Smuth 13-an19 Myi A0000 M A

rank P 302 14-b-18 Bongalou SO000 MS

ehn b Sih ASO -jan9 Bangolsu 30000 M
Expt. No.. Page No.
Duuing LDbting
The Llcd delefe i SLd SMu_all_
a 1e dtltí on ahle.
töhoe dnomd =hn
dnanil T6hn'
lbti 4em tnplsya
Output 908uw(s) dtlutid.
dlte omOblp hamL
CEh Lndtierrs
|Mnam An bdati AddsLalay du olne
4narme mi
b)1e deltt Entee ahle
oms mth M 12 31 jan Ny
yark Amush P 302 hbrl8|bongalste|0000 cleltiKn ahlt_hanc

b1o ost énulie dable

dtulett rom Enplsyu ,
Guput sGw/s) dettod

Teocher's Signature:

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