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The product given to study is Gold Winner Refined Sunflower Oil. The task is:

As an agency, formulate a crisp digital marketing strategy to pitch for the

brand for digital marketing: communications & execution strategy in the form
of a 6-12 month GTM.

Idea behind campaigns:

The motive is to reach out to people who aspire for healthy living. People who
are ardent fans of fried food in general and looking at premium cooking oil
should also be targeted. The first step is to understand who exactly our Target
Audience is, what’s their age group, what kind of offline and online brands are
they utilising, what’s the best medium to reach them, what kind of language
do they connect with the most. We shall be using the platforms they explore
the most and in ways they consume data the most.


The assignment is divided into 3 bits – Organic Growth, Paid Growth, PR

We will use these 3 genre based marketing to reach our target of growth.
Note – Organic strategy has been made keeping our current channel and
content in mind.
Competitors studies – 1) Fortune Oil
2) Sundrop
3) Gold Drop

1) #GharWalaSwaad/ #LikeMyMom - We start with building up a video

which will tell people we are here. The same can be used on TVC, Social
Media and ads.
The video has to be something which connects to the masses. An
emotional angle maybe?
We show a bunch of working bachelors, locked up at home due to covid.
The maid is unable to come and ordering from outside isn’t safe. So one
of them decides to cook. He puts in some gold winner oil into the kadhai
and starts frying some aloo and onion. The smell generates a nostalgic
feeling in the other room-mates who were until now upset about not
being home.
Now everyone joins in and cooks the mean and they enjoy the same.
The video could end with a tagline along the lines of “we are happy to be
a part of such moments”.

2) #FryYay #ShareAMoment – On every Friday, we share snaps shared by

our consumers of the various fried food they made during the week
using our product.

3) #IndulgeInHealthy/ #FlowerPower – The main USP of our product is

that it has Vitamin D3 which is a fat soluble vitamin. We highlight the
health benefits of using our product via static posts.

4) #BustAMyth – Continuation to the previous campaign, we could take up

this opportunity to clear some air about the myth surround health
problems of using cooking oil, what exactly is difference between refined
and unrefined oil etc.:
5) #LearnFromTheBest – We have some of the most renowned Indian
chefs curate a special series for us which will go up on our YouTube
channel. The idea is for them to fry various Indian popular dishes, using
our oil of-course, hidden in plain sight.

6) #NutritiousTyohaar #GuiltFreeBinge – This is a series that gets activated

right before any topical occasion like festivals. Instead of posting the
regular “Happy Holi” or “happy Diwali” we showcase the famous
sweet/dish associated with the same, made using our oil. And we focus
on promoting the fact that you can consume your favourite sweets guilt
free since they are made using our oil

7) #AroundTheWorld – Around the world with Gold Winner basically

focuses on highlighting various fried items from around the world. We
could also provide the recipe for the same with our oil being one of the

8) #MaaCheckThisOut – The concept is for us to write facts and benefits of

using our products as big highlights. The attempt is to push youth to
notice and understand healthy life being and inform their parents about
the same and push them to use our product.


Motive here is to run a performance marketing campaign on various digital
platforms to promote and increase the digital sales of our refined sunflower
Step 1: Before we make any spends, we have to make sure our backend is set.
Our website is operational with all the required information including ways to
contact and same is updated on social media as well.
Another activity without an actual spend, could be to ask people who have
previously interacted with our brand, to leave a google/quora review and get
10% off on the new qty pack for family.
Moving on to spends. 

We will be dividing the spends as follows: (Assuming budget is flexible – as


Taboola & DV 360 - 10L

Amazon and other Sellers – 10L
Youtube – 5L
Adwords -5L
Facebook – 5L
WhatsApp – 3L

Taboola and Google DV 360 are a beautiful platform that one can use to reach
out to people who are using various content based platforms like music apps,
news apps etc: and hence a specific chunk of budget for the same.
For eg, using DV 360, we can target particular audience bucket of people who
are interested in heart diseases/ healthcare etc since there is a separate
bucket targeting provision for the same. We can also reach a major chunk of
audience by targeting major events such as ads directly to people on HOTSTAR
during IPL.

WhatsApp Blast – Using existing database and similar audience feature, we can
reach people on the most personalised social platform for the age group we
are targeting – WhatsApp. A lot of people in the age group we are targeting,
forward videos and dynamic content to each other on WhatsApp and therefore
targeting them is important.
YouTube ads especially targeted to people who have been consuming videos
related to healthcare in general is a great idea.
Similar targeting can be used on Facebook as well. We will opt for Facebook
Product Ads. Here we can target people based on interests.

AdWords have been forever effective to see conversions and track the same on
most products including product catalogues. Spending a majority portion on
the same will help us reach maximum amount of people, just before the
launch. Display ad campaign would be the most helpful. This feature just
requires basic inputs from our end regarding the target audience and the rest
is a google learning process

Tying up with amazon to sell our product will be a great boost. Running
campaigns on amazon, would be a great activity to help boost sales and also
have an understanding of what kind of ROI one can expect. Same goes with
other E-commerce channels such as BigBasket, Grofers, Nature’s Basket etc.


PR includes branding via various digital and offline channels to sub-consciously
place a brand image in consumer’s head. This includes print, radio, affiliate,
press etc:

1) The strongest PR activity includes a press conference. The same can be

achieved in a reasonable budget and also amplified via media articles on
tier A blog/media channels like ToI, ANI Network etc:

2) One of the most RoI based PR incentive is Affiliate/Influencer Activation. If

done with the right names and resources, influencer activity can go a long
way. For eg: GoldWinner could collaborate with the likes of Kavita’s
Kitchen, Shilpa Shetty etc (some of the biggest names in cooking and fitness
genre). This would interest people to be a part of our program. Another
great way of reaching out to millennials is via digital channels such as TVF,
Dice Media etc: which also have very similar content. One could take what
Unacademy did with TVF as an example.


Using an amalgamation of all the 3 genres – Organic, Paid, PR – a brand like

ours can easily achieve the taken targets within a span of 6-8 months,
depending upon the budgets.

KPI’s –

1) It goes without saying that the most important metric to keep in mind for
any brand to calculate its growth is – ENGAGEMENT RATE.
Engagement rate is the total of engagement (Likes, comments, shares, video
views etc.) divided by the total number of followers into 100. If the same is a
paid promotion, then we divide it with the total reach

2) Another important metric keeping our brand’s objective, is Social Media

ROI. Social media ROI is defined as a measure of the efficiency of a social
media marketing campaign. Tracking social media ROI allows marketers, and
businesses in general, know what’s working and what’s not, to improve tactics
and properly allocate time and resources. The formula for the same is SM
Return subtracted by SM Investment.

3) One should also keep a track of Lead Conversion Ratio. It indicates how
many of your leads end up buying something from you. It can be found using links, google analytics etc.:

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