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Task - YouTube: 200K subscribers | Instagram: 25.5K followers | LinkedIn: 13.3K

Followers | Facebook: 64.2K Likes

Primary Objective: Increase our social media presence while ensuring that the traffic
increases on through social media.
Secondary Objective: Engage with our social media community. 

You're required to:

(a) Analyse our social channels (posts, hashtags used, stories, copies) and give your
(b) Create a roadmap on how you'd increase our social media presence if you join the
team. Please feel free to analyse our competitors' social media handles, market
leaders in the e-learning space, and put down a detailed strategy.By 31st December,
we target to have 1 million subscribers on YouTube, 75K subscribers on Instagram,
50K followers on LinkedIn and 80K likes on Facebook. Your assignment should be
made keeping in mind these targets.

Solution – The assignment is divided into 3 bits – Organic Growth, Paid

Growth, PR Support.
We will use these 3 genre based marketing to reach our target of growth.
Note – Organic strategy has been made keeping our current channel and
content in mind. It thereby covers (a)
(b) is covered throughout the assignment
Competitors studies – 1) mbauniverse 2) careerlauncher 3) campussutra
1) The first important bit, before starting any campaigns is to ensure that
our social media channels and website are properly showcasing the
message that we want our customers to see.
Eg: The current website has our social media handles only at the bottom
of the page. We can shift that to the left corner of the page and ensure it
is visible throughout the duration that one spend on the website.

Eg: Create story highlights such as “who we are”, “what we do” and
ensure same remains under spotlight through and through

2) Build your platform according to the audience present on the same. For
example, instagram’s 72% of current users are between the age range of
18-30. Facebook has 40% audience above the age of 30. So content can
be chosen accordingly.

3) Make your social media account memorable. Have an easy to remember

handle name and logo. Use trackable link leading to website. The
description should contain major keywords.

4) Be consistent with posting. Essentially, this helps with ensuring you are
always on top of people’s feed and mind. It also plays a major role in the
algorithm behind reach of social media accounts.

5) Create engaging content. We have to ensure no matter the post being

static or dynamic, at the end of the day it is visually attractive and
reciprocates our message in the easiest and shortest use of language.
The content should at the end of the day, lead to engagement by the
audience. Eg: Live QnA with mentors where students can interact.

6) Write a number of blogs on website to increase the number of backlinks

which thereby help increasing the number of keyword presence and
authenticate content

7) Have a section which specifically highlights on partners and placement.

This is a big pointer for prospective students.
PART 2 – Performance Marketing (Paid Growth)

1) Before spending any penny on any digital medium, it is very important to

ensure that our social media channels as well as website is properly
updated and ensures smooth customer interaction when he reaches the
same via places ads. Running ads on Fb, Instagram, Youtube and google
are a normalised practice. We shall discuss, what else.
As established, the goal of every ad is to lead people to our website to
increase traffic and to the social media channels to increase

2) Gone are the days when emailers and sms created an impact. What
works in today’s date are whatsapp blasts. With the option of targeting
the exact audience and reaching on someone’s most intimate app, this
initiative works wonders.

3) Remarketing is a very important tool to be put in place. Using existing

database of current consumers plus the people who have interacted
with us before, we can create similar audience and push our content to
them. Since the first touch was previously established, the rate of
conversion increases drastically.

4) Taboola is a platform to place ads on various blogs and news channels.

Using taboola, we could place our ads on online platforms such as
inshorts, times internet, courser, edX etc: which are very relavant to our
content and audience.
Similarly, platform like Google DV360, could help us place ads on various
OTT platforms and networks. Our audience is majorly students and we
know which OTT platforms they use the most. Eg: We know a lot of
people watch IPL. Using DV360, we could place our ads on HOTSTAR and
receive maximum visibility and ROI.

5) A common followed practice is that PPC based campaigns work the best
to help generate traffic. But the same is a myth. One should always first
study competitors, see what platforms they are hanging out on and how
are their social and search marketing performing. Maybe they are
getting a terrific engagement with their click-through rate and ROI
from a smaller network (not among the big 3) that you can replicate.


PR includes branding via various digital and offline channels to sub-consciously

place a brand image in consumers head. This includes print, radio, affiliate,
press etc:

1) The strongest PR activity includes a press conference. The same can be

achieved in a reasonable budget and also amplified via media articles on
tier A blog/media channels like ToI, ANI Network etc:

2) One of the most RoI based PR incentive is Affiliate/Influencer Activation.

If done with the right names and resources, influencer activity can go a
long way. For eg: InsideIIM could collaborate with the likes of CS Ankit
Tiwari, Arpit Chaddha, HC Verma etc: would interest young students to
be a part of our program. Another great way of reaching out to
millennials is via digital channels such as TVF, Dice Media etc: which also
have very similar content. One could take what Unacademy did with TVF
as an example or what CRED did with Rahul Dravid.

Using an amalgamation of all the 3 genres – Organic, Paid, PR – a brand like
our’s can easily achieve the above mentioned targets within a span of 6-8
months, depending upon the budgets.


1) Social media can be more engaging. More video content like reels
required. Highlights can have a cover photo to identify with what it’s
about. Hashtags to be more personalised. Common hashtags such as
#insideiim #everythingmba should be a part of all the posts.

2) Youtube Is very well maintained. Playlists have been formed for easier
search. Can have separate sub channels for segregation of content.

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