Examen Pendientes Inglés 1 ESO

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NAME...................................................................................................1º ESO PENDIENTE .........


1 Complete the table with the past simple forms of the verbs in the box. (16X0.5=8)
Change begin discover fly  invent like go  marry
 name cost  plan play   study  travel  visit carry
● +d :…………………………………………………………………….
● +ed :…………………………………………………………………..
● y+ ied:…………………………………………………………………
● double letter +ed:……………………………………………………
● irregular past:………………………………………………………..
2 Choose the correct forms. ( 10 x 0.50 = 5 marks)
1. He ’s exercising / ’re exercising at the sports centre.
2. She not revising / isn’t revising for her exams.
3. I never go / go never to bed before eleven o’clock.
4. Where she is going / is she going on holiday?
5. I did watch / watched TV yesterday.
6. Do you like cheese? Yes, I love it / them.
7. At the moment, I listen / ’m listening to music.
8. I usually do / ’m usually doing my homework after dinner.
9. What did he invent / he invented?
10. This book is more interesting / interestinger than that book.

3 Complete with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets (5 marks)

1. Football is___________________________________ tennis. (popular)
2. My car is ___________________________________ your bicycle ( fast)
3. The school is ________________________________ my house ( big)
4. My computer is _______________________________ your computer ( good)
5. My sister is __________________________________ your sister ( funny)

4 Correct the mistakes. One question is correct.( 9 marks)

1 Your brothers are sleeping? ____________
2 Why am I helping her? _________________
3 Where did they lived ? _________________
4 Where he is hiding? ___________________
5 Who are she looking for?_______________
6 She don´t play tennis___________________ 
7 Do you like films? Yes, I love it! __________
8 We hasn’t got a dog.___________________
9 This film were boring.___________________

5 Complete the sentences with am, is, are, was ,were, have got or has got. ( 6 marks)
1 He _______________________ a moustache. 2 I ___________________ interested in animals.
3 The students _________________ a good teacher. 4 There________________two hotels in 2000.
5 These girls ___________________ German. 6 Luis____________________born in Murcia.

6 Complete the sentences with yesterday, now or every day. ( 6x0.5= 3 marks)
1 I watched TV __________________. 2 They aren’t studying __________________.
3 He walks his dog __________________. 4 We ate pizza for lunch _______________.
5 He’s sleeping __________________. 6 I get up early _______________________.

doesn´t read  isn’t studying   did ’s walking  watched
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. ( 5 marks)

1 She __________________________________ French at the moment.

2 We ___________________________________ a film on TV last night.
3 Yoanna________________________________ books , she reads magazines.
4 I _____________________________________ my homework yesterday.
5 He________________________________ to school now.

8 Order the words to make sentences. ( 3x2= 6 marks)

1 listened / the / their / students / to / teacher______________________________________
2 you / Madrid / are / going / When / to?____________________________________
3 I / in / usually / homework / do / evening / my / the_______________________________
9 Complete with past simple, present simple or present continuous form of the verbs.(7x2=14)
1 He _____________________ (study) every day, but he ______________________(not/study) yesterday.
2 _______________ you _______________ (go) to the cinema ?
3 My brother _______________________________________ (not/ usually /eat) vegetables.
4 __________ he _____________________ (like) swimming?
5 She ______________________ (not practise) English with friends at the moment. She’s watching TV!
6 Which languages ____________ she _____________________ (know)?
7 We ______________________________ ( play) football in the park last week, because the school was closed.

10 Write with the correct affirmative () or negative () form of the verbs.( 5x2=10 marks)
1 He / sometimes / football ( play)______________________________________________
2 The bears / fish / yesterday ( catch)_________________________________________
3 They / often / to the sports centre ( go)_______________________________________
4 We / burgers / now( eat)__________________________________________________
5 I / to Brazil / last summer ( fly)__________________________________________

11 Complete the questions. Write one word in each gap. ( 6 marks)

1 _____________ do you live ? In Vigo.
2 _____________ he reading? No, he isn’t.
3 _____________ you go to school on Saturdays? Yes, I do.
4 _____________ does he play football? Because he likes it.
5 _____________ time is it? Three o’clock.
6 ____________ are you? I´m fourteen years old.

12 Write questions for the answers. (6x2.5= 15 marks)

1 _________________________________________________________ ?We went to Italy on holiday.
2 ____________________________________________________ ?She likes French and history.
3 ____________________________________________________ ?Yes, he´s studying at the moment.
____________________________________________________?He usually gets up at seven o’clock.
____________________________________________________ ?They’re sleeping in the sofa.
____________________________________________________?Yes, I’ve got a dog and two cats.

13 Complete the table with TWO more words in each group. ( 12x0.5= 6 marks)
jobs Teacher, doctor, ___________
birds parrot, owl, ___________
school subjects French, history, ___________
animals whale, elephant, ___________
summer months June, July, ___________
buildings theatre, hospital, ___________

14 Correct the bold words. ( 6 marks)

1 The month of April can have 28 days or 29 days. ______________
2 Sharks run in the sea. ______________
3 Drama is a game that you play with a ball. ______________
4 The season after summer is spring. ______________
5 The chameleon catches colour from green to orange. ______________
6 Butterflies have got eight legs and they eat flies. ______________

15 Find the word that doesn’t match. ( 4 marks)

1 library   seal   office   flat 2 see   rain   ice   wind
3 Mandarin   Poland   Japanese   Arabic 4 drama   catch   protect   attack  

16 Write jobs for the definitions or definitions for the jobs (4+ 2X2=8 marks)
1 A bus driver__________________________________________
2 A writer ____________________________________________
3 This woman rules like a king. ____________________________
4 This person travels and finds new places. __________________
5 This person does experiments in a laboratory. _______________
6 This person is very good at drama. ________________________

17 Complete the text with: was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. . ( 7 marks)

It was a terrible party. There (1) ________________ many people. There (2) ________________ a lot of
food, but there (3) ________________ any drinks. There (4) ________________ a big table for the food,
but there (5) ________________ any chairs! There (6) ________________ some CDs, but there (7)
________________ a CD player!

18 Write sentences. Use the past simple form of the verb and ago.(2x2=4)
1 He / invent / it / forty years______________________________________________
2 You / play / tennis / two hours___________________________________________
19 Choose the correct forms. (8x0.50=4)
1. She not revised / didn’t revise for her exams.
2. I never go / go never to bed before ten o’clock.
3. Where she is going / is she going on holiday?
4. Right now, I watch / ’m watching TV.
5. Do you like cheese? Yes, I love it / them.
6. I listened / ’m listening to music two hours ago.
7. I usually do / ’m usually doing my homework after dinner.
8. This book is more interesting / interestinger than that book.
How are you? I’m having a great time in Italy! We’re staying in a really pretty village near the coast. There are a lot of
flowers here and you can see many interesting birds and animals, like unusual butterflies.
We get up late every day and we have breakfast in the garden. Then we often walk to the beach. At the moment, I’m
writing this email in an internet café near the sea. My sister’s swimming – she can swim really fast now. My brother
Marco’s watching, but he isn’t swimming. He hates exercising! We’re visiting some museums in Florence tomorrow
because Marco says he’s more interested in art and history.
I must go. It’s two o’clock, and mum’s making some pasta for lunch. I love Italian food!
Bye for now! Elena

20 Read the email. Then answer the questions. (5X2=10 marks)

1 Where does Elena have breakfast?
2 Where does the family usually go in the morning?

3 Where is Elena right now?

4 Who hates sports?
5 What is Elena eating for lunch?
Writing:Imagine you are on holiday. Write an email to a friend about your holiday. Use the ideas to help you.(9)
Paragraph 1: Where are you on holiday? Which animals and birds can you see there?
Paragraph 2: Which activities do you usually do every day? What are you and your family doing
at the moment? What are you doing tomorrow?
Paragraph 3: What do you usually eat and drink? Do you like the food?

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