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Guess that Lyric!

Drop a heart, break a name

We’re always sleeping in,
Sugar We’re sleeping for the wrong team
We're going down, down in an
Going Down - earlier round
Fall Out Boy ___________________________
Oh honey honey
Sugar, Sugar - You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you
Baby Bash honey, __________
When life deals us cards
Make everything taste like it is salt
Then you come through like the

Sweetener - Know how to bring the bitter taste to a


Ariana Grande And then you

You're like an Indian summer
Thinking Of You In the middle of winter
Like a ______
- Katy Perry With a _________________
At hindi papayag ang pusong ito
Mawala ka sa 'king piling
Panalangin - Mahal ko iyong dinggin

APO Hiking Wala nang iba pang mas mahalaga


Society __________________________
Kapag aking sasabihing minamahal kita
Azucarera de
San Luis
Case Background
● POV: Mr. Carlo Fortuno, President
● The board voted to implement the five-year modernization program and this
decision is final
● 450 contractual and non-contractual employees
● History of hiring employees from families (spanning over 3 generations)
● Employees were a tight-knit group and a family in themselves
● Scarce job opportunities in Bacolod
● Carlo Fortuno was tasked to lay off 230 employees in the next 5 years
SWOT Analysis
● Competent supervision ● Carlo Fortuno cannot influence major decision
● Good standing and expertise in the industry of ● No prior experience of laying off employees.
sugar production ● Inefficient manufacturing facilities
● Highly profitable due to the high prices of sugar ● High percentage of human error and stoppage
● Loyalty of the company rate
● Financially well-supported employees ● Lack of automation in milling process and
transport infrastructure
● Philippine sugar industry could be a major player ● Doubled out-quota tariff on imported sugar
in globalization ● Inability of the local industry to meet domestic
● Increasing domestic demand for sugar demands
● Involvement of a third party consultancy firm ● Rising and highly competitive market in the sugar
● Increased pressure for modernization cane industry
What steps can Carlo Fortuno take to make the
employees understand the radical changes that will
happen in the next 5 years without sacrificing the
company’s tight-knit relationship with them?
The Change is Right
How much is my
change if I buy 1 big
Vcut with 50 pesos?

How much is my
change if I buy 1 sour
tape and 1 350mL
bottled water with 40

How much is my
change if I have 10
pesos load in the COOP
and I buy 1 ice cream
sandwich and 1
Magnum with 100

Change Management
● Systematic approach to dealing with the transition or transformation of an
organization’s goals, processes, or technologies
● Improving an organization by altering how work is done
● Purpose is to implement strategies for effecting change, controlling change, and
helping people adapt to change
○ Having a structured procedure for requesting a change
○ Mechanisms for responding to requests and following them up
Effective Conduction
● Take into consideration how an adjustment or replacement will impact
processes, systems, and employees within the organization
● There must be a process for planning and testing change, communicating
change, documenting change, and evaluating change
Effective Conduction
Ste ps!
1. Define the project vision and key outcomes
2. Use vision and goals to determine the messaging strategy
3. Create a communications plan
4. Identify and engage stakeholders
5. Identify and engage change champions
6. Create a thorough plan for testing
7. Use training for instruction - and for marketing the new system
● Business Change is constant and inevitable
○ When poorly managed, has the potential to cause organizational stress as
well as unnecessary and costly re-work
● Increases the success of critical projects and initiatives
● Improves a company’s ability to adapt quickly
● Assures that the people asset of the organization is not overlooked
○ Standardizing the consistency and efficiency of assigned work
○ Helps employees understand their new roles and build a more
process-driven culture
● Encourages future company growth
○ Allowing it to remain dynamic in the marketplace
Types of Org Change
● Development Change: any organizational change that improves on previously
established processes and procedures
● Transitional Change: change that moves an organization away from its current
state in order to solve a problem, such as mergers and acquisitions and
● Transformational Change: change that radically and fundamentally alters the
culture and operation of an organization
○ End result may not be known ex. A company may pursue entirely different
products or markets
Types of Org Change
Azucarera de
● A mix of both transitional change and San Luis
transformational change
○ Proposal is aimed at solving issues on cost
and globalization
○ Proposal will alter the organization culture
because of the shift from human capital to
Models for Managing Change
● Jeff Hiatt (Prosci founder)
● Awareness of the need for change
● Desire to participate in and support
the change
● Knowledge about how to change
● Reinforcement to sustain the change
Models for Managing Change
Bridge’s Transition Model
● William Bridges
● Three Stages
○ Letting go
○ Uncertainty and confusion
○ Acceptance
● Comparable to five stages of grief
(denial, anger, bargaining,
depression, acceptance)
Models for Managing Change
Kotter’s Process for Leading Change
● John Kotter
● Increasing the urgency for change
● Creating a powerful coalition for change
● Creating a vision for change, communicating
the vision
● Removing obstacles
● Creating short-term wins
● Building on them
● Anchoring the change in corporate culture
Models for Managing Change
Lewin’s Change Management
● Psychologist Kurt Lewin
● Three-step framework
(Unfreeze-Change-Freeze) (Refreeze)
Lewin’s Change Management Model
● The company must remain The company is attempting to As new technology is introduced
competitive in the market. address these areas of to the company, the employees
● The company’s improvement by implementing must learn how to adapt to these
manufacturing facilities the five-year modernization changes.The company shall
were inefficient, which is program provide proper training for new
partly due to the ● Expansion of cane procedures in their daily
company’s abnormally extraction by operations.
large number of increasing boiler
contractual and capacity Given these new changes in their
non-contractual ● Complete shift to road workplace, the employees can
employees. cane receival stay motivated through
● This created the need for a ● Increased automation recognition and positive
modernization program to reinforcements from the
take place. The employees must be management.
● The modernization reminded that this program is
program, which has for their benefit in the long run.
already been approved by Implementing the program will
the board of Azucarera de help the company as a whole as
San Luis, includes it will allow it to be more
advances in technology efficient, and therefore, generate
resulting in a total more profit. If this change does
manpower reduction of not push through, it may result
230 people in the span of in a more negative impact to the
five years. company and its employees.
Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change

1. Create a Sense of Urgency: Release an open letter and hold a

General Assembly
2. Build Guiding Coalition: Retain one member from each family
(minimum), gradual layoffs, a bridging program for employees
to find new jobs, and severance packages, encourage
employees to be excited about future innovations.
3. Form Change Vision: Emphasize idea of a world-class sugar
manufacturer anchored on efficiency and innovation
4. Vision Buy-in: Hinge all changes on the goal of becoming a
world-class sugar manufacturer, so that the vision is present
throughout each step in the change process.
Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change
5. Empower Broad Action: Restructure the organization to make
room for increased automation, and establish connections
within the smaller workforce
6. Generate Short-term Wins: Establish key goals and incentives
for their success. Implement performance appraisals per
division, and create key employee recognition programs
7. Sustain Momentum: Maintain discipline with regard to pushing
through the five-year plan. Monitor progress closely. Be
dynamic in instituting new changes.
8. Anchor the Change in Corporate Culture: Articulate the
connection between the financial success of the organization
and the new behaviors and goals the company outlined
- Employee resistance (strikes

and unions)
Immediate layoff of - Instantly reduces the cost of
- Low employee morale and
employees labor
- Abrupt change
- Reap the benefits of the

- Dissatisfied employees,
Gradual layoff of employees higher ROI segments sooner
especially from those in the
(according to decreasing ROI)- Implements some form of
transport division
- Slower actualization of
- Retention of most

Gradual layoff of employees benefits because of
productive and loyal workers
(according to performance staggered and uneven
- Clear standards to aid in
evaluation and loyalty) reduction of workers among
decision making
the divisions
Alternative C
Gradual layoff of employees according to
performance evaluation and loyalty
● Known for their tight-knit company culture
● Prioritizes the needs of its people and as well as their degree of
contribution to the company
● Mr. Fortuno should offer its 230 laid off employees support
A. General Assembly
● Purpose: To explain what will transpire in the next five years
● Explain the current inefficiencies in each division
○ Employees would see the need for automation in order to reduce costs and
remain competitive
● Also explain the guidelines for the performance evaluation and layoff scheme in
writing through an official memorandum.
B. Implement performance
appraisals per division
● For the first year of the five-year plan
● Promotes efficiency and increases morale in the workplace
● Will encourage optimal performance of employees who will be under observation
● Necessary for objectivity
B. Implement performance
appraisals per division
- Improved performance and profitability
- The opportunity to open two-way communication
- Increased job satisfaction and motivation
- Better morale and teamwork
- Improved planning for employee development
1. Unacceptable
2. Meets Expectations
3. Exceeds Expectations
Job Criteria
- Abilities, Knowledge, and Skills
- Quality of Work
- Quantity of Work
- Attitude
- Communication Skills
Behavioral Characteristics
- Cooperation
- Reliability
- Initiative
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Judgment and Analysis
- Adaptability
Objective Completion
- Objectives for Review Period (Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory)
- Objectives for Next Review Period

Sample Performance Appraisal Form

C. Gradual layoff of employees
based on performance and loyalty
● After a whole year of performance appraisals
● Retain only the most productive and loyal workers, based on a clearly defined set of
● Promote transparency throughout the layoff process
● Most people-centric approach the company can utilize
○ Can retain one family member per family
D. Provide outplacement services
and severance packages
● Based on the financial capabilities of the company
● Typical severance: one-half to one month’s salary per year the employee has spent
with the company
● Assisting employees in future job prospects by providing outplacement services
from a consultancy firm
● Consider developing its own program to help employees learn new skills, pursue
personal goals, or start their own small-scale businesses.
D. Provide outplacement services
and severance packages
Should this be too costly
- Offer resume advice, connect employees to members of their network, and pay
for short online courses.
● Demonstrates to their previous employees that their contributions are valued and
● Ensures the loyalty of the remaining employees– many of whom are friends and
family of those laid off

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