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BBA 201
BBA 201
1. Responding to Globalization
 Increased foreign assignments
 Working with People from different cultures
 Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with
low- cost labour
 Managing people During the war on terror
2. Improving quality and productivity

By using self-directed work

teams, streamlining processes and
implementing continuous improvement
program must be a model of
manufacturing efficiency.

3. Managing workforce Diversity

The major challenge for organizations
is to become more accommodating to
diverse groups of people by addressing
their different life styles, family needs
and work styles.
4. Facilitating Work Life Balance
Flexible Working hours, reporting
time, creating opportunities for
employees, job security, design
workplace and jobs.
For an instance; for a individual one is
professional life and another one is family life.
In that case the individual should be very
punctual to get the balance of work-life
6. Stimulating Innovation and Change
Victory will go the organization the maintain
their flexibility, continually improve their
quality and beat their competitor in market
place. An organization’s employees can be
major block in change, the challenge to the
manager to stimulate their creativity and
tolerance for change.

For an instance; For using cloths peoples

choice are changing day by day so to capture
the new customer the fashion designer need to
innovate new dresses with new design to cope
with the present environment of peoples
7. Improving Ethical Behavior:
 Manager shouldn’t place an order on which
subordinate don’t agree
 Define clearly the right and wrong conduct
 Fair policy and appropriate system
 Increase confidence and trust over
 Have some logic against order you place to
BBA 201

8. Empowering Employees
The main issue is delegating more power and
responsibility to the lower level cadre of
employees and assigning more freedom to make
choices about their schedules, operations,
procedures and the method of solving their work-
related problems.

Dr. Stephen Covey describes empowerment this

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach him to fish and you feed him for a

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