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Script for presentation in “Warning Signs”

Let’s move to the next part which is warning signs. In this part I am going to talk
about warning signs that are important in Automotive industry. There are 4 sign to
recommend when you come in the company. The first sign is wear a hard hats, second
sign is wear a high-visible vest, third sign is wear a safety glasses and last sign is wear
safety shoes. And then I will present you to know sign that you do not do it in the
company. The first you do not smoking and no naked lights in the company except you
are in smoking zone. Second, you do not eating or drinking any food and beverage in
the assembly line. In finally when you see these signs, you should care by yourself. First,
you have to beware of moving parts such as a rolling machine is operating in process
when you walk or stand near it. Second, when you walk in the area that is loading the
product to truck you should walk carefully in forklift operating area. Ok so, All of these
are warning signs that you should strictly follow when you come to our company. Okay,
the ends of my talk. And drive you to learn next part is “Safety Instruction” with K. ……..

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