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Into to ethics --- ETHICAL THEORIES (normative)

Accounting Scandals: Then & Now 1. Utilitarianism: util use

*Enron - grand scheme of fraudulent financial - Teological (based on outcome
reporting result)
- After; ppl shock gave accountants - Ethical = most benefit to most # of
very bad name bc didn’t adhere to ppl
code of ethics - Types: rule utilitarianism: General
*Wirecard – german financial technology rule (ex. Lying, paying tax)
- ph banks involved (denied) Act utilitarianism : case to
Ethics concerned not only personal—acounting -cons: difficult to apply
ethics 2. Deontology: ethical = in line w
ETHICS: branch of philosophy; 3. Virtue: ethical = in line w good char
define/develop/defend notions of right & - Focus on agent’s virtue/char
- Ethos; moralis (customs) /character
- we behave what we think Accounting metaphors
*personal ethics – personal notion of r&w Accountants & Ethics
BRANCHES OF ETHICS Study>pass>practice
1. Normative: norm what should be r/w
- What good action should u take? is Technical skills – head
the right conduct/decision? Professional competence – hand
(shutdown or not?) Prof values, ethics, & attitude -
- The rules What role ethics play in accountants? Soul &
- Dilemma: what is r/w heart of our profession. Fundamental.
- APPROACHES: (focused on)
a. outcome based prof skepticism : combi of critical assemnet &
b. person/agent ONLY(own questioning mind
values/char/virtue) Prof judgement: eval reasonable alts
c. relationship agent has w sh What are the key prof areas u must be good at
etc (duties of agent) as an accountant?
2. Metaethics: meta higher order
- What do we mean by “right/good”?
- Wdym by good
- The foundation/definition of rules
- euthyphro dilemma: is it good in
itself/inherent? Or is it good bc it is
loved by god (state)
3. Applied: applying normative rules on
controversial issues
- Approaches: bio, accounting,
computer, business ethics

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