Conjugarea Verbului TO HAVE

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Conjugarea verbului TO HAVE


Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ Interogativ-negativ

I have not – I’ve not/ I

I have – I’ve Have I? Have I not?

You have not – You’ve Have you not? –

You have – You’ve Have you?
not/ You haven’t Haven’t you?

He has not – He’s not/He  Has he not? – Hasn’t

He has – He’s Has he?
hasn’t he?

She has not – She’s Has she not? – Hasn’t

She has – He’s Has she?
not/         She hasn’t she?

We have not – We’ve

Have we not? –
We have – We’ve not/                     We Have we?
Haven’t we?

They have – They have not – They’ve Have they not? –

Have they?
They’ve not/ They haven’t Haven’t they?

Verbele „have” si „has” sunt folosite pentru a spune ce oamenii au sau poseda. Sunt de asemenea
folosite pentru a vorbi despre lucruri ce oamenii „obtin”, cum ar fi boli, raceala, etc. Aceste
cuvinte sunt forma de prezent simplu a verbului „have”.

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