Parts of Speech in Simple Present Sentences (50 Points) : Part 1: Verb To Be

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Parts of Speech in Simple Present Sentences (50 points)


Before completing this assignment, you must read and review all the required learning resources
for this module.

Part 1: Verb to Be

Use the following sentences to complete your assignment:

1. The boy (is) handsome.

2. You (are) smart.
3. The lady (is) in the car.
4. The old houses (are) very busy.

Rewrite each sentence as follows:

a. The correct affirmative or positive form.

1. The boy is handsome.

2. You are smart.

3. The lady is in the car.

4. The old houses are beautiful.

5. My mom and I are very busy.

b. The negative form.

1. The boy isn’t handsome.

2. You aren’t smart.

3. The lady isn’t in the car.

4. The old houses aren’t beautiful.

5. My mom and I aren’t very busy.


c. A yes/no question.

1. Is the boy is handsome?

2. Are you smart?

3. Is the lady in the car?

4. Are the old houses are beautiful?

5. Is my mom and I very busy?

d. Identify each part of speech listed below at least once.

1. beautiful/old- adjective

2. very- adverb

3. the-articles

4. lady-nouns

5. In-prepositions

6. I/you -pronouns

7. busy- verb

Part 2: Simple Present

Use the following sentences to complete Part 2 of your assignment:

1. Richard (to run) 3 miles every day.

2. Melissa (to like) carrot cake.
3. I (to cook) an excellent lasagna.
4. My dogs (to sleep) on my couch.
5. He (to help) me when I (to need) it.

Rewrite each sentence as follows:

a. The correct affirmative or positive form. (Remember that to do this, you must choose the
correct form of the verb according to the subject.) (1 pt. each)

1. Richard runs 3 miles every day.

2. Melissa likes carrot cake.

3. I cook an excellent lasagna.

4. My dog’s sleep on my couch.

5. He helps me when I need it.

b. A negative statement. (1 pt. each)

1. Richard doesn’t run 3 miles every day.

2. Melissa doesn’t like carrot cake.

3. I don’t cook an excellent lasagna.

4. My dog don’t sleep on my couch.

5. he doesn’t help me when I need it.

c. A yes/no question. (1 pt. each)

1. Does Richard run 3 miles every day?

2. Does Melissa like carrot cake?

3. Do I cook an excellent lasagna?


4. Does my dog sleep on my couch?

5. Does he help me when I need it?

d. Identify all the parts of speech listed below at least once.

1. Excellent- adjectives

2.every- adverb

3. an- article

4. Richard- noun

5. on- preposition

6.. You- pronoun

7. sleep- verb

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