9 - 11 - 13 APUSH - Mayflower SOAPS

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Name/Period#: Sean Oulashin (Period 3 APUSH)

Title of Document: The Mayflower Compact

Thoroughly discuss the SUBJECT of this document.

The Mayflower compact was a document stating that William Bradford and a number of Separatists ("Saints"),
tradesmen, adventurers, and servants ("strangers") were going on a "Voyage to plant the First Colony in the Northern Parts of
Virginia." The reason for this being "for the Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith and Honour of our King and
Country." This was also the first governing document of the Plymouth Colony.

What is the OCCASION for the document?

Separatists were unhappy with the way King James was handling religious freedom. Prior to the writing of this
document, small groups of Separatists were moving to Leyden, Holland, so as to pray without any problems from the King. But,
because of the difficult conditions of living in a Dutch Society, (they were unskilled at various jobs in Holland, making payment
low, and the general "tolerant atmosphere of Dutch society.") (Page 40, paragraph 3, "American History, A Survey"). Because of
this, the Separatists wanted to move again, this time across the Atlantic Ocean. After getting permission from the Virginia
Company, the Separatists got permission to settle in Virginia. The King stated he "would not molest them, provided they carried
themselves peacefully." (Page 40, paragraph 4, "American History"). The Mayflower Compact was a document that establishes a
civil government, as well as proclaimed allegiance to the King.

Who is the AUDIENCE for this document?

This document was directed at King James, to whom the regarded distastefully: "...the loyal subjects of our dread
Sovereign Lord King James" (The Mayflower Compact, first paragraph).

What is the document’s PURPOSE?

This document created and established a civil government for the Separatists and Puritans aboard the Mayflower. It was
the first governmental document for the Plymouth Colony. It also served to inform King James what they were doing.

Who is the SPEAKER?

The document was written by William Bradford, the pilgrim's leader and historian. Though only one person wrote it, he
was writing on behalf of the 35 Separatists and 67 Puritans planning to take part in the migration.

How does this document relate to your Big Picture Question? (Use back if you need more room)
(BPQ: How did the diversity of peoples, economics, geography, and ideology present in the 17th Century British North American Colonies
coalesce into an independent nation state by the end of the 18th Century?)

Diversity can be seen in the reasoning for why the Separatists chose to flee from Great Britain. They had certain views
on religion that King James didn't agree with. Because of this, the Separatists chose to migrate away from Great Britain in hopes
of being able to worship without any trouble. In addition, the New World itself acted as incentive to move and make attempts at
starting a new, fresh society, and fix the flaws present in Great Britain at the time. The Mayflower Compact was an official
document that created a civil government for the new Plymouth Colony.

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