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\ Ji"l COOKI ES 1'1"1,\1' T n AYEL .




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'} 1. .'


" ~ . '
All the handsom e cookies you CIIRTSTIIU S Wn F.,\ T JI S l oill. j ell)' cl'I"f>rJ;
see here and on page 7 are TJ~ IIT1· . : 3 75 0
molded. YOli shape the dou gh 'lum: 15 min. l'mUl: 3 d OZ. /
with you r hands, or fla tten it "' ClIll so ft s llOrl c ning l,4 lens p. snit
with a sugared glass or fork. ~ Cli p I,,'owil su g~ll', 2 CIII'S c h o PI) cd n u t .. or /
They cou ldn't be easier to make, llac k e d shre dd ed co cotl u l
and there is no end to the ways 2 (:ggs. scparal cd ¥:! CUI' I'aspbe rry or) ! Iraw·

you can va l'Y them-with nuts, 2 cups s ift e d en r ich ed h e rry jam
all-purpose flour
coco nu t, chocola te, etc. They
keep we ll, too,
Heat oven . Mix shorten ing wi th sugar un eil creamy.
I)F.ANIJT C n UNCH COOKIE S /ll'lUlUl s lwd / 1I!(l.IlUt butte r
Add egg yolks, flour, salt ; mix. Form into 1" balls.
T E MI'.: 350 0 F. Tl i\m: 15 mill. YI ELD : 4· d oz. D ip in to unb eaten egg whi tes; then remO\'e wi th for k
and drop into nuts 01' coconu t. Place on g1"';a sed cookie
I c up s irl c d e lll'i"lI ed !.~i C UI' granulat c d suga r
all ' IIUrjIOSC flour Y3 C lip brown s ugnr, pac k ef l
sheet, 1# apart. Make sligh t depl'ess ion in I.!enter of each
I h~ n S II. Imkin g Jlowder ~ I C USJI. ,·"nilln c xlrac t cookie, Bake 5 m in. ; then press cent(,I' aga in ; bake 10
~ le ns p. suI! 1 cgg min . longel'. Cool slightly, Rem ove fro}.U cookie sheet.
Y.i ,' up sofl s hol' le liing ~ c up ch oppe d p eannl s F ill cen ters with jam.
!4 C Ull Jl CIIIHII bulle r

Ctlllrl,. coo kies
S ift together first 3 ingredients. Mix shortening with
T EIIU'.: 325 0 F. T IM E: 25 to 30 m in . 1'1I~ U): 3 ,Ioz.
next 5 ingredients un til creamy. Mix in flour mixture,
then pean ut s. Ch ill till easy to hand le. Hea t oven, Sha pe 2 I! U I'S sifl cd c nri c h ed rollell ua ls
dough into small ba Lls ; place on greased cooki e sheet, 3" n ll'lltll'llO:;e 110llr N ul-meat ha lves
apart; flatten with fork. Bake until done, Y:: te:!s p. s,lh 2 Ilkg . se llliswee l·e hocola tc
I cup so ft shorle ning pieces
PII ,\I . t NES rt·t/Of,·tll 0/ 0'" '/'I'Xfl lt
¥:! c up sifte d confeclionc r s' ~ C UI) milk
sugar Chollperl nut m Clll S or
TE M!'. : 375 0 F. T I M I~ : 12 min. YI In~D: 3 doz. 2 Icns p. ,'nnilla ex tract shredd ed cocon ut
I c up un cooked (Iuick
~ C III} so fl bull er I Y:: c ups s ifted e nri ch ed
Or llI urgnri ll c nll·p urp ose flollr
] ¥.! cups dark·hrown sugar, I CIIS p. ":lnilln CX lracl Heat oven. Sat flou l' with salt. Mix shortenin g, sugar,
1':lC'kc d 1 I: U II coa rse ly chopped a nd vani lla until creamy. Add flour mix tu re ; mix well.
] e gg pccans Mix in oa ts (d ough will be quite stiff) , Shape into logs,
balls, 0 1' co nes; place nut meats in cente r of so me, Place
Mi x together butter, sugar, and egg until creamy; add on u ngl'eased cookie sheet, 2" apa ,·t. Bake until done.
rest of ingredients; mix; chill. Heat oven. Shape dough Cool. Melt chocola te with milk ove,· hot watel'; mix till
into 1" balls; place on g reased cookie sheet, 3" apart. smooth. Using tongs 01' 2 forks, dip top or ends of each
Us ing bottom of tumbler covel'ed w ith damp cheesecloth, cookie in chocolate; t hen, if desired, 1'011 in nut meats
fl atten balls to Va" thick ness, Bake until done. ot' coconut (see pa,ge 17) . Drain on rack.
2 © 1957 by Ol e Hearst Cor" .,
P ll bli sl.e rs of Good HousekccJli710
, •



ookies to mold ,"i" d eligbts

• • •
F IUII~ nT Dnol'S IIlll ,s flriuid w i Imll o" ,., C IIOCO L ATE. FJtOST E D LEJ\ VES

T E MP.: 350 0
F: 'I' I.\IE : 15 min . YlE LI) : 2 doz. T E i\lI~ . : 350 0
F. TDIE : A bo ut ~ min. YI E LD : 5 doz.
L Clip s irt cfl 4!III' it"i, c d Y:: IClIsp. g loa t e d le mon 2 to 3 Inbl csJl. co ld wa le r a ll-lllU'llO':C fl o ll!'
:'111- ll ul' llOse 1101 11' dud 0/.1- CIlI) Ilac kllgc d almond Whiles of 3 lal'gc CA'A'S
~ I c a ~ , •. s alt 1. t cas )). ;! !'alt' d o range pas tc (6 oz. ) C hoco lat e coali u;:! ( scc
~~ CUi' ~ of l S iJ O I' h ! uillg rin d l CII)) s ifl crl c onfcctioIl CI'S' C h ocolal c· Di l l ll Cd ,
!4 c up ~nllt lllal c d Slig a t' 1 I':::: whil e . unbcai c li SlI glll' page 17)
I I ·/.!~ :,'u lk, Illlh cl.I l CIl ¥-I c up find:-' gro llud % cup s ifl ctl c llI'ic h cfl
I taLl cs p. walCl' li lhe r'lS
If you do not own a co pper leaf stencil, cut a leaf
Sift nou\' w ith sa lt. With e lec tric mixer at "cream" s hape, 4Ih" x 2 112" , rrom center of 5" x 3" piece of thi n
(or s poon), m ix shorte ning wi th next 5 in gr e dien ts until
card board. H eat oven. With back of spoon, wo r k water
v ery light m Id fluffy, At low speed, or Hblend:' beat in into a lm ond paste, a liltle at a time. Next, slow ly mix
fl ollr jnst 1t11iil mi.:ted Ch ill until easy to handl e. H eat in suga r and nour,; the n, very slowly mix in unbeaten
oven, Form dough into 1" balls; roll in egg wh ite, t hen egg wh ites. Strain through wLl'e sieve. Place leaf stencil
in nuts. Bake on greased cook ie sheet un til done, If de- on greased, floured cook ie sheet; spread some of mixt.ure
sil'ed, lu ck in citron bits, " in it. Lift off stencil; repeat. Bake t ill golden. When
leaves are cool, t.urn bottom sides up; th en spread with
C HIN I;; l,I~ s illlri;:uilll; lie rrl/l e d t OJl'~ chocolate coating. When chocolate is almost set, mark
TI.:I\II' , : 375 " F. Tl.)m: 121015 m in. YI ELD: 4 to 5 doz. veins with point of knife.
2 lJi e ll (IS s if1f:d e nri ch e d 1 Icas". :: ingcl' C OCON UT T IlI NSIES jlLst /11.11 0/ COCOllut
all-IHII' IJOSC flOlll ' ;.!4 c up soI'l s hol' le nin::
L tc ns p . s alt 'I C liP IJI'oW II s ugou ', pa cked TI~ MI· .: 375" F. TDI E: Aho ul 12 min. 'l:I ELD : 3 d oz.
2 Ic a Sll, bakin :.: 50(1;) I cgg
V:: t eas I" Jlowd Cl'c d c10 vcs Yt t~ lIl) m olasses 2~ cups s ift e d c;lke fl o ur C UI) gl'a llilial cd su ga r
I IcaSJI . c inn a mon C rallulalcfl s ug.lI· -V:l sa l!
ICll SI). 2 e ggs
2 ICotSI' . hakin;! powd cl' -V:l le ns ll . va nilla cX ll'acl
Sift togeth er first 6 ingredients, Mix shortening, brown ~ c u p soft s il o l' l e ning 1 ~ c ups .s lll'cdll cd c ucon UI
s ugar, and egg until very creamy, Mix in molasses, then
nOUl' m ix ture. Chill 1 hI' , or longer. Hea t oven, Shape S ift together first 3 ing redi ents. Mi x, until creamy,
do ugh in to ba lls size of wa lnuts; dip one side of each in s hort.eni ng, suga r, eggs, a nd vanilla. Mix in fl our mixture,
gl'anula ted sugar. Place, wi th s uga r sides up, on greased then coconut. ChiJI 1 hr. Heat oven . F orm dough into
cook ie sh eet, 3" apart . Sprinkle each cookie wi th 2 or 3 1" balls; place on greased cookie s heet, 3" a part. Using
drops wa ter. Bake until done. If deslred, flatten balls bottom of glass covered w ith damp cheesecloth, flatten
before baking. each bal l. Bake until done. (Conti nued on pag e 6)
11\' 501'- 1' S lfonTEN I NG. \'I:' E :\I E ,\ 'N S I·IOIITE N I N G '1'11 ,\'1' IS IN ,\ CON OITIO N TO CItE,\M

GrllJulmu 's famil y Cll lll e I' unning whe n th e rra-
g r a n ce o r h e r co o ki e baking fill(·d rhe hOll se_
So will YO lll'S, lIuli rOl' Ih e !m lll e coo kit·s. Io n

O I,D-F,\ S HIO N lm SUC,\ 1t COOKIES S llltl~ WS li U ny tHUll'S

O.\ 'I'ME,\ L .f UMBL ES .f E I. I." T An TS

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COOKIES TO MOLD l.~ \1 chopped nuts 01' crushed co rn flakes or wheat flakes.
STICKS. FO,1'm dough into rolls 'k" in diameter. Slice.
(Co n tinu.ed from page 3 ) CHEIUt'n:TTES. Replace butter with % cup soft shorten-
CINN.\)101" DISIiS nubbly lO; th lIul s amI cinnam o n ing, ¥4 c~p soft butter, Use 1h cup powdered sugar . Be -
TEMP. : 375 F. 0
Tli\1E : 15 min. "I ELI) : 2¥.! doz. fore ba~; ~g balls, press candied- che r ry ha lf in each.
COCON t T POM PONS. Omit chopped nu ts. Shape each ball
1 % C U ))S s ift e d c nri ch e d 1 c up gr an ul n tc d sugar of dough around half a pecan, date, candied cherry, or
nil-p u r p ose flour 1 e gg, b e ll te n
1 le ns p. b n kin g p o w(lc r 1 t ~n S ll.
"u llill:. ext rn el almond; then roll in shredded coconu t. }
~4 tc us p. suit Yz cu p fin e ly ch o pp e d nu ts nUT1'EIt DREAM COOKIES. Omit chopped nuts. Use 1il cup J __ )
¥.! C U J) soft m argarine 2 le li Sp. ci nn :1I11 0 11 gran ul ated sugar. Increase flou r to 2% cups. Before bak- ~
ing balls, press maraschino - chelTY half into top of each.
S ift together flour, baking powder, salt. Mix, until CIIOCO·U UTTEn cnESCENTS. When adding nuts, a lso add ..-...
crea my, margarine, sugar, egg, and van illa. Mix in flou r 1 pkg. semiswee t-chocolate pieces, coarsely chopped.
mixture. Chill 1 hr. , 0 1' until easy to handle. H eat oven . i\IELTJNG MOMEN TS. Omit nu ts. Add 2 teasp. baking pow~
Shape level tablespoonfuls of dough into balls; '·011 balls de]' to flour. Using fork dipped in flour, press balls flat
in combined nuts and cinnamon. Arrange on greased on cookie sheet. Top with sliced gumdrops. Bake.
coo kie sheet, 2" apart. Bake until done. ALMON D COOK IES. Increase granulated sugar to 1 cup,
flour to 2% cups. When adding extract, add 2 egg yolks.
nnAZIL-Nu'I' STI CIiS loollde r/ul, rich nibblin g After shaping into 2/1 balls, dip in 2 egg whites, u n-
TEMP. : 350 " F. TIM E: 20 min. YJE LD: Ab ou t 6 d oz.
beaten. Arrange on g reased cookie sheet. P lace un-
blanched almond in centel' of each. Bake.
2 C1l(.S s ift ed e n r ich e d 1 e gg s;EDlsn KIFFLI NS. Omit extract. Add 2 additional tablesp.
n ll-pur(lose fl o u r 1 ten s)). "u niJI a e xtract flnur. Pat chilled dough, part at a time, to Ih" thickness ;
~:.: tCIlSll. sa il 1 tens p. a lm o nd extr act

% CUI) so f t s h Ol·t c ning 2 cup s gl'o llnd Brllz il nut.s cut into crescents. Bake.
Y2 C UI) gr.lll u ill tc d s u::ar Confectio n c r s' s ugar FINN ISH nUTTER STRI PS. Reduce butter L 3f.t cup. Omit
nu ts. Ro ll chilled dough to Ys/l thickness; cut into
Hea t oven. Sift flour w ith salt. Thoroughly mix. 2" x 1" strips. Brush with slightly beaten egg wh ite.
shor tening with next 4 ingredients ; cut in flour mix tu re Sprink le with granulated sugar, chopped a lmonds. Bake.
with 2 knives or pastry blenderj m ix in nuts. Shape
in to I " lila lls ; then 1'011 between palms to form 2" st icks. ' VA LNUT BOURnON BALLS flllli you d OIl ' t bake ,IIelll
'll' -ange on ung reased cookie shee t. Bake un til done; 2 Y2cups fin e ly cru$h cd . wlllnul s OJ' wainui s ntHI
cool ~ li g hUy; then roLl in confectioners' s ugar. pll e k ngcd vanill a wu rers s hre dde d e o conul
CUll powd c re d sugnr 3 lahle s p. corn syrup
fl. \ JJ.uYf 'ES UhOO)'8 80 f cslive 2 tuhl cs p. cocoa !4 CliP b o urbo n
I CUI' fin e ly choppc d Powd c r c d su g ar
f TUB'. : 350" F. Til'l E : 20 to 25 min.
y.- t II. "O{I butl e r o r 1 le usp . Ic rn o n JUI ce Mix first 4 ingred ients well. Ad d sy r up, bour bon ; ml x
lIIu~rin e 1 Y.l CU ll S s ift c d c nke flour well. Roll into 1" balls; then roll in sugar. Y ield: 31h doz.
1.1 "U)) flt"ll ll u luled s u gtu· Das h sail
l ('"g yolk 1 e gg: whil c C m~ \"' Y CHEWS fir st IJqua r e6, '"ell balb
I te:lsp. " Qn ill n exlra ct %. cup c h o l, p c d nu ts
Y1 E I~O : 4 doz.
1. IlIblcsp. g ral cd o r un ge Cnndicd ch c l'ri es TE :"III~ . : 350 " F. TUn: : About 45 min.
r ind 3~ c up s ifled ca k e fl o u r 1 CUI' fin c ly cui up , l)ill Cd
% tClI Sp. h a king powd e r fl a tcs
M\x, until creamy , butter, sugar, egg yolk, vanilla, I CUll g r a nulatc d suga r 1 CUI. cllo(Jpc(1 wnlnulS
ora n ge rind, and lemon juice. Add floUl' and sa lt; mix. Va tcusp. sail 2 cggs, b Clit CIl
Ch il l until easy to handle; form into 1/1 balls. Hea t oven.
Dh:t balls ' unbeaten egg wh ite; roll in nuts. Place Heat oven. Grease 8" x 8/1 X 2" pan. Mix together first
~)'ease cookie sheet, 2/1 apart. Press cherry h. ing redients. Add dates, nuts, eggs. Mix thoroughly.
no op of each. Bake until done. C;prea in pan. Bake untiJ done. Immediately cu t into
sma ll squares. When squar es have cooled slightly , roll
N t,... B UTTfm B AL LS rich rlml butt ery each into ball, turning crusty top inward; roll in gra nu -
lated sugar. Store in tightly cover ed box.
T I~~ lI~.: 350 0 F. T IM E : 12 10 15 I'l.jn. l'lELD: 4 to 5 cloz.
, r~p .
1 cup !lofl bu ll er or ~I eas p . \'31ull a e xtr'lIct MOLASSES LACE HOLL- UpS best lite dny tlt ey're bakell ,
lIl"r:;~. l'in c · 2 CUll S sifted en r ich ed T IME: 14 min. YJ E I .1): 4· d oz.
% to ~ CUI) gr:lIlul u t cd. all-pu r Jl o !'l c fl O Il T
I)owclt"r('d , or co nree.· 1 10 2 C UI ' S finl'l~ (·h umlcd % c up sift ed c n rich e d J rCIiS Il. gingcr
li onc rl'l' .. ug!ll' (a m 0 1ll1t l
d ('ll(" lHl ~ on t aste)
1 ~ l('II !OJJ ' :0>011
o r g r o u nd wu lnu!:', pl't'an.!',
nimolllis. black wnlnnt:'!,
Braz il nut s, or filh c rls
all- Iluqlose n o u r
3 t .. blcsl'. n o nfnt d ry milk "
% c up g r :lIllLla lc d su gar
Y:! CUll mol asses
c up sh o rl cnin g

jr- teasp. almon ..' ex tr act, 0 1'

~ Heat oven. Sift together first 4 ingred ients. In me -
1Iix butter w ith sugar until cr eam y. A dd sa lt, extract, dium sa ucepan J slowly heat molasses to boiling point;
flo u r, n u Ui~ mix 1L~p !1 Chill dough unU easy to handle. remo ve from heat; mix in shortening. C;lowly add flour
Heat oven. Using qlrc rs, shape dough into I " bhlls 01' mixture while mixin g well. D rop by b llf teas poonfuls,
}" to 2" x ''2'' rcL. t riangle:., or crescents. Place 0 1'1 4" apart, on well - g reased cookie sheet. Bake until done.
ung l'eased cooki(:: ~h L t,t. (0,' d rop level ta blespoonfu ls Remove fro m oven ' let sland a minute; then quickly
on to cookie sheet.) Ba L:e until light brown . While cook- loosen all cookies with sharp, broad knife. While cookies
ies are warm, roll in g.. ;:mulated or powdered sugar ot' are slill warm and pliable, roll , one at a tim e, around
fine cookie cru mbs. The:se keep well. ha ndle of wooden spoon, as on page 2. Let cool on rack.
*Soft shorteni ng, .o r hal f soft. butter or ma rgarine and Sto re in tightly covered container.
haH soft shor tening, may l'eplacr' butter. · If milk is omitted, inc rease flou r to 1 cup.
"SH COQ I{l ES. F orm dough into s :;I~apes. -"ote: If cookies cool too much for rolling, return to
HONEY J' ECAN BALLS. Substitute 1,:, cu p honey for suga r. oven for a minute or two to soften .
PUl e l, I~Y OUTTEn U,\ LLS. . O~it cbopped nuts f!'om doug~ . RI~C IP ES FOR FnENCH TU IU:S AND ALlIIOND COOI{lES,
Before baking balls, dip m ~aten egg while, then In SHOWN QI'POSIT'::, ARE ON PAGES 22 AND 6
6 ~_ _ _ __ _~~~----------------~
1. Let yo ur electri c mix cr r e-
duce the work and lime in
cookie making_ Just follow our
r cipes andlh direct ion on the
.ni xer·s spe d lial [or rea min g
lind addi li on [dry in gr dient .

2. 1£ cook i heeL i 10 be
greased, do it ligh tl y. AI 0,
yO ll'lI avoid hard- to-wa h bro\ n
patches if yo u grea e o r oil onl y
th t' pot where dough i 10 drop
(a llow pace for ~ prf'adin g).

5. Did you ever wi h [or a n extra cook ie sheet, 0 that yo u

co uld fill it whil e Ih e fir t batch bake? CuL pi ('ee o[ alu-
m inllm foil Lo fil yo ur o ne and on ly cook ie heel. Whil e
sheet of cookies bakes, drop dough onLo foi l ; Ihe n place
foil on cookie sheet a oon as it comes frolll the oven .


6. 0 danger of overba kin g cookies if you u e a mall

timer clock or th e clock on your range to wa rn yo u wh en
baking timt' i lip. 'I ith a broad paLula. immediately sl ip
baked cook ies onlo one or more wire cake rack to cool.
Never overl ap coo kie. or place them on top of one another
6 unlil Ih ey ar e cold . Then store as we uggest on pa~e 11.
OLD-FAS I-II ON£ n SUCMl COOK I ES Ill e soft kind LACY RAI SIN WAFE n s very 'c ri xp , ver)' /1(1 vo r/,,1
1'£1\11'.: 375 0
F. TIMI~ : 20 min . YIELD: 'I Y:! (Ioz. T IME: 10 10 "12 min. Y I E LJ): 31;'2 doz:
2 cups sifle cl e nri(·h ed I l"rj! "olk % CliP sifl e d e nri ch cd !4 CliP salad oil
all-purpose n OIll' Y:! ~nl; hUl1 c nnilk 0 1' sou.' :l1l-J)u i 1lOse flOllr Vi C lI)) wa h ! I'
Y2 leasp. b ak ing soda mi l k !I:! le Ol sp, haki n g' SOfia ] C UI' IJro W Il Sll glll', I)acked
liz ICUSp . snit V2 tcasp . \' lmillll CX It:::l c l y:! teOis p . su it 'I t C:ISI)' v:lTlilla cxtrHc l
!.1! cup soft sh ortc nin g I C;!;! whil e Y.I teasp. ci nn u mun J !4 CllP ~ ull cooked I'oll e d
I c up granu la ted s uga r !4 tC:tsp. nutm e g oa15
% cup sce dless .' aisins Y:! Cup c h oppcd llutS
Heat oven. Sift together first 3 ingredients. Mix short-
ening, sugar, and egg yolk till fluffy . Mix in floul' Sift togeth er first 5 ingredients. Rinse a nd dra in
mixture alternately with buttermilk; then mix in van illa, rai sins; mix with salad oil and water j mLx in sugar, next
Fold in egg white, beaten stiff, D rop by round ed table - 3 ingredients, then flour mixture, Chill 1 hI', Hea t oven.
spoonfu ls, 3" apa rt, onto greased cookie sheet. With Drop dough by teaspoonfuls, abou t 2" a part, onto
spatula, flatten to lh" thickness, If desired, sprinkle greased cookie sheet. Bake till crisp a round edges.
with suga l' mixed with chopped nuts, raisins, 01' grated L,u.: y COCONUT W ,\F E ItS. OInit raisins and nuts, Fold in
lemon rind, Bake until golden brown, 1 cup shredded coconut after add ing flour.
L ,\ C \' CHO CO L;\T E WAFE IlS. Omit raisins a'nd n u ts. Fold in

S I'ONGE Dnops miniuture s p o ligectlkes

1 cup semisweet- chocolate pieces after adding flour.
LAC Y D,\ TE-NU T W ,\ FE n S. Omit raisins, Fold in 1 cup
TEMP.: 375 0
F. '('DI E : 12 min. YIELD: 4, to 5 doz. chopped, pitted dates after adding flour.
!tf c up sift cd e nri c h e d I l a bles ll . co ld wal e r
u ll-llUl'pose fl out· Y:! tcns )). lemon cx lrllc l SOFT MOLASSES C OOKIE'S Crilllilmoth e r' s S tIlu.nlll)' t,re at
Vs Icasp. sa lt ~ Icm~p. g rat e d le m on rind ,, "
3 eggs, scparat e d lit teus p. CI'ca m of tarl ar T EMr>. : 4"00 F. 0
Ti1\I E: "12 min. YIELD: ,\bou t 2 d oz.
M: C UI) g l'unulal c d su gar 2 !4 CllllS s ifted e nri ch e d !I:!c up so ft s ito"l e ning
Heat oven, Place brown paper on cookie sheet. Sift ull-purpose fl our V:: c up g "lIl1ul u le d s u g:u'
togethel' firs t 2 ingredi ents. Bea t egg yolks until thick ] !casp . g in gcl' V:! c up moi:lsses
and lemon-colored ; gradually beat in sugar, then water, "I tcns Jl. c inn a m o n 1 egg
!4 Ica s p . s:11I 6 tllhl es p. cold W:ItCI'
ext ract, rind, flour mixture. Add cream of tartar to egg 2 teas I). ba k in g soda M: c up seedless rais in s 0 1'
whites; beat till stiff; fold into yolk mixture. Drop small 2 l a hlesp . h ot Wlil e l' Cho llJl c d nu1.s
amounts from teaspoon, 2" apart, onto cookie sheet.
Bake until golden, Heat oven. Sift together first 4 ing redients. D issolve
TEA DROPS. Put Sponge D rops together in pa.irs, rounded soda in hot watel" Mix shortening and next 3 in gredients
sides out, with chocolate, lemon, 01' orange ici ng be- until creamy ; mix in flour mixture alternately w ith
tween each pair. 01' just ice top of each drop. cold wate),; then mix in soda and all but a few r a isins.

fOp and ba

P E,\ NUT-B uTTE n QUI C KIES ch ewy iu side , cri sp olltsitle Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls, 2" apart, onto greased
·15 min. doz. cookie sheet. Sprinkle with rema in ing raisins. Bake until
TEi\lI'.: 350" F . TIME: "YI ELD: 3
] can swee te n ed cond c n scd CI'u mbs
, mil k M: eup c h o ppe d , pitt ed
Yz c up peanut bUller el a tes
2 c ups fin e g r a h a m -crackel' T EMP.: 375 0 F. T IME: About 20 min . \'TEt.D : 3 (Ioz.
Heat oven. Mix milk and peanut butter until smooth. "I % C lIl) S s ifl cd cuke 1 leaS )). buking soda
Mix in crumbs and dates, Drop by teaspoonfuls, I " apart, flout' Y:! c up so ft sh ol'le ning
onto greased cookie sheet. Bake until done. y& Ic n s p. salt I. c up glollllu inte rl s ugar
I ICUS p. ci nn amon I egg
C II OCOL,\T E l\fEHI NGVES tlwy'll l1I e ll i" )'o"r mOllt," M: lens p _ n ut lll eg l cup scedl css l'Uisi n s
y& tcas p . l)owdc l'cd cloves 1 c up r e udy-to-cli l hran
TEMP . : 350 0 F. '1' 1)1 £: About -13 min. YI E LD : 4 d oz. ] c up cann ed tlpplestlu ce
3 egg whit cs Y3 CliP crumbl e d !!Il ltin cs Heat oven " Sift together first 5 :ngl'edients, Combine
1 e llll sifte d co nfectioners' 1 pkg. scmiswcet-c hocola t e applesauce and soda, Mix shortening with s ugar and
s ugar p ieces, m e lt e d
egg until creamy. MLx in flour mixture altern ately w ith
Heat oven, Beat egg whites till s tiff but not dry. Add applesauce, Fold in raisins and bran, Drop by teaspoon-
sugar slowly, while beating constantly, With s poon, fol d fuls, about 2" apaJ't, onto greased cookie sheet. Bake
in saltines and chocolate. D rop by teaspoonfuls, 2" apart, until go lden bro wn. If deSired, frost cookies wi th butte r
onto greased cookie sheet. Bake until firm to touch, 01' cream- cheese icing.
B R O"~?N·E D GE COOK I ES the cOlla:;c·cllCcSC tou ch i, ' !CI O

TEMP. : ll·OO ° F. TL\l E: 10 10 15 mi n . YIELD : 2 Y:: doz.

H eat oven . Sift together 1 cup sifted cake fl oul', lh teasp,
powder, and 1h teasp. salt. Mix: until creamy, % cup soft shorten -
ing, % cup granulated sugar, 1 egg, and 1 1M teasp. le mon extract.
Mix in Ih cup cottage cheese (creamed) until smooth . Add flour
mixture, mixing just until blended. D l'op by teaspoonfu ls, 2"
apart, on to greased cookie sheet. Bake till brow n around edges.
hig fe llows-lm!t alltl thiel."
Make Lollipop Cookies (page 15), omitling steps 6 and 7. Add
1 cup ra isin s in step 5. Drop by tablespoonfuls, 2" apart, onto
greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 0 F . 10 to 15 min. Yield: 2 doz.
D ,\ TE COCONUT ilIA C AItOON S , hree fa vorit es ill O ll e

TI)IE : 10 10 J 2 m in . YU-: LD: A bo ul 2 d oz.

H eat oven. Mix togethe r % cup ca nn ed sweetened cond ensed
milk; 1 cup each shl'edded coconut, chopped nuts, and chopped,
pitted dates; and 1 teasp. vanilla extract. D rop by teaspoonfuls, 1"
apart, onto gr eased coo kie sheet. Bake until golden .
COCONUT MAC.\ltOON S Illese lire sh cer " c o ven
'1'£,\1 1".: 300 0 F. T IM E : 20 to 25 min . YIELD: 2 M! d oz.
Beat 3 egg whites till stiff but not dry. Gradually beat in 1 cup
granul ated suga r. Fold in 3 cups sh redded coconut mixed with 2
tab lesp. cornstarch . Cook, stirr ing orten, in double boi le r over hot
water 15 min. H eat oven. Add 1 teasp. vanilla to cocon ut mixture;
drop by teaspoonfuls, I" apart, onto greased cookie sheet. Bake
until delicate brown.
S Hlt EWS U Ulty D H n l~S YOII ' 1i likc I.h eir sn g (lry l Op
Tl ill.E : 10 to '12 mill. YI EL D : 2 d oz.
1 Y.i c ups s if tc d cu kc fl o ur 1 eg#:, while
2 ICllS )) . ba kin g p owd er ] labl e sp . gra nula ted su gnr
!Is leas p. sa lt % leIlS I). ci llll nmoll
V:! c up s o f l sh orle nin g 15 blllllch c ri u lmollti s, s plit
V:! Clll) gl'a lllal a tc d s u gu l' Ic n g thw ise
1 wh o le egg
Sill together first 3 ingredients. Mix, until creamy, shortening,
lh cu p sugar, and whole egg; mix in flour mixture. Chill If.l hr.
Heat oven. Drop dough by tablespoonfu ls, about 3" apart, onto
greased cookie shee t; flatten each slightly with back of spoon 01'
with bottom of glass covered with damp cheesecloth. Brush \,dth
egg white; sprinkle with 1 tablesp. s ugm' and cinnamon, combined;
top with almonds. Bake until golden.
S O U T I-II~ n N Sou n·C u E,\ i\I J Ui\l III~ES soft (Hid plrun p

TU IE : 10 to ] 2 min_ YIELD: Ab o ul 3 d oz.
1 % c ups siflc d cuke fl o tu' 1 egg
M tcusp . baking so li n 1h c up li g ht S OIll' cr e am

••• 1 tensp. b a kin g p o wd c l' 1h ClIll ch o pp ed wlIlnnlS

V:! tens.,. sa il ~ Ic :aSlJ. ci nn a m o n
Y.t ClIl) so ft s hor le nin g 1 tublcs p, gl'llllulut c ri s u g al"
% c u p granul ated s u ga l"
Heat oven. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and
salt. Mix, until creamy, shor tenin g, % cup s ugar, an d egg; mix in
flour mixture alternately with so ur cream; then mix in chopped
walnuts. Drop dough by teaspoonfuls, 2" apart, onto greased cookie
sheet. Combine cinnamon and 1 tablesp. sugar; sprinkle a little
on top of each coo kie. Ba ke un til golden. For larger cookies,
10 drop by tablespoon fu ls, 3" apart.
ALMOND ' V I NE BI SCU ITS t ile subtlest p(ll1or C I-I OCOLATE No·BAKES crisp (HId ea ndy like
T IM E : ]2 to "15 mi n. " I E LI) : 1 doz. In double boilel', melt 'h lb. milk chocolate, 1 pkg.
-% Ic ns p . grate d le m on semisweet- chocolate pieces, 2 sq. unsweetened chocolate,
1 C lips irt e d e nrh' h e d
and 1 tablesp. butter or mal'gal'ine; cool. Chop I Ih cups
all,pul'jl OSe fl o Ul' rind
% tcus p. snh ~ c up cotlrse ly g "Otllld shredded coconut; mix with cooled chocola te mixture;
% c up soft short e nin g :tlmonds sti r in 4 cups corn flakes. Drop onto cookie sheet. Put
l/.I CliP gTanlLla lc d s u~nr lA c up s h e lTY in refrigerator to set. Y ield: Abo ut 4 doz.
2 (:I!g yolks % CUI) cOllr se l~' g "o ulld
JA lellSI). :mise ex ll'a ct ulm o nfi s W A LN UT C L USTE US 'h ey'r e f lit/Sf: yel crutl ch y
Heat oven. Sift together flour and salt. Mix, until T E M I' .: 350 0 F. TI;\IE: 10 JIlin . nEL.Il : 2 ~ doz.
creamy, shortening, sugar, and yolks. Add anise, rind, ~ cup siftcd c m ' ieh ed ~ C IlI) gnllluiul e d !luga )'
If.l cup almonds; mix. Mix in sherry alternately with lIJI,pllrJJose n O li I' ] c gg
flour mi."ture. D rop by tablespoonfu ls onto 1,6 cup al- !4 ICllSp, bilkin g IJOwllcl' :I !I:? teasp. ,'anilla cx tl'act
monds; toss until well coated w ith nuts. D rop, 1" apart. !I:? tcasp. snit J ~ sq. unswec lencd ch aco-
onlo greased cookie sheet; shape with spoon in lo 1 1}/' !4 c up sofl bull e)' 01' b" e, III c h c d
rounds, lh" thick. Bake until golden. Iltllrgar ille 2 broke n WO lllul.8

Heat oven. S ift together first 3 ingredients. Mix butter

PI NI-: APPLE COOKIES IIU'lII e;.; ",,,Io es " w lII diffe r e nt and s ugar until CI·eamy . Add egg and vanilla; mix welL_
T I~ ~n ',: 375 0 F. TIM E: 12 mill. , ' I ELP: Abou l 3 doz. M ix in chocolate, lhen flour mixture. Fold in walnuts.
Drop by teaspoonfuls, l " apart, onto gl'eased cook ie sheet.
2 cups s ift e d elll' il:h e d 1 egg Bake just 10 min.-no longer. .) .
nll·ptll·pose floul" y:! ICUS p . " :,"ill11 extrac t
] te usp. bakin g )Io,,'cle r y-! c up dr!lined ca nn ed
1 telts Jl' bnking sod a cr u sh ed pin cnl1111 e C IIO CO LAT I~ B ANAN ,\ DROPS lVi tl, ""exp ected pallor
1 te usp . sa h JA t C:ISp. nu tmcg TI :i\H'.: 400 0 F. T IM E: 121015 min. YI E LD: 5 oz.
Y:! CUll sofl sh ot' lc lling 1 tubl es ll . g ranul at ed s u g m'
1 c up granulate d su g:ll' 2 Y, c ups ' ifled c m·ich e d '1 cut> gnmulal cd , ugm'
u ll-purpo se f1 0 1l 1' 2 cJt'gs
H eat oven. S ift together first 4 ingredien ts. Mix shorl- 2 tCIlSI). b ak ing )lowdcr J ICUSp . va nill a eXII't1cl
eni ng and next 3 ingredients until creamy. Mix in pine- !II leas )). hakin g sod:t 1 pk g. scmi swcc l·ehocoln tc
apple, then floul' mixtore. Drop by teaspoonfuls, 2" ~ ICnS). s .. l1 pi eces, m c h e(1
apart, onto ungreased cookie sheet. Sprinkle cookies with 2h C lll) sofl sh orte ning 1 e lll} m a sh e d t"ipc hanana s
nutmeg and sugar, combined, Bake until golden. H eat oven, Sift together first 4 ingredients. Mix short-
eni ng wilh next 3 ingredients until creamy, Mix in
R EAL On,\ NGE COOI<IES Y OIl. C(l1I (fIld ,ml s or co co nu t chocolate; then mix in flou r mixtu re a lternately with
T IM E: 10 10 12 min. YIE L D : 4. doz. bananas, D rop by teaspoonful s, 11h" apart, onto un -
greased cookie sheet. Bake until done.
2 % cu p s sifl e d cake fl ou r I In hl es p. g ral ed o ru n ge
y! leas p . snlt rind
~ teas , •• bakin g sod a ~ c up ora n g e ju ice H stored as below, most of these cookies will keep
~ C UI' 50 fl shol·te n i n g Y:! CUI' e h OI)pe d wn lnul s or t wo weeks or lon ger. Sponge D rops are best when fresh-
1 I' UP grnnull.l le d su gar slll'edde d coco nul ly made. Macaroon and meringue types stay at their
best about a week.

2 cggs
H eat oven. Sift logether first 3 ingredients. Mix shorl-
ening with next 3 ingredients until creamy. Mix in flour
mixture alternately with orange juice; then mix III nuts.

J~ I N\.
Drop by teaspoonful s, 2/1 apart, onto greased cookie sheet.
Bake until golden. Frost with orange or chocolate but-
ter iCing.
M I NCEl\IEi\ T COOKlES rich lwd ch ewy , like j ruit.cllJ.:e

k ' I: ~
TE;\IP.: 400 F.
T I !'III~ : 12 mi n . YI E LD: 6 10 7 doz.
1 9' 0.... llkg. c ond ensed , or
1 CII)) ca nne d , m in ceJll e a l
cup s s ift e d e n rieh c d
] tens ,). s lI h
Y:! tcu s p. ins lant co ffee
1 c up so ft s h or te ning
( -0
:111·purposc floll" 2 C UI. S b"own SU g:II' , pa ck e d
1 ICUSp. Imki n g socia 2 eggs SOFT COOK I ES. Place in container with tight- fitting cover.
If cookies are bar type, you may store them in pan,
Heat oven, If using condensed mincemeat, break up covering tightly. If cookies tend to dry oul, add piece
in saucepan; add % cup water; boil briskly until a lmost of app le, orange, or bread , replacing it frequently.
dry, stilTing occaSionally; cool. Sift toge ther flour and c nl S I~ COOK I ES. Place in container with loose-fitting
next 3 ingredients. Mi." shortening with sugar until covel'. If they soflen, as they may in humid weather,
creamy. Mix in eggs, then mincemeat and floll l' mixture. place in 300 0 F. oven for aboul 5 min, before se rving.
Drop by teaspoonfuls, 2/1 apart, onto greased cookie sheet. C III S I~ E n CAN 1ST E ll S. Thanks to the container of crystals
Bake until brown. These are especially nice if you have on top, which absorbs moisture, these canisters keep
lunch boxes to pack. cookies soCt or crisp d each type is sto red separately,
, \,.


'f": I\IP. : 375 0 F. 'I' 11\I E : A b o ul 10 min . YI ELD : Abo ul S d oz.
1 ~ c u ps sift e d e nri ch e d a nd bro wn s ugar, p a ek e d
a ll-purpo se fl o ur 1 egg
!-1: tcusp . ba kin " !,o cln 2 to 3 ICU S p. vanilla extrac t, --I
I I 51>
:u; tc a s p. sn h or ¥.! ICu Sp . almo nd
!1: c up soft sh o rt cnjng extrnel
1 c up g r a nul a ted su gn r , o r !.4 c up c h o ppe d nuts
~ cup e a ch ' g ranul n lcd (oJlti o n a l )
Sift toge ther fi rst 3 ingl'ed ien ts. M ix, until creamy,
shor tening, s ugar , egg, vanill a. G radually add flour mix-
ture, nu tsj mLx w ell. Turn dough on to large piece of
waxed paper. Shape into roll 2" in d iam ete r, as showri"
below. Chill several hou rs, overnight, or several weeks.
To bake: H eat o ven . Slice dough %" to l!4" thick.
(Slice off only what you need; re turn unsliced dough
to refr ige r ator a nd bake later as n eeded.) Place on
ungr eased cookie sheet. Ba ke till golden brow n .
C H OCOLATE Il EFIU GE RATo n COO KI ES. Add 3 s q. (3 oz.) un-
sweeten ed chocolate, m elted , to egg mix ture jus t before
adding flour mix ture. D ecrease va n illa to 1 teasp.
DATE It EFIUG E It ,\TOIl COO KI E S. A dd 1h cu p chopped , pitted

dates to flour mixture.
ng ra or
S I~ I CE - NUT n CFItIG.EtC·;\TOIt COOKI E S. Sift teasp. ci nnamon
and 1/4 t easp. nutmeg with flo u r mix ture. Use nuts.
OUANCE lI EFltlCE Il AT o n COO KI E S. Add 1 tablesp. gra ted
or ange r ind to egg mixture; subs titute orange juice
for vanill a.
O Il ANGE P E CAN C RI SP S. Use 1h cu p chopped pecans in
Orange R efrige r ator Cook ies (a bove ) .
A LMON D n EFRl GE UAT OU C OOK IES. Substi tu te b r ow n suga r,
packed, for gran ulated suga r; d ecrease vanilla to 1
teasp.; u se 1h cu p chopped, toasted, blanch ed almonds.
COCON UT n EFR fGEIl AT o n COOKI ES. Inc rease shorten ing to
% cu p ; use 1h cu p b rown suga r, packed, and
gra nulated sugar; add 2 cu ps sh r edded coconu t.
cup *
gra ted lemon rind to Coconut R efri ge ra tor Cookies
(above) .
On,\ NGE-D ,\T E PI N W f U-:E LS

TEl\ II~. : 3 75 0 F . T llIlE: Abo ut 10 m in. YIELI): Ah o ut 5 d oz.

O rnnge-R e rri gernt o r-Cookie 1,4 c up o run ge juice

dou g h (nbo\'c) ~ c up ch o ppe d wil in u ts
1 7 l,4 -oz. pkg. c h o pp e d, ~ cup grnt1ul a l e d s u gar
p itt e d dat e s
Ma ke Ol'ange - Refr jge l'ator- Cookie dough. In sauce -
pan, mix r ema ining ingr edi en ts. S immer till thick.
Cool slightly. Meanwhile, divide dough in half. Roll each
half as in P in Wheels (below ). Spread each with half of

are nice because you

nEFlI lCER ATO R COOK II-:S Use half va ni lla dough (above).
J' IN WH EE LS. Rm BONS. 1. Slice 1 roll chilled vanilla dough
Can wrap the roll of dough in waxed paper, half chocolate dough. Betwcen sheets of and 1 roll chilled chocolate dough in to
chill in refr igerator or freezer till fi rm, waxed pa per, roU cach to form %"·lhick thi rds, lengthwise. 2. Brush sudaces with
thcn sl ice and bake as needed. Or you ca n circle. Peel off lOP sheets. T UTt} chocolate hot mil k. 3. Alt ernate chocolat e. van illa,
pack dough in freezing tray or frozen·juice onto "anill a ; peel off lop sheet; roll up and chocolat e for 1 ribbon ; va nilla, ehoco·
can (bo th ends removed ) ; thcn store. wi th help of wax ed paper. Wrap; chill. lat e, and vani ll a for another. Wrap ; chill.
da te filling. Roll each as in P in Wheels. Chill. To bake : R efl'igeloator Coo ki es' (page 12 ). T o bake: Heat oven .
Heat oven. S Lice dough Y.I" th ick; place on greased Slice dough Ih" to It""' thick; place on ungreased eookie
cookie sheet. Bake till done. sheet. Bake till done. Remove at once to cake rack
MI NC E i\I F:A T R EFnl(;r:: n ,\ TO U COO KI ES 11 IJT'I''': RSCOT C H S LI CES
T IM E : 15 min. Y I E I. D : Abo ut 6 doz. T E i\ TI~. : 375" F. T I i\lE: 8 to 10 mi n . Y I E LD: 4 10 5 doz.
2 !.4 cups sift ed e nrich ed :y. N i p s ofl s h o rte ning 2 c u p s sirted c n l"i ch ed 1 c up hrown s ug ar, ptl ck e d
a U·pu r p ose fl our 1 egg n ll-p u rposc ' flo u r 1 e gg
II::tcas p. sa lt ¥.! tc us p. va nilla e x tract y!: te us p. llllk in g soda 1 tca s p . ,'n nill ll c x tl'nc t
II::Ic u s)). b a ki ng SOdll 14 c u p min ce m eat y!: tensp . CI·CII I1l or t a r t a r lh C U Jl fi n c ly c hoPIH!d
I teas I). c inna mon 1 tcns p . g rill e d le m o n r ind y!: t C:1SIJo SII It wnillu is or p ecans
1 C II)) g r a llu late d s u gnr V:: cup c h o ppe d walnuts % c u p sofl sh or te n in g
Sift together first 4 ing,oedi ents. Mix, until creamy. S ift together fi rst 4 ing redien ts. Mix shorten ing, brown
s ugar, shortenin g, egg, and extract. Mix in flour mix ture s uga r, a nd egg ti.11 creamy. Add Aour mixture, vanilla,
alternate ly with m incemeat. Add lemon rind and nu ts; nuts· mi." well. Sha pe, wrap, and chill as in Refrige rator
mix. Shape, w rap, and chill as in Refrigera tor Cook ies Cook ies ( page 12 ). T o bake: Heal oven . Slice dough
(page 12) . To ba ke: Heat ove n. Slice dough ¥4" thick. IJs" thick; place on ungreased cook ie sheet. Bake till
Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake till done. done.
COCOA M I NT.Wl c n ES OA'r i\I E ..\ L H E F nU';E n~\ To n C OOKI ES

TE ~I P. : 325 F. 0
T IME : Ab o ul1 2 min . Y I E LIl; 2 ~ doz. TEMP. : 4 00 0 F. T IM E : 8 10 10 m in . , ' I E LD ; 4 doz.
1 Yz C U JlS s iftcd c n rich e d ~ CUJl so ft sh o rt c nin g ¥1 C lip p lus 2 I:." bl cs p. 1 cgg
a ll·purp o sc flour 1 c up grn nul u lc d s u ~a l' s irted cuk c fl o ur 1 ~ I C:IS p. ::p'a tell le mon
Y:: l e a s p . b a kin g sod n I egg ~ tCIlSI)' bilki n g soda r in d
I tca s p . b a kin g POWdCl' Yz C UI ) r cad·e nl b r ll il y:! tcns p. suit ] ~ tllblcS I)' 1II 0 Jusscs
~ te us p. sa il Y-I C UI ' C\'IIIJOr a t e d milk lh Cli p s oft s ho r le ni ng lh IcuSp . va llillu c x lruel
~ cu p cocoa ~ c u p grnnu la lcd sug:.r I ~ C U llS u n cook ed q ui ck
!4 c u p b ro wn Sl1 gar, )luc k ed I·o ll c d 0 :1 15
Sift toge ther firs t 5 in gred ients. Mix , un til crea my,
shortening, sugar, egg, and bra n. Add flour mixture an d S ift toge ther first 3 ingredients. T ho roughly m i.", short-
milk a lte r nately, mixing well. F orm in to rolls 2" in ening w ith next 6 ingredients. Mix in flour mixtuTe,
diameter. Wrap a nd chill as in Refrige rator Cookies then oats. Press and mold into 2 rolls. Wrap and chill
( page 12) . To ba ke: H eat ove n. Slice do ugh ¥a" thick ; as in R efrigerator Cookies (page 12). To bake: H eat
place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake Ull til done. Cool. oven. Slice dough Vs" th ick; place on ungt·eased cookie
Then pu t in pa irs, sandwich-style, with the foll ow ing: sheet. Bake till light brown.
!\-U NT ."I LLI N C. Mix 2 cups sifted confec tioners' s uga r,
YB teasp. salt, 3 to 4 tablesp. milk, Y4 teasp. peppermint OLu. F AS IlI O NED SUI : ..\lt COOK t ES
extract, few d rops green food coloring. T £ ;\II' .: 375 0 F. T I~I E : n to 10 mi n. )"1 E L I) : 4 10 5 d oz.
IJ ANANA P EAN UT ·B u T T F.n COOK II~S ~ cur.sof t shol·tc n in g I Jl kg. wh it e cllk c mi x
Wi tc us p . ,'u nill ll or Gr:lI1ulu l cd SU;WI'
T E MP.: 375 0 F. T IM E : 10 to 1 2 min. Y I ..: I.I) : About 4 doz. a l mond c xtr!ICI Ra isin s o r ca ndi e d c h c r l· i c~
I Cit): 0 1' ch opp ed nuls
I ~ siftcd c n r ich ed
C UJl S V!: c up I'c nllul butt cr
a ll'pu rpose fl ou r 14 cup g r a llul a te d SlI g lir Mix shortenin g, van illa, and the egg until creamy. Add
Y:: tClISp . ha ki ng )low d er Y:! Cli p brown s ugar, 1)llc k ed ca ke mix; work wi th spoon, pastr y blend er, 0 1' mixel'
% tCa!!>p . bn kin g sod n M. CUI. lt1l.1 sh cll I·ipc b 'U UlII lI till fi rm, past ry like dough is fo rm ed . Shape, wrap, and
!4 tcas )). su ll ( 1 s m a ll )
ch ill as in Refrigerator Cookies (page 12). To bake:
V:: c u p so ft sh ortc n ing
Heat oven. Slice dough Ita" thick; place on ungreased
Sift together fi"s t 4 ingred ients. Mix shortening, pea - cookie sheet. Spri nkle with sugar; decorate with raisins
nut butte r, and suga l's until creamy. Add banana, then or sli ced cand ied chelTies. Bake unti l done. Cool before
flOUT mixture; mix we ll. Shape, w rap, and ch ill as in removing from cookie sh eet.

-• - +

-• +- = +

CH ECKE HUOA IIDS. Follow slep 1 ju Ribbons ;

then cui each slice inl o lengt hwisc thirds
CLOVJ.;It U :A \' F.S. For lll rolls, %" in dia meter.
of vn niJJa , chocola te. and bUllcrsco tch
.. .
MOSA ICS. Slice 2 chill ed rolls or contrastin g
cookie doughs, such as chocolate a nd vanilla
aga in . Brush surfaces wit h hot mi lk. Pl ace doughs (or allY three doughs of contrasting or bUll crSCOlch and coconut. Rcmo\'e center
vanill a and chocolatc stri ps side by side. colors, slIch ll S orange. spire, etc:), Brusll o f h slicc wi th small cu lter (hea rl, sta r,
Then place altern ate strips of chocolate !Ou rfaces with hot milk. Put together as e tc.). Insert choco late cuto u ts in vanilla
and van ill a do u: hs on lop. Wrap a nd chill. show n abol e. Wrap in waxed paper; chill. slices, vll nilla cutouts in chocola tc slices.


TEI'oIlJ. ; ~ F. T UI E : 10 mi n. n E l.I) : 2 M! doz. HI C II F I LLE D COO KI ES .mllr crea m ;s th eir sccrct
1 ~ c up s sif ted c;a kc fl o u r ~ C li p ch9~cd 11C Cli n s
'1' £ :\11'.: 425 0 F . TI M I~ : 8 10 10 min . YI E U ): 4· 10 5 el O;ll;.
JII c up ~1·aI1U nll <:.!.1 5 11 :'; U I' !4 Cll lI sofl s h o l'l cn ing
Y:: I C ~I S Jl . b llk in ~ p wd c l' 1 c gg,/ b ClII CII 5 si ft e d c nri c h ed
CUI'S 1 Clip s o ft s h o l·tcllin g
y:! lCasp . sa lt Cr:t ~ lilu I C ci s u g al' :a1l- IHIl' p ose nou r 2 C lll'S gru IIll la tcti slI g:.ll·
11:: c u p sc rn iswccl·c h oco l:.a1 Ha h. i n:; 2 teuSI)' b ak in g powelel' 2 eggs
I, ieees 1 lea s p. b!l k in g so d a 1 Ic a s p . " u n i ll a ex tra c i
V:! le IlSI). salt 1 C UI) th ic k so u,' c l'ca m
Sift together flour a nd?1ext '-J'-~g red ien ts. In do uble
boiler, combine chocolate, pecans, snortening. H eat over S ift together fi rst 4 ingredients. Mix) un til cr eamy,
hot water unt il chocolate is melted; then stir u ntil shortening, sugar, eggs, and van illa. Mix in sour cream,
smooth. R emove £1;13111 heat; cool sl ig htly, Add egg; mix the n fl our mixtuTe, a little at a ti me . Chill until easy to
t horoughly. Adrflour mix tuJ'e; mix well. Place dough ha ndle. H ea t oven. On lightly fioured) cloth- cove red
on waxed pap' r; shape, wrap, and ch ill as in Refr igera- board) roll do ugh to Vs" th ickness; c ut with 3" round,
tor Cook ies page 12) . To ba ke: Heat oven . Slice dough scalloped, or sta r cutte r. Place ha lf of rounds on un -
l/S" thic . p lace on ungreased cook ie s heet. Spl'in kle greased cookie sheet; place rou nded teaspoonfu l of One
' .... ith sy. a1'; decorate with raisins. Bake until done. Cool of fillings below on cente r of each. Top with remainin cr
before removing from cook ie sheet. rounds) with centers cut out if desired ' press edge~
together wi th fi ngers or floured fo rk. Bak~ un til go lden .
H EI" IU GE lt J\ T OIt C I :-IC E ItSN APS P I N E A I~ P L E HQ UN I>S. F ill cookies with Pineapple F illing

5 doz.
(page 25). :
TI '\I t:: : 10 lIlill. YI E LD :
i\II NCEME,\'I ' PEt: t{AUOos. Fill coo kies with Mincemeat
2 C Ull S si f ted c lll·jc h ed J V:! le a S,.. ci nn a m o n Filli ng (page 25) .
a ll- p u r p ose fl o lll' M: Cli P so f l s hm·tc ning
1 V:! lcas p . b aki n g so d a ~ C UI) gl'anuhlt e d s ugar C HIS I'Y F I LLE D COO KI ES rC(l dY- lo-ca t ccrcnl (lacs it
!4 teasJl. snit V:! C ll il lII olusscs
) V:! teas p . g i n g c l' !I:! C UI' rC~ld )'- l o- e a l l..II"al1 T l.\tE: 10 m in. \' 1ELU : 2 doz.
S ift together fi rst 5 ingredients. Mix sho r te ning, s uga r, 1 % cups sif tcd cllrich cd y:! ClIll l)I'oW Il s ugur, I)ac ked
molasses, until creamy. Add flour mixture, then bran; 11 1l-lIl1l'jlOSC fl o lll' y. Clip Wli l c i'
1 I C ll ~ p , b a king pO "'dcl' 1 te us p. \'llllill ll cX II':l ct
mix well. Shape, wrap, chill, as in Refr ige rator Cook ies M! Icas p. sa lt 1 Clip c l' us h e ti CO I' II fla kcs
(page 12). To bake: H eat oven. Slice dough lis" thick; ~ CIII) so ft s hol' le nin g 01' r ea d y-I o -en l bl':1II
place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake t ill done.
Sift together fi rst 3 ingredients. Mi x shortening and
1' ,\!l TY C OOli t ES suga r un til creamy; add fl our m i.'du re alterna te ly w ith
combined water and va nilla; m ix we ll Mi x in ce real.
TE )II~. : 400" F. T I.' I E : 4 10 5 min. YI E LD: 6 d oz. Chill until easy to handle. Heat oven. Roll and fi ll as in
:r.t C U l l soft silOl' le lli n g Y:!
l ea s " . \'~lItill a ex t ract R ich F illed Cookies ( above ) . Bake unti l golden.
¥! CLI p granulal ed Sligar 2 si f l cd ca k e n oU!' C lt AN II E mtl' SUSANS . Fill each cookie with 1 tablesp.
1 e·· . . yolk
~ ~~aS I). sa lt
C Ull S
Fi n e l ~' c h o p p c d nuts canned je llied cran berry sauce crushed with fo r k.

Mix, wltil creamy, shortening, suga r, egg yo lk, salt, TI1I~ Lusc IO US F II. Ll NGS
and vanilla. Add flour and mi.x well. D iv ide dough in I' lt UNE, O.;\ TE, FIG, on 1t ,\IS IN F I L l.I N G
half; shape each half in to ro ll Ph" in diameter. Wrap Make as on page 25~ using whole recipe [or Rich
and chill as in Refr igerator Coo kies (page 12) . T o ba ke:
H eat oven. Slice dough ~8" th ick; place on u ng l'easeci F illed Cooki es, half recipe fo r Cris py F illed Cookies.
cookie sheet. Sprinkle with n uts. Bake u ntil done. n .\IS I N.,\L .\IOND F I LLI NG
l' An T '" N UT STi Cli S. Chill doug h ; roll into stic ks Ilh" x
¥.i "; then roll sticks in finely chopped nuts. When sticks Make Ra isin Filli ng ( page 25 ) . Afte r cook in g m ixture.
are baked, sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. Makes fold in lh cup slivered, toasted, blanched almonds,
abo ut 5 doz.
I'A nT ". C II OCOLAT E C00 1{ I ES. Beat 2 egg whites t ill foamy . I IO N E Y- CO COt'\'U'l' F I L I.I NG
Gradually add lh cup g ranulated sugar, beating till ~ c up g rltnul a te d s u gar 3 C Ul' S s hredd cd co con ut
stiff. Add, toge ther with 2 sq . me lted u nswee tened '1::1 hOll ey
CUll -y:! l e :l s p. vnn i lla c xh'lI ct
chocolate, to unch illed P arty - Cooki e doug h ; mix well. ~ c up wa te l' 1 l a bl e s p. hull Cl' 01'
D rop onto un greased cookie sheet, 2" apar t. Press nut ~t. lea SI" salt m a rgari ,!c
meat into each, Bake at 350 0 F . about 6 min., 0 1' until Combine suga r a nd next 4 ing red ien ts; cook abo ut 10
done. Ma kes about 8 doz. min., or wl til coconu t abso rbs most of SXI'Up. Mix in
van illa and bu tter. Cool. Use in R ich Filled Cookies.

'I' D II'. : 350" F. T IM E : Ab o ut 15 min. YI £ I. O : 3 doz. C It A N Ut:: lUtY -i\lI N'C E MEAT IQ L I.I NG

3 !1:! c ups sifl c d e lll'ie hed Vi

CUll g l'llilul a lcd s u gar Cut up ha ll mediu r.l o range in as tiny pieces as pos-
llll-pul' p ose fl OIlI' 1 CIlI' m o lasse s . sib le; mix w ith 1 cup canned whol e- cranb erry sauce
3 te nSJl. b a king soda !4 CUll SOUl' milk 0'1' butte l'- and 1h cup prepared packaged or canned min cemeat.
~ tea s Jl . S~11t m i lk 0 1' grind together ora nge a nd 1 cup fresh cran berr ies;
M! tCII S.,. 1l0wrl Cl'cd cloves 1 CUll c ho pped wa lnut s mix in ¥2 cup g ran u la ted sugar, then mi ncemeat. Use
~ tca s ". n ut m e g 2 c ups seeill ess I'n isin s
1 ~ tc ns p . ci nn amo n Yz c up c ut-III) c nndi cd in R ich F illed Cook ies. Or make half recipe to use in
(, I:l blcsp. soft sh Ol' le ll in g ci lron Cr ispy F illed Cookies.
Sift togethe r fi rst 6 ingredients. Mix, until blended, Q UH.: I{ F I L Ll N(;S
shortening, suga r, mo lasses, and SOU I' mi lk. Add flour
mi xtu re, walnu ts, ra isi ns, ci tron ; mix we ll. Shape, wrap, Use jam 01' jelly: ca nn ed apple bu tter ; few semisweet-
and ch iJl as in R ef rige rator Cook ies (page 12). To bake: chocola te pieces; ja m m i.xed w ith chopped nuts ; raisins
H eat oven . Slice dough %" thic k; place on greased and chopped nu ts 0 1' pea nut butter moistened with a
cookie sheet. Bake lill done, These keep well. little orange juice; mincemeat.
For I

_ V:? 1cas p. Cillll ll nton

r ••' • .,l 'J" y.s le Rs p. l)Ow{lc r cd

cups s ift Cfl e nriched a l1- __- - -
purpos e fl o u r ..
-;r tCRSp. baking sod a 'V cloves
Y.i cup SOllr milk or
butte rmilk
1 CliP soft shorte nin g 2 eggs, unheltt e n

1 V:? cup s brown suga r ,

firml y p uck cd
W' ., 1% ('U })S
r o lle d
ull cooked
Olli S

.. ....!-! "'1 lollipop cookies

ltc a s p. $alt c up ('ho l)p cd nuts
~ ::::tnckaged plas t ic
==- - ____ s ,ro w",

1. \'\'a5h your ha nds ; put 0 11 apron; read recipe carefu lly. (~ I o t h t.: r hcnt s ovcn to 375 0 F.)
2. Ge t Oll t MOlhe r's mixing bowls. meas llring cups, spoons. and all illg rt.'(lients.
3. S ift abo ut 2 ClipS flo ur in to how l. Now measure 1% cu ps back into sift er ; add
soda ; sift on to piece of waxed pa per.
4. i\'l easure sho rt eni ng and next 6 ing red ien ts in lo big how l. Bea t vigoro ll sly
wit h s poo n (or use MOl her's clccrrie mixed lill wel l mixed.
5. Sl ir in fl our, oa ls. nu ts. Drop teaspoo nfuls, 2" a part, (I n greased cook ie sheets.
6.1I la ke faces wil h raisins. cand ied cher ries. pilt ed dried prunes and £l UI!:!;. coconut.
7. S li ck 4" lengLh of plastic strn w int o each cook ie, fur a ti c. Buke in .
.175 F. oven for 10 to 15 m in. Ma kes 3IJJ dozen cook ie-face loll ipo ps.

PfOOlo;:ral'" by R ay Soioll;in; k i
With a cookie press, a twist of the wrist, and a little imagination, yo u can
make the most attractive cookies. Here a r e some easy recipes that yie ld
dozens. Do make la rge batches, fol' they keep beautifully.

OnANGE COO KIES crisp d eligllts wit h (f lar. gy fl avor

T Ei\1 I~ .: 400 0 F. T Ii\If.: 10 to 12 min. l ' I ELD: About 7 d oz.
2 Vz C U I) S s ift ed e nri c hed 1 CUI> so ft s ho rte ning 1 leas ,,. g rat e d orange
a ll-purpo se fl o u r ~ c up grllllU lllle d s ugnr rind

'Yt tcasll' suit
tcns p. b ilki n g soda
V2 c up brown sn g a r ,
2 lubles l" o r a n ge juice
1 m e diuJII egg

Heat oven. Sift together flour, salt, and soda. In large bowl, combine
shortening an d next 5 ingred ients; mix thoroughly. Gradu a lly add How'
mixture, mixing well after each addition. Fill cook ie press; form cookies on
ungl'eased cold cookie sh eet. B ake until go lden. Coolon w ire rack.
C I NNA MON C IU S P S . Make and bake as above, omitting orange rind and j uice.
Add 2 teasp. cinnamon to flatu·, 1 tablesp. cream to egg.
PE,\ NUT-D U'M ' E n IHTES. Make and bake as above, omitting orange rind.
Reduce flollr to 2 cups. Substitute Ih cup peanut butter for V2 cup sho rte ning.

SPI CY )101 .,\ SS ES DItOl~s sugar au d lil'ice ami everythill g "icc

TEMP.: 400 0 F. TIME: 10 to 12 m in. Yl E LI): About 9 doz.
3 cu p s s i.ftcd enric h ed 112 tcasp . g in gel' 112 CUI' g r a llulat c{1 s ugar'
all,vul'p ose nour % tcas". p o wd e r e d -M! c up brown su gur,
Y.t IClIs l', salt c1o\'es ,ni c ked
Va, t C:l Sp. h ak in g soda Y2 teas I)' n ULmeg 1 cgg
~ lenS I), ciuna mon 1 c up so ft s h o rt c ning !4 c up mol asscs
Make as in Orange Cookies, sifting flour, sa lt, and soda with spices.

C IIOCOL,\TE COO II: I ES ri c l! brOloll j ami/ y /tlVo riles

T EMP.: 4 00 0 F. TIi\fE: ] 0 to 12 min. YIELD: About 6 doz .
2 112 cu ps s ifl c d e nric h cd 1 C UI) so h shortcning 1 egg
;:t ll-plII'posc flour 1 CLlI) grn llnl a tcd su gll r 2 tablesp. milk
! V.l tensll' sa lt 3 sq. unswcetencd 1 tCIlS,I. van ill a
M tcnSI)' bakin g soda c ho(·ol ntc. mclle fl cX lrucl

Make as in Orange Cookies.

I" J

TEiU P. : 3 ¥.3. 0 F. '3£,f)

Stll ootM cs, 10;1.11 a Iu. sciou s lemoll-pec an dip
THUE : 8 to 10 min. l ' ELD: About 6 d oz.

Cookie "
2 % cups sifte d cnrich c d c hecse 1 t a !Jle s p. le mon juicc
) ." aJl-purposc nOll!' 1 c up granulate d sugnr 1 CIIll con rc c lio n e r s'

~\l ~"
1 tcas p. !Jaking powd c l' ] cgg s u gar
. I cup so ft margnrin e 1 leas .,. gl'ated le mon 2 llibi esp . Icmon juicc
. l 3 -oz. pk g. so ft c renm rin(1 14 cu p c h o ppe d p ecans

press it
\ .\
~ 1'1.1\
H eat oven. Sift flou r with baking powder. Mix margarine with cheese.
Add granulated su gar, and mix thoroughl y. Add egg, lemon rind, and 1
tabl esp. juice ; mix weU. Mix in flour mixture. Chill about 1h hr. Force
dough thr ough ribb on di sk of cookie press onto ungreased cold cookie
sheet. B a ke until golden. Mix co nfectioners' sugar with 2 tablesp. lemon
juice. When cookies are cool, dip one end of each in fr osting, then in pecans,


B efore baking: Brush with cream or egg yolk or white di luted with water.
Or after ba king: While cookies are still warm, b r ush w ith Sugar Glaze
(page 36).


Into top of each cookie, press nu t h alf; ch erry h alf or orange or pineapple
pieces, candied; sem isweet- ch oco late pieces; rai sins ; o r gumdrop.
Or sprinkle with color ed sugar or sprinkles; silver drage.esj gran u lated
s ugar mixed w ith cinnamon , grated orange or lemon r ind, or cocoa;
shredded coconut; cru shed peanut bri ttle 0]' peppermint candies.

n Ef:o n ,\ TE AF'I'E It U,\ ti I NG

S ee h ow cookie-pi'ess cookies become peti ts - fo urs cook ies (p age 11).
01' frost appropriat ely with pl a in or tin ted fr osting (for example, outline
tree cookies with green frosting) heart cookies with pink frosting).
': J31lke molded. cutout. or pressed cooki es. Pre pare lillie mound s of '·dipping ~ . " such as
cho pped Brazil nu ls, pistachio nu l ~, walll nl S. or peca ns; sh redd ed coconut: chocolal C
sprinkles; sih'c r (/rag ecs. In douhle bo iler o\'cr hOI, lIot boilillg waler. mel! 1h Cli p
se misweet chocola te pi eces with 1 tab lesp. while COl'll syru p, ] tahlesp. waleI'. wh ile
sti rri ng. Then remove from heal , h ut kee p over hoi waler. Dip end s or sides o f cookies
in chocolate. Theil di p coa led coo kies in mounds )'0 11 have prepared.

. . "I NI'O I NT
Roll or pa l chill ed Sco lch Shortbl'cad ( page
33) to %" thickness. Cui into rectangles.
Pri ck out designs ( bell s, wreath s, c tc,)
\,'jlh too thpicks tha t have been dipped in
be llies of food co lori ng. Bake as d irected.

petits-fours cookies .\lake French T uiles ( p:Ige 22), dropping by scnnt tea-
sJloonfuls. As you relllO\'t! each baked cooki e, roll it around
wooden-spoo n handle, For cornucop ias, ro ll cookies arou nd
li p of cake·d ecoratin g scI. Cool ; fi ll wil h c1l(lcolal C or coffee
frosting ; d ip in chopped nut s. chocnlale ~ p r inkl e5, Cle.
.... A nlEi'I'C II TOIJC H


Bake Meltin g Moments ( page 6) or ot her thin cook ies. T u rn bot.
tom sides lip. Spread wit h Suga r Glaze ( page 36), In double
boil er, over hot, flot boitillg wa ler, mell V:l cup semisweet choco.
late pieces wi tb l~ cup wh ite corn S)' ru p, 1 tablesp, wat er, stirri ng.
Remove from hea t; cool 5 mi n.; dri".zll.', in parullcl lines, onto
cookies. At once draw toothpick across lines. \.. _~_.~_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:;:_~

Iii If 'illi,,,,,," .-17

1. S USIlII h eats o,'e n 10 350 0 F. 1\1cnnwhile, 2. \Vh e n sh o rt e ning, s uS'"r, u nd eggs lire
into J' C III' measu riug C U')), sh e puc k s hl'o wn tll o l'uughl y lIIi xed , S u snll s ifl s s lllull IIIOlilld
su gar 10 Y:! ·c up m a rk j then fiU s c up with e n rich e d nll-I'urpose fl o u r o nto waxcd pllpe r ;
gra nul a te d sugar; dultll)S int o h ow l. Us in g th e n m easures -I c up. She a dds Ihis to cream y
sa m e c up , s h e m ensures I cup sort sh orte n- mixture . T h e n , u s ing sante Clip, s h e I"easures
in g j pluces in h owl j adds 2 leas p, ,'unillu, Y:! 1 cup un coo k e d rolled oats; ,lours over fl our;
te~I S I ) ' salt , 2 eggs; h c ul s wilh s poon. sti rs mixllIl'e uulil it's we ll mixed.


~ cup hrown sugnr 1 c up un cooked
~ CUI. gra nul ntell ro lle d onts
su ga r 2 pkg. semi sweet- 4-. S usan r e ll1o,'es plln from ove n a nd sels on
1 CUI' shor te ning c h oco la te pieces cake r ack. The n sh e melts 2 pkg. semisweet-
2 tens p. vanilla Y3 CUp ChO,))led c h ocola te pieces in sau cep a n SC i in pan con·
Y2 tea s ••. s alt walnut s taining h o t waleI'. (Heat unde r pan is hi g h
2 eggs % cup sh redd ed e nollgh o nl y 10 k eep waleI' hOI , not b o iling.)
] C UI) sifted enrich ed coconut S h e pours ch ocolate over baked layer (or
a ll. pu rpose flour layers); s llr,e nds evenly wil l. rubber s pntuln.

3 . S U S IlIl pours iJall er intu g r eased Ii " x 7 "
x 1 y:!" b aking p lill . Sh e SCI'nl}es bowl clean
wilh rubber s Jl:llulu ••lU ll u ses SI):lhllll to
sp rclul bUller in p n n. S h e b1.lkes it 1.11 350 0

F. 55 min. For thinn er , crisp e r \'c rs io n , site

di\'i llcs ballc r b c twee n 2 gl'l·a,.cd 12" x 8"
x 2" haking dis h es; ,hak es a l 3500 F. 30 min.

5. Now sh e c h ops Y.J c up walnut s, lind with 6. Whe n la yer is coo l and choco lat e is se t,
lork, fluffs up Y.a c.up s hre dde d coconut. S u san c ut s it into 24 bill'S (48 if sh e's u s ing
(Sh e prcpares % c up c nclt if sh e uses 2 2 pans) . She serves th e m with co ld milk.
pans.) She places waxc d paper over one half As th cy're R regulur feature in S U SIIU 'S
o f pun and s prinkles nuts ove r un covered crowd, s h e's su re your fri e nds will like Ihelll.
h alf; the n she removes 1.a p e r and I;IJrill k le!i 100. Leftov e r s. if the r e h a lJ,Je n to be uu y.
coconut c\'c nly over olher c hocolute hall. may b e stored in the pan.
II you ' ,'c wo nllCI'cd how Ih e e n chanling cookies Il'om o lh er la uds ;'I rc mlllie l consid er Ihe r c cillCS on th e OPIlosi1 e p a g e

1'" .. 1 1)'Om l"l S l udio

m WllllomJ
HANG-YEN-BANC CMue&e alm ond favorites thickness. Cut with simple cuttersj place on ungreased
TEMP.: 350 0
F. TBm: 25 min. YIELD: 3 floz. cookie sheet. Ba ke until light brown. Spread half of
coo kie& w ith raspberry jam j top with matching cookies;
2 ~ cups s Hied c lwich e d wh o le egg dip in granulated s uga l". These kee p for seve ral weeks
ull -Il u rpose flour 2 I .. bles l', wale r when stored in cove red jar.
% cup grun ul ulc d s ugar ten sp . a lm ond e xtract
14 Icasp. sa lt Y3 c up hlun c he d almonds MEX ICAN WEI)f)JNC CAKES c ri$p " nd butl er,-
I lensp. bnkill~ powder I egg yo lk
% CIII' 50fl s hort e ning 1 tables )) . wate r TEMP.: 325 0 F. T IM E: 12 min. YIELD: 4 10 5 doz.
Sift togethe r first 4 ingredients. Mix shortening a nd Make recipe fOI' Nut Butte!" Balls (page 6) . Use
egg until creamy. Add 2 tablesp. water and extrac t; mix. g1"Ound filber ts, Braz il nuts, or peca ns. On cookie she~t,
Graduall y add flour mixture, stilTing with fork till flatten balls with bottom of tumbler dipped in flou"r.
mixture dnnvs away from sides of bowl. Knead to blend : Bake till done. While cookies are warm, sprinkle with
chill 1 111". Hea t ove n. Form dough into 1" balls; using co nfectioners' s uga r. These keep we ll.
palm of hand, fl atten each to %" thic kness. Place on
greased cookie shee t, lh" apart. Press a lmond in each; FATTIG~L\ N1) • f ried cookie. from l\'orumy
brush with yolk beaten with 1 tablesp. water. Bake till
golden . T hese keep we ll. TEMP. : 365 0 F. 011 cleC l1-fllt Ihermom Cle r YIELD: 8 doz.
3 eggs ~ leusp. salt
VIENNESE S P EC. ,U .S s(JlI/ ctimes callc,l Lirt;c r 3 Illbiesp. h e m'y cream ~ l enSI) . grou llfl curdnmotl
!4 CUI) granu lu lcd s ugur see d s
T l."la: : 1210 15 min. n E I. Il : 5 duz. I V:! tablcs p. ni ched AbDUl 3 C lip S sifl e d e nric hed
s ho r te nin g .•.. ull-IUu·l.ose flour
Mi x together, until creamy, I cup soft sho rtening, I t .. hl es )). bralllly Ful 0'· s nbul oil
1 cup granu lated s ugar, and 2 egg yol ks. Add 1 teasp .
grated lemon rind, 2 cups sifted enriched a ll-pu rpose Mix eggs thoro ughl y with c ream and s uga r. Add
flour, 0/.. teasp. cinnamon, lh teasp. powdered cloves, shortening, bra ndy, salt, carda mon, 2 cups floUl' ; mix.

Cookies around the world

1 cup g1"O un d almonds; mix well. Chill 1 hr. Heat oven. Stir in eno ug h add itiona l flour to make stiff dough_ Wrap
Roll between 2 sheets of waxed paper to ~" th ickness. in waxed papel'; chillI hr. or longer. H ea t 2" fat or salad
Cut into 2" rounds; spread with jam; top with crisscross oil in deep saucepan. On lightly floured, cloth-covered
strips of doug h. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Ba ke board, roll half of dough paper-thin. Cut into 3" -
until done. These keep well. long di amonds. Ma ke sUt in center of each; pull one cor-
ner through slit. Fry till delicate brown. Cool. Dust with
S I'ITz n u n EN II,t"lt-iu-.YOllr-moutl, ~ vvkie iW lltlrviclt es powdered sugar. Repeat with rest of dough.
'r 1.\I £: Abo ut 20 min. YIELD : 5 doz.
1Il10fJ,cd m embenf 0/ sh o r,breatl cit",
H eat oven. Mix 1 cup gran ulated s ugar with 1 cup "EIIII~.: 400 0 F. T IM E : 8 10 "10 min . YIE I~ D: 5 doz.
plus 3 tablesp. soft shortening, 2 cups g round almonds,
1 teasp. vanill a extract. Mix in 3% cu ps sifted enriched Night before, thoroughly mix together 1 cup soft
all-purpose flou r. Knead dough ve ry well. The n, on shortening, 1 cup sifted confectioners' sugar, and 1 teasp.
lightly floured , cloth-covered board, roll to l/s" to %" extract (vanilla, almond, w intergreen, or rose). Add

• w .I'
• •
f " ~" "
~ '" ,.. ,,.. .
., ~

CE~ l ENT: 1\ lix 2 Ih. ~ i ft c d confectioners' s uga r with about % CliP addi ng 7 rows. GAUl.ES : Guild sides to a point by mak ing each
water. so that mi xt ure i ~ o f spread ing consistcnl"Y. L UI\TUEH: You row 1,4" sho rter at ea ch end for l j~ rows. n OOF: Fold 12" x 12 "
need 14 3-oz. or 9 7'07~ p kg. sugar wafers, 1 pkg-. waffiel ike wafers. piece of cardboa rd . Place fl at on tab le. prclld haH with cement:
FHAl\1£WonK: On board. place 1 layer wafers, laid flat, oll tlin in~ co\'er with rows of wafers: spread wil h cement. Let set 10 min.
lO Y..!" x 7" rectangle. .,ing teaspoon or cake decorator. ~enlc nt Lift off top of each cookie. Spread olhe r half of cardboard with
to hoard. Spread cement on wafers: add another row of wafers, cement: cover wilh rows of wafer lOPS, fi llin lt sides up. Sprinkle
pl ac ing them so thai j oint::. stagger (if necessa ry, snip with scissorg ull with gran ula ted sugaLLet dry 1 hr. C I-II M.NE 1' : Cement
at corncrs). Con tin ue fo r 6 morc rows. T o reinforcc, insert tooth· !jingle pile of waAleli ke wafers, cemcnti ng to house as you go
picks, vertically, ever y 3". WINDOW: For nex t 6 rows, l eav~ Wider· (taper top third) . Reinforce with toothpicks. EXTIUS : With
lengt h window spacc in house front. F or windowpanes, stick ] frostin g, make fa ces 0 11 gumdrops; insert 0 11 l)icks in window.
loolhpick u pri glll in cenl er of window; sfick 1 in euch side, lei· i\'l l1ke Sl1nta of gumdrops, colton ballin g. fro sting. Frost window ;
ling Ihcm U\'l·rlap ul (·c ntcr. Stick toothpick huh'cs in window sill ~ p o t wi lli ci n namon drops. CCllIc nl chocuJutc·bLl r d oor to house ;
for childre n's nccks. To complete frame, cement 2 coo kies to mcet ad d cinnamon-drop hundle. ) 'Iako ci nnamon ·d ro ps 1)lI th. Place gum-
a t ce nl cr tOil of wi ndow; then conti nue constrUClion as before, drOI} plants in s u~ ar drift s. Set roof on house. Adjust wi re aerial.
2lh cups sifted enric hed all-purpose flout', % teasp. salt; RAG,\LA C T-I cream·clweRe pastry fro lll. TJIlII gnry
knead. Shape, wrap, chill, as in Refrige rato r Cookies 350 F.
12 min.
TF.lUl' . : TIME: 'l'I E U ) : Abou t 5 d07-.
(page 12) . Hea t oven. Cut dough into thi_n slices; place
on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until done. These 1 CUp s ofl s wee l bull e !' all·l)UI·POSc flour
keep we ll. ~ lb. soft c l·ca rn cileese ] Clip Ch o lliled ",tr lnuts
VI ICllS I). salt % CUI) gl,lItlldnt e c! sug;'lr
2 c ups siftcr! e lll·i c h e ci 1 tablcs p. dnn:lI11o n
S \"~:r EI)IS H SP ier.: COOK I ES tln;"ty, cri'<;11 cu.touts
Day ahead, mi.x butter, cheese, and salt until creamy.
T E ~IP.: 350 0 r:. TIME: 5 In 8 min . YI ELD: 6% .Ioz. Mix in fl our. Shape into 14 balls. Chill overnight. Heat
% CUI) m a pl c ·fluvol·cd Ic a SI). I)Owrl e l'c el c10vcs oven. On li ghtly floured, cloth - covered board, 1'011 each
labl c synll) 1 IcaS (J. gral c d Ic mon rind ball to 6" circle. Cut each into quarters. Mix nuts, sugar,
Vz CUI) sh O/·tening 1 ta hl cS I)' dark r um cinnamon. D rop rounded teaspoonful on each quarter.
!t3 (:UI) brown sugar, pa ckcd 1 tC:ISp. bak in g sodn Pinch together edges of dough; then form into crescents.
1 lea s p. gingCI' 2 Vz c ups s ifl cri enric h e d
1 tcaS I). ciuna lllUIi a ll-purposc fl oul'
Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake till ligh t brown.
Best served fres h.
Boil togethe r fi rst 3 ingredients until shorten ing
and s ugar a re meJted. Mix in ginger and next 5 ingre- S I'UI ;\'(;EIU .E Ger","" coo ldes w ith pictu.res 0 /1 them.
dien ts. Cool to Jukewarm. Gradually mix in floUl·. Chill
for 1 hr. H eat oven. On lightly floured. cloth - covered TEMP.: 350 0
F. Tli\lE: 30 min. YIELD : Ah o ut 2 Y:! doz.
board, roll dough paper- thin. Cut into stars, pigs, etc.
Anisc seed s . ... eggs
Bake on greased cookie sheet until done. Decorate -"Vz C UI' S s ifted e nri ch c d 1 lh. l)owdcl'cd s u g:ll'
with cake decorator. These keep we ll. :l 1I·pu rposc fl o ul· 1 tabl es!'. gratccl Ic mon
1 tcas)). hllking Ilowd e l' rind
FII ENC I-f T U II~ES rollet! coohies, Iilw tiles on (f rool Make 3 weeks ah ead . Grease cookie shee t; sprinkle
· I · I~ :\ IP .: 350 F.
TIME: 8 to]O min . Y I EI.D: Ahoul. 5 doz. with an ise seeds. Sift together flour and baking powder.
Beat eggs until light; add sugar; beat till wen mixed.
%_ c u p (5 to 6) egg wh.ites. !!.Ic up lu kewar m m e lt cd Add lemon rind, then Aoul' mixture, Mix well. Chill
unb C<l tc n shol·tc lling
1 % c ups gl'Ullul:al c d su gar 1 CUll s ift ed e n rich ed 1 h r., 01' until firm enough to handle easily. Then, on
!4 te a SI). sa h a ll-I1U I'pose flonr lightly floured, cloth-covered board, roll to lh" thick -
:M CUI) lu keWll l'I1i m e h c d % CU I) finely e h o ppc d, ness. Flour springe ri e mold well; press firmly into
b Ull cr 01' 1Il11l'glll'iliC hlnn e h e d allllonfi s dough; remove mold. Mark rest of dou gh in same way,
flou r in g mold each tim e. With knife, cut cookies along
Hea t oven. Mix egg whites with s ugar and salt until border markings. Place on coo kie sheet, IJ2" apart; leave
sugar is disso lved, mixture thick. Add butter and short- exposed to a ir ovemight. Then bake until done. Store,
ening; mix well. Add flour and almonds: m ix well. covered, 3 weeks before using. They keep f01" months.
Drop by level tablespoonfuls, 5" apart, onto ungreased
cook ie sheet. Bake until do ne. Let stand Ih min.; then
quickly and ge ntl y remove, one at a time, and mold into LElo:: n l.lS Qld.uJOr ltl lavorit es
half circ1e over rolling pin. 'I'II\ I E : 101 0 12 mill . Y I ELU : 5 doz.
No te: Bake onl y a few cooki es at a tim e. If they
harden before you can mold them, soften them in oven. 2 CUI)!.! s iftcd c!lk e flollt' 1 g l·o und a lmo nds
C Ll I'
These keep a week 01' so. 1,4 teasp. sn it l -Yz teusp. gl·ut e d le m o n
Va. te lls I). lIuLulCg rind
FnENCI-I ALMOND MERING UES d elicate Fr e n ch g r een
M. CIlI) gl'anuln tecl s u gur 'Ia CU I) finely c ui mi xcd
Va cup h oncy candi e d le m o n a nd ol'u n ge
TI~ i\II·.: 250 0 F. T IME: 15 min. V I E I~ D: About 4·Vz (Ioz. 1 cgg pec ls

1 cup gl'a uulul c d su gar Vi Icasp . "anillll eXlrtlcl Make 2 to 4 weeks befo re serving. Sift together flour,
J,4 CUll wa l cl' ~ c up gl"Ound, bhlli ch e d sal t, nutmeg. Thol'Oughly mix sugar, honey, egg, Add
2 cgg whil es a lm on d s next 3 ingredients; m ix. Add flour mixlUl'e, mixing weB.
!1; tC:ISp. almond c xtntct C I'CCII food colol·i n A' Chill until easy to roll Heat oven. On lightly floured,
Heat oven. Boi.! sugar with \vater to 265 0 F. (hard, cloth-covered board, roll dough to Va" thickness. Cut
almost brittle ball ). Beat wh ites till stiff; then pour in into 2" rounds. Bake on greased cookie sheet until done.
sugar syrup in fine stream, bea ting constan tl y. When Store in covered jar 2 to 4 weeks before serving. They
mixture holds its shape, fold in ex tracts and almonds. keep several months when stored ih covered jar.
T int pale green. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto well- greased
cookie sheet. Bake until done. These keep well. SWEUlS I-I NIlT C II ESCENTS cookie brucelets
TEiUP.: 325 0 F. TIl\ m : )0 to 12 m in. YI ELD : 9 d oz.
ENGLIS H TE ,\ CA "I~ S just lu /l 01 curr fl rlls
1% CUllS s Ht c d e nrich cd 1 egg
TF.iUP. : 4·000 F. TIME : 12 to 15 min. YI E L D: AbouL 3 doz. all- pllI' POSC flour 2 tablesI" milk
114 s ift cfl e nri ched
C IlI) S =Y.i CUll g l'unu la tco su gar 2 lc a SI). s alt 1 tensp. \'lmill;a e xtract
~all'lnll' I) OSC fl o lU· 1 egg 1 tea SI)' b aking I)Owrle l' 1 CUI) c h o pp e d P CClln s
1 Y:! tcasp . baking [lowd e r
JA tClISp . salt
3 tabl eS I)' mil k
% C II!) e h Ol)p e d ci tl·OIl *
1,4 cup soft sh ol' tcn in g
Cllil gran ulat ed su gar'
¥2 C UI) g l':tlluilltc d sugal'

~ CU p soft slt ol· tc ning ~ CIlI) Cllrrun ts 0 1' rai sins H eat oven. Sift together fhst 3 ingredi ents. Thorou ghly
-Vi CUI) so ft hutl c r 01' 1 cgg wh it e, s li g htl y h C<ltcll mix shortening with % cup sugar, egg, milk, and vanilla.
Illllrgarin c C r:lllu!at e d Sli gar
Mi.x in flour mixture. Spread % cup dough vel·y thinly
Sift together first 3 ingredients. Mix, until creamy. and evenly on greased inver ted 9" x 9" x 2" pan. Sprin-
shortening, butter, sugar, and egg. Add milk, ci tron, kle with some of combined nuts and 1h cup sugar. Bake,
currants, an d flour mixture; mix well. Chill. H eat oven. 1 pan at a time, until go lden. While layer is hot, cut into
Roll dough into balls the size of wa lnuts. Dip tops in 4%" x %" strips; sha pe over rollin g pin. Repeat, 1 pa n
egg white: then s ugar. Place with sugared sides up , at a t ime, until all dough is used. If stl'ips become too
2'" apart, on g reased cookie sheet. Bake till golden. brittle to shape, soften in oven.
These keep well. No te: These are delightfuHy salty.
The great variety of packaged cookies is one of the sweet- chocolate pieces, on saltines. Bake at 425 0 F .
major blessings of Am erican homemakers. T oday, pack- about 8 mi n., or till chocolate is melted.
aged cookies are se rved as desser t, between-m ea l snack s,
P E ,\ NUT PUFFS. Top gl"aham crackers or saltines wi th
and lunch -box delights in nearly every home in the
cou ntry. Pmbably one of the nicest things a bout pack- pean ut butter, then marshmallows. Broil ti ll bubbly.
aged cookies is their food value. They taste good, and NO ..: LS. Separate dou ghnut- shaped cream- fill ed cookie
they are good-full of energy value and <..a lories that sandw iches. Fros t tops with Sugar Glaze (page 36) i
, growing children, pa l'ticu larly. must have.
CIl ECKEJHlOA n ns. Drizzle Sugar Glaze (page 36) onto
sp rinkle w ith coconut; dot with dragees. Tie to tree
with silver cords. (Press bottoms togeth er; eat.)
graham crackers to divide each into quarters. Frost 2
C II OCOL,tTE HInIlO.sS . Put g ra ha m crack ers togethel" ·in
diagonally opposite quarters white, remaining ones
chocolate. stacks of 3, with chocolate frosting between each layer.
Let stand several hou rs. Cut each into 3 s trips.
POLKA OOTS. Bcat, until stiff, 1 egg white, speck salt,
an d 3 tablesp. gran ulated sugar. Fold in ¥4 cup chopped t :II EESE Sl'UPP I ES. Fill pairs of small 01" large g inger-
wa lnuts, 1 teasp. va nill a. Mound teaspoonful on each of snaps or chocolate wafe rs with cream cheese.
14 saltines or chocolate wafe rs. D ot with semisweet- TI~.\TIi\l E n s " Spread soCie ned cream cheese on s ma ll
chocolate pieces. Bake at 325 F . 15 min., or until vanilla wafers; dip each in chopped nuts.
de li cate brown.
S;\IALL F ill". Using Sugar Glaze (page 36), fasten TnOPI C AI.. Frost fig bars with confec tione rs' s ugar
animal crackers to arrowroot biscuits. F or place cards, mixed with lem~n juice ; s prinkle with g rated rind.
w rite nam es with chocolate frosting. TOAST IES. Use '; ma rs hmallow - topped ca ke crac ke rs
P EA.:"<iUT·U UTT lm Top g raham crackers wi th
S\'(' EET IES. covered w ith cocon ut 01" chocolate. Bro il till bubbly.
peanut butter or cream cheese. Mak e depress ion in cen- n UTTE n SCOTC Il SOU.UtES. Crea m toge th e r 3 tab lesp.
ter of each; fl U with jam. Or mix peanut butte r and jam ;
butte r or margarine ; 1h cup light-brown suga r, packed;
use to make g"aham-crackel' sand w iches. % cup shredded coconut or chopped nuts. Spread on
lIITTE HSWE ETS. Sprinkle shl'edded coconut, then semi- about 12 g l"aham crackers; broil slo wly ti ll golden.

Open the package and. • •


CnEWY PECAN STI CKS d OWI/·South b urs
TElm~.: 350 0 F. T IME: 55 min. Y I ELD : 32
2 eggs
L c u p bro wn su gar, IlUck ed
2 !:abl esp. fl o u r
y:! leIlSI). baki n g ,lowd er
~ tells l ). sn h
!I:! I ClISp. \-'!"I nill n ext r uc t
I c u p ch o p ped p CC:.uIS
fork, mix first 4 ingredients until
n corn meal. Mix in 1 egg and water.
" x 2" baking dish. Bake 15 min. Bea t
of ingredients; mix well. Spread over
ake 40 min. Cool in dish; cut into st~cks.
LuscIOUS APHI COT BAns 'h e CO lli prill,. Iv ill cllCer
TUIE: 55 min. YIF.LP : 32
% CliP d r ied UlJ l'icots V:: 11'I1 ~ 1I. baking p o wd e r
V:! C Ull soIL butter or VI I H ~ I'. salt
m a rgari n e 1 ClI brown 8 11~ a r , p ack ed
Y.l CU I) :;r:m u lli l cd s u g ar 2 egJs. we ll b eli le n
1 c u p sirt ed e n r iched Yz I • p. vanilla extract
a ll -p urpose fl o ur Yz e p e bopped nuts
% C Ull s ifted e n r ic h ed Con fe Iionen ' u« ar
" II-pu rpose fl o ur
Rinse apricots; cover with water; boil 10 min. Drain;
cool; chop. Heat. oven. Grease 8" x 8" x 2" pan. Mix, un-
til cr umbly. butter, granulated suga r, and 1 cup flour.
Pack into pan. Bake about 25 min., or until lightly
browned. Sift together Ih cup Hour, baking powder, salt..
Grad ually beat brown s ugar into eggs. Add Rour mix-
ture; mix we ll. Mix in vanilla, nuts, apricots. Spread
over baked layer. Bake 30 min., or until done. Cool in
panj cut into bars; roll in confectio,n ers' sugar.
SUSAN'S B n OWN I ES 'h ose irresistible classics
TEMP.: 350 F. 0
T I1\IE: 30 10 35 min . YI ELIl : 16 squares
o/.~ cu p s if te d cuk c flo ur 1 ten sp. vanilla ex'tract
Yz tensp. hnk in g p o wder 2 S(I. uns wee te n e d e h oco-
:Y.ilensp . sn it la ic, m e lte d
1 c u p gra nulil lc d su gnr 1 CUl' c h o llpe d wa lnuts,
~ cu p soft sh or le nin g a lm o n ds, pCC:IIlS,
2 eggs nul S, o r pcn nni s
Heat oven. Grease 8" x 8" x 2" pan. Sift together first
3 ingredients. Gradually add s ugar to sho rtening, mb,-
ing until light. Add eggs, vanilla; mix smoo th. Mix in
chocolate, then Hour mixture, nuts. Turn into
pan, Bake until done. Cool in panj cut into
squares or bars. Sprinkle with powdered sug-
ar if des ired.
COCO,\ u nOWN I ES. D ecrease flout· to lh cup;
add 2 tablesp. more shortening j s ubstitute 1h
cup cocoa for chocolate.
i\IIII AC I_E IIHOWN I ES. S ift together firs t 4 ingredi-
ents, adding 2 tablesp. more flow·. Add shorten-
ing and next 3 ingredients, increasing chocolate to
2% sq. With spoon, beat 200 round-the - bowl
strokes (2 min. by hand or in mixer). Stir in nuts,
reserving a few for top. B ake about 40 min.
F Il UIT UnO''''N I ES. Substitute snipped raisins, pit-
ted dates, or da tes and nuts for nuts.
MO C IT A IIIWWN I ES. Add 1 ta blesp. instant coffee to
C H OCOLATE-MI NT unOWN I ES. Su bstitute *- tcasp.
peppermint ex tract for vanill a. Coolj then frost
with peppermint bulter icing. When icing is
firm, drizzle on 1 sq. unsweetened chocolate
melted with 1 tablesp. margarine. Chill.
COCONUT UItOWNIES. Substitute sh redded coconut
fo r all or half of nu ts. Part may be spri nkl ed on
P EANUT-UUTTEn JHtOWN J ES. Substitute J/.1 cup peanut
butter for % cup soft shortening.
C FI OCOl~ ATE O n ,\ NGE 'n A ilS. Add 1 tablesp. grated orange

rind. Frost with orange icing; top with more nuts. CIIOCOL,\ TE CHEWS If)(l l (! h tli e m vallis!,
DOUBLE-OEC K URO WN IES. Omit chocolate, nuts. Remove TEi'lU' . : 350 0 F. TH,IE: 35 to 40 min. , ' IELO: 2 4 !j(lunreA:
one quarter of batter to small bowl; add -V3 cup shredded
cocon ut and Jh teasp. almond extract. To rest, add 1Jh 2 cggs, s li g htl y beaten Y2 ClII) Il lus 1 lubles )). siftcd
1 CIlI) graull lntcd s ugm' e m ' ieh cd all-purpo:;c
sq. unsweetened chocolate, me lted; pour into pan.
~ te us p. \,tlllilla cxll"llcl 110111'
Spread with coconut batter. Y2 C UI) b1ltle r or m a r garine !If to 1 C UI) Ch OPllCd w .. l-
EAS Y nROWN I ES. Omit shortening. In double boiler, melt IllI ts or I)i stac hio nuts
2 sq. un s weetened ch ocolut e
chocolate with ¥3 cup salad oil; remove from water; mLX
in sugat;, eggs, vanilla, then flOUl' mixtUl'e, nuts. Heat oven. Grease 11" x 7" x 1%" pan. Mix well eggs,
ALAMODE IIItOWN I ES. Bake in gl'eased 9" layer-cake pan. sugar, vanilla. Melt butier with choco1ate. Cool a bit;
Top warm wedges with vanilla or coffee ice Cream. mix with egg mixture. Add flour; mix well. urn into
pan; top with nuts. Bake until done, Coo1 in pan; cut.

JI F FY BnOWNIES ellSY (l1H1 ever so good TEA unOWNIES. Use 2 8 x 8" x 2" pans. Bake 15 to 20

TE !\n~. : 350 0 F. TIME : 25 to 3 0 min. YIE LD: 16 s qual'es

min. Cool in pan; cut with small fancy cuiters. 0)' put
layers together with orange bu'hte r icing j ihen cut.
2 c UJJ S fin e l y roll cd milk
'g rnhum-crnckcl' crumhs 14.teus p. snIt FItU IT-BETT"I' B A" S for ,,11 children ""der "i"e.,~
Vz C lip chopped walnut s 1 pkg. semis wcet-chocolate
1 teas p. " l.lJlill a ex ll' .. ct pi eccs . £l\IP. : 350 0 F. 'I'Ii'lI ~~5 to 35 min. l'1l-:'t.D: J\hout 36
1 Ctlll swec te n cd co ncl e n sed 1* cup s s ifted c lII'ichcd 2% ~lIl)S line o kcd
Heat oven, Grease 8" x 8" x 2" pan. Mix cracker all-purpose noUi' (tUl ck rolle d oats
crumbs well with rest of ingredients, Turn into pan; 1 Icnsp. bu,king so da 1 Yz ClipS brown s ugar,
bake until done. Cut while warm. Cool in pan. t leaSp. ,sp it pa cked
% Clq) ch~Vpcd nut s 1 cup s h ortening, mell cd
BROWNIES DE L UXE H eat oveh. Gr ease 12" x 8" x 2" baking dish. Combine
first 6 ingredients. Add me1ted shortening; mix weU.
Press half or dough very firmly into dish. Spread with
2 eggs one of fillings below; cover with rest of dough; pat down
1 ~ CUl'S b)!O \\'ll sug/lr, well. BaKe until done. Cool in pan; cut.
1)3CIi!f? I,
I ICUSp. vqnHln extract '1 pnUNE F Il.Ll NG. Cook over low heat, stilTing, until thick,
2 sq. n Sl,,\ec\(lhed ch co- 3 cups cut, pitted) cooked prunes and % cup granulated
H eat Yen. rease 8" x 8" x 2" pan. Beat eggs until sugar. Add 1 teasp. vanilla extract. Cool.
thick. Grad ally beat in sugar, van illa, chocolate. Mix
j'l NEAl'l'LE F I LL ING
in flour, then half of nuts. Turn into pan; top with r est
of nu ts. Bake until done. Cool in pan; cut. 6 tabl es !>. gl'anulat c d s ugar pincnp plc
4~ te a sp. corn slarch 1 tnblcs p. lemon juice
S UTT E ItSCOT C H SQUA Il ES blltt c r.;;cot ch brOIDII;CS 1 % c np s canne d c l' u sh e d
TIM E: 30 to 35 min. YIE LD: 2 ,1. Simmer all ingredients) stirring, until thick. Cool.
1 Y:! C UI)S sifl cd c nrich c d 2 c ups bl'ow n s u :;a r , packcd 0 ,\ "1'( FILLI NC
aU-pllr llose flour 2 cggs
2 te a s I). Imking powdc l' 1 tens" . vanilla extract 1 tubleS I)' gratcd OI'UllgC
2 7 -Y.I .oz. pkg. pi ti e d d •.Iles
~ c up bull e r 0 1' IIHII'gnrin c '1 cup dloJlI)c d nuls !.4 c up grunul .. ted su gar rind
Heat oven. Grease and flour 11" x 7" x 1%" pan. Sift
% cup li g ht corn sy rup *- Ica s p. sull
Vi c up Ol'tlll ge juice
flour with baking powder. Melt butter in heavy sauce-
pan over low heat; add sugar; bring to boil, stirring. Simmer all ingredients, stirring, until thick. Cool.
Cool lill lukewarm. Drop in eggs, one at a time, mixing
well, Mix in vanilla, flour mixture, nuts. Tu rn into pan. FI C FILLING
Bake until done. Cool in pan; cut, 1 lb. dri e d fi gs, c ut or %. c up walCI'
gl'ound 2 tabl eS}). lc mon juice
SE:lII SWEET SnOWN I ES w ith "utt )' tOllpiu g o/.l. c up g l'ullulat cd sug.. r ~ l Cl.lS p. s;11I

TE1\ll~.: 375 0
F. TIM E: 25 min. YIELD: 16 squul"cs Simmer all ingl'edients, stirring, about 20 min. Cool.
~ C UI) sifte d e nl'i ch cd ~ C UI) shOl,te lling
:I II-puril ose fl o ur 2 cggs
Vz leaSI). baking powdc l' ~ cup grllnuI:.ltcd sugal' Y.I. CU ll ;!1'u Il1lIat cd SUg;ll' l Y:! cups ca nn e d 0 1'
Y.i te as I). sa h 1 te a s p . ,'anilla cx tr"cl :I lables ll. cOI' n s la rch PI'CI1:ll"ed pa ckaged
1 pkg. scmiswcc i-chocoiai c I cup c hoJlpe d nut s Y2 I Cusp. le m o n jui cc conden sed mincemeat
Simmer all ingredients, stirring, until thick. Cool.
H eat oven. Grease 8" x 8" x 2"·pan. Sift together first
3 ingredients. Melt chocolate with shortening; stir 1t,\l SI N F ILLl NG
smooth; cool. Beat eggs with sugar until thick. Mix in
flour and chocolate mixtures, vanilla. Turn into pan; top 1 ~ c up s scedless I"lli sin s 1 l ubleSI). cOl' u Slnrch
with nuts (or add half to batter; top with rest). Bake y.~ c up wll ie l' P in ch salt
till done. Cool in pan; cut. Y2 C LIp granulnted s u gar I t u bl eS I)' Ic m on juice
Simmer all ingredients, stirring, until thick. Cool.
CIUS I~ MAnS IHU LLOW SQUAltES 110 bukillg
~ CliP buller or marglll'in c 1 5 ¥.! -oz. pkg. c l"is p r ice
2 Y2 doz. marshmallows c erea l 2% c ups thinl y s li ced, % c up g ranulated slIg:u'
Jlurcel , cOI'cd cooking all- 2 tablcsp. butl er or
Cook butter and marshmallows over hot water until Ill es, 01' cu nne rl Ili c aj)plcs Jllllrgarill e
syrupy; stir briskly into cereal in large greased bowl.
Press into greased 120 x 8" x 2" pan; cool; cut. Yield: Place apples on bottom layer of dough. Dot with but-
24 2lh " squares. ter; sprinkle with 'S ugar; cover with rest of dough.
BUAZU,-NuT On .\ NGE BAits throe-hl y er ,dulllp". over chocolate. Bake until done. Cut while warm. Cool
'CEMP.: 375 F. 0
TIME: 30 min. YIELD: 36 in pan.
1 CUI) fin ely c hoJlped SWt:: OI SIl NUT B,\US 1111' dreams
Brazi l nul s
1,.4 C UI) s hredd ed coco nut TE~II'.: 325 0 F. TIME : I hI'. l ' I ELD: About 30
1 tell SI" v:m illll ex tl'act
1;.1 te Ois p. snit 6 e;:gs, sCJlllrat erl w:duut m cn ts
2 tables I). fl our 1 Y.i c up s gr:lllulated s ugal' 3 l e:ISI). .almond ex tl'u ct
3 ~ ClipS fin c ly gl'ound
Heat oven. Line bottom of 9" x 9" X 2" pan with
9" paper; grease paper. Beat yolks until thick and tripled
N in vo lume. Add suga r slowly, beating until thick-about
10 min. Slowly fold in nuts and extract. Beat whites
until stiff but not dry; fold into yolk mixture. P our into
pan. Bake until done. Cool 10 min.; tUl'n out; remove
paper; cool. Cut as needed.
bOllom, (I pe r/eci tluel
TBIE : 30 to 35 min. YI E LD: 36 COCONUT B UTTE USCOTC H SQUA ItES lo,s of cocOI/IlI.

Vol Clip so ft s h Ot cu ing ~ tcnsp. baking llowder F. TIi"lfE : 35 min. YlEl . J): 16
¥.i CUI' con.fec tion e rs' s ugnr M t elHII). salt e nrich e d 1 teaS I)' van iJlll ex tnl et
!4 IClIs p. \'anillu c xtl'llc t

1 c up shredd ed coconut,
1 egg yo lk ~ C UJl d:lI'k corn Jlo,)~l c r s nipl)c d
1 c up s ifted e nri ched V:! CU I) s hre dd ed Y:! C U I) shrcfltl cd coconut
"II-put'pose flour
~ CUI) brown sugur , l)Rckcd
2 eggs
1% CUI) chO"""!"::
tcasp . ~, C';' 'lr, ~~~:~ s ugar', 1l:lck e cJ
1 labl esp.
Ill;.lrgari ne
m c lt ed bUll e l' 0 1'

1 tnblcsp. flour 1 lubles p . granulated s u g:H'

Heat oven. Mix shortening and oven. Grease paper-lined 8" x 8" x 2" pan. Sift
until creamy. Add vani ll a and egg 'Jjlt'O,:etliler flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix, until
Gradually mix in 1 cup flo 0 ur. Press c~~~~~~~J~ creamy. shortening, brown sugar, egg, and vanilla. Mix
9" x 2" pan. Bake at 425 F. 10 min. in flour m ixture and 1 cup coconut. Turn into pan. Mix
oven heat to 350 F. Mix brown suga:r,g~[:;(ii~:~i~S1;;;~d
lh cup coconut, butter, and sugar; sprinkle over batter.
clients. Beat in eggs; mix in rest of if Bake until done. Cut while warm. Cool in pan.
over baked crust; bake 20 to 25 min., or until done.
Cool in pan; cut into squ ares.
C I NNA.MO N COOKI ES oltl spice fa vorites
CHOCOLATE H ,\LFWA1' BAItS t fl it/! tJ m erill gu e T E ;\IP.: 350 F.
TIME: 15 to 18 min. Y I ELJ): 2 5 s quares
TEMP.: 375 F.
TUUE: 25 min. YIELD: 32 1 CIII)s ifted e nrich ed Y:! C UI)s oft s hortcning
all-purpos e flour lh c up g l'anulut e d s u gar
1 Cll l) s ift cd eJlI' ic hcd Y.i CU I) brown s ugar, pa cked Yz tC:lSp. b aki ng powdcr 1 whol e cgg
all-purposc fl our 1 egg, se pal'at ed ~ ICII SI" snit 1 egg, separated
~ I CUS I). SOlit 1 % teas ". w~lt e r
1;8 Ica s p. bnking sodn
2 Illbl es Jl. c innamon V:! CUll ChOllll c d nuts
1,.4 tea sJl. vuui ll tl ex tract
% IC.ISp. baking I)owd e r
CIII) sofl s llOrl c ninA'
y:! pkg . semiswcct-ch ocolat e
pi eces
Y:! Clip bro wn s ugal', Ilacke d
cup g l'a nuhll cd SlI glt r
H eat oven. Grease 9" x 9" x 2" pan. Sift together first
4 ingredients. Mi.", until creamy, shortening, sugar,
whole egg, and 1 egg yolk. Gradually mix in dry in-
Heat oven. Grease 12" x 8" x 2" baking dish. Sift to- gredients. Spread in pan. Beat egg white until stiff.
gether first 4 ingredients. Mix shortening and next 2 Spread over batterj sprinkle with nuts. Bake until done.
ingred ients until creamy. Add egg yolk, water, vanilla; Cool in pan; cut into squares.
mix well. Thoroughl y mix in flour mixture. Pat into Most bar cookies keep several days if th ey're stored
dish . Top with chocolate pieces. Beat egg white until as suggested on page 11. If you wish, you may store
stiff; then gradua lJy beat in lh cup brown sugar. Spread them right in the pan and cut them as needed.

UAKt:1l IIAn Ai'O l) Imol' COOKn:s. First arrange OTIIt:n UAKE O COOKIES. If they'rc molded- COOKIE IlOUCHS. If it's dough for refri ger-
co(,kics on waxed paper or foi l·covercd type coo kies, fit gently in ca rdboard freezer ator cook ies, wrap roUs for freezi ng. Slice
cardbourd; then pack in plastic hags. Or boxes, completely fillin g cllch. Puck olher wh ile frozell ; if 1'0 11 is 100 hard, softcn in
arrangc on cardboard or in cardboard hox; typcs in waxed freezer containers or co\,· rcfri gcrutor aboul 1 hI". If it's drop or rolled
then wrap for frcezing. Or usc covcred plas- ered tin boxes, filling air spaces with -crum- dough, freeze in waxed frccu:r co ntainers;
ti c boxes. For thawing, allow about 15 min. pled foil, etc. For thawing, allow 15 min. thaw until it is soft enough to handle.


What about
Are t he cookies made from packaged mixes rea lly
good? Indeed they arc- and for good reaso n. The finest
ingred ients go into them, and the mixes couldn't be
eas ier to adapt for a variety of delic ious cookies.

IF IT's Bilo w N I l': M IX

Be sure to try the many wonderfu l recipes on the
browni e mix package; you'll fi nd fudgy, cake-li ke, d rop,
tea, cluster and othe r bl'o wni e specials. Your fa mB y
w ill love these too:


I CII II slu'cclflf!tI 0 1' link ed

cO COIl ul
Cli P g r ll lli li al c d s u g :ll'
I el-:I-:
1 t e llSI}. s ofl Lull e l' 0 1'
Ina l';! lIl'ill C
1,4 ICIiSp . :I1111 1l 1l (l
L p kg . b row n ie mi x
1. Start heating oven as label d irects. With fo rk, mix
coconu t, s uga r, egg, butter, and ex tract.
e x tl'n e l
2. Prepa re brow nie mix an d turn in to pan as labe l di - I F IT 's RA SI C C OOK I E i\1 I X
rects for cake-li ke browniesj spread coco n ut mixt ure Th e basic ingredien ts come right in the box. All yo u
on top. do is add water as the label directs, and you ha ve a
3. Bake as directed. Cut into squares. Makes 16. luscious, tender, drop - cookie dough.
01', you can vary it wi th one of eigh t 0 1' more w onder -
Il nOWN I E SN OW CA I'S fully - easy combinations-all on the label!
1. Start heating oven as label directs. Grease 9" pie plate.
2. Make 1 pkg. brownje mix as label directs; turn into I F IT's C H O CO I..,\ TE C n UN C I-( COOK ( ": M IX
pie plate. Bake 40 to 45 mi n., or unt il cake tester in- Th is ever- sa- famous a nd popular cook ie, r ich with
serted in cen ter comes out clean. semi - sw eet chocola te pieces, now comes in m ix form.
3. F ros t brown ies w ith fav ori te white fros ting: sprink le A ll yo u do is ad d wate r 01' m il k as the labe l db'eets,
with chopped nuts. T o serve, cut into wedgesj makes and it's ready to d rop and bake. Seve ral fascin ating
8 to 10 servings. val'iat ions fol' yo u to tryon you r fa mily are s uggested
P .S. Spoon fu ls of va ni lla ice cream may replace fros t - on the la bel, too.
I F T I II~ \" n E I CE IlOX COO I{ I ES
J->I NE ,\ I'I'LI~ BItO\\:' :-.' I E S,V U,ut ES
Th ese come in several flavors incl uding- coconut,
I ~o . I flal C' :l 1I c.· ,·u s h c d V:: Ic a !'; ll . c i nn a m o n
butte rscotch n ut, a nd peanu t. A ll yo u do is unwra p the
pin c ll pp lc I lahlcs p. su r, lruU c ,'
Y.I C·III . l)l'ow n S U gll l' , 01' IIHII'g:lI'iIl C
well- chilled r oll of dough, sli ce it, a nd ba ke as directed
)Ja c ked 3 la lrl cs l" cllO ll pcd WII II1111 8 on the label. They're ready to serve before you know it!
:! In bics il. p :1 c k a;!c cl bis- 1 Il k;!. l.H'owlI ic mi x
c u i, mi x I F IT'S C I :-.'CE fUIH E AD ;\11 x
With this mix , you can make delicious soft ginge r
1. Sta rt heating oven as label directs. Drai n pineapple cookies, gin gersnaps, and plump little gi ngerbread men.
well. With fork, m ix brown suga r, biscuit mix. cin- The label will tell you the amou nt of wa ter and other
namon. butter, and nuts until crumbly. ingredients (raisins, nuts, etc. ) to add to the mix before
2. Prepare brownie mix and tm'n into pan as label d i- it's dropped , poured, 01' 1'0Ueo.
rects fo r cake- like brown ies; spread drained pine- Be Sure to try these Orange- Nut Ginger Bal's, too:
a pple over top, then sprin kl e with brown-s uga r mix -
ture. O HA N G E- N UT C I N(;E n U"'IS
3. Bake as d irected. Cut into squares. Makes 16. I I}k;,:: . g i ngc l' b l'cn d mi x t a bl ct: JI ' ;!I'a lc d Ol'1tn gC l'inri
I F IT's DA 'I' F. OMt M IX :\, CU IJ lu k c wnl'lIl wa t e r c u p c h o pped wll lnllis
Ma de w ith a base of sh redd ed cocon u t, rolled oa ts and Sta r t heating ove n to 350 0 F . Grease 2 9" x 9" x 2"
othe r good th ings, here's a date - fill ed bal'. delicio us fo r ca ke pans. To mix, gra dually add wate r ; blend weIl .
the lunch- box, tea party, even ing snack, or as an extl'a - Add orange rind , chopped walnu ts; m ix. P ou r in to pans:
special desse rt, topped with ice cream or whi pped cream. bake 12 to 15 min. , 0 1' un ti l done. Wh ile cake is warm.
And so easy to whisk together and ba ke if yo u just rol- frost with you I' favo rite orange - butter ic ing. Cu t into
low la bel di rectio ns! ba rs. Makes 4 doz.

A box from home is heartil y welcomed by those who Here are some cookies we thin k a re good traveler s.
are away at sc hool or in the se rvice. When you send COOK I ES TO MOLO (PA G E S 3, 6)
cookies, use a good - sized box an d fill i t well; but be s ure C l'inkl es (m olded, not fl attened)
they arr ive as cookies, not crumbs. Here's how. Coconut Thinsies
1. Bake travel-wise cookies that can stand a few Walnut Bourbon Balls
knocks. Th ose listed at the right qualifyj they inclu de Chewy Chews
long - lived soft drop cookies and packable bars and
squares. nnOI'-M"m-U.\ I\E COO IO I~S (~AGES 9, 10.1 1)
2. Select sturdy cardboard packing box. Line box Soft Molasses Cookies
with waxed paper. (Waxed paper now comes in gay Applesauce Cookies
designs.) Place cush ion of crumpled waxed paper or Oatmeal Ju mbles
cellophane sh'aw on bottom of box. Rea l Orange Cookies
3. Wrap fl at drop cookies in pail's (back to back, with Mincemeat Cookies
w axed paper between them ) in moisture - vapor - pl'oof Walnut Clus ters
material. Wrap other cookies ind ividually. F asten each Chocolate Banana D rops
with cellophane tape. (It: too, comes in charming de- AU_ F I LLEU C OO IUES I N n OU:\' DS on SQUA RES (PAGE 1 4)
signs and gay colors. ) COO lUES ,\R OUND THE WO It L D (PAGE 22)
4. Snug ly arrange layer of cookies in straight rows
in box (place h eavy cookies on bottom). Then tuck French Almond Meringues
Teady- to- eat s ugar - coated cereal or un buttered pop- English Teaca kes
corn into each nook and crevice; use enough to prevent R agalaeh
cook ies from jigglillg. T op wi th layer of crushed waxed Springerle
paper or fold ed paper toweling. Lekerlis
5. Repeat entil·e process (snug anangem ent of cookies, sQu.\m:s (PAG ES 24,25. 26)
n AilS ,\ ND
plugging of holes, and add ition of layer of insu lation ) Chewy P ecan Sticks
until box is filled to within %" of top. Luscious Apricot Bars
6. Add fin al, generous cushioning layer of waxed All Brown ies (for short distanc es )
paper-so generous that you h ave to gently push cover Butterscotch Squa r es
of box closed. Now tape box s hut (with broad hl'own- Crisp Marsh mallow Squares
paper tape, if available). Play safe: p rint address on Chocolate Chews
box. Wrap box tightly in heavy brown paper; tie se- F r uit-Betty Bars
curely with cord. Brazil- Nut Orange Bars
7. Label front and back with address and retu r n ad - Coconut D reams
dress in full. Of course, you'll print these clearly. (Covel' Swedish Nut Bars
printing with clear tape as an extra preca ution.) Add Coconu t Bu ttel'scotch Squares
"Fragile, Handle with Care" st ickers and conect amount
of postage.
Orange- Nut Ging~r Bars
8. For overseas mailing, use a ir express or parcel
post if possible. Metal or wood en containers ar e best. Coconut Brownettes
Coconut Sugal' C90kies (roll thiek )
DOLUIO US E. Stand shoe· box co\'cr on end. On upper haH of cover, draw lines to
form peak of roo f. Cut through sid es of cover and along Iilles to fo rm fronL of house.
Repeal with box for back. T rilll and tape together lefto vers from box to form
straight piece for roof; bend in half. T ailC house toge ther, leaving one side of
roof loose. Spread paste over entire exteri or ; cover wil h brown crepe pa per. Add
door of tnn c repe paper ; twi st %". wide pink crepe-paper strips fo r trim, door-
knoh. Fill house wiTh Cri nkl es ( pa ge 3). Add Ginger-Cookie Dolly (page 32).
~ I SN ,wI'EIl. Roll 4 kind s of 3" re fri ge rnt or cooki('s ( pa ge 12)
.... in celloph ane. Tie e nds of Toll with red. green. blue, ribbo ns.

II i Wi/liamJ

If they're a gift TO EAT, TO KEEP. They'll ea t your fill ed cookies : th e Cranberry

Susan s. the Min cemeat Peekaboos. a nd the tasty, homey Pine·
apple Rounds (all on page 14) . They' ll keep and use the cookie
TIl.If'I. ETS. Bu )' 3 pill s tic refrigerator con illi ners. Fill one \\' ilh Chew)' Pecan sheet 0 11 whi ch yO ll so ca refull y a rranged the cooki es. The wrap·
Sli cks (page 24 ) , another with Chocolal e Chews (paf!e 25). and the third pi ng is cel lophane or Pli olilm . through which the cookies peek,
wilh Date·Coconul Maca roons ( pa ge ]0 ) . Li ne up on pi ece or cardboard : tied wi lh u perky green plaid ribbon. A snip of pine or holly
l i e with broad " ribbon ; add silvered and green pi ne CO II CS. tu cked under the big bow adds jus l Ih e righ t holiday touch.
ANC ELIC, With strip of tape, fa sten blue wrapping paper around RECII 'I': WRAP. Cut int o squares pan of Double·
empty roll ed-oa ts or corn-lIlcal box. Cut circl e of paper 1" la rger Deck Brownies (page 25) and pan of Chocolate.
than cover; make 1"·dee p cuts aro und cdge at %" intervals. Fit to Mint Brownies (page 24). Transfer half from each
cover ; paste. For cllain of angels, fold white paper accordion. pan 10 other pan. Using white ink, write brownie
fa shion ; cu t 8 S for paper doll s. Using rubber cement, glue angels recipe on gay red wrappi ng paper as many ti mcs as
around base of box; add sil ver stars. Fi ll with Pri ckly Butter Balls it will fil comfort ably. When ink dries, wrap pans.
(page 6 / . Tuck doil ies around top. Tie on cover with silver cord. Tie with pale-pink ribbon- a French louch.

ROll O STYI.E. r or n youngster, a teen·ager, or Grandpa, you 'll tie pun ' !lAI. I.. Cll t green pa per 10 co\ter co ff ee can
them in a red kerchi ef or bandanna and slip a tl C W wooden spoon and lid ; secure around can with tape. on cover
und er the knot, as showll below. The "thcm" arc peanul -bull er with paste. Cut read y-made balls of colton in
funny faces wrapped in aluminum foil. :Make P eanut -Buller halves; glue onto sid es of can. Line can wilh foil;
Cookies (pa ge 27) . Before baking cookies. nall en each to 3" pack with Chocolate Bannna Drops (page 11 ) .
circl e, using hOllom of glass dipped in granu lat ed sugar. Th en add Pa ste green ribbon nround lid ; glue name-card
hair of corn fluk es ; eyes, nose, and mouth of seedless raisin!_ coo kie on top of lid with S ll ~ar Glaze (page 36) .
SUCA U COO K I ES IJI' rlJlII,;(.1 d elights
T£)II",: 4 00 0 f . T ll\lE : 9 min. l'1I~ LD :
Abo ut 6 doz.
4 ClipS sift ed cuke flour % CUll 50fl sho rte ning ICUs nilln ext ra ct
2 % t c us p. baking p owd cl' 1 11:: ClipS granulat e d s u g lll' t~ ICUSJl. milk
y:! I C/.IS I) · sa lt ? eggs
Sift together first 3 ing redients. Mix shor tening and next 3 in!:l'edi,mtlj;

crea my. Mix in flour mixture alte r nately with mille
Chill dough thorough ly (you can h urry this by p lacing it in f~h:e:l~~~k~~~;~;:
ment). Hea t oven. On lightly floured , cloth - covered board, with
ered rolling pin , roll half OJ' third of dough at a time, keeping rest cnlll 'e d.
For crisp cookies, 1'011 dough paper- thin. For softer cookies, roll to or 1/4'"
th ickness. With floured cutter or cardboard pattern, cut into desi red shapes;
keep cuttings as close together as possible.
Place on lightly greased cookie sheet, Jh" apart. If desired, glaze as below;
then sprinkle with white or colored sugar, chopped nuts, cinnamon and sugar,
bits of candied fTUit, etc. Bake until delicate brown.
No te: Roll-and-cu t cookies keep well if stored properly. See page 11.
D UTTE n SCOTC I-I-I~ECAN SUGA R COOK I ES. Substitute 2 cups brown sugar, packed, for

granulated s ugar. Add 1 cup fine ly chopped pecans with flour mixture.
COCONUT SUCA U COO KI ES. Add 1 cup chopped sh redded coconut with flo ur.
L EMON SUCA U COO Km s . S ubstitute 4 teasp. lemon juice and 2 ta blesp. grated
lemon rind for van illa. .
CA ll AWA Y CUTOU TS. Substitu te 3 tablesp. bran dy for van il1 a and m il k. Add I lh
teasp. caraway seeds to shor tening. D ust wi th powdered sugar, or frost.
C HOCOLATJ~ SUGAIt COOK II~S. Add 4 sq. u nsweetened chocolate, melted, to shorten-
ing mixtw·e. Add 1 cup chopped walnuts, if desired, to flour mix ture.
CO LOltE I) SUG ,\lIS. You can buy a variety of colored sugars or make yow' own.
Spread granulated s ugar over bottom of pie· plate; sprinkle with few drops fO Q~
coloring- red, green, etc. With fork, spread color evenly through sugar; J:et
stand in warm, dry place overnight. Or dry in 250" F . oven, stirring occ_ onall y .
GLAZES. Before baking, brush tops of cookies with slightly beaten egg white,
milk, cream, or mixture of 1 egg yolk and 2 tablesp. water.
10LASSES C IU S ['S gingerbread boys (J1Il1 girls
TE'U P. : 375" F. TI M E : 8 to ] 0 m in . YIELD : A b o u t 3 d oz.
1 Y.f CUJlS s ifl e ll e nric h e d Yz t eas I). g in ger % CU)) 80 ft s h o rl c nin g
n ll -I)Ur Il OSC Huur M! c up m o lnsscs 1 t e ll sp. g r ille d Ol'u n gc rin d
% tCllS I)' bllking sod a
S ift together first 3 ingredients. In sa ucepan, bring molasses and shortening
to boil. Cool slightly; add flour mixture an d orange rind; mix well. Chill thor-
oughly. Heat oven. On lightly floured , cloth- covered board, 1'011 dough to 1fs'~
thickness. Cut into desired shapes. Arrange on greased cookie sheet, lh" apart.
Bake till done.
GI NCE Il· COO KI E DO LLY. Us ing cardboard pattern, cut out dolly. Bake; cool. Use

desired sha pes. Place on ungl'eased cookie shee t, IN
apart. Bake until done . If prefe rred, pat unchilled dOl,lgh
into 9" x 9" x 2" pan . Bake; cut wh ile warm. If desi<red,
s prink le cinnamo n- and -s ugar mixture on cookies before
baking. .

J EI . L"f 'rAIlTS couk·it> !f(IIlfll oidlf' s

TI-:;l1I'.: 350 F.
"1' 1.\ 1 ":: 15 miu. Y I E I. U: I doz.
2 ~ CUJl S s ift c cl e nriche d ~ CIII' siflccJ cO llrcc li on~rs'
a ll-purpose flour su gu l'
~-!i IcaSI). baking IlOWcl('r 2 t ~llJl cs p. milk
~~ te lls I) ' s alt Top milk
1 "UI' so ft s hort e nin g Blanc h ed 11 1111011 115
2 ICIIii)). vuni llu cx-tnlcl (:ltrI'unl jelly
Sift togeth er first 3 ing redi ents. Mix sho rteni ng, va -
~1.i ll a, a nd suga r unti l creamy. Mix in flour mi:< tul'e,
mi lk. Chill till easy to handl e. Hea l oven. On lig htly
floured, cloth-cove red boa rd , ,'oIl dough to 1/-1 " thick-
ness. Cut in to 2%" ,·olmds. Cut JA" circle from center
of each of h alf of rounds ; brush with top milk; shave
on a lmonds. Place on ungl'eased cookie sheet, I " apart.
Bake ti ll don e; coo l. Place 1 teasp. je ll y in ce nte rs of
fla t sides of who le. ,:ou nds; top with ri ngs, ri ght sides up.

CEiIAC IiI-:NES "Id C hristlllll .;; jn voritl!1I

TI~.'II·. : 375 F.
T IM E: 2n min. l' t t;I.U: A bout 12 doz.
fl, s ifte d e nric h e d
C'IlI'S !If: CIII' h eu \'y crcuru
all·purpose !l o ur 2 cggs, b Cllt c li
Orname nt al Frosting ( page :~6) fot' face: tint f 1"Os tin ~ I l euS I), bak ing )Jowllel' ~ t e u !!!)). vu nill a eX II'u c l
pink fo l' apron, ribbon , socks, When apron is dry, use ~{j ( C II S )), cinn u mon I ta bles l', bn llul y
Ornamental F rosting in cake decora tor to add trim. Fo,' ~-.: Ih. su fi s weet hulll:I' 2 e gg yolk s. beute n
hair, apply ye110w food colo r'ing with fin e pai ntbl'llsh; J % CIlI.)!1 gru nulatc!cl s ugul' t :olo,'c c! s u gurs 01' lIul ."!
for eyes, blue coloring; for mouth, red coloring,
Sift togethel' first 3 ingredients. Mix, until creamy,
buller, su ga r, crea m, eggs, Add flou r mixture; mix well.
Add vanilla, brandy ; chill overnight. Heat oven. On
TE l' 175 " F. Tum: 10 min . YI E LD : Aboul 3 do:/:. Jig htl y floured, c1oth - cover~d boa rd, "011 do ugh, half at
a lime, to ~u thi ckness, Cut with fancy cutters. Place
l !h o.t.I p " s oft s h o rte n inK :'11J· purpos c Hou r
on cookie sheet. 11./' :'l pad; bru sh wi th yolks; top with
1 cup g ntnul:lled s ugul'
3 eggs , se parated
!;.t c up granllJul e d ~ u ga r
I le a s l). ci nn u Ulon colored s uga rs or
nuts. Bake until done.
4· CUI)lI ~ir t e d e nric h c d % CUI) CilOPI1Cd pecan s
Heat oven. Mix, until cremny, shorten ing, 1 cup s uga r,
egg yolks. Mix in flou r . On lighlly fl oured, cloth - cove red TEl't Il~. : 400 f.
T I l'tt I~ : 8 t" 10 min. l ' I £ I.U: Abou l 8 tloz.
board, roll half of dough thin . Beat egg whites until
stiff; s pread half on dough. Combine 1;4 cup SUgcll', c in- 2 CUI)" s iflc(1 cnl'ic h ccl I I'UP g rullululCc.J s u g ll r
namon, nu ts; sprinkle half over whites. Cut dough into all-purposc fl o ur I leUS I" VlI llillll cxtrac·t
2" squares; place on ungl'ensed cookie sheet, 1" apart.
V:! ,,-us p. salt % Clip gro Ulll1 saltc,i
!If: soft bull cr 01'
( ' UI' Ij eU IILlI ~
Repeat with rest of dou gh. Bake till done. IIl lu'guri n c V:! C UI. ~e llli s ",c e l- c huc~ nlat e
~ CIII' ~ oft Sh Oc'l clling t,i cce;o. melted
COTe ll S H ORTDII E.\O lOomle r/ttl l ill y tim e I :~-o :/: . I,k g. C'n':1I11 dleese 2 wbl l:S P , IIU'h cd Imlll!r
T£:\n' .: :S50 ° F. TIME: 2 0 to 25 min. YI ELD : AboUI 2 "!h do :/:. Sift togethe r Hour a nd sail. Mix soft butter an d next
4 ing redi ents until creamy. Mi x in flour mixtu re, pea-
2 c up.!! s ift e d e nric il c cJ Y.i t cu.!!p. s alt nuts. Ch ill until easy to hand le . Heat oven. On lightly
a li -pOI' pose Ho u r I c up soft sh o l·tc lling
!4 leu s l' , b ilk ing powJ e r !If:ClIl) cOllrCt'lioIl CI'S' $II ;.:-al'
floured, clot h- cove"ed board, ro ll ha lf of dough into
ifx" -thick recta ngle. Mi x chocolate, melted bulleI':
Sift togethe r first 3 ingred ien ts. Mi x sho rten ing and sp rea d half ove r rolled doug h. Roll up like jelly roll.
'\ ugar until creamy. Add floul' m ixture; mix. Chill until Repe£lt w ith rest of dough. With sharp kn iie or heavy
easy to hand le. Heat oven. On light ly floured, cloth- stri ng. slice I/ K" thi ck. Pl ace 011 gl'eCised (;ookie sheet,
co vered boa rd, roll dough to '14" thickness. Cu t into 111 ap31'L Bake ulllil done. (Conlt, o:t pay !: J ,, )
1. No roll ing and c utti ng lI rt: Il CCcll·d ir you h and le
dough for Ihe above rulh,d coukics thi ., way. Dro p
II:vd or rounded 5poo ll f u l~ of chil1 ,·d dO ll ~ h ont o
greascd coo kie s heet. 1" apart. Flullcn hy pressing
with fork dipper! in s UA;.!r or flollr.

2. Or you ('lI lI do it tid .. way. Afte r dro ppin g un i-

form SPf''' lI ful,. of ch ill(·,J df'U:rh aimul 2" :1part on
l ightly I! r[':t,.t>d cookit> .. IWI"I, fla ll en dough wit II
hO ll om of tumble r dip!,,' '! in s ugnr or flour or
covered wil h damp dUlh.

l:"C ,\Ct:-'IE NT · j'i\l11T HEART



TOY SO LDl En 's DR Ui\!

(f) •

!,W EET f I IU.t IL\I.; tC ER



,CA NDLE. 1:'0 Tn: Oi" Til E en,·

Can'l find cu llers for these cook ies?·

Use our ph otogrllph~. Trace cadi

cookie on tissue paper, transfer it

to cardboa rd. and cut around

outline. Pillet:

greased or floured

pauern on rolled·
out do.ugh. Cut

around it with sharp

knife. To decorate, TRn·1"nIM COOKIES

ke "Roll ,nd Cut."


,,,,,bul ""'tl~' 3S
ROLl. AND CUT JlAI. I,O\,;·Ef:N KITT IES. Befo re baking kitties, use shredded
(Cont.i1l.1Led from page 33) coconul to make wt~5kers and currants lo make eyes.
.J ACK.O'-I.AN 'I' EnNS. Before bak ing jack- o'-lanterns, s pr in-
FRU IT ST IC K S l OI S oj spi ce allli I"rr) ' "icc
kle w ith orange s uga r. Ma ke faces with dl'ied fr uits.
TE1II1'. : 375 <> F. T I~\1 Jo:: 8 to 10 min . Y I E LD: 7 flo 7.•
s .... ow MEN. After baking s now men, spread all but hats
1 % cups s irl cd c UI·jeh e d ~ CIII) ~ oft s llOrtcll in g with while frosting; s prinkle with coconut. Use choco-
a Jl·p urpo sc fl o ul' 1 ,' up ~ranullllcl1 sugar la te frost ing in eake decorator for hats, features, buttons.
2 leaS I)' lJll kin g rJOwd cr I <'rtf; ('A "OLF.S 'fO TIE ON TilE r. ...·T S. Before baking candles,
=M t ellS ,), c innamon Va CLIP sni pped r .. is in s
1 tellSI}. ,)ow d c l'cd c1o \'c8 !4 Cli p c u r-rlm ls makc hole with s kewel' in han dle of each candl estick ;
-Y.i tcusp. n ll I Ill CJ: !A: CliP c h op p e d wlI lnu l !4 inse rt small dry bean. After baking cookies, remove
!4 I Cl l !'> ". ~n lt 2 ~ talJlcsp . milk beans: fr os t ; insert strings for tying on gifts.
Si£L together first 6 ingred ien ts. Mix shortening, s u g~t . ·, THEE·TR IM COO KIES. Van illa: Make hole at top for ribbon
and egg until creamy. Fo ld in fr ui ts, nuts. Mix in fl our (see Cand les, above). After bak ing cookies, use red frost -
mLxlul'c alternately with milk. Chill 1 hr. On li ghtly ing in cn ke decorator to trace diagonal s tripes, %" a par l,
flour ed, cloth- cove red board, r oll to %" th ickness. Cut on cacho Fill in eve ry other space wi th white fros ting.
in to 3" x 1" s trips. Place on ung rea scd cookie sh eet, 1" F ill rest with wavy lines of green frosting. Chocolate:
a part. Bake till done . Fros t if des ired . Arte l' baking cookies, use white fros tin g in cake d eco-
nl tor to make 2 rows o f con tinu ous loops. Wi th t weezers,
OUR FAVOR ITE (I O UDA), COOKlf;S place silvcl' dragees in some o f loops.
(Slwwn on pllges 32 Ihroll p; h 35) S I'; \'" YEA n ' S CI.OCKS: Afte r bak in g clocks, use while frost-
Make Suga r Cookies o r Chocola te Suga r Cookies in g for faces. With g r ee n fros t ing in cake d ecorator,
(page 32), rolling dough to l/s" or %" thickness. Cut make hands of clocks and lin es for hours.
out as on page 35; then comple te as below. C I IR ISTM ,\ S UELLS. Afte r baking be lls, spread with white
If cook ies a re to be kept lor some til lie. or j[ l.hey·re fr ost ing. With g reen frosting in ca ke decQl·ator. oulline
made in humid weather, use Orname nta l Frosting ( :"iCC holly lcaves; use cinnamon drops fo r berries.
below) to d ecora te them. If cookies will be served soon s 'r.utF IS ti . Before baking s ta rfis h, sprinkle centers with
after ma king, use Sugar Gl azc (sec below). For Choco- chocolate s prinkles. After baking cook ies. make lines
la te Gl aze, use rec ipe given unde l' Black and Wh ite with toot.hpick dipped in Chocolate Glaze.
(page 17) 'Ill. 1l,\I1I1I'1'. Frost baked bunnies with white fros tin g; dip
If you ha ven't a ca ke d eco ra tor, press frosting throu g h in sh redded coconut. Use Chocola te Glaze for ta ils.
a small paper cornucopia. IInUNS 0.' PLE NTY. Before bak ing cornucopias, t.race d e -
PL,\ CE-CMtD IH:,UlTS. Befol'e ba king hear ts, sprinkle W I th s ign with tip of knife. U se bits of dried frui ts and nuts
red s ugar. Afte r baking cookies, use white fr osting in t.o fi ll them.
cake decorator to write guest's nam e on each cookie. L:III L: KS. After baking ch icks, fros t w ith yellow fros ting.
ENG,\ (;EMENT-J>AIlTl' BEAUTS. After baking hearts, U ~ie W ith Choco late Glaze, fros t s he lls a nd make eyes.
pink fros ting in cake decorator to mak e rows of do ts, v,t"
apart, on each. Dip in rai nbow- co lo red nonpareils. S U(;AR GI.AZE
H,\TS ,,"OR ST. l'A I)Ol"S DA"'. Before baking hats, press in t o :M ix % cup sifted confectioners' s ugar a nd 3 to 4 teasp.
each a shamrock made of 3 s lices of g reen gumdr ops. water until smooth a nd o f (l'os ting cons istency. add in g
SHOWER-I'AnTl' IMSKETS. Befor e bakin g baskets, use tip a few drops mOJ'e wate r if needed. Co lor, if d esired, wit.h
of knife to trace bas ke t design. After baking cookies. us e food co loring.
colored frost ings in cake decorator to make flo wers. OnN,\.\U:NTAL FnOST ING
EASTE U II UNN IES. After bakin g bunnies, use Chocola,te
Glaze in cake decora tor to outline fea tu res. I lb. (3 Y.I c ups ) confec· :~ I'p;p; whiles, ullbe "tllll
tio n e r s' s ugar ~ l en15 p. "JlIlill " e X-II'arl
LlDlmTl' tlf: I. LS. After bak ing bells, use white frostin g in A~ s or l e d food colori nJ:s
~ ~ It'as p. cr e am of tarta r
cake decorator to write "1776" a nd to trace cracks.
S\,\?lmT F IltI~ C n ,\ C K Ens. Before ba king fil'ec rackers, sprin - ift together suga r and crea m of tartar; add egg
kle a ll but fuses with red s uga r. After baking cooki('s, w hites, vanilla. Us ing s lo tted spoon 01' hand or elec-
make fuses with white frosting. tric beater, beat until so s tiff th at knife drawn through
TOY SO I.Dl Ens' nn U M S. After baking drums, frost tops al ld leaves clean - cut path. On da mp d ays, more s UJ m' may
botloms white ; use red fros tin g in ca ke d ecorator \0 h ~lVe lo be beaten in to stiffen ml.xture. U se in cake
make lac ings on s ides of drums. d ecorato r. May be divided. then tinted d es ired shades.

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