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Warm up
Do you know anything about Spain?

Focus on
1. Read and circle the name of a special kind of house.

Most people in Spain live in modern houses or apartments. But

Spain has a different kind of house, too.
These houses have bedrooms. There are kitchens, but there aren’t
many windows. And there isn’t a roof. They’re underground. They
are cave houses.
In Andalusia, in the south of Spain, it’s very cold in winter and it’s
very hot in summer. The cave houses are cool in summer. They are
warm and dry in the winter. The houses match the climate.
You can find cave houses all over Spain. The houses are old, but
inside they are modern. People live in them today.
modern: 现代的 cave: 山洞 underground: 地下的

Focus on
1. Read and circle the name of a special kind of house.

Most people in Spain live in modern houses or apartments. But

Spain has a different kind of house, too.
These houses have bedrooms. There are kitchens, but there aren’t
many windows. And there isn’t a roof. They’re underground. They
are cave houses.
In Andalusia, in the south of Spain, it’s very cold in winter and it’s
very hot in summer. The cave houses are cool in summer. They are
warm and dry in the winter. The houses match the climate.
You can find cave houses all over Spain. The houses are old, but
inside they are modern. People live in them today.
modern: 现代的 cave: 山洞 underground: 地下的

Focus on
2. Read again and answer the question.

1. What kind of houses do

most people live in? Most people in Spain live in modern
houses or apartments. But Spain has a
different kind of house, too.

Focus on
2. Read again and answer the question.

2. Why don’t the cave houses

have roofs? These houses have bedrooms. There
are kitchens, but there aren’t many
windows. And there isn’t a roof.
They’re underground. They are cave

Focus on
2. Read again and answer the question.

3. How do the houses match

the climate?
In Andalusia, in the south of Spain, it’s
very cold in winter and it’s very hot in
summer. The cave houses are cool in
summer. They are warm and dry in the
winter. The houses match the climate.

Focus on
2. Read again and answer the questions.

4. What are the houses like

5. Would you like to live in a You can find cave houses all over
cave house? Why or why not? Spain. The houses are old, but inside
they are modern. People live in them

Activity 1
Read and circle.

1. This cave house in Spain is / isn’t underground.

Activity 1
Read and circle.

2. Outside it is / isn’t old.

Activity 1
Read and circle.

3. There’s / There isn’t a kitchen.

Activity 1
Read and circle.

4. There are / There aren’t any bedrooms in the cave house.

Activity 1
Read and circle.

5. It’s cool / warm and dry in summer.

Activity 2
Write about the cave house.

There isn’t it is There’s There aren’t lots of It’s warm and dry

1 There isn’t a roof.

___________ 4 ___________________ windows.

2 Inside, ___________ modern. 5 ___________________ in winter.

3 ___________ a bathroom.

Activity 2
Write about the cave house.

There isn’t it is There’s There aren’t lots of It’s warm and dry

1 There isn’t a roof.

___________ 4 ___________________ windows.

2 it is
Inside, ___________ modern. 5 ___________________ in winter.

3 ___________ a bathroom.

Activity 2
Write about the cave house.

There isn’t it is There’s There aren’t lots of It’s warm and dry

1 There isn’t a roof.

___________ 4 ___________________ windows.

2 it is
Inside, ___________ modern. 5 ___________________ in winter.

3 There’s a bathroom.

Activity 2
Write about the cave house.

There isn’t it is There’s There aren’t lots of It’s warm and dry

1 There isn’t a roof.

___________ 4 There aren’t lots of windows.

2 it is
Inside, ___________ modern. 5 ___________________ in winter.

3 There’s a bathroom.

Activity 2
Write about the cave house.

There isn’t it is There’s There aren’t lots of It’s warm and dry

1 There isn’t a roof.

___________ 4 There aren’t lots of windows.

2 it is
Inside, ___________ modern. 5 It’s warm and dry in winter.

3 There’s a bathroom.

Activity 3
Draw and describe your house.
My name is …
This is my house.
There is a …
There isn’t …
There are …
There aren’t …

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