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Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo

Brazilian Journal of Rural Education


How do students view online learning: an empirical study

of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Tian-Zi Xu
Wenzhou University. Faculty of Education. South Campus of Wenzhou University, Chashan Higher Education Park, Ouhai
District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.

Author for correspondence:

ABSTRACT. During the Covid-19 prevention and control

period, the online learning became the main learning pathway
for students. Meanwhile, it brings some new questions worthy to
considering, such as, how was the online learning for students?
How were the effects? And how did students perceive it? In
order to answer those questions and gain deep understanding for
online learning, the research conducted an investigation among a
number of high schools in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China,
with an anonymous questionnaire being distributed to the
students. As the main group involved in online learning, it is
critical in exploring the answers and promoting developments of
online learning to investigate students’ views and attitudes
towards the effectiveness, instruction, communication,
advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The results
indicate that even students could rapidly adapt to the new
learning style, there are still several notable limitations, such as
the lack of supervision, collective atmosphere of study, and
humanity communication.

Keywords: COVID-19, online learning, secondary school

students, students’ perceptions.

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Open Access. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY
Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

Como os estudantes veem o aprendizado on-line: um

estudo empírico do aprendizado on-line durante a
Pandemia da Covid-19

RESUMO. Durante o período de prevenção e controle da

Covid-19, o aprendizado on-line tornou-se o principal caminho
de aprendizado para os estudantes. Entretanto, traz algumas
novas questões dignas de consideração, como, por exemplo,
como foi o aprendizado on-line para os estudantes? Como foram
os efeitos? E como os estudantes o perceberam? A fim de
responder a essas perguntas e obter uma compreensão profunda
para o aprendizado on-line, a pesquisa conduziu uma
investigação entre várias escolas secundárias em Xuzhou,
província de Jiangsu, China, com a distribuição de um
questionário anônimo para os estudantes. Como principal grupo
envolvido no aprendizado on-line, é fundamental explorar as
respostas e promover o desenvolvimento do aprendizado on-line
para investigar as opiniões e atitudes dos estudantes em relação
à eficácia, instrução, comunicação, vantagens e desvantagens do
aprendizado on-line. Os resultados indicam que mesmo os
estudantes poderiam se adaptar rapidamente ao novo estilo de
aprendizagem, ainda existem várias limitações notáveis, como a
falta de supervisão, atmosfera coletiva de estudo e comunicação

Palavras-chave: COVID-19, aprendizagem on-line, alunos do

ensino médio, percepções dos alunos.

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

Cómo ven los estudiantes el aprendizaje en línea: un

estudio empírico del aprendizaje en línea durante la
pandemia de Covid-19

RESUMEN. Durante el periodo de prevención y control de

Covid-19, el aprendizaje en línea se convirtió en la principal vía
de aprendizaje para los estudiantes. Sin embargo, plantea
algunas preguntas nuevas que merecen ser consideradas, como
por ejemplo, ¿cómo fue el aprendizaje en línea para los
estudiantes? ¿Cómo fueron los efectos? ¿Y cómo lo percibieron
los estudiantes? Para responder a estas preguntas y obtener un
conocimiento profundo del aprendizaje en línea, la investigación
llevó a cabo una investigación entre varias escuelas secundarias
de Xuzhou, provincia de Jiangsu, China, con la distribución de
un cuestionario anónimo a los estudiantes. Como grupo
principal involucrado en el aprendizaje en línea, es crucial
explorar las respuestas y promover el desarrollo del aprendizaje
en línea para investigar las opiniones y actitudes de los
estudiantes hacia la eficacia, la instrucción, la comunicación, las
ventajas y desventajas del aprendizaje en línea. Los resultados
indican que, aunque los estudiantes pudieron adaptarse
rápidamente al nuevo estilo de aprendizaje, siguen existiendo
varias limitaciones notables, como la falta de supervisión, el
ambiente de estudio colectivo y la comunicación humana.

Palabras clave: COVID-19, aprendizaje en línea, estudiantes de

secundaria, percepciones de los estudiantes.

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

Introduction especially how was it for students, and

how did students treat it. As the main
Since the education informatization group involved in online learning,
developed in China, online learning has students’ views and attitudes towards the
become a new and indispensable way of effectiveness, instruction, communication,
education. It gradually becomes an advantages, and disadvantages of online
important supplement to traditional school learning, are vital for exploring the
education in primary and secondary answers and promoting its future
schools. However, the sudden outbreak of development. Hence, this research targeted
Covid-19 in China, near the 2020 lunar at regional secondary school students,
new year, had lead to people keeping utilizing the questionnaire to understand
social distance to prevent the spread of the how did they view the online learning.
pandemic , which disrupt the normal The main research questions are
teaching and learning order for schools. below, leading us to get an outline of the
Consequently, the Chinese government online learning from students’
immediately asked universities, secondary perspectives:
schools, primary schools, and Generally, how was the online
kindergartens to delay the start of the learning for secondary school students?
spring school semester and make full use How was the effect of online
of the online resources to keep order in learning during the pandemic?
teaching, which was called “suspend How did students perceive the
classes without stopping learning” activity. online learning during the isolation at
Subsequently, the provincial and municipal home?
education departments issued guidelines To explore the questions above could
and plans for online learning to ensure that help us (1) to understand how secondary
students at all levels could get access to school students think about the online
education. Hence, during the pandemic, learning, as they are the main participants,
the form of education in China rapidly and have the most intuitive feelings, (2) to
transformed from onsite learning to online figure out the advantages and
learning. disadvantages of online learning by
However, as the largest online collecting and analyzing the empirical
teaching event than ever, it brought certain data, and to compare with the traditional
new questions worthy to pondering, onsite learning in various respects, and (3)

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

to summarize the areas of online learning to the future development for e-learning,
that need urgent improvement, and provide especially providing valuable proposals in
some feasible suggestions for its terms of the construction of online
development. The above are the main platform, teachers’ online instruction
objectives of this research, which have a development and application functional
strong relevance both to the current improvement. There is no doubt that online
situation for online learning in the context learning will become an important way of
of the epidemic, and also to its future teaching and learning. In the context of this
improvement and challenge in the post- trend, the research can provide more
epidemic era. examples and knowledge for its database.
On the one hand, the study focuses
Literature review
on the development of online education in
the midst of an epidemic. It brings more
In the last year, online education
regional empirical research data and
with home isolation had attracted a lot of
international experience, which could
attention worldwide. In China, some
provide more support for education to deal
researchers systematically reviewed many
with the crisis, and piece together the
typical online instruction and cases,
online education map under the global
providing some valuable references and
epidemic. On the other hand, e-learning, as
guidance for ongoing practice (Jiao Zhou
an important complementary modality to
& Chen, 2020; Xie et al., 2020). Song Xu
traditional school education, has played a
and Li (2020) focused on the model
vital role in the epidemic. Yet, as an
establishment, with analyzing the factors
immature form of teaching and learning,
affecting online teaching and learning, and
the online education not only gained more
proposing an online "teacher-parent-
opportunities for future development, but
student" community framework model.
also encountered unprecedented challenges
Zou Li and Xie (2020) analyzed the
and revealed many problems during this
development of e-learning in universities
epidemic. In such a situation, it is
in a regional context, and proposed a
important to obtain direct, first-hand data
regional online education model. Wang et
from the reality of students’ learning. As
al. (2020) paid attention to the views and
the main group involved in online learning,
attitudes of stakeholders, and conducted a
students’ expectations, dissatisfaction,
nationwide online questionnaire survey, to
suggestions and perceptions will contribute
investigate the government, school

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

administrators, teachers, students, and most of them spent much less time on
parents. Yang and Zhang (2020) targeted at learning. Besides, they showed a lot of the
primary and secondary school teachers strength and the weakness of online
around 23 provinces, collecting their learning. Baladrón Pazos Correyero Ruiz
attitudes, actions and expectations about and Manchado Pérez (2020) investigated
online education by online questionnaire the students’ views on the transformation,
survey. Fu and Zhou (2020) analyzed the which was from in-person learning to
challenges posed by the epidemic to China online learning, carried out around the
online education among several faculties of communication in Spain. The
dimensions, such as equipment, teachers, research found that even the transformation
students and parents. was successful integrally, there were still
Internationally, the online education, some essential limitations. For example,
during the pandemic, also attracted the teachers used the traditional instruction
researchers’ attentions. Mladenova without adjusting to the features and
Kalmukov and Valova (2020) present a advantages of online learning. A Japanese
study on the comparison between three research team, Nenko Кybalna and
types of e-learning and traditional onsite Snisarenko (2020), focused on the situation
learning, through students’ opinions before of online learning around Ukrainian higher
and after this pandemic. Their research educational institutions, including the
found that even the young people had been effectiveness, types, negative and positive
called digital generation, their attitudes to aspects, perspectives, and approaches.
e-learning were a little bit of being Through questionnaires, the research
negative, which was quite different as what figured out the most used distance learning
we thought about. Velichová Orbánová tools, duration of learning, readiness of
and Kúbeková (2020) investigated the participants, factors that affect distance
secondary school students in Slovakia, to learning in Ukraine, which echoed the
find out their views on online learning. The present results in other researches. There
results indicated that secondary students were also several research teams conducted
preferred to regard online learning as the investigations in a wide scope among
combination with traditional onsite schools and universities, with the targets
learning. And they stated the time intensity like the students’ knowledge, attitudes, and
of online learning was greater than the practice (Saefi et al., 2020), the students’
traditional form of learning, even though intentions to utilize the e-learning system

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

(Al-Okaily et al., 2020), and the level of The study uses the questionnaire
students’ self-regulated learning during the survey to obtain more about the objects’
pandemic (Sulisworo et al., 2020). These attitudes, behaviors, opinions and
researches provided large amounts of data cognition in the special situation. The key
and information to promote the new purpose of the research is to understand
learning style. students’ perceptions of online learning.
Based on these existing researches, The survey results could indicate and
our study is also about understanding generalize the trends and distributions of
students' views on e-learning. However, students’ opinions from various
we have two distinguishing features in dimensions.
contrast with the researches above. On the The questionnaire is anonymous and
one hand, we have chosen a specific period contains two sections. The first part
of time, when students just got rid of the includes nineteen objective choice
two-months social isolation and went back questions, consisting of one-choice and
to school. At that time, they still had clear multiple-choice questions. In the multiple-
perceptions and feelings about the home- choice questions, the sum of the
based online learning experience, which percentages will be greater than 100 per
could enhance the timeliness and accuracy cent. The second part includes two
of the data. On the other hand, the subjective short answer questions, in order
questionnaire was designed with two short- to collect more details of the students’
answer questions that aimed to fully individual situation, opinions and
explore the implicit knowledge of students' suggestions of online learning. Meanwhile,
views and attitudes towards online to ensure the validity of the research, the
learning. Thus, we provide both questionnaire was tested by two experts,
quantitative data and qualitative data to and necessary modifications were made to
demonstrate our results, where the it on the basis of the experts’ consultations.
quantitative data shows the trends of Besides, in order to ensure the accuracy
development and distributions of problems, and authenticity, the questionnaires were
and the qualitative data gives an explicit distributed by class at the beginning of the
description of students' views and attitudes. resumption of school spring semester. At
that time, students still had a very clear
feeling and opinions towards online
learning. Also, with the help and support

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

from many head teachers, there were only students pointed out that there were many
10 invalid questionnaires, maximizing the temptations to concentrate on study, of
effectiveness of the investigation (99.2%). whom 38% indicated that there was limited
The population of the research time for study, 7% indicated that they
comprises 1270 secondary school students seldom studied during pandemic.
in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China. “Distracting”, “playing with my mobile
Those respondents were from different phone”, and “being dazed when listening
grades and different secondary schools. to online classes” were the dominate
Among them, 24% of the students were behaviors and main culprits, which echoed
from senior, 33% of the students were other research findings (Zeng, 2020; Song
from sophomore, and the rest of the Xu & Li, 2020).
students (43%) were freshman. The results of the study demonstrated
Meanwhile, 64.6% of the students were more characteristics of students’ online
from public schools, and 35.4% of them learning situation. The following will be
were from private schools. organized by various dimensions of
students’ opinions and behaviors during
Results and discussion
the home isolation, such as the study
motivation, learning outcomes, advantages
Generally, the results of the research
and disadvantages, supervision, collective
indicated that students were able to adapt
atmosphere, adaptability, and attitudes.
quickly to the new mode of learning, and
These elements and data may
could maintain a high completion rate
comprehensively show the regional outline
during this unprecedented, mega-scale, and
for the secondary school students’ online
unexpected online learning process. 94%
learning during the pandemic.
of respondents were basically able to
complete the daily learning tasks assigned
Study motivation
by teachers, while 100% senior year
students could better complete those The results showed that only about
learning tasks. Besides, as regards self- 35% of students said they studied by
management, 55% of students were able to “internal motivation”, yet nearly 70% of
study effectively on their own, with 20% students expressed they were motivated to
of them noting that they were able to make study online by external sources, of whom,
and complete their own study plans 40% were motivated by the tasks assigned
conscientiously. However, the rest 45% of by teachers online, 18% were motivated by

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

'peer influence', that was they believed that afford to be left behind, and 7% relied on
their classmates were taking online parental urging (see Figure 1).
learning seriously and they could not

Figure 1. Secondary students’ learning motivation during home isolation in Xuzhou City.

internal motivation
external motivation


internal learning tasks assigned by peers influence parents supervision

needs teachers and urging

Source: author’s calculations based on the conducted survey.

Meanwhile, the final year students’ difficulties. The majority of respondents

reactions showed that in terms of time- said they could not complete their learning
management and learning motivation, they tasks as well as they did at school, 16% of
generally outperformed than the students in respondents stated that online learning was
other grades, especially in the area of time as effective as face-to-face learning at
management, with 32% of final-year school, and only 7% of students believed
students saying that they were able to make they learnt better at home than school. To
a study plan and completed it consciously, take the matter further by asking students
which was almost twice as many as non- to predict their exam performance, most
final year students’ rate. respondents (82%) believed that they
would do better in the classroom and only
Learning outcomes
a small group of students (3%) thought
they would do better online, while the rest
The online learning outcomes of
either thought their test scores would be
secondary students in Xuzhou City during
"not very different" or chose "not sure".
the Covid-19 pandemic could be described
Although online learning, especially
with several dimensions, including the
asynchronous online learning, overcomes
quality of task completion, prediction of
the barriers of space and time, allowing for
exam results, and addressing learning
more flexibility and freedom, it seems less

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

convenient when students encounter would turn to search internet (45%) or ask
difficulties, such as “hardly expressing peers (38%) rather than seeking help from
questions, particularly the mathematical teachers online (17%), which revealed
symbols or chemical equation”, “too little teachers were no longer the first choice for
teacher-student interaction online”, students to turn to when it came to online
“equipment problems”, or “unable to learning. However, we all know teachers
communicate at all times”. Therefore, play a significant and irreplaceable role in
according to “problems solving”, less than education with their phronesis, hence it is
half of respondents said they would solve worth pondering (Liu & Sun, 2020).
the problems in the moment, while 31% of Comparing the data from graduating
respondents said they would write them classes and non-graduating classes, we
down and solve them when they returned found there was corresponding tendency,
to school, and the rest (15%) said they "did while the former’s performance was more
not intend to solve them". Furthermore, significantly than the latter’s. More details
among the students who chose to solve present in Figure 2.
problems immediately, more of them

Figure 2. Comparison between graduate and non-graduate students in several online learning performances.

good self-management with online learing 32% 17%

solve problem online immediately 59% 49%

better exam performance with schooling 95% 82%

complete task online with high quality 23% 7%

graduate students non-graduate students

Source: author’s calculations based on the conducted survey.

We suppose that the pressure from motivation maintenance (Chen & Liu,
academic work push final year students 2021).
overcome the difficulties and discomfort,
Advantages and disadvantages
and significantly perform better than non-
final year students in terms of self-
With data analyzing, learning with
management, quality of academic
more relaxation and interests, freely
completion, problem solving and
allocating time, convenient and fast

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

communication were the primary stronger learning atmosphere, more

advantages of online learning. At the same efficient and effective, and communicate at
time, the data also reflected students' any time. More details are shown in the
perceptions of traditional onsite learning, Figure 3 and Figure 4.
with being able to focus more on learning,

Figure 3. students’ opinions about advantages of online learning.

Source: author’s calculations based on the conducted survey.

Figure 4. students’ opinions about advantages of offline learning.

Source: author’s calculations based on the conducted survey.

Furthermore, the answers of Supervision

subjective questions showed that the lack
While online learning transcends the
of effective teacher supervision, more
constraints of time and space, and meets
humanity online communication
the individual learners’ needs, it also
environment and collective learning
requires a high level of self-directed
atmosphere were the main weakness of
learning ability. However, with limited
online learning.
self-control and a lack of effective teacher

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

supervision, students inevitably suffered of students’ parents were able to help their
from low learning efficiency, poor children with research and problem
concentration and mediocre learning solving. The pandemic led to the time and
outcomes. Studies have shown that a large space separation for teaching and learning
part of the reason why online learning is activities, so that parents became the first
"high in selection but low in completion" is person, who should take a more important
because there is no effective monitoring role than ever in supervising and guiding
and evaluation method, and many students' students in online learning, and interacting
self-learning ability is not sufficient to with teachers in home-school cooperation
support them to complete an online course (Li Wang & Chai, 2021; Gao, 2020).
(Ma et al., 2019). In our survey, 73% of
Collective atmosphere
respondents said that online learning had
more 'temptations' than studying at school,
Many students clearly stated that the
which made it more spontaneous, such as
group learning atmosphere was one of the
"I study when I want to, but not when I
main advantages of studying at school,
don't" (35%), and "I have limited time to
where they could whisper to each other,
study" (38%).
sharing ideas and raising hands to ask
From the perspectives of students,
questions at any time. However, this is a
the level and quality of parents’
need that cannot be met by online learning,
involvement during the pandemic was also
as the distance learning technology is still
not high. For example, only 3% of students
unable to provide a more humanity online
said their parents always monitored their
communication environment (Jiao Zhou &
study during home isolation, and 30% of
Chen, 2020). Online learning during the
students said their parents regularly
epidemic was often in a 'many-to-one'
monitored their learning, while 63% of
mode, where dozens of students could see
students said their parents 'occasionally
their teachers, but not each other. Without
monitored' or 'hardly monitored' their
working together, collaborative discussion,
study. This was a significant difference,
sense of rhythm and tension, and sense of
reflecting the low level of parental
social presence was weak (Teng, 2013).
involvement for their children’s learning.
63% of students said they had significantly
In addition, 57% of students’ parents
less interaction with their teachers while
supervised their children’s learning by
studying online at home. Besides, the
checking their homework, while only 9%
frequency of student-student

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

communication had also decreased. Nearly the pandemic, it had become the main
half of students said that they did not instruction approach. This transformation
communicate with each other as often as led to a certain degree of non-adaptability
they did at school, of whom, only 14% for students. Almost half of respondents
talked about their study as the main topics. (35%) indicated that the online learning at
The data of graduate students were better, home was not very suitable for study, 9%
with 27% of students talking about study respondents indicated it was very
online, yet, the tendency was similar. unsuitable for learning. Figure 5 provides
more comparison in adaptability between
graduate students and non-graduate
In decades, distance education has
been used as an adjunct to schooling, but in

Figure 5. The comparison between graduate and non-graduate students’ adaptability about online learning.

40% non-
30% graduate
20% students
0% graduate

Source: author’s calculations based on the conducted survey.

From it we could find the graduate It is foreseeable that online learning

students mainly chose the 'home will become one of the key methods of
environment was more suitable for education in the future. And with the
studying' (55%) and 'home environment Covid-19 pandemic having been gradually
was less suitable for studying' (36%). None under control in China, the hybrid of
of them chose 'home environment was very online and offline teaching will be widely
suitable for studying', which was a used in schools and universities for a long
significant difference from the non- time to come. For the question about
graduate students’ choice. students’ opinions to the future of online
learning development, it is that many
students held positive, confident and
expectant attitude. 42% of respondents

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

believed that online learning would students. 33% of respondents believed that
become a mainstream teaching method in online education 'would not' become a
the future, while some students had a wait- mainstream teaching method in the future,
and-see attitude (23%), and the rest of much more than the 'would' (28%). This
them (35%) supposed the online learning percentage was in contrast to the other
would not be one of the main teaching grades students’. And more details can be
approaches in the future. However, there seen in Figure 6.
was a more negative view among graduate

Figure 6. The comparison between graduate and non-graduate students’ opinions to future development of online

Source: author’s calculations based on the conducted survey.

We analyzed that the anxiety of the education not only caught up the
imminent university entrance exams made opportunities for development, but also
it difficult for them to 'settle in' as well as underwent the challenge. It is no doubt that
other grades students. As a result, although the future of online learning is positive and
final year students outperformed than other worth anticipating. Through data analysis,
grades students in terms of quality of task the results of this research about the
completion, efficiency and self-learning regional secondary school students’
ability, they were more eager to return to perception about online learning have
the familiarity and authenticity of the brought several significant findings.
traditional onsite learning. In the first research question, we
examined the general overview of
students’ online learning. The results
indicated that generally students were able
As the main learning pathway for
to adapt quickly to the new mode of
students during the pandemic, online

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

learning, and could maintain a high not perform better in the following exams.
completion rate to learning tasks, yet, in Hence, even the online learning during the
particular, there were several problems that pandemic in China went on well, there
were deserved careful thinking. Most were still a lot of problems that influenced
students reflected that online learning students’ learning experience and
decreased their learning motivation and achievements.
abilities of self-management, and they In the third research question, we
could not complete the learning tasks as explored students’ attitude and opinions to
well as they did at schools. Besides, online learning. The results indicated that it
although students confirmed that online should be not optimistic about students’
learning has many strengths, they also adaptability for online learning, as almost
pointed out the shortcomings of online half of the respondents said the online
learning. It lacks effective teacher learning at home was not very suitable for
supervision, humanity online study. Contrarily, many students held a
communication environment, and positive, confident, and expectant attitude
collective learning atmosphere. towards the future development of the
In the second research question, we online learning, and believed it would
analyzed the effect of online learning on become a mainstream teaching and
students. The results showed that most learning method in the future. The entirely
secondary school students preferred to different attitudes precisely proved our
study at school, rather than online, which assumption that the online learning both
was quite different from their characters as encountered a huge challenge during the
digital generation. The majority of pandemic and caught up an opportunity of
respondents said they could not complete boosting its status and impact in the
their learning tasks as well as they did at education domain.
school. The data from the two short-answer Information technology in education
questions showed that it seemed less has been in development in China for more
convenient when students encountered than a decade. With the policy, Education
difficulties during online learning, such as Informatization 2.0 Action Plan, issued by
“hardly express the mathematical symbols the Ministry of Education in 2018, China
or chemical equation” or “equipment has entered the era of "Internet +
problems”. Furthermore, for the learning Education". And intelligent and
outcomes, they predicted that they could informative education has become an

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

important guarantee and strategic choice to outcome-based path of supervision, but

lead the modernization of education. The there is a risk of copying and cheating
epidemic was a severe test for the (Mladenova Kalmukov & Valova, 2020).
construction of e-learning. Hence, through Teachers need to find some more effective
the exploration for the three questions in methods to conduct process-based
this research, we found what students cared supervision. In a learning community,
about most and what students needed most students naturally form bonds of mutual
during online learning with the home supervision and motivation, and this peer
isolation, which were the effective teacher monitoring system can 'extends' the
supervision, collective learning teacher's hands and eyes, helping them to
atmosphere, and teachers’ information monitor students learning effectively in
literacy. It is no doubt that the answers exceptional circumstances.
expose the existing problems for online The collective online learning
education, and have vital impacts on the atmosphere is the most complained part of
quality of its implementation. It is that the e-learning by students, of which the main
research has a significant contribution to manifestation is a sharp reduction in social
the field of knowledge for online learning, presence. On the one hand, there is less
and provides a specific direction for verbal communication between teachers
development and breakthrough points of and students than in a classroom, which
improvement for online learning. seems traditional lecture-based teaching is
Effective teacher supervision is an now reintroduced in distance learning. On
important means of enhancing the the other hand, the mental communication
outcomes of online learning, and we between teachers and students seems to be
believe that the establishment of online 'isolated' with social isolation. It is difficult
learning communities is an effective way to accurately communicate with eyes,
to improve the situation. Online learning is expressions, body movements, emotions,
primarily a form of self-learning, during feelings, and spirit. Briefly, to some extent,
which the self-discipline has a significant e-learning simplifies communication for
impact on learning outcomes. However, teacher-student and student-student to
many researchers have found that students' words or text, without richer human face-
attention is often disturbed by a variety of to-face interaction. Hence, the humanity
matters, resulting in lower efficiency and communication should be taken into
effectiveness. Assigning tasks is an consideration for the future development of

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

online learning, which both need widely and actively engage in the
technology support and more active information era.
involvement of teachers and students.
Teachers’ information literacy is an
essential part of online education, which
Many thanks to Mr. Xu, Mrs. Tian
has been uncovered many problems, such
and several other teachers for their help
as boring lecturing, lack of interactions,
and support in the process of data
and invalid supervision. According to the
collection. The research is funded by the
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China National Education Scientific
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RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic…

Article Information

Received on March 28th, 2021

Accepted on April 06th, 2021
Published on April, 28th, 2021

Author Contributions: Tian-Zi Xu was responsible for the

preparation, collecting, analysis and interpretation of the
questionnaire; writing and reviewing the content of the
manuscript. Tian-Zi Xu was also responsible for approving
the final version to be published.

Conflict of Interest: None reported.

Article Peer Review

Double review.


The research is funded by the China National Education

Scientific Planning Project (BHA190127).

How to cite this article

Xu, T. Z. (2021). How do students view online learning: an
empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19
Pandemic. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 6, e11853.

XU, T. Z. How do students view online learning: an
empirical study of online learning during the Covid-19
Pandemic. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 6,
e11853, 2021.

RBEC Tocantinópolis/Brasil v. 6 e11853 10.20873/uft.rbec.e11853 2021 ISSN: 2525-4863


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