True Reality - The Cosmogonist Report (T Book-FMC)

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I am

I am

I am

True Reality

The Cosmogonist Report©



True Reality

The Cosmogonist Report©



Table of Contents

Chapter 1
In the Beginning
Chapter 2
HISTORICAL – Nation Building

The End of Days have begun


Chapter 3
The Scam of Fiction – The Enslavement Technique

Chapter 4
The Monkey-Wrench in the Machinery and the Remedy of Cultures

Chapter 5
Once We Win Our Planet Back

This paper is the first in a series of Reports to transpose all that is real: Creator identity, Universe construction, Infinity, Eternity, Absoluteness;
to the comprehension of an earthly mentality. There is a limit, with the transposition of higher Universe meanings and values to minds that are
absolutely devoid of 'the knowledge of their reality'; which is the case of present day humanity. Therefore, this paper may not be an easy read, for it is
not for everyone. It is for those individuals who have a great thirst for 'the knowledge of their reality'. It is for those who must have it, have asked for
it and seek it out. In reading this paper, I suggest that you keep dictionaries and all other reference materials at hand, for it is only through your due
diligence, your personal research and time, will the full comprehension of this reality and that of 'True Reality' be gained.
This Report draws from The Bible, the Apocrypha, books of History, and The Urantia Book [U-ran-tee-a] Book as its main reference materials.
Urantia is the ‘Universe Name’ of Earth, and so it is The Earth Book. Our[spiritual] Planetary Prince was the first, Adam and Eve was the second,
Melchizedek was the third, Christ Michael-Jesus was the fourth, and The Urantia Book is the “Fifth Revelation of God to man”.
This paper-this Report does not quote or interpret The Urantia Book. This Report contains original idealization; original thinking. The Urantia
Book relays a skeleton of all knowledge. This paper puts the flesh on that skeleton through the process of intellectualization. A process that is similar
to what you do in problem solving. In problem solving, you take the known information and facts of a problem or situation and by using the power of
the mind to reason, you gain new information and facts to resolve the problem or situation. I do something similar, except because I have knowledge
of reality, I can gain new information, new facts, and new knowledge of reality.
The Universe is composed of verifying knowledge. One piece of knowledge is the hub of verification for many other related pieces of
knowledge, which in turn, are the hub of verification for other pieces, and so on. All intellectualized knowledge must meet the verification of all other
known and related pieces of knowledge in order to be verified as factual.
The Urantia Book is a product of ‘The Spirit of Truth’, a ‘Magisterial Spirit’. This is the Ministering Spirit Christ spoke of when he said that he
must leave in order that humanity could receive a ministry of truth. The ‘Principal’ [Christ] had to leave so that the Teacher [The Spirit of Truth]
could come teach the class [Humanity]. This Spirit cannot interfere with your Free Will to think and ‘choose’. Therefore in order to receive this
ministry, an individual must seek for and ask for this ministry, generally from this specific source. Trying to find, the ‘Secrets of the Universe’ and the
‘Mysteries of Life’ on your own with your one little mind, is a fruitless pursuit.
It is because of these difficulties with free will, choice, and the vast amount of knowledge to be conveyed, that the Spirit of Truth asked for and
received permission to sponsor and direct the production of The Urantia Book. Only now, at the end of the cycle, has the printed form of this ministry,
been allowed.
Therefore, I must set the scene of your indwelling on earth before we go any further… You, were born onto a planet that is your first classroom
for learning perfection; but it happens to also be a quarantined ‘Prison Planet’ for some of the Rebel ’Fallen’ Angels. Among these rebels was your
Planetary Prince [the invisible spiritual administrator of the planet]. Your permanent resident material [visible] spiritual guides and teachers have
all defaulted and or left the planet, leaving human kind virtually alone, guide-less and teacher-less for over 20 thousand years.
These fallen angels cannot touch you, unless you choose it. Because of this choosing of contact with evil by some humans, the fallen angels for
generations have used them to conquer and enslave all.
Now after 20 thousand years of ‘Dark-side’ demonic influence we come to your present day pitiful state of affairs. You are a slave with invisible
chains. You are ignorant, and have no knowledge of your reality or self. You speak and write the grammar language of a second-grader. They
conquered / captured your country a hundred years ago and along with being a ‘slave’, you, are a programmed assassin, cannibal.
Proof is what you need now. Only the proof of the truth can guide you out of this hell on earth... And this is what I offer you;
the Truth---some Proof---and a Guarantee; a solution, a technique to resolve all your mortal maladies.


The Parameters and Levels of Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship have the same meaning, one that escapes definition but does conform to certain parameters and are identified
by particular levels of emotion and empathy. The ‘levels of identification’ of ‘Love & Friendship’ are: to serve – to suffer – and to sacrifice…
The ‘parameters’ of ‘Love & Friendship’ are: to care – and to want or desire [to care]… In order to love you must first ‘Care’. To Love and to
have Friendship is to ‘care’ enough, and ‘want’ to care enough to serve, suffer, and sacrifice for someone. For all of those who truly ‘love’
and have true ‘friendship’, this is the mechanism of that phenomenon.

The Parameters and Levels of Intelligence

Intelligence is not what you think it is. It is not what scientist claim it is. Animals and plants do not have and cannot have intelligence.
Intelligence is an assessment of an ‘individual’s’: recognition and identification of ‘Reality’ – acceptance of that ‘Reality’ – and proper
functioning in that ‘Reality’. These are the Parameters of what is ‘Intelligence’. Can you be intelligent and not know the true nature of your
reality, your Universe? Is it intelligent to choose to deny this reality which you know is true? Is it intelligent to act and conduct yourself in
opposition to this reality you know is real? Intelligence is the Knowledge, the Mentality, and the Conduct for your Reality, your Universe.
Intelligence consists of four levels of identification starting with ‘information’. All ‘matter’ in the Universe is a type or form of
information, that contains additional information, and radiates or emits information. Information is the foundation, the fundamental
building block of Intelligence. The accumulation and organization of only proven information leads to the second level of Intelligence, the
level of ‘Knowing’ the proven information that creates the 'Fact'.
This second level of Intelligence, the Level of the ‘Knowing’, is the level of - knowing the ‘facts’ of information. The accumulation and
organization of only the ‘proven facts’ of information creates the foundation for the revelation of the third level of Intelligence, the level of
‘Knowledge’. The level of ‘Knowledge’ is defined by the proven facts that prove your ‘Reality’.
This third level of Intelligence, the level of ‘Knowledge’ refers exclusively to ‘Universe Knowledge’. All 'Knowledge' is about Universe
Knowledge, universe relationships to things, universe concepts, inventions and techniques. Knowledge is exclusively related to universe
discovery, definition and identification. There is no such thing as the Knowledge of ‘information’ or ‘facts', only the Knowledge of ‘Reality’.
This level is an instructional level, a level of Revelation. One must be instructed, one must be taught the revelation of what is: all the
information, all the facts and all the ‘Knowledge’ of the universe construction plan; that is ‘Reality’.

“Only the ‘Creator’ of everything and his ‘Universe’, can give you the ‘Knowledge’ of everything ‘created’.” - [CCR2]
Only the ‘inventor’ can tell you – give you the knowledge of ‘his’ inventions.

The level of Knowledge is a level of recognition, definition and identification. It is the recognition-definition-identification of creation-
Creator and the creature. Only upon achieving this level, the level of ‘Knowledge’, can mortal ‘free-will and choice’ exercise and function in
a proper and in the most effective manner.
It is upon this level that instructions end at a door; a door that leads to an 'infinity' of knowledge of all things. This door leads to the
fourth level of Intelligence, the level of ‘Absolute Knowledge’.
Only an Absolute Being has ‘Absolute Knowledge’. Mortals can only impinge on this level when dealing with technical matters of:
information, facts, and Knowledge. This technical level is the classroom of the angelic host, functioning in the Universe; for the Universe was
not created by magic or through sheer will. Reality is also a construction of ‘invention’ and ‘technique’. Teachable, learn-able inventions and
techniques that even mortals unknowingly experience shallow dives into.

Classifications of mortal intelligence to super intelligence

1. Innocence: infants and the mentally impaired – Because intelligence is a value level for an independent conscious being. These
examples of human beings are ‘Innocent of the Evaluation of Intelligence’ because of their inability to comprehend choice.
No plant or animal can have Intelligence’. Plants and animals are evaluated by their abilities and propensities. There are
no plants or animals that have the ability to understand 'concepts', lest of all the concept of Universe Construction.
Only a personality-being, a mind-being or a spirit-being can have such a validation assessment for ‘Intelligence’.

2. Ignorance: comprehension of choice without the ability to recognize, define and identify Reality. Ignorance is having enough proven
information to prove a fact; but not enough proven facts to prove your Reality. Ignorance is not having the
Creator’s or the Universe’s definition, of Things. Ignorance is having no understanding of the ‘actual nature’ of
anything, including self.
Ignorance is having the Intelligence level of only information and facts, thereby having no Universe Knowledge and
‘No Proof’ of Creator-creature Identification and Relationship.

3. Knowledge: is to have the proven facts that prove your Reality, thereby revealing the Creator and your creature relationship.
Having all the information, all the facts: that proves all the 'Natural' Things in your reality. Knowledge, is to have the
Creator and/or Universe defined facts of reality. It is to know, identify and define a thing by its ‘Universe’: Origin, Value,
Meaning, Function and Destiny.

4. Absolute Knowledge: is only for God and maybe the Godhead. Only an Absolute Being has absolute-knowledge. This is the super
level of ‘Super-Intelligence’: omniscient and omnipresent.


The ignorance level of intelligence of all humankind is well illustrated and ‘Proven’ by your own ‘dictionaries’. A dictionary is a
resource you look to find the definition of things; but there are no definitions in your dictionaries of anything not made by mankind. You will
only find ‘descriptions’, similes and metaphors, but no definitions of anything made by God. While all things made by mankind have
definitions which include its meaning, its value, and its function; as well as its description. Those people who produce dictionaries do not
have the ‘Knowledge of Your Reality’, so they cannot give the definitions of God made things.

Earthly Description vs. Universe Definition

Example: an earthly description of ‘Rock’ is: ‘combinations of minerals harden over time and or pressure’
Example: a universe definition of ‘Rock’ is: ‘the Supreme result, of Material-universe evolutionary creation’

Example: an earthly description of ‘Grass’ is: ‘a plant from which all food grains evolved’
Example: a universe definition of ‘Grass’ is: ‘the first, ‘living’ universal substrate, for the continuation of 'variation' of life forms
for the Planet’.

With the universe definition you have implied or inference of: a universe origin, a universe meaning, a universe value, and a universe
function of ‘rock’ and ‘grass’. The ‘destiny’, of all universe material is perfection, a perfected or a perfect ‘rock’ and ‘grass’. Also, the
universe definition exalts the thing and the understanding far greater than any earthly description.
Ignorance is information and identification, devoid of ‘Universe’: origin, meaning, value, function, and destiny. Ignorance is an
'incomplete fact’ based, review of your Reality.
Without instructions, and definitions by the inventor-creator of all ‘natural things’ [the rock, grass, people, etc.], humanity is at a loss
in understanding the ‘true nature’ and meaning of all and anything they can sense.
There were great minds, men of genius stature when Christ Michael [Jesus] walked the earth, yet Christ said, “Father, forgive them for
they Know Not”… Christ is saying that all humans on this planet “Know-not”, meaning: to know ‘no’ thing - to have no knowledge of the
true reality of anything at all. Even with a great intellect [a great mind]; having no ‘Universe Knowledge’ is having an ‘Ignorance’ level of
Being a ‘genius’ is to have a ‘brain’ that operates better than most. That is what being ‘smart’ is, but ‘being smart’ has nothing to do with
‘being intelligent’. Intelligence is about the ‘Knowledge’ in the ‘Mind’; not the functioning level of the ‘brain’. The sole criteria for
intelligence is; ‘Proof of the Knowledge of your Reality’.
Likewise, modern scientists 'admit' to very limited understanding of 'anything' in our reality. They ‘admit’ to not fully understanding
water, electricity, matter, the atom and it's parts, the mind or brain, the body of any life form on the planet, gravity, the solar system, or
anything else. Scientist are all only ‘technicians’, armed only with facts and information; even technical facts and information but no
knowledge of Reality, no knowledge of things whose 'true nature' is beyond their understanding because they do not see or understand the
true ‘universe relationship’ of anything.
An Electrical Engineer may know all ‘about’ electricity [only technical facts and information], but they cannot give you a ‘Universe’
definition [the Knowledge] of ‘what’ electricity is. They can only give you uses and descriptions of electricity. They are ‘Technicians’.
I do not know all about electricity, but I do know what electricity is. I have the proven facts; that proves electricity's relationship to the
Universe [the origin, value, meaning, function, and destiny of electricity]. I am an ‘Authority' of the Knowledge of Electricity. Though I am
an authority, I am not an ‘Expert of Electricity’. It would take the combination of the technical information of the Electrical Engineer and
my Universe Knowledge, to have an ‘Expert of Electricity’. An expert has the ‘information and facts’ of earth, and all the ‘Knowledge’- the
knowledge of the ‘universe relationship’ of electricity. A ‘Technician’ plus an ‘Authority’ equals an ‘Expert’.
All ‘Technical’ matters, whether they be of technical earth information and facts or technical Universe Knowledge, infringes upon levels
of ‘Absolute Knowledge’; the technical and super-technical level of the super intelligence of an Absolute Being.

There has been no proof of ‘Knowledge’ by any mortals on this planet for thousands of years. All of Humanity has been restricted [by the
Dark-side] to only information and facts, but no knowledge, knowledge of their reality.

I perceive that there are other ‘Light-Workers’ [people who have been woken-up by God] on this planet at this time, but I have
yet to meet or know of them.

Do not feel or think of me as different, separate, apart or afar from you; I am not. My mind is no greater or lesser than yours is. The only
difference is the 50 years I spent with The Holy Spirit – The Spirit of Truth asking for, searching for and studying the answers to the
questions human kind has always asked. “Is there a God? Who am I? What am I? Where am I? What is this life all about?” Only because I
was born in this Time era could these questions be fully and completely be answered.

I, Master Cosmogonist, Herald of ‘The Spirit of Truth’, Enlighten to ‘The Will of God’; bring you this urgent Report designed to help those
who are of the ‘Spirit of God’, but are asleep, or have been tricked or seek to Know.
A ‘Cosmogonist’ {Cos-ma-go-nist} is ‘One Who Knows the Knowledge of Reality, the Universe and its' Creator’. A ‘Master’ Cosmogonist is
one who can teach Cosmogony [the 'Knowledge' of Reality, the Universe, and its’ Creator].
As a ‘Herald’: My Mission is to proclaim ‘The Spirit of Truth’ and The Urantia Book as a source for Truth, Knowledge and Reality for
humankind. My mission is to battle the forces of backwardness and evil, to challenge the social, political, educational, and religious Leadership to
'rise' to the New Standard for the ‘New Reality’. It is the new reality of the “Fifth Revelation of ‘God' to man”.
As a ‘Cosmogonist’: My Knowledge encompasses all sciences, philosophies, and religions. It is not about any belief or opinion or
interpretation. It is Knowledge, not religion that I bring you for I am an ‘Authority’ of the knowledge of things real and unreal. My knowledge of
“The Proven Facts that prove this Reality” certifies my authority and identifies what is: Reality, Truth, and Knowledge. For without Proof, there
is only opinion, interpretation, a story, a belief, a mistake, a lie, a consensus understanding, etc.
The ‘New Reality’ is: the facts and knowledge of science, the values of religion, and the wisdom of philosophy, all in co-ordinate
consciousness with True Reality from Revelation [the Urantia Book], to bring about mortal awareness of "Personality" Reality, Survival, and
Maximum of Being. The New Reality is also an explanation of all relevant universe phenomenon, meanings, and values. The New Reality offers its’
own Proofs, as well as Gods’ methodology, and the reasoning for his methodology. It is a Universe Construct consciousness.
When God revealed himself with the ‘Fifth Revelation’ [The Urantia Book], it then became possible for God to be Provable in science,
philosophy, and logical reasoning. God Consciousness [the intellectual ability to know God] is now, a proven reality.
Therefore, a new and ‘higher’ understanding of our reality requires a change to a new and ‘Higher Standard' of Responsibility and Action
toward each other, and Life itself.


Chapter 1
In the Beginning

We mortals, of the inhabited worlds of space; being the Great Grandsons-daughters of God the Father; have beginnings and ‘Potentially’ have
no ending. We are Pre-Spirit Entities; composed of living spiritual energy circuits of personality and mind. In our first two lives, we live within
Biological Avatars [human-type bodies] inside a Universe Matrix; an evolving Universe Simulation; an Alternative Universe reality’.
This, our first life; being a Pre-Spirit sojourn in this material reality is comparable to being 'a baby in a crib', filled with baby toys. Earth is
the crib, we are the babies and all the material things on and in the earth are the baby toys.
It takes time for a baby to Learn and realize that it is in a crib, then to Learn to recognize its own parents. We are Spiritual Babies, and must
learn from Revelations [the Urantia Book] to recognize the real reality of earth, and then learn to recognize our True Parents - God and The God
Head… True Reality- [Spirit reality] encompasses Earth Reality, as a house encompasses a baby crib.
How can you truly live a life; if you do not know the actual nature of what life is? You cannot truly live, if you do not know True Reality.
Plants live a life. Just being alive and having life is a long way from truly living a proper Mortal's Life. What you call life and living is really the
slavery and privilege of, paying money to survive. The Knowledge and consciousness of True Reality comes only from Revelation [The Urantia
Book]. Without the Knowledge and consciousness of True Reality, you cannot see and know what Freedom and Liberty really is; cannot see and
Know what True mortal life and living really is. All people have different views of life; however, there can be only ‘one’ real view of life; True
Reality - the Truth of Reality.
Everything you want to know has already been written down; the Facts, the Values, the Wisdom, the True Reality, in ‘The Urantia Book’ [The
Fifth Revelation of God to Man]. Your ability to read and understand finally has a cleared path for personal spiritual elevation and enlightenment to
the Will of your Father in Paradise (Heaven);

‘All things once hidden [from you], shall be revealed’. _____ “Almost All things once hidden, have now been revealed” – [CCR2]

- is now a Proven Reality/Entity, not just an idea or belief.

Proof of God
We live in a cosmos; witch certainly qualifies as a creation. Where there is a creation, there is a Creator.
Proof of God is everywhere, so I have organized just a few areas where the effect of the hand of God reveals his presence, his mind and his will.
1. History and the history of religion
2. The Creator-creature connection
3. The signs of a Matrix universe in our reality
4. The Urantia Book
5. The Bible
_ _ _

1. In History:
Proof of God, is observed by the intelligent design 'In' evolution, and by the intelligent design 'Of ' evolution. It is the UTILIZATION of CONCEPT
versus the CONCEPT DESIGN.
The concept of, or the conception of evolution, and it being a universe reality; is proof of intelligent design. The Use of evolution to perfect all levels
of creation; is proof of God.
Universe Evolution is not the small ‘e’ evolution of plants and animals; it is the big ‘E’, the evolution of Matter- Physics. It is the evolution of the
‘sub-atomic’ Particle. It is the evolution of this particle into an Atom, and an atom into Elements It is the evolution of the living cell, from the
introduction of Life Plasma into earth's oceans; to the development of the Human body.

Note: I use this word ‘Particle’ only because it is the current consensus ‘theory’ being postulated and taught as if it were fact. In reality, there are
‘no particles’ in the makeup of Matter.
There is only forward evolution, of absolutely ‘all’ things. The devolution of anything becomes marked for extinction. This is a sign of Control,
Conditionality, and intent or Will; which are characteristics only of a Personality, a Mind and or a Spirit.
Intelligent Design, is seeing Mind, Creative Mind—Cosmic Mind, in the design of the creation of the universe. Because you can see Mind, in the
design of reality everywhere, in All reality, a Universe Mind, is now required; a Creator Mind. These and other facts take evolution out of the
category of evidence, to that category of Proof of God.

In the History of Religion:

a. The historical evolution of religion toward 'The One-God Theory’.

b. {This is your Proof}

It is the testimony and Prophecy of all the Prophets of scripture. They prove God, through the fulfillment of their prophecies throughout the last
3000 + years. --------------------------------------------------------{This is your Proof}

c. It is the visitations to earth by two ‘Sons of God’: Melchizedek [teacher of Abraham] and Christ Michael [Jesus].

2. The Creator-creature connection:

“Let us make man in Our Likeness and Image”. Mortals, in their component make up, reveal much in the area of proof of God.
Within the personality of mortals, resides the Personal 'Will', and the Personal 'Identity'.
Our identity, like God’s identity, is the only thing in the universe that never changes. {This is your Proof} Everything else about you and
around you changes, but you do not change your identity into some-one else, or into a butterfly. No, you remain you, and you will always be you; like
God will always be God, forever. God's Identity and Will is the 'Pattern' for all identity and will, and we receive a [empty] copy of these Patterns of
God's Will and Identity. It is you, who must fill your 'Identity with Goodness' [good characteristics] and fill your 'Will with Power’ [will-power].
‘Your’ ‘Will’, like God’s Will is the source of: Power – Force – Energy Matter manipulation…The same technique that God uses to create,
modify and move matter; you a spirit being use to move the matter of your body. Will, God’s Will and your Will, has a ‘Power’ [Will Power] that
creates Force that makes the Energy to: create, modify, and in your case ‘move’ the ‘Personalized’ matter which is your body. [Have you ever seen
energy that doesn’t have power and force?] This personalized matter of your body, centered on the Two Forces of the living spiritual energy circuits
of your personality and mind, is the only matter that you can move.

By itself, this fact of the changeless 'identity' is proof of God, but the addition of the fact that the personality [your identity and will] is Pre-
Programmed, amounts to a smoking gun for the Proof of God. This Pre-Programming relates to the "Format Diagram" seen in the astrological charts.
Astrology is a quasi-science. It is Quasi, because of the idea that the stars have such an influence on human affairs. It is Science, because astrology
points to God’s Communication system [the Signs in the Heavens] and his system of 'Pre-programming and Formatting' the personalities of
newborn mortals.
God pre-programs each personality, which then gets formatted one of twelve different ways. The zodiac signs are the symbols for the different
types of 'Personality Format'. Without personality formatting, the individual would 'isolate'. Formatting gives the individual the 'desire' to form
particular friendships, sexual mates, associates, and to co-ordinate with culture.
Your 'Pre-program', on the other hand is your 'Identity Differential'. It is an individual’s particular talents, skills, interest, and a whole host of other
gifts and sub-directives, which make up your particular 'Personality Identity'… This is your Hardware and your Software pre-Program’. A Father-
source and a Son-source - pre-Program.
Animals have instincts and genetic wiring; humans have pre-programming. When a mortal is born, ‘God the Father’, pre-programs its personality,
and then the Son of God-[Christ Michel Jesus], formats its personality in accordance with the 'time' of its birth. So there is a ‘Virgo’ format, a ’Libra’
format’, a ‘Cancer’ format and so on.
Just as the Will of ‘God the Father’ reacted to his Identity and he created all that he did; the Will of mortals reacts to its Identity and creates an
Earthly Career. "Let us make them in our Likeness"; Will-Personality of the Spirit likeness. This refers to the ‘Will’ of God-Total Deity and the
‘Personality’ of ‘God the Father’- as the Spirit Likeness for mortals.

Here we see the 'Di-pole'; up close and Personal, as the Universe "Fractal" Technique of creating the Universe and its inhabitants.

A ‘Fractal’ is seeing the same or a similar image or pattern no matter how much a thing is subdivided [like a coastline]. From the Micro world all
the way through and up to the Macro world, all Universe structures are dipolar in their characteristics. All matter is a fractal of a di-polar Pattern.
Everything is a 'Di-pole' [being like a magnet, having two poles] and or is composed of di-poles.

‘A ‘Di-pole’: is any two-opposing forces 'held' in close proximity to each other, and creates an energy field and or an electromagnetic field-
like a magnet.’

Like all Planets that have a North-"Pole" and a South-"Pole"; are electromagnetic, and therefore 'Di-polar'. Di-poles always give-off some kind of
'effect', they always create something, and they all connect to 'Zero-Point' Energy Source [the energy 'of ' Space, which is different from the energy
'in' Space; which is heat-energy].
The human body is Di-polar; having a head and a tail section - a north and south-pole; creating an electromagnetic field. Personality itself is a 'Di-
pole', being composed of "Will" and "Identity”. Taken as a whole, Personality and Mind are a di-pole also. The human gender is di-polar, composed
of a male and a female, which creates the Family. And of course being a ’Ghost in a Shell’; a spirit being, inside a material body, is Di-polar.
From the sub-Atomic to the Human to the Planets and Suns; to the Solar Systems and Galaxies, to the Whole Universe, to God, are all Di-poles.
All matter [all di-poles] functions as an ‘Over-Unity’ energy dynamo [something that produces more energy that it takes to operate or be created]. All
matter emits excess energy into space. All matter is composed of sub-atomic units [electrons, proton, neutrons, etc.] that are also over-unity energy
dynamos that burn out and are reconstituted, remade thousands of times per second by the energies of sub-space. What your scientist call the
frequency of sub-atomic particles or the charge of these particles, is actually the remaking of these over-unity energy dynamos... So, there is a circuit
of energy going from sub-space to the sub-atomic units of matter, and from all matter back into space. Eventually the evolving structure of the sub-
atomic units will perfect itself to provide for continual uninterrupted power transmission without burning out. Space is even now getting warmer not
colder. There was never a so-called “Big Bang” for Universe beginnings. There was only a beginning ‘Universe Projection’ of the first sub-atomic
unit into an absolute zero temperature space Atmosphere. A ‘Space Atmosphere’ is the necessary substrate for any interplay between energies and
matter. No energy of any kind can function in the theoretical vacuum. Before it was banned, and taken out of teaching; this ‘proven’ substance [space
atmosphere] was called “the Ether”.
The creation of the Universe by the 'Fractal' Technique use of the 'Di-pole' Pattern is an ongoing and unfinished evolutionary universe simulation
construction. Eventually the Universe will become a perfected and permanently actual Universe simulation by the evolutionary perfection of its
made-up base parts – the sub-atomic units. There are no particles. All matter consists of “Two opposing Forces” that gather around itself all the
energies and or matter necessary for the optimum functioning of the two forces. Just as all energy coming into this reality emerges as a duality of
positive and negative ‘forces’; all matter emerges as a duality of opposing forces. And so, may the “Forces” be with you.
When "TOTAL-Deity”, began to 'create'; He first became a Dipole through the process of ‘Dualization of self’. By becoming 'Two': ‘Total-Deity’
and ‘God the Father’, in order to more perfectly define and create a ‘dipole-Universe’. A Universe composed of a Material-Impersonal Creation and
a Universe composed of a Spiritual- Personal Creation. First, ‘Primal’ – “Total-Deity” unified by his "Will" creates space itself, and an impersonal
Material-Creation of ‘space atmosphere’, Suns, Planets, etc. within that space. Then, “God the Father” unified by his "Personality" is the Father of a
Personal or “Spirit” creation of personal beings, entities and all that is life. These two creations together culminate in their highest achievement in the
creation of ‘Mortals’ who are the Great-grand Sons and Daughters of “God the Father”, and whose Title is: “The Sons and Daughters of God”.
Mortals are the result of the third expansion of Deity-personality and consciousness.
Deity Dualism is not deity-duplication. It is “Total Deity” creating himself as a [Father] Personality. So understand the difference; “God the Father”
is the Personality of “Total Deity”.
Look at it like this. When you have a dream, you cannot put your body and your whole self - your whole being, in that dream. Instead you put a
personality ‘character’ of yourself in the dream. God the Father is that personality ‘character’ of Total Deity; but unlike you, Total Deity can also put
his whole self - his whole being, in his creation.
Deity ‘Dualism’ is the ‘First’ division of function for Universe creation. One controls the Spiritual Administration of personalities, entities, and all
other Life forms; and the other controls Power, Force, Energy-Matter. This is the 'Dualism' of ‘Deity’ when active, when 'creating'. A creation, made
manifest by the use of the Di-pole as the Matrix [the Universe Parameter design] and the Pattern [the actual design of all universe structures] for a
'Fractal' Technique of unified dual universe creation.
We are 'Di-pole' beings – which is the 'Image of God' because He is a ‘Di-pole’ being… We are gifted with a copy of the pattern of God's
'Personality' - which is having the -‘Likeness of God'. This is the explanation, the meaning and the Truth of the statement that “Mortals are created in
the Image and Likeness of God”.

3. The Signs of a Matrix Universe in our reality, as proof of God:

A Matrix Universe is an Alternative, a Simulated Reality versus The True Reality [matter-reality verses Spirit-reality]. Signs of a matrix in the
material universe are tricky; but a review of some of the Universe Law Parameters reveals the Proof of the Matrix Universe we live in:

The fact that negativity cannot survive in the universe; that the universe response to a positive is a positive response, and the response to a negative
all so becomes a positive response from the universe. Evolution only moves forward. Seen in the history of humankind, the repeated pattern of the
negative slowly being replaced by the positive. Evolutionary Perfection is also the Technique by which ‘The Projection of a Fractal Particle’ [the sub-
atomic particle] becomes actual, permanent, and real as in the eventual perfected Atom. Only perfect matter or perfected matter can be real and
permanent. Same for People; you must be perfect, or perfected to be real [permanently actual].

“Having a reality that is evolving to perfection is Proof of some type of Perfection, being the source of that reality.” – [CCR2]

"You cannot liberate your movements - your actions, from 'service' to someone and to something." - [CCR2] - {this is your Proof}

Even if you scratch your nose; it means you have served your body [the ‘something’], and you have served you, the being that is inside of that
body [the ‘someone’]. All of your movement ultimately equate to your service to ‘goodness’ and ‘God’ or to ‘darkness’ and ‘devils’. You
cannot escape the fact, the condition, and the reality, that movement defines all things; just as your conduct defines you.
It is not about how you feel, what you think, or even what your intentions are that matter; it is what you do. You are what you do.
Ultimately, all movement must pay a tax, of ‘Service to the Universe’. All movement serves Universe Evolution. This is a 'Control' {on}
reality. The 'Condition' {of} Reality' is the result. All 'controlled', thereby being conditional realities are 'simulations' - alternative
Matrix Realities, just as, a mouse 'maze' is a controlled-conditional simulated Reality for a mouse…
Mind and Personality, being the major components of all mortals, is non-physical, and cannot originate from this material reality; they must
originate from a non-physical source, a non-physical reality. Now, having two realities, means that, one or both realities ' must ' be an
alternative, a simulation reality – a Matrix.

"Whenever any limitation of reality is examined closely enough; the Matrix is revealed." - [CCR2]

These are some of the Universe Law Parameters; designed to insure forward evolutionary progression. In this Matrix universe, the reality is; the
Universe Creation 'game' is rigged, designed, time stamped-eventuated and planned out to the smallest part and detail. God is first a creator, then God
is a controller, then God is an upholder. Then after all of that, he can then be like a ‘farmer’ and a ‘Father’, and having a ‘good harvest’ of “The Good
Fruits” coming from your good conduct that ‘Glorifies Him’, seems to be of great importance to him. And ‘over-controlling’ ‘Situation’; a technique
The Most High uses to ‘parent’ us. The Creator, our Father uses situation to: communicate-lead-teach-commune-punish-reward-gift and bless each
and everyone on a personal – individual – specifically designed way.

4. The Urantia Book – as a proof of God – [impersonal and personal God]:

Christ Michael [Jesus] is the 'Fourth' revelation of 'God to man'. The Urantia Book [the Earth book] is the 'Fifth' revelation of 'God to man'. The
Secrets of the Universe; the Mysteries of Life; and the identity of God and the Godhead, are all contained in the Urantia Book. This is the only
book that describes a complete Universe Concept, and the only book with such an enlarged view of God and the Godhead. It is the only book [that I
can find] on the planet that contains ‘Knowledge’ and ‘the Proof of Knowledge’, and not just information and facts. Of all the proofs of God at my
disposal, the Urantia Book is by far ‘the best’ of all the proofs of God… The Urantia Book is 'Revelation'; from which comes consciousness of
‘True Reality’

5. The Bible – as a proof of God and God’s relationship with You – [personal God]:
The ‘fulfillment’ of three thousand + years of prophecy are dramatic and obvious proof of God. Only the Creator of reality can accurately and
specifically predict 3000 + years of future reality. Within these Prophecies is the revelation of a very personal relationship The Most High has with
his “Chosen People” and “The Land”.
“I WILL make My covenant with an ancient people” – The Hebrew Israelite s

The Urantia Book relays an understanding of the Will of God that is more ‘reality and universe’ oriented. Whereas Scriptures, revels a very
specific and personal understanding of the Will of The Most High, and it is this that is the most important thing to ever learn… It is more
important than The Knowledge of Reality or Universe Construction or anything else. It is the Knowledge of Relationship, or not, to source; proven
through the fulfillment of Prophecy… For this, is ‘the most important’ proof of God.


Universe Reality
What is Reality? What is ‘Real’? My general rule is, if it does not last forever; then it is not real. Reality originates in and by the infinite volition of
the Universal Father; [just like, you have imaginary people that you create in your dreams; well, we are the people in God’s dream-movie-creation].
This is a very, very young Creation that is not yet completed nor perfected; and we mortals are among the first to inhabit it. From here on and
forever we will be known as ‘The First Ones’ [those mortals who inhabited the Universe before it was Perfected]; we will be the living Proof and
Testimony of The Glory of God, even before the perfection of the Universe.

“Mortals of the future ‘perfected’ Universe will increasingly with time, not understand the reality of; or the mortal habitation of, this-
‘Imperfect’ Universe.” – [CCR2]

This is a very, very early beginning in the cultivation and Harvest procedures of the mortals on this planet by God… The Creator – is like a
‘farmer’, and we, are his seeds for a Harvest of eventual ‘Sons-Daughters of God’ - the third expansion of Deity Identity and Consciousness. And this
‘farmer’ is cultivating his “Vineyard” [the earth] for a Harvest of the ‘good fruit’ from his seeds - the good conduct of his seeds that glorifies Him;
though no one can increase his glory.
These Harvest procedures began only 60,000 years ago when God the Father personally [as he always does on inhabited planets] separated
mortals into the Races of humans [only to eventually unite them into one race under Him]. This is only the third growing season or dispensation [the
time separating the indwelling of one ‘Sons of God’ and the indwelling of the next]. The first Harvest season was sparse; the second season was
better. This, the third season, the Creator put the fix in; using the best of the previous harvest to guarantee the Harvest of his Will, and to establish and
confirm through his ‘chosen people’, God’s Identity-Sovereignty-and Hierarchy of Angelic and Mortals in Authority – “The Kingdom of God”. This
will insure abundant good fruit for all future harvest, and establish the beginning of the new world to come; for this, the old world is to be destroyed.
Despite the circumstances of ‘Angelic Rebellion’, demonic influence, and a world of humans in ignorance of themselves, their reality and their
creator; the Will of God will be done. Long before the Earth was even formed, the Creator created ‘chosen ones’ to indwell in these times, who God
would ‘raise up’ to lead his ‘Chosen People’ and the World.

“Let the 80 books go to all the world, to the righteous and the wicked alike; but save the 70 books for the end of days and for “My Elect”, for
only they will have the wisdom and Knowledge to understand and interpret them.”

Angelic Rebellion against God [only probable in a very young Universe] has brought all the eyes of the Universe on Earth-Urantia - planet 606
of the Satania System of the Local Universe of Nebadon – the local creation of [Christ] Michael – The Jesus. The outcome and resolution of this
Planet’s future has already been prophesied and written in scriptures as a Glorious Victory for the Creator, his Creatures, and his Creation.

Living [as you know it] is actually your participation in a - Linear, Sequential, ‘Situation-Training Program’; inside a ‘universe simulation’, an
Alternative Reality. This reality is an evolving [Holographic-'Dipole-Fractal'] Holo-deck universe. This universe simulation, this Matrix is The
Training Grounds. The objective of the training is for Pre-Spirits [you and me] to graduate to Spirit Status by perfecting our character by the use
of situation-decision making...
{This is your Proof}
Every second of consciousness, you must make all types of Decisions of all types of situations that constantly confront you; all within a timely
manner. Situations are a training/teaching technique that offers the individual the opportunity to choose an attitude and conduct of goodness while
resolving a situation; thereby gaining Spiritual Value, or to choose not that path. It is your choices of situations that train and teach you the higher
value and worth of goodness.
Situation is an inherent result of the dimensions of reality, which you have falsely been taught, is ‘height – width – depth - time’. Height, width,
depth, and time are the dimensions of ‘Space’; but the dimensions of reality are: Time – Space – Movement. These are ‘conditions of reality’, and
the factors that result in ‘Situation’ and the ‘Linear Sequential Situation Training Program’ for all living things. When a living thing is injected into
these reality dimension it inherently-automatically enters into situation, which conditions its existence.
This naturally occurring ‘Linear Sequential Training Program’ for all life-forms, is over-controlled by The Most High. He modifies and controls
situation and uses it to personally raise each of his “seeds of himself” [his chosen people]. Through this technique The Creator teaches, leads,
communicates, punishes, and rewards each of his children personally, individual, and specifically.
This, is the 'foundry' from which the Spirit of God “Total Deity” [within you] and you the Individual, forge together your evolving soul > all
coming from and starting with your Free-Will choices of daily decisions of situations.
The Soul is God’s response to mortal’s present inability of transiting from a material state directly to a spirit state. The soul is God making a Way.
There is a vast ‘intervening reality’ of half matter and half spirit; created by the Father as a matter to spirit transit and transfer, ‘transition Reality’ -
[The Mansion Worlds]. Your ‘soul’, formed of this same half matter half spirit substance transitions only because of this extra divine reality creation.
Your soul is the next you. The soul is your idealized self. It is made up of your highest ideas and ideals of self. It is the best you that you always
wanted to be, but could not, because of improper planetary cultural situation [and your ignorance among other things]…


“There are only three types of objects in the Universe:

1. Props
2. Tools
3. People [your Brothers and Sisters]” - [CCR2]

Props and Tools consist of everything that is physical. All animate things and inanimate things are props and tools for Learning. Props and Tools
are 'Relatively’ real. They are changing their physical form, ever so slowly; so slow that the changes are undetectable by human eye or machine.
Eventually props and tools become perfected, even’ Supremely’ perfected, Props and Tools.
The universe and everything in it is evolving and changing toward perfection. The 'Physical Elements of Matter' have not yet completely formed,
actualized, and stabilized. This is ever so obvious by the sequential gaps seen in the [old] Periodic Table of the Elements of Matter. There one can see
where unknown and UN-created Elements have their spaces left open, awaiting their actualization. Props and tools are partially real, relative to,
evolutionary status of the universe, to perfection. As the universe evolves more toward perfection, the more real and complete props and tools
People [your Brothers and Sisters], on the other hand are ‘Potentially’ Real. People develop the ability to use the relative reality of props and tools,
to discern the unseen reality of eternal life giving Spirit Values and Meanings [Goodness]. People can then adopt these values and meanings
[Goodness] into their own personalities and lives. Thus, people have the Potential [through Goodness] to become Eternal – Real.
The unseen, untouchable reality of Spirit values and meanings is Absolute – Eternal Reality. All reality: Props, Tools, and People, equate to levels
of Spiritual values and meanings. The total of all levels of Spiritual values and meanings equate to, but are not God. God encompasses Total and
Absolute reality. God is Infinite Transcendent Reality, but more than just a reality; just as your dreams are you, but you are more than just your
Props and Tools become real through Physical Evolution. People become real through Spiritual Evolution. In short, reality or the universe is
similar to a movie projector. With a movie projector, the technique is the projection of light through space and time on to a screen. With the universe,
there is the technique of projecting intent [will] through time to a point in space, then using that point in space [which contains infinite potentials of
force and energy] to create dipoles [subatomic units/particles] that uses this same point in space as the screen for the projection of that intent or will.
It is a perfect plan for creation, using intent or will power. God gets something for almost nothing. God evolves the organization of the dipole or dust,
from chaos into a cosmos, from aggregate dust particles into stellar systems. Then drops us into that stellar Universe matrix, where the object is for us
to become real, and walk out of the movie. To take into ourselves, any and all things good, makes us real… To become, loving, brave, kind, truthful;
any and all things good, brings you into your true humanity, by gaining a Spiritual Value level, and qualifies your entry into the ranks of those who
God chooses for salvation - [the permanently actual].
The R&R and ‘The Law’

The Reality & the Rule and ‘The Law’


The Reality
“The only 'Reality' there is, is ‘The Father-Hood of God and the Brother-Sister-Hood of the Human Seed of God’” - [CCR2]

Goodness is the only thing that is Absolutely Real in this Universe, and this ideal comes down to mortals as Brother-Sister-Hood; which is equal
to and encompasses Goodness [any and all things good].
All other ideas of reality [of the World and Universe] are unreal, delusional confusions of evolutionary thinking, (know-nots). There can only be
'One' reality on Earth and in the Universe. Only the 'Good' things that you 'Think', that you 'Say', and that you 'Do' are Real on this Planet and in
the Universe.
So, if you, or your community, state, or country, are not treating all with Love, (which is the only way to treat you brother and sister) then you see,
how far from True Reality, how far from being real you really are. It is the difference between a mere society, and a ‘Civilization’.

“To be a ‘Civilization’, a society must exist within reality.” - [CCR2]

This is the reason why all nations or cultures [so far] have failed and fallen. No 'Modern' society or culture has yet attained the consciousness and
understanding of what is real; what is True Reality. 'Civilization', is an ethical, moral and Spiritual Attainment level for a society or culture. Earth
[Urantia] has not yet produced a 'Human Civilization'; but it soon will, because a human civilization is "The Will of God"

"The Rule"
The RULE of Life is also the OBJECT of Life

“This Life is for learning how to defeat and survive Death” - [CCR2]

We must become, gain, instill, and acquire, the characteristics of the nature of God; which is, any and all things ‘Good’ [true Brother-Sister-hood].
There is no other Technique available to us but 'Goodness' that we can possibility use to defeat and Survive Death. To rely on Faith and or sincere
Forgiveness without 'Good-Works' [doing good things]; is to rely solely on help from God and the Godhead to Survive Death. For it is not your good
works that is your salvation; but good works are a necessary qualification for salvation.
Goodness is the only thing that is Absolutely Real and Eternal in this Universe. Gaining Goodness, establishes a basis of True Reality-Spirit
Reality [a Spiritual-Value-Level] for the individual. It is the ascent from monster-demon to a Human Being; from Pre-Spirit to Spirit status.
Becoming a True Human Being [a true Brother or Sister; one who has gained goodness], makes you real – Eternally-Immortally Actual.


There is but One Law and that is: To love your God with all your heart and soul and with all your might; and keep God’s Holy
[‘The Ten Commandments’]…

Dividing these commandments into 2 groups, where the first 4 commandments are instructions for the proper worship and relationship with The
Most High – God. These 4 commandments co-ordinate with and relate to ‘The Reality’.
The last 6 commandments are instructions on how to relate to others and the world, and they co-ordinate with and relate to ‘The Rule’.

This ‘Reality, Rule and Law’: the Reality - of Brother-Sister-hood; the Rule - of Goodness equals Immortality, and the Law of proper worship and
living; is 'The Hand-book - The Instruction Manual for Earth life'. It is the 'source-knowledge' of all True Religions, Culture, and Civilizations,
and is a gauge or ruler against all Life-situations. The ‘R&R and the Law’ is the essence of the teachings of Christ Michael-Jesus. If you remember
nothing else; remember the R&R and the Law, it will keep you on the Path. Moreover, for preaching it, is a Savings Grace and is the only
thing that the Gods want to hear, now, at the end of the cycle, the R&R and the Law, baby.


An Expression of God
Mortals, in their Primal make-up, are ‘Expressions’ of God. This essence has been with God since before creation. When God gives the 'Dipole' of
Personality to this ‘expression’, the ‘expression’ becomes encapsulated by the personality, and in-circuited through its personality to God the Father
[the creator, the pattern, and Father of Personality]. God then gives his personalized - expression 'Life' [the 'Activation' of the independent
consciousness], and a mortal is created who is endowed with the seed of an idea-ideal concept, that is fulfilled, and absolutely perfectly actual [real-
completed-finished product] in Paradise with God. However, away from God in Paradise, and out in the Universe, the ‘expression’, dominated by the
Personality becomes only a 'Potential' with-in the self. To now obtain fulfillment, perfection and become 'Actual', the ‘expression’ must find 'Free-
Will' unity with the personality, and only through and by way of Goodness, 'time', and 'experience' can this be done.
The Life you live is not yours. No one can own Life. The fact is, there is nothing on the planet that you can own, have, possess or even ‘touch’,
except Goodness. However, you are responsible for and have the ability to make decisions for the Life granted to us; but you do not own it. You are
the culmination of many resources. Love, mercy, goodness are Resources; they have value, force, power and even energy, that we exchange with-in
our environment every day, and share with our Creator Source. God and the Godhead may have just as much or more at stake in the life you lead as
you do.
God is the best at doing anything good, but with-in each of us there is sprouting a new and uniquely 'original' ’Idea-Ideal’ of ‘Mortal Light
and Life’- and that is,
the ‘Expression of God’.

The Four Physical States of ‘Being’ – in the Cultures of earth

1. The physical state of Slavery and Privilege

2. The physical state of Being Free
3. The physical state of Freedom
4. The physical state of Liberty
All four states require the individual to achieve an ever-advancing level of responsibility of action, will power and knowledge.
The peoples of America and most of the world are presently in the physical state of Slavery and Privilege. It is like being in a state of limbo for
human rights. It is the limbo state of 'Privileged' Rights or no rights at all. In this limbo state, all human rights are Relative. Relative to whom and
what you are. Relative to whom you know, and of course, how much money you have.
Jimi H. was right; he said, "You all live on a People Farm"… You are a resource, being milked, sheared, harvested, and slaughtered for capital.
They farm you out for money. Some of you are kept in the barn, and some of you they let run far afield; but sooner or later, all have to come back to
the farm and get harvested [for your time, money, or your life].
Slaves throughout history have lived in conditions of bad food, bad water, and bad air; but you were born into this enslavement condition of stolen
clean air, stolen clean food, and stolen clean water. Even though you still have to pay money for bad food, air, and water, you still do not think or
understand that you are a Slave.
In the cities, all ‘Water’, even the bottled water is 'modified water', full of residues and or chemicals. The ‘Air’ is ‘tainted’ with poisons; and you
pay for it with your health. The ‘Food’ is 'contaminated' with Human DNA [you are eating dead people]. This makes you a ‘Cannibal’! Also in
your food is man-made Genetic filth, chemical toxins and residues. Do you think that you are not a slave? If you live like a slave, you are a slave.
A rich man can afford cleaner water than a poor man can, but both do not have the physical state of freedom of free access to ‘clean’ water. If
something were to happen to our society’s services, we would all have the same poisoned water to drink. The water is not polluted. The ‘air’ is
polluted; but the water has been ‘poisoned’. The ‘Freedom of Free Access’ for most Americans and the peoples of the world to clean water is now
just a memory of an earlier generation.
Understand, you do not drink water, eat food, or breathe air any more. If a tea bag is placed in a cup of water, the cup of water becomes a cup
of tea. When a thing is changed or modified, it is no longer the thing it was. It is now something else, something other than what it was.
You drink a product of water. You drink the creation of ‘man’s process’ of a ‘water-like’ substance. You breathe a modification of the air; a ‘man
modified’ ‘air-like’ substance. You eat mostly a ‘man processed’ ‘food-like’ substance. All of which is dangerously unhealthy for you and not at all
like the good things given to you naturally by your Creator.
Consider the Native Americans before the European invasion, who lived in a physical state of Being Free - to access clean water, food, and air.
They lived in a physical state of Being Free - to find and achieve Freedom and then Liberty.
The achievement of Freedom and then Liberty is in relationship to the Individual's freedom and then liberty of his ‘Natural’ Dependencies for
Survival; which are ‘The land’ and ‘each other’. {This is your Proof}
When the evolution of Brother-Sister-hood develops techniques of independent living advanced enough that people no longer need
‘The Land’ to survive, this achievement is ‘Freedom’. When these techniques advance further requiring less and less dependency on ‘each other’
for survival, levels of ‘Liberty’ begin. Absolute Liberty from each other is unobtainable, only levels that approach absolute liberty from each other
are possible at this time.
When these natural and God given Dependencies for mortal Survival are superseded by a man made dependency on currency for mortal Survival;
‘blockage’ is created, stopping the normal development of the economy of that locality, and it’s ability of and for ‘Nation Building’.
In the ‘Old System of Slavery’, the slave did the work, and the Master supplied all the necessities to keep the slave alive. Now in this ‘Modern
System of Slavery’, ‘you’ do the work, and it is ‘you’, who must pay for all the necessities of your survival. We have become twice as enslaved in
this new modern slave system. We are in general more enslaved than ever before.
In this ‘Modern Slavery System’ invisible ‘chains’ like the clock, the dollar, taxes and even your children bind you to a servitude unlike any
previous generation. You are shackled by invisible chains you can never break. You cannot escape and run away to find freedom. There is no
underground railroad to free you from this new slavery system.
Our modern society has achieved a higher enslavement to each other and has crippled our relationship with the earth. Because of 'The Beast's’
interference with and attempts to control nature and people, being Free and finding Freedom and then Liberty while still being possible, generally is
now even further from our grasp.
Your remedy from this horrid plight is ‘Education’. You must learn how to live more independently. Learn the skills and techniques of
‘Independent Living’ and ‘Independent Life Styles’. You must enlighten yourselves to walk the path with proper conduct and consciousness.


“Ignorance of 'Reality' breeds insecurity, instability, disease and insanity” - [CCR2]

Because of this ignorance [of Reality], all humanity is plagued with a disease, a [dis-ease]; called ‘Schizophrenia’. Each human has a varying
degree of schizophrenia; ranging from ‘anger conduct’ to psychotic delusion and dis-associative personality disorder. It is not just a mental disorder, a
disorder of the mind, but it is also the disassociation of the personality, which is composed of your will and your identity.
Normally the ‘identity’ seeks to gain the characteristics of its source-God [these characteristics are, any and all things good]. The identity then
affects ‘the will’ to influence ‘the mind’ to invent positive techniques to resolve situations, thereby gaining goodness [good characteristics] for the
identity. However, ignorance of your reality acts as a disease which can sometimes first lead to frustration then agitation, anger and emotional over
control of the ‘mind’ in reaction to some situations. Once becoming mentally infected with emotional over control; negative techniques for situation
resolution develop in the mind, which then infects the will to act upon them, which then infects the identity with negative characteristics. The identity
ether accepts the negative characteristics or there is a war in the personality and a war between the personality and the mind. This war is
‘Schizophrenia’ and it’s symptoms of highs and lows are just one of the external signs. This war is ongoing unless the individual can resolve the
conflict of these issues of positive and negative mental techniques of resolving situations.


Because of this ignorance [of Reality], all humankind is plagued with a type of ‘Insanity’. This insanity is not a mental disorder; it is born from an
ignorance of reality and proper conduct. It is an ignorance of proper reaction to some situations. Without the knowledge of reality, the individual
inherently chooses bad conduct, actions of illusion and delusion in response to some situations. This conduct is an insanity of choice. Without the
knowledge of reality, your ‘Free Will’ ‘Freedom of Choice’ becomes the ‘freedom to guess’, and your bad guesses acted on by your ‘Will’ infects
your ‘Identity’ with the characteristic of ‘Insanity’. You ignorantly chose this insanity for you have not the knowledge of all that is sane. For,
insanity is as insanity does.
Do not guess about things and ideas. Do not put your beliefs into things or ideas. You are here to learn the truth about things and ideas. You must
do your own research to gain the knowledge of the entire universe and more.
For the ‘Golden Capstone’ of ‘All Knowledge’ has replaced the ‘All Seeing Eye’ of ‘Discovery’ atop the Pyramid of Reality; for most things once
hidden have now been revealed.
Put your Faith in personalities only [friends, family, God], for God is a Personality, the creator, source and destiny of all personality.

Everything else is for you to Learn and Know

"To know anything, you must know everything [the whole Universe]… To only know part of a thing is to not know that thing at all”. - [CCR2]
"To understand Earth Reality, you must know Universe Reality". - [CCR2]
On the Path to Enlightenment

The Path of Enlightenment requires the individual to: 1. Acquire the Proper Thinking
2. Maintain Control of Self
1. The Proper Thinking of; the knowledge and the Mind-Set [attitude-mentality] that you are a “Child of God”. You are the “Great Grandson or
daughter of God the Father” in a direct line, you have direct lineage with God. You are, have always been, and will always be infinitely loved by and
connected to Source. Never are you alone. All things of a positive nature are possible for you to attain! Though something may seem logically
impossible to achieve or deal with, your over-all mind-set makes it a possibility. Never tell yourself; I cannot do it... Remember, only ‘Progressive
and Positive’ ideas, words, and actions [actualities of Goodness] are ‘Real’.
2. Maintain Control of Self
Control of Self; controls, limits, and conditions everything and everyone around you. All of your relationships, your contacts in life: your children,
community, government, etc, start with and depend on your personal self-control. You should not expect proper relations with all that is life, if you
cannot maintain control of yourself.
Mind, Emotions, Sexuality; are some of the add-on ‘inner tools’ for mortal existence. They are not you; they are your inner-tools, just as your
human body is your outer-tool. These tools must be mastered and then controlled; if not, they will master and control you. They are not Preset in
their operations before or at birth, and they are very malleable. The individual chooses what type of mind, emotions, and sexuality to have. So do not
blame it on God, saying that He made you the way you are. No, you chose to be the way you are with your mentality, your emotionality, and your
The Two Mortal Types
There are two types of Mortals coming from two different Spirit sources on Urantia - Earth. There are “Human beings”; the ‘seed’ of God, that have
his Spirit, and there are also ‘Humans’; the seed of the Fallen Rebel Angels, and ‘Humans’ have been given a different spirit by God; a spirit that
takes them away from him. These ‘Humans’ cannot ‘spiritually elevate’ as “Human beings” can. Humans are slaves to their three inner Tools: their
mentality – emotionality – and sexuality; and therefore they cannot spiritually elevate. {“They are wicked from birth”. “They were created only to be
destroyed”.} God-The Most High allowed this demonic creation in order to use them for a singular purpose before their destruction. They cannot
know ‘love or friendship’, even though they fruitlessly try. They are only actors, posing as friends, husbands-wives, Mothers-Fathers. There are many
among them who know and or feel that they have only this one life to live.
Only with the ‘Inducement’ of the power of the Spirit of God is there the possibility of total ‘personality control’ by a mortal ‘body’. It is this
technique of ‘Induction’ by which many interconnected Universe processes function. The grass is induced to grow; electricity is induced to flow.
Nothing is forced to work. The Spirit fragment of ‘Total Deity’ inside you, induces you to control-master and rise above your inner tools; to properly
use them and become your better self; even unto your ‘best self’.


On the Path to Enlightenment

As the individual evolves spiritually, more fulfilling and proper relationships with others develop. Fore there is Only One Way to treat your
Brothers and Sisters; and that is with Love…
Understand; your earthly family [your earthly Mother and Father] is only a 'model' for family. All of humanity and many many more is your
True family of Sisters and Brothers, [now, and for all eternity]. Your earth mother and father are your ‘Guardians’, not your parents. They did not
create you or your human body. Humans cannot create life of any kind. God and the Godhead are your ‘Parents’; as they are the only ‘Parents’ in the
universe. It is they, who are raising you [even now]. If your guardians join with God, then they can assist God and the Godhead in raising you, the
offspring. Your guardians ‘know-not’ the skills, the techniques nor the ‘Knowledge’ to be a ‘Parent’ of a Great Grandson or daughter of God. To what
‘Universe’ School of Parenting did your guardians attend? What technique did your guardians use to put you inside a human body?

One of the greatest impediments to human elevation is the collective institutional lack of the education and use of the Humanities. Humans,
unlike other animals must be Taught its' humanity [What it means to truly be a Human being] through-out childhood, and into maturity. There is no
such thing as Common Sense. There is nothing 'common' about having ‘Sense’, it is not automatically acquired; it is taught.
The humanities are a teaching technique for learning the meaning, the value, the function of every occasion-situation-idea-ideal. Is there no human
on earth who has a complete or even a proper understanding of his or her own humanity [what it means to’ Truly’ be a Human-being]?
Without self-control and the knowledge of your humanity, a person can literally become a monster; not an animal, but a Monster. It would be an
insult to all animal-kind, to attribute human’s demonic acts to be animal-like. Animals by nature are not ‘Demonic’.

The Path of Enlightenment is the seeking for the co-ordination of Science-fact with Religious-value with Philosophy-wisdom with Revelation-
true reality, to achieve ‘Maximum of Being’…
Why, where does it all lead?
Well, we start out in the Universe, and with one life after another, we transit from one Planet to another. We are simultaneously evolving-
experiencing 'spirit perfection'; constantly spiraling inward toward the Center of the Universe [our home] and to Source-God.
The Universe is a 'University' [a school] and it is also a ‘Nursery’ [like a hospital or a plant nursery], and every planet is a ‘Classroom’ and a
‘Crib’ that teaches us all type of Perfection. Your whole lifetime on this planet is but one day in class; so I welcome you my brothers and sisters to
your first day of ‘Universe School’.

'We' Mortals and some Angels are the ‘only’ things in the Universe that can be perfect and imperfect at the same time.
{This is your Proof}
We can be perfect in one or two attributes, and imperfect in all others; or imperfect in one or two attributes and perfect in all others. Therefore, each
time we complete a Universe Cycle, we gain ‘Perfected Attributes’, and we get to go ‘Home’ to Source.

God – ‘Total Deity-God the Father’ is an ‘Absolutely Perfectly’, and a ‘Perfectly Absolutely’- ‘Divine’-being.

Note: ‘Divinity’ is the heaviest – headiest word-concept in the verse. It is said to be “more than goodness”. My brain smokes every time I
try to postulate its greater meaning.

‘Perfection’ is a Universe Standard and base line.

‘Perfection’ is: 'The Language of the Gods'...
There, at home in ‘Paradise’ we can communicate directly with God and the Godhead through our perfections - through our 'perfected attributes'.
There, at the center of the Universe, in the presence of God, he will communicate new Personal Orders directly to you and send you on your ‘New
Mission’ [your new function, meaning, value, and destiny] back out in the Crib-School-Universe.
There, back in the Universe, you start the cycle all over. You and the Universe always keep evolving toward greater and greater Perfection; but
the Cycle stays the same [generally]…That’s what it’s all about [generally]… "You do the 'Hokey-Pokey' [you perfect yourself], and you 'turn'
yourself around [you spiral through the Universe], and that’s what it’s all about”.
You don’t remember the 'Hokey-Pokey' [song-dance]? It goes like this. “You put your left foot in; you take your left foot out. You put your left
foot in, and you shake it all about [you experience a particular planetary state of being]. You do the 'Hokey-Pokey', and you turn yourself around; and
that's what it's all about.”--- It’s about you perfecting yourself so that you may serve as a 'functionary of God'-[a Delegate] for future Universe
Creation, Organization, Evolution, and Unification. Your Great-Grand-Father has a job ready and waiting, for you.

Chapter 2
Historical – Nation Building

In the last 150 years, humans have chosen Demonic Possession at a startling increasing rate. These demonically possessed people established the
one and only ‘World Banking System’. It is from this financial platform that these demonically lead people gained control of ‘Big Industry’ worldwide.
Having achieved this level of control and influence, the infiltration by these ever-increasing demonic humans in every major market and system of
world cultures took less than 150 years, resulting in the domination of nations by a single demonic 'cultural formula'. We now have at the center of
all major markets and systems of culture world-wide, the designing, modifying and controlling hand of demonic humans. Surrounding these
demonically possessed humans is a cadre of ‘familiars’ [non-possessed human helpers] and with them are the power and greed hungry humans
enabling this powerful and secret inside takeover of worldwide human cultures.
This is the evolved modern state of the “Beast” or “Babylon”-“Egypt”-“Sodom” named in scriptures for a type of human ‘society or culture’ that
is a designed creation of the ‘fallen angels’.
Around 40,000 years ago the Staff members of earth’s Planetary Prince came to earth posing as Gods. Caligastia, earth’s Planetary Prince had
gone over to the Lucifer Rebellion and half of his Staff went with him. While Caligastia is a body-less spirit being, his Staff are material bodied
angelic beings, although to man they are giants. It is they who first designed and founded a human society the scriptures call the “Beast”. These
fallen angels are known today as the ‘Anunnaki’.
These Anunnaki are the first to introduce ‘currency’ to mortals. ’Currency’ is a demonic invention for slavery. These Anunnaki instituted a
religion of demonic worship and a ’Royalty’ hierarchy system of control. They are the first to teach mortals how to forge metals and make weapons of
war and teach mortals how to wage organized warfare of a special kind called “Hellenism”. Not to be confused with “Hellenists”: those believers of
‘Hellene’, an ancient Greek Rulers wife turned into a Greek goddess. Hellenism-warfare is designed to not just defeat the enemy, but to destroy and
erase the enemy’s culture, then supplanting it with a culture of slavery, currency, and a religion of Demonism. Hellenism: to take someone’s culture to
Hell. It is, to be of, about and for Hell.
These are the trademark characteristics of the Beast of the Bible.
The Beast is any society that practices Hellenism-warfare, uses a currency, and its people worship idols or graven images.- [If you worship a God
that loves everybody, a universalist type God that wants everybody to come get saved; then you are a Graven Image worshiper It is an Image of
God that is a Lie. You have been tricked. There is no real God like that. That God is not scriptural and actually opposes scriptural God.]

“So the beast has evolved from being:

A Royalty Religious Slavery System to an Economic Royalty Religious Slavery System based on Race Discrimination”.-[CCR2]

At first it was just a little local slave system; but it has now grown to assimilate and enslave 90% of the world population. The only ones still free
of this beast are the peoples of the land.
It has been - 20,000 years since humankind has had a Spiritual Instructor in 'Permanent' residence on Urantia [Earth]. In those - 20,000 years
humankind has suffered at least 'Two' Global Civilization Ending Catastrophes; all of which caused historical, technological, intellectual, and
spiritual Amnesia. This is at least the third time; that humanity has built culture up from virtually the ‘Stone Age’. This is at least the third time; that
humankind has known electricity, flight, global communication, the bicycle, other sciences, God etc… This modern World Society is only around –
7500 years old.
Our solar system like most solar systems in the universe is a ‘binary system’. We have two Suns. This second sun has an orbit around the sun we
see every day that takes thousands of years to complete. When this ‘second’ sun comes through our solar system it plays havoc with the planets by
bringing along its own mini-solar system of planets, moons, meteors and rubble. There is also another Planet [the so-called ‘9 th Planet’] whose orbit
is similar in the length of time as our second sun, and it too wrecks havoc through our system when it comes.
The ‘Creator’ routinely uses these heavy gravity bodies to sweep peoples and nations off the planet. He uses them to punish or to cause a complete
reset of all human habitation on the planet… As soon as the earth settles into some kind of abomination, God throws a rock at it; and you’d better
get ready cause he’s winding up.
Human's Spiritual Levels were already low before the catastrophes and the influences of the Fallen Angels were becoming an ever-increasing
factor. With each attempt of re-building World civilization, and with no Permanent Spiritual Instructor guarding and guiding humanity; the Fallen
Angels strengthened their ever-widening fields of influence until they achieved dominance and control over the leader-ship [the Rothschild family
and banking consortium] of Present-Day Cultures.
In the design, modification and control, of systems and markets of world culture, is the handwriting and signature of demonic ’intent’. The fallen-
rebel angel’s intent is to possess everything, possess all life. They were adventurous with the keys to the Genetic Code of life.
If possession is unobtainable, then the attempt of enslavement of that life ensues. ‘Mortal living’: is within a situation training ‘program’ running
inside a simulated reality we call the Universe. The fallen angels gained the ability to change certain factors in certain situations. They skillfully
make these changes to elicit favorable conduct from you. These changes cause you to choose the conduct and thinking of lesser value and meaning,
all the way to sin and evil.
If enslavement is unsuccessful, then that life is a target for destruction and death; but even without Knowledge of Reality; by living a life of faith
and doing good, will shield one from those evil plans of destruction and death.
So let us now examine this World Culture of this Beast of the Bible, and identify, the modification, the nature of the control, the design and the
intent of that which desires your possession, your enslavement, and your destruction and death.

A Democratic Republic is 'The' facade of America. It is the lie, the goal, and the dream of an America Ideal, but America is not, and has never
been a Democratic Republic. In fact, there has never been a True democratic Republic Nation in earth’s modern history [that I know of].
The ancient Greeks were the first Western culture to adopt the idea and the ideals of democracy, over four thousand years ago. In the end, the
decision of ruler ship of a democratic republic either by an administration of the elite class, or by the People; [once the People were educated], was
never properly decided and The Republic has not evolved any further in all of that time.
The Founding Fathers of America had planned for a ‘temporary’ Four Pillared administration to rule until the People [once the people had been
educated] could then ‘replace’ it.
Like all nations, America was born with the 'crippling' handicap of 'The Three Stooges of Destruction', and their game of slavery and death,
“The Rat Race”.
Since the beginnings of the tribes of humankind, there was always someone in the tribe who did not want to work along with everyone. Instead,
they wanted to Control the work of everyone. So, by assuming the role of the leader of Negative-Religion, Negative-Commerce, Negative-
National-Racial-Tribal Power [government] they accomplished this goal of control.
I have given them the title: "The Three Stooges of Destruction", and I have individually named them Mannie, Curly, and Moe… 'Mannie',
Represents the trader, merchant, Banker - negative Commerce… 'Curly' represents the witch doctor - negative Religion… 'Moe' represents the
Dictator - negative Government. Throughout human history, these same Three Principals have taken over, destroyed and enslaved the people of
all countries and nations. Obviously the Spirit of the fallen angels indwells these types of people.
Presently, Mannie the banker [the Rothschild family and banking consortium] controls most of the political, social, and economic systems in
America and the world. Along with Mannie, comes Mannie’s favorite system of culture called “The Rat-Race”… The Rat Race is a long-standing
system of enslavement and obedience, which has scared and handicapped all countries, past and present.
"The Rat Race" is a ‘System of Culture’ in which the citizens of the same country compete with one another over the needs of survival, the
necessities of life"; food, water, air, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, etc. Central to the rat race is another system of human division called
‘Musical Jobs’.
‘Musical Jobs’ is just like Musical Chairs except the competition is over jobs. By purposefully creating a shortage of jobs in the general fields of
employment, a competition arises between citizens over these jobs and gives rise to a ‘Class’ system of division with even more competition within
the classes.
Herein lay the beginning of the interference of the ‘God Path’ set for us to walk. Herein is the plan of a society based on negatives. It is the
negatives of ‘class’, ‘privilege’ and divisions of individuals through a financial system. It is not an accident; it did not just naturally develop. This
society was designed to maintain a shortage of jobs; which shows ‘Intent’ and the signature mentality of the fallen angle's attempt to possess you, or
to enslave you, or to kill and destroy you. They seek to divide humankind. They wish to divide Brothers, Sisters, and the Family of God.
All of this social conflict coming from just one small modification, the amount of jobs created or controlled in a society. Now add that negative
modification to the backdrop of a society based on money for survival. One must ‘pay to stay’ alive. A society based on a concrete thing such
as ’labor’ can be very productive, but a society based on an ‘abstraction’ such as money is doomed. Money does not offer the social cohesion found
in labor.
It is because you pay money for survival necessities, means that citizens of the same country compete with one another for survival. The merchant
sells to the highest bidder, so one must compete with your brothers and sisters to pay the highest price for the best survival necessities possible. You
are not in a ‘Life and Living’ mode, you are on ‘Survival’ mode status. No one is able to live a proper mortal’s life until all mortals are able to live a
proper mortal’s life. It is physically and mentally impossible for mortals to live a proper life knowing any one of their brothers or sisters are living in
pain and hardship. We are all connected. There is a proven [through scientific experiments] linkage between human beings on the Mental and
Physical levels. We are all in the same universe class.
The Rat Race makes humans live and compete like ‘Rats’. There’s the: 1. The Slave Rat 2. The comfortable Slave Rat. 3. The king Slave Rat.
Which one are you? Does it matter what kind of rat you live like? I think not. It is impossible to have a true Democratic Republic and the Rat Race
in the same country at the same time.
With no army and without firing a single shot, the capture of America over a hundred years ago took only a single day. The American legislation
to give control of Banking and the Printing of its Money to a foreign entity was the ’Notification of Surrender’ to a foreign power. Ever since that
time, the American people have lost their freedoms in ever-increasing stages until their 'Legal Status' has been ‘secretly’ reduced from a 'Citizen', to
a type of slave called a ‘Ward of the State’ - [a child- under the responsibility and Control of the State].
There is only one way to conquer a country and that is with force; but there are many ways to ‘capture’ a country or any locality. They can be
captured through economics, religion, and health; any kind of dependence or ‘Controlling Factor’ from outside entities.
Americans and most of the people of the world are all captives of the one and only world banking system of the Rothschild family and banking
consortium. You are not a citizen. You are not under the Constitution, and you have lost all rights in whatever country you live in.

“You are all now ‘Programmed Assassin’ cannibals” - [CCR2]

The percentage of Human DNA in all processed and unprocessed meat is increasing yearly at an alarming rate, just as the number of missing men,
women and children increase. Human cannibalism, sacrifice, and Sex-slavery have never gone out of vogue, and they along with many other vices
receive a resurgence of indulgence as the gap between the rich and poor widens.
The privilege class has always sacrificed the poor in some way in most societies. ‘Human meat’ was just another ‘white meat’ on the dining table
of European culture just a few hundred years ago. Now as Dark Cults increase, the over abundance of dead human bodies finds its way into the
human and animal food systems, and onto your dinner table.
Humans are the only animal on the planet that is born premature. This is necessary because the mature brain of a human is far too big for birthing.
Therefore, the 'human brain' must develop and mature outside of the mother for the first 22 years of life. [This is just one sign that the human body
did not naturally evolve on this Planet] Humans are the only animal whose brain encounters outside influences while it is still developing. This makes
the developing human brain an easy victim for the programming from its guardians and its society.
Demon possessed humans designed your society and the cultures of the world for thousands of years for the fallen angels. Part of this design is to
program the people against their very own nature.
Your programming is to ‘Kill all Life’ and destroy everything else. Given the right situation and or the right prompting you will kill automatically
or on command, and do nothing about the destruction of the world around you.
Your programming is to kill anything for some dirt; you call territory or nation. You kill for an idea; you call patriotism. You kill for feelings; you
call security or fear. You kill for beliefs; you call religion. You kill for material possessions and material gain. You have even killed for God himself.
Whether as an individual or in groups, your willingness to kill each other is not of your true nature. It is a learned thing. It is a program.
Most of the information you have and the information you believe, you adopted from outside sources. These sources are a very unhealthy mix in
the miss-education of your mentality, emotionality, and conduct. Many of you have never had an 'original idea' [other than your fantasies] in your
lives. Most of you do very little 'original thinking' and you have always been that way. Your programming is, not to think, not to be bored; because
your society has many diversions to keep you entertained and busy. Your programming is to expect truth from authority, so you seldom question or
examine the facts of what authority teaches.
These sources teach you in what circumstances you should kill your brothers and sisters for the dirt, the idea, the feelings, the fear, the beliefs, or
for the money.

“The things that one lives for, one dies for, and kills for, are the gods in one’s life.” - [CCR2]

They are the modern day false-gods of your miss-education and your programming. The list, of your miss-education and programming is quite
extensive and pathologically insane [evil].
This culture [of America] has been 'Designed', to: Distract, Confuse, cause Fear and Death, and to Enslave you in, the 'Legal Status’ of - 'Ward
of the State'; thereby taking you out of the 'Lawful' protections of your Constitution. Through 'their' secrecy and 'your' ignorance, 'they' have
brought into existence a 'Scam of Fiction', that has captured us into Slavery; and it has been exceedingly successful as a 'model' for the capture of
the Peoples of the rest of the World.
The Intent is to possess, enslave, destroy and kill. In this endeavor, the fallen angels simultaneously DIVERT HUMANKIND away from the
R&R - [the Reality and the Rule], your Handbook and 'Instruction Manual' for Earth. And ‘The Law’ of God, is not known, being taught or discussed.
Your cultural designers [the Fallen Angels] did not want humankind to know 'Brother-Sister-hood' as The Reality; or to know 'Goodness' [any and
all things good] is the only thing that is 'Real'[absolutely real] on this Planet and in the Universe. They also did not want humans to use goodness as
a technique for defeating and surviving death, because they use the mystery of death as a weapon against you. They certainly did not want you to
understand that these two Realities together, become the R&R; which are the parameters of the 'Human Code of Conduct' and the 'Intent of Heart and
Mind' - our 'Instruction Manual for Earth' - The R&R - the Reality & the Rule.
While the R&R has been in the world seemingly forever, ‘The Law’ is a more recent Revelation borne of the ‘Chosen People of God’ – the
Hebrew Israelites. “The Law of God”; is God’s rule for ‘mortal’s proper worship-conduct-and relationship to The Most High and the world’. “The
Law of God” is still not well known or taught to most mortals of Urantia-Earth.


I have been writing this report for ten years. It is an attempt to enlighten and give remedy to all of the maladies of human-kind. It has been a self-
defining and a self-enlightening adventure; but alas time has intervened. As of March 2020, the usefulness of the knowledge of ‘any remedy’
contained in the remainder of this report is only good for your personal edification… For now, we have passed the time of a chance for a ‘ mortal –
remedy’ of world problems and we have now entered into those days of, ‘the remedy of The Most High-God’.
Let us do a ‘time check’ of these days, in relation to that which is referenced in scriptures. In referring to the teachings of Jesus, where he
describes to the apostles the times and events of his second coming, we can denote that these times that he speaks of are the times after the breaking
of the ‘Fifth Seal’. But this pandemic is associated with the times of the “Trumpets”; the last seven signs before the end. These are the times within
the end time, known as “The End of Days”. The End of Days is denoted by the announcement by the Creator [the Corona Global Pandemic] of the
beginning of his correction of the Material and Spiritual Status of this sphere. This pandemic is the first completely ‘total global’ pandemic in the
history of the planet. All the other plagues never infected all peoples across the entire world before this one. Anything, having to do with the “Whole
World”, is within the Creator’s direct, personal, and immediate dominion. This ‘Total Global Pandemic’ – this announcement by The Most High is
also a demarcation point that marks the end of the ability of mortals [even if they tried] to correct the harm that they have done to both themselves
and to the planet.
It is written in scriptures that The Creator knew that he would have to interrupt ‘evil’; or else all [earth and humankind] would be destroyed; and
remember, it is his ‘chosen people’ and ‘the land’ that is of most importance to him.
These are the days in which those who have been made to forget who they are, where they are, and why they are; now remember. These are the
days when the books, once hidden are brought back into the light and are reveled again and made plain, through The Holy Spirit.

Note: The Holy Spirit – The Third Person of the Trinity; is ‘Cosmic-Mind’… She is the Mother of ‘Mind and Body’, the source-center and creator of
mind. She is ‘Cosmic Mind’- ‘Universe Mind’ . All minds come from, are center on and en-circuited to her. Your mind is just a Laptop, working off
of her Main Frame. She is the perfect delegate for God to use to disseminate information and Knowledge; instantaneously, and to wake a People up.
[The Spirit of Truth, oh my; man she has got daughters. Ok?]

These are the days that The Most High sends out his “Fishers of Men” before he sends out his “Hunters of Men”.
God has closed the doors to the ‘Church of Satan’ and put a knife in the back of the currency system of slavery all over the world. There will now
be a period of time for the teaching of the world; now that you have been made to be still and questioning. The Father is raising-up his ‘Elect’; and
we will teach the ‘True Gospel’, the true interpretation of the ‘Gospel’ that can only be obtained through the use of all the books; not just the 80
books that was given to world. Only a True Hebrew Israelite who is inspired by The Holy Spirit – The Spirit of Truth, and using all the books, can
‘decode’ and give true interpretation and proper understanding of the Gospel of The Lamb [Christ].

“There is no such thing as ‘Equality’ or ‘The Equality’ of anything or anyone; on Earth or in the “Heavens”.
“There are no two things or people that have equal value or worth to man or God” – [CCR2]

‘The whole world has been taught Lies, a Gospel of Tricks and lies…’
“Oh, we are all ‘equal’ in the eyes of God” Lie… “Oh, God loves everyone” Lie.
All Religions, either come into the world as the church of Satan, or they are modified over time into the church of Satan. All religions tricked you
into believing the lie, of a God that loves everybody [the interpretation of the ‘gentile’ world]. But the book they teach from [the Bible] teaches that
God’s Love is only for his “Chosen People” – [“The Saints” - “the apple of his eye” – “his Elect”], and “The Land”. That is all that seems to be
important to God for the last 3000+ years; is the Chosen People and the Land, the Land and the Chosen People.
The whole world has been tricked into worshiping “Graven Images” [of a god]… A “Graven Image” is not just a statue, a craving, or a picture. It
is also any: idea, identity or characteristic given to God that has no scriptural connection, foundation, and especially no scriptural reference. A
“Graven Image” can be a creation, an image created in the mind; something having no connection with the truth or to scriptures… ‘Graven’ means:
to make or create by man. It is a man-made creation; something that is materially or mentally made by man. A god that loves everybody is a graven
image of god. A god that loves everybody the same – loves everybody equally; is a graven image of god. They are Lies – they are not scriptural –
they are False Images of God, because God’s Love is only for his “Chosen People”.
The church of Satan tricked you into believing in a ‘Son of God’ that is also not real…. Jesus said that he came to minister to ‘God’s Chosen
people’, and to tell them that their covenant with God; once written in stone is now written in flesh - written in him. And that animal sacrifice to God
is no longer warranted because he-The Christ, is the only sacrifice of worth and value.
Understand this; God’s covenant with Israel [which included Hebrew Israelite Law] was a ‘marriage engagement’, and ‘The Law’ – the Hebrew
Israelite Law, says that the ‘engagement’ is the beginning of a marriage; leaving only the marriage ceremony and the consecration. In this marriage,
Israel is the ‘bride’ and Christ is the ‘groom’ - [mortals can only marry to flesh, not to a spirit – Israel can’t marry God as a Spirit, but can marry God
as a man in the flesh - Christ]. So when Israel started worshiping idols and graven images; she committed ‘Adultery’ [with other gods] when she
was already married to The Most High. Now, under ‘The Law’ of The Hebrew Israelites, the sentence for adultery is: Death; Death for all Israel.
So Christ [the ‘groom’] came to the “cross” to sacrifice his life, thereby ending the marriage [because the groom is dead]; thereby erasing the
charge of adultery and the death sentence from Israel. This is why Jesus said “I have come not to change ‘The Law’, but to fulfill it”… Now, Christ
can come back to earth a second time and get engaged [married] again, and have a marriage ceremony and consecration as it had been previously
planned. Then establish The Kingdom God on Earth by and with God’s Chosen People - the Hebrew Israelites.
Christ did not die for the sins of everybody, or for the sins of the whole world. He died for the security [of the covenant] of the Chosen People of
The Most High-God. That was the ‘function’ of his death. The function of his ‘Life’ was also to welcome all the Gentiles [who are of the Spirit of
God] to come; hear the True gospel, the Law; and enter the ‘Kingdom’…
‘Good-times – Jesus’ is not going to save you from your sins and ‘the sins of your Fathers’. In fact Jesus said in the Bible that he believes in
punishment for the wicked. So, when the end comes or when your punishment comes, this ‘Anti-Christ’ [good-times Jesus] is not going to save you
from your sins and the sins of your Fathers. How can he? He’s not real. The real Jesus who believes in the punishment of sinners is not going to save
you from punishment just because at the end you called his name.
Remember, Jesus Christ was not a Christian… He was a Hebrew Israelite, which is a religion or belief system to only those who cannot ‘Prove’
it to be Truth, Knowledge, and ‘the’ Reality of life and living. It would make no since and doesn’t even sound right that Christ-Michael-Jesus, the
Son of God would take part in a belief system. No Christ has the ‘Proof’ that being a Hebrew Israelite is “The Way – The Truth – and The Life”. Just
as I, Master Cosmogonist – CCR2 have the ‘Proof’, and I present that ‘Proof’ in this report. There is no philosophy, religion, belief-system or other
way of ‘Life and Living’ that can be proven as The Truth, or Knowledge, or ‘the’ Reality other than that of the Hebrew Israelites. Being a
scientifically minded and ‘proof’ oriented thinking person; is the reason why I, The Master Cosmogonist – CCR2 am a Hebrew Israelite. I am a
‘Jesusonian’ [to be like Jesus].
Now the Most High-God punished his chosen people for their sins and for the sins of their Fathers first; and now our punishment is almost over
and the Nations of World will have their punishment. It is written that after this punishment, the remnant of the ‘gentiles’ will cleave to the Hebrew
Israelites for their salvation. So these next few years will be the last chance for the Nations, the gentiles, and Jews to repent and receive some kind of
mercy before their punishment. Hear the True interpretation of the ‘Gospel of the Lamb’ from a True Hebrew Israelite. Cleave to them and repent, for
woe [death] be unto the peoples of the world. For Christ said, all the Nations have sinned against God’s Chosen… And God said, only to My Chosen,
have I given my Spirit; all others I have given another Spirit that would lead them away from me.
The Most High blessed his Chosen, and they were supermen-women in all respects, in all arenas of life. Then they sinned and he punished his
Chosen. He brought his Chosen down to the lowest station in the societies of the World. Now that our punishment is coming to an end; The Most
High is now raising-up his Chosen People.

Note: You should understand that God punishes Nations and generations of people for the whole world to see his Will, his Identity, and
his Sovereignty. He punishes individuals privately for an individual-personal understanding of his Will.

All of this is just part of a Universe History Story/Lesson that speaks to the understanding of the Will of The Most High. When this 3000 + year
old story finishes, it will tell of the establishment of God’s: Identity, Sovereignty, and his Earthly Mortal Hierarchy of Authority [the Kingdom of
God]; as well as The Most High’s Will for each and every individual mortal. It will become a story of Universal renown; forever and ever. It is a
story telling of God’s Glory despite angelic rebellion and mortal ignorance. The Will of God is ‘Absolute’, glorious, and only it will prevail.
The Knowledge from the Urantia Book completes the understanding of this Earthly Story of Gods Will-[of the Present day], by connecting it to
God’s Will for his Universe Story-[of all eternity]. The Urantia Book explains that mortals are created to be - have the Potential to be: “The Third
Expansion of Deity Identity and Consciousness”… Do you think that ‘everybody’ or ‘all people’, are ready for that Mission? Are ‘you’ ready for that
job? This is the reason why The Most High-God only wants the best, of his crop of the seeds of himself.
In order to teach and prepare mortals for this destiny, there is a hierarchy of Mortals and Angelic host in authority, whose post was vacated on
Urantia-Earth because of the ‘Lucifer Rebellion’… “The Material Son and Daughter” - Adam and Eve – [the material bodied angelic representatives
of God] defaulted, position open - vacated because of the rebellion and left the planet… “The Planetary Prince” – Caligastia - [the invisible Spiritual
Administrator of the Planet] defaulted - position vacated because of rebellion, position temporarily filled by Christ Michael-Jesus … “The System
Sovereign” – Lucifer - [The Spiritual Administrator of a group or System of inhabited planets] defaulted, position open – position vacated for leading
a rebellion against God - The Most High.
In a young newly created universe like this one, even God cannot always get good help… Oh my; what’s a God to do??? He’s going to do the
same thing he always does to those who violate his rules and regulations; he punishes them or sweeps them off the land to their destruction. This was
the fate of the Titans and the Giants of Noah's flood. There are stories by the ancient peoples about The Great Father destroying the earth six times,
each time time using a different method. Sometimes he would use wind or earthquake, or fire, or water, or maybe even Nukes.

The Urantia Book describes how all things in the universe have a: Origin-Meaning-Value-Function-and Destiny; except for mortals. Mortals only
have Origin and a ‘Potential’ Value. All of their: full Value- Meaning-Function-and Destiny is tied up in this ‘potential of a Value’ that must grow
and mature through and by experience, time, and perfection; in order to have actual ‘worth’. We mortals are like ‘seeds’; full of ‘potential’ worth, but
whose value only comes with growth and maturity.
So, being like a ‘farmer’, God-The Most High cultivates his crops of seeds. He removes the weeds, prunes the stems and splices in good
branches; resigning what produces bad fruit to the fire. Because, only his Best crop is best suited for the job, which is the attainment of being ‘The
Third Expansion’ of his ‘identity’ and ‘consciousness’… It is they [his best], who go forth together with “The Perfect” mortals and teach the Universe
of future mortals.
That’s the Universe Plan and technique… It is a plan for The Perfect Mortals from Havana [Heaven-a perfect material reality], together with The
Perfected Mortals from this time-space-experiential reality; to go forth pared up, to teach the future mortals of the Universe. This is why only God’s
Chosen People have his Spirit and his Love. The rest of humanity was only allowed to be created by the fallen angels in order to be used as the
‘whipping stick’ to punish and humble God’s beloved chosen seed. Then “The Bastards” [those not of God’s Spirit or creation] will be swept from the
land to their destruction.
Like the ‘Two Sticks’ [records] of the Northern and Southern Tribes of the Hebrew Israelites must be used together to gain the Truth of the
Gospel of The Lamb; these two Books – The Urantia Book and Biblical Scriptures give an understanding of the ‘Will of God’ on a ‘personal’ level-
[relationships with mortals] and his Will on an ‘impersonal’ level-[Universe Construction-unification-perfection]; as they, are views and aspects of
his one and unified Will.

As stated before; the rest of this report is ‘Dated’, and any ‘Remedy’ found in this report from this point on is, as of March 2020 useless.

Chapter 3
The Scam of Fiction - The Enslavement Technique

A Fiction can be something unreal that human kind has invented and uses as a tool, like mathematics. On the other hand, it can be a Modification
of the real, and it can be a thing 'Posing' as something it is not. A Fiction can be something unreal representing itself as something real, like the
misrepresentation of a 'Fact'; which includes lie, error, posing, opinion, consensus, theory, etc. The use of 'Words of Art' to represent ‘Law’ is a
'Fiction'. A privately owned-non-profit [for profit] Corporation calling itself - 'The United States of America Inc.’, and representing itself as the
American Government; is 'Fiction' Posing as being something it is not. It is Fiction posing as something real.
All of the foundations of your Culture have been ‘modified’ into a Fiction [with the exception of Mathematics, which is a separate type of Fiction].
These fictions are very subtle lies-errors-opinions-substitutions-omissions-subversion, and theories that we all use to live our lives by every day; as if
they were real.
The written rules you live by that you call laws, are not Law. They are words of art, 'Posing' as Law; written in equivocating grammar language
[language that has more than one meaning]. In court, equivocating grammar language is defined as 'Babble', and is illegal to use in Contracts and
Advertising. This grammar language is at the heart of a Scam for enslavement and for Money, for there has been no correct, legal or righteous
“Written Law” on this Planet [at least] for thousands of years.
You cannot have correct written law without 'Contract'. You cannot have legal and correct ’written’ contract without correct ‘Parse, Syntax,
Grammar Language’ [which are the rules for Grammar Language]. Therefore, with no correct Grammar, language and ‘Contracts’ descends to the
levels of equivocation-'Babble'; which means we have no correct written law at all. What we currently have is ‘Arbitrary’ law, arbitrary Decisions
and Rulings; for the production of commerce through a 'Scam' Slavery-system posing as law.
In Grammar; to’ Modify’ the Noun, is to change the noun. The noun is also the 'fact'; so when you change or modify the noun, you also change
the 'fact'. If the noun is no longer the Fact [because it has been modified], then it must be a 'no-fact', a lie, error, opinion, rumor, etc.
The ‘Rules of Grammar’ state that in a sentence, the ‘first-word’, modifies the ‘second-word’, which modifies the third word and so on; but that
‘phrases’ [words grouped together sometimes by prepositions] cannot modify the next word. Only a word can modify another word; but not a phrase.
Grouping words together using prepositions is a way to create ‘a noun’; which is the ‘fact’ and the ‘subject’ in a sentence.
When the position of the noun in a sentence has no prepositional phrase in front of it, the noun becomes’ Modified’, and that changes a noun into
a: verb, adverb, adjective [a 'no-fact']. This is 'incorrect and illegal' Grammar used by 'Fiction' as a Tool to enslave the ignorantly schooled Public,
who are miss-educated into speaking and writing a language of 'No Fact' [Babble].

Example: “The dog is running.”

In this sentence, the first word “The” modifies the next word “dog”, turning the word “dog” [which is normally a noun] into a verb. [Have you
ever seen a verb dog running?] This is incorrect wording [incorrect 'Syntax']; 2nd grade grammar called 'Babble'; that says nothing or has more than
one meaning. Having a verb 'Dog', is 'Babble' because using incorrect syntax grammar makes the meaning of a sentence uncertain, and equivocating

Example: “For the dog is running.”

This sentence is in the correct Syntax form of Grammar, and accurately says something by using the proper positioning of the word “For” - [the
‘Preposition’] which ‘captures’ the word “the” in the ‘prepositional phrase’ [For the], leaving the word “dog” unmodified to be the noun and the
‘fact’ it should be.
Therefore, for not teaching 'Prepositional Phrases' in Schools, you learn a 'Babble Language'; that is secretly used to change your ‘Legal Status’ in
Law and the Court, from a ‘Citizen’ to a ‘Ward of the State’.
For you or your lawyer to speak or write 'Babble' in Court, supports the [secret] change to your ‘Legal Status’. It is because you are all taught to
speak and write this 2nd grade grammar language, that the State-Court [secretly] considers the 'Public' to be ‘Wards’ [children], and therefore assume
‘Jurisdiction’ over you and [secretly] change your Legal Status from ‘Citizen’ to 'Ward of the State’.

[If we can ‘secretly’ teach them to Speak and Write like a child, then we can ‘secretly’ treat them legally like a child]
This is a part of ‘Secret Law’; swindle Law, a fraud, posing in and as Law.

Your Public Fool [school] System teaches you this grammar to keep you in ignorance and to keep you in the [secret] Scam; and is an instrument
of and for Control. It is an instrument for profit, possession, enslavement, death and destruction.
For as a 'Ward of the State', you are no longer within the protections of the Constitution, and have lost all Rights. They use Grammar, as taught
in your schools and through the Mass Media as a 'Technique for Slavery'.
That is how you ‘are captured’ by a 'Fiction' [law] as a 'Ward of the State' [a slave]… Now, here is how you ‘are captured’ by a 'Fiction' [law] as
a 'Ward of the ‘Corporate’ State’.

The 'Corporate' State

The Corporate State is a privately owned - non-profit [for profit] C ORPORATION that is 'Posing' as the State, the Government, or the Country.
They are Global; and they are ‘One’. It is an Evil Trojan-Horse in Society, in Law, in Commerce, in Education etc. of the World. It is another 'Trick'.
They use tricks and secrecy to control you and maintain their positions of advantage. For thousands of years the ‘Fallen Angels’ have given tricks to
your Leaders to control and enslave you.

England is name of the territory of the English People. Great Briton or The United Kingdom is the name of a privately owned corporation 'posing'
as the government of the territory of England. Manchuria is the name of the territory of the Manchurian People. China is the name of the privately
owned corporation 'posing' as the government of the territory of Manchuria. Russia is the corporation; the Ukraine use to be the territory.
America is the name of the territory of the Unified Territories of America, and of the American People. The United States of America or the
United States or the U.S., is the privately owned corporation 'posing' as the government of the territories of America. Also in each State of America,
there is this same Corporate Infection 'Posing' as Government.
'Maryland', is the name of the territory of the people of Maryland State... ‘The State of Maryland’, is the name of the privately owned corporation
'posing' as the government of the territory of Maryland, the State. Maryland State and The State of Maryland are Titles. One is for a ‘Locality’ or
Territory; the other is for an ‘Entity’ or Corporation.
In every Country and State on the globe, there are 'Two Governments'. One stands for your Freedoms and the other for your Destruction.
Through the 'Secrecy' of this Scam, and the People's miss-education - therefore Ignorance, and along with the Traitorous assistance of Government
Officials that you elected, the privately owned corporation has all but totally replaced the Territorial - Constitutional Governments of the World.
'The U.S. Post Office' is the postal service of the territory of America... ‘The U.S. Postal Service’ is the privately owned corporation 'posing' as
your territorial postal service. This Corporation is a part of the UPU- the United Postal Union, a corporation based in Bern, Switzerland. The Post
Master General of America and the Post Master Generals in every country are all members of the UPU, and merely 'posing' as a civil servant of their
countries. In reality, the Post Master General runs the countries of the world [for the Bankers].
In the mid 1800’s the UPU made a ‘Contract’ with all the Countries of the World to give the UPU exclusive authority to ship 'Vessels'. The term
'vessel', thought to mean a 'letter', has a greater meaning, one that defines all moving things as vessels you and I included. With this one contract, the
UPU captured all Commerce on the Planet. The Post Master General through this exclusive Authority and Control of Commerce through and by
‘Contract’ is the Real ruler of all the countries of the world. He controls all commerce and money. He pays and runs the armed forces to protect the
money, not the country; protect the money. He commands DOT [Department of Transportation] and the Port-Authority [vessel control agencies]. He
is the Department of Treasury.
All Government Officials, including the President, and the Mass Media are only a program, a TV show, a 'Soap-Opera' for the Public. They are
only a buffer of confusion between the People and 'The Man Behind the Curtain' pulling all the strings, our Post Master General.
Commerce has [secretly] ‘captured you’, and you are a 'Vessel-agent-Ward' of the Corporation, and are not under the protections of the
Constitution of whatever country you live in. This is why no government pays much attention to the will and wants of its People. ‘The People’ are all
secretly Wards of the State ['Children-Slaves'].
When you were born, a privately owned corporation created a fictitious-factitious entity with a name similar to yours, spelled in all capital letters.
This Birth Certificate, signed by your guardians [parents] became a negotiable instrument [money] that they claim owner-ship of, and use in the
Stock Market and for financial population accounting.
When applying for a Social Security card or Drivers Permit, you use this Birth Certificate to identify your-self; you are identifying your-self as
the 'fictitious entity' whose name is spelled in all capital letters and is owned by the Corporation. You are on record and with your signature
admitting [confessing] to the DMV and the Social Security Administration [who are in actuality, 'Agencies' of the privately owned Corporation] that
the 'fictitious entity' owned by the Corporation, is you. You unknowingly abandon and separate yourself from your Constitution, in Law [on
Their ‘Official Government Forms' become a completed Contract after you sign them, and are filled with snares and traps [Tricks] that take you
out of the Constitution; and serve as 'Adhesion Evidence' to the assumed ‘Jurisdiction’ of your 'Ward-ship' to the State and to the Corporation… Your
Public Fool [School] System teaches you how to fall into all of these Traps.
For example, you where taught in school to write in Cursive or 'Longhand'… In the early development of American ‘written law’ was a camp
or group of jurist who considered cursive writing as an act of ‘Cursing’ [casting spells], by the act of 'spelling'- [when letters are connected-joined
together]. You unknowingly [secretly] admit to being a ‘Sorcerer or Witch'. [Witch craft was considered by early American jurist as childish, ‘being
like a child’]. Thereby you support the ‘assumption’ by the court that you are a ‘Ward of the State’, a ‘minor’, and that the Court already has
‘Jurisdiction’ over you. When you write your Name in cursive, you are firstly; making a Contract; secondly, you are saying that you belong to them -
the privately owned Corporation, by the act of 'Spelling'.
Never write a Signature; instead use this Prepositional symbol { : } and 'Print' your name as an ‘Autograph’, like this - : John-Luke: Doe {for
the-John-Luke, of the-Doe-family}. No one can force you to Sign your name illegally; they must accept your autograph, or sue them if they do not.
'Forms' that ask you to identify yourself as to belonging to a 'Race', are a 'Trap' set for you to identify yourself as a fiction. This is another trap to
change your 'Legal Status and assume Jurisdiction' over you.
Your 'Nationality' determines your 'Legal Status' and your 'Legal Status' determines jurisdiction. So scratch-out that word 'Race' from your mind
and vocabulary, and write the name of the Nation you or your People came from; like English-American, French-American, or Moorish-American.
Words like White, Caucasian, Black, Afro-American, Negro, and Hispanic; are names of a 'fiction'. Describing yourself attached to no country or
Nation, only to a fiction; in the Courtroom or in 'Law', this self-description offers no evidence for your Legal Status. It only offers evidence of your
‘childish’ identification to a ‘Fiction’. Therefore you support their assumption that you are a Ward of the State and that the State - the Court already
has Jurisdiction over you.
The Marriage License that you sign, says that you give yourself, your family members, everything you own-will ever own to the Corporation
through their Agent, the Priest, Pastor, Reverend, or whoever signs that piece of paper [contract] that says: "With the Authority of the State
[Corporation], I thee wed".
The derivation of the word 'Father' comes from 'Slave'. The word ‘nice’, comes from meaning ‘stupid’. ‘Worship’ comes from ‘Workship’ -
[slavery]. Look it up yourself, but Webster himself said that his dictionary is a deception - a fraud; so do not ever use that one. There are all kinds of
secret tricks of Fiction, handed down through time, that secretly affect all our daily lives.
Now, since the Court already has you in 'Ward-ship' status, and since the Corporation has paper on you as their Property through your many
contracts with them; you are given over to them by Judges and Prosecutors who are all members of, and pledge an 'Oath' to, the 'Bar Association'.
The Bar Association; that privately owned nonprofit [for profit] Corporation [is actually a type of Guild] posing as an Institution of LAW, whose
Oath is “To Not try the Fact or Law in Court”. Therefore, by using equivocating babble grammar language that contains no ‘nouns’ and no ‘facts’ in
court; lawyers and judges comply with their Oath to the Corporation not to try the Fact or the Law in court. - [a super-duper Scam]
The end result is a ‘court of Commerce’ instead of a Court of Law and Justice; all the way to The Supreme Court of America.
The Public Fool [school] System teaches you language from Dictionaries not used in Court and Law. Special 'Law' Dictionaries are the referenced
dictionaries used in the Language of the Court and in Law. This language of the courtroom, written or oral is not correct grammar, it is also 'Babble',
and is Illegal, in that it violates U.S. Federal Codes for ‘The Fraudulent Conveyance of Grammar’ in court.. However by the use of 'artful' words
from their 'Law' dictionaries, their language passes and poses for Law.
The entirety of the Public [Miss] Education System is a Danger to all of Society and is itself in 'U.S. Federal Code' violation for 'Fraudulent
Conveyance of Grammar Language, Fraudulent and False Syntax Grammar Advertising, Contracting and Speech’, and many other charges of
violations of U.S. Federal Code.
The only classes your children should attend, is Mathematics, and Gym classes. The rest of the Public [Miss] Education System down to their
food and water, is simple unhealthy and dangerous!!! It would be far better to ‘Home School’ your children, even group ‘Home School’ if necessary.

For the real definition of ‘Education’ is: “To teach one to be Wise”.

I have used the word ‘Citizen’ to describe a Legal Status that may be more secure than that of a Ward of the State, but the term ‘Citizen’ has been
modified legally and is now mired in contracts and attachments which hide its true meaning. Until this word is changed to the legal meaning that you
assume it to be, it is far better to attain the Legal Status of a ‘Sovereign Person’.
This is a small part of the Information needed for you to understand Your 'Legal Status' in this Country. For this complete revelation and
education I must refer you to the only expert of law, my Teacher of Earth tricks and scams [Fictions] and the Inventor of "Quantum Parse Syntax
Grammar". He is the owner of the Patient for the correct Flag of the United States, author of the correct grammar Constitution of the United States,
prosecutor of corrupt Judges, District Attorneys, Lawyers, and police, a True Sovereign Person : Plenipotentiary-Federal-Postal-Judge : David-
Wynn : Miller, [the Giant-Killer].

“Only until the People learn how to ‘sue’ corporations and their governments with correct Grammar will they have ‘Power’ and an
‘effective’ technique to change their society.” - [CCR2]


"Silly rabbit, don't you know; 'Tricks', are for 'kids'?"

Yes, these 'Insane [Demonic] Rabbits' know that their 'Tricks' can turn a Human being into a 'Kid'… A 'Kid', is a baby Goat, and the goat is the
symbol of the 'Demon'. It is because of these secret 'tricks and scams' that 'reaction-mode' becomes your natural impulse. When you are ignorant of
or distracted from the path and begin reacting to the tricks of the modification of your culture and society, you unconsciously and unknowingly
switch paths. Therefore, you are always going in the wrong direction, always leading to the 'dark-side'. Without knowing it, you become a 'Kid', a
baby demon walking deeper into Darkness.
For the Fiction is too loud for you to 'Hear' the Truth. Your words are 'Babble', so you cannot 'Speak' the Truth; and without the Knowledge and
Instructions, you cannot 'See' the Truth. You are Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, 'treading water' in an Ocean of Fiction, trying to stay afloat and find the
safety and security of the land, which is the R&R and the Law…. The fallen ones cannot touch you, but through your Ignorance, they can cause you
to step and fall into an Ocean of their veiled Tricks…. So, are you a Kid, Kiddo?

Chapter 4
The Monkey-Wrench in the Machinery and the Remedy of Cultures

There are Monkey Wrenches in the machinery of our culture, designed and used by the Fiction to capture absolutely everything. They are designed
to capture you, your Government, all Resources, the Water, Air, your Past, your Future, Everything. The 'Monkey-Wrench' is a 'tool' used to alter-
change-interfere-subvert-stop-misrepresent all Markets and Systems of Culture. The 'Monkey Wrench' is the introduction of, 'Perverted Reality' [the
modification of Truth] and 'Deluded Reality' [the substitution of fiction for Truth] in all Markets and systems of Culture. The 'Monkey-Wrench' is the
privately owned non-profit [for profit] Corporation, introducing Perverted and Deluded Reality into Law-Language-Commerce-Education-Mass
Communication, etc.
The Central culprit gumming-up the works is The Stock Market, a privately owned non-profit [for profit] Corporation posing as a National
Financial Beneficiary Agency for Market Control. Once ended, most of the Fiction falls. Let me show you something.
In the beginning of Nation Building, companies and corporations were created through a 'Charter' by a certain Locality - [a town, a county, a city,
a state] to perform some function for the benefit of that particular Locality. In this model the Corporation, is controlled by the Locality through a
Charter which the Locality has the power to change, modify or end at its own discretion.
However, when the Corporation is opened to Public Offering [the Stock Market], almost all control of the Corporation by the Locality is lost to
the Public market - [the Stock Market]; lost to the modification by a Fiction.
By restricting all Businesses and corporations to a Charter of the People of a Locality, and not allowing for Public Offerings; the Owner, the
Locality, and the Workers would once again retain an increased share of the profits. With no Stockholder [the modifying fiction] shares to payout,
there can be an increase in the share of the profits for the Owner, the Locality, and the Workers. There is no need for Taxes on the People. The money
that would have gone to pay the Stockholders can once again pay for all the needs of any Locality.
Working from this Chartered-Business Technique, the People of the Localities should charter all Mass Media operations and corporations, and
then run and operate them with Co-operatives. No Private-Ownership of any part of Mass Media is helpful, productive, or necessary, period.
Owners in the Mass Media Market are a Monkey-Wrench to a 'Free Press', to the Freedom of Speech, and to the Freedom of Expression.

“Anything you think you own, you become a Dictator about that thing.” - [CCR2]
With One Technique
With this one Technique, 70% of Fiction disappears from our Culture. All Finances becomes locally controlled. There is no need for The Federal
Reserve, The I.R.S., The C.I.A., The N.S.A., and the many other agencies of The United States of America - that privately owned nonprofit [for profit]
corporation posing as your Government. All of those contracts, where you signed for your enslavement dissolve away because any Corporations not
Chartered by the People of a Locality become Illegal and forced to Close. The People choose which businesses survive. This technique neutralizes
Fiction in most of its various forms, such as, Associations, Agencies, Businesses, Trans-National Corporations, and the 'conglomeration' of
There is still a remaining 30% of Fiction still lodged within the 'Secrecy' and 'Security' apparatus of the Military-Industrial-Complex, and the
U.S. Patient and Copy-Write Offices.

“Mortals cannot create any form of 'Secrecy or Security'” - [CCR2]

Thinking so is only a Scam, a head-game, an illusion, a Delusional Fantasy, and Insanity. We are in God's dream-movie-creation. How does a
person who you have created in your dream; create a secret, or keep a secret from you, or can secure them-selves from you, the Dreamer? How can
you have a secret when you are inside of another being's reality or creation? Can the mouse in a maze keep a secret hiding place from the maker of
the maze? 'Secrets' are a possession of God only; and we receive our greatest 'Security' from and through 'him'. Some gifted people, and all Spirit
entities can easily read your minds because your thinking is a process of electrical signals whose emissions are transmitted through space. All
thinking, emotions and feelings are a broadcast. Even I can read you by reading your Feelings, which you wear on your sleeves, and broadcast
You cannot obtain security from or with 'things and ideas'; 'Insurance' is the only thing they can grant you. Only personalities can give you
'Security': Family, Friends, and God.
You can insure, but you cannot secure anything from happening to anything. Secrecy and Security is a Scam. It is a big 'joke on the Public' and
a rationalization that they tell you. These ideas are 'Tricks' of 'Perverted and Deluded Reality', designed to be a Monkey Wrench in the Peoples
control of Commerce and the Military.

"Secrecy and Security are really, 'Used to hide' all the: Murder, Fraud, Theft and Sin of an Evil 'Break Away Civilization'."-

A break away civilization [BAC] is a society that is separating from its Parent-society, similar to cell division where a new cell forms from a
parent cell. However, unlike cell division where the parent cell willfully and knowingly initiates a new cell, this BAC is secretive and unknown to its
host [the Public]. It deceptively steals Resources and like the Cancer it is, and robs the host of power and vitality.

The Monkey Wrench becomes the Monster

For the last 70 years the Military-Industrial Complex-[MIC] of the US and other Countries have separately but in coordination with each other;
been involved in the establishment of World Wide under-ground BAC Colonies. Carving a 6-lane highway through solid Granite rock, at a 7 mile
per day speed; is now accomplished by Atomic-Powered 'deflagration' [to super-heat and melt rock] Tunnel-boring Machines. Do the math; 7 miles a
day, for 70 years. There is a large network of 2, 4, and 6-lane underground tunnels that service huge cavernous Cities thousands of feet underground;
right beneath the feet of the unknowing Public who paid for it all.

They are ‘One’

Almost all of the major warfare, conflicts, fraud, enslavement, and theft in the last 150 years; was designed and orchestrated by the one and only
world banking system of the Rothschild family and banking consortium.

“There are no more Wars on planet Earth; instead there is only 'Warfare'.” - [CCR2]

War, is a conflict between two sides. Warfare is the demonic modification of war. It is a conflict between three or more sides, all fighting each
other at the same time. This is 'Chaos Conflict'; where there is never an actual winner or resolution to the hostilities. For the last 150 years there has
always been this third party [the Rothschild Family and banking consortium], this unseen invisible third entity; starting all wars, prolonging them,
and making each one more deadlier than the last. Each sequential war killing a higher and higher percentage of civilians until the 'civilian' has now
become the actual [secret and real] 'target' in Warfare.
Together The Three Stooges of Destruction have unleashed upon the World a 'Man-made' '4-Horsemen of Apocalypse', that is a precursor and
Major cause [like a chain-reaction] for the onslaught of the 'Biblical' - '4-Horsemen of Apocalypse'… These 'Four' man-made Global Infections
1. The Global Slavery Market [alive and hidden]
2. The Global Warfare Market
3. The Global Usury Banking Market
4. The Global Drug Market [legal and illegal drugs]

These are the Tactics, Techniques, and Tricks that the Beast of the Bible through the 'Three Stooges of Destruction' [secretly] use together to create
the Four-headed Mega-Fiction that is consuming and decaying everything and everybody on Planet Earth. The Three Stooges of Destruction
represent 'One' and the same Evil [the Beast]. It is an Evil that you maintain, support, and enable through your Enslavement, your Taxes, your
Commerce, your Health-Dependencies, and your bad choices of personal conduct and thinking.
They manage and Herd you like cattle into maintaining 'Four' evil global markets promoted through 'Three' perverted roots [The Three Stooges
of Destruction] of society, all coming from 'ONE' Evil – a human civilization designed and controlled by the fallen angels… An Evil, whose entire
20,000-year-old campaign to possess, enslave, kill and destroy humans; is based on a single 'Fiction' - a First fiction, the Supreme Fiction. A fiction
that used fear and emotion sub-consciously throughout our lives to convince and deceive us into thinking it was real. This supreme Fiction is,
{'Secrecy', and the 'Security' of Secrets}.
These false ideas of reality can blend with and even stabilize the fragile mental-emotional self of a being with no Knowledge. Secrecy becomes
the only answer to the Ignorance; so that ‘security of secrets’ can falsely empower the Ignorant. All the Tricks of the 'fallen ones' necessitate secrecy;
for secrecy is the security of Evil, without it their tricks are useless.

This Second Technique Will End the rest of Fiction in Society

This second Technique will end the rest of Fiction by removing its’ necessity, and function; making it useless and obsolete. By removing this last
30% of Fiction from the culture; what will remain of Society must be real. By removing the unreal from the Real, only 'True Reality' remains. Only
then, [released from the dark cave of Fiction] can all societies truly see all the Fiction for what it was, and for what it was not.
The Anti-Secrecy Law
An Anti-Secrecy Law - makes Illegal: any secrecy, in any group, organization, business - private or public, State or Federal government. All
'Black’ [secret] Projects, all 'Black Project' Copy-Writes and Patients; revert to the control and authority of Elected Officials only. All Government
and Institutional Records and All Libraries and Archives must be opened to Public use and scrutiny. The Records and the Functioning of any 'Group'
must have limited privacy, and a public control process as to their private and restricted nature, while the 'Individual' is Free to try to create as many
secrets as they would want.
For the last 100-years, half of the 'Historical Information' resides locked away in the hidden vaults of Security and Secrecy. You only know
perverted and diluted history. Your True history is unknown by you.
When a nation uses 'security and secrecy' as a defense against an 'Enemy', that Nation simultaneously "goes on Alert, Comes to Attention, and
enters 'Survival Mode' status; unlike a nation at ease and in a 'Life and Living Mode' status. America has been on 'Survival Mode' status for over 100
years. When a nation is in a defensive stance, it reduces the availability of its people to Life and Living. A country cannot sustain this stance
indefinitely. Eventually ether your enemy dies, you die, or you make Peace before you both Parish. Your 'Enemy' may be a 'Reality', may be Real;
but 'Secrecy and Security' are both 'Fictions'. I pray to the Creator that I have shown you that, 'Fiction' cannot be used to 'resolve' issues of 'Reality'.
'Fiction' can only temporarily limit, and condition ' issues of Reality'.
It is Universe Law at work; in the end, there shall be Peace. One way or another - by the Peace of Death and silence, or by the Peace of Life and
Living - there shall be 'Peace'! "For that is, the Will of God".
This Anti-Secrecy Law will allow all the secret inventions and patients [like ‘Free Energy’] to be National Treasures whose value alone is
enough to elevate the Standard of Living a hundredfold and to possibly elevate culture and society to the level of ‘Civilization Attainment’.
All the knowledge and all the techniques of Nation Building Tool Application are useless without a proper Economic Foundation. This means
America must establish its own Banks and Print its own Money ‘unconnected’ to the global financial network. We may have to become
Financial Isolationist in the beginning and supply all of our needs through our own market and system production. International Commerce and Trade
are fine as long as there is no involvement in or with an International Financing System.

Economics is a ‘Fiction Tool’ invented and used by man to understand and model the consumption and production of the nation. Because an
accurate model can never be created, economics can only be properly used as a probability of national input and output. To use economics to
‘regulate’ national state-interstate affairs is egotistical foolishness. Fortunately the use of economics as a regulator is only a false portrayal of the
actual manipulation of national affairs. The economies of most of the nations of the world, is regulated on a world ‘Monetary-Financial’ economic
value system, but Monetary-Finance [money-system] is not the only tool used for commerce in an economic equation. This current world ‘financial’
economic system is used and manipulated to produce the greatest amount of ‘Financial’ commerce and ‘Financial’ profit for the owners of the world
[the one and only world Banking System of the Rothschild Family and banking Consortium].
Where do the ‘Richest People’ in the world keep their wealth? Most of it goes into Banks and into the Financial Estates, where the bank can turn
every dollar, into 9 dollars; like ‘Magic’, legally [according to ‘banking rules’]. The bank creates this extra money out of thin air; because that is
‘Their’ banking rules. After having 1 of your dollars on an account, the bank then creates 8 dollars out of thin air; that they then Loan to me for 10
dollars in repayment. This is called ‘Usury’ Banking = Evil; because it does the harm of ‘vantage’ taking; and its values of “Profit over People” is an
excursion into a delusional fantasy made temporarily real only through our indulgence with it. It is the biggest ‘Financial Scam’ on the Planet. The
Bank always has 8 times more wealth than anyone and everyone on the Planet. Their [evil] ‘Golden Rule’ is “He, who has the Gold, makes the
Rules”. So the other ‘Golden Rule’ of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto to you”, is a Rule of Goodness, and a rule of ‘True Reality’.
The World Banking System is an example of a Market of culture that does not exist within reality.

“You can’t ever equate any creation-invention of The Most High-God, to a dollar-bill.”-

Just by changing the value equivalency component in the economics equation, this tool of fiction can be made to function to enhance nation-
building rather than be the foundation of and for this currant enslavement of most of humanity.
Just by changing from the dollar - equivalence, to a Labor - equivalence; society would rid itself of ‘Markets’ of Production and replace them
with ‘Systems’ of Production for state-interstate sustenance and Nation-building.

‘State-Interstate economics does not necessitate ‘Monetary’ [currency] commerce in that equation,”- [CCR2]

In Nation-building, currencies [money] can only function properly [if at all] in the area of Inter-national affairs and relationships. All of the past
attempts in a monetary system were frauds, scams; whose purpose was to usurp and control the economy of a territory for an infiltrating entity or
party. All of those past attempts in a ‘money-system’ failed in True Nation-building, but were a great factor in the eventual fall of nations.

‘Monetary’ commerce in the economic equation can only properly function in Inter-national interactions, because ‘Monetary’ commerce means
‘competition’ and ‘profit motive’. The economic equation will always prove ‘Monetary’ commerce to be in opposition to Nation-Building and or
human development if competition and profit motive ‘between citizens’ of the same country is a factor; especially if it is a factor for their
individuality and daily survival.
Nation–Building can ‘only’ be accomplished by and through The Will of God and the promotion of ‘The Family’. ‘Family-Life’ is the gauge, the
yardstick to measure the state of advancement of a society. Family life is the True gauge of the value, effectiveness and worth of any Economic
System. This is a fact that ‘Mass-Media’ hides, instead mass-media promotes this evil, State and Interstate commerce and competition between its
citizens as if it were a patriotic endeavor. For the future survival of America and any country, this ‘Trick’, this ‘Scam’, this ‘Technique of Currency
Enslavement’ must end.
Citizen-ship is basically a ‘contract of responsibility’ between people, to build a nation; and the only way to build a nation is through God, and
the elevation of the family; not the elevation of the Bank.

“Organized Labor is all that Nation-Building requires.”- [CCR2]

The only righteous and adequate currency in the economic equation is human’s ‘needs for survival’ , and their ‘wants for life and living’ . Yes, your
‘needs’ can be and should be used as a currency that replaces a dollar bill in creating the jobs that produce the products of your survival. Then after
your needs of survival have been met; your ‘Wants’ become a currency that create the jobs that produce the products of your ‘Life and Living’.
Instead of having a ‘Market - Economy’ [Corporation-monetary] production of the necessities of Life; that must be paid for in dollars; have a
‘Systems – Economy’ of the production of these necessities of life which are Public-Free. Thereby creating a ‘Systems Economy’ that is ‘cashless’.
State and Interstate trade and barter can replace finance capital [currency] in the economic equation, leaving ‘Financial-Monetary’ commerce only for
the International sales of any excess products of National Systems production. This replacement of ‘currency’ changes the economic equation on the
State and Interstate level, and removes profit and competition from the free access to the necessities of life and living for the people of the nation.
Remember, the ‘Dollar’, is one of those invisible chains that bind you to Enslavement, Poverty, Ignorance, ‘Dis-ease’, Insanity, and is the
invention of, and holds its origin in the Anunnaki of the fallen angels. The ‘Dollar’ [currency] is the lynch-pin and the ‘Achilles’-heal’ of the Beast of
the Bible.
If ‘all Workers’ and their families could purchase all survival and living necessities for ‘Free’; the Beast of the Bible would perish. Then Nation-
building can begin again.

Other Considerations for Nation Building and Reorganization

Lobbyist-are a Monkey Wrench There should be a Law prohibiting Lobbyist from any contact with any Official, serving the State or the public.
All Trade Agreements-must be in relation to and controlled, limited, and conditioned by the nation's Tariffs and the nation’s System-production
Indexes and Job Indexes.
Foreign Aid-is restricted to only The Peace Corps and Humanitarian Aid… No military Aid to anyone ever, period.
Entitlements-are reserved for Social Welfare Programs for individuals only.
All Public Elections-are publicly funded and nationally regulated.
Correct Grammar Language-is adopted immediately in order to have 'Real' and correct written Law, Contracts, Advertising, and Education.
The capture of Planet Earth by a privately owned-for profit corporation; was accomplished by secrecy, trickery and because of our 'Ignorance'.
Scripture admonishes us not to believe things that people say, but to seek the Truth for ourselves. That way, no man can deceive you, because you
have 'Proof’ of the Truth. If Humankind were born of any kind of Sin at all, it would be the 'Sin' of being born 'Ignorant', and the Sin of staying
Ignorant. Your Parents were ignorant, you were born into it, and most people never 'Seek' the Truth to find their way out of it. For "the Truth shall set
you Free". Free your mind; and your what will follow?
Now you have the explanation and the Proof of the Truth; you can no longer be 'Tricked'. Congratulations, YOUR MIND IS NOW FREE, but
they still own 'Your' Planet and your body. Well do you want your Planet back, Kiddo?

I have another 'Technique' for you. Now in this Technique, you use their own legal 'Codes' against them, and by using your 'Law' [The
Constitution] and your 'Court' [U.S. Federal-Postal Court], and 'Your' Law Suit; you force them to relinquish our Planet under the penalties of the
rules and Laws of their own U. S. Federal Codes and Statues and the U.S. Constitution.

THE RICO Lawsuit

[Suit being filed in U.S. Federal Court]
A’ Rico’ – anti-racketeering lawsuit, is a suit that anyone can file against those who plot-scheme- or conspire to defraud the Public. This Law
was enacted to enable the duty and obligation of every citizen to prosecute the ‘Fraud’ of the many.

Consider the Charges and consider the Defendants:

Charges: Charged with, 'Global-Genocide' - Charged with, violation of 'RICO [Anti-Racketeering] Act' - Charged with, 'Treasonous Acts' -
Charged with, 'Land Theft and Fraud' - Charged with, too many other 'Federal Code', National and International Law violations to mention here.

Defendants: US Post-Master General, US Attorney General, US Surgeon General, the Federal Reserve Board members, the National Educational
Association board members, the top 4 Banking Corporate Presidents, the top 5 Mass- Media Broadcast Owners, the Supreme Court
Judges, all Senators and Congress persons and the President of: the United States Inc.; a ‘Privately’ owned nonprofit [for profit] ‘Corporation’,
which is ‘Fraudulently’ posing as our Government?
This Technique of 'Suiting for control of Government' is the ‘third’ non-violent avenue of redress. Just the attempt in suiting for control of your
government, brings with it many benefits to America and the World at large. The 'net-work' of the organization necessary to carry out the functioning
of this Suit, will generate the distribution of all of the 'information and knowledge' of this Paper and more. This knowledge of themselves and the
'Trick' being played on them will cause an 'emotional' reaction from the masses at first. The People are going to “feel a certain kind of way”. The
'Highest' reaction is, one of 'responsible Action'. How did you feel when you first learned of the 'Tricks' of your secret 'enslavement'?
Because of the nature of the 'Global Genocide' charge, a lawsuit filed in the UN's 'International Court of Justice' - [The World Court] in The
Hague, Netherlands is required. Also required is a lawsuit with The International Bank of Settlements; here, there are optional techniques to use.
One major requirement is, the writing of the lawsuits in 'correct posse syntax grammar' language, which requires the 'Help' and 'Instructions' of
Plenipotentiary-Federal-Postal-Judge: David-Wynn: Miller or some one of his associates. For it is 'he' who is the Inventor and Master of this
'Absolute Communication Technique' - Lawsuit, and is 'The Key' to Our SUCCESS with this type of Technique-tactic.
To understand the power, and have the Clarity of the 'Reality' of correct Posse Syntax Grammar, and what something 'Real' can do in a world of
'Fiction'; one must see for one’s self… Consult - 'YouTube' - Judge David-Wynn Miller. Only there, is 'Fiction' explained to its fullest revelation, and
the real chances for the success of this 'Technique' of suiting, can be fully understood.

Chapter 5
Once We Win Our Planet Back

With all of the further challenges and obstacles we face, where should we all start, for the Strengthening of the American people, and the further
evolution of justice and democracy? There are so many problems that a single solution is needed to cut through the many levels of the complications
of our social-economic interactions.
The Greatest challenge we must address and the Greatest Single Remedy to all our planetary problems is to Act to insure our survival from
“Global Dumping”. If we deal with dumping first then we can handle global warming, but we cannot resolve either of these deadly global problems
any other way. To that end, I have devised 'A Plan' that offers The Optimal Solution to Global Dumping, and a remedy for most of the other
'maladies' that plague mortals here and around the world.

“The Guaranteed Plan to Save the Cultures of the World”

“The Liberty Technique”

1. The Family Liberty Home and the Liberty Car

2. Government Guaranteed - Full Employment Law
3. ‘The Ten-year Plan, of comprehensive change from National Security to ‘National Viability’ - because of Global Dumping.’

A. Ten Million – Family Liberty Homes per year

B. One Hundred Million – Liberty Cars per year
C. Full-Employment Law with a Government Jobs Program

The Family Liberty Home is a home designed to collect and store water, grow food, turn body waste into soil and fertilizer, generates its own
clean air- electricity- heating and cooling. This All Electric, Low Maintenance home is virtually disaster proof. Fire, Flooding, Hurricane, Tornado,
Earthquake, and lighting have little effect on the semi-underground safety-qualities in the design of the Liberty Home. It is cheap to build; [less than
$100,000 dollars per home], has no sewer lines and does not dump or pollute.
The Family Liberty Home is designed to elevate the Family from its current Physical State of Slavery and Privilege, past the Physical State of
Being Free, and on past the Physical State of Freedom directly into the Physical State of Liberty. It is the liberty from the enslavement to the
dependency of your fellow humans for survival, and liberty from humankind's' dependency on the land itself. It is Liberty from all external influences,
up to having achieved Total Independent living… T.I.L. is not absolute independence from each other, but it is as close to absolute as we can get.

The Family Liberty Home will decentralized National Electricity, Water, Food, and Waste Systems.
The Family Liberty Home will inherently teach life, living, and responsibility [The Humanities] to the Home Owning Family.

The Liberty Car is an all-electric car that recharges from your all-electric Liberty Home. There are not enough words to express the value of the
Liberty of Travel.

A Government Jobs Program - that Guarantees Full Employment by: building a Magnetic Levitation Railroad System, for the East and West
Coast, by building Liberty Homes and Liberty Cars, by building Schools and hiring Teachers, by building Windmill Factories, Solar Factories, and
other ‘Green Industries’[too numerous to mention].
This ‘Jobs Program’, is design to jump-start the economy, and to insure the financing of all National Dept. If you study the history of our debt-
economy of WW-2, you will see that America has done this before.

Understand; this is only a Technical solution, for an Ethical, Educational, and Moral problem of the Nation and the World.

There has been considerable devolution of Governments and Dominant Culture since World War 2... Governments and Dominant Culture have
tended toward more and more Dumping and Farm Animals; the source of most Man-made Global Pollution. I have not envisioned another plan,
which would lead and push the rest of the governments of the world ‘In the Time Allotted’. The one thing we have little of, is TIME.
By establishing Thirty Million Families in a Physical State of Liberty in three years; would turn America ‘Green’; and would start the
end of most of America’s Dumping. Also, start the end of the use of Coal and Oil in Three years.
The effects of such a liberated and knowledgeable populace would quickly reverberate around the world. The World would see this as a working
plan, a plan that works. This would push Governments and Dominant Culture ‘back to the Light’, the Light of knowledge, for some ‘Know Not’s’.


For Ten Trillion Dollars per year for Ten Years [if you ’still’ want to use dollars], and Full Employment to back this Loan; the American People
can [Forever] be independent with the ‘Liberty Technique’. That is right, ten trillion dollars a year. We are playing for ‘All the Marbles’ this time
boys and girls; because “We Are At War”… 'This' War is not about territory, ideology, or property. This war is not about the lives of some military
personnel. ‘This War’ is about All Life on the planet. That is what ‘All the Marbles’ means.
The 'True Reality' is, life as you know it, is over. Whether you like it or not; whether you believe it, or not; you are in a war with your sins, and
'the sins of your fathers’. The only way to win this war is to convert to a ‘Green Culture’ and a ‘Green Economy’ Immediately.
We are under an 'undeclared' National Emergence! By making Global Dumping a ‘National-Viability’ Priority, the nation can Act with All
urgency. When you are about to lose your life; Money is of no importance. Fellow citizens, this is our Country, and our money; we can spend it any
way we want to. We can spend our national funds to counter this national and global threat.
By making global dumping a 'National-Viability' Priority, we end all national activities that promote national dumping and global dumping;
like American involvement in Warfare and Warfare Armaments. America had the biggest economy on the planet. Producing and selling arms is
America’s largest legal Export market. World-wide Warfare can never end until this arms market of America stops. The United States actually
[secretly] promotes warfare around the world in order to sell arms. The result is the promotion of confusion, slavery, death, destruction and Dumping
locally and globally. America cannot be a “Green Power” and a “Military Industrial Power” at the same time!
Normally, countries with America’s current rising problems soon erupt in national civil unrest and Civil War. We now have the tools to turn unrest
into national civic unity; by honoring and following our constitution, and by using the knowledge and authority of the people, the Urantia Book, and
‘The Liberty Technique’.
Use Global Dumping as an opportunity for all the people of the world, to take back your countries. However, “Only All Together” [for they will
try to divide you] can we end this ‘World of Human Wreckage’. We now have the technology, the wisdom and knowledge to transform the planet
and ourselves into the zenith of mortal reality, and bring into existence The First Human 'Civilization' of Earth.
Let us produce Our First Generation of Enlighten Offspring
Each individual has their own Personal Evolutionary learning path to walk, a sojourn ordained by God; but this sojourn is interfered with, and
arrested by the unnecessary interference of the State, other people and the culture itself.
The Constitution should function to protect the Individual from the State, other individuals or groups of individuals, corporations-companies, and
any instruments or other entities. The Constitution should serve [on one-hand] as a Non-Interference Contract for the individual, who has the right to
be anonymous to its government.

In order to control you, these Laws of the Constitution must be broken. In order to enslave you, these Laws of the Constitution must be
circumvented. In order to kill you, these Laws of the Constitution must End.

What national political party, would Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed, Moses, or Star Trek’s Mr. Spock-
“Logically join”?
You should join a political party for its' particular meanings and values. As you get older, you learn more and your understanding and values
change, and so should you change to another political party. Do not be loyal to The Party; for The Party will not be loyal to you. The higher
Meanings and Values will lead you to God’s Political Party [''The Brother-Sister-hood'' political party]. Remember, 'Politics' itself is a Fiction.
The ‘Green Party’ is the first and only political party to possibly approach the qualifications necessary for Spock’s, Buddha and the Holy Gang’s
participation. Every American, in order to help save your Democracy, yourself, your world, should join the ‘Green Political Party’ or ‘The Rent is
Too Damn High Party’, or any one [just one] new political party that everyone can switch to. - [because] - The DNC [Democratic National
Committee] and the RNC [Republican National Committee], the two organizations that run our two political parties are both non-profit [for profit]
Corporations that are only 'posing' as a Political Organization.


Now, can you understand; that the 'Revolutionary War' against the British Empire, Is Not Over… 'The American Civil War'; also, Is Not
Over… How can the Master 'free' the Slave; if the Master [himself] Ain't Free? The 'Civil War' cannot end, until we first end the 'Revolutionary
America defeated the British Army, but has not yet defeated the ‘Army of Influence and Control’ of the British Empire… The Army of The
Dictator: Defeated…But ‘The Army of The Witch Doctor’ and ‘The Army of The Banker’: Winning-Dominating the War so far… It was Rat Race
financiers from Europe who founded America; and they still own and rule our country.
Defeating one Stooge [the Dictator-King of England] is ineffective. All Three Stooges of Destruction must be Defeated at the same time… Then
they must be Deconstructed and Divested of all Positive Aspects; for a Nation needs the understanding [consciousness] of the Leadership Aspect of
the Dictator. A Nation needs the Values and Morals; kept as a keepsake in all true Religions. A Nation needs a Banking System, ‘Interest-Free’ [as
the three major religions preach]…
Did not, someone get crucified, right after He chased out 'The Money Changers' [the Interest Chargers] in the Synagogue? “Hey Jesus. Where are
you going?” “I'm going to take this bull-whip and lay it on some Merchants who are sinning in 'My Father's House'”. Loaning money with Interest is
‘Usury’, and it is not tolerated at all in Muslim countries or by Christ Michael [Jesus].
By understanding the ‘End Game’ of the ‘Dark-side – the fallen-rebel-angels’, we see that unification of humanity through Brother-Sisterhood is
our only defense. The Fallen-angels desire to possess, enslave, destroy and kill us, but their human devotees want only to kill us. These people of
wealth believe that the vast majority of humanity [90% of humanity], are no longer needed. These wealthy people believe that their survival only
requires servants and scientists. It is through science they believe that they will endure. Their plans to exterminate most of humanity worldwide
began many years ago.
These people and people like them who are long dead are the cause of the destruction in the world, not you or me. As individuals or as a whole,
humans normally have no intention, inclination, power or ability to destroy the whole world. It would require an organized effort of knowledgeable
individuals [the fallen angles] dedicated to this objective over a long period of time; longer than a human life time to even contemplate success in
such a venture as the destruction of the whole world, if it is even possible.
However, once enacted, The Liberty Technique and The Full-Employment Law will automatically mean anend to the ‘The Rat Race’. It is
the last barrier to be a ‘Free People’, who are able to finally find Freedom and then Liberty. It will also mark The End of the senseless
destruction of the 'Revolutionary War', and the 'Civil War' can then finally End; fade away ; and with it , the end of Racism.

“If we have the ability to wreck the world; then we also have the ability to perfect the world.” - [CCR2]

With the Liberty Technique, we can begin to eliminate the use of Oil and Coal in three years. As well as put an end to Racism, Sexism, Crime,
Poverty-Hunger-Homelessness and Dumping. In addition, an amazing amount of diseases will disappear. About two
hundred different diseases, including most Cancers disappear from society as a by-product of achieving the Physical State of Liberty. We can end the
need of having both guardians [parents] working. We can end Illegal income taxes on our salaries or wages.
An end to the "Rat Race"; and be the first human ‘Civilization’ in modern History.
For that is:

‘The Will of God’


It is My Will, that “Thy Will, be Done”

When you join God, you become God-like. You become a conduit, through which God can function. God can function through you, when, you
Unite with him.
You did not create yourself. Your guardians only supplied the living seed material from their bodies for the activation of a body for you to inhabit;
but the life and the body is ‘created and owned by God’. When God created your Personality, he gave to you the Responsibility, and the Ability to
make decisions for this Life that he owns. We [the Personality] can own No-thing, except Goodness. ‘Ownership’ embodies a definition containing
an ‘eternity characteristic’, a thing you own forever, a thing that cannot be lost, stolen, bought or sold. Goodness is the only thing we can own… Do
not get it twisted; you do not own the life, you just run it. As a Pre-Spirit, you are a 'Manager' of the life you live; and if you live correctly, you can
become a 'Co-Owner and Operator' of that Life… I pray to the Creator you now understand.

"You cannot own or possess material things; but they can own and possess you." - [CCR2]

Mortals can be just as divinely perfect in their realms of: ‘Self-realization’ and ‘Mind-attainment’ as God is divinely perfect in
his realms of Infinity and Eternity.

We [mortals]; have been placed here on Urantia [earth] to learn and perfect one external Directive and three internal Sub-Directives.
The three internal sub-directives are, be ye perfect in:
1. Perfection of Personality Motivation ------------------------------ {Supreme Techniques of the Mind – ‘Supreme Mind’}
2. Divinity of Will ------------------------------------------------------- {Supreme Will-Power – ‘Supreme Will’}
3. God-Consciousness [ the intellectual capacity to know God ] – {Supreme Characteristic of the Identity – ‘Supreme Identity’}

The one external directive is:

1. Let nothing, come between you, and your love for your brothers and sisters. Let not even your brothers and sisters, come between you, and
your love for your brothers and sisters.


It is all [all there ever was, is, and ever will be] for the glory of God… “My Lord, my God, my Creator, my Father, my greatest Friend; Total
Deity-God the Father – Great Grand-Father in Paradise; I thank you for all of your blessings and gifts. I thank you for all of your rescues, all those
times you saved me, and for carrying me this far. I pray one day that, I will walk WITH you… So say I and I.” Let all praises be to the Father…
Hail to the Ancestors; whose shoulders we all stand on. I would like to thank my guardians, whose parental success made my enlightenment a
possibility; and thanks to the rest of my family, friends, and neighbors [especially Mrs. Perrodi and Samuel May, my consultants and editor-teachers].

Special Thanks to my Enlightenment Teachers

Keith [The Saint] Mann; he, who started me on the Path [the summer of ‘68’]
Clarence Burley; ………... Master Psyche Theorist, first Master
Mike Chambers; ………... Master Psyche Theorist - side view, first Master Co-ordinate and buffer
Raphael M. [Gadjet Man]; Master Channeler, Personality Co-ordinate, Teacher-student
Andre D. Barnhart; ….......Master O.G. [Original Gangsta], Earth works Master, Personality Co-ordinate, Teacher-student
Big Judah [.com]; and the I.U.I.C.-------Master Interpreter, Elect Biblical translator, Teacher-student


BEST MESSENGER, Wash., D.C.; EL- Presidenta Martin S.; Cory and Pete, whose patience, instruction, and encouragement enabled the liberty for
this paper…...…………….Master Ground work Co-ordinators.

In addition, to my Wash., D.C. Courier community, the last of the modern Urban Cowboys; thanks for showing me that you can still be Free in
this 'Land of Fiction'. Ride On my brothers and sisters, Ride On.

For The I am is the R&R and the Law; dude


Just the Truth,

Some Proof,
And a Guarantee.
Always at your service,

I am

I am

I am i am-We are, literally living inside a Black Hole.


Is HOME--&--


Contact at:

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