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AfterLloyd’s father died, Lloyd invitedhis mother to live with his wife, his two sons and himself, The new family structure would be termed (A) extended (B) ‘nuclear (©) _ singleparent (D) _jointfamily Which ofthe following is LEAST likely to bea concern for adolescents in the famil (A) Coping with their emotional problems (8) Communicating with aduitsin the home 1 (C) Providing financial support for the | home ‘ @) Balancing academic and social activities ‘The term ‘patrilocal’ refers toasituation in which (A)__ husband and wife live at the home of the husband’s parents (B) _ kinshipistraced along the fathier’s line of ancestors (C) the fatheris the authority figurein the family (D) the mother is not present in the household ‘The procéss by whichachildlearnshowto behave isknown as (A) _ personalization (B) socialization (C) cooperation (D) indoctrination | i | Which of the follbwing are examples of institutions? | 1. School Tl. — Government + Church | TV. Bank | (A) Land Ifonly (B) Wand {Il ohly (©) I, land WV only @) L0,m on Iv All of the following factors may help to improve marital relationshipsEXCEPT (A) __ respect for the views of spouses (8) opportunitits forspouses to pursue goals | (©) abuse of rights and freedoms by wives | () —cooperatidn between married partners | | Which of the following are aspects of the socialization process? I. Reproduction IL Religioustedching TI, Recreational activity (A) Land ttonty (B) — Tand [only (C) Mand Itonly (D) 1 tand my) | Which of the following is NOT a way by ‘which traditional customs are keptalive in theCaribbean? | (A) Archives compilinglocal oral history @) Families praftising ancestral dances regularly | (C) Villagers organizing folk festivals anmualty | (DP) — Governments supporting senior citizens" homes 10. 1 Which of the following would MOST likely result from women working outside the ome? 1. Improvement in the standard of living Il. Higherself-esteem for women Ul. Fewereducational opportunities for men IV. Fallin family values (A) Land only (B) Hand Ifonly (©) L,Mandittonly (D) LU, Wandiv ‘The BEST reason for the promotion of $ family planning in the Caribbean isto (A) onsure a balance in numbers between male and female babies inthe population (B) allow persons to have sexual relationships with chosen partners (©) give parents control over the nuinber and spacing of the birth “oftheirchildren, (D) teach patents to ‘supervise the activities oftheir children Which of the following would undermine the authority of parents in thehome? (A) Allowing children toperticipate in family decisionmaking (B) Inconsistency in rewarding, and punishing children (©) Setting and enforciiig clear rules, for conduct (D) Giving! cash allowances to adolescent family members 12 13. 14. Caribbean governrpents have improved the rights of children bom out of wedlock by (A) passinglawstoallow them toqualify - forinheritance (B) passing léws to control sexual relationsoutside of marriage (C) building rhore foster homes for abandonédchildren (D) providing incentives fortheirparents to getmatried \ ‘ems 13 refers to the verse below. Love is a gamble, love is a game Boys get you pregnant, girls get the Blame. Society views the Yehaviour described in the verse above as | (A) romantic | ®) criminal (C) unfaithful | (D) _inresponsible i Acongregation is considered a formal group MAINLY because members (A) gotochuret{regularly (B) perform the same rites (C)__ areselectediby other members (D) _ liveinthesamecommunity a | Item 15 is based on the’ following graph 18. Adolescents are MOST! showing the divorce rate in acountry. each other in a positive way when they Nb. of divorce (A) forceeach othertoaccept the same oe values | 7000 op" incomes ed antes ney, + challengeadultviews ‘5000. (0) sdsieesachoferto cary onan . socialactivilies nee @) become invollred in guidance and 1000. counselling activities 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Year Il Iems19—20refertothé following dialogue. 15. "Thottendinthegraphaboveindicatesthat Sit When Marvin was gloup leader he was thonumber of divorce cases in the country alwaysorderingusabbut (A) _increasedduringtheperiod 190- Paul: Me, 1 prefer a group leader who allows ~ 1990 ‘members to doas they please. ®) . decreased during theperiod 1980- | 1990 i (©) wastowerin 1985thanin 1980 ‘19. __Theleadershipstyle of Marvin, as deseribed (@) _washigherin 1980 than in 1990 inthedialogueabovett i (A) autoctatic | 16. Which of the following will LEAST likely (B) charismatic lead to protest by a trade union? (©) democratic | (D) Inissez-faire (A) Unhealthy working environment | (B) Expensive housing for managers {Q Imadequateenefitsforworkers 20. Pant 'estatementindicates that heprefersa . (P) _ Fewopportunities forpromotion on leader with a style thatis the job i : (A) autocratic i (B) charismatic i 17. Whichof the following would NOTusually (©) democratic | be associated with educational institutions? (D)taissez-frire | (A) Rutesanaregulations | (8) Customsand traditions 21, Informal groups may be guided by all of = (C) Suppression of freedom the following EXCEPT | (D) Transmission ofeuttare | (A) __ shared interest (B) immediate goats (©) writtenrules (@) _ spontaneousr: ye GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 012430102010 f : 1 i | i | I 22, 23. 24. 25. Democraticcontroland openmembership are features of a {A cooperativesociety (@) — tradeunion (C) street gang (D) _ privatecompany Which of the following are characteristics of astrong leader? I. Doesnottolerate disorder Ul. ‘Always keeps a serious face WJ. Is willingtomake decisions IV. _ Isalwaysienientwith members (A) Land Tl only @) Ianditonly (C) LandIVonly ©) Mandittonly ‘The constitutions of Commonwealth Caribbean countries guarantee citizens freedom of conscience, expression, assembly and movement. These freedoms are uswally referred to as w @B) (Cy civieduties (BD) humanrights The role of the Opposition in Parliament can BEST be described as (A)__ analysing government's policies and presentingalternatives (B) opposing policies which theruling party proposes. (©) inciting civildisobedienceand mass protest @) —_ votingin favourofallbillsdebated in Parliament (0124301082010 : 26. 27. 28. Whichof the following wpulda definition of “human resources” include? I. Energiesand skill} ofpeople I, Talentsand knowledge of people TM. Desireto improve iuality of life IV. Barningsand savitigs of people | (A) Land only (B)_TandiVonly (©) 1,Mand It () 1, Wand Vv | \ Which of the following BEST deseribes a census? | ! ‘Thecollectionofinformation onthe births and deaths ina country The registration fof persons in preparation for general elections inacounty Informationon theamountofmoney spent on goods ahd services ina country | The counting and sgcording ofthe characteristics ofthe population inacountry a) ® © ©) Whichot the followingCaibbean comes havea Republican form of|government? Jamaica and St Vincent and the “ Grenadines (B) Antigua and Barbuda and ‘Montserrat (C) — Guyanaand Trinidad and Tobago (PD) Barbadosand StKitts/Nevis | t | | | GO ONTOTHENEXT PAGE | 29. 30. 31. 32. Inaconstitutional moparchy, the political Jeader of the victorious party becomes (A) Governor General (B)_ Prime Minister (©) President of the Senate (DP) Leader of the House Inall CARICOM countries citizens have the right to vote. ‘This right is preserved because (A) citizens only voteifrequiredby the Taw to doso (B) general elections occurevery four or five years (©) there are two or more polities! parties for which citizens vdte (D) _itisenshiinedintheconstitutionsof these'countries 7 ‘The information collected in a census is normally used to 1. determine the rate of population growth Ml, _prediettheneeds of the society and plan how to satisfy them MIL estimate the numberof government supportersin the country (A) TandTonly @) Tend utonly (©) land Hlonly @) 1 Mand nr Which of the following grotips ofresources can be classified as renewable? (A) Petroleum, forests, water (B) Bauxite, petroleum, natural gas, (C) Forest, water, land @) Land, bauxite, asphalt 01243010F 2010 Mae 10 33. 34, Female jg | | | | ‘tem 33 is based oh the graph below, BIRTH RATE ACCORDING TO GENDER- COUNTRY Z. 1360 1955 197) 1975 iSh0 aah 1690 | Thegraphabove illyrates thatin Country 2the (A) mate birth rate has always been lower thas fhe female birth ate ©) femalebirdhragereached its highest Jevelaround themid- 1970 (© fematebirthrsteincreascd steadily between 1960 and 1990 ©) malebirthrate;washigherthan the female birth rate between 1975 and i980 | | Most of the Caribbeas countries remain producers of primary jroduets MAINLY because they | (A) areagriculturally based @®) possess few mineral resources (©) havelabour fortis thatare largely unskilled (D) lack the means to process their resources | | | | | | | GO ONTO THEINEXT PAGE ‘em 35 refers to the diagrain below. POPULATION PYRAMID FOR COUNTRY X Mates eats Females 208 | : 20-79 } 60-69 1 50-59 i 40-49 | 30-39 \ 20-29 | - 10-19 | 0-9) ! rl Vb 3 0 Is 1 5 0 o 5 1 1s wm 2 | 1a percentages In percentages | | 35. Which of the following features of Country Xsnay be obtained from the diagrai above? (A) Age-sexdistribution i (8) Sizeofitspoputation | (©) Percentage of births per 1 000 of population { (D) _ Percentageof population tess than years old | i | | | | | \ GO ON TOTHE NEXT PAGE 0124301092010 : fems,36 = 37 are based on the following diagram whith ae represents population profiles forcountries X,YandZ. | are ss 50.84 15 0.74 65.59 60.64 55.9 5054 35.9 40-44 male female 3539 male |, femate mate . 30534 2529 an24 1519 YZ sod Z es) MA cI oh $64202468 e42024e C420246 er cent of popmlation percent of population percent f population Country X Country ¥ Co emate ‘Age and Sex Population Fyramias Adapted jrom 1. Waterman, Secial Studies for Caribbean Examinations, ‘Macmillan. CartBbean 1986 36, Theabovediagramshowsthatinthethree 37. Inwhich ofthe following countries would cousties te concer forthe provifionofmany primary school places bea priority? (A) birthratesarehigh (B) _ sexratiosare similar (A) Xonly | (©) population growthisstow (BY) Zonly | (D) _proportionofelderty peopleislarge (C) XandYonly, (PD) YandZonty; | | | 38. Whichof the followingarewaysby which 39. Which of the following Caribbean people have caused soil erosion in the territorieshasthe LEAST amountof forest Caribbean? resources? 1 Croprotation (A) Belize DW. Mining {B) Dominica TI. Planting covererops (©) Guyana TV. Slashand burn (D) Barbados (A) Land IV only (8) Wand only (©) Wand IV only () i, Hand IV only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, o1z4301F2010 SS gee see eee 40. 4h, 42. ‘The reason for recycling waste is to _(A) increase thqamount of wastein the - environment. (B) reduce the ‘amount of fresh raw materials used in manufacturing (©) fid the environment of useless ‘man-madematerials (BD) canse the price of manufactured products to increase ‘Item 41 refers to the table below. POPULATION FIGURES FOR “COUNTRY X IN 1996 No.of Birth No. of Deaths Wo. of T Emigrant’ No.of eomigrants 30,000 [15,000 | 14,000 8,000 ‘The percentage of deaths in relation to births in Country X for 1996 was approxi- mately (A) 46% B) 50% © 33% ©) 57% Which ofthe following statements are true ofphysical resources? I. Theyareearth’snatural resources, IL Theyareinexhaustible. IIL Some. physical resources are renewable, others are not (A) Tana it only (B) — TandiHonly (©) Wasa tttonly (@) 1,tand mr 01243010F 2010 43. 44. 45. 46. Which of the fottovitig solutions to their economic problems id LEAST common among Caribbean fat (A) Pooling offingncial resources (B) Migration of bread-winner (C) Encouraging theelderly towork (PD) Cattingdown gn domestic spending +l Which of the following will assist Caribbean territories to devetop self sufficient economies?| 1 Investing in 14ca! human resource developmen! HL. Using local goods and services instead of injporting II, Developing tie local agricultural sectorand cfeating jobs (A) Tandifonly } (B) — LandIIfonly } (©) Wand tttonly ©) Giana | An example of intardgional migration is the movementof peop fiom (A) Trinidad and’ fobasoissiticd (B) Jamaica o the United States (C)— AnguillatotheUnited Kingdom (D) ThoUnitedStftesto Montgecat | | Which ot thefotlowifgis NOT cetateto industial development i the Caribbean? (A) Exportmarketsinereas (8) Training oppoftuntiesincrease (C) Unemployment declines. (@) — Thecostofliving dectines. | | GOON TO JHE NEXT PAGE | -10- (C) "Increase in the costofliving (dD) Hydro-electsie (D) _Trerease in the minimum wage : 47 Melshof thefollowingisLEASTHkeiyto 51. Which of the follobing is based on Le - lead to the development of the buman exploitingnon-renewabjenataral resources? resources ofa country? | i f (A) Lumbering | » (A) — Improvementin health services B) Fishing | (B) “Improvededitcationsl oppornities © Baten | i | MemsS2 refers to the: follbwing digran 48. Which of the following persons will be classifiedas uncmployed? REDUCE WAST b mncige ail Tl’ Petsonson vacation REUSE Recycte Il. Fullstimestudents MATERIAL ———— |contamers i ® lanaitony 52. The MAIN pupose oth dingmm above la (B) Land Mioniy ; twencourage pecsonsio | (© Uandiitonly | ©) \tendm ' ww obey nis 7 (B) — beawarcotconslrvation I (©) showrespect forduthority i 49. Which of the following would play an ©) buymore locally froduced goods t importantpartina government's efforts to ! incteasc consumption of locally produced | food? 53. Which of the following his the potential to causethe MOST serioustbreatofpollutionto | (A) Increasing the price of imported the beaches of the Caribbean? i food T i (B) Increasing taxes on agricultural (A) Anoilspillstomatanker lands () — Hurricanesandhigh tides j (C) Imposing heavy dutieson imported (©) Impropergarbagetlisposal farmtools (©) Unnutableishing practices (D) Cutting down forest weesto obtain f more agricultural land i 54. ‘The treaty which led to theestablishmentof CARICOMisan. examplofen ‘agreement = | 50. Fish, bauxite nnd sand are BEST described thatis | § as A) bitatera | (A) minerals (B) functional | é (B) products (©) wnilatera i : (C) resources (D) multilateral | A (D) elements | & | CO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ; 0124301062010 | | i 55. 56, 57. ‘The MOST important aisn of the trading arrangements,within CARICOM is to * (A) promote ccof>micdevelopmentin theregion, increase travel and contact among’ thepeopleiofthe region increase the markets and revenue _oflargerterritories, ensure that goods from outside the region become cheaper “By ©) @) Item 56 refers to the followingstatement. CARICOM countries naed t0 pool their skilled naman resources, ‘TheMOST likely resultofsuchaction would ia t (A) anincreasciniherate of brain drain? (B) —_anincreaseinforeignexchange (©) axéduction in the need for foreign experts (D) —areduction in workers" wages and salaries, The highest authority of the Caribbean (Community (CARICOM) isthe (A) CommonNfjeket Couneit (8) CommittecofMinisters (©), Westindjan Commission (©) HeadsofGovernment Conference Sipe 58, 59. Economic Integratjon’ as part of CARICOM'S main objectives ius priya | the dabt owed by (A) reducing CARICOM tember states, (8) accelerating |developmeat in CARICOM chuntries (©) Umiting oubide access to CARICOM, products (©) rationalising CARICOM’s existing tariffs Which of the following may hinder economicintegration in @ARICOM? (A) The cates of a common currency ®) More funding fom the Caribbean DevelopmentBank (©) Removalofdutibsand rifts ©) Restrictions on itraregional rade Inrelation to CARICOM, the University of the West dies theUnivesityofGayanaand the Council of Lees} Education are knownas. 1 (A) organs (B) associate institutifns (©) inuiateratorganizations (D) _nongovernmentaforganizations 2 YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01243010/F2010 t i : i i | i | i ! | i

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