H.W ch4

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TASK 4.1

1. The bar chart shows how many goals FK Crvenka and FK Novi Pazar,
scored in each of the years shown.

FK Crvenka
70 FK Novi Pazar
of 40

0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year

How many goals did FK Crvenka score in:

a 2002 b 2003 c 2006
d In which year did FK Novi Pazar score 76 goals?
e In which years did FK Crvenka score the same number of goals?
f How many more goals did FK Novi Pazar score than FK Crvenka in 2004?
g How many more goals did FK Crvenka score than FK Novi Pazar in 2006?
h Which team scored more goals during all 5 years and how many more
did they score?

2. On a busy road, there were 8 accidents in 2001,

10 accidents in 2002, 6 accidents in 2003, 14 accidents in
2004 and 4 accidents in 2005.
Copy and complete the pictogram on the next page.

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2003 means 4 accidents



3. The graph below shows how many males and females work at an
electronics firm called ‘Manucomp.’


40 Male


1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year
How many female workers were there in:
a 1985 b 2000 c 2005
d In what year were there the same number of male and female workers?
e How many more female workers than male workers were there
in the year 2000?
f What was the rise in female workers between 1980 and 2005?

TASK 4.2

1. The table below shows how a group of people Frequency

get to work each morning. Type of (number
a Find the total frequency. transport of people)
b Work out the angle for each person to help Bus 30
draw a pie chart. (i.e. 360°  ‘total frequency’)
Car 10
c Work out the angle for each type
of transport and draw a pie chart. Metro 25
On foot 15
Bike 10

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In Questions 2 and 3, work out the angle for each item and draw a pie chart.

2. Favourite type of film 3. Favourite colour

Film Frequency Colour Frequency

Adventure 6 Blue 23
Comedy 18 Green 8
Horror 7 Red 28
Romance 2 Yellow 41
Cartoon 12 Purple 4
Other 16
4. 300 people were asked what their favourite hot drink is.
The pie chart shows the findings.
How many people chose: others coffee
a coffee b others c tea


5. This pie chart shows the favourite pet names chosen

by 480 people.
How many people chose: Coco
a Fluffy b Fifi c Spot Lulu 60°

30° Spot

6. 10,000 people were surveyed about which continent they

would prefer to visit on holiday. 40%
The pie chart shows this information. Europe
Find the angle on the pie chart for:
a Europe b Asia c America 10% 15%
others Asia

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7. The pie charts below show Canning High School Henton Park School
the favourite sports of
students from Canning others others
High School and Henton football
Park School. rugby rugby
hockey hockey

basketball basketball

Explain why you cannot say that more students like football in Canning
High School than in Henton Park School.

TASK 4.3

1. 400 people were asked if they could drive or not. The information is
shown in the two-way table.

Drive drive Total
Female 110 170
Total 290 400

a Copy and complete the table.

b How many males could not drive?
2. When they last recycled something, 600 children were asked if they
recycled paper, bottles or cans. The information is shown in the two-way
table below.

Paper Bottles Cans Total

Boys 73 89
Girls 352
Total 306 131 600

a Copy and complete the two-way table.

b How many girls recycled paper last time they recycled

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3. Some people were asked if they would rather watch a film on a DVD,
at the cinema or go to the theatre.
The results are shown below:
M = male, F = female, d = DVD, c = cinema, t = theatre
M, c M, c F, c F, d F, c
F, d F, t F, d M, t M, c
M, c F, c M, c F, t F, d
F, d F, d M, t M, d F, c
a Put these results into a two-way table.
b What percentage of the males chose the theatre?
4. 500 students in an international high school were asked what they planned
to do after their IGCSEs. The results are shown in the two-way table below.

Stay in Go to Leave
school college education Total
Year 10 26
Year 11 120 109 31
Total 206 500

a Copy and complete the two-way table.

b One of these students is picked at random. Write down the probability
that the student is in Year 10.
c One of these students is picked at random. Write down the probability
that the student plans to go to college.

TASK 4.4

1. The table below shows the English test results and heights of 16 students.

Score (%) 82 53 80 76 67 46 67 71 61 83 72 48 73 75 59 45
Height (cm) 175 182 193 160 168 165 183 197 159 163 175 161 164 188 170 193

a Copy and complete this scatter 200

graph to show the data in the table.
b Describe the correlation in this
scatter graph. 190



40 50 60 70 80 90 %

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2. Describe the correlation in this scatter graph.

3. Suggest things that X and Y might be measuring to give this Y

scatter graph.

4. The table below shows the heights and neck lengths of 14 people.

Height (cm) 177 187 195 162 200 175 192 186 165 200 172 198 181 190
Neck length (cm) 6.9 7.5 7.5 5.5 8.5 6.1 6.8 6.8 6 8 5.7 7.7 6.9 7.8

a Copy and complete this scatter graph 9

to show the data in the table.
b Describe the correlation. 8
c Draw the line of best fit.
d A person is 184 cm tall. Use your line
of best fit to find out the person’s Neck 7
likely neck length. length (cm)
e Another person has a neck length of 6
7.7 cm. How tall is that person likely
to be?

160 170 180 190 200
Height (cm)

5. This scattergraph shows information Y

about cars. Write down what you
think Y might be.


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TASK 4.5

1. Write the following numbers in order of size then write down the median.
7 2 18 4 6 14 12 19 14
2. Find the mode of each set of numbers below:
a 3 7 1 4 5 3 5 2 3 4 9 3 6
b 5 4 6 2 4 6 1 6 2 8 3 2
3. There are 5 people aged
23, 48, 46, 9 and 58 in a red car.
There are 4 people aged
57, 28, 4 and 31 in a yellow car.
Which car contains the larger range of ages?
4. 10 people weigh the following (in kg):
65 85 70 65 80 95 70 85 90 95
Find their mean average weight.

For the sets of numbers in Questions 5 to 7, find
a the mean
b the median
c the mode and
d the range.
5. 6 10 9 3 16 10 2
6. 8 11 4 8 15 4 16 5 10
7. 6 3 9 9 2 7
8. The number of children in each of 20 families is shown below:
2 3 0 1 4
1 2 1 2 0
3 2 2 1 5
2 1 2 0 2
Use a calculator to work out the mean average number of children in each
9. The ages of the members of a football team are:
19 27 22 21 24 33 29 26 22 18 31
Two players are ‘sent off ’ in a match. They are the 29 year-old
and the 18 year-old.
Find the mean age of the players left on the pitch.

10. Seven people score the following marks in a test:

30 40 40 40 45 45 96
Find a The mean
b The median
c Which average best describes these marks? Explain why.

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11. In an archery match, Harpal scores:
8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10
Find a The mode
b The mean
c Which average best describes these scores, the mode or
the mean? Explain why.
12. 4 9
Ziggy has 5 cards.
The 5 cards have a mean of 7, a median of 7 and a range of 13.
What are the 5 numbers on the cards?
13. The mean average age of 6 people is 37.
What is the total of all their ages?
14. The mean weight of 11 people is 63 kg.
a What is the total weight of all 11 people?
b One person of weight 83 kg leaves the group.
Find the mean weight of the remaining 10 people.
15. The mean average salary of 7 people is $26 500.
Eriko joins the group. If she earns $32 100,
what is the mean average salary of all 8 people?
16. Which kind of average is the most sensible to use to
show the amount of money earned by each person in a country.
Explain why.

TASK 4.6

1. The table below shows the weights of some people.

Weight (kg) 60 61 62 63
Frequency 3 6 5 1

Find a the modal weight

b the median weight
2. The table below shows the number of drinks some children had
during one day.

Number of drinks 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency 7 12 8 23 29

Find a the modal number of drinks

b the median number of drinks

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3. The 2 tables below show the number of IGCSE grade Cs obtained

by some students.

Number of C grades 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency 20 38 18 27 24

Number of C grades 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency 26 20 41 39 67

a Find the median number of C grades for the boys.

b Find the median number of C grades for the girls.
c Which group has the higher median number of C grades?

4. The table below shows how many portions of vegetables some people ate
during one day.

Number of portions 0 to 1 2 to 5 6 to 8 over 8

of vegetables eaten
Frequency 75 51 104 17

Find a the modal interval

b the interval which contains the median
5. The table opposite shows the neck sizes of a group
Neck size (cm) Frequency
of people.
Find a the modal interval 12 to 14 36
b the interval which contains the median
14 1 to 15 1 81
2 2
16 to 16 1 75
17 to 17 1 29
over 17 1 14

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6. Some students from nearby schools are asked how often

they go each month to a local skateboard park.
The information is shown in the tables below.

Istituto Salesiano Istituto Galileo Galilei

Park visits Frequency Park visits Frequency
0 to 1 27 0 to 1 19
2 to 5 21 2 to 5 23
6 to 9 15 6 to 9 34
10 or more 8 10 or more 17

a For each school, find the interval which contains

the median.
b From which school do students generally go to the skateboard park
more often? Explain why you think this.

TASK 4.7

1. The hourly rates of pay for 5 workers at a baker’s shop are $5.30, $5.30,
$6.80, $5.75 and $7.25.
The hourly rates of pay at a butcher’s shop for 6 workers are $5.65, $6.75, $8.30, $5.90,
$5.90 and $6.
Copy and complete the statements below to compare the pay rates of the 2 shops.
Baker’s shop: median ¼ $____ range ¼ $____
Butcher’s shop: median ¼ $____ range ¼ $____
‘The median for the baker’s shop is (greater/smaller) than the median for the
butcher’s shop. The range for the baker’s shop is (greater/smaller) than the range
for the butcher’s shop (i.e. the pay rates for the baker’s shop are (more/less) spread out).’

2. The number of bicycle rides taken each week by some children is shown below:
Class 8C: 2 3 2 5 3 0 1 2 1 3 6 4 3 4
Class 8D: 0 3 1 7 2 0 2 5 6 2 3 1 2
Copy and complete the statements below to compare the number of
bicycle rides taken by these children in class 8C and class 8D.
Class 8C: mode ¼ ____ range ¼ ____
Class 8D: mode ¼ ____ range ¼ ____
‘The mode for class 8C is (greater/smaller) than the mode for class 8D and the
range of class 8C is (greater/smaller) than the range of class 8D (i.e. the number
of bicycle rides taken in class 8C is (more/less) spread out).’

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3. Sonu and Pargat record the number of e-mails they receive each day during January.
The information is shown below:

Sonu Pargat
5 5
4 4
Frequency 3 Frequency 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of e-mails Number of e-mails
a Work out the mean and range for Sonu.
b Work out the mean and range for Pargat.
c Write a sentence to compare the number of e-mails received
each day by Sonu and Pargat.

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