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Grade 9 Mathematics
Test I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices in each item below.
Write your answer on your paper.
1. It is a polynomial equation of degree two that can be written in the form ax2+bx+c=0, where a,b and
c are real numbers and a≠0.
a. Linear Equation b. Linear Inequality c. Quadratic Equation d. Quadratic Inequality
2. Which of the following is a quadratic equation?
a. 2r2+4r-1 b. 3t-7=2 c. s2+5s-4=0 d. 2x2-7x≥3
3. In the quadratic equation 3x2+7x-4=0, which is the quadratic term?
a. 7x b. x2 c. 3x2 d. -4
4. The roots of a quadratic equation are -5 and 3. Which of the following quadratic equations has these
a. x2-8x+15=0 b. x2+8x+15=0 c. x2-2x-15=0 d. x2+2x-15=0
5. Write the quadratic equation 5x2-2= -x in standard form.
a. x + 5x2-2=0 b . –x+5x2-2=0 c.5x2+x-2=0 d. 5x2+x-2=0
6. Find the roots of the quadratic equation x2+5x+4=0
a. x2=8 b. 2x2+8=0 c. 2x2=8 d. x2+2=0
7. Find the roots of the quadratic equation x2+5x+4=0
a. x=-1,-4 b. x= 1,4 c. x=-5/2,3/2 d. x=3/2, -5/2
8. What is the standard form of the equation 2x +9x=10?
a. 2x2-9x+10=0 b. 2x2+9x-10=0 c. 2x2-9x-10=0 d. 2x2+9x+10=0
9. What is the value of b in the equation 4x2-x+4=0?
a. -1 b. 1 c. 0 d. 2
10. Evaluate the expression b -4ac given the values of a= 1 b= 5 and c= 4.
a. 9 b. -9 c. 10 d. -10
11. What is the product of 3(x +7)?
a. 3x2+21 b. 3x+21 c. x+3+21x2 d. 3x2-21
12. What is the value of b in the equation 3x2-6x-10=0?
a. -6 b. 6 c. 3 d. -10
13. Express the perfect square trinomial w2- 5w+ as a square of a binomial.
5 2 2 5
a. (w- )2 b. (w- )2 c. (w2- )2 d. (w2- )2
2 5 5 2
14. What is the number added to x +2x+___ to become perfect square trinomial?
a. 6 b. 8 c. 9 d. 4
15. What is the factor of the polynomial 2x2+9x+8?
a. (x+1)(x+8) b.(x-1)(x-8) c. (x+4)(x+2) d. (x-4)(x-2)
16. What is the factor of the polynomial 2x2-8x?
a. 2x(x-4) b. 2(x-4) c.2x(x+4) d. 2x(x-2)

17. What is the square root of - |64 ?

a. 8 b. ±8 c.-8 d. 0

−6 ± √36 −20
18. Simplify
2( 1)
a. -6 b.3 c.5 d. -5
6+ √ 9
19. Simplify
a. 3/2 b. 2/3 c. 5/2 d. 2/5
20. Find the solution of the quadratic equation x2+10x+9=0 using factoring.
a.x=-1 &x=-9 b. x=9&x=1 c.x=-9&x=1 d. x=9&x=-1
22. What is the value of a in the equation x(5-2x)+15=0?
a. -5 b. 5 c.2 d. -2
23. What is the standard form of the equation (x+7)(x-7)=-3x?
a. x2+3x-49=0 b. x2-49=-3x c. x2+3x+49=0 d. x2-3x-49=0

24. Which of the following equations is not a quadratic?

a. 3m+8=15 b.x2-5x+10=0 c. 3x(x-2)=-7 d. 25-r2=4r
25. Find the square root of -√ 289?
a. 17 b. -17 c. 18 d. -18
26. Find the solutions of quadratic equation x -15x+54=0 by factoring.
a. x=6,9 b.x=-6,9 c. x=-9,-6 d. x=0,9
27. What is the factor of the polynomial x -10x+21?
a. (x+3)(x-7) b. (x-7)(x-3) c. (x+7)(x-3) d. (x+7)(x+3)
28. Solve the roots of the quadratic equation x2+9x=-8 by factoring.
a. x=-1&x=-8 b. x-1&x=8 c. x=2&x=4 d.x=1&x=4
29. Evaluate the expression b2-4ac given the values of a=2, b= 1 and c= -21.
a. 168 b. 169 c. 167 d. 166
30. Write the equation -4x =8x-3 in standard form.
a. 4x2-8x-3=0 b.4x2+8x+3=0 c. 4x2+8x-3=0 d. 4x2-8x+3=0
31. Determine the square root of √ 4 ?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
32. The length of the garden is 5m longer than its width and the area is 14m 2.How long is the garden?
a. 9m b.7m c. 5m d. 2m
33. Find the solution of a quadratic equation x -10x+25=0 by factoring.
a. x=10 b.x= 15 c.x=5 d.x=20
34. Solve the quadratic equation 2x +8x-10=0 by factoring.
a. x=1&x=-5 b. x=-1&x=5 c. x=1 &x=5 d. x-1&x=-5
−8+ √ 64−28
35. Simplify
a. ¼ b.1/2 c.1/3 d.1/5
36. Find the solutions of the equation 2x +3x=27 .
a.x=3&x=-9/2 b. x=-3&x=-9/2 c. x=3&x=9/2 d. x=-3&x=9/2
37. What is the value of c in the equation 10x-1=4x2?
a. 10 b. -1 c. 4 d. -10
38. Set the quadratic equation 10x-1=4x in standard form.
a. 4x2-10x+1=0 b. -4x2+10x-1 c. 4x2-10x-1=0 d. 4x2+10x+1=0
39. What number must be added to r2 + 24r+ ___ to make it perfect square trinomial?
a. 65 b. 64 c. 100 d. 9/64
40. Express x -16x+64 as a squareof a binomial.
a. (x-8)2 b. (x-4)2 c. (2x-8)2 d. (2x-4)2


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